July 16, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 08, 2021

World News

CDC has new warning for travelers: Avoid Canada for now, even if you are vaccinated

Bellingham Herald – Americans are being warned to avoid traveling to Canada because of COVID-19 variants that are circulating around that country.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending Americans not travel to Canada at this time, noting that even fully vaccinated travelers are at risk of getting and spreading the virus variants.

The U.S.-Canada border remains closed to nonessential travel. At the five Whatcom County border crossings, essential travel includes commercial travel and work-related commuting. The current restrictions are in place through Wednesday, April 21, although that deadline is expected to be extended.

Canada’s Ontario imposes a four-week lockdown as Covid-19 cases surge

France24 -Ontario on Thursday will begin a four-week stay-at-home order and close in-store shopping for non-essential retailers, Premier Doug Ford said on Wednesday, as the Canadian province battles a surge of COVID-19 cases.

The order requires people in Canada‘s most populous province to stay in their residences except for essential reasons, including exercise, vaccination appointments or grocery trips.

Last week, Ontario shuttered all indoor and outdoor dining, a move that fell short of what the government’s expert advisory panel said was necessary to avoid catastrophically high COVID-19 case numbers.

As of Thursday, all retailers except grocery stores, pharmacies and sellers of gardening supplies will close for four weeks, although curbside pickup will be allowed. Big box stores can remain open, but with capacity limits and only certain products including groceries, pharmacy and gardening materials available for in-store purchase.

Industry groups had criticized Ford for allowing big box stores to remain open during past lockdowns while shutting small businesses.

Retailers considered essential can open for in-store shopping by appointment only. These include medical device supply and repair shops, optical stores and auto mechanics.

‘Privacy For Sale’: India’s Opposition Leader Accuses BJP of Selling Citizens’ Data to Private Firm

Sputnik – Indian news website, The Wire, claimed that an auto tech-solutions company, Fast Lane Automotive Private Limited (FLA), is gaining access to the vehicle registration data of Indians through government channels.

Sitaram Yechury, the chief of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M), launched a scathing attack on Narendra Modi’s government on Thursday accusing it of selling personal details of Indians to a private firm, Fast Lane Automotive Private Limited (FLA).

Yechury, in a series of tweets, attacked Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party and alleged that the “personal privacy of all Indians is up for sale!”

He also alleges that although the Modi government scrapped the bulk motor-vehicle data sharing policy because of concerns over privacy and misuse, “it sold the country’s total vehicle registration data to a private company.” 

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Orders Texas Rangers to Investigate Joe Biden Detention Facility for Sex Crimes Against Children

Investment Watch Blog – There is no reasonable doubt illegal alien children are being transported across the southern border to engage in the illegal act of child sex trafficking.  We saw the same issues in 2014 during the previous Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) influx.  The massive surge of child trafficking in the past three months is directly the result of Joe Biden facilitating the transport of children by Mexican cartels.  This is a big business.

In a replay of the same 2014 situation, we now hear of Joe Biden detention facilities where children are being raped and sexually assaulted while in the care and custody of Homeland Security officials.  The children are then transported to custodial HHS “contractors” who, by the changed standards of the Biden administration, do not have to undergo FBI background checks.

Today Texas Governor Greg Abbott demanded Joe Biden close the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio where 1,300 children are being housed, and numerous reports of sexual assault are ongoing.  In addition Governor Abbott has instructed the Texas Rangers to immediately begin an investigation of the facility and the claims of child sexploitation amid the vulnerable minors.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) did not immediately respond to questions after Abbott’s announcement.

Biden to announce limited gun restrictions as pressure rises following mass shootings

CNN – acing pressure to act after a recent spate of high-profile mass shootings, President Joe Biden is set to unveil a package of moves Thursday that seek to address the scourge of gun violence.

The executive actions will include efforts to restrict so-called “ghost guns” that can be built using parts and instructions purchased online, but are limited in scope and fall short of the steps Biden has vowed to pressure Congress to take.

They will nevertheless fulfill his pledge last month to take “common-sense” steps on his own, and one move — more heavily regulating arm braces used to make firing a pistol more accurate — directly relates to the March shooting in Boulder, Colorado, where such a device was used.

He’ll also announce that he is nominating gun control advocate David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which hasn’t had a permanent director in place since 2015.

Administration officials have emphasized the announcements only amount to the first steps toward addressing gun violence, with later action — like a ban on assault weapons or rules requiring universal background checks — requiring Congress. Biden, who is in the midst of advancing a massive infrastructure plan, has voiced uncertainty on the likelihood of passing major new gun laws.

Florida and Texas Ban Vaccine Passports

Stephen Lendman – Digital vaccine passports are all-about pushing unwitting people to be jabbed with experimental, hazardous to heath drugs that risk potentially irreversible harm short-or-longer-term when taken as directed.

Already rolled out in Israel, Denmark, and Estonia by late April, they’re coming to the US and other Western states. 

On Tuesday, Texas Governor Abbott banned state agencies, political organizations receiving public funds, and some private entities from requiring vaccine passports or other proof of jabbing for covid to receive services.

His executive order overrides local ones that call for mandating what infringes on civil liberties.

“We will continue to (jab) Texans (for covid) and protect public health, (but) will do (it) without treading on Texans’ personal freedoms,” Abbott said, adding:

The US Constitution does not permit the federal government to mandate proof of inoculations.

The Biden regime ruled out establishing a national mandate to show proof of covid jabs — so far.

At this time, it’s up to states and local communities to set their own standards.

That policy isn’t written in stone and could change ahead — notably if millions of refuseniks refuse jabs to protect their health and well-being.

Pre-2020, no one could have imagined what’s going on now. 

George Floyd died of ‘low level of oxygen,’ a pulmonologist testified

CNN – “Mr. Floyd died from a low level of oxygen,” a pulmonologist testified at former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin’s trial.

Dr. Martin Tobin, a physician in pulmonary and critical care medicine, testified after having reviewed the medical records in this case. He said he is not being paid to appear in court.

“And this caused damage to his brain that we see and it also caused a PEA arrhythmia, that caused his heart to stop,” he told the court.

PEA means pulseless electrical activity, “which is a particular form of abnormal beat of heart — an arrhythmia,” he explained.

He also shared his opinion on the cause for the low level of oxygen in Mr. Floyd:

“The cause of the low level of oxygen was shallow breathing. Small breaths. Small tidal volumes. Shallow breaths that weren’t able to carry the air through his lungs down to the essential areas of the lungs that get oxygen into the blood and get rid of the carbon dioxide.”

Horowitz: Texas school district warns of danger from illegal alien car chases over the border

The Blaze – Rural America is generally safer from crime, but not if you are unfortunate enough to live in a rural county near the Mexican border. As the politicians and the media focus the attention of the border crisis on the needs of the illegal aliens held in detention, they never focus on the terrible effects mass illegal immigration foists upon Americans living near the border.

Cotulla is a small town about 60 miles north of the international border at Laredo, Texas. Yet it is so affected by the invasion over our border that the school district sent out a letter to parents and administrators warning them to protect the children from the endless car chases and bailouts of criminal aliens in the region.

“Please be watchful of your children as they are playing outside, walking home from school, or generally out of the house,” warns Cotulla

The sheriff goes on to warn the citizens about 8-10 car chases and bailouts a day and encourages the locals to lock their cars and not keep valuables outside.

This cuts to the core dereliction of the federal government, which in many ways undermines its entire legitimacy. The purpose of the federal government is to keep us safe from foreign threats. These communities, which would otherwise have minimal internal crime, are now faced with high-speed car chases, rampant theft, and menacing criminal aliens and drug carriers attacking their ranches.

It was recently announced that the border numbers for March were higher than any level in 15 years, with over 170,000 apprehensions. Many of those people are ultimately released and sent out on buses, but tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of others have never been apprehended, but are able to get into the country while Border Patrol is busy caring for illegal aliens rather than protecting the ranchers and border citizens from them. Those are the people we should really be concerned about.

27 Percent of the United States’ COVID-19 Deaths Have Been on Joe Biden’s Watch

PJ Media – Who can forget the way the media obsessed over various COVID milestones in 2020? When the official death tally from COVID-19 surpassed 100,000, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson called it an “indictment” of President Trump. CNN noted that “It took less than four months for an unseen enemy to kill 100,000 Americans.”

But, when it took a mere five weeks for 100,000 COVID-19 deaths to happen on Joe Biden’s watch, the media didn’t care.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, 559,109 Americans have died from COVID since the virus came to America from China, and just under 150,000 Americans have died from COVID on Joe Biden’s watch, accounting for 27 percent of all deaths since the pandemic began last year. Thankfully, due to Operation Warp Speed, we got two effective vaccines before the end of 2020—an achievement that experts said would have taken a miracle.

Economy & Business

Biden’s corporate tax rate hike could kill millions of jobs, business group’s study finds

RT – New research from the US National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that about one million jobs would be lost in the first two years if the corporate tax rate increased to 28% and other policies went into effect.

The study, which was conducted by Rice University economists for the NAM, calculated the impact of increasing the corporate tax rate. It said that global domestic product (GDP) would be down $117 billion by 2023, $190 billion in 2026, and $119 billion in 2031.

Under the plan, announced by the US Treasury Department, the corporate tax rate could be raised to 28% from the current 21%. The Biden administration said the increase would bring America’s corporate tax rate more closely in line with other advanced economies and reduce inequality. It would also remain lower than it was before the 2017 Trump tax cuts, when the rate stood at 35%.

Biden sued over coronavirus visa restrictions initiated under Trump

The Hill – A coalition of immigration advocates is suing the Biden administration over a Trump-era policy that froze visa issuance in 35 different countries in the name of COVID-19.

Former President Trump signed a number of orders during the early days of the pandemic barring the issuance of visas for both travel and immigration purposes. President Biden expanded on the concept, signing a similar order within the first few days of his administration.

“Due to Defendants’ unlawful refusal to issue visas to individuals in these countries, the plaintiffs are subject to a total, inescapable ban on receiving their visas, or even having these visas adjudicated,” lawyers wrote in their brief.

he case was brought on behalf of nearly 200 different plaintiffs, including those seeking to come to the U.S. to work or join family members, by a number of immigration lawyers and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The State Department, which is named in the case, declined to comment on the case while the White House did not respond to request for comment.

Counties have been added to the list through a series of six different presidential proclamations, five of them signed under Trump. 

“Given the importance of protecting persons within the United States from the threat of this harmful communicable disease, I have determined that it is in the interests of the United States to take action to restrict and suspend the entry into the United States,” Trump wrote in his first order in February of last year restricting entry of Chinese citizens.

Iran, 26 European countries, and Brazil and South Africa were covered by subsequent presidential proclamations.

Lawyers argue the freeze on visa processing is stalling applicants’ lives. 

IBM Colluded With Hitler, Now Makes Vaccine Passports

Mercola – Former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf warns that mandatory COVID-19 passports will spell the “end of human liberty in the West”.

IBM has partnered with COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna to develop a digital Health Pass system that ties our biometric IDs to our health data through its smartphone app and shares data between governments, health care providers, life science organizations, individuals, food supply chains and global financial systems.

IBM aided the Nazi regime in its efforts to eradicate Jews. Without its information technology, Hitler would not have been able to accomplish this genocide at the scale he was able to.

At the time of Hitler’s rise to power, the world was unaware that massively organized information capabilities had emerged to become a means of social control and weapon of war. Today, we cannot be accused of not understanding that massive data collection can be used to manipulate societies across the globe, and must look to history to see how personal data can be misused.

It would be naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data could not end up being used as a tool for social control and the destruction of certain groups of people.

Energy & Environment

US and Canada gear up for another Asian ‘murder hornet’ season

Authorities say invasive species can pose risk to animals and insects, including honeybees, and must be eradicated.

Al Jazeera – While its “murder hornet” moniker draws international attention, Paul van Westendorp prefers to compare the Asian giant hornet to a polar bear.

“The polar bear is very fierce and is dangerous in its environment, but the chances that you and I would ever run into one is pretty low,” he told Al Jazeera in a phone interview from the Canadian province of British Columbia. “It is the same with this particular hornet.”

Also like polar bears, Van Westendorp, a provincial apiculturist with the BC government, said the hornets are apex predators that sit atop the food chain.

“They are ground nesters and with ground nesters, as soon as their nest is disturbed, they have a very strong defence mechanism,” van Westendorp said. “They come out very quickly and they want to make sure … that you get a warning and get out of there.”

Now, as this year’s hornet season slowly starts up with the species coming out of hibernation, scientists and other experts in both the United States and Canada are urging people to keep an eye out for the hornets – and alert authorities of any sightings.

Northwest US and BC

The Asian giant hornet – officially called Vespa mandarinia, the species is native to East Asia – first prompted concern in the US and Canada in 2019, when the first specimens were reported in both countries.

That year, a dead hornet was found on a property in Blaine, a small community in Washington state near the Canadian border, while others were spotted around Nanaimo, BC.

The Asian giant hornet typically measures an inch-and-a-half in length and it is distinguished by a large head that is a mix of yellow and orange. US authorities said its sting is much more dangerous than that of bees or wasps and can cause “severe pain, swelling, necrosis and, in rare cases, even death” in some humans.

They can pose a risk to livestock and other insects, as well as honeybees, which are already facing dwindling numbers and for which the hornets “have a voracious appetite”, according to Washington state authorities. “A small group of Asian giant hornets can kill an entire honeybee hive in a matter of hours,” the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) said.

That is why experts have said it is important for the invasive species, which is not native to North America, to be eradicated.


Federal Government Offering Bribes to Medical Doctors to Give More Experimental COVID Injections – Offering Double Payment for COVID Shots

Health Impact News – A Texas medical doctor has alerted Health Impact News that the federal government, through its Medicare/Medicaid program, is now offering Texas doctors DOUBLE the normal reimbursement per vaccine for every experimental COVID shot they give to their patients.

The shots are “free” to the patients.


The pharmaceutical vaccine industry is the most lucrative business in the history of the world. They have legal immunity if their vaccines cause any harm, they are given $BILLIONS to develop the vaccine by the U.S. Government, then the U.S. Government buys the vaccines from the pharmaceutical industry so that recipients usually do not have to pay for them, and then the Government pays doctors and others to administer the vaccines.

If they want to increase their market and distribute more vaccines, they just make them mandatory for services such as public education.

And if they get their way and implement a new COVID Vaccine Passport, they will be mandated for many other activities in society, such as air travel, entrance to places of business, etc.

Dentists, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Veterinarians Can Now Administer COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S.

Health Impact News – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced that the agency is amending an emergency declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) to authorize additional medical professionals to administer experimental COVID-19 vaccines being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). [1 2]

This announcement was made after President Biden stated that he intends to provide directives to all the states and territories to make all adults over the age of 18 eligible for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines by May 1, 2021. [3]

Acting HHS Secretary Norris Cochran said:

As President Biden said last night, the key to getting us back to our lives is increasing vaccinations, and in order to do that, we need more vaccinators. … As vaccine supply ramps up, we want to be sure communities have the help they need to get shots into arms for anyone in the U.S. who wants to be vaccinated against COVID-19. [4]

Expanding List of Professionals Qualified to Administer COVID-19 Vaccines Under the PREP Act

The expanded COVID-19 vaccine administration workforce includes the following health professionals, who are currently or previously active within the last five years (retired or non-practicing health providers): dentists, emergency medical technicians (EMT), midwives, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy technicians, physicians, physician assistant, podiatrist, respiratory therapists and veterinarians. [5]

Students are also allowed to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to people if they are studying in the following fields: dental, emergency medical technicians (EMT), medical, midwifery, nursing, optometry, paramedic, pharmacy and pharmacy intern, physician assistant, podiatry, respiratory therapy and veterinary. [6]

The PREP ACT Provides Liability Shield to Everyone Identified as a “Vaccinator”

Individuals, who are identified as vaccinators and meet requirements under the PREP Act declaration and its amendments, are provided a liability shield from lawsuits if a person they give a COVID-19 vaccine dies or is injured, except in the case of gross negligence. [7]

The PREP Act provides broad immunity from civil liability under federal and state laws to those engaged in activities aimed at combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, including administering experimental or licensed COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These liability protections were given under a declaration issued by the HHS Secretary effective Feb. 4, 2020. [8]

The HHS Secretary’s declaration provides that the liability protections are in effect for “Covered Persons” for recommended activities involving “Covered Countermeasures” related to activities authorized in accordance with the public health and medical response of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, including administering “Covered Countermeasures” following a Declaration of Emergency.9 Experimental COVID-19 vaccines that are administered under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or are officially licensed by the FDA are categorized as “Covered Countermeasures”. [10]

“Covered Persons” include, among others, licensed health professionals authorized under state law to administer “Covered Countermeasures,” and individuals who are not currently authorized under state law to administer “Covered Countermeasures,” but who are expressly identified by HHS in a PREP Act declaration, and authorized in accordance with the public health and medical emergency response. [11]

American Dental Association Says Dentists Have Knowledge and Skills to Administer Vaccines

Currently, twenty-eight states have already given dentists the green light to administer experimental COVID-19 vaccines being distributed under an EUA during the declared COVID pandemic public health emergency. The federal declaration allows licensed dentists throughout the country to vaccinate the public against COVID-19, regardless of state laws that prohibit dentists from giving other vaccines. [12]

American Dental Association President Daniel J. Klemmedson, DDS, MD and Executive Director Kathleen T. O’Loughlin said:

Dentists already have the requisite knowledge and skills to administer vaccines and observe side effects—and many do so on a daily basis.

Dentists are well educated in human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology, and are trained to administer intra-oral local anesthesia.

It is arguably more difficult to administer an inferior alveolar nerve block inside the oral cavity than to vaccinate an exposed arm and manage any side effects. [13]

Dentists Believe Their Relationships With Patients Will Assist in Tackling Vaccine Hesitancy

Dentists believe that their personal relationships with their patients will be a key factor in convincing patients to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Some dentists say that patients see them more often than their primary care physician, which would mean they can vaccinate more people. [14]

Jessica Gruber, DDS, a dentist who works in Germantown, Wisconsin, says her 100-year-old family practice’s reputation among its longstanding patients could help tackle vaccine hesitancy. She says:

A lot of people see a dentist and stick with them for years and years and years. Having health care providers that have that strong foundation with their patients could be beneficial toward convincing people that this is something that is good. [15]

Confirmed: AstraZeneca Experimental COVID Injection Causes Fatal Blood Clots – Trials with Children Halted

ZeroHedge – Just days after Australia’s deputy chief medical officer, Michael Kidd, acknowledged that there was likely a connection between rare blood clots and the COVID vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford, officials from the EMA, Europe’s top pharmaceutical regulator, have finally acknowledged the link, even if the agency’s official stance – that there’s no evidence of a link, but no evidence to rule it out – remains unchanged.

The EMA declared at the conclusion of a hasty “safety review” last month that the benefits of the AstraZeneca jab (which is expected to to be the workhorse of the global vaccination rollout as Covax, the WHO/Gates Foundation program to vaccination developing countries, expects to heavily rely on the jab) far outweighed any risks, while saying it couldn’t definitively rule out the possibility that the blood clots and the vaccine might be connected. But researchers from Norway, Germany and elsewhere insisted they had found evidence of a connection. And after the UK acknowledged more than 2 dozen new cases of the rare clots – 9 of them fatal – it seems the dam has finally broken.

New findings from the EMA show that there is indeed a link between the “very rare” blood clots in the brain and the AstraZeneca vaccine, but the exact possible causes are still unknown, according to a senior EMA official, who made the comments in an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Messagero. Here’s a Reuters summary of that report.

“In my opinion, we can now say it, it is clear that there is an association (of the brain blood clots) with the vaccine. However, we still do not know what causes this reaction,” Marco Cavaleri, chair of the vaccine evaluation team at the EMA, told Italian daily Il Messagero.

Cavaleri provided no evidence to support his comment.


Cavaleri said the EMA would say in its review that there is a link but was not likely to give an indication this week regarding the age of individuals to whom the AstraZeneca shot should be given.

In a separate interview, Armando Genazzani, a member of the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, told another Italian newspaper, La Stampa, that a connection between the jab and the clots was “plausible.”

The EMA is officially investigating 44 cases of the brain blood clots, an ailment known as a cerebral venous thrombosis (or CVST). More than 9.2M people in the EU have received the vaccine in total.

In response to Cavaleri’s comments, the Amsterdam-based EMA said in a statement on Tuesday: “EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has not yet reached a conclusion and the review (of any possible link) is currently ongoing.”

While the EMA refused to confirm the comments made by individual officials, WSJ reported Tuesday that the University of Oxford had decided to pause trials of the vaccine in the UK that involved children between the ages of 12 and 15.

Animal News

Dog owner’s warning over deadly plant that caused her golden retriever severe brain damage

Daily Mail – A devastated dog owner has issued a warning over deadly lord-and-ladies plants after her golden retriever was left severely brain-damaged and had to be put down. 

Chloe Allen, 22, said her dog Lola had been caring for her five-week-old puppy Daisy when she ate one of the dangerous berries in August 2020.

On March 26, following eight months of pain, Chloe was forced to put Lola down.

Minutes after eating the red berries, Lola began having a seizure which caused her to lose her sight, hearing and develop a respiratory disease and epilepsy.

Lola’s body began producing excess stomach acid to fight off the life-threatening berries – causing parts of her tongue to burn away.

Six-year-old Lola has spent eight months in-and-out of vets in a bid to ease her suffering.

However, vets last week made the heart-breaking decision to put Lola to sleep after her condition deteriorated.

Speaking today about the decision to put Loa down, Chloe said: ‘I slept with her every night on the concrete floor in the kennel in the vets.

‘When she woke up she didn’t know who I was and she was completely blind.

‘Lola struggled for months with epilepsy and so many more health problems.

‘Ever since having puppies Lola would always search for any spot in the bushes for her puppies, the vet said this is normal behaviour and that she was nesting.

We were on a walk one day and I noticed she was in a particular hedge for a few minutes like normal so didn’t think anything of it.

‘The next day I went back to the hedge and found lords and ladies (poisonous plant).

‘There were three plants and one plant had about two berries missing. Straight away it clicked.’

She also said that Lola had been her best friend and that they had been inseparable during their time together and that now she was doing all she could to protect her other two golden retrievers.  

Not wanting other dog owners to have to go through what she had, Chloe issued a warning on April 2 on Facebook about the dangers of lord-and-ladies berries.

She said: ‘I am writing this post to spread awareness and possibly save another dog’s life from the hell my Lola went through.

‘Please look out for these berries, I’ve had so many messages of people saying they’ve found them in their gardens.

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