July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 03, 2023


China, Russia Leading Push to Replace US Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency

Is the world challenging the U.S. dollar’s dominance?

Over the last decade, several nations worldwide, led primarily by Russia and China, have ramped up efforts to kick their dependence on the chief international reserve currency. From diminishing the prevalence of non-dollar transactions to reducing dollar holdings in foreign exchange reserves, states are employing measures to erode the buck’s influence in worldwide trade.

Jim O’Neill, a former chief economist at Goldman Sachs, suggested that the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc should expand its presence and enhance the alliance’s work to threaten the greenback hegemony in global financial markets.

OPEC+ Pledges Major Oil Output Cuts From May to Year’s End

Saudi Arabia and other members of the oil-producing group OPEC+ announced on April 2 that they will be cutting their output by about 1.15 million barrels per day (bpd), a move expected to cause an immediate rise in prices.

According to its state news agency, Saudi Arabia will voluntarily cut its oil production by 500,000 bpd from May to the end of 2023. The Middle Eastern kingdom’s energy official described the decision as a “precautionary measure” aimed at “supporting the stability of the oil market.”

Russia, which has already been reducing oil production by 500,000 bpd since March in response to Western countries’ price caps designed to curtail the Kremlin’s ability to finance its military campaign in Ukraine, also confirmed that it will be extending the original three-month cut by another six months.

“As responsible and preemptive actions, Russia will extend its voluntary oil production reduction by 500,000 barrels a day until the end of 2023 from the average production level in February established in conformity with independent sources,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said, per state-owned TASS.

Other OPEC+ members also followed suit. Iraq announced a cut of 211,000 bpd, followed by the United Arab Emirates (144,000 bpd), Kuwait (128,000 bpd), Kazakhstan (78,000 bpd), Algeria (48,000 bpd), and Oman (40,000 bpd).

Year One: China Emerges At Center Of New World Order

China is arguably a modern-day Technocracy, originally groomed and taught by Zbigniew Brzezinski, a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. When China entered the world economic stage, it was not taught principles of free market economics, but rather Technocracy, or the Commission’s self-proclaimed New International Economic Order.

It’s no surprise that China is emerging as the global leader just as the Trilateral Commission has declared 2023 to be “year one” of the new global order. China will dominate, just as the Commission predicted in 1973.

Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin’s Voters Refused To Support 2030 Climate Neutrality
The results of Berlin’s Climate Neutrality By 2030 referendum tell us that FFF and Last Generation are fringe movements, remote from even Berlin’s mainstream.

It’ll take a longtime for the radical climate activists to recover from this major setback

Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA.

Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support.

Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback.

The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer. But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially. They decided resoundingly they’d wanted no part of it.

Six Adult Migrants, Two Children Found Dead in Canada near U.S. Border

Canadian police recovered the bodies of eight migrants who were apparently being smuggled into the United States from Quebec. Two of the deceased migrants are reported to be children. Police are searching for a man described as a “person of interest” in the alleged human smuggling attempt.

“This is a heartbreaking situation,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said regarding the circumstances surrounding the deaths of eight people attempting to illegally enter the United States. “We need to understand properly what happened, how it happened, and do whatever we can to minimize the chances of this ever happening again.”

Italian Government Introduces Legislation to Stop Invasion of English Language

A member of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party introduced new legislation that would penalize Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications, in an attempt to stop the invasion of foreign languages in Italy.

Italians holding an office in public administration who use foreign words in official communications could face fines of up to €100,000 ($108,705) under the new proposed law, according to a draft of the legislation obtained by CNN.

Fabio Rampelli, a member of the lower chamber of deputies and Prime Minister Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, introduced the legislation, which reportedly states that “Anglomania” (the use of English words) “demeans and mortifies” the Italian language.

CDC Urges Travel Precautions amid Marburg Virus Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has urged travelers to Tanzania to take precautions after an outbreak of the Marburg virus.

The CDC released a Level 1 advisory, admonishing travelers to Tanzania to “Practice Usual Precautions,” after the country’s government declared an outbreak of the Marburg virus. 

Ireland Overwhelmed by Massive Migrant Wave as Housing Plan Fails to Materialise

Ireland has been completely overwhelmed by migrant arrivals with an emergency housing plan for would-be asylum seekers having now fallen through.

Ireland’s open borders government is unable to house all of the migrants entering the country, with its most recent scheme to look after alleged refugees being delayed until summer at the earliest.


Trump Attorney Says Former President ‘Ready to Fight,’ Arraignment Expected Early Next Week

Former President Donald Trump is set to be arraigned sometime “early next week” after a Manhattan grand jury voted for his indictment, Trump’s attorney Joseph Tacopina said on Thursday.

“We’re working that out—maybe Tuesday,” Tacopina, who has represented high-profile clients such as Michael Jackson and rapper Jay-Z, told The Epoch Times in an interview late Thursday.

“I’ve spoken to him,” Tacopina said when asked about Trump’s reaction to the indictment. “He’s angry, disappointed, but he’s ready to fight. He’s a pretty tough guy—his knees don’t buckle, so he’ll be ready to go.”

Trump Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe Says Manhattan DA Indictment Leak Is a ‘Felony’

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that the leaking of information suggesting that former President Donald Trump would be indicted is a crime, suggesting that someone inside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office committed a felony offense.

“The only felony of which we can be certain to come out of this Alvin Bragg prosecution in New York is the felony committed either by DA Bragg himself or someone on the grand jury that he’s using for this perversion of our justice system,” Ratcliffe told “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox Business.

Since last week, anonymously sourced reports said that Trump could be charged with as many as three-dozen counts in connection to Bragg’s investigation. The indictment, which was voted on by a Manhattan grand jury on March 30, has not yet been unsealed by a judge.

Both NBC News and CNN cited “sources familiar” with the indictment, although they did not specify whether it was someone on the grand jury, an official in Bragg’s office, or someone else. Neither Trump nor his lead attorney, Joe Tacopina, have seen the indictment or know the charges yet, and the former president is expected to arrive in Manhattan for his arraignment on Tuesday.

“The accused, Donald Trump, and his lawyers, don’t know what’s in this sealed indictment. But for the past … 72 hours, the American public has been discussing supposedly 30 or 34 felony counts,” Ratcliffe, a former Texas Republican congressman before he was appointed by Trump, told the outlet. “Leaking grand jury information is a felony, and so the only people capable of that would be Alvin Bragg’s team or members of the grand jury itself.”

Report: Manhattan Judge to Put ‘Gag Order’ on Donald Trump

The legal team representing former President Donald Trump reportedly expects that the Manhattan judge will put a gag order on him as the case awaits trial.

A source close to the legal team told the Daily Mail the judge will take an “unprecedented step” to silence the 2024 presidential candidate. The gag order could potentially undercut his ability to campaign on the issue of legal corruption during the primary.

Trump Raises Over $4 Million in 24 Hours Since Indictment

Former President Donald Trump’s political action committee has announced that, in the 24 hours since the former president got indicted by a New York grand jury, his 2024 presidential campaign has raised over $4 million.

This outpouring of donations is, according to Make America Great Again Inc., Trump’s political action committee, a grassroots reaction by ordinary Americans outraged by the probe into the former president, which it described as a “witch hunt.”

The PAC said in a statement Friday that since a grand jury empaneled by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg voted on Thursday to indict the former president, his campaign has seen donations soar.

“This incredible surge of grassroots contributions confirms that the American people see the indictment of President Trump as a disgraceful weaponization of our justice system by a Soros-funded prosecutor,” the statement said, noting that over 25 percent came from first-time donors.

Trump’s campaign called Bragg’s investigation of the former president an “unprecedented political persecution” and “blatant interference” in the 2024 presidential election, with Trump being the leading Republican candidate.

Lawyer: Trump Won’t Take Plea Deal, Won’t Be Handcuffed

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyer said there is “zero chance” the 45th president will take a plea deal after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted him, and indicated his team would file motions to dismiss the case, although the indictment has not yet been unsealed.

“President Trump will not take a plea deal on this case. It’s not gonna happen,” Trump Attorney Joe Tacopina told NBC on Friday, adding there is “zero chance” it will happen. “There’s no crime. I don’t know if it’s gonna make it to trial because we have substantial legal challenges.”

Trump is “not going to hole up in Mar-a-Lago,” he said. The indictment targeting Trump has not been unsealed, as typically a court will make it public after a defendant appears in court for their arraignment.

In a separate interview with ABC News, Tacopina said that Thursday’s development “was a shock” for Trump. “At the end of the day, we were really hoping and he was hoping that the rule of law would’ve prevailed,” he added. “In my opinion—and I don’t say this with pride or pleasure—in my 32 years as a lawyer, both as a prosecutor and a defense attorney, I feel like the rule of law died yesterday in this country.”

“This is unprecedented in this country’s history. I don’t know what to expect other than an arraignment,” he remarked. “I understand they’re going to be closing off blocks around the courthouse, shutting down the courthouse. You know, we’ll go in there and we’ll proceed to see a judge at some point, plead not guilty, start talking about filing motions, which we will do immediately and very aggressively regarding the legal viability of this case.”

Court Officially Confirms Details for First Hearing in Trump Criminal Case

Former President Donald Trump’s first hearing will take place on April 4, a court spokesperson confirmed on Friday.

Trump is set to appear at 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday before New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, the spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

The hearing will be open to members of the public and the press on a first come, first serve basis, the spokesperson said. The hearing will not be livestreamed.

The courthouse is located in lower Manhattan.

Trump has been indicted by a grand jury for reasons that are under seal. Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges in the history of the United States.

A spokesperson for the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, said in a statement that it is now coordinating with Trump’s attorneys his “surrender to the Manhattan D.A.’s Office for arraignment on a Supreme Court indictment.” Bragg had been probing a payment by former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to adult performer Stormy Daniels, who has alleged Trump had an affair with her. Trump has denied the claim. Cohen has said he spoke to the grand jury.

Merchan on Thursday signed an order authorizing Bragg to disclose the indictment’s existence, in part because the indictment “would be in the public interest” and such an order is “an appropriate exercise of this Court’s discretion,” the judge said.

William Barr Says Trump Indictment a ‘Political Hit Job’ and ‘Disgrace’

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr criticized the indictment of former President Donald Trump, calling it a “disgrace” and a “political hit job” that will harm American politics for the next few years.

Barr, who served as the U.S. attorney general under Trump from 2019 to 2020 and under George H. W. Bush from 1991 to 1993, provided his thoughts on Trump being indicted by a grand jury for reasons that are not yet known as they remain under seal.

Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges in the history of the United States.

During an interview at the National Review Institute Ideas Summit, Barr described the case against Trump as prosecutorial abuse and assessed it as “pathetically weak.” The former attorney general believes the case will “hurt our politics” over the next few years leading up to the 2024 presidential election.

“Judging from the news reports … it’s the archetypal abuse of the prosecutorial function to engage in a political hit job, and it’s a disgrace,” Barr said when asked for his opinion.

Barr suggested that the Democrats’ goal is to focus attention on Trump for the next two years leading up to the next presidential election in order to ultimately secure a Democrat president.

“Politically, it’s going to be damaging, I think, to the Republican Party, simply because I think it’s a no-lose situation for the Democrats,” he said.

“I think the impetus is really to help Trump get the nomination, focus the attention on him for two years, have this thing swirling around, plus whatever else comes, which I think will be damaging to whoever gets the nomination.”

EXCLUSIVE: Meg Reiss’s Twitter Account Exposed – Alvin Bragg’s Chief Assistant District Attorney Who Is Allegedly Running the Office – Is a Raging Trump-Hater and Not Shy About It

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier in the month that Deputy New York City DA Meg Reiss may be behind the latest legal assault on President Trump.

Former NYPD officer and political pundit John Cardillo posted a string of tweets suggesting current Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg isn’t “smart enough” to orchestrate an indictment against Trump but rather Soros-connected Deputy DA Meg Reiss is the one pushing for Trump to be indicted.

Political Campaign Worker Indicted for Allegedly Offering Voters Bribes

Three political campaign workers from New Jersey have been indicted on charges related to a scheme regarding mail-in ballots.

The Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone announced Thursday that the charges stem from a scheme where one of the campaign workers for a Perth Amboy City Council candidate offered $20 supermarket gift cards to voters in return for letting her complete their mail-in ballots.

The grand jury returned a seven-count indictment, charging Ana Camilo, Annet Sanchez, and Maria Peralta, all from Perth Amboy, with various offenses related to their involvement in offering gift cards to voters in exchange for completed mail-in ballots in favor of their preferred candidate.

Last October, Camilo, 62, was taken into custody by law enforcement officials for allegedly meeting with and attempting to bribe an undercover detective who was pretending to be a voter from Perth Amboy.

Authorities have said that Camilo was employed by a candidate for the Perth Amboy city council, but they have not revealed the candidate’s identity.

She faces two counts of third-degree bribery, third-degree unlawful possession of a ballot, third-degree attempt to cast an illegal ballot, and third-degree election law violation.

Online Influencer Who Posted Hillary Clinton Meme Found Guilty of Interfering in 2016 Election

A man who posted memes about the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2016 presidential election has been found guilty of one charge of conspiring against the right to vote.

“Douglass Mackey, also known as ‘Ricky Vaughn,’ was convicted today by a federal jury in Brooklyn of the charge of Conspiracy Against Rights stemming from his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote,” reads a March 31 statement from a federal court from the U.S. Eastern District of New York.

Mackey, who will be sentenced on Aug. 16, faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Members of the jury reached the unanimous verdict after a little less than a week of deliberation starting on March 27 after a weeklong period of testimony.

Mackey’s online persona, “Ricky Vaughn”—a reference to the sports comedy film “Major League”—had an online following of more than 50,000 that frequently amplified his pro-Republican voice during the 2016 elections.

Mackey was on trial for a charge of allegedly using memes—or generally satirical online images—to conspire against people’s right to vote. One such meme depicted an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for Hillary” sign. The meme instructed people to vote by text during the 2016 presidential election.

Although the Justice Department has prosecuted many other forms of election interference—such as violence, for example—Mackey’s case is a historical first in that alleged falsehoods are being argued as a form of election interference, Eugene Volokh, a professor at UCLA School of Law specializing in First Amendment Law, told The Epoch Times in an interview earlier in March.

Former Republican Governor Announces 2024 Presidential Campaign

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced a 2024 presidential bid, becoming the fourth major Republican candidate to make such an announcement.

“I’m convinced that people want leaders that appeal to the best of America, and not simply appeal to our worst instincts,” Hutchinson told ABC News on Sunday. “I am going to be running. And the reason, as I’ve traveled the country for six months, I hear people talk about the leadership of our country. … I believe I can be that kind of leader for the people of America,” he added.

Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor, again said that Trump should withdraw from the 2024 race. “Well he should,” Hutchinson said when asked about if the former president should pull out of the race. “But at the same time, we know he’s not [going to]. And there’s not any constitutional requirement.”

Other than Hutchinson, the other major GOP candidates include former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. There is speculation that former Vice President Mike Pence, former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will launch presidential bids.

Notably, Hutchinson has been highly critical of former President Donald Trump, often appearing on CNN and ABC News to target him. The former governor continued that trend earlier this month, saying that Trump should quit the 2024 race if he is indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg—becoming one of the very few Republicans to back Bragg’s investigation and charges against Trump.

“I actually think more voices right now in opposition or providing an alternative to Donald Trump is the best thing in the right direction,” Hutchinson told CNN last month, coming before Bragg’s indictment that hasn’t been unsealed yet.

Transgender Day of Visibility rallies held across US amid backlash

Hundreds of young people gathered on the lawn of the Vermont Statehouse on Friday as part of a nationwide series of events to help build support for transgender rights amid what they denounced as an increasingly hostile climate.

Chanting, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!” many draped themselves in pride flags or carried posters with messages like “yay gay” or “protect trans kids.”

Similar events were planned at capitols in states including South Carolina, Alabama, Minnesota, Nebraska and Montana, and at other venues Friday and this weekend.

Young people, some as young as middle-school, stood in front of the Vermont crowd and told of their struggles with their sexuality at a time when many people across the country refuse to acknowledge them.

Charlie Draugh, a 17-year-old high school senior from Chisago, Minnesota, who attends a boarding school in Vermont, said he was angry that groups are trying to control his life and turn him into a political pawn that he is not.

“My life is not your debate,” Draugh said. “It is not a political issue. I am not hurting anyone and I am certainly not hurting myself.”

The rallies — dubbed “Transgender Day of Visibility” — come as Republican lawmakers across the U.S. have pursued hundreds of proposals this year to push back on LGBTQ+ rights, particularly rights for transgender residents, including banning transgender girls from girls’ sports, keeping transgender people from using restrooms in line with their gender identities and requiring schools to deadname transgender students — requiring they be identified by names they were given at birth.

At least 11 states have now enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming care for minors: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah, South Dakota and West Virginia. Federal judges have blocked enforcement of laws in Alabama and Arkansas, and nearly two dozen states are considering bills this year to restrict or ban care.

‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ rally in DC canceled in wake of Nashville school shooting

‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ organizers say they stand by event’s message but cannot guarantee participants’ safety and are forced to abandon the protest

The 2nd Amendment’s Misconstrued ‘Militia’

Commentary by Brian McGlinchey 

America’s latest episode of mass homicide has sparked renewed advocacy for restrictions on gun ownership. Once again, the accompanying debate has many gun control advocates claiming the Second Amendment’s reference to a “well regulated militia” narrows the amendment’s scope if not rendering it altogether moot.

Before we examine those claims, it’s important to ensure readers have a proper general understanding of the Bill of Rights. Contrary to common misperception, these amendments do not bestow privileges upon American citizens. Rather, they are primarily a set of prohibitions against the government infringing on pre-existing human rights all people have.

That’s evident in the language. For example, the First Amendment begins “Congress shall make no law…” This amendment isn’t awarding citizens the rights of religion, speech and assembly — it’s outlawing the government’s thwarting of those innate and universal human rights.

Similarly, the Fourth Amendment asserts that “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” Again, the authors are not granting those rights, they are protecting them.

When the Bill of Rights was proposed, some feared the enumeration of a handful of rights could be misinterpreted as providing a comprehensive catalogue — and thus empowering the government to infringe on human rights not specified. That’s why they included the Ninth Amendment, asserting that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

“Amendment II. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

With that understanding of the Bill of Rights in mind, we see that, via the Second Amendment, the founders explicitly asserted that there is a “right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

Marxism Makes Chinese Military Believe War With US Is ‘Inevitable’: Top US General

Communist China’s military leadership increasingly believes that war with the United States is inevitable, according to the United States’ most senior military officer.

The Chinese military is fostering destabilizing rhetoric and ideas that could encourage a catastrophic conflict with the United States, said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley during an interview with the Government Executive Media Group on March 31.

“There’s a lot of rhetoric in China… that could create the perception that war is right around the corner,” Milley said.

“In my analysis of China, at least their military and perhaps others have come to some sort of conclusion that war with the United States is inevitable. I think that’s a very dangerous thing.”

Milley said that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Marxist ideology was largely responsible for this belief, and that it encouraged deterministic thinking among Chinese leadership, including military officers.

“They come out of a Marxist ideology… they believe in historical determinism, they believe in a linear approach to history,” Milley said.

“That is not how we in the West think.”

To that end, Milley said that war with the CCP regime was not inevitable and could still be deterred, but that the United States would need to “stay strong relative to China” and ensure it was ready to win any war that emerged.

“I don’t believe war is inevitable,” Milley said. “I don’t think it’s imminent. But I do think that we need to be very, very pragmatic and cautious going forward.”

Milley also noted that CCP leader Xi Jinping had set an explicit date of 2027 for the Chinese military to be ready to attack and seize Taiwan. The decision to invade had not been given yet, Milley said, but the regime is nevertheless intentionally building its capacity to do so.

“They’re training and manning equipment to do just that,” Milley said of the CCP’s preparation to invade Taiwan.

“My guess is we’ve got three or four years to get Taiwan in a position where they will create a perception in the minds of the Chinese decision makers that the costs outweigh the benefits.”

Bud Light Hires ‘Transgender’ Dylan Mulvaney to Sell Beer

The executives who sell Bud Light beer to ordinary Americans have picked a new spokesman: Dylan Mulvaney, the former gay man who is now pretending to be a woman.

Mulvaney said:

This month I celebrated my day 365 of womanhood and Bud Light sent me possibly the best gift ever — A can with my face on it!

Check out my Instagram story to see how you can enjoy March Madness with Bud Light and maybe win some money too.

Love ya. Cheers! Go Team! Whatever team you love, I love too!

The executives’ decision to pick Mulvaney may prove to be a commercial disaster for the company’s most famous product, Budweiser beer, which has long been marketed as “The King of Beers”: Budweiser: Now identifying as the QUEEN of beers.

NYC Garage Attendant Faces Attempted Murder Charges for Allegedly Shooting Armed Robber

A New York City parking garage attendant is facing murder charges after allegedly wrestling a gun away from an armed robber and shooting his assailant with it.

FOX News reported the attendant, 57-year-old Moussa Diarra, saw a man looking at cars early Saturday morning and believed the suspect was trying to steal things.


Bird Flu Scare Narrative Ramps Up

Considering global biosecurity is one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government, it’s clear that more pandemics are in our future, and a weaponized bird flu seems likely

Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but scientists have created a hybrid with human pandemic potential

If we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was manmade. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous or both

H5N1 (bird flu) is now affecting mammals at a rate not previously seen, including skunks, bears, seals, foxes, minks and even dolphins. The infection is also spreading between mammals. This is a new development that has scientists worried. If the virus is mutating (or being mutated) to spread among mammals, the jump to humans may not be far behind

Already, the U.S. and other countries are stockpiling H5N1 vaccine “just in case.” While some traditional vaccines are in the lineup, mRNA shots tweaked to target H5N1 are also being planned, and they probably won’t need to undergo additional testing over and beyond what was done for the COVID jabs

Apple Warns Again to Keep Its Products Away from Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices; Health Experts Ask Company to Do More

Manufacturers of cell phones and other wireless devices are required to provide consumers with warnings about biologically harmful radiation exposure.  Nevertheless, some Americans have sued Apple alleging the company did not adequately warn them about radiation exposure risks from its iPhones (see 1, 2).  Of course in 2021, the company started warning consumers with medical devices to keep its iPhones and other products away from these devices (see 1, 2) and the Journal of American Heart Association chimed in on that too.  Recently the company announced warnings again about interference issues and some say that’s still not enough.

From Environmental Health Trust:

Apple warning about potential magnetic interference with medical devices

APPLE users with medical devices have been warned to keep their consumer-electronic products at a distance because  consumer-electronic devices – like the iPhone  are made with magnets or components that emit electromagnetic fields.

“To avoid any potential interactions with these types of medical devices, keep your Apple product a safe distance away from your medical device (more than 6 inches / 15 cm apart or more than 12 inches / 30 cm apart if wirelessly charging). ”

Environmental Health Trust notes that what Apple should also be warning consumers about is that even if you do not have a medical device, the phone or electronic should be at a distance because of the radiofrequency radiation.

The full statement by Apple

Many consumer-electronic devices contain magnets or components and radios that emit electromagnetic fields.

Science Confirms Turmeric Is as Effective as 14 Drugs

Over 12,000 studies reveal wide-ranging effects of a potent compound found in this bright spice

If ever there were an herb that puts existential fear into the bottom line of pharmaceutical companies, it’s turmeric.

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 12,000 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year-long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 800 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 250 distinct beneficial physiological effects.

Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it’s no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications.

Lipitor/Atorvastatin (cholesterol medication)

A 2008 study published in the journal Drugs in R & D found that a standardized preparation of curcuminoids from turmeric compared favorably to the drug atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor) on endothelial dysfunction, the underlying pathology of the blood vessels that drives atherosclerosis, in association with reductions in inflammation and oxidative stress in Type 2 diabetic patients.[i]

Corticosteroids (steroid medications)

A 1999 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric, the saffron-colored pigment known as curcumin, compared favorably to steroids in the management of chronic anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease.[ii] A 2008 study published in Critical Care Medicine found that curcumin compared favorably to the corticosteroid drug dexamethasone in the animal model as an alternative therapy for protecting lung transplantation-associated injury by down-regulating inflammatory genes.[iii] An earlier 2003 study published in Cancer Letters found the same drug also compared favorably to dexamethasone in a lung ischemia-repurfusion injury model.[iv]

Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants)

A 2011 study published in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive behavior in an animal model.[v]

Aspirin (blood thinner)

A 1986 in vitro and ex vivo study published in the journal Arzneimittelforschung found that curcumin has anti-platelet and prostacyclin modulating effects compared to aspirin, indicating it may have value in patients prone to vascular thrombosis and requiring anti-arthritis therapy.[vi]

Anti-inflammatory drugs

A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (as well as resveratrol) were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen in exerting anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells.[vii]

Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug)

A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that curcumin compares favorably with oxaliplatin as an antiproliferative agent in colorectal cell lines.[viii]

Metformin (diabetes drug)

A 2009 study published in the journal Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Community explored how curcumin might be valuable in treating diabetes, finding that it activates AMPK (which increases glucose uptake) and suppresses gluconeogenic gene expression (which suppresses glucose production in the liver) in hepatoma cells. Interestingly, they found curcumin to be 500 times to 100,000 times (in the form known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC)) more potent than metformin in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).[ix]

Another way in which turmeric and its components reveal their remarkable therapeutic properties is in research on drug-resistant- and multi-drug-resistant cancers. We have two sections on our site dedicated to researching natural and integrative therapies on these topics, and while there are dozens of substances with demonstrable efficacy against these chemotherapy- and radiation-resistant cancers, curcumin tops both the Cancers: Drug Resistant list, and the Cancers: Multi-Drug Resistant list.

We have found no less than 97 studies indicating that curcumin can induce cell death or sensitize drug-resistant cancer cell lines to conventional treatment.

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: CURCUMINX4000 WITH FENUGREEK (180 CT)

Laughing Gas: Permanent Harm for Instant Euphoria?

Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas used in several industries, and now gaining popularity as a recreational drug that offers one to two minutes of euphoria

The gas inactivates vitamin B12 and exposes nerves to permanent damage that may lead to incontinence, inability to get an erection and/or difficulty or inability walking

FDA, CDC Look for Flour Brand Behind Salmonella Outbreak

Federal investigators have identified flour as the source of a salmonella outbreak that caused a dozen people to fall ill over the past four months.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that a collaborative investigation has confirmed that the salmonella outbreak was linked to raw flour.

The agencies have yet to identify any specific brand or brands of flour as being the source of the pathogen. Although most of the patients reported eating raw dough or batter made with flour before they became sick.

Baking Soda Offers Potential Anticancer Effect, Multiple Studies Reveal

Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, has been used for decades as a first line of defense against every kind of “acidic” health problem—including cancer.  Naturally, the question remains—is there any proof that baking soda is a defense against cancer or any other chronic dis-ease?

History Has Much to Teach Us About Natural Health Care

In a booklet titled “Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Medical Uses,” published in 1924, Dr. Volney S. Cheney explains his clinical successes in using sodium bicarbonate to treat both the common cold and flu.  His comments are actually quite remarkable …

“In 1918 and 1919, while fighting the ‘flu’ with the U.S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.”

Sodium bicarbonate has been and still is used to make urine less acidic. This helps the kidneys get rid of uric acid and is used medically to prevent gout and kidney stones.  Even athletes use sodium bicarbonate to improve endurance. In fact, cells that have enough bicarbonate consume more energy at rest—so they are better able to transport glucose and lactate.

Can Baking Soda Help Cancer Patients Heal Naturally?

Sodium bicarbonate has a range of positive effects on breast cancer in animals, including increasing tumor pH, reducing lymph node involvement, and inhibiting metastases. Moreover, baking soda has been demonstrated to suppress cancerous growths, regulate the pH balance of cells and tissues, and elevate cell voltage.

By improving oxygen levels, baking soda can help prevent the development of cancer and even reverse malignant cells back to a healthy state. Weak cancer patients are often advised to take sodium bicarbonate, as it can help to improve muscle cell function after only a few days of treatment.

How Does Baking Soda Prevent Cellular Damage?

The pH level of the fluids within our bodies plays a critical role in the functioning of every cell. When the body becomes chronically over-acidic, it starts to corrode tissue, which can ultimately disrupt all cellular activities and functions. In short, over-acidity can interfere with life itself and is considered to be one of the fundamental causes of cancer.

Every cell in our bodies requires oxygen to thrive and remain healthy. When the pH level is low, there is less oxygen available for the cells to use. This phenomenon is comparable to what happens when acid rain alters the chemistry of lakes—the fish in the lake suffocate because the oxygen has bound up with other molecules and is no longer available.

However, if the oxygen level is raised, the lake will come back to life. Similarly, by increasing the amount of oxygen available to the cells, the body can return to a state of health and vitality.

How Does ‘Alkalinity’ Help to Prevent Disease?

Maintaining a healthy pH range requires making necessary changes to our lifestyle and diet, which will help protect us over the long term. Using sodium bicarbonate can provide a jumpstart toward increasing alkalinity and is a natural medicine that should be treated with respect. It’s important to keep in mind that if our pH levels deviate too far from the acceptable range, our risk for disease increases significantly.

For a long time, drinking bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water has been a popular remedy for a range of health issues, including arthritis, indigestion, heartburn, and infections. Traditionally, sodium bicarbonate has been used as an antacid.

It’s worth noting that our body produces its own bicarbonate thanks to the work of our pancreas. Bicarbonate helps to neutralize acids that come from the stomach, creating an environment that is conducive to the effectiveness of pancreatic enzymes.

23 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo and Radiation

An important scientific review identifies 23 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy

There are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity, but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy. Turmeric, for instance, we have featured a number of times for this “smart kill” property of targeting just the heart of cancerous tumors. More recently, ginger has been found in pre-clinical research to contain a compound up to 10,000 times more effective than the chemotherapy drug Taxol at killing breast cancer stem cells. Even common food like blueberry have special cancer killing properties, as discussed in a previous article: Research: Radiotherapy Causes Cancer, Blueberry Kills It.

A powerful study published in the journal Anticancer Research titled, “Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells,” has made our job much easier of identifying this special category of cancer killers by reviewing the extant literature on the topic and listing the top 25 substances in this category. They are listed here below, along with some of their commonly recognizable dietary sources:

  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) – Green Tea
  • 6-Gingerol – Ginger
  • β-Carotene – Carrot, Leafy Greens
  • Baicalein – Chinese Skullcap
  • Curcumin – Turmeric
  • Delphinidin – Blueberry, raspberrry
  • Flavonoids (Genistein) – Soy, red clover, coffee
  • Guggulsterone – Commiphora (myrrh tree)
  • Isothiocyanates – Cruciferous vegetables
  • Linalool – Mint
  • Lycopene – Grapefruit, tomato
  • Parthenolide – Feverfew
  • Perylill alcohol – Mint, cherry, lavender
  • Piperine – Black pepper
  • Platycodon saponin – Platycodon grandiflorum
  • Psoralidin – Psoralea corylilyfolia
  • Quercetin – Capers, onion
  • Resveratrol – Grapes, plums, berries
  • Salinomycin – Streptomyces albus
  • Silibinin – Milk Thistle
  • Ursolic acid – Thyme, basil, oregano
  • Vitamin D3 – Fish, egg yolk, beef, cod liver oil
  • Withaferin A – Withania somnifera (ashwaganda)

More Reasons Why Splenda Isn’t so Splendid

Splenda (sucralose) may dampen your immune system at high doses, according to a research team from the Francis Crick Institute in London

Sucralose consumption lowered the activation of T cells, which play an important role in immune function, in response to either a bacterial infection or cancer in mice

When the mice no longer consumed sucralose, their T cells began to work normally again

The study also casts more doubt on claims that sucralose is inert, with researchers concluding, “our study adds to the evidence that sucralose is not an inert molecule and may affect human health”

Past research has found sucralose disrupts your gut microbiome, harms heart health and contributes to metabolic dysfunction


Elon Musk Sounds Alarm About US Dollar: ‘Serious Issue’

Telsa and Twitter owner Elon Musk this week sounded the alarm about the primacy of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency following a deal between the Chinese regime and Brazil to trade in their own currencies.

“The US dollar is losing its reserve currency status,” Genevieve Roch-Decter, a former small-cap money manager, wrote on Twitter this week, adding that the dollar has been “the backbone of the global economy for decades. Several countries even use the US Dollar as an official currency, like El Salvador, Panama, and Ecuador.”

Musk indicated that he shares her concerns, writing: “Serious issue. US policy has been too heavy-handed, making countries want to ditch the dollar.”

“Combined with excess government spending, which forces other countries to absorb a significant part of our inflation,” he also wrote.

In a statement this week from Brazil’s new left-wing government, China and Brazil came to a deal to trade in their own currencies and will not use the U.S. dollar as an intermediary. The two countries will now exchange the Chinese yuan with Brazilian reais rather than converting to the dollar beforehand.

Brazil’s Investment Promotion Agency, or ApexBrasil, told news outlets that the new arrangement is expected to “reduce costs” and “promote even greater bilateral trade and facilitate investment.”

Treasury Warns Social Security Fund Will Run Out of Money by 2033

A new government report shows that the Social Security system’s main trust fund will be depleted by 2033, one year sooner than a prior estimate, adding to concerns about the fund’s solvency.

The Treasury Department has released a report following a meeting of the Social Security Board of Trustees, in which it warns that the federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund will become “inadequate” within the next 10 years.

The OASI trust fund is primarily used to pay retirement, spousal, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals and their families.

A report detailing the Trustees’ findings (pdf) shows that the worsened financial situation of Social Security is mostly because of a deteriorating economic picture, in part due to inflation. Projections for economic output and labor productivity have been downgraded by around 3 percent compared to last year’s estimates, bringing forward the date by which the fund will run out of money.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a March 31 letter (pdf) that the OASI trust fund’s “reserves will fall below 20 percent of annual cost by the beginning of calendar year 2033 and will become depleted in 2033 in the absence of legislation to address this imbalance between scheduled benefits and revenue.”

The Rise of BRICS: The economic giant that is taking on the West

The G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, June 26-28, and the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, two days later, were practically useless in terms of providing actual solutions to ongoing global crises – the war in Ukraine, the looming famines, climate change and more. But the two events were important, nonetheless, as they provide a stark example of the impotence of the West, amid the rapidly changing global dynamics.

As was the case since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, the West attempted to display unity, though it has become repeatedly obvious that no such unity exists. While France, Germany and Italy are paying a heavy price for the energy crisis resulting from the war, Britain’s Boris Johnson is adding fuel to the fire in the hope of making his country relevant on the global stage following the humiliation of Brexit. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is exploiting the war to restore Washington’s credibility and leadership over NATO – especially following the disastrous term of Donald Trump, which nearly broke up the historic alliance.

Even the fact that several African countries are becoming vulnerable to famines  – as a result of the disruption of food supplies originating from the Black Sea and the subsequent rising prices – did not seem to perturb the leaders of some of the richest countries in the world. They still insist on not interfering in the global food market, though the skyrocketing prices have already pushed tens of millions of people below the poverty line.

Though the West had little reserve of credibility to begin with, Western leaders’ current obsession with maintaining thousands of sanctions on Russia, further NATO expansion, dumping yet more ‘lethal weapons’ in Ukraine and sustaining their global hegemony at any cost, have all pushed their credibility standing to a new low.

From the start of the Ukraine war, the West championed the same ‘moral’ dilemma as that raised by George W. Bush at the start of his so-called ‘war on terror’. “You are either with us or with the terrorist,” he declared in September 2001. But the ongoing Russia-NATO conflict cannot be reduced to simple and self-serving cliches. One can, indeed, want an end to the war, and still oppose US-western unilateralism. The reason that American diktats worked in the past, however, is that, unlike the current geopolitical atmosphere, a few dared oppose Washington’s policies.

McDonald’s Temporarily Closes U.S. Offices as It Prepares for Layoffs

The fast-food megacorporation McDonald’s has temporarily closed its U.S. offices in preparation for a wave of layoffs as part of the company’s restructuring plan.

Last week, the company sent an internal email to U.S. employees as well as some international staff asking that they work from home Monday through Wednesday as it performs layoffs virtually. The company has given no indication as to how many employees will be given a pink slip.


If We Go Ahead on This Everyone Will Die’ Warns AI Expert Calling for Absolute Shutdown

Human beings are not ready for a powerful AI under present conditions or even in the “foreseeable future,” stated a foremost expert in the field, adding that the recent open letter calling for a six-month moratorium on developing advanced artificial intelligence is “understating the seriousness of the situation.”

“The key issue is not ‘human-competitive’ intelligence (as the open letter puts it); it’s what happens after AI gets to smarter-than-human intelligence,” said Eliezer Yudkowsky, a decision theorist and leading AI researcher in a March 29 Time magazine op-ed. “Many researchers steeped in these issues, including myself, expect that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die.

“Not as in ‘maybe possibly some remote chance,’ but as in ‘that is the obvious thing that would happen.’ It’s not that you can’t, in principle, survive creating something much smarter than you; it’s that it would require precision and preparation and new scientific insights, and probably not having AI systems composed of giant inscrutable arrays of fractional numbers.”

After the recent popularity and explosive growth of ChatGPT, several business leaders and researchers, now totaling 1,843 including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, signed a letter calling on “all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.” GPT-4, released in March, is the latest version of OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT.

Your First Lab-Grown Burger Won’t Contain Much Beef

It’s essentially a problem of scale. Proteins like soy and pea are produced on a mass scale for very low prices, but the cultivated meat industry is still reliant on supply chains that exist for the pharmaceutical industry, where margins are much higher. In Oxford in the UK, scientists at cultivated meat firm Ivy Farm Technologies are making a hybrid pork meatball made up of 51 percent pig cells, 7 percent pea protein, and then onion, herbs, and seasoning. The single cultivated meatball I tried at Ivy Farm’s pilot plant cost around $20 to produce, and 95 percent of that cost was driven by the animal cells, according to Ivy’s CEO, Rich Dillon.

This is why blending is likely to be the main approach used by cultivated meat companies to get products out, says Steve Molino, an investor at Clear Current Capital, a venture capital firm that specializes in cultivated and plant-based meat. A blended burger would be much, much closer to the price of a conventional burger than would a fully cultivated burger. It’ll also help deal with another problem likely to face cultivated meat early on: The total amount of meat produced is likely to be tiny.

There are no large-scale cultivated meat plants in the US. Upside Foods has the largest pilot plant, which can produce 50,000 pounds of cultivated meat each year. In 2021, by way of comparison, 51 billion pounds of chicken was produced in the US alone. Even for cultivated meat to make up a fraction of 1 percent of chicken meat supply in the US would take a quantum leap in terms of production. “The amount that is going to be supplied is so, so small that even enthusiasts are going to be waiting—and we’re going to be able to eat up all that supply very, very quickly,” says Molino. Mixing animal cells with plant-based protein will help this limited supply go a lot further, and allow companies to claw back more of the cost of building cultivated meat factories. 


Researcher: Twitter’s Algorithm Reveals Government Intervention Tool

A developer has discovered a U.S. government intervention option and other insights in Twitter’s recently open sourceed recommendation algorithm.

The Post Millenial reports that on Friday, Twitter released a portion of its recommendation algorithm on GitHub, a website where programmers can share and work together on open-source code. Concerns about possible government influence on the platform were raised when developer Steven Tey examined the code and found a mechanism that permits the U.S. government to alter the Twitter algorithm.

ICE Is Grabbing Data From Schools and Abortion Clinics

An agency database WIRED obtained reveals widespread use of so-called 1509 summonses that experts say raises the specter of potential abuse.

US IMMIGRATION AND Customs Enforcement agents are using an obscure legal tool to demand data from elementary schools, news organizations, and abortion clinics in ways that, some experts say, may be illegal. 

While these administrative subpoenas, known as 1509 custom summonses, are meant to be used only in criminal investigations about illegal imports or unpaid customs duties, WIRED found that the agency has deployed them to seek records that seemingly have little or nothing to do with customs violations, according to legal experts and several recipients of the 1509 summonses. 

A WIRED analysis of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) subpoena tracking database, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, found that agents issued custom summons more than 170,000 times from the beginning of 2016 through mid-August 2022. The primary recipients of 1509s include telecommunications companies, major tech firms, money transfer services, airlines, and even utility companies. But it’s the edge cases that have drawn the most concern among legal experts, 

The outlier cases include custom summonses that sought records from a youth soccer league in Texas; surveillance video from a major abortion provider in Illinois; student records from an elementary school in Georgia; health records from a major state university’s student health services; data from three boards of elections or election departments; and data from a Lutheran organization that provides refugees with humanitarian and housing support.

In at least two instances, agents at ICE used the custom summons to pressure news organizations to reveal information about their sources. 


Hot Composting: Step-by-Step Guide

Hot composting is the process wherein microorganisms and bacteria biodegrade kitchen scraps and yard waste to create a concentrated material that can be used as a soil enricher. Hot composting is a little more complicated than cold composting, as it requires more attention and maintenance, but the upshot is you get compost more quickly— as fast as a month or so.

When hot composting, specific temperatures and moisture levels need to be maintained, as does a careful balance between nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen. This is different from cold composting, which doesn’t need more than very basic monitoring, if any. Using special redworms to break food down into compost is called vermicomposting, and bokashi composting requires special equipment and careful monitoring.

While it can take a little time to learn how the process works and tinker with the levels, it’s worth remembering that this is a natural process, so you can’t really “break” it or do it wrong. If you do mess up levels of moisture or it gets too dry or too hot, your compost will still break down, it will just happen more slowly, more akin to cold compost. You can almost always restart the process as there are always bacteria and microorganisms in the environment to take the place of those that might have gotten accidentally killed.


Strategies to Optimize Mitochondrial Health in Long COVID

Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of most all chronic diseases, and it also plays a crucial role in conditions such as long COVID, which is becoming quite common. It’s also a root factor that must be addressed in COVID jab injuries, regardless of symptoms or severity

One of the most foundational lifestyle components that can make or break your mitochondrial health is electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. To allow your body to heal, you’ll want to minimize EMF exposure as much as possible

The cristae of the inner membrane of the mitochondria contains a fat called cardiolipin, the function of which is dependent on the type of fat you get from your diet. Cardiolipin is important because, if cardiolipin is damaged, mitochondrial energy production will be impaired. The most damaging fat is omega-6 linoleic acid, found in seed oils

Another major culprit that destroys mitochondrial function is excess iron, and almost everyone has too much iron. Copper is also important for energy metabolism, detoxification and mitochondrial function, and copper deficiency is common. Copper is also required for proper iron recycling, and low ferritin is typically a sign of copper insufficiency

Other strategies reviewed include sun exposure and near-infrared light therapy, time-restricted eating, NAD+ optimizers and methylene blue, which can be a valuable rescue remedy

—> To limit EMF exposure in your home check out STETZERIZER® MICROSURGE METER & STETZERIZER® FILTERs

Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths in 2022 Alone

Viewpoints by John Leake & Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD

Every day Dr. McCullough and I speak to people who have been injured—or have a family member who has been killed—by one of the COVID-19 vaccines. Almost every day, McCullough examines one or more patients with vaccine injuries in his clinical practice. Because he has become a “go-to” doctor for people who are suffering from these syndromes, his view of the problem is not statistical, but at the individual human level.

The United States has a census-counted population of 332 million [estimate by U.S. Census Bureau, July 1, 2021]. Thus, if even a small percentage of these people are injured or killed by COVID-19 vaccines, it’s still a frightful number.

Consider that 58,220 men were killed in ten years of fighting in Vietnam. This was just a tiny percentage of the 100 million American men counted in the 1968 census, but it was still a huge number of men to die in their early twenties.

Boston COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for City Workers Okay, Court Rules

Boston’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for city workers was legal, the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled on March 30.

The city’s claim that COVID-19 could not adequately be combated without vaccination outweighed the risk of irreparable harm to workers who were facing termination, Justice Elspeth Cypher wrote in the ruling.

“The potential harm to the city and the public resulting from the spread of COVID-19 clearly outweighed the economic harm to the employees,” Cypher said.

The city’s 2021 mandate initially required proof of vaccination or weekly testing, but weekly testing was cut out after the emergence of the Omicron variant. That prompted a challenge from unions, which said the city had not properly negotiated the update.

Autopsy Studies of COVID-19 Illness Rule Out Extensive Myocarditis

Systematic review of 50 studies with 548 hearts does not find heart inflammation as significant contributor to death


Wyoming Democrat Minority Whip Posts Meme of Grandma Shooting AK-47 to Protect Transgender People

Wyoming House Minority Whip Karlee Provenza (D) posted a meme of a grandma using an AK-47 to protect transgender people on Saturday, less than a week after a 28-year-old transgender person went into a Christian school and shot six people dead.

The meme shows a grandma holding an AK-47 and the text says, “Auntie Fa Says, Protect Trans Folks Against Fascists and Bigots”


VIDEO: Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals

IRS Says Major Changes Are Coming to Electric Vehicle Tax Credits Next Month

Vanessa Williams Rants at GLAAD Awards: ‘Drag Queens Are Not Murdering People’

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