July 4, 2024

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Today's News: April 24, 2019

World News
Suspected Islamic State member arrested over alleged plan to attack Gallipoli
abc.net.au – Turkish authorities say they have arrested a suspected Islamic State member they believe was planning to attack tomorrow’s Anzac commemorations at Gallipoli attended by hundreds of Australians and New Zealanders.
The suspect, a Syrian national, was detained in Tekirdag, a northwestern province close to the Gallipoli peninsula, a local police spokesman told Reuters.
It comes after Turkey banned its own citizens from attending the Anzac Day dawn service due to security concerns.
‘Not your enemies’: Sri Lanka Muslims fear backlash after blasts
Al Jazeera – Members of the community say they feel vulnerable in the wake of the church and hotel attacks that left 359 people dead.
Saudi Arabia beheads 37 people for alleged ‘terrorism-related crimes’ after ‘sham trials’
abc.net.au – Saudi Arabia has beheaded 37 Saudi citizens, most of them minority Shiites, in a mass execution across the country for alleged terrorism-related crimes, and publicly pinned the executed body and severed head of a convicted Sunni extremist to a pole as a warning to others.
The executions were likely to stoke further regional and sectarian tensions between rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Saudi dissident Ali al-Ahmed, who runs the Gulf Institute in Washington, identified 34 of those executed as Shiites, based on the names announced by the Interior Ministry.
Churches Have Become The #1 Target For Hate Attacks – An Average Of 105 Every Single Month
End of the American Dream – The bombings in Sri Lanka have once again put a spotlight on the rising tide of violence against Christians all over the world.  According to Open Doors USA, an average of 105 churches and/or Christian buildings are burned or attacked every month.  That is more than three per day, and almost all of those attacks get ignored by the mainstream media in the western world.  In addition, an average of 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons every single month.  Of course these numbers will soon be out of date, because violence against Christians continues to escalate all over the globe, and the horrifying attacks that we just witnessed in Sri Lanka are a perfect example.
China Nominates Itself for Leading Role in Counterterrorism After Sri Lanka
Breitbart – China’s Global Times on Monday said the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka should inspire Asian countries to “strengthen coordination” on terrorism and offered China’s leadership on the issue, citing China’s history as a “victim of terrorism.”
Although the Uighur Muslims are not explicitly mentioned in the article, their ghosts haunt its every mention of Asian terrorism and invocation of China’s victim status. The Chinese constantly cite the history of unrest in Xinjiang province to justify the immense re-education camps they have constructed to house hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and “re-educate” them away from religious extremism.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Chalking tires to enforce parking rules is unconstitutional, court says
USA Today – That bit of chalk left on your car’s tire by a parking officer is unconstitutional, a federal court ruled Monday.
A three-judge panel took up the case of Alison Taylor, a Michigan woman who received 15 parking tickets during a three-year feud with a single parking officer, Tabitha Hoskins of the City of Saginaw.
Taylor’s lawyer argued that the city’s physical marking with chalk, done to note how long a vehicle is parked, amounted to searching without a warrant — a violation of the Fourth Amendment. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel unanimously agreed.
The city “commences its search on vehicles that are parked legally, without probable cause or even so much as ‘individualized suspicion of wrongdoing’ — the touchstone of the reasonableness standard,” the court’s opinion states.
The Fourth Amendment protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” And the city’s chalking of cars “to raise revenue” does not qualify as a public safety concern that could allow a search without a warrant, the court said.
The court’s decision affects Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.
“Trespassing upon a privately-owned vehicle parked on a public street to place a chalk mark to begin gathering information to ultimately impose a government sanction is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment,” Taylor’s lawyer, Philip Ellison, said in a court filing reported by NPR.
Ellison said that covertly marking a tire with chalk is not unlike police secretly putting a GPS on a car without a warrant, according to the Associated Press.
Now the case will return to U.S. District Court in Bay City, Michigan.
Pastors face orders to watch if parents deprive kids of ‘warmth’
WND – California lawmakers are proposing a change in the state’s mandated-reporters law that would require pastors to notify police if they believe parents are failing to provide enough emotional “warmth” for their children.
Or “attention.”
Or “normal living experiences.”
The law currently requires teachers and others who have an ongoing relationship with families to contact authorities with suspicions of child abuse.
The proposal has caught the attention of the Pacific Justice Institute, which has launched a petition to reveal opposition to the plan.
The organization is targeting Senate Bill 360, by Sen. Jerry Hill, a Democrat, which would classify, without exception, clergy as mandated reporters.
It would trigger criminal prosecution “if they do not immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect.”
However, Pacific Justice lawyer Kevin Snider pointed out two difficulties. Priests in the Roman Catholic Church can be excommunicated if they reveal confessions. And many other churches have similar standards for their clergy.
Snider also noted that the state’s existing definitions for “emotional abuse” are so inclusive “that a pastor or youth pastor would be required to tell the government if parents seeking counsel are suspected of so much as failing to provide ‘warmth,’ ‘attention,’ or ‘normal living experiences’ for their children or teens.”
“Tragically, the children most at risk of experiencing sexual abuse are those already under California’s supervision as foster children. Instead of addressing its own abject failure to protect those directly under its care, the state is rolling back longstanding legal privileges in a way that could actually make the problem worse,” he said.
“This legislation is not just misguided, it is blatantly unconstitutional,” said Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute. “Imagine the outcry if the legislature tried to do away with attorney-client privilege. The clergy-penitent privilege stands on the same footing and is an essential component of restorative justice.”
The state senate’s Public Safety Committee already has approved the bill on a 5-0 vote, which sent it to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Trump heads for an executive privilege showdown with Democrats in Congress as he vows to oppose House efforts to subpoena former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify on the Mueller report
Daily Mail – The Trump administration will fight efforts by Democrats in Congress to subpoena former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify, it has been reported.
The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler of New York, subpoenaed McGahn as Democratic party leaders moved to deepen their investigation of President Trump while bottling up talk among their rank-and-file of impeaching him.
But the Trump administration will oppose this and other requests by Democratic-led committees in the House to compel other current and former aides to testify, according to The Washington Post.
White House lawyers will tell the attorneys representing potential witnesses that they will be asserting executive privilege over their testimony.
That could ignite a legal battle that would be tied up in the courts.
McGahn is considered a central figure in the report submitted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.
Cher Doubles Down: ‘Excuse the Fk Out of Me If I Don’t Want, Murders, Rapists, & CHILD MOLESTERS to Vote’
Breitbart – Pop star Cher defended herself from attacks on social media Tuesday in a series of now-deleted tweets after she was criticized for questioning Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) plan to let felons and terrorists vote.
This post comes in response to a social media user who criticized Cher for panning the idea of letting felons vote.
Economy & Business
Billions in gold smuggled every year
Reuters – Billions of dollars’ worth of gold is being smuggled out of Africa every year through the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East – a gateway to markets in Europe, the United States and beyond – a Reuters analysis has found.
Customs data shows that the UAE imported $15.1 billion worth of gold from Africa in 2016, more than any other country and up from $1.3 billion in 2006. The total weight was 446 tonnes, in varying degrees of purity – up from 67 tonnes in 2006.
Much of the gold was not recorded in the exports of African states. Five trade economists interviewed by Reuters said this indicates large amounts of gold are leaving Africa with no taxes being paid to the states that produce them.
Previous reports and studies have highlighted the black-market trade in gold mined by people, including children, who have no ties to big business, and dig or pan for it with little official oversight. No-one can put an exact figure on the total value that is leaving Africa. But the Reuters analysis gives an estimate of the scale.
Energy & Environment
Dozens killed in South Africa flooding
BBC – Floods and mudslides in the South African city of Durban and the wider KwaZulu-Natal province have killed at least 60 people, officials say.
A six-month-old baby and a young child are among the dead.
More than 1,000 people have been displaced according to President Cyril Ramaphosa who has flown into the region to visit the affected areas.
Southern and eastern parts of the country have been badly hit by torrential rain in the last few days.
More flooding and strong winds are expected in coastal areas and a severe weather warning is still in place.
The raging floods damaged businesses, homes and at least two universities – while hundreds of people have been displaced.
Science & Technology
Where are the cameras in your car and what are they looking for?
USA Today – In 2018, drivers asked for hi-tech, onboard cameras and now they’re getting them.
The New York International Auto Show, open to the public through April 28, is ground zero for next-generation car technology and also home to several vehicles that offer in-car and exterior monitoring systems.
From upgraded blind spot cams to facial recognition software installed in the dash, cars on display are equipped with several sets of digital eyes that can improve vehicle security, safety and convenience.
Some of the cameras can help propel cars closer toward an autonomous future by enabling the vehicle to see what’s around it. Others are installed to combat drunk driving by analyzing the driver’s face and behavior.
Where are the cameras?
Almost everywhere.
Where do images, videos and data end up?
Some go straight to the manufacturer.
With all these cameras and sensors, modern cars can collect details about driving habits that some automakers use for future innovations like digital road maps that can help with autonomous driving.
BMW, for example, provides real-time vehicle data to the mapping software company HERE. The data is being used to develop a range of connected vehicle services, according to HERE.
Some of the data and images never leave the car.
The computers on Tesla vehicles house information that drivers voluntarily save. The information can be erased through a factory reset.
Still, the autonomous car maker came under scrutiny last month after a hacker discovered that Teslas found in junkyards still contained the driver’s stored videos, location and navigational data.
What can the cameras be used for?
Consumers want onboard cameras that go beyond recording the road ahead, according to Google’s auto trend data, and that’s precisely what car makers are offering.
With 16 cameras and sensors, the 2019 Kia K900 was built to eliminate blind spots. Cameras on the outside of the car offer a clear view of your blind spots on the digital dashboard.
How permanent are the cameras?
Unlike dashboard cameras you can stick on your windshield, automakers are building extra sets of eyes directly into the car’s body.
So one of the only ways to avoid them if you want 21st-century vehicle safety is to buy a car that doesn’t use them or opt out of optional advanced safety features.
However, finding a new vehicle that doesn’t have at least one onboard camera may be more difficult as time goes on.
New cars sold in the U.S. are required to have backup cameras to help drivers avoid accidents under a federal regulation that took effect last year.
The regulation requires rearview cameras and video displays on all new models to prevent accidents in which pedestrians are run over because a driver can’t see them as they back up their vehicles.
The global automotive camera market is expected to almost double in the next 6 years, increasing to a 15 billion-dollar industry, according to a new global forecast report by Research and Markets.
Worried about privacy? Some cameras, like the rearview mirror camera on Tesla cars, come with a sliding panel so you can cover it up if you’re worried about being watched.
Coming to Store Shelves: Cameras That Guess Age, Sex
AP – yeing that can of soda in the supermarket cooler? Or maybe you’re craving a pint of ice cream? A camera could be watching you.
But it’s not there to see if you’re stealing. These cameras want to get to know you and what you’re buying.
It’s a new technology being trotted out to retailers, where cameras try to guess your age, gender or mood as you walk by. The intent is to use the information to show you targeted real-time ads on in-store video screens.
Companies are pitching retailers to bring the technology into their physical stores as a way to better compete with online rivals like Amazon that are already armed with troves of information on their customers and their buying habits.
With store cameras, you may not even realize you are being watched unless you happen to notice the penny-sized lenses. And that has raised concerns over privacy.
“The creepy factor here is definitely a 10 out of 10,” said Pam Dixon, the executive director of the World Privacy Forum, a nonprofit that researches privacy issues.
At the National Retail Federation trade show in New York earlier this year, a smart shelf on display by Mood Media tried to detect “happiness” or “fear” as people stood in front it — information a store could use to gauge reaction to a product on the shelf or an ad on a screen. Cineplex Digital Media showed off video screens that can be placed in malls or bus stops and try to tell if someone is wearing glasses or sporting a beard, which in turn can be used to sell ads for new frames or razors.
The screens can also be placed at the drive-thru. A minivan pulling into a fast food restaurant, for example, might get an ad for a family-sized meal on the video screen menu.
For now, the cameras are in just a handful of stores.
Kroger, which has 2,800 supermarkets, is testing cameras embedded in a price sign above shelves in two stores in the suburbs outside Cincinnati and Seattle. Video screens attached to the shelves can play ads and show discounts. Kroger said the cameras guess a shopper’s age and sex but the information is anonymous and the data is not being stored. If the tests work out well, the company said it could expand it into other locations.
Walgreens, which has more than 8,000 drugstores, installed cooler doors with cameras and sensors at six locations in Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Bellevue, Washington. Instead of the usual clear glass doors that allow customers to see inside, there are video screens that display ads along with the cooler’s contents.
Burdock Root Benefits: How Can You Use This Powerful Plant?
Global Healing Center – Today, more and more people are discovering the health benefits of burdock root, particularly for skin, digestion, and detoxification. What’s more, you can enjoy this little-known gem as a tasty root vegetable!
Burdock has some interesting Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy facts surrounding it. If you’ve ever removed a sticky round burr from your clothing after hiking through the forest, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered seeds of the burdock plant. Burdock’s ingenious mechanism for seed dispersal was the inspiration for Velcro.[1] However, the plant’s roots, not the seeds, pack the most powerful health benefits.
Top 10 Benefits of Burdock Root
Traditionally, people used burdock root for a number of ailments, including joint discomfort, sore throats, respiratory infections, and skin-related conditions. Today, research also points to its powerful ability to boost your immune system and so much more. Read on!

  1. May Promote Normal Wound Healing

One study looked at how the Amish take care of burns; they apply a mix of therapeutic herbs and then wrap the burn in burdock leaves — which have many of the same biological compounds as the root.
The researchers found this practice resulted in no infected wounds, no “trauma” when changing wound dressing, and minimal or no discomfort.  Researchers concluded that the burdock dressings were an effective alternative to conventional burn care.
Did you know that burdock leaf acts as an effective remedy for wounds or burns?

  1. Reduces Redness & Swelling

Over time, toxins build up in your body from the foods you eat, water you drink, and air you breathe. These toxins, as well as exposure to UV light, can cause your cells to generate free radicals that oxidize or damage cells. The build-up of these toxins and the resulting cell oxidation can lead to systemic redness and swelling in your body, which, in turn, causes discomfort — and may lead to a host of other ailments.
As an antioxidant, burdock root can stop toxins and free radicals from wreaking havoc on your body.

  1. Boosts Skin Health

Whether you have dry skin, acne, eczema, or psoriasis, the properties in burdock root make it a great choice to make your skin glow!  Burdock’s active ingredients promote blood circulation, pushing blood to the surface of the skin — which make it look supple and younger-looking.

  1. Boosts Skin Health

Whether you have dry skin, acne, eczema, or psoriasis, the properties in burdock root make it a great choice to make your skin glow! Burdock’s active ingredients promote blood circulation, pushing blood to the surface of the skin — which make it look supple and younger-looking.
If you’re looking for healthy, glowing skin, give burdock root a try!

  1. Promotes a Healthy Body Weight

Burdock root is low in calories, with just 72 calories per 100 grams. But that’s not what makes it helpful in managing body weight.
Compounds found in burdock root may boost your metabolism and improve weight loss!

  1. May Prevent Cell Proliferation

A number of studies have looked at how burdock root affects the harmful and excessive growth and spread of cells in the body. Burdock root acted against liver cell masses in vitro (in a lab study on cells), and prevented them from growing.

  1. Aids in Digestion

The inulin in burdock root is a natural dietary fiber that is not absorbed or digested by the stomach. It acts as a prebiotic, which means food for beneficial bacteria found in your gut. Once burdock (and the inulin it contains) moves through your intestines, probiotics (friendly bacteria) use it to flourish. And the helpful gut microbes keep your digestion working well.
Did you know that burdock root acts as a prebiotic? This helps probiotics thrive in your gut.

  1. Natural Diuretic for the Kidneys

Burdock root is a diuretic which can increase urine output, making it a natural alternative to water pills if you should need a temporary reduction in swelling.

  1. Promotes Liver Health

Watch out! Burdock root may be your new go-to for liver health.
In support of traditional use, animal studies have found that burdock root may help cleanse and detox the liver from certain harmful substances. One animal study showed that the antioxidants found in burdock root may help protect liver cells from acetaminophen (Tylenol) damage

  1. Promotes Healthier Hair

Pro tip: Try burdock root to eliminate dandruff or dry scalp!
Whether you want to eliminate the dry scalp that causes dandruff or stop hair loss, burdock root is an effective tool to add to your hair care arsenal.
Burdock contains fiber, essential fatty acids, and vitamins that are all good for healthy hair, but scientists have pinpointed the antioxidant lignan arctiin as the biological component that may promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.  People use burdock root oil for dry scalp, itching, and dandruff, though there are limited studies on its effectiveness.

  1. Acts as a Natural Aphrodisiac

If you’re looking to boost your libido, look no further than burdock root. The plant extract has long been used as a natural aphrodisiac to stimulate sexual drive and response — benefits that have been verified scientifically, as well.
In one study, burdock increased testosterone and several components of sexual performance in rats  The researchers credited burdock’s diverse array of flavonoids, saponins, lignans, and alkaloids for this effect.
How to Use Burdock Root
Burdock root is versatile and can be used in a number of ways, depending on your personal preference and reason for using it. If you want to consume it as a vegetable, look for it in the produce section. If you can’t find it, look at an Asian market.
Many people drink burdock root in tea, which you can find online or in specialty markets, including health food stores or Asian markets. You can also take burdock capsules filled with the root powder or take it in liquid extract form.
Always look for high-quality, organic extracts. You can purchase these in your local health food store. It is best to avoid alcohol-based extracts.
You can use the roots raw as a salad vegetable, or cook them in stir-fries as you do carrots. Burdock root doesn’t require much seasoning; cooked and sliced, it can be enjoyed with salt and drizzled with olive oil, or with a healthy vegan dip.
Study: Glyphosate Causes Multi-Generational Increases in Prostate, Ovarian and Kidney Disease
by Sustainable Pulse
Washington State University (WSU) researchers have found a variety of diseases and other health problems in the second- and third-generation offspring of rats exposed to glyphosate, the world’s most used weed killer.
In the first study of its kind, the researchers saw descendants of exposed rats developing prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities.
Michael Skinner, a WSU professor of biological sciences, and his colleagues exposed pregnant rats to the herbicide between their eighth and 14th days of gestation. The dose–half the amount expected to show no adverse effect–produced no apparent ill effects on either the parents or the first generation of offspring.
But writing in the journal Scientific Reports, the researchers say they saw “dramatic increases” in several pathologies affecting the second and third generations. The second generation had “significant increases” in testis, ovary and mammary gland diseases, as well as obesity.
In third-generation males, the researchers saw a 30 percent increase in prostate disease – three times that of a control population. The third generation of females had a 40 percent increase in kidney disease, or four times that of the controls.
Read the full article at Sustainable Pulse
Basil is a healthy, minty treat – especially for those looking to cut back on their cholesterol levels
NaturalNews – High cholesterol and oxidative stress are primary contributors to many heart problems, including atherosclerosis. In addition to adhering to a healthy diet and exercising regularly, another thing you can do to keep your cholesterol levels at bay is to consume cholesterol-lowering herbs. In a new study, researchers from Morocco suggest basil (Ocimum basilicum), which has been found to help lower high cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis.
Basil is an aromatic plant widely used as a culinary herb, condiment, or spice. In the east of Morocco, it is also used as a medicinal plant to treat health problems like high cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis. (Related: Basil- Herb That Protects DNA, Prevents Diabetes, Cleans Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol & Improves Vision.)
For the study, the Moroccan researchers looked at the effect of basil extract on high cholesterol levels and oxidative stress using an animal model. To do this, they first induced hyperlipidemia in mice. Then, they orally gave them 200 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) body weight of basil extract.
The results showed that oral administration of basil extract led to significant reductions in total cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. In addition, the extract prevented blood lipid oxidation. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels and LDL oxidation can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
The researchers also discovered that basil extract contains four major phenolics, including cafeic acid, caftaric acid, chicoric acid, and rosmarinic acid. Rosmarinic acid was identified to be the major compound in the extract and may be responsible for the extract’s lipid-lowering and antioxidant activities.

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