July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Guests: Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord + Justin Porter of North American Herb & Spice

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Hour 1: 

  1st half: News + Open lines

  2nd half: Jonathan Emord – Constitutional lawyer specializing in food and drug law, Jonathan Emord is the only attorney in history that has defeated the Food and Drug Administration in federal court. Jonathan is running for senate in Virginia.

Articles @ Townhall: https://townhall.com/columnists/jonathanemord

Hour 2: Justin Porter with North American Herb & Spice will discuss the amazing benefits of Black Seed Oil.  Justin believes nourishment from raw whole foods is the key to maintaining optimal health.

—> North American Herb & Spice are available 24/7 @ www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829

Archives for today’s show:

May 23, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 23, 2023 (hour 2)

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