June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Guests: Jay Valentine on Voter Confidence & Whitley Strieber on Close Encounters

Friday, May 26, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines


Hour 2:

  1st half: Jay Valentine of the Fractal technology team joins to discuss America’s confidence In Its voter rolls.  Jay has created the UnDeliverable Ballot Database – the single most secure reporting of what addresses should receive a mail-in ballot – and which should not.

Website: www.Omega4America.com 


  2nd half: Whitley Strieber to discuss his book Them.

Them is the first book ever to examine the intent of the presence known as “aliens” or “visitors” from the perspective of what both civilian and military close encounter witnesses report happening to them.

There has never been a book written like Them. It is as much a first as Mr. Strieber’s groundbreaking volume about his own close encounter, Communion. While it does not deal with his own experiences, in it he takes advantage of over three decades of study and research to create a vision of contact that may prove foundational to useful understanding of what is now a confused, sometimes violent, and fraught relationship.

Website: www.Unknowncountry.com 


Archives for today’s show:

May 26, 2023 (hour 1)

May 26, 2023 (hour 2)


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