July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 24, 2023


Biden Evacuates U.S. Embassy Staff from Sudan, Will Assist Other Americans ‘to the Extent Possible’

President Joe Biden on Saturday ordered the evacuation of U.S. embassy staff in Khartoum, Sudan, amid worsening fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, a rival paramilitary force.

“Today, on my orders, the United States military conducted an operation to extract U.S. Government personnel from Khartoum in response to the situation in Sudan,” Biden tweeted. “I am grateful for the commitment of our Embassy staff and the skill of our service members who brought them to safety.”

UN Report Aims to Globally Decriminalize Sex With Minors, Prostitution, and More

Using drugs or alcohol while pregnant is not a crime, and neither is sex with a minor or defecating on a public sidewalk, according to a recent United Nations report that seeks to globally decriminalize a host of behaviors related to sex, HIV, gender expression, drug possession and use, homelessness, and poverty.

The report, written by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), says these and other behaviors are a matter of human rights, and criminalizing them is harmful to those who engage in such activities, by placing a social stigma on them.

“From long years in the law, and as a proudly gay man, I know profoundly how criminal law signals which groups are deemed worthy of protection—and which of condemnation and ostracism,” Edwin Cameron, retired justice for the Constitutional Court of South Africa wrote in the report’s forward.

“In recent years, in some quarters, there has been a backlash against human rights, especially against sexual and reproductive health and rights, and the human rights of women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, gender diverse, and intersex persons, as well as against sex workers, people who use drugs, and people experiencing homelessness and/or living in poverty,” said the report, which alludes to victims as “third parties” among law enforcement and people freely living their human rights.

How to Ruin an Economy: Germany to Ban New Gas and Oil Heaters in Buildings by Next Year

The German cabinet has backed legislation that would ban almost all new oil and gas heating systems for buildings by next year, despite widespread opposition from the public and concerns from within the coalition government itself.

On Wednesday, Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck announced that the cabinet of Chancellor Olaf Scholz will back the Building Energy Efficiency Act, which would require that all new heating systems run on at least 65 per cent of so-called renewable forms of energy. This would effectively ban new gas and oil heaters, which would need to be replaced with heat pumps or hybrid systems that only use fossil fuels as a backup.

Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

European farmers are furious over a bullshit plan by the European Union which would force then to be treated as industrial plants, similar to steel mills or chemical works, in order to force them to cut greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, the Financial Times reports.

Greek farmer Takis Kazanas, 66, and his four sons run a 230-acre ranch with 300 cattle ranch in the mountains overlooking the Thessalian Plain. While the farmers already capture biogas from cow dung, and use homemade manure vs. chemical fertilizer, Kazanas is one of many farmers up in arms over environmentalist bureaucrats who want to impose crippling new rules on them in order to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 vs. 1990 levels.

“That’s what the EU says and that’s what I do,” says Kazanas, regarding the ‘earth-friendly’ measures he already employs. “Today, everyone blames cattle for methane production and pollution . . . I have a different opinion.”

The sheer scale of the transformation that the European Commission is asking for in its Farm to Fork strategy — halving the amount of pesticides applied by 2030, cutting the use of fertilisers, doubling organic production and rewilding some farmland — would be remarkable even in less urgent times.

Yet it comes as the war in Ukraine has upended global food markets, and as farmers face a cut in subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy, the €55bn-a-year programme that has underwritten Europe’s food security since 1962.

The EU argues that the agriculture sector is badly in need of environmental reforms. One senior EU official working on climate policy calls it “our problem child”. -FT

According to Brussels, nitrous oxides found in fertilizer, as well as animal urine and poop, are a large part of the problem.

Three Anti-Macron Protesters Face Prison for Giving President the Middle Finger

French authorities have confirmed that they will prosecute three anti-Macron protesters over allegations they gave the embattled president the middle finger.

Two men and one woman reportedly face the possibility of a criminal conviction at the hands of French prosecutors after giving President Emmanuel Macron the middle finger, reports in local media have claimed.



Creepy Video From Ireland Surface And People Claim That Biden Is Wearing A Rubber Mask (Video)

GOP lawmakers urge Biden to stop sending ‘unrestrained’ aid, weapons to Ukraine

A coalition of GOP lawmakers has urged the Biden administration to stop sending “unrestrained” aid and weapons to Ukraine amid its ongoing war with neighboring Russia. 

“We write to express concern regarding the U.S. response to Ukraine. Over a year ago, Russia launched an invasion that has upended decades of peace in Europe,” the lawmakers wrote in their letter to Biden on Thursday. “We are deeply concerned that the trajectory of U.S. aid to the Ukrainian war effort threatens further escalation and lacks much-needed strategic clarity.”

The lawmakers noted in their letter the risks associated with supplying Ukraine with necessary aid and weapons, saying how the country’s continued contribution could escalate the conflict between the two countries and create a proxy war with Russia. 

“The current strategy of sanctions and drawn-out aid will only prolong the conflict, leading to escalation and more violence,” the lawmakers wrote in their letter, adding how the country needs to focus on its own military and economic resources “rather than allocating substantial resources to a foreign conflict.”

“Our national and economic security demand an alternative. Unrestrained U.S. aid for Ukraine must come to an end, and we will adamantly oppose all future aid packages unless they are linked to a clear diplomatic strategy designed to bring this war to a rapid conclusion.” 

The lawmakers also said that Biden should prioritize more diplomatic efforts to advocate for a peace agreement between the two countries. 

The letter was signed by 19 Republican lawmakers, including Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah.), Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH.), Sen. Rand Paul (R-K.Y.), and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). 

“There are appropriate ways in which the U.S. can support the Ukrainian people, but unlimited arms supplies in support of an endless war is not one of them. Our national interests, and those of the Ukrainian people, are best served by incentivizing the negotiations that are urgently needed to bring this conflict to a resolution,” the letter concludes. “We strongly urge you to advocate for a negotiated peace between the two sides, bringing this awful conflict to a close.” 

Jordan Accuses Biden of ‘Political Operation’ in Covering Up Hunter Biden Laptop News

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has claimed that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden misled Americans regarding the letter signed by 51 intelligence officials that alleged that Hunter Biden’s laptop contained Russian disinformation.

Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, offered context about the events surrounding the story during an April 20 interview on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle,” after news broke that a special agent whistleblower from the IRS had information about the laptop investigation.

The lawmaker spoke about testimony before his committee by former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, who was among the 51 signatories of the open letter (pdf) that said the explosive contents of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden bore “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

EXCLUSIVE: Former FBI Agent Who Refused to Raid Jan. 6 Suspect Warns of Agency’s Weaponization

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, Stephen Friend was told.

Why would he—an FBI special agent—not want to hunt down and jail rioters who killed police officers at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?

The question, its justification, and its accuracy were equally troubling when they were presented to Friend by an FBI superior on Aug. 23, 2022.

“I responded back that no police officers were killed by any of the individuals who were charged with the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6,” Friend recalled.

At the time a fairly recent transfer from Iowa to the FBI in Florida, Friend had just lodged a complaint against what he saw as heavy-handed tactics being planned against Jan. 6 suspects in Florida. Sitting with an FBI assistant special agent in charge, he had to correct some of the misinformation that was being used to justify those tactics.

DA Alvin Bragg Has No Authority to ‘Enforce Federal Campaign’ Crimes Against Trump: Former FEC Commissioner

A former Federal Elections Commission official said that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office has no authority to “enforce federal campaign finance” laws against former President Donald Trump.

“It’s an extremely dubious prosecution, and I say that as a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission,” former FEC Commissioner Hans von Spakovsky, who was nominated by former President George W. Bush as FEC commissioner in 2006, told Just The News over the weekend.

Von Spakovsky, now the manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative, said that Bragg is targeting the 45th president for alleged federal election crimes that aren’t within his authority to prosecute. A number of other legal experts, including George Washington University Jonathan Turley, have made similar statements as Trump was indicted for allegedly falsifying business records in connection to payments made during the 2016 campaign.

“No local state prosecutor has the authority to enforce federal campaign finance crimes in the first place,” he told the news outlet. “There’s just nothing from a factual and legal standpoint to this case. But I don’t think this prosecutor cares about that. What he’s counting on is that he’s in Manhattan. Manhattan is one of the most liberal jurisdictions in the country. I think he believes that he can get a liberal jury to convict Trump, no matter what the facts are and no matter what the law is.”

But if Trump is convicted, the former president would have to rely on U.S. appeals courts. The former president could argue that Bragg’s handling of the case could be grounds for an appeal.

“[Trump] can appeal and try to convince an appellate court that this was everything from a malicious prosecution to the fact that it wasn’t actually a violation of the law,” von Spakovsky said. “A lot of this is going to depend on the judges and the tenure of the judges in the state court system. And I think that’s what Bragg is counting on, because his case is so weak, so nonexistent, that even folks on the left side of the political aisle—including prosecutors—have all basically said there’s just nothing to this case.”

Recognizing the Need to Protect Due Process Rights, Supreme Court Gives Green Light to Lawsuit for Post-Conviction DNA Testing in Death Row Case

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the need to protect due process rights as it relates to post-conviction DNA testing of crime scene evidence.

Weighing in before the Court in Reed v. Goertz, a case that raises concerns of racial bias and systemic injustice in Texas’ death penalty system, a legal coalition made up of The Rutherford Institute, Cato Institute, ACLU, and National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers had argued that the statute of limitations for post-conviction procedural due process claims for DNA testing should not start until after all state court litigation, including appeals, has ended.

“There is nothing moral or just about how the death penalty is implemented in America,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “At every step along the way, whether it’s encounters with the police, dealings with prosecutors, hearings in court before judges and juries, or jail terms in one of the nation’s many prisons, the nation’s capital punishment system is riddled with racial prejudice, economic inequality, corruption, abuse and an appalling disregard for the rights of the citizenry.”

Rep. Jeff Leach SUED Over Defamatory Comments About TEXIT Supporters  (See the PDF of the Complaint)

State Representative Jeff Leach (R-Plano) is facing a lawsuit due to defamatory comments he made on social media about TEXIT supporters.

In a series of tweets after the filing of the Texas Independence Referendum Act, Rep. Leach accused a TEXIT supporter of treason and sedition. Both are defined crimes under the US Constitution and federal law, and neither applies to advocating for TEXIT.

As the TEXIT movement gains momentum, protecting the rights of individuals advocating for Texas independence is vital. The accusations made by Rep. Leach against the TEXIT supporter not only display his misunderstanding of the law but also constitute an attack on freedom of speech. The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) is proud to provide legal support to the plaintiff in this battle for justice, reinforcing the principles of self-government, free speech, and the pursuit of self-determination for Texans.

Paul M. Davis, a Texas-based attorney with experience representing the TNM, took on this case to hold lawmakers accountable for their actions. Davis stated, “Rep. Leach attempts to shut down public debate by falsely accusing the TEXIT supporter of being guilty of sedition and treason. Texans should expect better from their elected representatives than to be accused of crimes merely for voicing their opinions. That is why I agreed to take this case. We must hold our lawmakers accountable every time they cross the line, or it will be our own fault that we are governed by tyrants.”

According to Texas law, defamation per se is a statement that is so damaging to a person’s reputation that damages are presumed without the need for proof. Accusing someone of criminality, particularly of crimes as serious as treason and sedition, falls under this category. By making these accusations, Rep. Leach is not only attempting to silence TEXIT supporters but also disregarding the legal principles of defamation per se.

The TNM is committed to ensuring that Texans who advocate for their rights under Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution are not subjected to baseless accusations of criminal wrongdoing, which can carry penalties up to and including death. It is time to put an end to these unfounded claims and focus on the real issues at hand.

Rapper Afroman Files to Become 2024 Presidential Candidate: ‘Recreational Cannabis Legal in All States’

Rap artist Afroman, best known for his 2001 single “Because I Got High,” has officially filed to be a candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, in which he is running as an Independent.

Afroman officially filed the paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), according to a report by TMZ. Filing with the FEC is a requirement in order to run for president.

Republicans help seven Biden judicial nominees advance despite Dianne Feinstein’s absence
The logjam stalling the Senate confirmation of President Joe Biden’s judicial appointees loosened somewhat Thursday when the Judiciary Committee approved seven nominees on a bipartisan basis, though Republicans still maintain the ability to block nominees they don’t support.

The advancement of the nominees comes amid the ongoing absence of California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose vote Democrats need when Judiciary Committee Republicans are united against a nominee. Democrats have tried unsuccessfully to temporarily replace Feinstein on the committee to keep their partisan advantage.

Committee rules allow an absent member to vote by proxy if they are not the determining vote, so Feinstein was able to cast a proxy vote in favor the nominees who already had the bipartisan support that allowed them to move forward in her absence. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, the committee chairman, logged the proxy vote.

Utah Lawmaker’s Home Vandalized After Introducing Bill to Ban Transgender Surgeries on Children

A Utah state Republican lawmaker’s home was allegedly vandalized after he introduced a bill aiming to ban transgender surgeries on minors.

The message to State Sen. Mike Kennedy written in red spray-paint on his door read, “Fash” (abbreviation for Fascist) and “These trannies bash back.” Kennedy announced the vandalism on Facebook.

“To those who seek to use violence, vandalism, and intimidation to deter me from standing up for what is right, let me be clear: you will not succeed,” he said in his post. “I will not be deterred by your cowardly actions. The recent vandalism to my family’s home was not just an attack on me, but on the very principles our state stands for. We will not let fear and violence control our destiny.”

Kennedy called on the citizens of Utah to “stand up and push back against radicals who seek to push their agenda in our state.”

“I am more determined than ever to work with the good people of Utah to make our state a better place for all, especially our children, and I won’t back down,” he concluded.

Florida Reps. Mike Waltz, Gus Bilirakis Endorse Trump Over Gov. DeSantis in 2024

Republican Florida Congressmen Mike Waltz and Gus Bilirakis named Donald Trump their preferred 2024 Republican presidential candidate on Thursday, choosing the former president over Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is rumored to be considering a run.

“Today I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President,” Waltz said in a statement to Breitbart News and republished on Trump’s campaign website. “Under his leadership, President Trump secured our southern border, created seven million jobs with record-low unemployment, brought manufacturing back to the U.S., made America energy independent and affordable, brokered historic Middle East peace deals, destroyed the ISIS caliphate, launched the Space Force, took out Soleimani, gave veterans choice, and put measures in place to stop China’s march towards global dominance.”

Waltz’s endorsement carries some added significance in the match-up between Trump and DeSantis. Waltz represents Florida’s Sixth Congressional District, the same district DeSantis represented before winning his 2018 gubernatorial race.

Bragg Drops Case Against Jordan, Allowing House GOP to Depose Ex-Manhattan Prosecutor

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has dropped his effort to quash a congressional subpoena to a former prosecutor who worked in his office, a congressional aide told The Epoch Times in a statement on April 21.

“This evening, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office withdrew its appeal in Bragg v. Jordan. Mr. Pomerantz’s deposition will go forward on May 12, and we look forward to his appearance,” Russel Dye, spokesperson for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote in a statement to The Epoch Times.

“Bragg caved. Jim Jordan won,” the House Judiciary Committee wrote in a statement on Twitter on April 21.

The development wrapped up a legal clash between Bragg and House Judiciary Republicans in which Bragg had attempted to stop the lawmakers from requesting testimony from Mark Pomerantz, a former prosecutor who investigated former President Donald Trump’s finances. Pomerantz left Bragg’s office in February 2022 in protest of Bragg’s initial unwillingness to bring an indictment against Trump.

A grand jury, encouraged by Bragg, brought an indictment against Trump in late March, prompting Jordan to initiate a probe into what he calls a “politically motivated” prosecution against a former president. Jordan subpoenaed Pomerantz to seek his testimony as a part of that probe. In response, Bragg sued the House Judiciary Committee and Pomerantz to prevent the ex-prosecutor from testifying.

Judge Rejects Arizona AG’s Attempt to Revoke Elections Agreement With County Recorder

An Arizona judge has rejected state Attorney General Kris Mayes’s attempt to terminate an agreement between Cochise County and the county recorder in a Thursday ruling.

The agreement, which was drafted in February 2023, permits the Cochise County’s recorder to be granted control over “almost all of the powers and duties of the election conferred by statute upon the Cochise County Board of Supervisors,” the document states.

After the initial agreement was written, Mayes filed a lawsuit in March on behalf of Arizona against the three Cochise County supervisors and the county recorder, citing that the agreement violates the Arizona Constitution and Arizona law, according to the documents filed.

DeSantis Seeks Major Disaster Declaration From White House

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he will ask the Biden administration to declare a major disaster for Broward County.

“Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced he will request a Major Disaster Declaration for Broward County due to the catastrophic impacts of unprecedented flooding in Southeast Florida,” DeSantis’s office said in a statement. “If granted by the White House, a Major Disaster Declaration will provide a wide range of federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure damaged by the floods.”

Ex-Disney World Employee Admits Taking Hundreds of ‘Upskirt’ Videos

An ex-Disney worker in Florida is accused of recording an “upskirt” video of a woman at the Star-Wars themed shop where he was employed.

The incident involving the 18-year-old woman took place at the Walt Disney World Hollywood Studios. Officials eventually arrested 26-year-old Jorge Diaz Vega on March 31, Fox News reported Sunday.

2 Supreme Court Justices Dissent in Major Abortion Case

A majority of Supreme Court justices halted a lower court’s order on April 21 that blocked access to an abortion drug, but Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented.

Alito wrote a four-page dissent and explained why he would allow partial restrictions on the drug mifepristone, after the Biden administration appealed a ruling against a Texas district judge who ruled to overturn the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) approval of the pill.

But he disagreed that chaos would be triggered by a conflict between two federal court orders. A Texas judge put an injunction on the FDA-backed drug nationwide, and a judge in Washington state ordered the FDA to not make any changes that would restrict access to the abortion drug.

“At present, the applicants are not entitled to a stay because they have not shown that they are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the interim,” Alito wrote (pdf), noting that the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals fast-tracked hearing the arguments of the case. “The applicants claim that regulatory ‘chaos’ would occur due to an alleged conflict between the relief awarded in these cases and the relief provided by a decision of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington.”

Airplane engine catches fire mid-flight after hitting flock of geese, officials say

An American Airlines flight made an emergency landing after an engine burst into flames in mid-air, Ohio officials said.

The flight from John Glenn International Airport in Columbus was bound for Phoenix, Arizona, according to FlightAware. It took off around 7:40 a.m. EDT but landed back at John Glenn about 40 minutes later.

“Emergency crews responded to an aircraft incident at CMH this morning involving a reported engine fire. The aircraft landed safely and the airport is open and operational,” the airport said in a tweet.

The Boeing 737’s crew reported a “possible bird strike,” the Federal Aviation Administration said in a news release.

Passengers said they heard loud noises outside the cabin, a witness told WCMH.

The pilot said they had flown through a flock of geese, which likely damaged the engine and caused it to catch fire, a passenger told WBNS.


Phospholipids: A Hidden Superpower for Your Health

Unlike krill oil — a superior source of omega-3 fats — fish oil lacks phospholipids, which increase omega-3 fat absorption and provide other benefits

A new lysophospholipid form of DHA shows promise for preventing the visual decline that often occurs alongside chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes

While the DHA in most fish oil supplements cannot reach the retina, where DHA concentrates, LPC-DHA crosses into the retina from the bloodstream

Krill oil counteracts neuroinflammatory processes, due to its phospholipids and additional beneficial compounds, like astaxanthin

Although krill oil contains less EPA and DHA per gram of supplement than fish oil does, it’s more bioavailable since the EPA and DHA are bound in a phospholipid form

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: SUPER KRILL OIL 1000 MG (60 CT)

Dark Chocolate Reduces Stress and Inflammation, Boosts Memory

When it comes to chocolate, its cacao content — which is bitter, not sweet — the amount of sugar added, and the processing chocolate undergoes, makes a huge difference in terms of whether it has any health benefits

Raw cacao gets its bitter taste from the polyphenols present, and these plant compounds are also responsible for most of the health benefits associated with dark chocolate

The cacao bean contains hundreds of naturally occurring compounds, including epicatechin, resveratrol — two powerful antioxidants — phenylethylamine (which boosts mood) and theobromine, which has effects similar to that of caffeine

Human trial data reveal chocolate helps improve stress levels, inflammation, mood, memory and immune function, but it must contain at least 70% cacao and be sweetened with organic cane sugar

A number of other studies have confirmed cacao can benefit your heart, blood vessels, brain and nervous system, and helps combat diabetes and other conditions rooted in inflammation

IN-DEPTH: America’s Nurses Are Burnt Out and Ready to Quit–Hospitals Nationwide Brace for Shortages

According to recent statistics, many nurses, perhaps the very nurses who inspired Cuesta, are now burnt out, fed up, and ready to quit.

A May 2021 survey of nurses by Vivian Health—an employment service for health care professionals—paints a bleak picture. Vivian surveyed 1,273 nurses across all 50 states and disciplines one year into the pandemic.

Fifty-three percent reported pessimism about the future of health care in the United States. Twenty percent said they were optimistic, and 27 percent weren’t sure.

“Nearly three-fourths report hospital morale has gotten worse in their hospital or health care facility since this time last year,” according to the Vivian report.

Cuesta earned his registered nursing (RN) degree in 2005 and is now working to become a nurse practitioner. Cuesta loves his work and plans to do it for as long as possible. According to experts, he is in the minority. Cuesta agrees with that assessment.

“A lot of (nurses) just said, ‘We’re going to retire early,’” Cuesta said.


Nebraska state senators pass permitless concealed carry bill

 It’s all but a done deal – that Nebraska will allow legal gun owners to carry concealed without a permit by the end of this summer.

It’s the most controversial bill so far to pass the final round of voting this legislative session.

It’s an issue that has many Nebraskans divided – getting rid of the requirement for a concealed carry permit.

Wednesday at the state capitol, one protestor was removed from the legislative chamber for an outburst after the vote. A woman yelled ‘shame’ from the balcony, and was banned from the capitol.

‘Mass Shooting’ No More: Six Under Arrest for Alabama Birthday Party Attack

The myriad establishment media claims of a “mass shooting” Saturday night at an Alabama birthday party have unraveled as police arrested a sixth shooting suspect Thursday in connection with the attack.

(In November 2022, Breitbart News pointed to a Rand Corporation report which explained that the standard for “mass shootings” was derived from the FBI’s 1980s definition of a “mass murderer” as an individual who “kills four or more people in a single incident, not including himself.” )

Alec Baldwin to Skate as Prosecutors Drop Criminal Charges in Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting: Reports

In a dramatic turn of events, Alec Baldwin is poised to skate as prosecutors in New Mexico are reportedly dropping criminal charges against the Hollywood celebrity in the fatal Rust shooting case.

Recently appointed special prosecutors Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis are expected to file papers shortly to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter claims against Alec Baldwin without prejudice, according to multiple reports, with Deadline first reporting the news on Thursday.

Tennessee Legislature Rejects Republican Governor’s Call for Red Flag Legislation

Calls by Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee for an extreme risk protection order law were dead on arrival in the Tennessee General Assembly as they attempted to wrap up the 2023 legislative session on Friday without being taken up in either chamber.

The state’s GOP caucus posted on Twitter earlier this week that any call for such legislation, which some have referred to as a red flag law, was a “non-starter.”

“Any red flag law is a non-starter for House Republicans,” the caucus stated. “Our caucus is focused on finding solutions that prevent dangerous individuals from harming the public and preserve the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. We have always been open to working with Governor Lee on measures that fit within that framework.”

Lee called on the state legislature to bring forth and pass an enhanced order of protection law, which some Republicans and gun rights groups have said equates to a red flag law. The governor’s office circulated samples of legislation to debate, which lawmakers mentioned in comments throughout the week.


Bed Bath & Beyond Files for Bankruptcy

Bed Bath & Beyond said on Sunday that it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

A statement released on Sunday found that the company’s 360 stores, and its 120 BABY stores, will remain open as the company goes through restructuring.

Lyft to Cut at Least 1,200 More Jobs to Reduce Costs

Ride-sharing service Lyft is reportedly set to cut at least 1,200 more jobs in an attempt to reduce costs. This move, which is the company’s second round of layoffs, could impact 30 percent or more of its 4,000+ employees.

People familiar with Lyft Inc.’s plans told the Wall Street Journal that the company is trying to slash 50 percent of its costs and that the decision to cut jobs — which reportedly does not include its drivers — was supposed to be announced after a board meeting next week.

RFK Jr. Says Middle Class Was ‘Systematically’ Wiped Out by COVID-19 Lockdowns

Democratic 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said COVID-19 lockdowns across the United States decimated the middle class, suggesting that it has yet to recover.

“The strength of a nation comes from a strong economy and a vibrant middle class,” Kennedy told Fox News over the weekend, “and we have wiped out the middle class in the country systematically.”

The 69-year-old, who is a prominent skeptic of vaccines, stated that COVID-19-related policies benefited the elite ruling class at the cost of the middle class. Those lockdowns, he asserted, shifted $4 trillion in wealth from the middle class to a “new aristocracy of billionaires.”

Those lockdowns “created 500 new billionaires,” Kennedy stated. “The Oxfam report, which came out this week, shows that the billionaires that existed at the beginning of the pandemic, the people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Bezos, Bloomberg, etc., increased their wealth by 30 percent during the pandemic. From the lockdowns. And [Bezos’s] Amazon got to shut down all of its competitors.”

Housing Payments Rise Across US Despite Fall in Home Prices

Even though U.S. home prices have fallen by their biggest margin in over ten years, monthly housing payments have hit a record high, according to real estate brokerage Redfin.

Median home-sale price fell 2.6 percent from a year back during the four weeks ending April 16, Redfin said in a press release Thursday—the biggest decline in more than a decade and the eighth straight four-week drop. Home prices fell in 30 of the 50 most populous U.S. metros. Despite the price drop, the typical homebuyer’s monthly housing payment hit an “all-time high” of $2,538 as average weekly mortgage rates rose to 6.39 percent. This is up $265, or 12 percent, from 2022.

Redfin points out that homebuyers are “backing off” from the housing market and suggests elevated housing costs to be a reason.

U.S. ESG Funds Shrink at Fastest Pace Since 2015

American investors are growing less enamored with investment funds that market themselves as focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

A report on Friday from analysts at Bank of America said that although ESG equity funds outperformed their benchmarks in the first three months of the year, in part because of the surge in tech stocks, March saw the largest outflows on record since 2015. Some $14 billion flowed out of ESG funds.

The War Waging Against Financial Freedom

Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts warns that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are part of a plan to end all currencies and establish a slavery system

CBDCs will rapidly usher in an era of taxation without representation, leading to the end of liberty

Fitts believes that a deliberate takedown caused Silicon Valley Bank to collapse

Fed Asks Americans for Feedback on a Central Bank Digital Currency—Here Are Some Responses

Americans are worried that a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) could end up compromising essential freedoms, further centralizing monetary policy, and making the country’s currency vulnerable to hacking, according to a recently published Fed survey.

In January last year, the Fed published a white paper on what a CBDC could look like. It asked for public comments on issues like potential risks and benefits a CBDC can have on the country. On April 20, the Fed released the responses in nine documents. Here are some of the various answers and concerns expressed by respondents, some of whom were named, others who were unnamed, as well as those whose names were redacted.

A student from Texas pointed to the breach of privacy, government overreach, and hacking as risks posed by CBDC. “With this digital currency, the government would be able to usurp freedoms without the knowledge/consent of the public.


EXCLUSIVE: Lawmaker With PhD in AI Warns About Technology’s Real Danger—It’s Not Killer Robots

The only member of Congress with an advanced degree in AI is urging caution as other lawmakers and industry leaders rush to regulate the technology.

Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-Calif.) is one of only four computer programmers in Congress, and the only one with a doctorate in artificial intelligence—and he says the rush to regulate is misguided. Obernolte said that his larger concerns about AI center around the potentially “Orwellian” uses of the technology by the state.

Recently, a coalition of technology leaders like Twitter owner Elon Musk and Apple CEO Tim Cook, among others, called for a total shutdown of AI research and development. This followed the release of ChatGPT 4, an extremely powerful artificial intelligence chatbot that has, among other milestones, completed tests like the bar exam in the 90th percentile and passed the SAT.

The release of ChatGPT 4, easily the most powerful consumer AI on the market, prompted fears that AI was getting much more intelligent much more quickly than expected. In their letter, tech leaders called for a six-month shutdown of new AI development and called on Congress to regulate the technology.

Obernolte sat down with The Epoch Times to discuss AI, saying that regulation is ill-advised and based on a fundamental misunderstanding of AI technology.

“I’m not standing up and saying we shouldn’t regulate,” Obernolte emphasized. “I think that regulation will ultimately be necessary.”

Scientists Trained Ants to Detect Cancers

Researchers have successfully trained ants to detect cancer cells in as little as half an hour, thereby providing an inexpensive, noninvasive way to identify the disease.

A Feb. 21 study published in the iScience journal details how Formica fusca, a species of black-colored ants, can be used to detect cancer. “Cancer cells are characterized by an altered metabolism, producing unique patterns of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be used as cancer biomarkers … We show that individual ants need only a few training trials to learn, memorize, and reliably detect the odor of human cancer cells,” the study states.

“These performances rely on specific VOC patterns, as shown by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Our findings suggest that using ants as living tools to detect human cancer biomarkers is feasible, fast, and less laborious than using other animals.”

Are AI Lawyers Coming for Us? What We Need to Know

Recently released GPT-4, an AI chatbot backed by Microsoft, has passed the universal bar exam for lawyers with flying colors

Existing legal tech AI products are capable of quickly analyzing large amounts of case data and preparing summaries, first drafts of legal documents, as well as customized form letters


IN-DEPTH: First Smart Gun With Fingerprint Unlocking Hits the Market

The first so-called “smart gun” that uses biometrics to unlock for shooting will hit the market at the end of the year.

Biofire Technologies announced this month that it is taking pre-orders for its home defense gun that is intended to prevent unwanted access to children and criminals. This is either a big step forward in gun safety or a gimmick with unreliable technology, depending on who you ask.

Futuristic Gun

Smart guns, otherwise known as personalized handguns, have been in development for many years. The CEO and Founder of Biofire Technologies, Kai Kloepfer, told The Epoch Times in an interview that this is the first “major innovation in how a handgun has been designed or manufactured in 50 years.”

Ban on TikTok Faces Hurdle as Top Officials Still on Platform: Cybersecurity Expert

The ban on the Chinese video sharing app Tiktok might face hurdles as top officials are on the platform, says cybersecurity expert Rex Lee.

The Chinese app has been in the headlines recently, especially after the testimony from Singapore-based TikTok CEO Chew Shou Zi before members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in late March.

At the event, Chew failed to convince lawmakers that TikTok had separated from its China-based parent company ByteDance and wouldn’t pose a national security risk.

Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans

U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema, an independent of Arizona, and Cynthia Lummis, Republican of Wyoming, have introduced Senate Bill 884, also known as “the Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023.

The bill was introduced March 21 and ordered to proceed out of committee on March 29 without amendments and with a favorable recommendation.

The bill’s text states:

“The lack of an easy, affordable, reliable, and secure way for organizations, businesses, and government agencies to identify whether an individual is who they claim to be online creates an attack vector that is widely exploited by adversaries in cyberspace and precludes many high-value transactions from being available online. Incidents of identity theft and identity fraud continue to rise in the United States, where more than 293,000,000 people were impacted by data breaches in 2021.”

The bill calls for the formation of a public-private partnership to bring this digital ID system into being.

“The public and private sectors should collaborate to deliver solutions that promote confidence, privacy, choice, equity, accessibility, and innovation. The private sector drives much of the innovation around digital identity in the United States and has an important role to play in delivering digital identity solutions.”

The bill references the bipartisan Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, which has called for the federal government to “create an interagency task force directed to find secure, user-friendly, privacy-centric ways in which agencies can serve as 1 authoritative source to validate identity attributes in the broader identity market. This action would enable Government agencies and the private sector to drive significant risk out of new account openings and other high-risk, high-value online services, and it would help all citizens more easily and securely engage in transactions online.”

The above section of the bill is extremely vague and left wide open for bureaucrats and technocrats to require a digital ID to perform any function considered “high-risk, high-value online services,” up to and including logging onto the internet.

Globalists with ties to the United Nations and World Economic Forum have for several years advocated a digital ID requirement as a way of removing so-called “disinformation” from the internet. Once everyone has a digital ID, it becomes easy to restrict everyday human movement and activity based on one’s social credit score, like in China, which Klaus Schwab has stated is the model for many other nations. If your score dips below a certain point, you are now a “high risk” individual, and your digital ID would simply be flagged. The government, working in collusion with Big Tech in their ongoing public-private partnership, simply block you from logging onto the internet. You can no longer have a bank account, get a driver’s license, receive healthcare, obtain a passport, or any of those other “high risk” privileges.

>> View S.884 – Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023


Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Pass Bills Prohibiting Bans on Gas-Powered Engines

The Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Assembly passed a pair of bills on Tuesday that would preemptively stop any effort by state or local agencies from banning gas-powered vehicles and appliances like lawnmowers and snow blowers.

Wisconsin Assembly Bill 141 specifies that “no state agency and no local governmental unit may restrict the use or sale of a device based on the energy source that is used to power the device,” while Assembly Bill 142 specifies that “no state agency and no local governmental unit may restrict the use or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle, including use for propulsion or use for powering other functions of the motor vehicle.”

“The government should not be forcing individuals to buy certain products, eliminate competition and destroy the free market,” said Rep. Ellen Schutt, a Republican from Clinton who co-authored the bills.

AB 141 and 142 passed in the Wisconsin State Assembly by a vote of 62-35 and 63-35, respectively. No Democrats in the State Assembly supported the bills.

Big Banks, Corporations Getting 90 Percent of Biden’s Green Energy Credits: Congressional Study

Most of the green energy tax benefits provided by President Joe Biden’s $750 billion Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 are going into the coffers of big banks and billion-dollar corporations, according to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.).

“While President Biden’s supercharged IRS is warming up to target working Americans, his administration is getting ready to spend those tax dollars to subsidize special interest green energy projects of billion-dollar companies,” Smith said in a statement based on a new congressional analysis issued by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT).

Smith was referring to the Biden administration’s controversial plan to double the size of the IRS workforce by adding 87,000 new tax investigators and auditors. House Republicans want to defund the IRS expansion plan.

“Many of the same companies getting a green corporate welfare check have shed their American identity to do business with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and, as a result, our tax dollars are being funneled to Chinese entities that manipulate our key supply chains,” Smith continued.

“While House Republicans are fighting for working families struggling to pay their gasoline and utility bills, House Democrats are prioritizing foreign nations and sending as many taxpayer-funded handouts to corporations as possible. With big banks pocketing three times more of these special interest tax breaks than any other industry, it’s clear Democrats are rewarding their friends on Wall Street that push their partisan ESG agenda,” the Missouri Republican said.


6 Cows in Texas Found Dead With Their Tongues Missing

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office in Texas is “actively coordinating with other agencies to find answers” after ranchers found six cows dead in suspicious circumstances, including that all had their tongues removed.

In a statement on April 19, the office stated that it found the six cows in separate “locations, pastures, and herds,” but all “in the same condition.”

The cows were described as lying on their sides, with the hide around their mouths removed on the side facing upward, via a “straight, clean cut, with apparent precision.” The meat under the removed side wasn’t touched.

Their tongues were also “completely removed.”

There was no blood spill surrounding any of the cows.


Biden Administration Charges New York Midwives Over Fake Vaccine Cards

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has charged the owner and two employees of a New York midwife practice of distributing more than 2,600 fake COVID-19 vaccine cards.

In a press release, the DOJ said that two nurse midwives (one of whom is the owner) at Sage-Femme Midwifery PLLC, as well as a nurse working at the practice, have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States.

All three are accused of conspiring to enroll the midwife practice as an unauthorized COVID-19 vaccine administration site, destroying vials of the vaccine that were meant for patients, and of providing fake proof of vaccination cards.

“Even though Sage-Femme was a small midwife practice, the defendants’ fraud turned it into one of the busiest vaccination sites in New York State, outpacing large, state-run vaccination sites,” the DOJ said.

The charges have been filed in a federal court in Brooklyn as part of a nationwide COVID-19 enforcement action.

“The defendants in these cases used the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to engage in fraud, including faking vaccine cards and stealing vital funds designed to keep struggling businesses afloat,” United States Attorney Breon Peace said in a statement.

In total, the enforcement action resulted in criminal charges against 18 individuals for allegedly taking part in health care fraud schemes involving around $490 million in fraudulent claims.

Chicago Employees Fired for Not Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Must Be Reinstated: Judge

Workers in Chicago who were fired for not complying with the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate must get their jobs back, a judge said in a new ruling.

City officials violated multiple parts of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act by imposing the mandate without negotiating with unions representing the workers over the effects of the mandate, including consequences for not getting vaccinated, Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal said in a 78-page ruling dated April 19.

The mandate itself was not subject to bargaining because the vaccination requirements were “integral to [the city’s] ability to maintain a functional workforce that was capable of carrying out public services during a global pandemic,” Hamburg-Gal said. But that didn’t remove the need to bargain over aspects of the mandate.

“Even where an employer’s decision to implement a management policy is not subject to negotiations, the Act requires good-faith collective bargaining over the effects of that policy decision on the terms and conditions of employment of bargaining unit employees,” the judge said.

Secret CDC Report confirms over 1.1m Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine Roll-Out; & further Government reports confirm the Vaccines are to blame

The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.

Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that over 6 million Americans have died ever since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020; with 2021 being a record-breaking year for deaths.

This sadly means that at least 1.1 million Americans may have ‘died suddenly’ during this time frame because according to the CDC reports there have been 1,106,079 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average.

And with further official Government figures confirming that mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in every single age group, it would appear Covid-19 vaccination is almost entirely to blame.

RNA-Based Vaccine Technology: The Trojan Horse Did Not Contain mRNA, it contained modRNA

April 21, 2023: A few years ago, the term “mRNA” was primarily confined to scientific circles and research papers. Then, the use of messenger RNA seemed promising: It would teach cells to create a protein that would initiate an immune response against a specific pathogen.

Today, many more of us have heard of mRNA, as both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA, as the active ingredient. At least, that’s what we’ve been told.

In fact, RNA-based vaccine technology utilizes modified RNA (“modRNA”), not mRNA. This applies to the COVID-19 vaccines and all vaccines currently in the research and development stages. Because mRNA is so fragile that the human immune system will destroy it within a few minutes, mRNA cannot be effective on its own. Therefore, the current technology was made possible only after stabilizing mRNA; the result is modified RNA.

Furthermore, modified RNA-based “vaccines” are not vaccines but gene-based injections that force healthy cells to produce a viral protein. In this article, we will look at the uses and dangers of modRNA.

Chicago Employees Fired for Not Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Must Be Reinstated: Judge

Workers in Chicago who were fired for not complying with the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate must get their jobs back, a judge said in a new ruling.

City officials violated multiple parts of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act by imposing the mandate without negotiating with unions representing the workers over the effects of the mandate, including consequences for not getting vaccinated, Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal said in a 78-page ruling dated April 19.

How Americans Prevented the COVID Jab Mandate

March 23, 2023, Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), unveiled a public Truth and Freedom monument outside the Mercola office in Cape Coral, Florida

The monument is dedicated to the casualties of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies. It also celebrates civil liberties and human rights, the first of which is the right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity

At the center of the monument is a 7-foot-tall silvered bronze angel with a wing span of nearly 5 feet. In her upraised hand, she holds a torch, which symbolizes the light of truth. In the other arm, she cradles a baby, which symbolizes the future of humanity

Part of what has allowed the NVIC to become so effective is its Advocacy Portal, which was established in 2010 to secure and defend informed consent protections in U.S. vaccine laws. It gives you the information and tools you need to connect with your local community, and to participate in the legislative process of your state. The opposition mounted by regular people at the grassroots level in many states is what has prevented many detrimental mandatory vaccination bills from being rammed through state legislatures and turned into law over the past 13 years. This is also how we were able to stop COVID jab mandates in the U.S. in 2021 and 2022

During the COVID public health emergency declaration, government leaders and mainstream media went so far overboard with their pushing of COVID shots that they inadvertently alerted people to the potential dangers of vaccines and exposed the incestuous relationship between government agencies and Big Pharma. As a result, an estimated 50% of Americans now are asking questions and expressing doubts about the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines

Dentists: Unexplained Pain, Tooth Loss and Bone Problems May Be Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine

Before business owner and busy mom Alana Parker experienced severe oral pain and facial swelling after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, she had good dental health with never so much as a cavity.

When her symptoms progressed and an ulcer had grown to the point where the bone was protruding, causing her to lose large fragments of her jawbone, Parker knew she was in serious trouble.

“I was begging them to pull my tooth out but there were no signs of it being decayed,” Parker told The Epoch Times, noting she was passed back and forth between a dentist and endodontist trying to determine what was wrong.

It wasn’t until Parker found Alabama orofacial pain and dental sleep medicine specialist Dr. Amy Hartsfield that she felt she was on the road to recovery.

Hartsfield, a private practice dentist in Homewood, Alabama, obtained her specialization from the American Board of Orofacial Pain and the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine after practicing 14 years of general dentistry.

Parker isn’t the only patient she’s seen with severe facial pain issues. Since the vaccines were rolled out, Hartsfield has seen an exponential increase in patients with head and facial neurovascular and myofascial pain, including headaches, toothaches not caused by the tooth, osteonecrosis of the jaw, sleep issues, tinnitus, and oral and facial autoimmune conditions.

“I’ve seen patients with no previous history of health issues [who] have perfectly healthy teeth and now have pain syndromes associated with these healthy teeth,” she said. These types of injuries affect both the nerves and blood vessels.


The Bud Light Boycott Appears to Be Working

Bud Light’s sales declined in the first week of a conservative-led boycott of the brand after it partnered with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney, according to analysis.

Dave Williams of Bump Williams Consulting told industry website Brewbound that packages of Bud Light showed accelerating declines in sales and shares for the week ending April 8, when the boycott started to pick up steam. He cited NIQ data for his assertion.

“That being said, while the increased declines for Bud Light were apparent, they were also not completely earth-shattering in terms of magnitude,” Williams wrote in a note, according to the publication. “Now, this will be interesting to monitor over upcoming weeks to see if this slide continues, but for now, it looks to be rough, but not catastrophic.”

Bud Light Ad Executive Behind Dylan Mulvaney Trans Beer Campaign Takes Leave

The senior Budweiser advertising executive behind the controversial Bud Light transgender campaign has reportedly taken a leave of absence and another executive has taken over her functions.

Alissa Heinerscheid, who has been vice president of marketing for Bud Light for nearly a year, has taken a leave of absence, according to Beer Business Daily.

Heinerscheid, who oversaw Bud Light’s controversial partnership with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney, is being replaced by Budweiser vice president of global marketing Todd Allen, according to AdAge.

The Epoch Times has reached out to Anheuser-Busch with a request for comment on Heinersheid’s leave and whether her departure will be permanent but did not receive a reply by publication.

The development comes amid fallout from Bud Light’s partnership with Mulvaney, a male who identifies as a female and who rose to fame for chronicling a transition Mulvaney has dubbed “365 Days of Girlhood.”

Capping this transition was a marketing campaign involving Mulvaney’s face on custom-made cans of Bud Light.

Nashville Official Says School Shooter’s Manifesto Is ‘Astronomically Dangerous’

Federal officials are delaying the release of a manifesto written by Audrey Hale, who killed six people in a Nashville Christian school, according to local officials, with one calling it “astronomically dangerous.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told the New York Post this week that the FBI is currently behind the delay. He said that the documents should be made public for grieving family members and for members of Congress.

Hale, who was born female, used “he/him” pronouns, and police officials previously told a news conference she identified as transgender. Later, Nashville Police Chief John Drake said Hale suffered from mental health issues and was under the care of a doctor, while her parents did not know she had procured several firearms.

The shooter’s notes “could maybe tell us a little bit about what’s going on inside of her head,” Burchett told the newspaper. “I think that would answer a lot of questions.”

About 20 journals, five laptops, a suicide note, and other materials written by Hale were taken from the house where she lived with her parents, according to a search warrant in the case.

“What I was told is, her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction, and it was so, so detailed at the level of what she had planned,” Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston told the NY Post, without elaborating. “That document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous,” she added.

Johnson claimed that the “the vast, overwhelming majority of it” would be too dangerous for the public to see. “I personally don’t want to know the depths to which her psychosis reached … When I’m told by an MNPD high-ranking official that it keeps him up at night, I’m going to defer to that person in that agency that I don’t need to read that,” she added.

The official did not elaborate on why the documents would be a danger to the public. Based on the interview, it’s not clear if Johnson was worried about detailed plans to attack other sites or was worried about Hale’s mental health issues.

Bette Midler Melts Down After Twitter Removes Her Blue Check, Calls Elon Musk ‘Pathetic Douche’

Bette Midler is furious Twitter has taken away her blue-check verification badge and has chosen to express her fury… on Twitter.

In a series of angry tweets posted Thursday, Bette Midler called Elon Musk a “pathetic douche” and a “worm.” She also made fun of SpaceX’s rocket launch on Thursday that saw the rocket explode after lift off.


Ex-CIA Official: Biden Campaign Behind Letter Framing Hunter Biden Laptop Story as Russian Disinformation

IN-DEPTH: Transgender Teacher Spoke About Wanting to Shoot Students, Parents Accuse District of ‘Cover-Up’

Supreme Court Decides Abortion Pill to Remain Amid Ongoing Legal Battle

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