September 15, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s New: August 06, 2024


Iranian president vows response to Israel’s ‘crimes’

Masoud Pezeshkian noted, however, that Tehran does not wish to expand the scale of war in the region

Tehran does not seek to escalate the conflict in the Middle East but nevertheless intends to strike back at Israel for its “crimes and impudence,” Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has said.

His comments come after Ismail Hamiyeh, one of the key figures of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was murdered while visiting the Iranian capital last week. Iran and the group have blamed Israel for the assassination and vowed revenge. The Jewish State has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the plot.

During a meeting with Russia’s Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu in Tehran on Monday, Pezeshkian stressed that Iran “does not seek to expand the scale of the war and crisis in the region,” as cited by Tasnim News Agency. However, he insisted that the Israeli “regime will definitely answer for its crimes and its impudence.”

Iran Issues Airspace Warning As It Prepares To Retaliate Against Israel

Iran has warned aviation authorities and pilots to avoid its airspace as it plans to retaliate against Israel for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last week. Israel has been at war with Hamas since its October 7th attack last year.

The notification follows US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s warning on Sunday to the Group of Seven foreign ministers that Tehran could attack Israel within 24 to 48 hours, according to two diplomats briefed on the call. Blinken didn’t say what form an attack could take, according to a report by RT, as cited by The Wall Street Journal. 

According to the report, the notification from Tehran about its airspace, which happened at 7:45 a.m. CET, is typically used by aviation authorities to provide essential real-time information to pilots that wasn’t known in advance. West Jerusalem has neither confirmed nor denied involvement but said it is prepared to defend against and respond to any retaliatory strike. The ruling class of the United States has already said it would help defend Israel during an attack.

U.S. rulers have reportedly been working with their international partners to try to contain growing tensions in the Middle East. According to a diplomat briefed by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday’s G7 call, Blinken told his counterparts that if Iran’s retaliation against Israel is of a similar scale to April’s attack, it could close off any future engagement between Iran and the U.S.

Missile strike on U.S. base in Iraq a ‘dangerous escalation’

As the Mideast in particular, and the wider world in general, awaits Iran’s revenge strike for the killing of senior Hezbollah and Hamas leaders – the latter in its own capital – Iranian-aligned Shia militias fired multiple missiles at America’s Ain al-Asad Air Base in Iraq – wounding at least five military personnel.

Charles Lister, director of the Syria program of the Washington-based Middle East Institute think tank, wrote on X: “Today’s rocket attack on Ain al-Asad was the 219th attack by Iran’s proxies on U.S. forces in Syria & Iraq since Oct 2023.”

He added six attacks have happened in the last three weeks. It was not immediately clear which group was responsible for the strike, although media linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said the attack was carried out by one of its proxies, most likely an Iraqi offshoot of Hezbollah.

Water firms to be punished for years of sewage leaks

Thames Water, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water face £168m fines by the industry regulator over historic sewage spills.

The proposal will now go to public consultation and is part of Ofwat’s largest ever investigation into water company performance.

The announcement comes amid growing public anger over the environmental and financial performance of some water companies.

Sewage spills into England’s rivers and seas more than doubled last year.

Ofwat’s investigation has looked into whether the three companies have been providing customers with the level of service they are entitled to under the law.

It has found the three companies failed to adequately invest in and maintain their networks, leading to repeated releases of raw sewage into the country’s waterways.

On Tuesday it proposed fines of £47m for Yorkshire Water and £17m for Northumbrian Water. For Thames Water it is proposing the largest fine on record of £104m.

The regulator’s chief executive, David Black, said: “Ofwat has uncovered a catalogue of failure by Thames Water, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water in how they ran their sewage works and this resulted in excessive spills.”

This announcement follows a BBC investigation earlier this year that revealed sewage had potentially been released illegally 6,000 times in 2022 by England’s water companies in breach of their permits.

Releasing raw sewage has the potential to significantly damage the environment and poses a risk to human health for those swimming in a river or sea where sewage is being discharged.

Taliban gets $239 million in aid after failure of State Dept. vetting

The aid was supposed to support counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan

The Islamic extremist Taliban has received at least $239 million in U.S. aid aimed at counterterrorism after State Department vetting procedures fell apart, according to a government watchdog.

The government watchdog, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), issued a July 2024 report identifying at least 29 grants where the Taliban may have erroneously received counterterrorism funds.

SIGAR “investigators found that the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan,” Judicial Watch reported.

The funds came from State Department divisions called “Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor” and “International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.”

The SIGAR report identified more than two dozen instances where these divisions failed to keep proper vetting records.

The SIGAR report includes a response to the findings from the State Department.

A June 2024 letter from the State Department claimed “the majority of the Department’s Afghanistan-related awards fully complied” with vetting requirements” but acknowledged “the gaps in compliance highlighted in the report.”

The letter expressed the State Department’s “commit[ment] to ensuring that all program offices comply with applicable . . . vetting requirement.”

U.S. Sponsored Regime Change and “Color Revolution” in Bangladesh – Global ResearchGlobal Research 

What just happened in Bangladesh is ominously similar to 2014’s “EuroMaidan” in Ukraine where legitimate grievances gave rise to a nationwide protest movement that was then co-opted by political opportunists, radicals, and external forces to carry out regime change like the West wanted.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina just resigned and fled the country on Monday as rioters stormed her palace, which prompted military chief Waker-uz-Zaman to declare a transitional government and an investigation into the deaths that took place throughout this summer’s unrest. He also said that martial law won’t be imposed if the country returns to peace, though that remains to be seen. Here are some background briefings about this fast-moving sequence of events:

The last-mentioned piece took for granted that the military would resort to all means necessary for maintaining law and order, but that ultimately wasn’t the case after they refused to use lethal force to stop a large number of rioters from storming the presidential palace. It’s unclear whether humanitarian/moral considerations or fears of Western sanctions were responsible, but in any case, that flaw was responsible for incorrectly predicting that the regime change wouldn’t succeed.

What just happened in Bangladesh is ominously similar to 2014’s “EuroMaidan” in Ukraine where legitimate grievances gave rise to a nationwide protest movement that was then co-opted by political opportunists, radicals, and external forces to carry out regime change like the West wanted. Unlike Ukraine, however, the military is leading the political transition and might thus help to stabilize the country instead of allowing it to turn into a black hole of regional chaos (whether right away or later).

Swiss government kidnaps child and threatens parents with jail time for opposing transgender mutilation

A Swiss court has ruled that a couple who was forcibly separated from their teenage daughter in Switzerland because they objected to her undergoing transgender surgery must supply the documents she needs to facilitate a legal sex change.

The parents, who responded to their daughter’s mental health struggles by proving her with mental healthcare and are being unfairly targeted by the government, are appealing the order and seeking the reinstatement of their parental rights and a reunion with their daughter.

The girl, who is now 16, has been separated from her parents for more than a year via court order. She has been living in a government youth shelter, and their access to her is regulated by the government.

Her father stated: “We are deeply saddened that this nightmare situation continues. Not only has the state separated us from our daughter because we objected to her ‘transition’, but we are now being threatened with criminal charges if we do not aid in her ‘legal transition’ by handing over legal documents.”

In other words, the authorities kidnapped a child and are threatening to toss her parents in jail simply because they are looking out for her health by opposing transgender mutilation. A legal transition would pave the way for medical interventions that cannot be undone, such as mutilating surgery and the use of cross-sex hormones.

The parents explained in a video, which has since gone viral and attracted more than a million views, how their daughter told them near the end of the pandemic that she thought she was a boy. Acknowledging that she had been “going through a difficult period in her life,” they agreed to discuss the matter with doctors.

They said that a nurse at a Geneva hospital presented her with a “gender unicorn” that they used to determine that she should be treated as a boy by the hospital. They were informed that she needed to take puberty blockers; her parents opted to seek mental healthcare instead. However, her school also got in on the act, with teachers and administrators beginning to call her by a male name.

“We were very clear with the school, that we did not believe it was up to the school to socially transition our daughter. We learned that the school psychologist was getting in and was feeding my daughter with materials, putting her in contact with Le Refuge.”

The transgender advocacy organization Le Refuge not only cheered the girl along in her quest but also convinced her that a psychotherapist she had been seeing was “transphobic” and that she should end treatment.

The Swiss Child Protection agency then brought a case against the girl’s parents in the Swiss court system with support from her school.

US forces complete exit from African state

Soldiers and military equipment have been removed from Air Base 201 in central Niger, according to a joint statement

The US Army has finished withdrawing from its last base in Niger, the Pentagon and the West African nation’s authorities announced on Monday, marking the end of Washington’s counterterrorism mission in a country plagued by jihadist insurgencies.

A joint statement from the US Department of Defense and the Nigerien Ministry of National Defense said American forces and equipment had been pulled out of Air Base 201 in Agadez.
“This effort began on May 19 following the mutual establishment of withdrawal conditions, and coordination will continue between US and Nigerien armed forces over the coming weeks to ensure the full withdrawal is complete as planned,” the two sides said.

The withdrawal comes nearly five months after Niger’s new leadership, which came to power after a coup in July 2023, terminated a defense agreement with Washington. The decade-old agreement had permitted some 1,000 American military personnel to operate in the landlocked state.

Niamey cited the alleged failure of US forces to combat militants, as well as American officials’ attempts to dictate who the African nation’s allies should be, as reasons for its decision in March. The military government has also severed ties with its former colonial ruler, France, forcing all French soldiers to leave the country late last year.


US Army Report: China, Russia, Preparing Massive Hybrid War Attacks

An ominous new U.S. Army report says the homeland no longer will be a sanctuary from war, as China and Russia “believe they are already actively in conflict with the United States” and are launching hybrid attacks that could lead to large-scale combat.

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) late last week released a report titled, “The Operational Environment 2024-2034: Large-Scale Combat Operations.

In the report, the Army warns that China and Russia are attacking the U.S. in unconventional ways, working to “establish footholds” within critical networks including government systems, private industry, and social media.

Ultimately, that could lead to more conventional large-scale combat operations (LSCO).

Kamala Harris picks running mate

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will be announced by Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, as her running mate, sources close to the process have told CNN and AP.

The incumbent vice president “grew increasingly comfortable” with the governor’s candidacy in the final days of the selection process, insiders told CNN.

“If it’s him, we’re stoked. We like him,” a source in the Harris campaign commented about Walz, calling him the “staff favorite.”

Harris, who last month replaced president Joe Biden as her party’s champion in the race for the presidency, is set to formally announce her running mate at a rally in Philadelphia.

Biden dropped out of the race, mostly under pressure from party heavyweights and donors concerned with his ability to win the election following a disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.

Trump: Walz ‘Would Be Worst Vice President’ Ever

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday quickly chided Vice President Kamala Harris’ reported choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, claiming Walz “would be the worst VP In history.”

In a mailing sent out by his campaign, Trump is quoted as saying that Walz would be “even worse than Dangerously Liberal and Crooked Kamala Harris – HE’S THAT BAD.”

“He’ll unleash HELL ON EARTH and open our borders to the worst criminals imaginable,” the statement said. “He’ll rubber stamp Kamala’s GREEN NEW SCAM and light TRILLIONS of dollars on fire.”

Tim Walz Failed to Stop BLM Riots as Kamala Harris Solicited Bail Money

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), who was reported Tuesday to be the likely running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris, failed in 2020 to anticipate and react to riots in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd at police hands.

The violence led to the destruction of a police precinct, widespread looting, and the spread of riots nationwide.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey blamed Walz for failing to respond:

In an interview Monday, Frey said that Walz hesitated to send in the National Guard to quell the growing violence and then blamed him for allowing the city to burn.

Frey said he immediately telephoned Walz, at 6:29 p.m., relayed information, and asked him to send in the National Guard. “We expressed the seriousness of the situation. The urgency was clear,” Frey said.

“He did not say yes,” Frey said of Walz. “He said he would consider it.”

The major and governor traded blame as the city burned. Harris, meanwhile, solicited bail money for those who had been arrested by police in Minneapolis, falsely casting them as peaceful protesters for the cause of racial justice.

Past DUI Arrest Continues to Hound Tim Walz After Conflicting Claims

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), who emerged Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, will likely face new scrutiny over a 1995 DUI arrest after court records emerged to suggest he had misled the public about the case.

Walz, who was living in Nebraska at the time, was pulled over for drunk driving. He eventually reached a plea deal and admitted to reckless driving. The issue surfaced in later political campaigns, but Walz said he had not been drunk.

In 2006, when the issue emerged during Walz’s race for Congress, his campaign said that the arrest had been the result of a misunderstanding. The Post Bulletin of Rochester, Minnesota, reported:

Walz’s campaign said the arrest by a state trooper was the result of a misunderstanding caused by Walz’s deafness; his hearing since has been surgically corrected.

Walz pleaded not guilty to the charges and sought to suppress the blood alcohol test in court, according to court papers, before agreeing to plead guilty to reckless driving. He paid a $200 fine.

Walz’s campaign manager Kerry Greeley didn’t dispute that Walz was speeding when he was pulled over that night, but she said Walz was not drunk. She attributed the misunderstanding to Walz’s deafness, a condition resulting from his years of serving as an artillerist in the Army National Guard.

However, as Alpha News reported in 2022:

Gov. Tim Walz has said in past campaigns that he wasn’t actually drunk when he was pulled over for driving under the influence in 1995, but a court transcript from the case tells a different story.

“Mr. Walz was driving south of town on 385 in Dawes County at a high rate of speed. Actually, he was driving away from the police officer. I think that he eventually hit a speed of over 80, as I recall. When he was stopped, he was given a blood test which did show a .128 blood alcohol,” [former Dawes County Attorney Rex] Nowlan said, according to a court transcript.

Walz’s attorney, Russell Harford, later acknowledged that Walz “had been drinking” but said he was driving away from the state trooper because he “thought somebody was chasing him.”

Supreme Court rejects Missouri’s request to block Trump’s New York gag order, sentencing

The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a plea from Missouri to block New York from imposing a gag order and sentencing former President Donald Trump in his criminal proceedings there until after the 2024 elections.

After a six-week trial, Trump was convicted in May in a New York state court on 34 counts of falsifying business records. Prosecutors contended that Trump sought to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election, made in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. (Trump has denied any sexual relationship with Daniels.)

Trump’s sentencing was originally scheduled for July 11, but it has been postponed at least until September in the wake of the Supreme Court’s July 1 decision holding that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution for their official acts.

In a brief unsigned order without any explanation, the justices rejected a long-shot bid by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to file a lawsuit against New York directly in the Supreme Court. Bailey told the justices that he wanted to ensure that voters in Missouri and elsewhere could hear from Trump and that Trump could “freely travel and campaign” without the gag order.

Bailey criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for having brought “transparently weak charges for the transparent purpose of trying to impose political damage against Trump and trying to restrain his ability to campaign in advance of an election forecasted by the polls to be very close.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James countered that Missouri has not outlined the kind of tangible harm to its state interests that it needs to bring this lawsuit. Instead, James contended, “Missouri is clearly and impermissibly seeking to further the individual interests of former President Trump.”

Missouri has also not shown, James continued, that New York is causing it any harm. Missouri’s complaint seeks to block orders obtained by Bragg, the Manhattan DA, in a state trial court. “Allowing Missouri to file this suit for such relief against New York would permit an extraordinary and dangerous end-run around former President Trump’s ongoing state court proceedings and the statutory limitations on this Court’s jurisdiction to review state court decisions.”

‘Civil war conditions’: Top Dem spills dark scheme to REFUSE Trump the presidency if he wins

U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., has a reputation for being a type of street fighter.

He’s often brash and coarse. And confrontational. His history includes violating a federal conflict-of-interest law by failing to properly disclose stock shares his wife got for advising a financial technology trust company. He lashes out angrily at those with whom he disagrees. He makes rash statements.

And he jumped aboard his party’s wild claims that President Donald Trump was an “insurrectionist” for the few hundred people who rioted on Jan. 6, 2021.

He actively promoted his demands, aligning with those of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that Congress had to impeach Trump.

And now he appears to be planning his own “insurrection.”

That would be his plans to have Congress deny Trump the presidency should he win in November.

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal: Democrat Elite and Military-Industrial Complex — The Real Puppet Masters Behind Biden and Harris

In a recent episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast hosted by Chris Williamson, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard shed light on a chilling reality: the U.S. government is being controlled by an unelected, powerful cabal.

During her conversation with Williamson, Gabbard laid out a detailed narrative about the hidden power structures she believes are pulling the strings in Washington.

According to her, the real decision-makers are not President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris but rather a shadowy group of Democrat elites, military-industrial complex beneficiaries, and national security state officials.

Gabbard identified prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of this elite group. She argued that these individuals, along with their allies in the military-industrial complex, profit from maintaining a constant state of war. This, in turn, allows them to expand their authority and strip away the liberties of ordinary Americans.

One of Gabbard’s most troubling points was her assertion that the United States, often touted as the world’s oldest democracy, is not functioning as a true democracy should.

She emphasized that the principle of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” has been undermined by this unelected bureaucracy. This makes it increasingly difficult for voters to hold those in power accountable, as the real decision-makers are not those who have been elected.

Gabbard stressed the importance of the upcoming election as a chance for Americans to reclaim their government. She warned against being distracted by the media’s focus on who will run for Democrat.

According to Gabbard, it doesn’t matter if it’s Biden, Harris, or another Democrat figurehead; the same cabal will continue to wield power unless voters make a decisive change.

Nassau County, NY Passes Bill Making Face Masks Illegal in Public Spaces — Mask Activists Forcefully Removed During Meeting

Nassau County Republicans have passed a landmark bill banning face masks in public spaces, citing public safety and the need to combat crime during protests.

The legislation, dubbed the Mask Transparency Act, received overwhelming support with a 12-0 vote, as seven Democrats abstained from the process, the Gothamist reported.

This legislation establishes a misdemeanor offense for mask-wearing in public, punishable by hefty fines and potential jail time. Exceptions are made for religious and health reasons, but the overarching goal is clear: to enhance public safety by ensuring that individuals cannot conceal their identities.

Presiding Officer Howard Kopel emphasized the necessity of the bill in light of rising antisemitic incidents linked to masked individuals since Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Kamala Harris: Kill Off Some Children So They Can Drink Clean Water and Breathe Clean Air

Kamala Harris, who seeks to be the head tyrant of the United States after November’s (s)election, is pushing for depopulation. In a recent speech, Harris said that in order for children to drink clean water and breathe clean air, depopulation of those children is needed.

In her recent speech at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland, Harris said that a reduced population could combat climate change. “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris said to the applauding audience. Well, except those we’ve “reduced,” right, Harris?

Logical and morally sound humans should have already withdrawn their support of a ruling class. At this point, they are straight up telling us the intention is to kill us off. Or at least a good number of us useless slaves.

The White House ruling class immediately released a transcript of the speech where the word “population” was crossed out and “pollution” was added in brackets to imply that this was what the “VP really intended to say.”


Chaos erupts as BLACK MONDAY stock market crash sends most major U.S. brokerages OFFLINE

There is trouble in money land after a Monday premarket stock plunge saw all major U.S. brokerages, including Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Vanguard, E-Trade, Robinhood and Interactive Brokers (IBKR), go offline, preventing traders from selling.

Trouble began late Sunday night when the Nikkei 225 in Japan saw an historic 12 percent overnight selloff. Other markets reacted in kind as Americans woke up early Monday morning to major market carnage in the making.

The Down Detector tracking website showed that all major U.S. brokerages were inaccessible both before and during premarket and at the time of the bell on Wall Street, leaving investors unable to react to the situation.

Panic is spreading as the illusion of safe and secure markets vanished in an instant. Users of the Thinkorswim (TOS) app from Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade reported getting a message about “Login Unavailable” due to a “technical problem” that left services “temporarily unavailable.”

“, formerly ThinkorSwim, shows a ‘technical problem’ and is already preventing trades, while Robinhood has halted trading on their site,” one person wrote on X about the chaos. “These financial institutions are protecting their rigged and corrupt legacy systems. It’s time for change!”

Users of other U.S. brokerages reported the same “errors” and problems with their mobile and desktop apps, which prevented them from even logging in to attempt to make trades.

“I can’t log on to my brokerage account to buy more $TSLA,” one user complained about not being able to fulfill his desire to buy more Tesla stock due to the industry-wide outage. “Something tells me this is not by accident looking at how red the market is today.”

YouGov Poll: 63% Say Economy Is Going Badly Under Biden-Harris Admin

Sixty-three percent of voters believe the Biden/Harris administration’s economy is going badly, a CBS News/YouGov poll found, while only 35 percent said its going well.

The poll is significant because 82 percent of respondents also said Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies are “entirely” or “mostly” the same as President Joe Biden’s, underscoring who voters will hold responsible for their economic situation.

“Bidenomics. Ha ha ha ha! That is called Bidenomics — and we are very proud of Bidenomics!” she said in August 2023, touting the administration’s massive spending packages.

The poll asked respondents, “How would you rate the condition of the national economy today?”

  • Very good 9%
  • Fairly good 26%
  • Fairly bad 30%
  • Very bad 33%
  • Not sure 2%

A plurality, 45 percent, of voters believe their “personal finances” would be better off if former President Donald Trump defeats Harris in November, while only 25 percent said the same if Harris wins. 

The polling indicates Americans are skeptical of the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies. Under its leadership, prices rose about 20 percent across the board on average. Popeyes, Taco Bell, and Chipotle, for example, raised prices by at least 75 percent, according to the Food Institute.

This Isn’t The End For The Financial Markets – The Truth Is That This Is Just The Beginning Of The Chaos…

If you are surprised by what is happening in the financial world right now, you probably haven’t been paying much attention.  Stock prices were obscenely high and many investors were massively overleveraged.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by more than 1,000 points on Monday, and stock prices are still obscenely high and many investors are still massively overleveraged.  During the days ahead, we are going to see some wild ups and some wild downs, and this tragedy is going to take some time to fully play out.  But without a doubt, we have got a major problem on our hands.

After the chaos that we witnessed on Friday, I wasn’t sure that we would see even more carnage on Monday, but that is precisely what transpired

The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 1,033.99 points, or 2.6%, to close at 38,703.27. The S&P 500 fell 3%, ending at 5,186.33. Both averages notched their worst daily losses since September 2022.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite shed 3.43%, finishing at 16,200.08.

At one point the Nasdaq was down more than 1,000 points.

That is the first time in history that has ever happened.

If you can believe it, there was a time early on Monday when tech companies had collectively lost close to a trillion dollars in market capitalization.

Tech stocks bounced back a bit the rest of the day, but the “Magnificent 7” are still collectively down about 3 trillion dollars from their all-time record high market capitalizations.

That is a lot of money.


HHS declares emergency, approves bird flu PCR tests and vaccines, laying groundwork for Fall – Winter pandemic

In the year 2020, governments everywhere laid out the red carpet for a pandemic industry that profits and grows more powerful from human suffering, censorship, fear, medical fraud, isolation and iatrogenic error. Populations witnessed it all: the engineering of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, the mainstream media’s scripted bio-terror campaigns, the lies of asymptomatic superspreaders, the government’s totalitarian COVID-19 response, the censorship of dissenting voices, the suppression of treatments, the money laundering, the rapid escalation of PCR fraud by the medical community, the rise of surveillance, the inhumane isolation protocols, the rapid, militant deployment of remdesivir, ventilators, and harmful, ineffective injections and all the unlawful government edicts and mandates.

This is just the beginning of horrors to come. The game-plan for depopulation and the rise of a global bio-terror pandemic dictatorship is laid bare for all to see. Yet, the government and the people’s continuous participation in these nefarious schemes will only perpetuate these evils and exploits on American soil.

HHS declares emergency, ramps up PCR and vaccine investments for bird flu

There hasn’t even been a serious government press conference about the latest DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra recently amended a 2013 section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, allowing the agency to extend the availability of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza A viruses, including bird flu strains like H5N1. This means the HHS is allowing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use emergency use authorization (EUA) powers to unleash a new wave of RT-PCR tests and vaccines that will be marketed as the solution for an upcoming strain of bird flu.

These predictable, preemptive actions are taking place even as the CDC maintains that the current public health risk for bird flu is low. Why would the government preemptively use instruments of medical fraud (PCR tests) and further immune destruction (vaccines) if the pandemic industry hadn’t already devised (or are working toward the development of) a newly, highly transmissible and deadly bird flu strain? Currently, the CDC reports that there are “no indicators of unusual influenza activity in people, including avian influenza A(H5).” This could all change, however, once there is mass participation with the newest EUA PCR tests, which will be designed to lump all Fall illnesses into the bird flu category “out of an abundance of caution.” Let the lockdowns commence.

As October approaches, be advised that the U.S. government has already laid the groundwork for declaring a pandemic of bird flu, and they will be using new PCR tests to declare all the circulating illnesses in the population a “bird flu pandemic.” The vaccines are already prepared, and there will likely be a new campaign to get shots in arms. The pattern of abuse continues.

Attorney Ray Flores spoke with the Defender about the federal government and public health authorities repeating a 2020 scenario. “Just as EUA PCR tests exaggerated the COVID-19 pandemic, the detection of avian influenza and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential via unlicensed PCR tests is destined to justify lockdowns, masking, invasive nasal swabs, and wide-scale vaccination with experimental mRNA technology.”

He continued, “The stage is set for RT-PCR tests to take the pivotal role of determining false positives with amped up cycle thresholds designed to declare asymptomatic, otherwise healthy people to be infected — just like last time.”

Little-known berry shows promise for eye health and beyond

Nestled in the forests of Europe and North America lies a tiny berry with outsized health benefits.  The bilberry, a close cousin of the blueberry, is emerging as a nutritional powerhouse that could revolutionize our approach to wellness and disease prevention.

Often overlooked in favor of more common foods, this small, dark fruit packs a powerful punch when it comes to health benefits.  Recent studies have uncovered a treasure trove of potential advantages, from boosting metabolism to safeguarding vision and even combating chronic diseases.

Power Mall Product of Interest: Eye Complex CS – Contains Bilberry, A bioflavonoid that supports night vision and peripheral vision.

Eye Complex CS is 10% off this week!

Shocking study reveals forever chemicals absorb through human skin

We’ve all heard the mantra: wear sunscreen to protect your skin.  But recent research has uncovered a twist in this sun-safety tale that you need to know about.

For years, we’ve known that many products contain PFAS chemicals – synthetic compounds used for their water and stain-resistant properties.  These “forever chemicals” are found in everything from non-stick cookware to waterproof clothing, and yes, even in some skincare products.  But until now, we’ve been in the dark about how much of these substances actually get absorbed through our skin.

Let’s break down the latest findings and what they mean for your skincare routine.

Breakthrough study unmasks the skin-deep truth about forever chemicals

Scientists recently conducted a study that’s changing how we think about skin absorption.  They looked at 17 different PFAS chemicals found in many products, including some sunscreens and cosmetics.  Using a 3D model of human skin, they tested how much of these chemicals actually penetrate our skin barrier.

This is the first time we’ve had a clear picture of human dermal uptake of PFAS, and the results are eye-opening.

Here’s what they found:

  • Size matters:  Shorter PFAS chemicals are more easily absorbed.  For example, perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA) and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) had the highest absorption rates at 58.9% and 48.7%, respectively.  That’s more than half of what’s applied!
  • The longer, the better (sort of):  As the carbon chain in these chemicals gets longer, less of it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.  But here’s the catch – it doesn’t just disappear.
  • Skin deep storage:  Longer-chain PFAS (those with 9 or more carbon atoms) might not enter your bloodstream directly, but they don’t just wash off either.  A significant amount ends up stored in your skin tissue.  For instance, 66.5% of perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnDA) and 68.3% of perfluorononane sulfonate (PFNS) were found hanging out in the skin tissue at the end of the study.
  • It’s all about chemistry:  The study found that how easily a PFAS is absorbed correlates with its water solubility.  The more water-soluble, the more likely it is to be absorbed.

What this information means for you

Now, you might be thinking, “Great, but what does this mean for my daily sunscreen application?”

  • Not all sunscreens are created equal.  Some contain PFAS chemicals, while others don’t.  It’s worth taking a closer look at the ingredient list on your favorite brand.
  • Absorption doesn’t equal harm:  While this study shows these chemicals can be absorbed, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re causing harm.  More research is needed to understand the long-term effects.
  • Consider your options:  Mineral-based sunscreens and other alternatives that don’t contain PFAS might be worth exploring.

Taking action

Armed with this new information, here’s what you can do:

  • Become an ingredient investigator:  Start checking those labels.  Look out for anything with “fluoro” in the name – that’s often a sign of PFAS.
  • Mix up your sun protection:  Consider using sunscreen with other sun-safety measures, such as wearing protective clothing or seeking shade during peak sun hours.
  • Stay informed:  This field of research is evolving rapidly.  Keep an eye out for new studies and recommendations.

Remember, taking care of your skin is about balance.  You’re now equipped with valuable information to make informed choices about your sun protection strategy.  Bottom line, don’t let this news scare you away from exposing your skin to the sun.  After all, getting out into the sun can do wonders for your mood and overall health.

Power Mall Product of Interest: AstaXanthin with DHA (90 CT)

Astaxanthin As SPF Sun Protection

The human body is exposed to intense sunlight, especially during the summer months, which is unfortunately harmful to our skin. UV radiation, or ultraviolet radiation, is electromagnetic waves invisible to human eyes. Prolonged exposure to UV rays results in reddening of the skin and can even lead to sunburn. Chronic exposure to UV rays can lead to skin cancer in addition to pigment spots and wrinkles. UVB rays penetrate the outer layer of the skin, resulting in sunburn, while UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin, causing oxidative stress and premature skin aging.

Astaxanthin is a highly effective antioxidant that prevents cell damage from active oxygen. It is an efficient blocker of ultraviolet radiation and helps to protect the skin from UV rays and sunburn. In addition, it accelerates the healing of skin after sun damage. Taking Astaxanthin supplements has also been shown to extend the time when the body stops resisting sun exposure and it is the sunburn that causes the skin to burn. What else? Astaxanthin is able to penetrate all layers of the skin (topical sunscreens can reach only the outermost layers), it acts as an “inner sunscreen” to protect against UVA-induced oxidative stress. This can provide potent protection against ultraviolet radiation, the most powerful environmental risk factor for skin cancer.


Google is an illegal monopoly – court ruling

US authorities are seeking to strengthen competition in the online search industry

American tech giant Google broke the law by establishing a monopoly on online searches, a federal judge ruled on Monday.

The decision is seen as a major victory for US antitrust authorities, who have filed several lawsuits against big tech firms in a bid to strengthen competition in the industry, Reuters noted.

The case, initiated by the US Department of Justice in 2020, argued that Google has maintained its dominance of the search market by creating barriers to entry for other providers.

”After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” states the ruling issued by US District Court for the District of Columbia.

Google “enjoys an 89.2% share of the market for general search services, which increases to 94.9% on mobile devices,” the ruling reads.

Google has paid billions of dollars to device manufacturers to ensure its position as the default search engine on smartphones and browsers, Judge Amit Mehta said.

The Department of Justice has hailed the decision as “an historic win for the American people,” noting that “no company – no matter how large or influential – is above the law.”

The ruling “recognizes that Google offers the best search engine,” Kent Walker, president of global affairs at Google’s parent company Alphabet, said in a statement on X (formerly Twitter). The company plans to appeal, Walker added.

It is unclear what penalties Alphabet will face. According to Reuters, a second trial may be held to determine potential fixes, possibly including a breakup of the tech giant.

The company faces a separate lawsuit over its advertising technology, scheduled to go to trial in September.


Priorities: Biden Admin to Eliminate Plastic Cutlery in Move to Save the Planet

The Biden administration will reportedly phase out the use of plastic cutlery in all federal departments to combat “climate change.”

The administration announced the plan in July as part of its “Mobilizing Federal Action on Plastic Pollution: Progress, Principles, and Priorities,” per the New York Post.

“The President is committed to taking ambitious actions… to end plastic pollution and is calling upon the global community to do the same, with the goal to reduce the global production and consumption of virgin plastics,” the White House said.

The White House said that it will eliminate single-use plastics like “plastic and polystyrene food and beverage containers, bottles, straws, cups, cutlery and disposable plastic bags.” The order came after a previous executive order reducing the sale of single-use plastics on public lands.


Slovakian deputy prime minister to BOYCOTT Paris Olympics closing ceremony following controversy over offensive Last Supper depiction

Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba has decided to boycott the closing ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics on Sunday, Aug. 11, after the opening ceremony was lambasted worldwide for its tasteless depiction of Jesus Christ’s Last Supper.

During the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on July 26, drag queens, trans people, a nude singer and a man in blue body paint intended to represent Bacchus, the Greek god of wine, portrayed the biblical scene of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting “The Last Supper.” The lavish opening show was staged along the Seine River in the French capital.

Olympic organizers initially claimed the performance was meant to promote inclusivity and challenge violence. But when it sparked outrage among Christians, the organizers issued a half-baked apology and claimed no disrespect was intended. (Related: 2024 Paris Olympics organizers issue formal apology to Christian groups over Last Supper mockery.)

In line with this, Taraba, who was meant to attend the closing ceremony as the Slovakian government’s representative, decided to boycott the event. Taraba accused the Olympic organizers of presenting “a disgusting exhibition full of LGBTI ideology and insults to the symbols of Christianity.”

“I was supposed to represent Slovakia at the closing ceremony, but for the normal world, this Olympics will forever remain a symbol of degenerate decadence, which abused the beauty of sport and turned it into progressive political theater. Therefore, I decided not to participate in the closing ceremony,” Taraba posted on Facebook on July 28.


From Scott Schara – Their new billboard has just been installed!

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