July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 12, 2024


Leaked dossier shows German government conspired to silence Reiner Fuellmich! 

An alleged leaked dossier shows that German intelligence agencies conspired to create a false construct in order to silence Reiner Fuëllmich, disqualify him from being able to run for public office, and seize control of the Corona committee and its finances.

While some are claiming the dossier is a fake, the evidence already on record overwhelmingly shows that Fuëllmich was targeted by the German government for his far reaching voice exposing the crimes of the COVID lockdowns and mandated experimental shots.

Corona Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Füllmich embezzled seven-hundred-thousand euros, despite this being an official documented loan for the committee’s legal investigation. With the help of the notary, they illegally deposited the proceeds of Fuëllmich’s own real-estate sale into the personal account of Marcel Templin. One-point-one-five-eight million euros. In court, Fuëllmich has been able to question his accusers and got them to admit they currently have access to this money.

Vietnam property tycoon sentenced to death in $27-billion fraud case!

A top Vietnamese property tycoon was sentenced to death on Thursday in one of the biggest corruption cases in history, with an estimated $27 billion in damages. A panel of three hand-picked jurors and two judges rejected all defense arguments by Truong My Lan, the chair of major developer Van Thinh Phat, who was found guilty of swindling cash from Saigon Commercial Bank for a decade. Lan denied the charges and blamed her subordinates.

After a five-week trial, 85 others also face verdicts and sentencing on charges ranging from bribery and abuse of power to appropriation and violations of banking law.

Lan embezzled $12.5 billion, but prosecutors said Thursday the total damages caused by the scam now amounted to $27 billion — a figure equivalent to six percent of the country’s 2023 GDP. The figure dwarfs even the amount that FTX cryptocurrency exchange founder Sam Bankman-Fried was recently convicted of swindling his customers out of, estimated at around $10 billion. Still, the death sentence is an unusually severe punishment in such a case.

Lan and the others were arrested as part of a national corruption crackdown that has swept up numerous officials and members of Vietnam’s business elite in recent years.

Hundreds of people began to stage protests in the capital Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, a relatively rare occurrence in the one-party communist state, after Lan’s arrest in October 2022. Police have identified around 42,000 victims of the scandal, which has shocked the Southeast Asian country.

Lan, who is married to a wealthy Hong Kong businessman also on trial, was accused of setting up fake loan applications to withdraw money from SCB, in which she owned a 90% stake. Police say the scam’s victims are all SCB bondholders who cannot withdraw their money and have not received interest or principal payments since Lan’s arrest.

Prosecutors said during the trial that they had seized more than 1,000 properties belonging to Lan.


Trump campaign wants presidential debates to start earlier … 

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is calling for additional 2024 presidential debates and for them to take place “much earlier” than initially proposed by the debate commission. The Trump campaign asserted that the candidate is willing to debate President Joe Biden “anytime, anyplace, and anywhere.”

The Epoch Times received a copy of an April 11 letter from the campaign via email, authored by Trump campaign co-managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. The letter was sent to The Commission on Presidential Debates co-chairs Frank Farenkopf Jr. and Antonia Hernandez.

Ms. Wiles and Mr. LaCivita told the commission they were writing “in agreement with the pending letter from television networks advocating for presidential debates to occur in 2024.

“While the Commission on Presidential Debates has already announced three presidential debates and a vice-presidential debate to occur later this year, we are in favor of these debates beginning much earlier,” they wrote.

In their letter, Ms. Wiles and Mr. LaCivita pointed out that “voting is beginning earlier and earlier, and as we saw in 2020, tens of millions of Americans had already voted by the time of the first debate.

Expressing disappointment with the proposed 2024 calendar, they stated that it arrives too late and included an estimate of the number of Americans who will have cast their ballots by the time each debate is scheduled.

“By the date of the first proposed debate, September 16, 2024, over 1 million Americans will have likely voted,” the Trump co-managers wrote. “By the date of the second proposed debate, October 1, 2024, the number of Americans who will have likely cast a ballot will be over 3 million, an increase of 225 percent.”

Based on the third proposed debate date of Oct. 9, which is 35 days prior to Election Day, Ms. Wiles and Mr. LaCivita approximate that “8.7 million Americans will have already voted.”

The Trump campaign contended that the American people “were robbed of a true and robust debate” in 2020, as the commission hosted just two debates that, according to the letter’s authors, took place “much too late in the election calendar despite voting timelines having moved up exponentially.”

The Trump campaign stated in a letter to the debate commission that in 2020, they “ceded to the wishes of the Biden campaign on every front.”

“Fairness in such a setting is paramount, and the Commission must ensure that the 2024 Commission-sponsored debates are truly fair and conducted impartially. The Commission must move up the timetable of its proposed 2024 debates to ensure more Americans have a full chance to see the candidates before they start voting, and we would argue for adding more debates in addition to those on the currently proposed schedule,” they wrote.

“Former President Abraham Lincoln and former U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas held seven debates in their storied 1858 U.S. Senate battle in Illinois,” they added. “Certainly, today’s America deserves as much.”

The Republican National Convention weighed in on the letter, with Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump releasing a statement on April 11, asserting that “The RNC has long pushed for reforms that foster truly free and fair debates.

“Election calendars have become longer than ever before—and scheduling debates after millions of Americans have already cast their ballots does a grave disservice to voters who want to hear solutions to the economic, border, and crime crises created by Joe Biden. It’s no wonder that Biden wants to return to the basement and avoid accountability for his failures, but Americans deserve to see the contrast between his weaknesses and President Trump’s vision to Make America Great Again.”

Near the end of the letter, the Trump campaign reiterated the former president’s dedication to the debates, saying, “We have already indicated President Trump is willing to debate anytime, anyplace, and anywhere—and the time to start these debates is now.”

Judge in Trump case says hostages label for jailed J-6 defendants is wrong! 

The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s election interference case on April 10 said that describing defendants being held on charges related to the U.S. Capitol riot as hostages is wrong.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, said that people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol who remain jailed in Washington don’t deserve to be called hostages or heroes.

“They’re being kept there because they are dangerous people,” Judge Chutkan said during a sentencing hearing for Antony Vo, an Indiana man convicted of entering the Capitol with his mother.

President Trump has increasingly shown support for Jan. 6 defendants, including playing recordings of defendants in jail singing the national anthem. In 2023, he spoke at a fundraiser benefiting Jan. 6 defendants and said he’d contribute. “There have been few people that have been treated in the history of our country like the people that you love, like the people that have gone through so much,” he said at the time.

Later that year, he described jailed defendants as “hostages, not prisoners.” In March, he said one of his first acts in office, if he wins the 2024 election, would be “free[ing] the January 6 hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!” And more recently, he said a 71-year-old grandma who was sentenced to prison had become ”one of Joe Biden’s J6 hostages.”

Some people have criticized the characterization, including White House officials. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has called the description “grotesque and offensive” to people being held hostage. Others, though, have said they share President Trump’s views about the treatment of defendants, some of whom have been held pending trial for years.

Judge allows Trump classified docs co-defendant to file FBI transcript in blow to Jack Smith! 

A federal judge has allowed a Trump co-defendant in the classified documents case to file a redacted FBI interview transcript with his motion to dismiss, in a blow for special counsel Jack Smith.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said in a paperless order on Wednesday there were “even stronger” reasons to deny Mr. Smith’s “sweeping” request to overcome the public’s “common-law interest in access to these materials.”

The material in question is the transcript of an FBI interview with Trump co-defendant Walt Nauta, who was charged for allegedly mishandling classified documents stored at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in southern Florida.

Ahead of a hearing slated for Friday, Mr. Nauta has been ordered to file his motions for a bill of particulars or to dismiss by Thursday. A bill of particulars is a detailed statement of charges; the co-defendant has argued that the prosecution hasn’t made clear what laws he violated.

Mr. Nauta is expected to argue in motions to dismiss that the prosecution has failed to state an offense, that the law is too vague for the average citizen to understand, and that the law is too ambiguous, therefore the judge must apply the law in a manner favorable to the defendant, according to the order.

In her order, Judge Cannon said that while Mr. Smith sufficiently argued to shield the names of potential government witnesses over safety concerns, she came to a “different conclusion” regarding Mr. Nauta’s motions and the attached FBI transcript.

“Given the undisputedly substantive nature of the Motions, the Court has applied the common-law right of access standard to this inquiry, deeming it sufficient to resolve the instant requests as briefed,” the judge wrote.

Judge Cannon found there were “similar but even stronger reasons” to allow the FBI transcript to be filed, albeit with redactions to witness names.

“With respect to the substantive statements contained in Defendant Nauta’s FBI interview, the Court reaches a different conclusion,” the judge wrote.

“Accordingly, Defendant Nauta may attach his FBI interview transcript but shall (for the reasons stated previously) redact the names of any potential government witnesses and ancillary names where referenced therein,” the judge wrote.

Additionally, the judge ordered that Mr. Nauta’s grand jury testimony taken on June 21, 2022, be filed entirely under seal “for now.”

Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court justice won’t seek re-election!

A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice announced Thursday she won’t be seeking reelection, potentially throwing the state court’s liberal-leaning majority in jeopardy.

Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, 73, has been on the state’s highest court since 1995 and was reelected twice in that time period—having last been reelected in 2015. Her statement confirmed that her time on the bench will end in July 2025.

“I know I can win re-election, should I run,” the judge said in a statement. “But, it’s just time to pass the torch, bringing fresh perspectives to the court. Upon completion of my third term, I look forward to embarking upon a new chapter in my life, which will include public service that is guided by the same principles of justice, fairness and dedication that have defined my tenure on the court.”

Over 40 GOP Senators call on Chuckie Schumer to allow Mayorkas impeachment trial to go forward! 

More than 40 Senate Republicans are calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to permit an impeachment trial against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

A letter, exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital, from 43 Senate Republicans and led by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urges Schumer not to delay or dismiss an impeachment trial against Mayorkas.

Graham and the Senate Republicans write that “the Senate [must] uphold its constitutional responsibility to properly adjudicate the House of Representatives impeachment.”

The only Senate Republicans not to sign the letter are Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Mitt Romney (R-UT). Romney, for instance, has said the House’s accusations against Mayorkas do not warrant impeachment.

While House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was supposed to send articles of impeachment against Mayorkas to the Senate on Wednesday, April, 10, he delayed the move to Tuesday, April 16.

In addition to record-breaking illegal immigration, Mayorkas has overseen the creation of an expansive catch-and-release network in which tens of thousands of migrants are released into the U.S. interior every month.

Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Tom McClintock (R-CA) have asked Mayorkas to hand over records detailing every migrant released during his tenure. The secretary, though, has refused to respond to the request.

Reports suggest that the DHS has been releasing about 85 percent of all migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border on Mayorkas’s watch. The secretary, though, has never confirmed that figure publicly.

Trans Antifa member charged with detonating a bomb outside of the Alabama AG’s office! 

An Alabama man has been charged for his alleged role in detonating an explosive device outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s Office in February, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced.

Law enforcement arrested Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, on April 10 on charges of malicious use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device, according to the DOJ.

The explosive device detonated near the intersection of Washington Avenue and South Bainbridge Street, outside of Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office in downtown Montgomery at around 3:42 a.m. on February 24. Surveillance footage showed a person wearing dark clothes, a mask, and goggles near the scene. No one was injured and there was no major damage to any nearby buildings.

“My staff and I are breathing a collective sigh of relief this morning knowing that this individual has been taken off the streets,” Marshall said in a statement. 

“Although more information will be provided in the weeks to come, I think it is safe to say that this was not a random act of violence. We are grateful to our federal and local partners for their assistance in this matter and are pleased that the offender faces federal charges carrying significant prison time.”

If convicted, Calvert faces a mandatory minimum of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, according to the DOJ.

The U.S. attorney’s office wrote in a detention memo filed Wednesday that the explosive device “had the characteristics of an IED, and Calvert added a substantial number of nails and other shrapnel to increase its destructive capability,” NBC News reported.

The detonation occurred one day after Marshall said he had no plans to prosecute in vitro fertilization (IVF) providers or families after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are considered unborn children under state law, and that anyone who destroys them may be held liable. Authorities have not released a potential motive behind the detonation.

The memo also alleges that Calvert placed stickers on the state buildings “advocating for various political ideologies” the same night of the explosion, including stickers promoting antifa, and anti- police and anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement sentiments, according to the report. Some of those stickers read “Support your local antifa.”

Calvert has expressed his “belief that violence should be directed against the government, and he has described his inability to control his own violent, aggressive impulses,” the memo added.

Calvert allegedly identifies as transgender and nonbinary and is linked to the domestic terror group Antifa, The Post Millennial reported.

“Prosecutors have asked for Calvert to be detained without bond. Prior to the arrest, Calvert posted videos showing… his extensive Antifa propaganda before the attack he is accused of carrying out,” according to the report.

Iowa joins Texas in making illegal immigration a state crime! 

The Republican governor of Iowa signed a bill into law that makes illegal immigration a state crime if the person had been deported once already or denied entry before, a law similar in nature to that in Texas.

The bill signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) on Wednesday is meant to take effect on July 1, but could be delayed by court challenges, the New York Times reported.

Iowa’s Senate Bill 2340 makes illegal reentry into the U.S. a state crime and with certain limits gives state police officials the power to return an illegal to their home country.

The law also grants immunity from liability to law enforcement agencies and individuals. Reynolds blasted the Biden administration in her signing.

“The Biden administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk,” Reynolds said. “Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them. This bill gives Iowa law enforcement the power to do what he

is unwilling to do: enforce immigration laws already on the books.”

State Democrats railed against the bill, with Democrat state Sen. Janice Weiner calling it a “political stunt.” Weiner added that there are no real resources for Iowa law enforcement officials to return illegals to their home countries. “It’s a gotcha bill,” she exploded.

The Times explained:

The law makes it a misdemeanor for a person to enter Iowa if they were previously deported from the United States, denied entry to the country, or left the country while facing a deportation order. In some cases, including people with certain prior convictions, the state crime would become a felony. To enforce the new law, Iowa police officers would be allowed to make arrests in most places, but not in schools, places of worship or health care facilities.

On the other side of the issue, Republican Rep. Steven Holt said that states have to act on illegal immigration because the Biden administration is failing to do so.


U.S. foreclosure activity increases in the 1st quarter of 2024! 

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its Q1 2024 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows a total of 95,349 U.S. properties with a foreclosure filing during the first quarter of 2024, up 3 percent from the previous quarter but down less than 1 percent from a year ago.

The report also shows a total of 32,878 U.S. properties with foreclosure filings in March 2024, down less than 1 percent from the previous month and down 10 percent from a year ago.

“Q1 2024’s foreclosure data reveals a market in transition, with slight increases in filings and starts, alongside a notable decrease in REO properties,” explains Rob Barber, CEO at ATTOM. “While foreclosures remain relatively stable, we’re closely monitoring these trends. Homeowners continue to hold significant equity, contributing to a persistently hot housing market.”

A total of 67,657 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process in Q1 2024, up 2 percent from the previous quarter and up 4 percent from a year ago.

States that had 100 or more foreclosures starts in Q1 2024 and saw the greatest quarterly increase included, New Hampshire (up 43 percent); Illinois (up 26 percent); Florida (up 22 percent); Rhode Island (up 21 percent); and Nevada (up 16 percent).

Lenders repossessed 10,052 U.S. properties through foreclosure (REO) in Q1 2024, up 7 percent from the previous quarter but down 20 percent from a year ago.

UnitedHealth Chairman & executives sold stock before US probe became public! 

UnitedHealth Group Chairman Stephen Hemsley and three senior executives netted a combined $101.5 million from sales of company stock over four months leading up to when the public became aware of a federal antitrust investigation, Bloomberg News reports. 

Bloomberg says sales of shares occurred between Oct. 16, a week after the health insurer reportedly received notice of a Justice Department probe, and Feb. 26, the day before the investigation was reported by numerous media outlets. 

UnitedHealth hasn’t explicitly acknowledged the probe and declined to say when Hemsley and the others were informed of it, Bloomberg reports, adding that when asked about the trades, a spokesperson said the directors and officers followed company protocols and received approval from the company. 



Hand sanitizer recalled amid warnings it could cause comas or blindness! 

A company is recalling hand sanitizer and aloe gel across the United States because it contains a highly poisonous substance that can pose a serious risk for consumers, according to a notice published on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) website.

The recall affects 40 lots of Aruba Aloe Hand Sanitizer Gel Alcohol 80 percent and Aruba Aloe Alcoholada Gel because they contain substantial amounts of methanol, the FDA-backed notice said.

It offered a risk statement saying that “substantial methanol exposure” can lead to a range of serious health issues such as death, coma, seizures, permanent blindness, permanent nervous system damage, blurred vision, vomiting, nausea, and other symptoms.

“All persons using these products on their hands are at risk,” said the notice, but it especially issued caution for “young children who accidentally ingest these products and adolescents, and adults who drink these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute are most at risk for methanol poisoning.”

The company said it has not received any reports of adverse events in connection to the products.

The firm did not say in the notice how its products were contaminated with methanol or how the error was found. Methanol, known as wood alcohol, is described by federal officials as “extremely poisonous” and that as little as two tablespoons “can be deadly to a child,” according to the MedicinePlus website.

Aggressive colorectal cancer tied to oral bacterium … 

A new study shows that a common oral bacterium linked to a virulent form of colorectal cancer could be driving tumor growth.

The discovery was made in a study published March 20 in Nature. Researchers from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center performed a variety of tests on human stool samples and mice to document the transfer of this bacterium, Fusobacterium nucleatum, which occurred in about half of the colorectal cancers in tumors removed from 200 patients.

Colorectal cancer causes the second-highest number of cancer deaths in U.S. adults, according to the American Cancer Society. In 2024, it’s expected to take the lives of more than 53,000 people.

Fusobacterium nucleatum is of particular interest because the patients in which it’s detected have a poorer prognosis and survival rate, Susan Bullman, Fred Hutch cancer microbiome researcher and co-corresponding study author, explained in a news release.“Now we’re finding that a specific subtype of this microbe is responsible for tumor growth,” she said. “It suggests therapeutics and screening that target this subgroup within the microbiota would help people who are at a higher risk for more aggressive colorectal cancer.”

The specific subtype of the Fusobacterium—described as Fna C2—was found in half the tumors in the study. It was also found in higher quantities of stool samples of 627 colorectal patients compared to 619 healthy people in a separate analysis included in the study.

Fna C2 was one of two distinct lineages of Fusobacterium nucleatum noted in the colorectal tumors with 195 genetic differences from the other clade, or group of organisms with similar genetic traits, called Fna C1. Traits of Fna C2 indicate it could pass through stomach acid and then grow in the colon.

Stomach acid often inhibits the proliferation of microbes that don’t belong in the lower intestine. But a number of factors can also interfere with this protective mechanism, including bacteria that adapt to stomach acid, such as Heliobacter pylori (H. Pylori),  and having low levels of stomach acid, which increases the risk of infection.

Cancer surge among young people linked to accelerated aging, researchers claim! 

New research suggests a surge in cancer among younger adults may be the result of “accelerated aging,” according to a study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research’s annual meeting in San Diego, held April 5–10.

“Multiple cancer types are becoming increasingly common among younger adults in the United States and globally,” said Ruiyi Tian, a graduate student at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. “Understanding the factors driving this increase will be key to improve the prevention or early detection of cancers in younger and future generations.”

The National Institutes of Health supported the study.

The researchers suggest that increased biological age, characteristic of accelerated aging, may contribute to the development of early-onset cancers, defined as those occurring in adults younger than 55.

Biological age refers to the condition of a person’s body and physiological processes, which are considered modifiable. A person’s chronological age refers to the number of years they have been alive.

“Unlike chronological age, biological age may be influenced by factors such as diet, physical activity, mental health, and environmental stressors,” Ms. Tian said. “Accumulating evidence suggests that the younger generations may be aging more swiftly than anticipated, likely due to earlier exposure to various risk factors and environmental insults. However, the impact of accelerated aging on early-onset cancer development remains unclear.”

FDA head pushes for mandated lead testing by food manufacturers

The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Robert Califf, pushed lawmakers on Thursday to pass a bill that would mandate that food manufacturers perform testing for lead in their products that are getting imported into the country from overseas. 


Fireball lights up New Jersey sky days after eclipse and earthquake

The sighting caps an eventful week of natural phenomena in the area following Monday’s solar eclipse and last week’s earthquake

A bright fireball was seen dropping from the night sky over New Jersey early Wednesday, capping an eventful week of natural phenomena in the area following Monday’s solar eclipse and last week’s earthquake. 

The fireball, which many say was a meteor or a falling star, was captured on video lighting up the dark sky in several New Jersey towns. 

The American Meteor Society, which allows contributors to report “fireballs” reported dozens of sightings at around 3:45 a.m. with sightings being logged across the Garden State as well as in parts of some parts of Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania.

SpaceX launches U.S. military weather monitoring satellite

The USSF-62 mission sent to orbit the Weather System Follow-on Microwave (WSF-M) satellite

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on April 11 launched a U.S. Space Force weather monitoring satellite. The vehicle lifted off from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, at 7:25 a.m. Pacific. 

The USSF-62 mission flew to orbit the U.S. military’s first Weather System Follow-on Microwave (WSF-M) satellite. 

Made by Ball Aerospace — a company recently acquired by BAE Systems — WSF-M has a microwave imager instrument to collect weather data including the measurement of ocean surface wind speed and direction, ice thickness, snow depth, soil moisture and local space weather. 

The spacecraft will operate in a low polar orbit. The Space Force has ordered a second WSF-M satellite, projected to be delivered by 2028. These satellites are part of a broader effort to modernize the military’s space-based environmental monitoring assets.

Data used for military planning

“The data gathered by WSF-M will be provided to meteorologists in support of the generation of a wide variety of weather products necessary to conduct mission planning and operations globally every day,” the U.S. Space Force said. 


The US Senate has passed a resolution nullifying Biden’s greenhouse gas emissions rule! 

The Senate has passed a disapproval resolution overturning a regulation from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requiring states to measure and set goals for reducing carbon emissions from vehicles using the national highway system.

The FHWA issued Reg. 2125-AF99 in November 2023 as part of President Joe Biden’s efforts to slash carbon emissions in half by 2030. It would force state transportation departments and metropolitan planning organizations to measure their transportation-related emissions and set reduction targets.

Multiple states have sued over the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule, arguing that it could dampen job creation, eliminate future economic development, saddle states with costly regulations, and is ultimately an overreach from the executive branch.


Beetroot – Growing Guide

  • Beetroot is known for its vibrant red color, which comes from betacyanin, a pigment with powerful antioxidant properties.
  • It was historically used for medicinal purposes, including treating ailments related to digestion and blood.
  • Beetroot greens are edible and nutritious, containing vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron and calcium.
  • Beetroot has been cultivated for thousands of years, with evidence of its consumption dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks.
  • Beetroot is a versatile vegetable used in various culinary dishes, including salads, soups, and even desserts.

Alpine Goats – Your Basic Care Guide

In many ways, goats can be ideal livestock. They aren’t too big, are surprisingly productive, affordable, and they don’t require too much land. You can easily handle a large herd of goats yourself once you know what you’re doing.

But just like every other livestock species, picking the right breed counts for a lot. If you want lots of milk, look no further than the Alpine goat.

These legendary dairy goats produce literally gallons of milk daily and are famously easy to handle. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you everything you need to know to get started raising them yourself.


Czech group reiterates intention to buy U.S. ammo makers! 

The Czechoslovak Group (CSG) reiterated its intention to pay $1.91 billion for numerous U.S. ammunition makers, noting it has secured finances through U.S.-based JP Morgan Chase.

CSG intends to purchase Vista Outdoors Sporting Products, an umbrella company that includes Remington, Federal, and CCI ammunition brands, among others.

On April 8, Business Wire reported that CSG reiterated its intentions.

G is a leading industrial technology company operating across strategic business segments including defense, aerospace, ammunition and mobility. Under the leadership of current CEO and 100% owner Michal Strnad, CSG has become the pre-eminent Czech industrial group and built an extensive global footprint.

We have a demonstrated history of supporting the long-term growth of our portfolio companies. We look forward to successfully closing the Acquisition of The Kinetic Group and becoming the steward of such venerable American brands as Federal, CCI and Remington. As we have publicly stated, we intend to keep in place The Kinetic Group’s existing leadership, invest in the business and continue production in the U.S.

Additionally, we would note that we have continued to invest in the U.S. facilities we already own in Arkansas and Missouri and have increased output at those plants – allowing us to provide even more supply to our American customers.

On April 11, on Newsmax TV host Eric Bolling noted that numerous police departments and law enforcement agencies have rules against buying ammunition from foreign ammunition companies. He expressed concerns over the possibility of our military being forced to acquire ammunition or being dependent on ammunition from a foreign-owned company.

Bolling also noted the problem private Americans may face due to jumps in cost, should CSG acquire the renowned American ammunition makers.

On January 24, Breitbart News noted that Sen. J.D. Vance launched a fight to prevent the sale. Vance voiced concerns about links between CSG and the Kremlin, and asked the Committee on Foreign Investment to block the sale.


15 U.S. agencies knew Wuhan lab was trying to create coronavirus COVID-19, Rand Paul!

Paul writes that government officials from 15 federal agencies “knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.”

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

Paul is talking about the DEFUSE project, which was revealed after DRASTIC Research uncovered documents showing that DARPA had been presented with a proposal for EcoHealth to perform gain-of-function research on bat coronavirus.

And according to Rand Paul, officials from 15 agencies knew about this. While the project was never funded (DARPA called it too dangerous) – Paul writes: “This project, the DEFUSE project, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus.”

And what does this mean?

It means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19.

Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research. Not one of these agencies warned anyone that this Chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus.

Peter Daszak concealed this proposal. University of North Carolina scientist Ralph Baric, a named collaborator on the DEFUSE project, failed to reveal that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had already proposed to create a virus similar to COVID-19.

And now we know that 15 agencies heard the proposal and when each agency discovered that COVID-19 was strangely similar to DEFUSE’s proposed virus creation, not one agency head stepped forward to warn the public that the virus might be man-made and therefore already adapted to transmit freely among humans. -Rand Paul

Paul further writes that Fauci’s NIAID was not only briefed on the DEFUSE proposal, his “Rocky Mountain Lab” was named as a partner in it along with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Alex Jones to sue the CIA after an undercover report claims agency went after him hardcore!

Infowars founder and host Alex Jones says he plans to sue the CIA following the release of an undercover sting in which an alleged CIA officer claims that the US intelligence community “took his [Jones’s] money away” to “chop his legs off.”The employee, a CIA contracts officer in San Diego named Gavin O’Blennis, tells the undercover journalist: “You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do,” adding “You set ’em up. You create the situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse. And once they act on that impulse, some would call that entrapment.”

“Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to like really get people mad,” O’Blennis continued.

When asked who the CIA has messed with, O’Blannis mentioned Alex Jones, implying that the agency was involved in Jones’ lawsuit, and encouraged Sandy Hook families to sue.

“We just say ‘there’s no federal statute being broken but you have the option for a civil case and it’s a pretty good case in our opinion.’”

Following the release of the footage, Alex Jones told journalist Benny Johnson that he’s going to sue the CIA.

“He needs to be subpoenaed by Congress,” Jones said of O’Blennis. “I am planning to launch a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI. We have to bring all this out and right as my bankruptcy comes to a close and right as all this stuff is being finalized it’s really God’s work working here that this came out at this time.”

Jones says he’s speaking with several lawyers to explore options. 

Planet Fitness member arrested for reportedly walking around naked inside womens’ locker room with a minor present! 

A man was arrested after he allegedly stripped naked in the women’s locker room at a Planet Fitness gym in North Carolina and refused to leave even though a child was likely present.

Last Thursday, Christopher Allan Miller, a 38-year-old man sporting a beard, reportedly created quite a disturbance at a Planet Fitness in Gastonia, North Carolina, a city of 80,000 residents about a half-hour west of Charlotte. A woman inside the women’s locker room there called 911 to report that Miller was allegedly “walking around, showing us his penis, and he won’t leave.”

She likewise told the dispatcher that the man claimed to be transgender: “It’s a man, but he says he identifies as a woman.” She also reiterated that Miller was “completely naked,” wearing “literally nothing “. Other reports indicate that Miller also engaged in harassment, asking a woman to shower with him and petitioning her to rub him down with lotion. It is not clear whether this woman is the same woman who called 911.

In any case, Miller was arrested and booked into the Gaston County jail. His sex has been listed as a “male” on jail records.

Miller has been charged with one count of felony indecent exposure. In North Carolina, indecent exposure is usually a misdemeanor offense — with one notable exception: when it occurs “in the presence of any other person less than 16 years of age.” In other words, a young girl was likely inside the locker room at the time Miller allegedly exposed himself.

He remains in custody on a $25,000 bond.

Betty Brice, another Planet Fitness member, said she does not want men sharing the women’s restrooms and locker rooms at the gym. “I think a woman should be able to go into a woman’s bathroom without a man coming in saying he’s transgender,” she said.

Brice may want to consider switching gyms, since Planet Fitness has a policy of allowing members to use the facilities — including bathrooms and showers — that correspond to their “self-reported gender identity.” This policy has already cost one Alaskan woman her membership after she reported a man shaving in a women’s restroom at Planet Fitness last month.

A spokesperson for the Gastonia location told WSOC-TV that employees there took immediate action to ensure the safety of the other members and are continuing to cooperate with law enforcement. The location has a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment, the spokesperson said.

Arizona AG Kris Mayes says she won’t enforce the 1864 law banning abortions! 

Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General says she will not enforce an 1864 law that was

upheld by the state Supreme Court on Tuesday banning nearly all abortions.

“The decision made by the Arizona Supreme Court today is unconscionable and an affront to freedom. Make no mistake, by effectively striking down a law passed this century and replacing it with one from 160 years ago, the Court has risked the health and lives of Arizonans,” Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (pictured above) said in a statement. “The Arizona Court of Appeals decision, which the Supreme Court has struck down [on Tuesday], was well reasoned and aligned with how courts harmonize different legislation.”

Mayes’ statement continued:

[The] decision to reimpose a law from a time when Arizona wasn’t a state, the Civil War was raging, and women couldn’t even vote will go down in history as a stain on our state. This is far from the end of the debate on reproductive freedom, and I look forward to the people of Arizona having their say in the matter. And let me be completely clear, as long as I am Attorney General, no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this draconian law in this state.

The 1864 law bars all abortions except to save the life of the mother and also carries a sentence of two to five years for abortionists. 


US Coast Guard, Navy rescue 3 fishermen from deserted island after spelling ‘HELP’ with palms

The 3 men survived on coconuts and water from a well on the island until rescue teams could locate them

Three men who went missing after leaving from Polowat Atoll, Micronesia, to go fishing were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard on Tuesday, after a U.S. Navy plane saw their plea for “help,” which was spelled out on the sand using palm tree fronds.

The Coast Guard said in a press release that the three men, all in their 40s, left from Polowat Atoll on March 30 to go fishing near Pikelot Atoll, a 31-acre deserted island roughly 100 miles from where they left in a 20-foot skiff with an outboard motor.

The three men, who were not identified, were reportedly experienced in navigating the waters, though when they went missing, family members became concerned.

Joint Rescue Sub-Center (JRSC) Guam started coordinating search and rescue operations after the trio was reported missing.The efforts presented several challenges because of aircraft availability and weather conditions, the Coast Guard said, but eventually a Navy P-8 aircraft joined the search out of Kadena Air Force Base in Japan. Also joining the search was the USCG Cutter Oliver Henry.

The search area spanned over 78,000 square nautical miles.

On April 7, a P-8 Poseidon aircraft located the mariners on Pikelot Atoll and were able to confirm their condition.

“In a remarkable testament to their will to be found, the mariners spelled out ‘HELP’ on the beach using palm leaves, a crucial factor in their discovery. This act of ingenuity was pivotal in guiding rescue efforts directly to their location,” Lt. Chelsea Garcia said. “This successful operation underscores the effective coordination and partnership between the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, and regional partners.” 

The crew of the aircraft deployed survival packages to the fishermen, while the Oliver Henry was rerouted to the atoll to rescue the men.

Another Coast Guard asset, an HC-130J Hercules aircraft based out of Air Station Barbers Point in Hawaii, flow over the atoll and located the fishermen, dropping a radio to establish communication, the 

After establishing communication, the men said they were in good health, had access to food and water, and recovered the boat, which had sustained damage.

Chief Warrant Officer Sara Muir of Coast Guard Forces Micronesia, Sector Guam told Stars and Stripes the men were slightly dehydrated, though they were able to survive on water from a well on the island. She also said the men ate meat from coconuts until receiving survival packages from the Navy.

Once the Oliver Henry arrived, they were able to retrieve the three men from the Pikelot Atoll on Tuesday and return them to Polowat Atoll.

“Whether we’re out there protecting valuable resources or saving lives, we’re not just visitors – we’re members of this vibrant maritime community that connects all these islands,” Lt. Ray Cerrato, commanding officer of the cutter Oliver Henry said. “This recent operation near Pikelot Atoll hits home the kind of difference we can make. It’s about more than just performing a duty; it’s about the real human connections we forge and the lives we touch.”

Texas man, 105, to witness his 13th total solar eclipse: ‘They’re so beautiful’

Fort Worth, Texas, man and his late wife traveled across US to chase total solar eclipses

A 105-year-old Texas resident is gearing up to see the total solar eclipse on April 8 — and it’s not his first rodeo.

LaVerne Biser of Fort Worth said his interest in astronomy began in high school, back in the 1930s. The umbraphile, a term referring to people who chase eclipses, spent his childhood admiring stars from his parent’s Troy, Ohio, farmland in the 1920s, he told FOX 4 Dallas.

“Growing up, we were familiar with Orion’s shield, the Big Dipper … all the G5 constellations,” he said.

He still recalls seeing the Milky Way for the first time as a child. 

But it wasn’t until 1963 that he saw his first total solar eclipse — and he was hooked.

“You see one, you want to see them all and will do everything you can to see them,” Biser said. 

“They’re so beautiful.”

Biser and his wife, Marion, who died at age 97 in 2023, enjoyed traveling and watching eclipses as a couple. 

When the couple wasn’t visiting the U.S. Virgin Islands or the Black Sea, they would drive across the country to find the ideal spot to see a total solar eclipse.

The centenarian is still able to recite the years when he witnessed a solar eclipse.

“1963, 1972, ‘79, ’84, ‘88, ’91, ‘94, ’98, ’99, 2012, 2017, 2023,” Biser said to FOX 4. 

“It was a good one,” he recalled.

“It was a good one,” he recalled.

The amateur astronomer cautions everyone to wear their safety glasses while gazing at a partial eclipse, but says they can remove them once a total solar eclipse is reached.

And when asked about his health, Biser credited his longevity and energy to his teetotalism, plus never smoking cigarettes or taking illicit drugs, according to FOX 4.

“Just good Christian living,” he said.

San Diego man reunited with dog missing since summer — in Michigan

Mehrad Houman gets family dog ‘Mishka’ back, after 9 months and over 2,000 miles

A dog missing in California since the summer turned up more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit.

Police in Harper Woods responded to a call about a stray dog last week, picked up the terrier mix and contacted an animal welfare group.

The Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society said it quickly discovered that the dog, named Mishka, had an identity chip implanted in her with information about her owners.

Mehrad Houman and his family live in San Diego but were planning to travel to Minnesota when the call came in. He landed there and then drove 10 hours to Michigan for a reunion with Mishka, the adoption group said on a Facebook post with pictures and video.

“This is a tale that Hollywood would love to tell,” the group said.

Mishka had wandered away from Houman’s workplace, an auto garage, in July and never returned. Her collar had the family’s phone number.

“We think it was stolen and then it was sold and ended up in Michigan,” said Corinne Martin, director of the animal welfare group.

Houman’s wife, Elizabeth, said it’s “been an incredible journey.”

“I never gave up,” she said Thursday. “I put up over a thousand flyers. I had a flyer on my back windshield. I wore her leash whenever I would look for her. … Now I just want to find out how she got to Michigan.”

Veterinarian Nancy Pillsbury examined 3-year-old Mishka, gave her a rabies shot and cleared her to travel home to California.

“She was clean, well-fed. Whoever had her took good care of her,” Pillsbury told The Associated Press. “How she got here — that’s a story only Mishka knows.”


J. Simpson dead at age 76; cancer (according to family sources)

OJ Simpson, the former NFL star who was acquitted of murder in one of the highest-profile criminal cases in U.S. history, has died at age 76, his family said Thursday.

The former Buffalo Bills running back died in Las Vegas on Wednesday, they said, adding that his cause of death was cancer.

“On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer,” the family said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter, on yesterday.

As you may well remember, in 1994, Mr. Simpson’s ex-wife and the mother of two of his children, Nicole Brown Simpson, was found dead along with her friend, Ron Goldman. 

He was accused of killing them both but was later acquitted in a heavily publicized murder trial that lasted weeks.

Before he was arrested, Mr. Simpson and a friend drew worldwide coverage when he attempted to flee police in a white Ford Bronco.

The trial was the focus of intense media coverage, in part because Mr. Simpson had a number of high profile lawyers such as Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, F. Lee Bailey, Robert Kardashian, and many more. Former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz was also involved and was working to prepare an appeal if Mr. Simpson was convicted.

But his legal problems were far from over.

Years after his criminal trial ended, Mr. Simpson was found liable in a civil lawsuit that was brought by the families of the victims. The former NFL, however, long maintained his innocence and had publicly promised to find the “real killer.”

In 1997 he was ordered to pay $33.5 million for the wrongful deaths of the two victims. Some of his property was seized and auctioned, but most of the judgment has not been paid.

He later served nine years in prison for robbery and kidnapping over an attempt to steal back some of his sports memorabilia from a Las Vegas hotel room. He insisted his conviction and sentence were unfair but said: “I believe in the legal system and I honored it. I served my time.”

Mr. Simpson said he had only wanted to get back personal mementos and items allegedly stolen from him following his acquittal in the double killings.

Mr. Simpson’s attorney also confirmed his death Thursday to TMZ and other media outlets.

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