July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Guest: Nick Caturano

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Hour 1:

  1st half: News 

  2nd half:  Nick Caturano, Disney Cast Member for 18 years

I and many are asking: Why is Disney sexualizing and grooming children, creating identity confusion in young minds?

It is often said that politics is downstream of culture, so it is especially concerning when one of the world’s most powerful culture-creators elevates and celebrates deviance.

Strike One: Disney was one of the first companies to impose vaccine mandates. Strike Two: In lockstep with the Biden Administration, Disney instituted outrageous discrimination against both guests and employees that defies both science and data. Strike Three: Disney’s adoption of a hard-Left agenda that undermines everything good and wholesome and decent.

For years, Disney has been pushing the envelope of counter-culture, while simultaneously presenting itself as the premiere family-safe entertainment option. But now, they have come out full speed ahead, spearheading the counter-cultural pushing of the LGBTQIA+ agenda and using its various platforms to indoctrinate children without any regard for the fans who supported Disney for decades.

Even many in the LGB community have begun to stand up to Disney’s new, extreme, “woke” stance. Disney has turned its back on people of faith and those who value traditional families and morals. In other words, exactly the same people who have been the bedrock of Disney’s empire.

Moreover, Disney seems to me to be perpetuating a problem it claims to be helping: transgenderism.

In light of these real world events, which are just a sampling here, I believe that Disney is the canary in the coal mine. By putting these ideas into children’s heads, they are trying to impact the political landscape ten, twenty, fifty years from now.

So, my big question to Disney is, why do you think it’s okay to turn your back on nearly a century of providing family-friendly entertainment to groom children to fit your perverse political agenda? 

Unfortunately, I think we can all agree that Disney is not the family friendly place it used to be.

Website: www.GoofyVaccine.com

Hour 2: Additional News + Open lines

Archives for today’s show:

May 24, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 24, 2022 (hour 2)

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