July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 03, 2024


Massive 7.4-magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan!

Taiwan was shaken by its strongest earthquake in 25 years today, causing buildings to collapse and landslides to crush highways and tunnels, resulting in at least four deaths and triggering tsunami warnings across the region. Around 700 were reported injured, according to early reports.

The 7.4-magnitude quake struck at 7:58 a.m. local time, about 11 miles southwest of the east coast city of Hualien, at a depth of around 21 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by a 6.5-magnitude aftershock just 13 minutes later.

The quake caused damage to 97 buildings, four of which partially collapsed, and killed at least four people, according to the National Fire Agency. The agency reported that all of the deaths and most of the severe damage to buildings occurred in Hualien County, near the epicenter on the island’s less populated east coast.

The number of injuries reported has grown, with at least one of the casualties being identified as a hiker.

Despite the seismic activity, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center stated that there was no tsunami threat to Hawaii or the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam. It later stated that any threat to the United States has “largely passed.”

Taiwan’s Central Emergency Command Center reported that over 91,000 households were still without power after the tsunami warnings.

Taiwan is prone to earthquakes due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is home to the world’s most active volcanoes and the site of most earthquakes. The tremors are caused by tectonic plates pushing against each other, resulting in sudden releases of energy.

The earthquake on Wednesday occurred as the result of reverse faulting near the boundary between the Eurasia and Philippine Sea plates, the USGS reported.

Australian Senate approves digital ID; America is next! 

Digital IDs were just approved in the Australian Senate and will be coming soon to the U.S. as part of the World Economic Forum-backed global technocratic gulag complete with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and social credit scores for all, warned journalist Alex Newman in an interview with Alison Steinberg on One America News.

The bill, which passed through the Australian Senate on March 27, is “putting in place the legislative framework for the phased expansion of the Australian Government’s Digital ID system to include state and territory government services and the private sector,” said Katy Gallagher, Australian Minister for Finance.

The Australian government published hypothetical example cases for what life would be like with—and without—a digital ID:

Amir and his family lost their house during a recent flood, and he needs to prove who he is to access government support.

Without a Digital ID: Amir will find it more difficult to prove his identity, given his ID documents were lost in the flood. 

With a Digital ID: Amir had already set up a Digital ID before he lost his ID documents in the flood. With his mobile and an internet connection, he can log on online and verify his ID within 5 minutes to access the cash claim.

What the Australian government and all totalitarian evildoers neglect to mention is the complete loss of privacy and individual sovereignty that digitization brings.

Among other concerns, digital IDs are a key part of the architecture of tyranny. They have been pushed for many years by Bill Gates, the Rockefeller dynasty, and other known subversives pushing the overthrow of human liberty and prosperity.

24 Women quit Aussie soccer league after trans athletes injure players, dominate league

Two dozen young women have quit an Australian soccer league after officials allowed one team to add five transgender athletes, some of whom went on to injure girls on other teams.

Parents rose up in anger last month after the Flying Bats Football Club added the five male-born players to their girl’s soccer team and then went on a tear winning every single game for the pre-season Beryl Ackroyd Cup tournament in the Sydney, Australia-based league.

“Flying Bats FC won every game they played over the course of the four-week competition, winning the grand final 4-0 at Macquarie Park on Sunday to take home the $1000 jackpot,” it was reported.

“Club officials have also contacted Football NSW to express their concerns, with some insisting that the Flying Bats should play in the mixed competition, which includes men,” the report continued.

The Flying Bats claim to be a gay-focused team. But, some of the males playing as females have gone on to injure their female opponents on the field, according to Reduxx.

The mounting alarm over the dangerously overpowering ringers placed on the Flying Bats is leading to a large-scale walk out, as well.

One of the five men on the women’s football team is transgender activist Riley Dennis, who has been accused of injuring women on other teams.

Frank Parisi of the St. Patrick’s Football Club recently revealed that one female player was suspended from the league for daring to criticize the transgender players and for voicing concern over the physical danger they represent to women on other teams.

In an audio recording to a recent meeting of team leaders, Parisi described that physical danger.

“A couple of years ago, one of the Flying Bats players broke one of our players’ legs in a game. It was a clumsy tackle from behind. Our player had her leg broken in two places and she’s no longer playing football. It was a direct result of a real bad, tall player… he didn’t get a red card. Accidents happen, but this could have been avoided,” Parisi said.

“One of our players rushed over to try to help her, she was screaming in so much pain. At that time, she made a derogatory remark to the Bats player, which we apologized for. [She was] suspended. The Bats player, nothing happened to [him],” Parisi said, adding that the girl was suspended for eight games.

Parisi also insisted that 24 women had quit the league rather than play against the Flying Bats male ringers.

“They’ve all said to me, ‘Frank, we do not want to play against the Bats players.’ I’m going to say it straight, there’s men playing in a women’s competition. And that’s wrong,” he said.

The league, though, has rules against “discrimination” against men playing as women.

Football Australia’s Anti-Discrimination Policy states that “excluding people on the basis of their sex and / or gender identity status from participation in a competitive sporting activity” is prohibited.

Russia confirms it is considering delisting taliban as terrorists!

The top Kremlin spokesman told reporters on Tuesday that Russia is considering removing the Afghan Taliban from its official terrorist organization list, paving the way to recognize the jihadists as the official government of Afghanistan and establish diplomatic ties.

Strongman Vladimir Putin’s presidential mouthpiece Dmitry Peskov asserted that Taliban terrorists “are actually the ones who are in power in Afghanistan” and Moscow is taking “under consideration” delisting them as terrorists to better address that reality.

“The fact is that this is our neighboring country. In one form or another, we maintain communication with them. We have to resolve pressing issues, which also requires dialogue,” Peskov said, according to the Russian news agency Tass.

Peskov described the Russian government as being “in contact with them [the Taliban] just like everyone else.”

Asked more directly about delisting the Taliban as a terrorist organization, Peskov said to the journalist asking, “You have said yourself that the option is under consideration. Let’s wait until this process ends; then we can talk about the position [of the Kremlin].”

Peskov confirmed the move less than two weeks after the Islamic State jihadist terrorist organization took responsibility for one of the deadliest slaughters of civilians in modern Russian history: the siege of the Crocus City concert hall and mall on March 22, which killed more than 120 people. Gunmen opened fire on the concert hall shortly before the Russian rock band Piknik was set to take the stage, then reportedly targeted civilians hiding in bathrooms and hallways, shooting as many people dead as possible. One of the terrorists used some form of explosive device to set the venue on fire, triggering a large number of deaths from smoke-related asphyxiation and burns.

The Taliban appeared to recognize its friendly ties to Russia in its response to the Crocus City massacre. The “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,” as the Taliban refers to itself, “condemns in the strongest terms the recent terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia, claimed by Daesh [ISIS] & considers it a blatant violation of all human standards,” spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi said.


Hush money Judge issues warning to Trump about losing jury access 

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan warned former President Donald Trump that he might lose access to juror names in his upcoming trial if he continues to speak about the case in a way that the judge deems a “risk” to court proceedings.

“Defendant is hereby put on notice that he will forfeit any statutory right he may have to access jury names if he engages in any conduct that threatens the safety and integrity of the jury or the jury selection process,” the judge warned in his April 1 order expanding an existing gag order.

The judge found that the risk of trial participants, such as jurors, fearing to participate is no longer hypothetical, and this “will undoubtedly interfere” with trial proceedings.

“That reality cannot be overstated,” he decided.

Normally, the speech of a defendant is highly protected, “especially when the accused is a public figure,” he added, but the “conventional ‘David vs. Goliath’ roles are no longer in play as demonstrated by the singular power Defendant’s words have on countless others.”

The prosecution had argued that President Trump’s conduct was “deliberate” and intended to intimidate the judge. The defense argued that President Trump’s political speech was necessary in this political environment and only highlighted reasons why the judge should recuse himself.

It gets better! 

Trump attorneys seek hush money trial judge recusal after judge does media interview!
With just two weeks to trial, attorneys for former President Donald Trump are renewing their efforts to request a judge’s recusal after clashing over a gag order.

On April 1, the defense filed a pre-motion letter seeking leave from the court to file a motion for recusal, citing “changed circumstances and newly discovered evidence.”

With the trial date fast approaching, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan had required parties to submit pre-motion letters to obtain permission before filing any motions. Justice Merchan has already declined to recuse himself from the case.

The trial was originally set for March 25, and on March 17, the Associated Press published an interview with the judge that had taken place “last week” from the time of publication.

The defense asserts this would have taken place on March 10, while the judge had a pre-motion letter before him requesting an adjournment of the upcoming trial based on the amount of publicity the case was getting. Defense attorneys argued the judge did not address his own interview in responding to the request and, in fact, did not give the defense leave to file that motion until March 25.

“According to reports of the interview, Your Honor indicated that the Court ‘wouldn’t talk about the case,’ but did so anyway,” the defense argued.

Justice Merchan had told a reporter that getting ready for the Trump case was “intense” and that he was striving “to make sure that I’ve done everything I could to be prepared and to make sure that we dispense justice.”

“There’s no agenda here,” he told the Associated Press. “We want to follow the law. We want justice to be done.”

The defense argued that sentiment “should go without saying,” but the interview was at odds with rules for judicial conduct in New York that state judges should not comment on any pending court proceedings.

But Wait! There’s more! (Sorry, no Ginsu steak knives …)

Judge Merchan’s wife used to work for New York AG Letitia James! 

Laura Loomer, an independent journalist and popular conservative commentator who on social media shared records that Judge Merchan’s wife worked for Ms. James, wrote in a post on X that this fact represents “another major conflict of interest!”

Various conservative accounts reacted to Ms. Loomer’s post, arguing that the revelation adds to evidence that the judge should recuse himself from the case.

“And this is why they expanded the gag order on Trump,” Paul A. Szypula, a popular conservative commentator on X with over 140,000 followers, said in a post. “It’s even more obvious how biased Judge Merchan is. He has to recuse himself now. There’s clearly at least an appearance of a conflict here. That’s enough in itself.”

RFK, JR. says he’ll pardon Ed Snowden if elected President

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., claims he would pardon whistleblower Edward Snowden on his first day as president if elected and “investigate the corruption and crimes he exposed.”

Mr. Snowden is a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who leaked information about the agency’s widespread domestic surveillance operations during the Obama administration. He fled from the United States in 2013 amid possible espionage charges that could have seen him imprisoned for 30 years or more.

According to an April 1 video statement from Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Snowden performed a “critical public service by revealing to Americans for the first time that our government had been spying on millions of us … of law-abiding American citizens in violation of numerous laws and of our fundamental right to privacy.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dismissed from lawsuit over illegal immigrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard

A federal judge on Monday dismissed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from a lawsuit filed by illegal immigrants who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on chartered flights in 2022.

In a 77-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs said that there were “insufficient facts” presented in the lawsuit to exercise jurisdiction over Mr. DeSantis and other staff members.

“On the present record, the court cannot ascertain what actions were undertaken by whom and therefore cannot determine which, if any, of the individual defendants transacted business or caused injury here, leaving it no choice but to find that, at least on this record, personal jurisdiction has not been established,” the judge stated.

However, Judge Burroughs stated that the illegal immigrants could still proceed with their suit against Vertol, the Florida-based company that was paid $1.5 million to transport illegal immigrants to the island.

The court found that the facts of the case “taken together, support an inference that Vertol and the other Defendants specifically targeted Plaintiffs because they were Latinx immigrants.”

Judge Burroughs also said that Vertol and the other defendants “were not legitimately enforcing any immigration laws” when transporting the illegal immigrants.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a class of affected illegal immigrants, including those stranded in Martha’s Vineyard, and Alianza Americas, a network of organizations supporting illegal immigrants across the United States, according to a statement.

The illegal immigrants, many of whom were Venezuelans, were allegedly told if they were willing to board planes to other states, they would receive social services.

Wisconsin voters deliver blow to “Zuckerbucks” in their State’s elections!

Voters in Wisconsin’s April 2 primary have made up their minds on two election measures introduced and championed by Republicans in the state and former President Donald J. Trump.

Wisconsinites chose yes on a measure restricting private money from entering elections—a concern of many GOP voters and elected officials after the 2020 presidential election, which saw significant donations from tech billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in and beyond the state. Conservatives often refer to the liberal donor’s contributions as “Zuckerbucks.”

Specifically, the proposal would alter the constitution “to provide that private donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum.”

Voters chose yes on a related measure limiting selection of election staff on primaries, referenda, and elections to “only election officials designated by law.”

An analysis from the Foundation for Government Accountability, a conservative think tank, found that more than $10 million of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s funding went to Wisconsin, a key swing state. The overwhelming majority of that ended up in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha—the state’s five largest cities.

Nebraska’s Governor backs conservative-led effort to award all of state’s electoral votes to the statewide presidential winner!

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) has backed a conservative-led effort to award all of the

state’s electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins statewide.

Though Nebraska has been a Republican stronghold for years, the state’s system, as well as Maine’s, for awarding electoral votes has been at odds with the rest of the country by instead awarding those votes based on the congressional district as opposed to the winner-takes-all statewide popular vote. 

Theoretically, a presidential candidate could win the state but still lose one electoral vote if their opponent won in a congressional district like Omaha. For example, Barack Obama won a single electoral vote in 2008 and Joe Biden won the same in 2020. 

In a statement yesterday, Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen spoke in favor of legislation that would change how his state awards electoral votes, which was introduced by State Senator Loren Lippincott.

With Pillen’s support, the legislation has a strong chance of passing in both the State House and State Senate, going into effect before the November 2024 presidential election.

Cong. Lauren Boebert undergoes emergency surgery for blood clot … 

United States House Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) underwent successful emergency surgery on April 2, 2024, to treat a blood clot in her leg. According to a statement released by her campaign, Boebert began suffering severe swelling in her upper leg on April 1, prompting her visit to UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, Colorado. At the facility, she was diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome.

May-Thurner syndrome is a condition that affects blood flow. It occurs when the right iliac artery, which sends blood to your right leg, presses on the left iliac vein, which carries blood from your left leg to your heart. Some people have no symptoms of May-Thurner syndrome. Others develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots in the legs.

According to the statement from Boebert’s campaign, the attending physicians treated her condition by removing the clot and inserting a stent into the affected vein to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Boebert is predicted to soon resume normal activity.


Tesla quarterly deliveries fall for the first time in four years 

Tesla posted a fall in quarterly deliveries for the first time in nearly four years and missed Wall Street estimates, a performance some described as “ugly” as price cuts failed to stir up demand in a highly competitive market.

The Elon Musk-led company’s shares fell 5.3% in early trading and were on track to lose about $30 billion in market value.

Despite the fall, which adds to a nearly 30% slide in value so far this year, Tesla’s market capitalization was still well above the combined valuation of Toyota Motor, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. 

Tesla handed over about 386,810 vehicles in the three months to March 31, down 20.2% from the prior quarter. It produced 433,371 vehicles during the period.

Wall Street on average had expected Tesla to deliver 454,200 vehicles, according to 18 analysts polled by Visible Alpha.

“The discrepancy between deliveries and production implies 46k in incremental inventory, which confirms that beyond the known production bottleneck, there may also be a serious demand issue,” Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner wrote in a note.

March marks the 56th consecutive month of more than 1-million gun sale background checks! 

March 2024 ended with more than 1.4 million National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for gun sales, stretching the current streak of more than one million background checks to 56 months.

The FBI reported a total of 2,626,068 checks during March 2024, slightly over one million of which were checks on concealed carry permit applicants, permit holders, etc.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) adjusted the reported data to reflect only background checks for gun sales and noted a final figure of 1,442,061 checks.

The NSSF noted in a release obtained by Breitbart News, “March 2024 marks the 56th month in a row that has exceeded 1 million adjusted background checks in a single month.”

It should be noted that the figure of 1,442,061 NICS checks for guns sales does not mean 1,442,061 guns were sold. Background checks are not conducted on firearms but on those who wish to purchase firearms, and someone who passes a NICS check can buy more than one gun at once. Moreover, nearly half the states in the Union allow people with concealed carry permits to purchase guns in their respective states without going through a NICS check (because the concealed carry permit requires a regular NICS check for renewal).

The sales/transfers conducted via concealed carry permits would be in addition to those conducted via the one million plus NICS checks for gun sales.


Turf troubles: Study finds alarming rate of PFAS contamination in young athletes

Exercise is extremely important for every stage of life, and organized sports teams are a great way to build camaraderie and team spirit while getting the critical physical activity that everyone needs.  Youth sports, in particular, are huge community events as well, and while many kids have the opportunity to play their sports on beautiful grass fields, particularly in cities, the turf these children play on is artificial.

A new study has discovered that the plastic and fiberglass turf used in youth athletic fields releases PFAs onto players’ skin.  PFAS, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are recognized as endocrine disruptors.  Studies have linked PFAS to various health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, and other health complications, especially when exposure starts during childhood.

The Health Benefits of Eggs

You can now enjoy those eggs leftover from Easter weekend. A new study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session suggests that eggs aren’t the villain in heart disease, and they may improve cardiovascular fitness.

In fact, people who ate 12 or more fortified eggs, enriched with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and selenium each week for four months had no significant differences in their cholesterol levels than participants who ate fewer than two eggs a week. This was true even though the participants were all at high risk of heart disease, says Study Finds.

Eggs are full of important nutrients. A single egg has about six grams of protein with all nine essential amino acids. Eggs also contain vitamins A and D, iron, choline, and other nutrients. The yolks are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that benefit eye health.

The great egg debate has been going on for decades, starting back in the 1970s, when the American Heart Association (AHA) first recommended limiting egg consumption to reduce the risk of heart disease. The concern was that there are 186 milligrams of cholesterol in egg yolks which is more than half the recommended daily limit at that time. While eggs are high in cholesterol, it may not have an impact on heart disease, according to new research.

Studies from Harvard Medical School that have followed hundreds of thousands of people over decades did not find higher rates of heart attacks, strokes, or other cardiovascular disease in people who ate one egg daily. In fact, one Harvard Study published in 2018 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who were free from heart disease and diabetes who routinely ate eggs had a lower risk of death from stroke and heart disease compared with those who did not eat eggs.

In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans lifted its recommended limit on cholesterol intake adding that they still advised eating as little dietary cholesterol as possible.

Now the new study, called the PROSPERITY trial, funded by Eggland’s Best, affirms that eggs are fine foods for heart health.

“This is a small study, but it gives reassurance that eating fortified eggs is OK with regards to lipid levels over four months, even among a high-risk population,” said lead author Dr. Nina Nouhravesh, a research fellow at the Duke Clinical Research Institute. Interestingly, the group that ate the fortified eggs showed improvement in other markers of heart health, such as total cholesterol, LDL particles, and insulin resistance scores.

But there is a link between saturated fat and heart disease, says USA Today, so cooking eggs alongside bacon and sausage and slathering on the butter or cheese may indeed increase your heart health risk. Instead, serve them boiled, poached, fried, or scrambled in a little oil alongside heart-healthy vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. As always, check with your doctor if eating eggs is right for your cardiovascular health.


Statewide emergency declared in Indiana ahead of the solar eclipse! 

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb issued a statewide emergency due to a large influx of visitors to his state to view the total solar eclipse on April 8.

The Republican official said that the number of visitors to Indiana may strain the state’s communications, transportation, and emergency response systems, warranting the need for the declaration. Indiana includes some of the best locations in the United States to see the eclipse, according to a map of the path of totality.

“The massive number of people viewing this event in our state may well stress and/or interfere with first responder and public safety communications and emergency response systems such that a technological or other emergency may occur,” Mr. Holcomb said in a statement last week, adding that the declaration was issued as a precaution to bring in emergency resources from other states.

His order noted that the eclipse “will pass directly over the state of Indiana, giving everyone in our state an incredible view of this extremely rare event.” The order stated that the last time a total solar eclipse passed over the state was in 1869. After the event on April 8, the next one is not expected to occur for about another 75 years.

“It is of primary importance to the state of Indiana to be prepared to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public during this event and to be prepared to swiftly and effectively respond to any emergency that may arise,” the order continued.

The state’s capital and largest city, Indianapolis, is located in the eclipse’s path of totality, local media reported.

Study Finds Gene Variant Involved in Left-Handedness

A trait shared by roughly 10% of people.

But why are some people left-handed while most are righties? That is an area of active research, and a new study sheds light on a genetic component of left-handedness in some people. Researchers identified rare variants of a gene involved in controlling the shape of cells and found them to be 2.7 times more common in left-handed people.

While these genetic variants account for only a tiny fraction – perhaps 0.1% – of left-handedness, the researchers said the study shows that this gene, called TUBB4B, may play a role in the development of the brain asymmetry that underlies the determination of a dominant hand.


Major US egg producer detects bird flu, must kill nearly 2-million chickens!

Cal-Maine Foods said April 2 that it was depopulating 1.6 million laying hens and 33,7000 pullets, which totals about 3.6 percent of its flocks, after some of the birds at a facility in Parmer County, Texas tested positive for H1N5, a strain of the highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Under federal rules aimed at stemming the spread of disease, infected flocks must be killed.

A producer in Michigan also said some of its birds tested positive for the illness. The birds were being housed at a commercial facility in Ionia County, the first time birds in the county have tested positive at a commercial facility in the county, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said.

The number of impacted birds is the largest since Dec. 7, 2023, when an Ohio farm was forced to kill 2.6 million egg layers, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The other non-backyard cull this month involved just 31,200 birds in South Dakota.

Cal-Maine Foods had to kill about 1.6 percent of its flock in 2023 after the avian influenza was detected at a Kansas facility, and numerous other companies across the country culled millions of chickens in 2022 and 2023.

Cal-Maine Foods is halting production at the facility in order to comply with protocols from the department. The firm said it is working to secure eggs and meat from other facilities “to minimize disruption to its customers.”


Federal judge rules millions of NRA members are exempt from ATF’s pistol brace rule! 

A federal judge has blocked the ATF from enforcing its pistol brace rule for millions of members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) as the appeals process plays out.

It came after the NRA filed a lawsuit against the ATF, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, arguing that the agency’s rule to reclassify the brace-equipped pistols as short-barreled rifles is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Sam Lindsay sided with the gun rights group, arguing that the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals already concluded that the ATF pistol-brace rule “fails the logical outgrowth test and violates” the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and is “unlawful” under the act.

The judge agreed with the NRA’s arguments that its members would be substantially harmed by the ATF rule, which was finalized in January 2023.

“Compliance with the Final Rule is not discretionary, and the NRA’s members face severe penalties for their failure to comply with the Final Rule,” Judge Lindsay wrote in the ruling last week. “Accordingly, both of the final requirements for injunctive relief are satisfied because the threatened injury to the NRA’s members outweighs the threatened harm to the Defendants, and enforcement of the Final Rule under the circumstances will not disserve the public interest.”

Alleged intruder dies after being shot multiple times by homeowner! 

An alleged home intruder in San Antonio, Texas, died shortly after being shot

multiple times by a homeowner. The alleged intruder was 59 years old, and the homeowner is 27, the San Antonio Express-News reported.
Officers who responded to the call about a shooting found the 59-year-old with numerous gunshot wounds and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

KSAT noted that the 59-year-old is alleged to have “forced his way into the home and assaulted the victim.” The homeowner indicated he feared for his life and shot the alleged intruder. Officers believe the homeowner acted in self-defense.


When the news promotes COVID-19 related jabs, be wary!  Shame on the media for not calling it out! 

Getting a COVID-19 booster shot and its timing may affect the frequency and type of symptoms in breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections.

A recently published study in Vaccines found that boosted individuals were significantly more likely to get nasal congestion and/or a sore throat but considerably less likely to experience body and muscle aches, compared with those who were vaccinated but had not received a booster dose during the Omicron surge.

Additionally, the frequency of fever and cough symptoms was directly associated with increased time between vaccine doses. With each booster vaccination, the likelihood of having a fever and cough increased by 4.4 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively.

And do you know how many people will take this study as truth and get boosted?

Now ask yourself … Why did the Epoch Times choose to run this story?

COVID subcommittee chair asks top science journal editors to testify on relationship with federal government

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chair of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, issued letters to the editors of three major science journals on Tuesday, asking them to testify on the relationship between their publications and the federal government.

Wenstrup sent letters to the editors-in-chief of The Lancet, Science and Nature science journals requesting their testimony for a hearing on April 16. The hearing will be titled “Academic Malpractice: Examining the Relationship Between Scientific Journals, the Government, and Peer Review.”


Fan blowback on LSU women’s basketball coach’s explanation for missing natl anthem!

When trying to defend the indefensible, sometimes it’s better to say, I have no excuse. LSU

coach Kim Mulkey is probably telling herself that right now.

In the postgame press conference following her team’s 94-87 defeat at the hands of rival Iowa, Mulkey was asked why her team was not on the floor for the national anthem prior to their highly-anticipated Elite Eight tilt against the Hawkeyes.

Mulkey’s answer, while it seems truthful, did not improve the situation.

“Honestly, I don’t even know when the anthem was played. We kind of a routine where we’re on the floor and then they come off at the 12-minute mark. I don’t know … we come in, and we do our pregame stuff. I’m sorry … Listen, that’s nothing intentionally done.”

A Baton Rouge reporter said LSU is never on the court for the anthem.

While Kim Mulkey no doubt believes in her routine and holds it in a place of high importance, many X users were of the opinion that her “routine” should take a back seat to the importance of showing respect for the national anthem.

Iowa, on the other hand, did stand respectfully for the national anthem. They advance to the women’s Final Four. LSU’s season is over. And now they’ll have plenty of time to learn when the national anthem is played.


New study confirms that dogs really are man’s best friend! 

Dogs have been labeled “man’s best friend” for centuries, and a new study proves there’s science behind that adage.

By simply spending quality time with our four-legged pals—playing fetch, going for walks, or giving belly rubs—we can supercharge our brains while calming our minds.

People feel more relaxed and better able to concentrate after playing with dogs, a report published in PLOS One has found.

The study involved 30 South Korean adults—15 men and 15 women—with an average age of 27.9 years. The dog participant was a four-year-old female standard poodle with a compatible personality, fully trained in basic obedience, manners, aggression management, and 


Unlike typical studies that compare participants’ moods or hormone levels before and after interacting with an animal, this research took a different approach. It examined the psychophysiological and emotional responses during eight different activities between humans and dogs, to understand the impact of each activity.

These activities included meeting, playing, feeding, massaging, grooming, photographing, hugging, and walking the dog. Participants wore electrodes to measure their brain activity in the prefrontal, frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes while engaging with the dog.

The results showed that participants felt more relaxed and achieved a significantly better resting state after playing with or walking the dog. Furthermore, they were able to concentrate better and without stress after massaging, grooming, and playing with the dog.

Participants also reported feeling significantly less fatigued, depressed, and stressed after all eight dog-related activities.


Actor and author Joe Flaherty dead at 82 … 

Actor and comedian Joe Flaherty, known for his roles on Happy Gilmore and Freaks and

Geeks, passed away after suffering a brief illness at the age of 82.

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