July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Guest: Kent Heckenlively, JD

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Kent Heckenlively, JD, is a science teacher, a founding editor of Age of Autism, and an attorney.

Kent Heckenlively is also an investigative reporter, he is relentless in finding the facts, no matter what the cost. He is best known as coauthor of the PLAGUE series (PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, & ENDING PLAGUE) with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Francis Ruscetti, winner of the Distinguished Service Award from the National Institutes of Health. He has also become the unofficial biographer of Project Veritas whistleblowers, co authoring with Zach Vorhies, GOOGLE LEAKS, as well as BEHIND THE MASK OF FACEBOOK with Ryan Hartwig. The third in his series of books with Project Veritas whistleblowers, THIS WAS CNN: How Sex, Lies, and Spies Undid the World’s Worst News Network, coauthored with Cary Poarch, is scheduled to be published on December 10, 2022. Currently, Kent is working with a fourth Project Veritas whistleblower, David Johnson, for a book currently titled, KILLING MARTIN’S DREAM, about Critical Race Theory.  Kent believes he has become the “Voldemort of the literary world” as on May 17, 2020, Chuck Todd of Meet the Press devoted an entire five-minute segment to denouncing his book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without even mentioning the title of the book or the names of authors. Also in 2020, his book, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS, also written with Dr. Judy Mikovits was dropped by Amazon and had to eventually be published with a different title. In 2017, Kent received the dubious honor of being the only American writer banned by an entire continent, as Australia denied his planned lecture series on vaccines as being “a threat to public order.”




Archives for today’s show:

March 09, 2023 (hour 1) 

March 09, 2023 (hour 2)

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