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The Power Hour

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Today's News: April 13, 2018

World News
Koreans on the border want North and South to reunite
Al Jazeera – A highly-anticipated meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea is just two weeks away.
People who live near the border are hoping the summit can further improve ties, after months of diplomacy.
Will Trump end the Iran nuclear deal?
Al Jazeera – On Friday US President Trump is expected to decline to certify that Iran is complying with the terms of a nuclear agreement.
Summit of the Americas begins amid regional tumult
Al Jazeera – The summit unites the leaders of the Americas as corruption scandals continue and Trump sends US troops to the border.
Iraqi politicians start election campaigns in earnest
AP – In the aftermath of a destructive three-year war to defeat the Islamic State group, Iraqi politicians are promising citizens a better future, employing social media, online videos and traditional billboards. Eager to shape the country, they didn’t bother waiting for Saturday’s official campaign kick-off. For weeks, they’ve been chatting with shoppers at outdoor markets, shaking hands and greeting potential voters with cheek kisses.
Trump’s armada: Huge task force of 12 warships sets sail for Syria
Daily Mail – A huge task force of 12 warships is setting sail for Syria in one of the biggest concentrations of US naval power since the 2003 Iraq invasion, it has emerged.
The giant nuclear powered USS Harry S Truman, carrying 90 aircraft and escorted by its five-strong strike group of destroyers and cruisers, is powering towards Europe and the Middle East.
A further four destroyers are believed to be in or near the Mediterranean already, including the Donald Cook, Porter, Carney and Laboon along with two nuclear-powered submarines, Georgia and John Warner.
The deployment of 12 US warships on one mission is a huge concentration of fire power, one of the biggest since six aircraft carriers supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Greece Won’t Participate in Possible Military Op in Syria – Reports
Reuters – The US and its allies are still considering the possibility of a military response to an alleged chemical attack, blamed on Damascus.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has told to French President Emmanuel Macron during a telephone conversation that Athens wouldn’t participate in a possible military operation by the US and its allies, triggered by an alleged chemical attack in Syrian Douma, the Greek AMHA news agency reported.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
The Latest: Trump lawyers launch court challenge on FBI raid
US News – A judicial hearing has adjourned until 2 p.m. on efforts by President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to prevent federal investigators from using materials the FBI seized in a search of his Manhattan office, apartment and hotel room.
Florida Activist Who Fought Release of GM Mosquitoes Found Dead in Hotel Pool
Activist Post – A longtime opponent of genetically engineered mosquitoes was found dead in a Washington D.C. hotel as she prepared to present a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA.
On Tuesday morning Mila de Mier—a 45-year-old activist from Key West, Florida who opposed the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes—was found dead in a swimming pool at a hotel in Washington D.C. De Meir was visiting D.C. to deliver a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding the agency deny a permit for the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida and Texas.
Trump pardons ‘Scooter’ Libby, former Cheney chief of staff who was convicted of obstruction of justice and perjury
Washington Post – Lewis “Scooter” Libby — who was chief of staff to Vice President Richard B. Cheney — was convicted in 2007 of perjury before a grand jury, lying to FBI investigators and obstruction of justice during an investigation into the disclosure a CIA agent’s name. Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison and was fined $250,000. His sentence was commuted by President George W. Bush. Although Libby was spared jail time, he was not pardoned.
President Trump’s pardon has been under consideration for several months, people familiar with Trump’s thinking have said.
Conservatives unconvinced by Zuckerberg’s visit to Congress
WND – Facebook’s censoring of the popular sisters Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, known as Diamond and Silk, made headlines at this week’s testimony before Congress by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
He claimed his company committed an “enforcement error” when it censored the page of the hilarious Trump-loving duo, calling them “unsafe” for the community.
“In that specific case, our team made an enforcement error and we have already gotten in touch with them to reverse it,” Zuckerberg told lawmakers Wednesday.
But it’s more what Zuckerberg didn’t say that is of concern to those who believe the evidence shows a clear anti-conservative bias in his company’s attitude and actions.
For example, in an exchange with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., Zuckerberg said Facebook is improving algorithms that can prevent hate speech from being posted.
However, he struggled to define hate speech.
inRead invented by Teads
“I think this is a really hard question,” he admitted.
Pro-Second Amendment rallies to be held in all state capitols April 14
NaturalNews – Amid the constant clamor for more gun control, outright gun bans, attacks against the gun industry, and the indoctrination of our youth to see the Second Amendment as a danger rather than a civil right, organizers have planned a national day of celebrating and defending our “right to keep and bear arms.”
An organization calling itself Americans for America has called for pro-gun rallies in every state capitol on Saturday, April 14, as a means of celebrating the one right in the Constitution that allows for the defense of every other one.
Economy & Business
Russia to Suspend Nuclear, Rocket Cooperation With America, Ban US Tobacco & Alcohol
Infowars – Russian lawmakers have drafted a bill suspending cooperation with US companies in the nuclear, missile and aircraft-building spheres, as well as introducing restrictions on imports of alcohol and tobacco produced in the US.
JPMorgan ‘Significantly’ Cuts Exposure to Gun Industry
Newsmax – JPMorgan Chase & Co. has cut exposure to the gun industry amid the country’s debate over military-style weapons.
Toys ‘R’ Us Gets $890 Million Bid for US-Canada Stores From MGA
Newsmax – Billionaire toy marketer Isaac Larian offered to save Toys “R” Us from liquidation with an almost $900 million bid for its stores in the U.S. and Canada that relies in part on crowdfunding.
U.S. lowers NAFTA key auto content demand: Mexico auto lobby
Reuters – U.S. trade negotiators have reduced their demand for regional auto content under a reworked NAFTA trade deal to 75 percent from the 85 percent they had sought, the head of Mexico’s automotive industry association (AMIA), said on Friday.
Energy & Environment
Battle to save Africa’s elephants is gaining some ground
AP – The operation was part of a yearlong effort to collar and track 60 elephants in and around Tanzania’s Selous Game Reserve, widely acknowledged as ‘Ground Zero’ in the poaching that has decimated Africa’s elephants in recent years. The Associated Press traveled to the area to witness how the battle to save the continent’s elephants is gaining some momentum, with killings declining and some herds showing signs of recovery. Legal ivory markets are shrinking worldwide, and law enforcement has broken up some key trafficking syndicates, say experts.
Science & Technology
Driverless cars give hope to blind – are automakers onboard?
NYT – Advocates for visually impaired people worry that the self-driving-car industry is leaving them behind as it develops autos of the future.
To make up for that, they’re turning to university researchers to help build systems to unlock the potential of autonomous cars for the blind.
In a University of Florida study, blind people are using experimental software that can be easily installed on tablet computers, in cars, and on peoples’ phones.
University of Florida researcher Julian Brinkley developed the program, which he named “Atlas.”
Brinkley says the focus is helping the visually impaired verify they are on the right route while in transit, through a voice that calls out landmarks and street names.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Protecting Plants from Frost – 12 Ways to Beat the Cold Weather
Common Sense Home – Protecting plants from frost is easier with good garden planning. If you plan your planting correctly, you avoid frost in the garden in the first place. In the unfortunate event that Mother Nature throws your plans out the door, you can add a variety of frost covers for plants to protect them from the cold. In this post, we’ll cover cold weather protection for your garden with good planning, plus frost protection options.
#1 – Avoid Frost Pockets
#2 – Use Raised Beds
#3 – Add Heat with Hot Composting
#4 – Preheat Your Soil
#5 – Don’t Rush to Plant Too Early
#6 – Start Seeds Indoors
What Is Sage Used For? Sage Benefits & Uses for Skin, Memory & More
Dr. Axe – For thousands of years, sage has been an essential ingredient in the practice of traditional medicine, whether we’re talking traditional Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic medicine. Traditional herbalists have used sage to treat a wide variety of ailments and complaints, including swelling, infection, pain relief and memory enhancement. Sage tea has been recommended for its ability to ease digestion, curb diarrhea and provide relief to woman experiencing intense menstrual pain. Sage had also proved to be an effective counter to sores and infections of the mouth. Prepared as a gargle or mouth wash, it’s even been used to relieve discomfort associated with sore throats, bleeding gums and mouth-related ulcers — and these are just some of the traditional safe benefits and uses.
What Are the Health Benefits of Sage? Top 6 Sage Benefits

  1. Helps with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Symptoms
  2. Treats Diabetes Symptoms
  3. Balances Cholesterol
  4. Combats Obesity
  5. Treats Menopausal Symptoms
  6. Anti-Diarrheal Activity

Prunes Are an Essential Part of a Bone Protective Diet
Care 2- “Because excessive [free radicals] may contribute to bone loss, it is important to elucidate the potential role antioxidant-rich fruits play in mitigating bone loss that leads to the development of osteoporosis.” The thought is that fruits up-regulate the bone building cells, and down-regulate the bone-eating cells, tipping the balance towards greater bone mass. So, let’s put a fruit to the test. Which one do we pick? Dried plums were chosen because they have among the highest antioxidant ranking among commonly consumed fruits and vegetables—and because the researchers received a grant from the California Dried Plum Board.
When you think of prunes, you think of bowels, not bones, but, over a decade ago, researchers at Oklahoma State tried giving a dozen prunes a day to a group of postmenopausal women, using a dozen dried apple rings as a control. After three months, only the subjects who consumed the prunes had significant elevations in an enzyme marker of bone formation, although prunes didn’t seem to affect markers of bone breakdown. So, prunes may help more with building bones than preventing bone loss. However, the reverse was found with almonds, so maybe a little prune-and-almond trail mix is in order

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