July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Guests: Rick Caylor & James Mundy

Friday, May 27, 2022

Hour 1: 

  1st half: News 

  2nd half:  Rick Caylor from Rick’s Satellite 

  Website: www.rickssatelliteusa.com

  Contact Rick @ 816-228-1801

GLOBAL STAR SATELLITE SYSTEMS – No monthly fee –  Listen to The Power Hour daily for free! 

Hour 2:

  1st half: James Mundy of Liberty Monks

Liberty Monks Podcast was started by brothers Michael Mundy and James Mundy following the assault on people’s Constitutional rights in 2020.  Information continues to travel faster and faster through social media and technology across the world, providing the ultimate platform for propaganda and misinformation. We believe this is causing information overload; opinions have become facts; and big tech is censoring content at an alarming rate.  We also believe that this continued trend is leading us down the wrong path toward collectivism instead of individualism, which is what our great nation was founded on. Liberty Monks Podcast stands for the preservation and development of our God given individual rights and exists to remind all of us that it is not the people that work for the government, but rather, it is the government that works for its people. 

Liberty Monks recognize that the set of principles and civic virtues established by the Founding Fathers have formed the conscience of the nation.  We believe these core values must be preserved for the United States to prosper.  

“Those who attempt to control and oppress us are few……Those who bear the courage to confront tyranny and wear The Armor of God are many”. 

– Liberty Monks –

  2nd half: Open lines

Archives for today’s show:

May 27, 2021 (hour 1)

May 27, 2021 (hour 2)

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