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Today's News: April 24, 2018

World News
Doctors consider whether to allow Alfie Evans to go home
Daily Mail – The family of Alfie Evans has lost its legal challenge to fly the toddler to Italy, as doctors from Alder Hey hospital consider whether he can go home after his life support was removed.
Mr Justice Hayden turned down the family’s appeal today as the 23-month-old, who suffers from a degenerative neurological condition, clings to life more than 24 hours after the doctors in Liverpool stopped providing ‘ventilation support’.
Alfie’s parents, Tom Evans and Kate James, want him moved to a hospital in Rome, with an air ambulance on standby during the court hearing to fly him there after the Italian government granted him citizenship in a bid to have him transferred.
Doctors in Liverpool, who believe it is in Alfie’s best interests to have life support switched off, say he cannot survive and that the trip would be wrong and pointless.
At a special High Court hearing in Manchester this afternoon, Mr Justice Hayden refused to let him fly to Rome, saying the long-running case had reached its ‘final chapter’
Video: Police Name Man Arrested in Canada Van Crash
AP- Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders says a 25-year-old named Alek Minassian is in custody, after a van drove on busy sidewalks on Monday. Saunders says it appears to be a deliberate act. At least ten people were killed and 15 were injured.
Nicaragua: Protesters demand Ortega’s resignation
Al Jazeera – Unrest in Nicaragua continues with thousands marching against President Ortega a day after he scrapped pension reforms.
Iran to Trump: Stay in nuclear deal or ‘face severe consequences’
Al Jazeera – President Rouhani warns that White House failure to uphold Iran nuclear deal would prompt firm reaction from Tehran.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Civil rights prosecutors urge charges in Garner death
AP – Federal civil rights prosecutors have recommended charging a New York police officer in the 2014 chokehold death of Eric Garner, but it’s unclear if top Justice Department officials will be willing to move forward with a case, a person familiar with the matter said Friday.
Economy & Business
Oil hits $75 as Iran sanction fears mount
BBC – Brent crude hits its highest level in more than three years as production cuts reduce stockpiles.
Basic income trial in Finland falls flat
BBC – The Finnish government has decided not to expand a limited trial in paying people a basic income, which has drawn much international interest.
Currently 2,000 unemployed Finns are receiving a flat monthly payment of €560 (£490; $685) as basic income.
“The eagerness of the government is evaporating. They rejected extra funding [for it],” said Olli Kangas, one of the experiment’s designers.
Some see basic income as a way to get unemployed people into temporary jobs.
Energy & Environment
USDA scientists are reusing discarded almond shells and hulls to create renewable products, from biodegradable plastics to biofuel
NaturalNews – California-based researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are proud to present a plethora of renewable products from the discarded shells and hulls of almonds. According to an article by FastCompany, they’ve created bio-fuel, biodegradable plastic additives, and healthy almond sugar.
The researchers are looking for ways to use the billions of pounds of organic waste material produced by California’s almond orchards every year.
“For every pound of almonds we produce, we get two pounds of hulls. We’re always trying to figure out the best use of these,” says Danielle Veenstra, a farmer and member of the Almond Board of California.
Science Says: Amount of straws, plastic pollution is huge
AP – Cities and nations are looking at banning plastic straws and stirrers in hopes of addressing the world’s plastic pollution problem. The problem is so large, though, that scientists say that’s not nearly enough.
Science & Technology
Five Things You Didn’t Know Silicon Valley Was Tracking
Breitbart – From the Google-owned driving app Waze to Facebook tools like Marketplace, data is being collected on a much larger scale than most users realize. Here are five ways you’re being tracked by Silicon Valley giants that will probably surprise you.

  1. Google Knows What Your Kids Are Doing at School

Google provides many free services to K-12 schools. It’s a great way to get students hooked early on their products, and an even greater opportunity to mine student data.  Google recently acknowledged using its Apps for Education service to collect data on students for commercial use; it even helps them up-sell products to educators.

  1. Facebook Is Storing Info about Non-Users with Facial Recognition

Few people know that Facebook’s facial recognition software, DeepFace, is currently obtaining and saving people’s biometric info without their expressed permission. Not a Facebook user? Not a problem: Facebook can still collect the facial information of non-users with 97.25% accuracy if they’re featured in photos on the platform.

  1. Waze, the GPS App, Provides Your Movement Data to Foreign Governments

Owned by Google, the driving app Waze admitted to giving driving data to officials in Rio de Janeiro through their “Connected Citizens Program.” While this information is intended for traffic planning, Waze has access to your entire driving record and can tell how fast you’re going at all times. Rio was just the start; more than 14 other government agencies around the world have followed suit.

  1. Google May Have Access to Your DNA

Calico, a biotech firm whose parent company is Google’s Alphabet, reached a deal in 2013 for access to genetic information from Ancestry.com. In other words, if you or one of your family members has sent a tube off to Ancestry to find out more about your family tree, Google may have access to it. This information has the potential to be used to market pharmaceutical products to you and law enforcement can obtain it with a warrant.

  1. You Can’t Hide from Google

Google collects data when users are not even using one of Google’s branded products, such as its Chrome browser or YouTube. Through Google’s vast digital advertising exchange, DoubleClick, Google collects data from the advertiser when a user clicks on an ad or visits the advertiser’s site. Users likely don’t even realize this activity is occurring, and Google’s DoubleClick enjoys more than 57 percent of the market.
For the first time, Facebook spells out what it forbids
AP – NEW YORK (AP) — If you’ve ever wondered exactly what sorts of things Facebook would like you not to do on its service, you’re in luck. For the first time, the social network is publishing detailed guidelines to what does and doesn’t belong on its service – 27 pages worth of them, in fact.
Why Most People Need Vitamin B12 Supplementation
Mercola – According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population have marginal vitamin B12 status and 9 percent are deficient.1 Vitamin B12 insufficiency and deficiency increase your risk of serious health problems, many of which mimic more serious neurological diseases and can easily lead to misdiagnosis and improper treatment.
Neurological problems, in particular, are a possibility even at the “low normal” range at or just below 258 picomoles per liter (pmol/L). A level of 148 pmol/L or less is considered a deficiency state. As noted by the USDA:2
“Deficiency can cause a type of anemia marked by fewer but larger red blood cells. It can also cause walking and balance disturbances, a loss of vibration sensation, confusion and, in advanced cases, dementia. The body requires B12 to make the protective coating surrounding the nerves. So, inadequate B12 can expose nerves to damage.”
B12 is required for many vital biological functions, including production of adrenal hormones, metabolizing fat, carbs and folate, formation of red blood cells, iron absorption, nervous system function, cognitive health and much more.
B12 deficiency can even affect a woman’s Pap test, which screens for cervical cancer. Low B12 can affect the appearance of cervical cells, which can result in a false positive.
Animal foods have become a questionable source of B12 thanks to modern farming practices, and many experts now believe most people really need to take a B12 supplement to ensure healthy B12 status.
American Doctor Kicked out of Africa for Healing Ebola with Ozone Therapy Instrumental in Creating International “Ozone Without Borders
Health Impact News – Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF- Doctors without Borders in English) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. It was founded in Paris, France in 1971, and is a non-profit, self-governed organization. (Source.)
MSF is often the first on the scene in natural disasters or situations where refugees are fleeing from armed conflict. As medical doctors, and due to International governing bodies such as UNHCR or UNICEF which are also usually present in global disasters, they are often restricted to approved pharmaceutical products in their treatments.
Just recently, April 2018, another non-profit humanitarian international NGO was formed called Ozone Without Borders (OWB). This newly formed NGO has ozone and other oxygen therapies as its cornerstone for educating about and applying non-pharmaceutical treatments without discrimination from medical monopoly agents.
The meeting convened to establish OWB was held in the Xavier School of Medicine in Aruba, a semi-independent South Caribbean island 19 miles long and 15 miles north of Venezuela. Co-founder, Dr. Robert Rowan, an ozone therapy specialist, is no stranger to health freedom activism. He’s also very involved with The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM).
Dr. Rowan is even sometimes referred to as the “father of medical freedom” for his success with pioneering statutory protection for MDs practicing alternative medicine in Alaska in 1990 and later in California. Dr. Rowan expressed his disdain for the pharma-medical monopoly’s suppression of non-pharmaceutical natural healing protocols after the meeting in Aruba.
The membership to OWB is not restricted to professional licensed doctors. It’s also open to laypersons who are passionate about health freedom, with very reasonable annual fees. For more information and links to join, see the Ozone Without Borders (OWB) website.
Pet News
These 10 Medications Are Poisonous for Pets
Mercola Pet – The Pet Poison Helpline lists the following 10 human medications as most often involved in pet poisonings.1
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
ADD and ADHD drugs
Thyroid hormones
ACE inhibitors
Birth control medications

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