June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guests: Dr. Laura Pressley + C. Bradley Thompson

Thursday, January 02, 2020: 

Joining in the first hour is Dr. Laura Pressley from Austin Smart Meters to discuss 2019 Election Security Updates for Texas.




www.purerainusa.com (personal site)

www.pressleyforaustin.com (campaign site)


Joining today is author C. Bradley Thompson who will be discussing his new bookAmerica’s Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution and the Declaration that Defined It.

C. Bradley Thompson reconstructs the new system of thought and bold moral principles that originally galvanized the American spirit of liberty and unified us as a people. The book is the perfect counterpoint to today’s divisive, post-truth culture. It argues convincingly on behalf of the truth enshrined in “We hold these truths to be self-evident.”

As recounted by Thompson, the Declaration of Independence motivated ordinary Americans to act—it inspired farmers and blacksmiths to drop their pitchforks and hammers and sign up for Washington’s Continental Army.


Archives for today’s show:

January 02, 2020 (hour 1): Replay of guest Dr. Laura Pressley

January 02, 2020 (hour 2): Replay of guest C. Bradley Thompson

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