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Today's News: April 10, 2019

Top Headlines
Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
CNBC – Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous.  For example,the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to”Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.
A statement on the website of St. Jude’s Hospital warns parents not to allow people to visit children undergoing cancer treatment if they have received oral polio or smallpox vaccines within four weeks, have received the nasal flu vaccine within one week, or have rashes after receiving the chickenpox vaccine or MMR (measles,mumps, rubella) vaccine.
“The public health community is blaming unvaccinated children for the outbreak of measles at Disneyland, but the illnesses could just as easily have occurred due to contact with a recently vaccinated individual,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A.Price Foundation. The Foundation promotes a healthy diet, non-toxic lifestyle and freedom of medical choice for parents and their children. “Evidence indicates that recently vaccinated individuals should be quarantined in order to protect the public.”Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella),rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.
Both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals are at risk from exposure to those recently vaccinated. Vaccine failure is widespread; vaccine-induced immunity is not permanent and recent outbreaks of diseases such as whooping cough, mumps and measles have occurred in fully vaccinated populations.
Flu vaccine recipients become more susceptible to future infection after repeated vaccinations.
Adults have contracted polio from recently vaccinated infants. A father from Staten Island ended up in a wheelchair after contracting polio while changing his daughter’s diaper.  He received a 22.5 million dollar award in 2009.
“Vaccine failure and failure to acknowledge that live virus vaccines can spread disease have resulted in an increase inout breaks of infectious disease in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals,” says Leslie Manookian, producer of The GreaterGood. “CDC should instruct physicians who administer vaccinations to inform their patients about the risks posed toothers by those who’ve been recently vaccinated.”
According to the Weston A.Price Foundation, the best protection against infectious disease is a healthy immune system, supported by adequate vitamin A and vitamin C. Well-nourished children easily recover from infectious disease and rarely suffer complications.
Schumer: ‘A Woman Has a Right to Decide What is Her Choice…Before That Moment Before the Child Is Born’
CNS News – When asked if a baby that survives an abortion but is left to die unattended on a hospital table constitutes infanticide, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said infanticide is illegal but a woman can choose abortion with her doctor “before that moment before the child is born.”
At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, CNSNews.com asked Senator Schumer, “The Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act says that a baby who survives an abortion must receive immediate medical care and be admitted to a hospital. Do you believe that denying such care constitutes infanticide?”
Schumer said, “You know, this issue has been brought up over and over again. It’s bogus in terms of how our Republican friends are interpreting this.”
“Infanticide is against the law, and a woman has a right to decide what is her choice with her doctor before that moment before the child is born.  So, this is all — again — fear-mongering and falsification of what is happening. Infanticide is already illegal.”
Earlier on Tuesday, when Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) was asked the same question, he said of Schumer’s home state,  “When you look at what New York ushered in, the law that allows for infanticide – literally, I mean, it’s murder.”
Scalise was referring to pro-abortion bill, the Reproductive Health Act, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) signed into law in January. The legislation allows abortion across the board, even up to the day of birth.
De Blasio Declares Health Emergency, Orders Measles Vaccinations In Brooklyn
WCBS – Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency in parts of Williamsburg and said unvaccinated people in several ZIP codes will be required to get an MMR vaccine as a measles outbreak continues to swell in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Under the mandatory vaccinations, members of the city’s Health Department will check the vaccination records of any individual who may have been in contact with infected patients. Those who have not received the MMR vaccine or do not have evidence of immunity may be given a violation and could be fined $1,000.
A strong jump in measles cases over the past week has New York City has the Health Department taking a firm stand, telling yeshivas to close their doors to unvaccinated students or face closure and fines.
>> Related Story: Health pros: De Blasio’s forced vaccinations abuse of power
But Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the AAPS, argues the Supreme Court already has ruled against such an order.
“The U.S. Supreme Court warned against ‘arbitrary and oppressive’ abuse of police power, going ‘far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety of the public,’ in the 1905 case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” she explained.
“This case concerned smallpox vaccination during a deadly epidemic that killed 30 percent or more of persons infected.
“In its vast overreach, New York is ignoring these cautions,” she said.
She argued further that “all medical interventions, including vaccines, have risks and benefits.”
“These vary with frequency and severity of disease, vaccine safety, and individual patient circumstances. Professional judgment, not top-down bureaucratic diktat, is needed,” she said. “Moreover, whatever their doctor advises, patients have the right to withhold informed consent. This is a fundamental liberty right.”
Her organization wrote a letter recently to members of Congress arguing against federal intervention in medical decisions.
NYC Health Department Puts Yeshiva Schools In Williamsburg On Notice: Allow Unvaccinated Students In At Own Peril
CBS – New York City officials are cracking down on schools in Brooklyn that allow unvaccinated children to attend, telling them to comply or be shut down.
Neighborhood officials said the vast majority of Orthodox Jews in Williamsburg are vaccinated, but because the community is so tightly knit, just a small number of anti-vaxers is allowing this outbreak to grow, CBS2’s Ali Bauman reported Monday.
“There is no religious exemption on measles,” said Gary Schlesinger, CEO of Parcare Community Health Network. “All rabbis, all prominent rabbis have issued proclamations that everyone should vaccinate.”
AG assembles team to investigate FBI
Washington Examiner – Attorney General William Barr has established an investigative team that he intends to use to look into the origins of an FBI counter-intelligence investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
According to Fox News, Barr has settled on the Justice Department members he plans to lean on to look into the how the FBI decided to investigate Trump in the first place. The probe ultimately led to the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
World News
Libyan National Army shoots down gov’t plane near Misrata
RT – General Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army claims to have shot down a military airplane belonging to the Tripoli-based government of national accord (GNA) that took off from Misrata.
Japan reopens city abandoned after 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown
RT – While Okuma may have looked like a Japanese Chernobyl after the nuclear meltdown in nearby Fukushima, it is now rebuilt and its evacuation order has been lifted. Yet something eerie remains about the renovated ghost-town.
It Begins: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency
ZeroHedge – Authored by José Antonio Ocampo, formerly United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, via Project Syndicate,
This year, the world commemorates the anniversaries of two key events in the development of the global monetary system. The first is the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference 75 years ago. The second is the advent, 50 years ago, of the Special Drawing Right (SDR), the IMF’s global reserve asset.
The best alternative would be to turn the IMF into an institution fully financed and managed in its own global currency – a proposal made several decades ago by Jacques Polak, then the Fund’s leading economist. One simple option would be to consider the SDRs that countries hold but have not used as “deposits” at the IMF, which the Fund can use to finance its lending to countries. This would require a change in the Articles of Agreement, because SDRs currently are not held in regular IMF accounts.
The Fund could then issue SDRs regularly or, better still, during crises, as in 2009. In the long term, the amount issued must be related to the demand for foreign-exchange reserves. Various economists and the IMF itself have estimated that the Fund could issue $200-300 billion in SDRs per year. Moreover, this would spread the financial benefits (seigniorage) of issuing the global currency across all countries. At present, these benefits accrue only to issuers of national or regional currencies that are used internationally – particularly the US dollar and the euro.
More active use of SDRs would also make the international monetary system more independent of US monetary policy. One of the major problems of the global monetary system is that the policy objectives of the US, as the issuer of the world’s main reserve currency, are not always consistent with overall stability in the system.
In any case, different national and regional currencies could continue to circulate alongside growing SDR reserves. And a new IMF “substitution account” would allow central banks to exchange their reserves for SDRs, as the US first proposed back in the 1970s.
SDRs could also potentially be used in private transactions and to denominate national bonds. But, as the IMF pointed out in its report to the Board in 2018, these “market SDRs,” which would turn the unit into fully-fledged money, are not essential for the reforms proposed here. Nor would SDRs need to be used as a unit of account outside the Fund.
The anniversaries of the IMF and the SDR in 2019 are causes for celebration. But they also represent an ideal opportunity to transform the SDR into a true global currency that would strengthen the international monetary system. Policymakers should seize it.
*  * *
And just like that, the world is once again being primed and propagandized to desire this inevitability.  Coming just a day after the Saudis threatened to end the Petrodollar, Ocampo’s op-ed is well-timed to say the least.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Oregon’s SB-978 Gun Control Bill Is So Hysterically Restrictive That PEPPER SPRAY Is a Felony
Activist Post – A new gun control bill introduced in the Oregon State Legislature added 45 pages of draconian amendments the night before the vote. SB978 passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday and now heads to the Oregon Senate.
It’s a good thing that some parts of this state have vowed to be 2A sanctuaries because Oregonians are going to need them. If the gun owners – and even pepper spray owners – in other parts of the state hope to defend themselves, they could be facing a vast new array of felony charges.
The battle for the right to bear arms is rapidly spreading across the country. In February, the House of Representatives passed two sweeping national bills.  New Mexico has passed 6 outrageous new laws that sheriffs are refusing to enforce, and sheriffs in Washington state are also rebelling. On the other stand, two states have introduced invasive laws requiring would-be gun owners to hand over access to years of personal social media.
Raising the minimum age
They want to raise the minimum age to buy a gun to 21 in certain cases.
Keeping your gun locked up
Residents will be required to keep their guns locked up at all times that they are not being carried. These rules will render guns all but useless in the event a person needs to access them to protect themselves and their family.
Failure to follow these rules is a Class C Felony. Also, don’t get excited about the phrase “gun room” because your bedroom doesn’t count.
Gun owners are liable for the acts of gun thieves
If your gun/guns are stolen, you must report it. Failure to do so is a Class B felony per weapon. And if the thief hurts or kills someone with the stolen firearm, the owner is liable for two years.
If you have kids, look out.
Any adult who transfers a firearm to a minor is responsible for any actions taken by that minor with the firearm. And if you want to take your kids shooting or hunting, they must be “directly supervised.”  And if a young person gets a hold of a parent’s gun, the parent is liable for the young person’s action. If the gun isn’t secured as per the rules above, then the adult is charged with even more crimes.
Oregon wants to crack down on unregistered guns.
The next section deals with “ghost guns.” Pages 11-19 offer a lengthy list of rules, restrictions, requirements, and record-keeping for the transfer of antique guns, gun parts, and much more. If you have them, you’ll be a felon upon the passage of this bill.
And as everyone knows, registration is only one step away from confiscation. Here’s an article by Selco, explaining how gun confiscation could go down.
The next section makes it more complicated to transport a gun.
If this passes, gun owners who are not concealed-carry permit holders will have to jump through all sorts of hoops to transport a firearm in a vehicle, including locking it in a box in a “secure” area of the vehicle.
Concealed carry permit fees will go up.
The next section deals with CC permits and the related fees, increasing them in another effort to put an undue burden on law-abiding citizens.
And then there’s the stuff about “public buildings.”
In this bill can find a massive list of restrictions regarding having a gun on the premises of or “near” public buildings. To me, this is the scariest part because it’s so incredibly arbitrary.
In section 25, Local Authority to Regulate Firearms in Public Buildings,” airports, ports, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities probate courts, city halls, homes of officials, and other “public buildings” – and even their grounds – can restrict guns
Go here to read the insanity in detail.
Abortion foes mount direct challenges to Roe v. Wade
Detroit News – Mississippi and Kentucky have passed laws that would ban most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected – which means as early as six weeks, when many women don’t even know they’re pregnant. Georgia could join them if Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signs a measure that has been sent to him, and a bill in Ohio is nearing final passage.
Similar bills have been filed in at least seven other states with anti-abortion GOP majorities in their legislatures.
Alabama may go further, with legislation introduced last week to criminalize abortion at any stage unless the mother’s health is in jeopardy.
The chief sponsor of the Alabama bill, Rep. Terri Collins, acknowledged that the measure – like the heartbeat bills – is intended as a direct challenge to Roe, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.
“To me this is an issue the court simply got wrong years ago,” said Collins, who hopes President Donald Trump’s appointments of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court lead to a reconsideration of Roe.
Staci Fox, Atlanta-based CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast, said these bans are “blatantly unconstitutional and lawmakers know it – they just don’t care.” The goal, she said, is to “challenge access to safe, legal abortion nationally.”
Activists and legal experts on both sides of the debate agree that getting a Supreme Court decision on such a defining case is unlikely any time soon.
Leaked Google Memos Reveal Aggressive “News Blacklist” Used Against Conservative Sites
ZeroHedge – Leaked internal documents reveal that Google maintains a blacklist preventing certain news outlets from appearing in search results for news or other specific sections, according to the Daily Callers J. Arthur Bloom.
What this means is that while search results from blacklisted outlets will still appear in the generic “ten blue links” portion of search results – targeted sites will not be allowed in sections such as “top news” or “videos,” according to the report.
“The purpose of the blacklist will be to bar the sites from surfacing in any Search feature or news product. It will not cause a demotion in the organic search results or de-index them altogether,” reads the policy document.
Of note, Zero Hedge was removed from Google’s News category after the 2016 US election.
According to the Caller, the blacklist includes several conservative websites, including Gateway Pundit, Conservative Tribune (a subsidiary of the Western Journal), American Spectator and more, for violating the search giant’s “misrepresentation policy” and “good neighbor policy.”
Economy & Business
US Threatens to Scrap Ties With Allies Over Use of Chinese Tech
Sputnik – This comes a few weeks after Chinese tech giant Huawei accused the US government of “a loser’s attitude” and dismissed claims that its cutting-edge technology could be accessed and exploited by Chinese intelligence.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned that Washington may scrap cooperation with some of its “important strategic partners” which use Huawei Technologies Co Ltd systems.
Speaking at a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Pompeo also cautioned that the US may refuse to share information with those countries which have preferred to install Huawei technologies in their systems while knowing that “the [spying-related] risk on the part of Chinese authorities is too high”.
He added that although US specialists believe that thus far, there has been no technology to suppress such security threats, “we will be able to resolve this very difficult technical problem in the future”.
Pompeo spoke after Huawei chairman Guo Ping said in late March that the US was persisting in its efforts to shape a false image of his company because of American tech firms’ inability to compete with Huawei products.
Science & Technology
The Guardian – Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, heralding a revolution in our understanding of the universe’s most enigmatic objects.
The picture shows a halo of dust and gas, tracing the outline of a colossal black hole, at the heart of the Messier 87 galaxy, 55m light years from Earth.
The black hole itself – a cosmic trapdoor from which neither light nor matter can escape – is unseeable. But the latest observations take astronomers right to its threshold for the first time, illuminating the event horizon beyond which all known physical laws collapse.
The breakthrough image was captured by the Event Horizon telescope (EHT), a network of eight radio telescopes spanning locations from Antarctica to Spain and Chile, in an effort involving more than 200 scientists.
Furious backlash amongst expats as UAE bans Skype
RT – In a frustrating move for locals and expatriates alike the United Arab Emirates banned Skype this week, the Microsoft-owned company has announced, and residents of the Emirates have been venting their frustration online.
Vaud, Switzerland Joins Brussels in Adopting 5G Moratorium
Activist Post – The Telecom Industry has admitted there are no studies that show 5G wireless technology is safe.  Since 2017 200+ doctors and scientists have demanded a moratorium on installation due to research that has already proven it’s harmful.
Regardless, 5G promotion and installation has continued except for where there has been enough opposition to stop it.
Last week, Brussels adopted a 5G moratorium.  Now Vaud, Switzerland is doing the same.  Thanks to TakeBackYourPower for covering this in detail.
Candida auris: Drug-resistant fungus is spreading. Scientists warn of new superbugs to come
WPTV – It began in 2009 , when doctors in Tokyo swabbed the ear of a 70-year-old woman and found an unknown strain of fungus that can infect humans and, in severe cases, cause a blood infection in high-risk patients. It’s called Candida auris.
Now, a decade after it was discovered, cases have been reported in more than 30 countries around the globe — including the United States, Australia, India, Germany, Israel, Venezuela and South Africa, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As of Feb. 28, 2019, the CDC says there have been 12 confirmed cases in Florida.
But how we got here is a mystery: While the fungus seems to have cropped up relatively recently, its genetics reveal distinct groups that evolved apart, on different continents.
“We really can’t explain that … unless it goes back thousands of years,” said Dr. Tom Chiller, chief of the CDC’s Mycotic Diseases Branch.
Oregano Oil: A Powerful Natural Antifungal
The Candida Diet  – Wild Oregano is one of the most powerful natural antifungals created by Mother Nature, and its amazing oil has been used as an effective medicinal treatment for centuries. It’s also one of the most sought-after herbs to include as part of a Candida treatment program.
Oregano’s many therapeutic properties include antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and antibacterial. Recent research has even suggested it may harbor cancer-preventative properties.
Today, Oregano oil is particularly useful for treating a Candida albicans overgrowth. A major advantage to oregano oil is that, unlike other natural antifungals, the Candida yeast is less likely to develop a resistance to it. This makes it an excellent choice for continuing your anti-Candida treatment after you’ve completed your cleanse. As with other natural antifungals, it’s best to take in combination with one or two other herbs.
How Does Oregano Oil Work?
Numerous studies have reported the efficacy of oregano oil’s many medicinal actions, particularly in fighting Candida overgrowth.
A 2001 study at Georgetown University Medical Center found that oregano oil was able to completely inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. Not only that, the study found that supplementing with oregano oil daily was a highly effective treatment and preventative of candidiasis.
Further research has shown that oregano oil contains two naturally occurring antimicrobial agents named carvacrol and thymol. These agents work to fight Candida overgrowth by reacting with the water in your bloodstream, which effectively dehydrates and kills Candida yeast cells.
Other studies report that each of oregano extract’s major components has potent antifungal activity. This includes terpenoid phenols carvacrol, thymol, and eugenol. These incredible terpenoid phenols are effective in not only killing planktonic cells but also the biofilms of Candida albicans that are resistant to many pharmaceutical antifungal drugs. Of these, carvacrol appears to be the strongest; studies show it continues to be effective regardless of the maturity of the biofilm.
One amazing study by the University of West England found that oregano’s active ingredient carvacrol was a more effective antimicrobial than 18 different pharmaceutical drugs. The study showed that even a small amount of carvacrol was enough to sterilize septic water, kill giardia and treat candida overgrowth infections. In doing so, its ability to kill microbes was shown to be even more effective that pharmaceutical antibiotics such as streptomycin and penicillin.
Oregano oil has been shown to inhibit the growth of clinical strains of serious bacteria such as E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, even when the bacteria had developed different patterns of resistance.
>> Power Mall Products of Interest: Oreganol P73 Oil Super Strength – 1fl oz, Oreganol P73 Gel Caps – 60 ct
You know grapes are high in antioxidants – but have you looked at their leaves?
NaturalNews – Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are small, round, sweet fruits known for its many health benefits. Not many people know it, but their leaves are also edible and can also be used as a functional food, as suggested by a recent study. Researchers at Maharishi Markandeshwar University in India suggest consuming red grape leaves, in particular, to improve cholesterol levels.
Grape leaves have powerful antioxidant properties and active phytochemicals. Earlier studies have shown that in medicinal plants, antioxidants and phytochemicals possess the ability to inhibit lipid absorption. Therefore, the researchers looked at the ability of red grape leaf extract to prevent high cholesterol levels in rats. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that can build up on the walls of arteries. (Related: 12 Most Effective Cholesterol Lowering Foods to Add To Your Diet.)
To do this, they carried out a qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening of red grape leaf extract to identify its phytochemical content. They also fed rats with high cholesterol diets to elevate their cholesterol levels. Then, they treated the animals with red grape leaf extract for three weeks. During the study period, the researchers measured parameters like lipid profile, liver function, atherogenic index, and histopathological studies.
Published in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness, the results showed that red grape leaf extract contains tannins, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, terpenoids, and phenolics. Red grape leaf extract significantly reduced cholesterol levels and improved “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. In addition, the treatment with red grape leaf extract reduced the disruption of endothelial lining and thickness of blood vessel lining. The researchers said that these effects against high cholesterol levels may be attributed to the presence of active phytochemicals and antioxidants of red grape leaves.
Pet News
Dogs can sniff out lung cancer with 97% accuracy through their super-sensitive noses
USA Today – Here’s another reason to love dogs.
Using their super-sensitive noses in a scientific experiment, dogs were able to sniff out lung cancer in samples of human blood with 97% accuracy, new research reports.
Specifically, three of four beagles correctly identified samples of blood with lung cancer 96.7% of the time and normal samples 97.5% of the time. For whatever reason, the fourth dog was “unmotivated to perform,” researchers said.
All four dogs were two years old.
Dogs can do this because the smell receptors in their noses are as much as 10,000 times more accurate than humans.
The study was performed by Heather Junqueira, a researcher at BioScentDx, a Florida-based pharmaceutical lab.
The research has not been published in a peer-reviewed science journal. Monday, Junqueira presented her findings at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology annual meeting in Orlando.
The results could lead to new, non-invasive cancer-screening approaches, the firm claimed.
“Although there is currently no cure for cancer, early detection offers the best hope of survival,” Junqueira reported.

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