July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guest: Tom Paladino

Monday, December 16, 2019:

Tom Paladino, scalar energy researcher who has 25 plus years experience helping people with chronic pathogenic illness join the show this morning. Emboldened by these discoveries, Tom wishes to present the world with the solution for infections. It is his belief and statement that the scalar energy is capable of transmuting pathogens thus presenting the world with the solution for thousands of pathogenic diseases.  Today Tom will be discussing The Scalar Light “Addictive Behavior and Chemical Detox program.”

It is never too late to become healthier. As the heat of summer wanes, so many people realize they are not in a place they want to be. This time of year, there is so much opportunity to overindulge.

At times, that enjoyment turns into a habit that is difficult to break.  Too much alcohol, carbohydrates, desserts, and soda weigh heavy on our waistlines and our minds. 

You might find yourself with a habit that is become increasingly difficult to break.  To help you reclaim your best health, we have brought back by popular demand, one of our most valued programs. You get to try it for free.

By working at the quantum level – the level of consciousness – Scalar Light sends corrective energy capable of reprogramming the psychology of a person and assists in weakening the desire for unhealthy behaviors.

Scalar Light’s corrective intelligence will support the reprogramming of the spiritual, mental, psychological, and physical dimensions.

You can then take the necessary steps to work on your habits, beliefs, and practices to support a healthy mind. We also provide valuable education on changing behaviors included with your trial.  

Website: www.scalarlight.com

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TomPaladinoScalar

Archives for today’s show:

December 16, 2019 (hour 1): News

December 16, 2019 (hour 2): Guest Tom Paladino

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