July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guest Host: James Fetzer + Guest Peter Klein

Friday, May 11, 2018:
James Fetzer sits in for Daniel Brigman today on The Power Hour.
Blog for James Fetzer: www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com
JFK site: www.assassinationscience.com
9/11 site: www.911scholars.org
To order James’ books visit moonrockbooks.com
Joining James is guest Peter Klein. Peter Klein is a self-styled journalist, sometimes podcast host, independent documentary producer, blogger and activist. Peter’s career barely hints at what have become his current interests. Those include revisiting and re-contextualizing history, making sense of social and political phenomenon and finding ways to share what he’s learned with others.
History isn’t about events of the past to be learned, but rather conspiracies to be uncovered. Not ashamed to be labeled a Conspiracy Theorist, Peter chooses rather to think of himself as an Anti-Propagandist. As his understanding of the way things are has grown and become more refined, he only holds closer to the notion that conspiracies abound. They are, to him largely the result of an America that has grown to respect anonymous authority, to its peril.
Website: imsreporting.com
Video of Interest: We need to talk about Sandy Hook
Articles of Interest:
The Most Dangerous Mind in America
Dishonest CDC caught hiding data proving that guns are used FAR MORE for self-defense than for crime
** James will be taking phone calls in the 2nd hour of the show
To call the show live: 866-582-9933 – International callers: 00+ 1+ 612-465-7370
Archives for today’s show:
May 11, 2018 (hour 1) – Guest host James Fetzer + Guest Peter Klein
May 11, 2018 (hour 2) – Open lines w/ guest host James Fetzer
Friday Song: He is Yahweh

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