July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guests: Robert David Steele + Ed McCabe

Tuesday, November 20, 2018:
Joining in the first hour is ex CIA officer Robert David Steele who will discuss the deep state’s attempts to stay in power, the mounting indictments, and the need to refocus our efforts on the needs of the nation.
Robert’s Blog: Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog
Getting oxygen, hydrogen and trace minerals into our cells is vital now more than ever with all of the assaults upon our bodies from the foods we eat to the air we breathe. Cleaning our intestines out is a must if we want to get our immune systems healthy and Ed McCabe will tell us how his products will benefit everyone who uses them.
Recommended Power Mall Oxygen Products: OxyEarth, OxyLift,  OxySulfur Powder, OxySil
Archives for today’s show:
November 20, 2018 (hour 1) – Guest Robert David Steele
November 20, 2018 (hour 2) – Guest Ed McCabe

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