July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 11, 2022


LIVE UPDATES: Russia Claims Killing of Senior Nationalist Commander in Ukraine

Russia Claims Killing of Senior Nationalist Commander in Ukraine

Russian commandos have killed a prominent member of Ukraine’s nationalist Right Sector group, the Russian defense ministry claimed on Monday. Taras Bobanich was accused by Moscow of causing hundreds of civilian deaths in eastern Ukraine during hostilities in 2014.

A Russian recon team killed Bobanich while on patrol about half a mile south from the city of Izium in Ukraine’s Kharkov region, the ministry statement said. It said he was a deputy commander of the Right Sector responsible for reserve operations.

The ministry didn’t disclose the circumstances of Bobanich’s death. The Right Sector’s social media reported that he was killed on Friday near Izium, calling him a “legendary nationalist.”

The 33-year-old came originally from western Ukraine. He rose to national prominence during the mass protests and armed coup of 2013–2014, during which Ukrainian nationalists served as the street fighting force against Ukrainian law enforcement.


Russia Halts All Bond Sales Over ‘Cosmic’ Borrowing Costs

Russia is hitting pause on any new government borrowing owing to what finance minister Anton Siluanov told local media was a “cosmic” rise in debt servicing costs following war-related Western sanctions on Moscow.

Siluanov told the Izvestia news outlet in an interview on Monday that Russia will halt all government bond auctions for the rest of 2022.

“We do not plan to go to the local market or foreign markets this year,” Siluanov told Izvestia. “It makes no sense because the borrowing cost would be cosmic.”

In a wide-ranging interview, Siluanov said that recent changes to Russia’s budget policy mean that all revenue streams, including from sales of oil and gas, can be used to pay down its domestic and foreign debt and so the country doesn’t need to borrow at this time.

Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose COVID Origin Fraud

An investigative report by Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban, based on more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, shows a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research”

In 2014, EcoHealth received a $3.7 million NIAID grant to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for outbreaks in human populations. Nearly $600,000 of that went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was a key collaborator

The 2014 grant highlights the truth of what critics of gain-of-function (GOF) research have been saying for years, which is that this kind of research never achieves its aims. They say it needs to be done to prevent and/or get ahead of pandemics, but not a single pandemic has ever been averted and, instead, GOF research may actually be the cause of them

EcoHealth president Peter Daszak’s behavior has added fuel to suspicions of a lab leak — potentially of a virus that he himself helped create. In 2015, he warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident, especially the sort of virus manipulation research being done in Wuhan. Despite this history, in February 2020, Daszak wrote a “scientific consensus statement” published in The Lancet that condemned the lab leak theory as a wild conspiracy theory

It appears those who insist SARS-CoV-2 is of natural origin, despite all the evidence to the contrary, are doing so because they don’t want risky virological research to be blamed for the COVID pandemic


January 6 committee is divided on sending criminal referral of Trump to Department of Justice: report

The leaders of the House committee probing the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, are split on whether to issue a criminal referral to the Justice Department of former President Donald Trump, according to The New York Times.

A criminal referral has no concrete legal effect but would allow Congress to notify the Justice Department of the possibility of criminal conduct.

However, there is a debate on whether a referral would tarnish the Justice Department’s growing investigation into the origins of the January 6 riot.

The House committee previously found former top Trump aides Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about the Capitol attack and referred the matter to the DOJ. 


Ex-Clinton Campaign Lawyer Fights Durham’s Use of FBI Expert Testimony

Attorneys for former Democratic National Committee attorney Michael Sussmann filed a motion seeking to exclude certain expert testimony from his case, accusing special counsel John Durham’s attorneys of missing a key deadline and asking a judge to block testimony in his false statement case.

The attorneys representing Sussmann, who’s accused by the Justice Department of lying to the FBI, said Durham “never once suggested that it intended to call an expert witness,” according to an April 8 court filing (pdf).

“Now—a mere six weeks before trial—the Special Counsel has provided a perfunctory and legally deficient notice that he intends to call Special Agent David Martin of the FBI to offer highly technical and complex testimony at trial,” the motion reads, “including (at his sole discretion) on a topic that the Special Counsel has told the Court he does not intend to put at issue at trial, namely, the accuracy of the data that Mr. Sussmann provided to the FBI, as well as the accuracy of the conclusions drawn from that data.”

Sussmann, his attorneys stated, “is amenable to expert testimony from Special Agent Martin that helps educate the jury about basic, uncontroversial issues like what Domain Name System data is,” according to the filing. Sussmann also seeks to block “any expert testimony regarding the accuracy of the data or the accuracy of conclusions drawn from the data.”

They also said in court that the testimony requested by Durham is “complicated and highly technical,” noting that it “relates to the accuracy and possible fabrication, manipulation, or ‘spoofing,’ of truly voluminous DNS data, as well as ‘the analytic significance and conclusions that can be drawn based on the provenance and origins’ of that voluminous data.” DNS refers to domain name system, a decentralized naming system used to identify computers, servers, and other devices reachable via the internet.

Martin is being called by Durham to testify about the Tor open-source software platform that allows for anonymous communications and accessing certain “darknet” websites, according to a previous filing from the special prosecutor. He also told Sussmann’s team that “as you are aware, a white paper that the defendant submitted to FBI General Counsel Baker contained assertions about the purported use of a TOR exit node by the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.”

Secret Service Suspends 4 Officers Involved With Fake Agents

The secret service has suspended four agents connected to two men who were charged with posing as federal agents, officials said.

“As of April 4, 2022, as a result of this conduct, four members of the Secret Service were placed on administrative leave pending further investigation,” court documents state.

The two men—Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36—were taken into custody on April 7 and appeared in federal court on Thursday.

Prosecutors allege they had falsely claimed to work for the Department of Homeland Security and work on a special task force investigating gangs and violence connected to the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

They allege the two impersonated law enforcement officers to integrate with actual federal agents and gave gifts worth thousands of dollars to agency personnel, including one assigned to protect President Joe Biden’s wife, Jill Biden.

Specifically, prosecutors say that Taherzadeh provided secret service members and a DHS employee with, among other things, rent-free apartments worth over $40,000 a year—along with iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, flat-screen television, a generator, gun case, and other policing tools, according to court documents.

He also offered those individuals use of what he said were “official government vehicles” and also offered a $2,000 assault rifle to the Secret Service agent who worked on the First Lady’s protective team, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors further allege that at one point, the men recruited another person to work for them as an “employee of DHS” and “serve on their task force.”

“As part of the ‘recruitment process,’ Taherzadeh and Ali required that the ‘applicant’ be shot with an Airsoft rifle to evaluate their pain tolerance and reaction,” court documents state. “Subsequent to being shot, the applicant was informed that their hiring was in process. The applicant was also assigned to conduct research on an individual that provided support to the Department of Defense and intelligence community.”

It is unclear what the motives were behind the scheme and prosecutors are still investigating the matter.

Judge Overturns Longstanding Pentagon Restrictions on HIV-Positive Service Members

A federal judge on April 6 reversed longstanding policies that previously blocked HIV-positive military service members from becoming officers and deploying in active duty outside of the United States, in what proponents are calling a “groundbreaking ruling.”

The policy was put in place by the Department of Defense and prevented service members living with HIV—human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS—from commissioning as officers and being deployed overseas, thus limiting their opportunity for career advancement.

However, District Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia ruled in favor of three service members in two separate cases, which were first brought in 2018 by the LGBTQ civil rights group Lambda Legal on behalf of the service members.

The individual plaintiffs are service members living with HIV.

One of them, Sgt. Nick Harrison, is a member of the District of Columbia National Guard, who has served in the military since 2000 and was diagnosed with HIV after his second tour of duty in the Middle East in 2012.

Harrison claimed that he was denied the opportunity to serve as an officer and therefore could not take on a position in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, for which he had been preselected, due to the fact that he is living with HIV.

Attorneys argued that the military’s current policy regarding HIV was not aligned with the scientific and medical advances in treatment for the virus, which “should have resulted in an overhaul of military policies related to people living with HIV,” according to Newsweek.

Judge Brinkema agreed with this outlook, writing in her two orders on April 6 that the Defense Department was “enjoined from separating or discharging” or “denying the [commission] application of” the plaintiffs or “any other HIV-positive service member with an undetectable viral load.”

The ruling concerns service members who are diagnosed after they enter the military and whose viral loads are undetectable thanks to antiretroviral treatment.

It is not yet known if the Justice Department will appeal the ruling to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

House Judiciary Committee Advances Domestic Terrorism Legislation, Minus Safeguards

The House Judiciary Committee has advanced legislation to provide federal law enforcement with an influx of resources to counter domestic terrorism, with Democrats voting down several attempts by Republicans to insert safeguards into the bill.

The committee—of 25 Democrats and 19 Republicans—approved the bill on April 6 with a 21–17 vote along party lines. The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act now heads to the House floor after three days of contentious debate.

Republicans made four unsuccessful attempts to amend the legislation.

The first attempt was an April 5 proposed amendment to prevent the Department of Justice (DOJ) from monitoring parents who protest school board policies. Republicans introduced that in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision last year to open a federal investigation into violence at school board meetings.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) opposed the amendment, scoffing at the notion that the DOJ is spying on protesting parents as being a “Fox News conspiracy theory.”

North Carolina Anticipates Five Unpredictable Races In 2022

With several important offices on the line, North Carolina primary races will be especially important this year.

North Carolina is a swing state with empty seats in the mix for the Senate and five House races. A win for Democrats in the Senate race could offer them the chance to control the Senate, while a win for Republicans maintains the current balance.

But Republicans have more to lose than Democrats among North Carolina House candidates due to a last-minute redistricting.

Although North Carolina has one more congressional district than it did last year, Republicans will have to win in a highly competitive district to send eight candidates to Congress as they have in the past.

In contrast, Democrats went from five Democrat-majority districts to six.

This year’s primaries will determine who runs in a general election that may prove a difficult battle for Republicans.

Bill Won’t Let Biden Administration End Key Border Authority Unless National Emergency is Over

A group of Democrat and Republican senators on April 7 introduced a bill that if passed would not allow President Joe Biden’s administration to end the Title 42 emergency border order unless the president declares an end to the COVID-19 national emergency declaration.

Sens. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) are among the 11 senators behind the legislation.

“The Biden administration was wrong to set an end date for Title 42 without a comprehensive plan in place. It’s why today we are introducing bipartisan legislation requiring this administration to implement a plan before lifting Title 42 that protects the public health and safety of our border communities and migrants. We need a secure, orderly, and humane response at our southern border and our bipartisan legislation holds the Biden administration accountable to that,” Kelly said in a statement.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after consulting with top immigration officials, announced on April 1 that it will terminate the emergency order on May 23.

The order, in place since March 2020, has allowed U.S. authorities to quickly expel many illegal immigrants because of concerns the aliens have COVID-19.

Officials said the order “is no longer necessary” in part because of “highly effective vaccines and therapeutics.”

The Role Of Henry Kissinger In Spawning The World Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the personification of The Great Reset — the ultimate goal of which is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the deep state — and the technocratic elite who control it.

In THIS video, comedian JP Sears outlines the primary reasons why this makes Schwab easily among the most dangerous people in the world — and arguably the most dangerous. One of The Great Reset’s “new normal” dictums is that you’ll own nothing and be happy. This is part of WEF’s 2030 agenda,1 and a plan is already in place to make it happen.

Schwab is also author of the book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” which was published July 9, 2020. “Wonder how he got it written and published that fast?” Sears said. “It’s almost like he prewrote it before he started the pandemic. I mean, before the pandemic started.”2

2 Acquitted, Mistrial Declared for 2 Others in Michigan Gov. Whitmer Kidnap Plot

Two men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor were acquitted on April 8, and a mistrial was declared for two others after a jury failed to reach a decision.

Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta were found not guilty of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. Harris also was acquitted of charges related to explosives and a gun.

The jury couldn’t reach verdicts for Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr., which means that the government can put them on trial again.

Attorneys for Harris and Caserta didn’t respond to requests for comment by press time. Fox’s attorney, Christopher Gibbons, said the acquittals of Harris and Caserta demonstrated the weakness of the government’s case, according to The Associated Press.

“We’ll be ready for another trial. … We’ll eventually get what we wanted out of this, which is the truth and the justice I think Adam [Fox] is entitled to,” Gibbons was quoted as saying.

The collapse of the government’s federal case against the four Wolverine Watchmen followed a nearly month-long trial and five days of jury deliberation.

Trump Says Secret Service Blocked Him From Joining Jan. 6 Capitol March

Former President Donald Trump revealed that Secret Service agents blocked him from joining the march to the U.S. Capitol building on Jan.6, 2021.

The former commander-in-chief told The Washington Post Thursday that the “Secret Service said I couldn’t go. I would have gone there in a minute.”

On Jan. 6, 2021, Trump had spoken during a rally highlighting 2020 election issues while both houses of Congress were in session to certify the election.

During the interview with the Post’s Josh Dawsey at his Mar-a-Lago residence in South Florida, Trump said, “I thought it was a shame … and I kept asking why isn’t she doing something about it? Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi doing something about it?”

“And the mayor of D.C. also. The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge,” Trump said, referring to the Democrat House speaker and Mayor Muriel Bowser, also a Democrat.

Several days after the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol, Trump was suspended by most major social media platforms. Twitter—his most used social media platform—claimed it banned his account because Trump would allegedly incite violence regarding the election.

“The crowd was far bigger than I even thought. I believe it was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken to,” Trump said of the Jan. 6 rally. “I don’t know what that means, but you see very few pictures. They don’t want to show pictures, the fake news doesn’t want to show pictures. But this was a tremendous crowd.”

Referencing a House panel investigating the Jan. 6 incident, Trump told the newspaper that he hasn’t yet been contacted by the committee. His lawyers have invoked executive privilege in a bid to block the committee from issuing subpoenas.

De Blasio Used ‘Extrinsic Evidence’ to Cancel Trump Golf Course Contract, Judge Rules

A New York Supreme Court judge ruled that New York City cannot void the golf course contract with Trump Organization, saying former mayor Bill de Blasio was interpreting the contract in a way not as written.

The de Blasio administration notified Trump Organization on Jan. 15, 2021, that they were terminating the company’s license for a golf course in Throgs Neck of the Bronx borough.

The city initially claimed that the Jan. 6 event at the Capitol was the reason behind this decision. But de Blasio officials changed course and stated that the city was canceling the contract because Trump Organization was incapable of attracting professional tournament quality events to the Ferry Points golf course.

The city cited the decision of the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) to support its decision.

“The PGA’s decision to cancel the 2022 PGA Championship at a Trump-branded golf course demonstrates that a key purpose of the License Agreement has been undermined,” the city argued. “We believe it is clear that neither the PGA nor any similar tournament event organizer will wish to associate its event with the Licensed Premises as long as it is associated with the Trump brand.”

Some protesters, most of them supporters of President Donald Trump, stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

PGA announced afterward that they would pull the 2022 championship from Trump’s Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey.

Judge: 2020 Election Records in Key Georgia County Must Be Preserved Indefinitely

A Georgia judge ordered that Fulton County must preserve its 2020 election records indefinitely until further notice, handing a victory to a GOP gubernatorial candidate.

“The court finds it appropriate to include an additional layer of security by ordering that the records and information … are maintained by the Clerk of Court indefinitely until further order of this Court,” wrote Judge Robert McBurney, of the Superior Court of Fulton County, on Thursday.

McBurney further wrote that the clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County “is the current custodian of those records; she is statutorily obligated to maintain the records for at least two years (a period which extends to November 2022, if not beyond).”

The lawsuit (pdf) was filed by former Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), who lost a 2021 runoff election and is currently running as a Republican for governor in Georgia, late last year. Perdue had alleged that there were thousands of “unlawfully marked” mail-in ballots that were counted in Fulton County, which is part of the Atlanta metropolitan area.

“You can’t look forward without learning from the past; that’s what I’ve been saying since November,” Perdue said in a December 2021 interview. “Look, I’m not trying to relitigate the 2020 election, but what I am trying to do is find the people who broke the law and bring them to justice. That’s why I went to court in November. That’s why I’m going to court now.”

According to Perdue’s lawsuit, which doesn’t contest the election, he is seeking to inspect about 147,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County during the 2020 contest. The complaint was filed several days after he launched his gubernatorial campaign, running against Gov. Brian Kemp in the Republican primary.

“David Perdue wants to use his position and legal standing to shine light on what he knows were serious violations of Georgia law in the Fulton absentee ballot tabulation,” said Perdue’s attorney, Bob Cheeley.

Perdue also told local outlets that, in contrast to Kemp, he wouldn’t have certified the 2020 election. A spokesperson for Kemp’s office criticized Perdue after filing the lawsuit in late December.

“David Perdue is so concerned about election fraud that he waited a year to file a lawsuit that conveniently coincided with his disastrous campaign launch,” Kemp spokesperson Cody Hall told Fox5 late last year. “Keep in mind that lawsuit after lawsuit regarding the 2020 election was dismissed in part because Perdue declined to be listed as a plaintiff.”

‘Woke’ Transgender and LGBTQ+ Policies Under Fire in Oregon School District

Republican gubernatorial candidate and mayor of Sandy, Oregon, Stan Pulliam has called out what he describes as a “radical agenda” in the second-largest school district in the state.

Salem-Keizer’s Public School’s new LGBTQ+ policies “encourage teachers to embrace the brilliance of the LGBTQ+ community.” Its K-12 curriculum will “work to include gender and sexuality diversity in ways relevant to the subjects taught.”

“While Salem-Keizer students are struggling to catch up from two years of their schools failing to get them an adequate education, administrators are now implementing a new agenda on our kids that has nothing to do with learning and everything to do with woke personal agendas,” Pulliam wrote on his campaign website on April 5.

The district’s new policies include allowing students in K-12 to use the gendered bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing and letting students pick the gendered sports team of their choice with no conditions.

Students are “eligible for the team that most aligns with their gender identity, regardless of whether the student has undergone any medical gender-affirming treatment,” and staff, teachers, and administrators “may not ask a student—in this context or any other—whether the student has undergone such treatment,” according to the policy document obtained by The Epoch Times.

“Athletes will also be given access to the same facilities as their teammates.”

“This kind of woke agenda has no place in our schools,” continued Pulliam.

“My daughters—just like everyone else’s—deserve fairness by playing on sports teams with other girls. They deserve the privacy of changing rooms and bathrooms with girls only.

“Schools have no business telling kindergarteners they can pick the gender and the bathroom of their choosing. It’s absurd and it’s not their job. Parents know best, not school district administrators. Period.”

In addition, the district’s health classes will feature “accurate information about the scientific realities of sex and gender” and “all educators will use trans and intersex-inclusive terminology in relation to sex and human biology.”

The Salem-Keizer policies further include a process to help students with gender transitioning as well as changing their name and gender designation without notifying parents.

House GOP Leader Won’t Commit to Biden Impeachment

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has remained noncommittal when asked about whether Republicans would try to impeach President Joe Biden if they recapture the House in 2022.

If Republicans take over after the midterm elections, McCarthy would be poised to become House speaker. When he was asked about impeaching Biden, he said he doesn’t want to exploit the impeachment process.

“Look, one thing we learned that the Democrats did is they used impeachment for political reasons,” he told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on April 10.

Former President Donald Trump was impeached twice in Democrat-led efforts. However, those impeachments ultimately failed in the Senate.

“We believe in the rule of law,” McCarthy said. “We’re not going to pick and choose just because somebody has power. We’re going to uphold the law. At any time, if someone breaks the law and the ramification becomes impeachment, we would move toward that, but we’re not going to use it for political purposes.”

He said Republicans should focus on other matters, including border security, inflation, and energy.

“Our focus is going to be securing our border, making us energy independent, bringing these prices down, making our schools and streets safe again, and holding this administration accountable,” the California Republican said. “And we will take the facts to wherever the facts go because America’s been through too much with people playing politics with the concept of impeachment. But if it rises to that level, we would have the law determine that.”

Historically, the party of the president loses seats during the forthcoming midterm elections. Democrats currently hold a small majority in the House and a razor-thin advantage in the 50–50 Senate.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) struck an optimistic tone during an interview on April 10, saying that Democrats are facing a “pretty good beating” in November.

President Joe Biden’s “policies have not worked, beginning with the precipitous and ill-advised withdrawal from Afghanistan, which became kind of a metaphor for the incompetence that’s been on full display during this administration,” the Kentucky senator told Fox News. “None of the policies they have pursued have worked out well.”

“Obviously, we’ll have to work with the administration to see what we can agree on,” said McConnell, who likely would be voted Senate majority leader if Republicans capture the upper chamber. “Biden ran as a moderate … if I’m the majority leader in the Senate and Kevin McCarthy is the speaker in the House, we’ll make sure Joe Biden is a moderate.”

Texas AG Backs Governor’s Policy of Sending Illegal Immigrants to Washington

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has expressed support for state Gov. Greg Abbott’s order to transport illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C.

In an interview with Fox, Paxton acknowledged that a 2012 Supreme Court case blocks states from making their own immigration policies, saying the case could be a “problem for Texas.” However, the Supreme Court now has a 6–3 conservative majority and might take a fresh look at the issue, he suggested, while adding that the 2012 case was “wrongly decided.”

“So I’d encourage the governor to force people to be sent out of our state and make the federal government sue us [and] take that back to the U.S. Supreme Court,” Paxton said.

Abbott’s orders were in response to the Biden administration’s plans to end Title 42 expulsions, which were implemented during the Trump administration to prevent potentially COVID-19-infected illegal migrants from crossing into the United States from Canada and Mexico. Washington is planning to end Title 42 on May 23.

Many Democrats and civil rights organizations have praised Biden’s decision. But Republicans and some Democrats are warning that rescinding Title 42 would result in a massive spike in illegal immigration on top of the already high number of people the Border Patrol is encountering every day.

Title 42 expulsions involve the removal of illegal immigrants who have recently come from a country affected by an infectious disease. A bipartisan group of senators recently introduced a proposal aimed at delaying the end of Title 42 by at least 60 days after the end of the COVID-19 national emergency declaration.

Following the end of the emergency, the Department of Homeland Security would be tasked with submitting a plan to Congress within 30 days detailing how to minimize the impact of any increase in the number of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki dismissed Abbott’s policy of sending migrants to Washington as a “publicity stunt.” Abbott doesn’t have the “legal authority” to compel anyone to get on a bus, she said.

“His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported and that he can’t compel them to. Because again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government, not a state,” she said.

Abbott had announced his “aggressive” actions to secure the border in a statement on April 6. In addition to chartering migrants to Washington, the governor also directed the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas Military Department to set up additional boat blockages and establish razor-wire at high-traffic areas and low-water crossings to deter illegal migration.

Texas Under Pressure to Secure Its Own Border Against Illegal Immigration Amid Escalating Crisis

The border crisis has reached a point where a growing chorus in Texas is pushing for the state to take matters into its own hands.

Several state Republican lawmakers, bolstered by their U.S. congressional counterparts, argue that Texas needs to step up because the state is being invaded—orchestrated by Mexican cartels—and the Constitution allows for defense.

The decision rests on the governor, who would have to declare the crisis an invasion to invoke the state constitutional powers.

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states, in part: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”

Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution states, in part: “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

The sheer volume of illegal aliens and drugs coming across the border constitutes a cartel-style invasion, according to five Texas state representatives and five congressmen who recently visited the southern border in Del Rio, Texas.

Combined with federal inaction, it’s enough to trigger state action, they argue.

“There has never been a greater marketing or advertising campaign for the human traffickers, the sex traffickers, the drug cartels, than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s open-border policies,” state Rep. Brian Harrison said.

DOJ Election Threat Taskforce Appears to Have ‘Something to Hide’: Watchdog Group President

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) is being weaponized against opposing voices. Fitton’s group filed a lawsuit against the DOJ recently to get documents connected to the department’s election threat task force, after almost a year of no response to their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Fitton thinks the DOJ has something they don’t want the public to know.

“We want answers about it. And of course, when you don’t give us answers, and you don’t comply with the law that requires that records be turned over, it suggests to me that you got something to hide,” Fitton told the host of EpochTV’s “Facts Matter,” Roman Balmakov, during a recent interview. “So, what are they nervous about, that they don’t want to give to us?”

Fitton’s comments come after the DOJ’s July action to form an election threats task force to investigate alleged widespread threats to election officials.

“You know, I think we had asked for this material last year initially, and we still don’t have anything,” he said. Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit at the end of March for a FOIA request they submitted in August 2021 for all records related to the August virtual task force meeting.

According to Judicial Watch, the group is “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government, politics, and the law.”

According to the DOJ, “the task force is leading the Justice Department’s efforts to address threats of violence against election workers, and to ensure that all election workers—whether they be elected, appointed, or those who volunteer—be permitted to do their jobs free from threats and intimidation.” The task force will partner with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the FBI field offices to assess allegations of threats against election workers.

The DOJ has charged two people in connection with election threats since the launch of the task force.

“So not only do you have the DOJ involved, you get the FBI, you’ve got I think their national security operation involved as well, and the Department of Homeland Security. And you know, I read it as, ‘Don’t you dare ask questions about the way elections are being conducted, otherwise, you’ll be on our government radar.’”

Fitton believes that these efforts by the DOJ violate the public’s constitutional rights and target political opposition, and work more to intimidate people.

“So, what they do is they pretend that their political opponents are to be treated as national security threats, potential terrorists, lawbreakers, and then follow up with an intimidation effort that suggests law enforcement will be watching you if you talk on these specific topics.”

Former Democratic Congressional Staffer Pleads Guilty to Stealing $80,000 in Public Funds

A former Capitol Hill staffer for Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) has pleaded guilty to fraudulently stealing around $80,000 from the federal government.

The staffer, 24-year-old Sterling Carter, “pleaded guilty today to theft of public funds in connection with his scheme to fraudulently inflate his salary and bonus payments, thereby paying himself more than he was legitimately owed,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a statement.

According to the DOJ, Carter was responsible for managing the payroll in Schneider’s office, and he used that position to give himself unauthorized payouts from public funds.

“Carter concealed this theft from the Congressperson and the office’s Chief of Staff by falsely representing, in both communications and a budget spreadsheet, that he was only being paid what he was legitimately owed,” the DOJ said.

The theft was discovered after an FBI investigation. In Carter’s criminal charging papers (pdf), Frank D’Amico, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation, explained the situation further.

“From August 2019 to January 2021, [Carter] worked as the Director of Operations for the congressional office of … an elected Member of the U.S. House of Representatives,” D’Amico said.

“[Schneider’s] Chief of Staff, in consultation with [Schneider], was responsible for determining employees’ salaries, whether an employee should receive a bonus, and the dollar amount of any bonus to be paid out. Only [Schneider and his chief of staff] could authorize salary increases or bonuses for employees.

“To effectuate a salary increase, CARTER, as Director of Operations, had to fill out and process a Payroll Authorization Form (PAF). The PAF would reflect the employee’s new annual salary and the date on which the salary change would take effect.”

According to the case documents, Carter fraudulently affixed Schneider’s name to several documents that would grant Carter bonus pay.

“Between November 2019 and January 21, 2021, in the District of Columbia, CARTER fraudulently filled out, signed, and submitted unauthorized [bonus pay forms] causing [the House of Representatives Office of Payroll and Benefits] to pay CARTER approximately $80,491.67 in unauthorized payments from Congressperson A’s MRA.”

For example, in one unauthorized PAF effective Nov. 1, 2019, Carter temporarily raised his annual salary from $54,000 to $138,000, resulting in a bonus of around $6,000 for the month.

With his guilty plea, Carter will now await a sentencing hearing, set to take place on July 28. The felony crime could land him in prison for up to 10 years.

USPS stops deliveries to California neighborhood after repeated attacks on mail carriers: Report

The United States Postal Service has suspended services in one neighborhood in Santa Monica, California, because of repeated attacks on mail carriers since January, according to a report. 

The first incident happened on Jan. 19 when a resident living near the intersection of 14th Street and Arizona Avenue allegedly swung a broomstick at one carrier delivering mail in the early evening hours, CBS News reported. The carrier reportedly was not injured in the attack. 

Months later, residents recently received notices from the USPS informing them that delivery service has been hereby suspended to all addresses located in the 1300 block of 14th Street.

The notice explained that “multiple carriers have been subjected to assaults and threats of assault from an individual who has not been located or apprehended.” 


Lockdown States Drag Down Overburdened Labor Market

States that instituted more severe COVID-19 lockdowns have put a drag on recovery in a labor market desperate for hires.

With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, millions of Americans left or were forced out of the labor pool due to fear of the disease or government restrictions. The majority of them have since returned, but it appears there are still millions more on the sidelines, particularly in states that have clamped down on residents more harshly, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In February 2020, before the main brunt of the first pandemic wave hit America, there were about 164.6 million people in the labor force, defined as those holding jobs and those who had looked for a job in the prior four weeks. That number dropped to a low of some 156 million in April 2020 and has since climbed back up to about 164.4 million this March.

But the labor force naturally grows by about 100,000 a month due to the growing population. During the years before the pandemic, it even outpaced this growth, pulling in people who previously weren’t looking for jobs. If the trend had continued, the country would have had about 3 million more in the labor force by now.

And those millions are sorely missing.

States that instituted more severe COVID-19 lockdowns have put a drag on recovery in a labor market desperate for hires.

With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, millions of Americans left or were forced out of the labor pool due to fear of the disease or government restrictions. The majority of them have since returned, but it appears there are still millions more on the sidelines, particularly in states that have clamped down on residents more harshly, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In February 2020, before the main brunt of the first pandemic wave hit America, there were about 164.6 million people in the labor force, defined as those holding jobs and those who had looked for a job in the prior four weeks. That number dropped to a low of some 156 million in April 2020 and has since climbed back up to about 164.4 million this March.

But the labor force naturally grows by about 100,000 a month due to the growing population. During the years before the pandemic, it even outpaced this growth, pulling in people who previously weren’t looking for jobs. If the trend had continued, the country would have had about 3 million more in the labor force by now.

And those millions are sorely missing.

China Insiders Steal Billions From US Investors

The US government, beholden to big banks, fails to protect small American investors

China’s corporate insiders are cheating small American investors of billions of dollars through advance information that enables lucrative trades just before the stock price falls.

The total losses that insiders of Chinese companies listed on American exchanges have avoided by selling prior to price drops are at least $10 billion between 2016 and the middle of 2021, according to a new study of their security filings.

Chinese company shares fell an average of 21 percent a year after the Chinese company insiders sold large quantities of stock, compared to a 2 percent rise after insiders from American companies sold.

Central Banks: Who Needs Them? No One


As the Federal Reserve hikes its lending rate to a range of 0.25–0.50 percent, murmurs are heard around the world, with financial pundits predicting doom due to the increased pressures imposed on the cost structures of firms that are recovering from the pandemic lockdowns. The Federal Reserve is leader of the group of central banks around the world that are ostensibly directed by their respective countries to pursue stability and smooth functioning of their economies.

The alleged legitimacy of central banks rests on three fundamental goals that central banks around the world share. The first goal is price stability, which is the belief that central banks should expand and contract the money supply in relation to actual demand and supply pressures from the economy. Goal number two is fueling macroeconomic growth prospects, which is done through lowering the cost of borrowing, which supposedly leads businesses to increase their investments, leading to increases in output and overall growth.

Finally, the last goal is performing countercyclical measures, which are actions that the central bank undertakes in order to offset the high unemployment rates that may result from falling output during a trough in the business cycle.


Video: The State Can Abduct Children Through CPS ‘Medical Kidnapping’: Rep. Tammy Nichols

A recent case in Idaho is raising alarms over the government’s ability to take children from parents using what’s being called “medical kidnapping” by Child Protective Services (CPS). State Rep. Tammy Nichols, a Republican, says that it contains possible legal issues since normal protections under the law are being reversed.

Nichols said, “You know, that’s what we are finding is that when these cases happen, the guilt rests upon the parents to be able to prove themselves innocent.”

The topic is also gathering deeper controversy amid pushes for COVID-19 vaccine mandates on children. Nichols notes that, “this is becoming a problem. And we’re not only seeing it happening here in the state of Idaho, it’s happening all over.”


Unsafe Levels of Uranium Present in American Public Drinking Water: University Study

High concentrations of uranium were discovered in U.S. community water systems (CWS), according to a study conducted by researchers at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

CA considers allowing genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released into the wild, requests public comment

California regulators are deciding whether or not to approve an experiment in which genetically engineered mosquitoes are released into the wild, and they’re asking the public to weigh in.

The company behind this research experiment, Oxitec, has already passed the first barrier, which was to get an Experimental Use Permit from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Oxitec, which develops pest-control tech, already had a permit to conduct the pilot project in Florida. However, the EPA last month extended and amended the permit to allow the project to expand into California as well, pending a green light from the state.

White House’s Plan to Lower Cost of Gas Largely Symbolic: Expert

President of Whaley Energy Consulting, Don Whaley, said the White House’s recent plan to bring down gas prices, while bold, lacks substance. He said invoking the Defense Production Act (DPA) and releasing oil from the national reserves is largely symbolic.

“So, this announcement, while it’s a bold step … I’m not sure how much substance there really is behind it. And more importantly, this is not like during World War Two, when we turned all our commercial production into military production,” Whaley told NTD’s Capitol Report during a recent interview.

Biden announced on March 31 that he would use the DPA to have the United States mine for minerals that power electric cars and that we currently import from China. The White House specifically noted minerals like nickel, lithium, cobalt, manganese, and graphite in the new notice.

Whaley has worked for over 40 years in the natural gas, electricity, and renewables industries in the United States and Canada. He has facilitated the start-up of a number of small REPs (retail electric providers).

He said it will take time to see if anything comes of the DPA because the United States is not the leading producer of things like “solar panels, lithium batteries, etc.”


Moderna Recalls 764,900 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses After Contamination Found

The U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna Inc. on Friday issued a recall in Europe involving 764,900 doses of its COVID-19 vaccine “Spikevax” after contaminants were discovered in a vial.

“The lot is being recalled due to a foreign body being found in one vial in the lot manufactured at the company’s contract manufacturing site, ROVI,” Moderna and Spain’s ROVI Pharma Industrial Services said in a joint statement.

The drugmaker did not specify what kind of foreign substance was found and had recalled the whole lot out of “an abundance of caution.”

The contamination was traced in just one vial of the batch and investigators do not believe the contamination posed a risk to other vials in the lot.

“Moderna conducted a cumulative search of its global safety database, and no safety concerns were reported in individuals who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine from this lot. To date, no safety or efficacy issues have been identified,” according to the statement.

The lots were distributed from Jan. 13 to Jan. 14 in Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. To date, more than 900 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine have been administered worldwide.

Pfizer Hired 600 Employees Due to ‘Large Increase of Adverse Event Reports’: Document

Pfizer hired 600 employees in the months after its COVID-19 vaccine was authorized in the United States due to the “large increase” of reports of side effects linked to the vaccine, according to a document prepared by the company.

Pfizer has “taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports,” according to the document. “This includes significant technology enhancements, and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues.”

At the time when the document—from the first quarter of 2021—was sent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer had onboarded about 600 extra full-time workers to deal with the jump.

“More are joining each month with an expected total of more than 1,800 additional resources by the end of June 2021,” Pfizer said.

The document was titled a “cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports” of Pfizer’s vaccine received through Feb. 28, 2021. It was approved by the FDA on April 30, 2021.

The document was not made public until the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency sued the FDA after the agency claimed it needed decades to produce all the documents relating to the emergency use authorization granted to the company for the vaccine.

About Half of Americans Already Had COVID-19—What That Means for Natural Immunity

About half of the American population has already gone through the COVID-19 disease. In just the month of January, more than 30 million Americans were likely infected with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus that causes COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated the figure based on serology tests conducted in commercial laboratories on samples from around the country. The presence of antibodies in the blood serum indicates a person has or has had the infection.

By the end of December, about a third of Americans were estimated to have gone through COVID-19. A month later, it was more than 43 percent. Since then, more than 5 million more infections have been detected. Because the antibody prevalence data indicates about two infections occur for each one detected, it may be that almost half the population has gone through COVID-19 already.

The CDC cautions that the serology tests could show both false negatives and false positives, thus affecting the accuracy of its survey.

The agency also warns that its survey “estimates the percentage of people that have detectable antibody indicating resolving or past infection with SARS-CoV-2, but not how much antibody is present.”

“Therefore, the estimates do not necessarily indicate the percentage of people with sufficient antibody to protect against reinfection,” it says.

US Regulators Say Current COVID Vaccines Not ‘Well-Matched’ Against BA.2 Subvariant

The three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States are not “well-matched” against the BA.2 virus subvariant, which has recently been estimated to have become dominant in the country, U.S. regulators said on April 6.

“While currently available vaccines are not well-matched to the dominant circulating variant—which is the Omicron BA.2 sublineage—we do still have some residual vaccine effectiveness,” particularly against severe outcomes, Dr. Dorian Fink, an official with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said.

Fink was speaking during a meeting with the FDA’s vaccine advisory panel, convened to discuss future actions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

BA.2 has shown signs of better evading some COVID-19 treatments, prompting the FDA on Tuesday to yank emergency authorization for one of them, a monoclonal antibody called sotrovimab.

But the regulator has resisted changing the emergency clearance for the COVID-19 vaccines so far, even as they continue to be less effective than originally promoted.

“We have seen evidence of waning vaccine effectiveness, which has been impacted by a number of factors,” Fink said, including general waning over time and some level of antigenic escape from newer variants like Omicron.

The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are all based on the so-called Wuhan variant, which came from China but was displaced in the United States in 2020.

Some vaccine manufacturers are testing variant-specific vaccines, and the FDA has floated shifting to a model similar to the approach utilized with influenza vaccines, which would involve predicting which variants will be circulating in the future.

Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) peg the prevalence of BA.2 in the United States at 72 percent.

Robert Malone Says He Will Sue New York Times Unless It Corrects ‘Defamatory’ Article

The New York Times will face a lawsuit unless it corrects an article claiming Dr. Robert Malone has spread “unfounded claims about the [COVID-19] vaccines and the virus” and misrepresents his role in creating messenger RNA technology, the doctor and his lawyer say.

The New York Times recently published a piece calling Malone the “latest COVID misinformation star,” written by a reporter who the paper hired to cover “disinformation,” or the purposeful spread of false information.

Davey Alba, the reporter, acknowledges Malone performed some of the earliest experiments on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which was used to build the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. But the article questions Malone’s assertion that he invented the mRNA vaccines.

In addition, Malone is accused of “spreading misinformation about the virus and vaccines on conservative programs,” with examples of the alleged actions including how Malone “questions the severity of the coronavirus” and has championed the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two drugs that U.S. regulators say should not be used to treat COVID-19.

Steven Biss, representing Malone, gave notice to the New York Times on April 6, informing lawyers for the paper that the article contains “false and defamatory statements of fact of or concerning Dr. Malone,” including the thinly supported headline.

Biss and Malone say Alba, who now works for Bloomberg, declined an offer from Malone to show her evidence regarding his research and invention of the mRNA technology.

“She refused to view the information that we offered to provide to her,” Malone told The Epoch Times.

A review of the New York Times article found no mention of the patents on which Malone is named. Instead, it says Malone alleges to have invented the technology because he performed experiments on human cells at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, and links to a study Malone co-authored about injecting RNA into mouse skeletal muscle.

Ivermectin as Treatment for COVID-19 May Become More Accessible in Tennessee

Tennessee may make ivermectin accessible without a prescription for treatment against COVID-19 if legislation that was approved in the Senate on April 6 is signed by Gov. Bill Lee.

One of the sponsors of Senate Bill 2188 (pdf), state Sen. Frank Niceley, a Republican, told The Epoch Times, “It’s one of the most important bills we’ve passed this year.”

“The bill would put it behind the counter with a consultation, which means you would explain your symptoms to the pharmacist, fill out a sheet listing your preexisting conditions and what other medication you’re on in order for the pharmacist to determine the right dosage,” Niceley said.

Ivermectin is one of the many therapeutic options, like vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and anti-virals, that have proven to be effective in the treatment of COVID-19,” Republican state Sen. Rusty Crowe, a co-sponsor of the bill, said in a statement. “This bill will provide for a safe and effective way for patients to quickly access ivermectin over the counter, and under the supervision of their pharmacists and the physician with whom the pharmacists have their collaborative agreement.”

Ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an anti-parasitic drug but isn’t authorized for treatment of COVID-19.

In 2021, ivermectin joined hydroxychloroquine as one of the controversial early treatments for COVID-19. Many medical professionals were threatened with losing or lost their medical licenses for prescribing both drugs to treat COVID-19, based on the allegation of misinformation.

Fired Yankee Stadium Worker Sues NYC Mayor Over Uneven Application of COVID-19 Mandates

As New York City Mayor Eric Adams attended the New York Yankees opening day on April 8, he was hit with a lawsuit over the city’s uneven application of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Virginia Alleyne says she was fired from her job at the Legends Club inside the Yankees stadium because of the city’s mandate for private workers.

The rules require all employees at private businesses to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

A separate mandate applies to public workers.

But there’s a carveout for a select few people.

Adams’ predecessor, fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio, included exemptions for athletes and artists visiting the city while he imposed the mandates in 2021. Adams in March extended the carveout to local athletes and artists.

That extension “is fundamentally unfair, picks winners and losers, is arbitrary and capricious and constitutes an abuse of discretion,” Alleyne’s class-action suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, states.

While unvaccinated baseball players can now play at Yankee Stadium, Alleyne and others were terminated because they refused to get vaccinated.

“If an unvaccinated professional athlete can play in a baseball game, a bartender should be able to serve alcohol or a waitress should be able to serve food at the same venue,” the suit states.

“There is no science that will prove that there should be exemption to the NYC vaccination mandate for professional athletes and performing artists and not for petitioner and those similarly situated,” it also said.

Alleyne says she worked at the stadium for 17 years and was fired on Sept. 12, 2021.


Longtime Disney Cast Member Speaks Out: ‘We Are Ashamed to Work for This Company’

As the battle between Florida and The Walt Disney Co. executives continues to rage on, a longtime employee of Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando is speaking out, sharing how he and the majority of his fellow cast members are “ashamed to work for this company.”

The employee, a custodial cast member of 35 years for Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park, spoke to The Epoch Times under the condition of anonymity for the fear of being fired.

He said Disney’s stance against the Parental Rights in Education bill is just another part of the ongoing effort of the company’s new progressive management to push their “California Disney liberal policies” onto the Disney experience of the Sunshine State.

“They’re calling it the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill,” the cast member told The Epoch Times. “It’s not a ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. It’s a parental rights issue.”

As The Epoch Times recently reported, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill into law on March 28, 2022. House Bill 1557, inaccurately branded by liberal opponents as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, prohibits Florida educators from teaching anything about sexual orientation or gender identity to children in Kindergarten through third grade and enables parents to sue if they believe schools or instructors have violated the law.

A week prior, after facing pressure from LGBTQ communities and staff for his silence, Disney CEO Bob Chapek issued a statement apologizing for not being a “stronger ally” to them, calling the bill “yet another challenge to basic human rights.” Chapek then announced Disney would immediately halt all political donations in Florida.

In a March 28 statement, Disney’s corporate office vowed to have the law repealed and to support organizations that tried to do the same.

After the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus outbreak, also known as the novel coronavirus, the vaccine mandates were introduced, the Disney cast member said, and employees were told they would lose their jobs if they did not conform.

“Thank God DeSantis slapped that down,” the Orlando cast member said. Then Disney CEO Bob Chapek and Disney President Josh D’Amaro decided it would be a good idea to protest the Parental Rights in Education law, which the Orlando Cast member said the majority of his fellow Disney employees support.

As The Epoch Times reported April 1, DeSantis floated the possibility at a March 31 press conference that lawmakers might repeal the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act in response to Disney’s ongoing opposition.

Musk Asks ‘Is Twitter Dying?’ in Cryptic Tweet After Devin Nunes Calls It a ‘Ghost Town’

Elon Musk, who recently joined Twitter’s board of directors, sent a cryptic tweet on Saturday asking whether Twitter is “dying,” coming just days after Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes called Twitter a “ghost town” when asked to comment on Musk’s involvement in the company.

Musk, who recently bought a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter that made him the company’s biggest individual shareholder, on Saturday shared a tweet featuring a list of top accounts on the platform, noting in his caption that they “tweet rarely and post very little content.”

“Is Twitter dying?” Musk asked.

Lara Logan Says She Was ‘Pushed Out’ at Fox Nation

Former CBS journalist Lara Logan said that she was forced out of Fox Nation after she made public comments about White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci last year.

“I was definitely pushed out,” Logan said in a recent interview with radio host Eric Metaxas regarding what had happened at the network, without elaborating. “I mean, there is no doubt about that. They don’t want independent thinkers. They don’t want people who follow the facts regardless of the politics.”

Logan also said that hit pieces done by legacy news outlets have hurt her prospects, saying that “if they Google you, and they see a Washington Post or New York Times hit piece on you, well then they don’t want anything to do with you, right? Oh well, we can’t hire you for our event or we can’t employ you or whatever else.”

“I’ve always said I don’t belong to any party. I don’t belong to any one side,” she also said. “I really don’t care about media organizations who for years have reported false stories. Why should I care what they have to say?”

Logan also confirmed in late March that she “was dumped by Fox” during another interview. She had appeared as a guest on the network’s opinion programs and hosted a docuseries produced by Warm Springs Productions on Fox’s streaming service Fox Nation.

In a Fox News interview in November, Logan drew controversy after criticizing Fauci for his policy agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele … the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps,” Logan said at the time. Some Jewish groups criticized her for the comments, and she was dropped by talent agency UTA, according to UTA’s chief communications officer in a statement to news outlets earlier this year.

After the Fauci remark, she has not appeared on Fox News since.

Elon Musk Turns Down Twitter Board Seat, CEO Says ‘This Is for the Best’

In a surprise announcement, Elon Musk turned down a seat on Twitter’s board of directors, according to a recent post by the company CEO, while speculations abound on the rejection as Musk was increasingly vocal about bringing about changes on the platform.

After buying up enough stock that made him the biggest shareholder in the company, which warrants an invite for a seat, Twitter CEO Parag Agarwal said in a Sunday night post on Twitter, “Elon’s appointment to the board was to become officially effective 4/9, but Elon shared that same morning that he will no longer join the board. I believe this is for the best.”

Musk posted a hand-over-mouth smiley following Agarwal’s post.

The Tesla CEO’s appointment to Twitter’s board would have effectively capped his ability to own more than 14.9 percent of the company stock. When his filing was made public, the world’s richest man owned about $2.89 billion in Twitter stock, which is around 9.1 percent of the total company value.

Twitter shares rallied more than 25 percent following the announcement and it has now settled over 9 percent lower than the high set on April 5.

Before the announcement, Musk polled “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?” and said, “The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.”

Over 70 percent of respondents answered, “No.”

Musk has been critical of the platform and asked his 81-million followers what to do with Twitter’s San Francisco head office “since no one shows up anyway,” and took a poll on introducing an edit button.

Numerous conservative voices had called out to Musk to remove restrictions on free speech on the platform and reinstate former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.


The Solution To the GQ (Groomer Question) 

My take on the “Groomer Question” (GQ) is really very simple: if the Regime wants to play the indoctrinate children game we’re going to do it better and create a generation of crusaders for Christ.

Try and stop us, lol.

The right needs to immediately build on the momentum of the anti-groomer and anti-CRT movement that is happening in small local communities across the country and push the Overton Window even further. Now is not the time to cheer from the sidelines, it’s time to get in the arena and win.

Banning the grooming of our children in public schools is a no brainer, but we need to take this many steps further. We need to ban the grooming of our children everywhere. For example why is the FCC allowing Nickelodeon to broadcast an episode of Blue’s Clues that has a pride parade with a drag queen serenading “non-binary, pansexual” animals?

Nickelodeon seems obsessed with promoting mentally ill men in dresses to children. In June of last year they introduced “The Meaning of Pride” music video which featured a mentally ill man in a dress and makeup promoting liberal causes.

Is this the country we want to live in?

Is this the content we want our children consuming?

This is only happening because we are allowing it to happen.

It ends now.

It should come as no surprise that the Enemy is indoctrinating your children in public school. It’s been going on for a half a century. Christian Recontructionalists like R. J. Rushdoony spent decades trying to warn us what was coming and proposed the solution in the form of the homeschooling movement.

I was homeschooled in the 7th grade by my mom. It was an incredible year and something I will never forget. I was often bored out of my mind in public school and excelled with little effort, which continued when I returned to public school in the 8th grade. The 7th grade was different. That year I had a teacher who cared more than any teacher in public school ever could and it made all the difference.

The bottom line is you need to get your children out of the public schools, but that is only one part of the longterm solution and plan. We need to organize a total and complete takeover of the local school boards. Anti-groomer and anti-CRT parent advocates must boldly make their presence known at the school board meetings. Then take control of that school board in the voting booth. We must not only care about the education of our own children, but also the education of children in our community–our children’s peers.

We must also fight for school choice at the state and local levels. There is no reason we can’t start our own Christian schools as an alternative with a Classical Christian education approach. I can’t stress enough how important this issue is and how urgent it is that we take powerful corrective action to protect our children.

Many parents are rightfully concerned and scared about what is going on in our education system, in our culture, and in our country. But I have hope. The type of hope that only comes from the love of Jesus Christ. We are going to win because we serve a God who is unstoppable. His people have been awakened and activated. It’s time to get to work and build.

You know one thing no one is talking about with this whole Groomer Question is that indoctrinating two generations to avoid procreation will result in those generations avoiding procreation. Those in power now should enjoy it while it lasts, because those of us who procreate will inherit and influence the future by default.

Our children won’t be attending Regime schools, they will be educated at home or in a Christian setting.

They won’t consume Regime media, they will watch and create wholesome Christian content.

They won’t participate in Regime delusions and lies, instead they will live in the Truth of God’s Word.

They won’t be using Regime social networks and internet services, they will be on Gab.

They won’t be using Regime Petrodollars, they will be using bitcoin.

Most importantly: they will fear and love the Lord, their family, and their country.

Total and complete victory is inevitable.

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