July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 14, 2022


Two-Thirds of French Support Concept of Mass ‘Remigration’

A poll has found that 66 per cent of French would support a mass “remigration” of illegal immigrants, foreigners on terror watchlists, and foreign criminals from France.

A poll released by the firm Ifop on behalf of Sud Radio has revealed that 66 per cent of French saw the mass remigration of illegals, foreign criminals, and foreigners on terrorist watchlists, such as the S-File, as an objective they would support.

UK Household Incomes “Obliterated” By Inflation Storm As Living Standards Plunge

Living standards in Britain continue a death spiral as wages fail to outpace inflation amid soaring energy costs, according to new data.

Bloomberg, citing data from the Office for National Statistics, said average earnings excluding bonuses for February dropped 1.3%, the most since 2013.

Negative real-wage growth indicates millions of Britons are falling behind despite a strong labor market. Unemployment fell to 3.8% in the three months through February, the lowest since late 2019 and on par with levels from the 1970s. However, the hot labor market will force the Bank of England to raise interest rates in May, which could hinder economic growth.

The squeeze on incomes comes from several factors, including soaring energy, food and shelter prices, and tax hikes.

“Household incomes are being obliterated as wages fail to keep pace with the spiraling cost of living,” said Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress.

“We can’t go on like this. The Chancellor must come back to parliament with an emergency budget to help people through this crisis.” 

High inflation has pushed the UK Misery Index, an economic indicator to gauge how the average person is doing, to three-decade highs, a sign discontent is emerging.


Preventing War Is in America’s Interest

Washington’s most fundamental duty is to Americans, not Ukrainians.

Leave it to GOP hawks to use the Russo‐​Ukraine war to score political points. Having spent two decades pushing NATO east and advancing regime change on Moscow’s doorstep, these charter members of the Washington War Party would risk expanding the ongoing conflict to NATO by intervening on Kiev’s behalf.

Rep. Mike Turner, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, complained that though Biden administration officials “have been publicly making statements of commitments to give Ukraine the tools and weapons to defend themselves, they’ve been very slow to do so. That, of course, has cost Ukrainian lives.”

Russia’s murderous war is terrible, of course. However, Turner’s humanitarian sensibilities are highly selective. Upwards of 400,000 civilians have died in Saudi Arabia’s and the United Arab Emirates’ war on Yemen, with America’s direct aid. And Yemenis continue to be killed every day. Congress could effectively end the worst of that conflict by simply cutting off American military support for Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. Why is Turner silent?

Moreover, Turner forgets that his most fundamental duty is to Americans, not Ukrainians. The latter are entitled to set their own destiny without foreign interference, but Washington is obligated not to intervene militarily on their behalf absent a compelling U.S. interest, meaning a threat to American security. The most serious danger posed to the U.S. by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is the possibility of our being dragged into war with Russia.

Frank James, Suspect in New York Subway Shooting, Taken Into Custody

The suspect in the New York subway shooting was arrested on April 13 and charged with terrorism.

Frank James, 62, was stopped at 1:42 p.m. at the corner of St. Mark’s Place and First Avenue in Manhattan by New York police officers.

A tipster alerted police to James’s location, New York Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell told a briefing.

“My fellow New Yorkers, we got him,” New York Mayor Eric Adams said.

James was taken into custody without incident.

He has already been charged with violating a federal law that prohibits terrorist attacks and other violence against mass transportation systems, and he’ll face additional counts, according to Breon Peace, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York.

A man authorities say is James donned a gas mask on the morning of April 12 and opened two canisters that filled a Manhattan-bound “N” train with smoke before opening fire as a train pulled into the 36th Street Station in Brooklyn.

Shots can be heard in video footage taken by witnesses that also shows people fleeing the train.

FBI Says It Never Investigated Suspect in Brooklyn Shooting

The lone suspect in the New York City subway shooting was never investigated by the FBI, the bureau said on April 13.

“We have reviewed FBI holdings and to date have found no record of an investigation or prior knowledge of Frank R. James by an FBI office before the shooting,” an FBI spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email.

“Reports that the FBI’s New Mexico Field Office previously investigated Frank R. James are inaccurate,” the spokesperson added.

Reports citing anonymous sources said James was previously known to the FBI but was cleared after more than one interview in 2019.

The Epoch Times has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for any FBI records concerning James.

James, 62, created numerous YouTube videos and Facebook posts suggesting a propensity towards violence, including a number where he talked about carrying out shootings, according to an Epoch Times review of his accounts, which have since been removed.

James was arrested nine times in New York between 1992 and 1998 for possession of burglary tools, a criminal sex act, criminal tampering, and theft, according to the NYPD.

He was arrested three times in New Jersey between 1991 and 2007 for trespass, larceny, and disorderly conduct.

James was able to legally purchase a firearm because he had never been convicted of a felony, according to James Essig, an NYPD official.

James was born in New York City and has resided in recent years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, his arrest warrant states.

A Milwaukee Police Department spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email that the agency is not involved in the probe into the New York shooting and declined to answer whether the agency had had any interactions with James before the shooting.

20 Federal ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6, Court Filing Says

Oath Keepers motion seeks to dismiss seditious conspiracy, obstruction charges

At least 20 FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives “assets” were embedded around the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a defense attorney wrote in a court filing on April 12.

The disclosure was made in a motion seeking to dismiss seditious conspiracy and obstruction charges against 10 Oath Keepers defendants in one of the most prominent Jan. 6 criminal cases.

David W. Fischer, attorney for Thomas E. Caldwell of Berryville, Virginia, filed a 41-page motion to dismiss four counts on behalf of all Oath Keepers case defendants before U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta in Washington, D.C.

Caldwell is charged in the indictment, but is not a member of the Oath Keepers, he told The Epoch Times in March.

Businesses Boarded Up, Workers Sent Home as Grand Rapids Braces for Release of Video of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting

Police in Grand Rapids are on high alert as local businesses are boarding up their shops and sending employees home ahead of a release of a video of an officer-involved shooting.

The April 4 shooting occurred after Patrick Lyoya, 26, of Grand Rapids attempted to run away from what police officials said was “a traffic stop.”

Police Chief Eric Winstrom said Lyoya began what he called a “lengthy” fight with the officer, resulting in Lyoya being fatally shot.

Kent County Commissioner Robert S. Womack disagrees with the police department’s version of events, saying in a Facebook post, “The claim that Patrick died in direct combat and was shot to stop him fighting is a lie…This is murder. The officials know it…The officer needs to be fired and charged.”

One employee of a downtown business, who did not want to be publicly identified, told The Epoch Times in an April 13 phone interview, “I heard the video is terrible. Employers are sending their workers home at noon today from their offices. Buildings are being barricaded. Police are on high alert.”

The employee said nobody was taking any chances in light of the violent and destructive rioting that wracked the city after the death of George Floyd in the spring of 2020.

First Texas Bus Drops Off Illegal Immigrants Near US Capitol

The first bus carrying illegal immigrants from Texas arrived in Washington on April 13.

The illegal aliens were dropped off between Union Station and the U.S. Capitol, according to the office of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“As the federal government continues to turn a blind eye to the border crisis, the State of Texas will remain steadfast in our efforts to fill in the gaps and keep Texans safe,” Abbott said in a statement. “By busing migrants to Washington, D.C., the Biden administration will be able to more immediately meet the needs of the people they are allowing to cross our border. Texas should not have to bear the burden of the Biden administration’s failure to secure our border.”

Abbott, a Republican, directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management earlier this month to begin coordinating “voluntary transportation” to Washington and other locations outside Texas of immigrants released from federal custody.

The bus that arrived on Wednesday was filled with immigrants who came from Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, Abbott’s office said.

Footage captured by Fox News showed the immigrants getting off the bus several blocks from the Capitol at approximately 8:13 a.m.

It wasn’t clear which officials were processing the immigrants.

FNC’s Hume: Abbott Bussing Migrants a ‘Publicity Stunt’ to ‘Shame Politicians

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said Wednesday on FNC’s “Special Report” that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) is using a “publicity stunt” by bussing migrants to Washington, DC.

Abbott sent busses chartered by the Texas Department of Emergency Management, carrying South and Central American migrants to the Capitol Hill office building, which houses the Washington, DC bureaus of NBC News, C-SPAN and Fox News.

Baier said, “Brit, what do you make of this move and having these busloads coming into Washington, D.C?”

Hume said, “I think it is in a sense a publicity stunt. It is probably no accident that they were dropping the migrants off just outside of our bureau in Washington where Lucas was reporting from.”

He added, “I wonder how many other news organizations will really cover this event. Obviously, the intention is to shame the politicians in Washington, particularly in the administration, who seem unwilling or unable to do anything to really stop the flow of migrants across the border. Now with Title 42 about to be lifted, even though they are leaving other pandemic-related restrictions in place, they have a strong case. I think the sense people get in this country is these migrants are pouring across the border illegally, they are staying here indefinitely, and not administration is not trying to do much about it at all.”

EXCLUSIVE: Migrant Drop-Offs in West Texas Town Stop After D.C. Busing Order, Says Mayor

The federal government stopped dropping migrants off in the West Texas town of Uvalde after Governor Greg Abbott announced plans to bus them to Washington, D.C., Mayor Don McLaughlin told Breitbart Texas. Municipal officials were told to expect up to 150 migrants per day prior to the governor’s order.

“I think busing the released migrants to DC is a great idea,” Mayor Laughlin told Breitbart in a Tuesday morning interview. “Let them see [D.C. officials] what we are seeing and dealing with in Uvalde.”

On April 6, Gov. Abbott ordered the Texas Division of Emergency Management to prepare buses to transport DHS-released migrants on a voluntary basis from their drop-off location to Washington, D.C.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigration who are being dropped off by the Biden Administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden Administration to Washington, D.C.,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference in Weslaco, Texas. The governor said the first drop-off location will be the U.S. Capitol steps in the nation’s capital.

EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Are Advised Against Riding D.C.-Bound Buses, Claims Texas Mayor

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents are being instructed to tell migrants not to get on the Texas-provided buses ordered by Governor Greg Abbott, according to a West Texas mayor. Governor Abbott ordered the Texas Division of Emergency Management to prepare buses to transport migrants released by the Biden Administration to Washington, D.C. The program is voluntary.

Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin told Breitbart Texas in a Tuesday interview that Border Patrol agents told him they were instructed to urge migrants not to board the D.C.-bound buses. The mayor said his city had been told to expect the release of up to 150 migrants per day.

Uvalde has a population of 16,000 and is located approximately 130 miles from the Mexican border.

“We are a small town with very limited resources,” Mayor McLaughlin said. “We are already faced with police pursuits and migrants harassing or threatening our residents nearly every day.”

“If Biden releases them into our community, I will be there to encourage them to take the free trip to D.C.,” he added. “I will tell them D.C. has lots of transportation venues to take you to New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, or any other city on the Eastern Seaboard.”

“Sending these people to D.C. will expose the big lie,” McLaughlin said. “Let them see what we are getting and dealing with. It is not just families who are coming here — most are single adults and we have no idea who most of them are.”

On April 6, Gov. Abbott ordered the Texas Division of Emergency Management to prepare buses to transport DHS-released migrants on a voluntary basis from their drop-off location to Washington, D.C.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigration who are being dropped off by the Biden Administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden Administration to Washington, D.C.,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference in Weslaco, Texas. The governor said the first drop-off location will be the U.S. Capitol steps in the nation’s capital.

Mayor McLaughlin requested the governor’s assistance and the State provided buses to pick up any released migrants willing to take the free trip to DC.

Breitbart Texas reached out to CBP officials for confirmation of the instructions given to Border Patrol agents regarding the Texas-provided buses. An immediate response was not available.

Texas Troopers Stop Two Human Smuggling Attempts, Two Smugglers Arrested

Texas Department of Public Safety troopers interdicted two human smuggling attempts in the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector. The troopers arrested the two human smugglers — both foreign nationals.

Texas DPS troopers working under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star border security mission on April 4 stopped a suspicious vehicle in the border city of Pharr, Texas. The troopers called for assistance from Weslaco Station Border Patrol agents after finding a group of migrants in the vehicle.

White House Blasts Texas for New Border Checks, Blames Abbott for ‘Significant Disruptions’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is receiving pressure from the White House and Mexico to end his safety inspections on commercial vehicles entering the United States from Mexico.

“Governor Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement on April 13.

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) started conducting “enhanced commercial vehicle safety inspections” on vehicles traveling from Mexico on April 6, at Abbott’s behest.

The inspections are being conducted on state roads just beyond several ports of entry, which has caused long delays to commercial traffic and caused miles-long lines of trucks into Mexico.

Truck drivers in Mexico started protesting on the Reynosa side of the Pharr international bridge on April 11, blocking the port of entry entirely. The drivers say they’ll keep protesting and block other bridges if they’re not heard, according to a Twitter report by Mexico’s Imagen TV.

The Pharr port of entry has seen a 35 percent drop in commercial traffic, while a bridge in Laredo has seen a 60 percent drop, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which is responsible for border clearance into the United States. CBP issued its own statement on April 12 calling the inspections “unnecessary.”

Texas DPS officers have conducted inspections at seven ports of entry—Brownsville, Los Indios, Pharr, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and El Paso.

EXCLUSIVE: Letter from Jan. 6 Prisoner to Americans ‘Don’t Do Nothing!’

‘I will fight until my dying breath before I surrender one letter of my Liberty.’

In a letter obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, a Jan. 6 prisoner asks, “are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Then don’t do nothing!” The letter, dated December 30, 2021, is revealed here in its entirety for the first time.

“My name is Jeremy Brown,” the letter begins. “I am a 20-year retired U.S. Army Special Forces Combat Veteran. On January 5th and 6th, 2021 I was in our Nation’s capital as part of an all-volunteer protective detail tasked with providing security for organizers and speakers at a legally permitted political rally. On September 30th, 2021 I was arrested at home in Tampa, Florida by approximately 30 to 40 heavily armed Federal Agents and local law enforcement. They came in full force to serve a misdemeanor arrest warrant for being in an ‘unauthorized area.’ These were no ordinary agents. They were agents working as part of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Oddly, in the nine months prior to that day, I had never been contacted or questioned by any investigators about this case. Stranger still, the arrest warrant and search warrant had only been granted one day prior. This, despite numerous members of my Protective Detail having been arrested many months prior. While this may sound unusual to you, I know exactly why it happened.”

According to Brown, the same JTTF agents who arrested him on Sept. 30, 2021, had tried to recruit him as a Confidential Informant (CI) on Dec. 9, 2020. Their “pitch,” he said, was intended to gauge his “willingness to infiltrate law-abiding citizen groups that had no criminal history and certainly were not designated “terrorist groups.”

Brown declined their offer. But, having what he calls “a healthy mistrust of Federal law enforcement,” Brown made an audio recording of the exchange, which—after many efforts to delete it from the internet—has been shared and reposted by numerous others, keeping it alive. The most current iteration was shared by The Gateway Pundit.

On Jan. 6, as Brown stood next to the stage waiting for President Donald Trump to address the crowd, he described how he was again contacted by phone by one of the same JTTF agents. Brown explained 


Breitbart Business Digest: Masks Up, Economy Down

Another day, another drop of alarming data for the American economy.

The Producer Price Index (PPI), which measures costs paid by wholesalers, surged a record 11.2 percent last month from what it was a year ago. This year-over-year increase significantly outpaced the already bleak forecasts. The sharp rise is yet another piece of data suggesting that inflation will be with us for some time.

The so-called core wholesale prices, which the Fed views as a reliable predictor of inflation, also rose far more than expected.

The media and Biden administration narrative is to blame the war in Ukraine (i.e., Vladimir Putin) for the latest round of scary data. But this is simply spin. Though the inflation rate popped to 8.5 percent earlier this week, it was already at 7.9 percent when Putin invaded. That is up from 1.7 percent in February of 2021.

One additional news item that will not help the Biden economy is that the Big Joey administration extended federal mask mandates on planes. Even though we learned early on in the pandemic that planes are relatively safe places to be due to their state-of-the-art ventilation systems, we will continue to don the face diaper for at least another two weeks. The Bummer Virus endures and will continue to hinder the economy. Not so coincidentally, Delta reported a $940 million loss in the first quarter.


Is Klaus Schwab in Control of the American Power Grid?

Back in November 2021, the North American Electric Reliability Corp (NERC) conducted a simulation called GridEx VI. Within this two-day simulation, the participants – a mixture of government officials, grid operators, power producers, and more – were involved in fighting off a combination of cyber/physical/info attacks against the American and Canadian power grid.

Not only did they have to attempt to minimize the destruction caused by the attack in the exercise, but they had to restore the grid as quickly as possible as well.

The results of the exercise were finally published on April 7 in the form of the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC).

The end results of the exercise showcased a few things that may be of interest to the prepper.

For starters, the simulation ended with the encouragement of the power industry to focus on areas that have their telecommunications infrastructure damaged after a power outage/attack. This is because the simulation highlighted the importance of proper communications ability for speedily turning the lights back on. If you want the electricity to come back online as quickly as possible, workers within the power industry need to be able to communicate with each other instantaneously. Without proper comms, the timeframe of getting back to “normal” increases drastically.

There are three different power grids that exist within the United States. Roughly, they’re separated into the Western US, the Eastern US, and Texas. Texas is the only state in the continental US that has its own grid. This is an interesting fact to remember when upon reading through the report, you discover that Texas had more participants in the simulation than any other state in the Union (witness page 4 of the report).

But that’s not what I noticed most about the GridEx VI report.

It was after reading Behind the Green Mask that I first became aware of the token phrases that are associated with Agenda 21. Directly linked with Agenda 21 is the World Economic Forum. One of the token phrases of the World Economic Forum is “stakeholders.”

After seeing the work ‘stakeholders’ first appearing on page 8 of the report, I instantly became suspicious. At first, I thought that this might be just another inert simulation/exercise – something akin to the fight for Pineland.

It turns out that the NERC is associated with the World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum. Seeing that the NERC is now associated with the WEF, does this mean that Klaus Schwab is in control of the American electrical grid? There are a few interesting aspects of this to look into.

For starters, Schwab has been talking about cyberattacks for quite some time now. It wasn’t long ago that we were warned of an incoming “cyber pandemic” that would be worse than any infectious disease we’d ever seen. This was what Cyber Polygon looked at.

It’s also interesting to point out that GridEx VI starts with the warning that a nation-state is conducting reconnaissance of the American power grid. In real life, we’re now being warned that a nation-state is conducting reconnaissance of the American power grid. If there’s one thing we’ve learned of late, it’s that the first casualty of war is truth.

All I know is this:

There are clear ties between a globalist/communist organization that wants to rob the entire world of their private property (and then tell you you’re happy about it) and the American power grid. Is this something you’re comfortable with? Because I, for one, am not.

If I was an employee within the American energy sector, I would have a large number of difficult questions to ask my boss about their involvement with GridEx VI, the NERC, and the World Economic Forum.


Nanotechnology Used in Covid Vaccines, 2,000 Foods, Goes Unlabeled

Extremely small particles of various compounds are being used as food additives, with unknown effects

If you’re one of those people that can often be found in the food aisles of grocery stores reading labels and looking for ingredients you can’t pronounce and don’t want to eat, you’ve most likely noticed several ingredients that, unbeknownst to you, are made using nanotechnology—a process that converts silver, copper, gold, aluminum, silicon, carbon, and metal oxides, among other metals, into atom-sized particles that are one-billionth of a meter in size.

Commonly used nano-sized ingredients include titanium dioxide, which may be the most well-known additive. Others, such as silicon oxide, calcium carbonate, iron oxides and hydroxides, calcium silicate, tricalcium phosphates, and synthetic silicas, are only a few of the additives that may be in your pantry right now.

Blueberry Extract Can Improve Wound Healing

Research presented at Experimental Biology 2022 showed how wounds treated with a phenolic extract from wild blueberries had a 12% increase in wound closure by enhancing cell migration and the formation of new blood vessels

There are four distinct stages of wound healing that begin within seconds of the wound occurring and may last for up to one year or more after the skin closes; blueberry extract works during the proliferative stage when new blood vessels are constructed

Wound care begins with cleaning the area. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or antibacterial soap; instead, use mild soap and water and rinse the area for five to 10 minutes before bandaging it

Aloe vera and virgin coconut oil both accelerate healing time. Your body also uses specific nutrients to heal a wound, including vitamins A, C and B complex, as well as zinc, L-arginine and bromelain

Radiologists Conceal Heavy Metal Accumulation From MRIs

Enhanced MRIs use a contrast agent or dye to improve the clarity of the images produced. A poll revealed 58% of radiologists avoid informing patients when deposits of toxic contrast agents are discovered

The most commonly cited justification for omitting any mention of gadolinium deposits in their radiology report was to avoid provoking “unnecessary patient anxiety” over toxicity

Gadolinium, a toxic heavy metal, is the contrast agent of choice in about one-third of cases. To reduce its toxicity, the gadolinium is administered with a chelating agent. Research suggests as much as 25% of the gadolinium injected is not excreted, and deposits are still found in some patients long afterward

In a 2016 paper, researchers propose gadolinium deposits in the body should be viewed as a new disease category, “gadolinium deposition disease”

Patients at high risk for gadolinium deposits include those requiring multiple lifetime doses, pregnant women, children and patients with inflammatory conditions. Minimize repeated high contrast MRIs when possible, particularly closely spaced MRI studies


How to Greenhouse Garden

Although they’re usually considered “luxuries” far beyond the means of ordinary folks, greenhouses are, in fact, wonderful, year-round gardens that can be either as extravagant and costly or as utilitarian and inexpensive as you want to make them.

If rich Uncle Harry plans to lay a $10,000 Christmas present on you this year, there are worse things to ask for than a superlavish “store-bought” greenhouse complete with automatic heaters, ventilating system and plant feeders.

On the other hand, we’ve seen a really nifty do-it-yourself greenhouse constructed entirely of lumber and old storm windows salvaged from a town dump. Total cost: Fifteen bucks’ worth of miscellaneous hardware and less than a week of spare-time labor.

And if space is your problem, remember that a small greenhouse will fit onto a city terrace or a rooftop. There are even mini-models designed to turn an ordinary house or apartment window into a miniature Garden of Eden.

There’s no longer any excuse, then, for thinking that “only the other guy” deserves or can afford some kind of greenhouse. Someway, somehow, you can afford one too! And if you like to garden (or if you have to garden to make ends meet), you deserve this so-called luxury just as much as anyone else does!

So here’s a Christmas bonus: Mother Earth News’ Complete Manual for the Greenhouse Grower. Twelve pages packed with excerpts and summaries from some of the world’s best books on the subject (plus a few of our own tips and hints), all designed to acquaint you with the basics of “gardening under glass.”

You can always go on to other sources of information after you finish this primer, and we hope you will. But if, for some reason, you can’t, here’s everything you really need to know to make a far-better-than-average start in greenhouse gardening.

And remember: Once you’ve experienced the joy of harvesting fresh produce in the dead of winter, once you’ve tallied up the savings that it can make on your grocery bill, and once you’ve added in the cash income that you might earn from selling fresh vegetables, fruits and flowers at premium prices when others are doing without, you just may find that the greenhouse you thought would be such a luxury has, in fact, turned out to be a real dividend-paying investment!


CDC Extends Federal Mask Mandate

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extended the federal mask mandate for transportation for two weeks, citing the small recent increase in COVID-19 cases.

The order, which was to expire on April 18, will remain in place until May 3 to let officials at the agency assess whether the BA.2 virus subvariant drives a fresh wave of cases.

“In order to assess the potential impact the rise of cases has on severe disease, including hospitalizations and deaths, and health care system capacity, the CDC order will remain in place at this time,” the CDC said in a statement.

The order was first imposed in January 2021 and applies to trains, airplanes, and other modes of transportation under purview of federal officials, as well as transportation hubs such as airports.

The CDC has repeatedly extended the order, despite growing opposition to the move.

Leaders of 10 U.S. airlines in a letter last month urged the Biden administration to rescind the order, noting that COVID-19 metrics have plunged and that authorities across the country have rolled back or eliminated restrictions.

Separately, groups of pilots and flight attendants filed lawsuits against the CDC and its parent agency, alleging the mask order is unlawful.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said in a statement that the latest extension “simply prolongs the misery that passengers and flight attendants are being forced to endure.”

“This is not evidence-based, but simply more COVID theater,” he said.

The CDC’s move came after it said it would allow the expiration of Title 42, a pandemic-era order that enabled quick expulsion of illegal immigrants because they might carry the virus that causes COVID-19.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the action was taken because COVID-19 cases fell by over 95 percent between January and March and because more of the population has some form of immunity from vaccination and/or prior infection.

According to data reported to the CDC, about 36,300 COVID-19 cases were recorded on April 11. That was a slight increase from the week prior.

COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths are also relatively flat after bottoming out following January’s peaks.

Some experts pin the rise in cases on BA.2, a subvariant of the Omicron strain of the CCP virus, which causes COVID-19.

White House COVID-19 coordinator Ashish Jha had said earlier this week that a mask mandate extension was “absolutely on the table” but that it would be up to the CDC whether to allow the mandate to expire or extend it once again.


NOTE: The above video is from a Stew Peters broadcast with Dr. Bryan Ardis, who has been a guest on The Power Hour, talking about what’s really inside the COVID virus … poisonous snake venom!

FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression

April 1, 2022, another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents were released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer trial data reveal natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that shot side effects were more severe in those under 55. Since the risk of severe COVID is dramatically lower in younger people, an elevated risk of side effects unacceptable, and the shot should have been restricted to those at high risk of severe COVID

The adverse event rate per dose for Pfizer’s mRNA jab, based on their own studies, is nearly 1 in 800, and the myocarditis rate is 10 in 100,000 — far greater than the 2 in 100,000 rate previously reported

Pfizer’s consent form specifies that the effect on sperm, fetuses and nursing children are unknown. Yet health authorities and media have espoused as “fact” that the shot does not affect reproductive health or fertility and is perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing mothers

Pfizer’s documents show they’ve not ruled out the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is listed as an “Important Potential Risk.” As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death; a total of 38 cases were lethal and 65 remained unresolved

Pfizer and FDA also knew that people of all ages experienced transient suppression of immune function for one week after the first dose

Florida Hospital Stops Ivermectin Without Telling Family, Fires Nurse for Advocating for It

The children of a 55-year-old Florida woman say the hospital treating their mother for COVID-19 told her, and them, that she would be treated with ivermectin. But the treatment was stopped after she improved because a hospital pharmacist intervened, medical records show.

Dianne Spangler, of Titusville, worsened after the ivermectin was stopped early. She was put on a ventilator and died, medical records obtained by The Epoch Times show.

What’s more, Spangler received the COVID-19 drug Remdesivir even after she and her children had expressed they did not want her to be treated with it, according to records and Spangler’s daughter, Megan Spangler.

Making the loss even more painful for Spangler’s three children—ages 32, 23, and 15—is knowing what has happened to the nurse who advocated for the use of ivermectin on their behalf.

Donna Lowery, who had worked at Parrish Medical Center for 31 years, was fired for suggesting the drug. The hospital has urged the state of Florida to revoke her license.

“Federal patient privacy laws prevent us from commenting on the specifics of any patient-related matters,” Parrish Healthcare’s senior vice president, Natalie Sellers, responded in a prepared statement. “What I can confirm is that COVID-19 patients receiving care at Parrish Medical Center receive appropriate treatment in accordance with evidence-based medical protocols using FDA approved medicines as medically necessary and consistent with the indicated standard of care.”

Doctors around the country have told The Epoch Times they’ve used ivermectin to treat patients with COVID-19, often by following the protocols developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).  Doctors with experience using the treatment have testified to its efficacy and safety before Congress and state legislatures. The legislatures of Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Kansas are currently considering bills that would allow, or even require, pharmacists to dispense ivermectin to people who ask for it.

Yet doctors around the country have told The Epoch Times they fear losing their licenses for advocating for the use of ivermectin and other drugs which are not part of the COVID-19 treatment protocols outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Hospitals receive payments under the CARES Act when they follow those protocols.


Robert Epstein: Big Tech Manipulation Still In Control Of Election Outcomes

While Americans continue to obsess over Dominion voting machines flipping votes, the 800 pound gorilla in the living room is ignored: that is, Big Tech and especially Google. These companies are manipulating millions – yes, MILLIONS – of votes during every election cycle with virtually untraceable and undetectable AI techniques, and NOTHING is being done to stop them! ⁃ TN Editor


Family Dog Insists on Being Part of Newborn Baby’s First Photoshoot—And the Pictures Are Adorable

UPCOMING EVENT: Crimes Against Humanity Tour ~ A cross examination of the global pandemic, the global reset and humanity’s path to a Great Awakening.

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