June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 08, 2024


Israel withdraws almost all troops from Southern Gaza … 

Israel withdrew more troops from southern Gaza on April 7, leaving only a single division in the area as the country faces growing pressure from the United States and internationally to improve humanitarian conditions in the region.

On Sunday April 7th, the IDF’s 98th commando division has concluded its mission in Khan Yunis. The division left the Gaza strip in order to recuperate and prepare for future operation,” according to the IDF, “A significant force led by the 162nd division and the Nahal brigade continues to operate in the Gaza strip, and will preserve the IDF’s freedom of action and its ability to conduct precise intelligence-based operations.”

Israel has been cutting down its troop numbers in Gaza since the beginning of 2024 in a bid to relieve reservists. Six months of combat have strained the military and economy. Many Israeli security experts say they now see a greater threat from Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The troop withdrawal comes as Israel is under increased pressure from the United States. The Biden administration has demanded an improvement in humanitarian conditions in Gaza and called on Israel to work toward a cease-fire, saying further U.S. support will depend on that. Biden has also urged leaders of Egypt and Qatar to pressure the Hamas terrorist group to agree to a cease-fire and arrive at a hostage deal ahead of a fresh round of talks in Cairo.

Officials at CERN Large Hadron Collider project claim April 8th God Particle test is fake news!

As people around the country await the April 8th total eclipse, conspiracy theories about a Switzerland-based nuclear research facility have some social media users on edge. In their view is CERN, also known as the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

“Why is CERN being reactivated on April 8, the same day as the infamous eclipse?” asked a March 29 Facebook post, referencing what it called the group’s plan to activate “the large hadron collider” on the day of the eclipse. “My gut instinct is that something really big is being planned for that day… perhaps a total takedown of both the grid and society in general worldwide.” In another post April 1, a man in a baseball cap speculated that CERN is deliberately starting back up April 8 to “open up a gateway, a portal.”

These posts were flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.)

It is not unusual for scientists to conduct research during an eclipse, when the sun’s corona becomes visible and areas in totality go briefly dark in the moon’s shadow. Total solar eclipses  allow researchers “to study Earth’s atmosphere under uncommon conditions.” NASA, for example, is launching three sounding rockets on the day of the eclipse to study its effects on the ionosphere (a mission that also became a subject of misinformation).

If this is fake news, then why is MSN reporting that this is going to happen?

Some researchers and NASA scientists are warning that the solar eclipse path of totality on April 8 may be subject to a slight change.

The reason, they explained, is because of calculations about the size of the sun. Researcher John Irwin has recently published a new map that included the updated path for the eclipse, Forbes reported, drawing reactions from several NASA scientists.

Luca Quaglia, who collaborates with Mr. Irwin, told the wire service that older eclipse calculations use a solar radius of 959.63 arc seconds. But Mr. Quaglia said it may be too small.

“Measurements and observations in the last decade have demonstrated that this value is slightly too small,” he told Forbes, adding that Mr. Irwin uses a solar radius of 959.95 arc seconds, which, according to the Forbes article, will cut about 2,000 feet from the path of totality’s edges.

Clouds are likely to spoil the view of the total solar eclipse in Texas and other areas along the path in the United States, according to forecasts issued over the weekend.

Do not look directly at the sun during the eclipse, unless you want eye damage! 

that “there is no time when it is safe to look directly at the Sun” without protection such as eclipse glasses and special-purpose solar filters.

Staring straight at the Sun during partial and annular solar eclipses can cause permanent damage to the retina, according to the American Astronomical Society.

This can also cause blindness or “solar retinopathy.”

Sunglasses aren’t safe for viewing the Sun during the eclipse.

Safe solar viewers are “thousands of times darker” and should comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard, per the Astronomical Society.

During the eclipse, there may be a few minutes when the Moon completely blocks the Sun where it will be safe to look without solar glasses for areas in the path of totality.

Some national chain stores like Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s might have eclipse glasses available for sale but it can vary by location, the Astronomical Society notes.

10,000 libraries across the country have been distributing free eclipse glasses as part of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation-funded Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries project.

Even if you wear eclipse glasses or proper solar viewers, NASA says not to look at the Sun through a camera lens, telescope, binoculars or any other optical device.

The “concentrated solar rays will burn through the filter and cause serious eye injury,” the space agency warns.

The New Mexico Department of Health said exposing your eyes to the eclipse can cause “eclipse blindness or retinal burns.”

Amidst growing resistance, WHO turns up the heat on members to sign the pandemic treaty

As the deadline approaches for the 194 member nations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to sign agreements granting broad new powers to this U.N. subsidiary, its advocates are turning up the heat on member countries to get on board, despite growing resistance to the deal.

WHO ambassador Gordon Brown also called for worldwide action to “expose fake news disinformation campaigns by conspiracy theorists trying to torpedo international agreement for the Pandemic Accord.”

At stake is a new global medical treaty, as well as amendments to existing International Health Regulations (IHRs), which together would make the WHO the central authority during pandemics and other WHO-declared health crises, while sending tens of billions of dollars to this UN subsidiary. Critics say the WHO has studiously avoided calling the agreement a treaty because treaties typically require approval from national legislatures, and in the case of the United States by two-thirds of the Senate.

What has instead been deemed the Pandemic Agreement or Pandemic Accord, together with amendments to the IHRs, is scheduled to be approved in Geneva, Switzerland, at the World Health Assembly’s annual meeting on May 27–June 1.

One of the primary concerns that critics have raised is that countries would cede authority to the WHO, once that organization declares a “health emergency.” WHO advocates, however, say such concerns are unfounded and giving voice to them could jeopardize the approval process.

“The accord is being put at risk by a misinformation campaign through social media outlets that is falsely accusing the WHO,” Mr. Brown stated.

“No country will cede any sovereignty, and no country will see their national laws set aside,” he stated. “It is time for countries to expose fake news disinformation campaign by conspiracy theorists to torpedo a much-needed accord.”

In line with that view, the Associated Press (AP) issued a “fact check” in February 2023, declaring that the idea that member nations would lose sovereignty was “false.” The AP cited the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is currently negotiating the agreement on America’s behalf, which stated: “It is false to claim that the World Health Organization has now, or will have by virtue of these activities, any authority to direct U.S. health policy or national health emergency response actions.”

The AP also cited a refutation from Georgetown University law professor Lawrence Gostin, who helped draft the treaty as director of the university’s WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. Mr. Gostin told the AP that the treaty uses terms like “should,” indicating suggestions, rather than “must,” to underscore that the WHO remains a consultative rather than an authoritative body.

However, the language in the March 13 draft of the treaty appears to be compulsory, stating throughout the document that “the Parties commit to …” and “the Parties shall …” with the word “shall” used more than 160 times.

Elon Musk’s X will defy Brazilian supreme court order … principles matter more than profit!

Owner of X Corp. Elon Musk said on the platform Saturday evening that the company had decided to lift all restrictions on Brazilian accounts targeted by an order from the nation’s Supreme Court.

“We are lifting all restrictions. This judge has applied massive fines, threatened to arrest our employees and cut off access to Brazil. 

As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit,” Mr. Musk posted, notifying of X’s decision.

The announcement came in response to reporting by investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, and colleagues David Ágape and Eli Vieira, titled, “TWITTER FILES BRAZIL.”

In his reporting, Mr. Shellenberger cites records released by X, formerly Twitter, during Mr. Musk’s 2022 takeover that allegedly show that “Brazil is engaged in a sweeping crackdown on free speech led by a Supreme Court justice.”

Sitting members of Brazil’s Congress and journalists were among those named by Brazil’s highest court for censoring, Mr. Shellenberger said of his findings, which he has shared on X.

He named lower house members Carla Zambelli of former President Jair Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party and Marcel van Hattem of the NOVO party as targets of orders targeting posts the court deemed misinformation.

According to the internal files Mr. Shellenberger shared, Twitter in Brazil was threatened with a $30,000 fine. The company had one hour to remove the Congress members’ posts or pay the court for noncompliance.

Mr. Musk said of Brazil’s Twitter Files, which he released to Mr. Shellenberger, “This aggressive censorship appears to violate the law & will of the people of Brazil.”


Video of J-6 revealed by defendant raises questions about undercover agents! 

Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors and another meeting with an FBI tactical team just before it entered the Capitol after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

The videos were first identified by defendant William Pope of Topeka, Kansas, in court filings in his own Jan. 6 criminal case. Exhibits Mr. Pope originally filed under seal have become public since the release of thousands of hours of Jan. 6 security video by the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight.

Two possible FBI special agents and a third unknown colleague were with John D. Guandolo, the FBI’s former liaison with U.S. Capitol Police, at the Women for a Great America event on the East Front of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to Mr. Pope.

In sworn testimony in a December 2022 Alaska civil court trial and in numerous media appearances, Mr. Guandolo said he was with two FBI special agents and a colleague with whom he traveled to Washington on Jan. 6. Mr. Guandolo has indicated that he was also introduced to other FBI personnel at the Capitol that day.

Mr. Pope is seeking to compel federal prosecutors to identify them all. He said even if the men were at the Capitol on personal time, their free movement around the grounds shows they did not believe the Capitol was off limits to the public.

Mr. Guandolo, who handled counterterrorism and criminal investigations for nearly 13 years— from 1996 to 2008—as an FBI special agent, has said he was at the Capitol in a personal capacity and went primarily to pray.

He was interviewed by the FBI about his Jan. 6 visit on July 6, 2022. A heavily redacted copy of the FBI 302 interview summary has been made public.

Mr. Pope asked U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras to compel the Department of Justice to identify all FBI agents “who were material witnesses at the Capitol.” Mr. Pope wants the FBI “to produce all photographs, videos, and records related to their presence.”

The DOJ has filed opposition to Mr. Pope’s motion, saying it has “no obligation to investigate” who the men in the videos are.

Federal judge berates the DOJ for defying congressional subpoenas!

A federal judge on April 5 told U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys that the defiance of congressional subpoenas was hypocritical.

“There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,” U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes said, Politico reported. “And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas.”

She added: I think it’s quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up. … You all are making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant.”

The judge was referring to Peter Navarro, a former adviser to ex-President Donald Trump, who recently started a prison sentence over a refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena.

The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee requested DOJ tax attorneys Mark Daly and Jack Morgan answer questions about the handling of the investigation into President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. The DOJ declined the request, prompting subpoenas in 2023 and 2024.

The DOJ then directed the attorneys not to comply with the subpoenas, citing how the committee would not allow government lawyers to attend depositions. Officials cited one source, a 2019 opinion from the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel that said “congressional subpoenas that purport to require agency employees to appear without agency counsel are legally invalid and are not subject to civil or criminal enforcement.”

The panel in March sued Mr. Daly and Mr. Morgan over the defiance of the subpoenas.

In the hearing on Friday, a status conference, DOJ officials defended instructing the attorneys not to comply with the decrees. James Gilligan, one of them, said the matter is different from the cases of Mr. Navarro and Steve Bannon, another former adviser to President Trump, because Mr. Daly and Mr. Morgan are current government employees. Mr. Gilligan also said the choice to instruct the attorneys to defy Congress came after deliberations “at a high level,” Courthouse News Service reported.

Judge Reyes, appointed by President Biden, did not seem impressed with those arguments and also criticized the reliance on the 2019 DOJ opinion.

“Last time I checked, the Office of Legal Counsel was not the court,” she said, according to Politico.

The judge later expressed surprise when Mr. Gilligan would not promise to tell the attorneys to comply with the subpoenas if lawmakers reversed their stance on government lawyers taking part in the depositions.

“Are you kidding me?” she said.

Judge Reyes also said she was confused as to why lawmakers are working so hard to compel testimony from Mr. Daly and Mr. Morgan, given that, if they testify, they could claim privilege in response to most or all questions.

Fani Willis may have committed a felony by illegally recording Maryland lawyer! 

During an interview with Townhall columnist and legal analyst Phil Holloway, an attorney for Trump co- defendant Harrison Floyd, Christopher Kachouroff, claimed that Willis recorded a phone call between herself and one of his colleagues in Maryland.

“Fani did reach out to one of my colleagues in Maryland” said Kachouroff. “And was rude and abrupt with him on the phone … and she ended up recording him.”

He further noted that Maryland is a “two party state,” meaning that both parties on a phone call have to consent to being recorded.

“So, are you saying she illegally recorded a phone call?” asked Holloway. “Oh yeah, it’s a felony in Maryland,” Kachouroff replied.

Maryland is one of 11 states which require two-party consent. Under the state’s Wiretap Act, recording a private conversation without consent from both parties is punishable by up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.

Harrison Floyd, the defendant, has given Fani until noon on Monday to recuse herself from the case or he “may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies.”

Trump’s attorneys file recusal motion for judge overseeing the hush money case!

Former President Donald Trump has filed a motion to recuse Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who oversees his hush money case, citing a conflict of interest due to his daughter’s ties with Democrats.

In a 37-page court filing made public on April 5, the defense said that it is improper for Justice Merchan to preside over these proceedings while his daughter, Loren Merchan, “benefits, financially and reputationally, from the manner in which this case is interfering” with the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign. President Trump’s lawyers said that Ms. Merchan has “a direct financial interest in these proceedings” due to her ownership stake and leadership role at Authentic Campaigns, whose clients include Democrat candidates.

“Personal political views may not be a basis for recusal. But profiting from the promotion of a political agenda that is hostile to President Trump, and has included fundraising solicitations based on this case, must be,” the filing stated.  The judge did not immediately rule.

Biden administration seeks prison time for woman who stole Ashlee Biden’s diary! 

A woman who has admitted to handling a stolen diary belonging to President Joe Biden’s daughter should serve time in prison, prosecutors said April 2 in a new brief.

A sentence of between 4 and 10 months for Aimee Harris, the woman, “would be sufficient but not greater than necessary to accomplish the purposes of sentencing, including but not limited to promoting respect for the law and specific and general deterrence,” prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said in the filing.

Prosecutors previously recommended the federal court in New York City sentence Ms. Harris to no prison time and three years of supervised release.

Ms. Harris, of Florida, pleaded guilty in 2022 to one count of conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property. The stolen property included a diary belonging to Ashley Biden, the president’s daughter, according to court documents. Ms. Harris said while pleading guilty that she took the diary and other materials and tried to sell it.

Ms. Harris and her co-defendant, Robert Kurlander, face up to 10 years in prison, but defendants typically receive terms under the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines.

Ms. Harris was originally scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 6, 2022, but her sentencing has repeatedly been delayed. The delays have stemmed from issues including requests for more time to prepare sentencing memorandums, Ms. Harris replacing her lawyer, and Ms. Harris saying she was sick and could not appear.

Ms. Harris’ sentencing filing has been filed under seal.

Ms. Harris is slated to be sentenced on April 9.

Mr. Kurlander has also not yet been sentenced. His sentencing has been pushed back multiple times at the request of prosecutors. The government has not explained their requests, which have all been granted by the court. Mr. Kurlander is currently scheduled to be sentenced on April 12.

“Harris and Kurlander sought to profit from their theft of another person’s personal property, and they now stand convicted of a federal felony as a result,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, an appointee of President Biden, said previously.

Ms. Harris said while pleading guilty that she committed a crime.

“I found property, including a journal, belonging to another person in a place where I was living. Knowing that I did not have a right to take the property, I agreed with another person and did cause a journal to be transported from Florida to New York City,” Ms. Harris said in court. “The value of the journal was more than $5,000. I know this because I did not directly receive the money for the journal; the organization that purchased it sent two payments of $10,000 each for my benefit to lawyers that were representing me in a child custody matter.”

She added, “I sincerely apologize for my actions and know that what I did was wrong illegal.”

According to court documents and people involved, Ms. Harris and Mr. Kurlander sold the diary and other items to Project Veritas.

Joe Biden faces problems getting on the Ohio General Election ballot! 

President Joe Biden may have trouble getting on the general election ballot in Ohio because of an apparent conflict in state law related to the timing of the Democratic National Committee’s nominating process and a deadline for certifying the party’s presidential nominee to the Ohio Secretary of State’s office, per reports.

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose flagged the issue in a letter sent to Ohio Democratic Chair Liz Walters on April 5, which was obtained by several news outlets.

Mr. LaRose wrote in the letter that Aug. 7, 2024, is the deadline to certify a presidential candidate to his office but the Democratic National Convention is scheduled for Aug. 19, 2024, so about a week too late for President Biden to appear on Ohio’s general election ballot.

Ohio state rules indicate that officials of a political party must certify the name of their chosen presidential candidate “on or before the ninetieth day before the day of the general election,” which in the 2024 election cycle falls on Nov. 5, meaning the certification deadline falls on Aug. 7.

The fix, according to Mr. LaRose, is for the state’s lawmakers to pass an exception or for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to hold its nominating convention earlier.

“I am left to conclude that the Democratic National Committee must either move up its nominating convention or the Ohio General Assembly must act by May 9, 2024 (90 days prior to a new law’s effective date) to create an exception to this statutory requirement,” Mr. LaRose’s legal counsel, Paul Disantis, wrote in the letter, per ABC.

21 GOP State Attorneys General target Biden parole program … 

A coalition of 21 Republican attorneys general filed a motion in federal court aiming to halt a Biden administration policy that allows 30,000 immigrants from four countries to fly into the United States each month.

The motion to reconsider is led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and America First Legal (AFL), a conservative legal group. They filed the motion after a federal court dismissed their lawsuit in March for not proving that “Texas has suffered an injury.”

The lawsuit aimed to stop a “parole” scheme that flies thousands of foreign nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV) into the United States and allows them to remain indefinitely.

Under the program, immigrants are required to apply in advance for parole by providing the name of a person who will agree to provide financial support if their application is approved. Additionally, the applicants must pass a background check and present themselves at a designated Port of Entry instead of entering the United States illegally.

Opponents have criticized the program as an alternative immigration system that bypasses Congress’s control.

The program aimed to reduce the number of illegal border crossings by allowing Venezuelans to fly directly to the United States. The program was later expanded in January 2023 to include Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua.

The administration announced that up to 30,000 individuals per month from these four countries could come to the United States, provided they have an eligible sponsor and pass vetting and background checks. These individuals would also receive work authorization.

The parole program has been challenged by Republican-led states, with Florida filing five lawsuits. They have won two cases so far, one against the federal government and another against Mr. Mayokas in 2023. Both cases have been appealed to the 11th Circuit Court and are still pending.

A report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) published on April 1 found that between October 2022 and February 2024, the CHNV parole program allowed entry to at least 386,000 illegal immigrants.

Of that number, Florida received 325,995, and Texas received 21,964, according to the report.

And over the weekend … Trump fundraiser hauls in $50-million!

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced on Saturday evening that a Trump fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida, has set a new single-fundraiser record for a presidential campaign by pulling in more than $50 million in one night.

The new record by Trump comes just weeks after Democrat President Joe Biden set a record when he appeared in New York City alongside former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to pull in a then-record $26 million.

Trump’s Saturday evening fundraiser nearly doubled that and represents a massive shift among donor class Republicans coming home to Trump as the former president last month crossed the threshold of the requisite number of delegates needed to become the presumptive GOP nominee for president in a third straight election.

“Tonight will be an incredible night for President Trump and the Republican Party, raising an astounding $50.5 million,” Trump campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement.

Newly installed RNC chairman Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump—Trump’s daughter-in-law— also said that the fundraiser represents that the GOP is unified behind Trump and ready for battle with Biden.

Hedge fund billionaire John Paulson, who has been discussed as a possible candidate for Secretary of the Treasury should Trump win again in November, hosted the fundraiser at his mansion in Palm Beach. Billed the “Inaugural Leadership Dinner,” several donors topped out at $824,600—the max donation at this event—for a “Chairman level” treatment where Trump would sit with them at dinner.

Also in attendance at the fundraiser were former first lady Melania Trump and three of Trump’s previous intra-party 2024 rivals: businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 makes emergency landing after losing engine cover! 

A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-800 was forced to make an emergency landing early yesterday after an engine cowling blew off during take-off from Denver International Airport.

The FAA said in an incident report the crew reported the detached piece fell and struck the wing flap. The flight was heading to William P. Hobby Airport in Houston.

The Hill reports Southwest Airlines said the aircraft was “experiencing a mechanical issue” in a statement to the outlet. The airline also said that customers later arrived at their destination on a separate aircraft about three hours behind schedule.

“We apologize for the inconvenience of their delay, but we place our highest priority on the Safety of our Customers and Employees. Our Maintenance teams are reviewing the aircraft,” the airline said.

Passenger video obtained by ABC News showed the cowling peeling off from the engine as the 737 was taking off, then flapping in the breeze before completely detaching.

One passenger can be heard in the background saying, “It all blew away.”

According to FAA data, the aircraft was delivered to the airline in 2015. The cowling is a removable engine cover that is typically taken off for maintenance.

Sunday’s emergency landing is the latest of a series of recent safety incidents involving a Boeing commercial airliner, UPI notes.

A week ago, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner operated by United Airlines was forced to make an unscheduled landing in Chicago because of a cracked windshield.


Hotel prices soar into the thousands for Monday’s solar eclipse viewing! 

Hotel prices are shooting up to extreme highs as Americans flock to projected hotspots to

view the upcoming solar eclipse today.
Susan Hochman of New York City told CBS News she shelled out $650 for just one night in a Best Western hotel upstate. That Saranac Lake location is in the path of totality for the eclipse, the Adirondack Daily Times reports. While the village is only predicted to experience She even booked the room way back in October 2023 to try to get ahead of the price surge, to no avail.

“As much as I had given it forethought, I didn’t plan as much in advance as I should have,” she said. According to her, the inflated lodging prices for the eclipse are “kooky crazy.”

The Saranac Waterfront Lodge is also a popular spot for eclipse fans, with rooms going for $700 a night with a two-night minimum. The luxury resort also offers rooms with a lakeside view of the eclipse for as much as $2,400 — a price that drops to just $131 the next day.

According to a representative of the lodge, guests began booking rooms a year in advance.

The Hampton Inn in Carbondale, Illinois — also in the eclipse path — is completely sold out of rooms for months now for both yesterday and today. 

Even Airbnbs are feeling the surge, with the platform saying there has been a 1,000 percent increase in queries for lodging within the roughly 115-mile-wide path of totality that stretches from Texas to Maine.  Data from the travel site Hopper viewed by CBS shows that airline tickets are up as well, with the average flight going to Dallas-Fort Worth on April 7 costing $1,900. People reacting to the inflated prices took their confusion to social media to point out the absurd amount of money that’s being spent on the eclipse.

“Seriously what is going on with this eclipse drama? Niagara Falls is expecting over 1 million people.. there are local maps showing road closures in all cities. Hotel rooms are going for over $1k a night. There’s a band & fireworks the night of the eclipse,” one Canadian X user wrote. “Make it make sense.”

Wal-Mart shoppers could get $500 cash payments as part of a $45-million lawsuit settlement!

Some Walmart shoppers may be eligible to receive cash payments of up to $500 as part of a $45 million settlement the retail giant recently agreed to enter into in order to settle a lawsuit.

The settlement stems from a class action lawsuit in which Walmart was accused of three “systemic unfair and deceptive” business practices that led to customers being charged more than a product’s lowest advertised per pound or per ounce price.

Walmart was accused of falsely inflating product weight, mislabeling the weight of bagged produce, and overcharging for sold-by-weight clearance products, per the complaint.

Shoppers at checkout were deceptively led to believe that they were paying lower prices on sold-by-weight goods like poultry and seafood, and on certain bagged citrus fruits like organic oranges and grapefruit.

For instance, Walmart uses price stickers to advertise the sold-by-weight unit price and when it puts these products on a “rollback” sale, it normally uses stickers featuring two prices—the normal price and the reduced “rollback” price.

Customers reasonably expect to be charged and pay the lowest advertised price on the price sticker or the rollback sticker, the complaint states, alleging that Walmart ultimately doesn’t charge the lowest advertised price.

“Instead, at the register, when the Customer checks-out, Walmart’s POS system deceptively, programmatically and artificially increases the weight of the Sold-by-Weight Products,” the lawsuit alleges.

Without admitting to any wrongdoing, the retail giant reached a settlement in November 2023, agreeing to pay $45 million to customers who bought weighted goods or bagged citrus at Walmart stores in the United States and Puerto Rico between Oct. 19, 2018, and Jan. 19, 2024.

Walmart said in a statement to some media outlets that it “will continue providing our customers everyday low prices to help them save money on the products they want and need. We still deny the allegations, however we believe a settlement is in the best interest of both parties.”

The deadline to submit a claim is June 5, 2024.

The amount that people stand to get from the settlement varies based on the amount of goods bought and whether they have receipts, proof of purchase, or other documentation that substantiates their purchases.  If an approved claimant has receipts or other documentation, then they’re entitled to receive 2 percent of the total cost of the weighted goods and bagged citrus purchased, up to a maximum of $500.  If they lack proof of purchase documentation, then claimants can receive between $25 and $10, depending on the number of goods they bought.

SEC forced to halt climate reporting mandate for businesses … 

Lawsuits from Republican states claim that the SEC breached their rule-making authority by asking public firms to disclose climate risks while such regulations have not received approval from Congress.

SEC’s rules create costly, unnecessary “red tape” for businesses. They accused the climate rules of being part of the Biden administration’s push to make sure investment decisions in the country are driven by climate considerations rather than financial returns.

On April 4, SEC Secretary Vanessa Countryman issued an order staying the agency’s climate rule requirements while litigation proceeded in the Eighth Circuit.

Ms. Countryman argued that given the procedural complexities involved in litigating the multiple cases filed against the climate rules, the SEC’s stay “will facilitate the orderly judicial resolution of those challenges.”

In addition, “a stay avoids potential regulatory uncertainty if registrants were to become subject to the Final Rules’ requirements during the pendency of the challenges to their validity.”


CDC issues advisory on raw milk after bird flu case reported in Texas!  One case? 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised Americans to be wary of drinking raw milk that is “contaminated by birds or other animals with confirmed or suspected” bird flu infections.

The agency, in a statement this week, was responding to a rare human case of H5N1 avian influenza reported in a person at a Texas dairy farm who was presumed to have been infected by sick cattle.

“People should avoid unprotected exposures to sick or dead animals including wild birds, poultry, other domesticated birds, and other wild or domesticated animals (including cattle), as well as with animal carcasses, raw milk, feces (poop), litter, or materials contaminated by birds or other animals with confirmed or suspected HPAI A(H5N1)-virus infection,” said the CDC’s notice.

It further said that people shouldn’t prepare or eat “uncooked or undercooked food or related uncooked food products, such as unpasteurized (raw) milk, or products made from raw milk such as cheeses, from animals with confirmed or suspected” H5N1 infections.

It’s unclear whether the dairy farm was producing, selling, or distributing raw milk or cheese products.

The Texas case is only the second time bird flu has been confirmed in a human in the United States. The first occurred in 2022 in Colorado in a person exposed to infected poultry. In both cases, the infections were mild.

3 Alternatives to Statins might target the root of heart disease … 

Statins have been the go-to treatment for preventing heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, for decades. But they may not be the cure-all they’ve been made out to be.

These cholesterol-lowering drugs fail to address what experts say is one of the key root causes of cardiovascular issues: inflammation from oxidized blood lipids.

Mounting research indicates that natural supplements such as berberine, nattokinase, and bergamot are nutraceuticals with effects that may succeed where statins fall short.

Oxidized blood lipids refer to fats in the bloodstream that have undergone oxidation, a process in which molecules lose electrons. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known as “bad” cholesterol, can become oxidized because of various factors, including smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high levels of other reactive substances in the body.

Berberine has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Primarily found in the Chinese barberry plant, berberine is a plant compound that boasts multifaceted benefits ranging from enhanced cognitive function to controlled blood glucose levels to fortifying the immune system.

Natto is a traditional fermented soybean dish widely consumed throughout Japan for thousands of years. Nattokinase, an enzyme from the fermented soy food natto, has been researched for its potential cardiovascular benefits.

“Nattokinase is an enzyme that breaks down unwanted blood clots in the blood circulation,” Gitte Jensen, research director at NIS Labs, a contract research laboratory, told The Epoch Times. Nattokinase can break down problematic blood clots by “digesting” fibrin, a protein that plays a central role in blood clotting.

Bergamot can effectively reduce triglycerides and total LDL cholesterol, a 2019 systematic review published in Food Science and Nutrition concluded. However, the authors noted that research on bergamot is still limited and that more studies are needed to determine its efficacy and optimal dosing fully.

Power Mall Product of Interest: Blockbuster AllClear® (contains Nattokinase)

When are you too old to get a colonoscopy?

Perhaps, according to results from a cross-sectional conducted at Kaiser Permanente Northern California in Oakland, California. The study was published on April 2 in JAMA Network Open.

The results indicated colonoscopies rarely detect colorectal cancer in older adults—even if they have a history of benign tumors called adenoma. Adenomas typically begin in the tissue covering organs and glands. These mushroom-shaped tumors can grow in the colon, and while they aren’t cancerous, health care professionals usually consider them to be precancerous.

Adenomas are found in 4o percent of screening colonoscopies in the United States. If they are discovered during colonoscopies, physicians usually recommend removing them. After removal, current guidelines recommend that patients undergo future surveillance colonoscopies. However, guidelines do not provide much direction as to how long a person should undergo this surveillance.

“Given the increasing aging population of in the US and that nearly 5.6 million adults older than 75 will undergo surveillance annually by 2024, estimating the yield of surveillance colonoscopy is important for understanding the balance between potential benefits and known risks of colonoscopy with advancing age,” researchers wrote.

Known risks of colonoscopies include bleeding, perforation of the colon, sedation-related effects, infection, heart attack, severe abdominal pain, and stroke. Bleeding, which occurs in 15 of every 10,000 procedures, and perforation are the most common complications. Most cases of bleeding and perforation occur in older individuals or those who have had adenomas or other polyps removed, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Less than 1% of colonoscopies found cancer in older adults.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin); anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, effects and signs of deficiency

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, plays a crucial role in the body’s energy metabolism and maintenance of cell function. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to various health issues. In this article, we will introduce the functions of vitamin B2, its deficiency symptoms, supplementation methods, and related precautions.

Vitamin B2 is an essential component of coenzymes in the body, crucial for maintaining normal physiological functions. Its primary functions include the following:

  • Energy production: Vitamin B2 plays a crucial role in metabolizing fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, aiding in the extraction of energy from food to support normal bodily functions.
  • Cellular function maintenance: Vitamin B2 is vital for various cellular activities, including the synthesis of genetic material.
  • Skin, nerve, and eye health: Vitamin B2 can improve skin conditions and prevent nerve pain and vision decline. A nonrandomized trial found that using riboflavin eye drops and low-dose ultraviolet treatment on patients with keratoconus improved their uncorrected visual acuity and best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. Additionally, a randomized controlled trial involving 55 adults with migraine indicated that vitamin B2 can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
  • Anti-cancer and antioxidant properties: Vitamin B2 possesses antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, thus lowering the risk of cancer. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition showed that vitamin B2 intake was inversely associated with the risk of colorectal cancer. Another study found that vitamins B2, B6, and B9 exerted anti-tumor effects on promonocytic lymphoma cells.

As vitamin B2 supports many enzymes in performing various daily functions in the body, a deficiency can lead to numerous health problems. Common signs of vitamin B2 deficiency include:

  • Dry and cracked lips, with pain at the corners of the mouth
  • Inflammation of the oral mucosa and tongue, presenting symptoms of redness, swelling, and pain. Mouth ulcers may also be present.
  • Inflamed and painful throat, causing difficulty swallowing
  • Skin inflammation, leading to dryness, roughness, itching, and rashes
  • Corneal inflammation, with redness and pain in the eyes
  • Digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Nerve pain, cognitive function impairment, and emotional issues
  • Fatigue and metabolic disorders

Vitamin B2 is naturally present in many foods. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 in the diet or conditions affecting its absorption and utilization in the body can lead to a deficiency. The following groups are at higher risk of vitamin B2 deficiency:

  • People with a monotonous diet: While some foods are rich in vitamin B2, others lack it. An unbalanced and monotonous diet can lead to a deficiency in this vitamin.
  • Vegetarians and vegans: Plant-based foods typically have lower levels of vitamin B2, so vegetarians need to pay attention to their vitamin B2 intake.
  • Older adults: As people age, their digestive function tends to decline, leading to reduced absorption and utilization of nutrients. This can, in turn, result in vitamin B2 deficiency.
  • People with chronic diseases: Some chronic diseases can affect the absorption of vitamin B2. For example, chronic gastrointestinal inflammation, such as that seen in celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) and Crohn’s disease, can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B2.
  • Infants: Infants primarily receive their nutrition from breast milk or formula. If the mother’s intake of vitamin B2 is insufficient, or if the formula lacks adequate vitamin B2, it can lead to a deficiency in infants. Therefore, women need to ensure they get enough vitamin B2 during pregnancy and lactation.

Power Mall Product of Interest: Grown by Nature Vitamin B Complex (10% off and ships free this week!)


Bill Gates and the UN behind the digital public infrastructure plan for global control!

Dozens of national governments are joining with the United Nations and billionaire population-control fanatic Bill Gates on a global program to impose “digital public infrastructure” (DPI) on their citizens within five years. This “DPI” includes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital identification, comprehensive data systems, and more, all functional across national borders.  The new scheme, unveiled late last year and moving ahead rapidly, is known as “50 in 5” because 50 governments expect to have the Orwellian “digital infrastructure” of tyranny in place within five years. Almost a dozen governments, including numerous corrupt kleptocracies and socialist regimes, have volunteered their populations to serve as “First Mover” countries so far.

However, the UN’s assumption is that every government will eventually impose this on every person on Earth. This is clearly expressed throughout its announcements. “All countries, regardless of income level, geography, or where they are in their digital transformation journey, can benefit from being a part of 50-in-5,” the UN agency behind the scheme declared. “Joining the campaign helps ensure countries don’t have to tackle DPI implementation alone or start from scratch.”

The whole program is being guided by the UN and elitists including Gates and others such as the Rockefellers, longtime financiers of globalism, eugenics, and population-control schemes. Multiple front groups steered by such “controligarchs” were created for the purpose. But U.S. and European taxpayers are being conscripted to foot much of the bill via UN agencies and international “development” banks.


Dane Wigington has posted another Global Alert News story!

Tennessee’s bill to ban geoengineering has now successfully passed the House in addition to previously passing the Senate, now only Governor Bill Lee’s signature is needed for the proposed legislation to become law. Though any ban on climate engineering will be difficult to enforce, it is critically needed public awareness of the issue that is the most important factor in this equation. Many are finally waking up to core components of climate engineering like chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding, extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios occurring around the world are now the norm. From climate catastrophes to earthquakes and the coming eclipse, what aren’t we being told? 


Should you buy or build a chicken coop?  The options are here! 

When it comes to raising backyard chickens, one of the first decisions a new owner must make is whether to build or buy a chicken coop. Both options have advantages and disadvantages and ultimately depends on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Building a chicken coop from scratch allows for complete customization and control over the design and materials used. For those who enjoy woodworking and construction, it can also be a fun and rewarding DIY project. 

However, building a coop can be time-consuming and requires some skill and knowledge. It may also be more expensive than buying a premade coop, especially if mistakes are made along the way.

On the other hand, buying a chicken coop offers convenience and ease of use. Many pre-made coops are available on the market, ranging in size, style, and price. This option is ideal for those who are short on time or lack the necessary skills and tools to build their own coop. However, pre-made coops may not always meet the specific needs of the chickens or the owner and may require additional modifications or repairs.

The Gardener’s Toolkit: 5 essential tools every gardener needs! 

Garden tools are the unsung heroes of the horticultural world. With hundreds to choose from, let’s start with the few every gardener really needs. Having the right equipment makes the gardening experience more efficient and pleasurable, starting with a good pair of garden gloves.

Cloth gloves are lightweight and breathable, which is important on hot days. They keep hands clean and protected from bug bites, sunburn, and blisters after a long day of planting, hoeing, or weeding. Leather gloves add more protection against cuts, scrapes, and thorns, and some may also be waterproof. Rubber-coated gloves are ideal when mixing pesticides, weed killer, and so forth, but can quickly become hot and some people may risk allergic reactions. Synthetic “rubbers” such as neoprene or nitrile are available as full gloves or as the “palms” on cloth gloves. These provide enhanced grip on tools but offer no protection from thorns or other sharp objects. Any glove chosen must fit well so that it doesn’t restrict movement while working.

Few things see as much use in the garden as a hand trowel, with its pointed tip for loosening a wide variety of soils and weeding, and its curved blade, which is invaluable for planting, transplanting, and adding soil enhancers such as compost.

The ideal trowel will comfortably fit in one’s grip—not all hands are sized the same—and have a high-quality blade and handle. Look for single-piece construction. Stainless steel is valued for being bend-proof and rust-resistant, while aluminum and high-quality tempered steel are good, long-lasting choices.

Shovel and spade are often used interchangeably, but incorrectly. A spade has a pointed tip that is designed for cutting and digging, including straight, flat-bottom trenches, removing sod for a new garden bed, adding organic matter to garden soil, and harvesting root crops such as potatoes. Look for one with a hardened steel blade and steel shaft. The average spade has a 45-inch or longer handle. Choose one with a handle that fits comfortably between your elbows and chest. Shorter, 18-inch to two-foot handles are designed for smaller jobs or tight spaces.

A shovel, on the other hand, features a flat front with rounded edges and a wide scoop to dig, lift, and move soil, create deep trenches, and remove heavy items such as large rocks or small tree stumps. Handles are available in traditional wood as well as stronger and lighter fiberglass, ranging in length from 44 to 48 inches. Again, choose one that is at a comfortable height between your elbows and chest.

A vegetable gardener’s thumbnails and forefingers get endless use during the season when it comes to pinching off herbs to harvest, nipping growing tips to shape a plant, and removing the occasional bug-infested leaf. For bigger jobs, there are hand anvil pruners, hand bypass pruners, and long-handled bypass loppers that significantly extend a gardener’s reach. It must be noted that anvil pruners can crush a branch being cut and are therefore recommended only for removing dead branches.

Often sold as a pair with a hand trowel, hand forks are three-toothed compact rakes that can do everything from aerating small areas of soil to turning a compost heap for quicker breakdown. Its larger cousin, the four-tine garden fork, effectively breaks up and turns soil, particularly hard soil. Similarly, garden prep and end-of-season cleanup wouldn’t be as efficient without a metal-bladed rake, nor clearing out fallen tree leaves without a flexible, thin metal or plastic rake designed to remove surface debris.

When the budget allows, invest in the best tool available. It’ll save money in the long run.

While the following tools may not be completely essential, they’ll certainly make gardening more pleasant and comfortable.

Wide-brim garden hats offer enhanced sun protection but should not be so large that they impede the work. A garden apron protects clothing while offering large, convenient pockets. Safety glasses protect the eyes from any flying dirt when stubborn weeds are pulled out.

A garden kneeler can be as simple and inexpensive as a simple, thick kneeling pad or as deluxe as a kneeler that converts into a work seat with a handy bag for tools. Another option is a thick EVA foam knee pad that does double duty for house cleaning and so forth.

Garden wagons range from lightweight models that can tote garden tools, move a bag of mulch, and easily transport green waste to the compost pile to heavy-duty options that can move a load of patio bricks, heavy planters, and more.


Despite the FDA’s capitulating on ivermectin use, deeper concerns still exist! 

Since 1987, ivermectin has been used to treat human diseases. Doctors are also testing it for cancers outside the COVID-19 spectrum. This contradicts the FDA’s claim that ivermectin is an “animal drug.”

The ivermectin controversy is just the tip of the iceberg, revealing a much larger problem.

Like many low-cost remedies, ivermectin is a gift from nature with a glorious history.

Professor Satoshi Omura discovered ivermectin in Japanese soil in 1975. He isolated a bacterial species, Streptomyces avermectinius, from the soil and found a new compound, avermectin, the precursor to ivermectin. He then modified avermectin into a safer and more effective drug—ivermectin.

This drug has saved hundreds of millions of people around the world suffering from two parasitic diseases that have plagued tropical regions for centuries—river blindness and lymphatic filariasis. It has also been proven effective in treating many other parasitic infections, including gastrointestinal roundworms, mites, ticks, and scabies.

It is a drug that has been used in humans for more than 30 years without developing resistance and has a good safety profile.

Ivermectin has been called a “wonder drug” by many doctors. In 2017, Nature’s Journal of Antibiotics published the article “Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations.”

Ivermectin also has proven broad-spectrum antiviral activity against various types of RNA viruses, including AIDS, dengue fever, West Nile, Zika, influenza, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis.

When a virus enters a human cell, it is carried by a vehicle-like transporter to replicate inside the cell and spread throughout the body. Ivermectin has the ability to block the function of this transporter, thereby preventing the virus from replicating and spreading.

Popular paper on Ivermectin and COVID-19 contains false information!

A popular study that claims ivermectin has shown no effectiveness against all-cause mortality contains false information but remains uncorrected.

The meta-analysis, published in 2021 by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, explores how groups in randomized, controlled trials fared after receiving ivermectin compared to control groups.

Among five trials included for the portion on all-cause mortality, none showed an effect for ivermectin, the authors claimed.

Ivermectin “did not reduce all-cause mortality,” they wrote.

But the claim is wrong. One of the five trials was described as finding ivermectin recipients were more likely to die, but actually found that ivermectin recipients were less likely to die. “The risk base estimation … confirmed that the average mortality obtained in all of ivermectin treated arms was 3.3%, while it was about 18.3% in standard care and placebo arms,” the authors of that paper said.


VIDEO SERIES: Our pet first aid series features essential education from our in-house veterinarian, Dr. Kirsten Rongrenn, DVM, MRCVS.  Learn how you can deal with a pet health emergency, recognize signs of heatstroke, bandage a paw, and much more.


High school student fixes own school bus after he saw it broken down on the side of the road

Gavin Natti, a junior at Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School in Danvers, thought he should stop to help. And not just to call the police or protect the bus from being hit,

but instead to actually fix the bus by replacing its serpentine belt himself.

According to WBZ-TV, the bus Natti stopped to help turned out not to just be a bus that belonged to his district, but the very bus he regularly rode to school. His bus driver was understandably surprised to see one of his regular riders pull up and offer to help. Natti, who was in the school’s automotive program, told the driver he thought he could fix the problem. The driver, who had already radioed the school district’s head bus mechanic, radioed back to tell the district that the student wanted a chance to fix the issue.

“My dispatch told me about the student on scene and she was pretty excited for him to give it a try. So I said, ‘Alright, I’ll give him a little bit.'”

Natti noted that the bus was overheating and quickly determined that a frayed serpentine belt was to blame for the issue. “We lifted up the hood and I saw that serpentine belt that runs the water pump, it runs the fan, everything to make that bus run and stay running was basically torn in half,” Natti told WBZ. Natti tried to find a replacement part but was unable to find the proper belt from a local store, so the district’s mechanic Jay Weaver brought him a belt to finish the job.

The next day Natti rode that very bus to school to find a proud automotive teacher in Brooks Clarke. “We teach everything from brakes, suspension, to check engine lights. The education the students receive here allows them to go directly out into the workforce. Gavin exemplifies what it means to be a model student and a good citizen.”

Natti told WBZ that he hopes to start his own automotive business when he graduates, so that he can help as many people as possible.

Overdue library book returned 37 years late with funny note inside …

An overdue library book has been returned almost 37 years late by the original borrower with a funny note inside, giving library staff a dose of confusion and humor all in one.

“Psychedelics” by Bernard Aaronson and Humphry Osmond, published in 1970, was anonymously returned to Riverside Library and Cultural Center in Weld County, Colorado, on March 13 via drop box. It fell into the hands of the library’s materials supervisor, who was “a little confused” to discover the book was 36 years, 9 months, and 13 days overdue.

“It had a stamp on it that said Weld County Library, and we haven’t been called that since before 1985,” said James Melena, community relations and marketing manager for High Plains Library District.

A Post-it note inside the book read, “Sorry so late! It’s been a long, strange trip,” beside a drawing of a smiley face.

The library staff thought it was “pretty hilarious” and quipped on Facebook, “Far be it from us to suggest that a book on psychedelics may, MAY, have affected someone’s perception of time…”

While Mr. Melena suspected that the borrower “got as much of a kick out of it as we did.”

The day after posting on Facebook, the story had gone international. None of the library staff expected their funny find to reach viral status, but even staff who had worked for the district for decades could not recall an overdue book ever being returned so late. The most overdue book on their current system dates only to 2017.

“We went from analog to digital, we lost a lot of inactive accounts, and every 10 years we purge inactive accounts, so we really don’t have good record keeping for what the most overdue book could be,” Mr. Melena told The Epoch Times. “But, this one certainly beat every single other one!”

There’s no way of knowing the identity of the borrower, he explained, since the book was last checked out in 1987 when the library was using a card catalog that has since been abandoned.

The fact of the book’s return means the library would not have collected a late fee. Nonetheless, Mr. Melena calculated that, at 10 cents per day, the book would have incurred “comfortably over $1,300 at this point.”


A 4.7-magnitude earthquake in New Jersey rattled New York City!

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake struck New Jersey last Friday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and it was likely felt by millions of people across the northeastern U.S. and New York City metropolitan area. It appears there were no injuries or damages reported.

“Preliminary data from the USGS shows that a 4.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded near Whitehouse Station, NJ,” the National Weather Service wrote in a statement. On social media, residents in New York City and Philadelphia reported feeling the temblor. The rare phenomenon quickly became one of the top trending topics on X, formerly known as Twitter.

An Epoch Times reporter who is located 50 miles north of Lebanon reported feeling shaking for approximately five to 10 seconds, while Epoch Times staff in New York City also reported shaking. 

John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, and Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport were placed on a ground stop, officials told ABC News. Runways are being inspected for possible damage, they said.

And the quake led to the evacuation to Philadelphia’s City Hall, officials told a local affiliate station.

Former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski sues Rep. Dan Goldman for defamation

Tony Bobulinski, a former Biden family business associate and witness in an ongoing Republican-led impeachment investigation, has filed a lawsuit against Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) accusing the lawmaker of defamation.

The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Washington and first reported by The Daily Caller on Friday, accuses Mr. Goldman of repeatedly lying about Mr. Bobulinski following a heated exchange at a recent congressional hearing. According to Mr. Bobulinski’s complaint, Mr. Goldman defamed the former Biden business associate in a series of posts on social media by alleging Mr. Bobulinski “has used a Trump campaign-paid lawyer to make false allegations” and that his testimony before Congress was “Russian disinformation.”

Mr. Bobulinski’s complaint says he has spent over $500,000 of his own money on legal fees and neither former President Donald Trump nor any Trump-affiliated entities “have ever paid” for any of those legal fees, contradicting Mr. Goldman’s assertion. The complaint also insists Mr. Bobulinski has not made any false allegations before Congress, as claimed by Mr. Goldman, nor have his claims originated from Russian disinformation.

The lawsuit follows through on a threat Mr. Bobulinski made last week that he would seek recourse through the courts if Mr. Goldman didn’t delete his offending social media posts and publicly retract his statements about Mr. Bobulinski. The legal filing on Friday states Mr. Goldman neither responded to, nor complied with the request for a retraction.

Trump gets new megadonor … He previously backed Nikki Haley!

A significant financier of Nikki Haley’s presidential run is now throwing his weight behind former President Donald Trump.

According to an updated copy of the invitation to a fundraiser for a joint fundraising committee backing President Trump seen by The Epoch Times, Warren Stephens will be a co-chair of the Trump 47 Committee’s so-called Inaugural Leadership Dinner which was held over the weekend in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump accuses Biden of unfairly targeting 71-year-old J-6 “praying Grandma” …

Former President Donald Trump has criticized President Joe Biden and the Justice Department for “unfairly” targeting a 71-year-old woman dubbed the “J6 Praying Grandma” who entered the U.S. Capitol for around 10 minutes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rebecca Lavrenz was convicted on April 4 on four federal misdemeanor charges, including entering and remaining in a restricted building, and disorderly and disruptive conduct. She faces up to a year in prison and $200,000 in fines, with her sentencing scheduled for Aug. 12.

President Trump took to social media on Friday to denounce the conviction.

“Rebecca Lavrez, also known as the ‘J6 Praying Grandma,’ has been unfairly targeted by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, and now faces up to 1 YEAR in prison for peacefully walking around the Capitol, and praying for our Failing Nation on January 6th!” he wrote in a post on Truth Social.

President Trump said that Ms. Lavrez, a 71-year-old grandmother and small business owner from Colorado, has now become “one of Joe Biden’s J6 HOSTAGES!!!”

President Trump has made the alleged mistreatment of Jan. 6 defendants a cornerstone of his reelection campaign, vowing to use executive power to issue pardons and free Jan. 6 “hostages” soon after taking office, if elected.

Country music star Colt Ford suffers a heart attack shortly after an Arizona performance!

Country music singer and rapper Colt Ford was reportedly taken to the hospital after a performance in Arizona on Thursday after suffering a heart attack, according to Deadline. The country star co-wrote the hit song, “Dirt Road Anthem.”

Ford suffered a heart attack shortly after performing at Dierks Bently’s Whiskey Row. He is reportedly in critical condition in the intensive care unit at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa. But he is considered to be stable, per the report.

It appears this is not the first time Ford has suffered from health issues. In 2022, he was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, which is a chronic muscular autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness. Ford said the illness affected his eye more than it did his throat or face.

Just a year before that, Ford was diagnosed with eye cancer but avoided having to undergo chemotherapy because it was detected early on, according to People Magazine.

“The doctor told me I was a week to 10 days from having to go on full chemo.”

He underwent surgery following the diagnosis and performed just a few days later. Ford was reportedly a professional golfer before he ultimately turned to country music and hip-hop.

Though Ford was set to perform at two other venues — in Nevada and Arizona — the shows have been canceled.

Ford has previously said: “I know darn well that God never puts anything on you that you can’t handle, but the Lord might have a lot more confidence in me than I thought.”

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