July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 26, 2023


‘Huge Biological Risk’ After Lab Containing Deadly Diseases Seized in Sudan: WHO

A World Health Organization (WHO) official warned on Tuesday that there was a “huge biological risk” in the capital of Sudan after one of the fighting parties took control of a laboratory containing samples of deadly diseases.

Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, the WHO’s representative in Sudan, told a United Nations briefing in Geneva via video link from Port Sudan that the central public health laboratory in Khartoum—which stores disease pathogens for polio, among others—has been seized by armed forces and technicians are unable to secure the hazardous materials after being removed from the building.

Abid expressed concerns that fighters “kicked out all of the technicians” from the laboratory, adding that he believes the building is now completely under the control of one of the fighting parties as a military base.

Abid did not say which of the fighting sides had taken over the laboratory, which also reportedly contains a major blood bank.

When the population has had enough … THIS is the end result.  Could it happen here?

Haiti: Civilian Mobs Go on Lynching Spree, Burning over a Dozen Suspected Gang Members\

The Haitian police announced on Monday that residents of the capital city, Port-au-Prince, overpowered a group of suspected gang members and executed them on the spot by hanging them and setting them on fire.

Police spokesman Gary Derosiers said the police were preparing to arrest the armed gangsters when a mob of irate citizens stepped in.

Pentagon leaks suggest China developing ways to attack satellites – here’s how they might work

The recent leak of Pentagon documents included the suggestion that China is developing sophisticated cyber attacks for the purpose of disrupting military communication satellites. While this is unconfirmed, it is certainly possible, as many sovereign nations and private companies have considered how to protect from signal interference.

Nearly every aspect of our lives is enabled by satellite communication, from financial transactions, navigation, weather prediction, and internet services to more remote locations. Yet given how many satellites are in orbit, while the effect might be felt on some of the population, if a satellite or two were lost there would not be any major problems.

But when we consider the military benefits of satellites, immediate communication is vital for early warning systems and tracking. So how easy would it be to disrupt these services?

The Chinese space program has been advancing at a faster rate than that of any other country. China’s first successful launch was in 1970, but in 1999 its space program leapt forward with the Shenzhou-1 launch which was the first in a series of unmanned, then manned, space missions of increasing sophistication.


US deploys more cyber-commandos abroad

Military hackers are already at work in 20 countries including Ukraine, a top general told reporters

The US military has sent dozens of hackers to Ukraine as it expands its cyber presence worldwide, a top military official told Reuters on Monday. Details of their mission are unclear, but the Pentagon says that its hackers “execute full-spectrum operations against adversaries.”

Speaking on the sidelines of the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco, Major General William Hartman of the US army said that the Pentagon’s Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) has deployed 43 specialists to Ukraine.

“Those are defense teams we send, and [they] hunt for shared adversaries, find tools and capabilities,” he told the news agency.

Demand for these teams has increased in the last three years, Hartman said, revealing that US hackers have conducted 47 operations in 20 different countries in that time frame. The general added that US cyber operatives were deployed at the invitation of the countries in question.

LionLink: ‘World’s largest cross-border power line’ to be built by UK and Netherlands

The project will connect the two countries to each other and to offshore wind farms in the North Sea and is scheduled to go into operation “by the early 2030s”.

Illegal Migration Bill: UK will only detain and deport child refugees in ‘exceptional’ cases, ministers say

The Illegal Migration Bill would see asylum seekers deemed to have arrived in the UK ‘illegally’ immediately detained and deported to another country.

El Salvador President Predicts ‘Smear’ Campaign Against Tucker Carlson: ‘They Can’t Eliminate Him’

The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, published a message of support to journalist Tucker Carlson on social media late Monday following Fox News’ abrupt announcement that day that its most popular anchor would no longer work there.

Bukele suggested that Carlson would soon face a “smear” campaign and attempted censorship as “they” could not kill him without facing a significant public outcry. Bukele did not identify, either in the social media post or the attached video, who he considered to constitute “they.”

EU countries sinking in debt

Poland, Romania, and Hungary are now among the largest emerging-market borrowers, the outlet reports

Countries in Eastern Europe have borrowed some $32 billion so far this year, three times more than during the same period a year ago, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

Iran court orders US, Obama to pay $313m for ‘terrorist’ attacks

An Iranian court has ruled the United States government and a number of individuals and entities, including former President Barack Obama, must pay compensation for 2017 attacks carried out by the armed group ISIL (ISIS).

The court in the capital issued the verdict on Wednesday based on complaints by families of three people killed and six wounded during the June 2017 attacks in Tehran, according to the official news website of the judiciary.


Tucker Carlson has his own theory on why he was booted

If he’s right, even bigger news is coming soon

Although Tucker Carlson has made no public comments about being fired by Fox News as of Tuesday morning, a new report said he believes his ouster was part of a one-two punch hitting Fox News.

The host of the ratings juggernaut “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was abruptly axed Monday.

“FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” Fox News said in a statement. “We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”

According to Vanity Fair, Carlson has told people he believes his show was killed and he was fired because the Murdoch family plans to sell Fox News. The report cited sources it did not name.

Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch has made his son, Lachlan, the CEO of Fox Corp., the parent of Fox News.

ANALYSIS: The 5 Issues on Which Tucker Carlson Went Against the Left and the Right

News Analysis

Throughout his time on the most-watched show in cable news, Tucker Carlson ruffled feathers on both the left and the right.

The “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host and Fox News parted ways on April 24 after Carlson made a profound impact on the national political discourse by defying the establishment consensus on both sides of the aisle.

“Tucker, in his approach to his thoughts on the news, he had an ideological tilt or views on all sorts of things that, when you put him up against all the other Fox News personalities, creates a richer diversity of opinion than all the different hosts at CNN or all the different hosts at MSNBC put together,” Curtis Houck, managing editor of the conservative media watchdog Media Research Center blog, NewsBusters, told The Epoch Times.

“So you take Tucker out of the equation, then regardless of what you think about his views about things like Ukraine, he was a different voice. He had a different opinion about all sorts of things.”

Here are five issues on which Carlson broke from both Republicans and Democrats.


Carlson came under fire for being on Russia’s side amid its war in Ukraine.

In November 2019, just a couple of years before the Russian invasion, Carlson expressed support for Russia against Ukraine—in which he soon backpedaled and said he was joking.

“Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia?” he said. “I’m serious. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.”

On Feb. 22, 2022, just three days before the invasion, Carlson came to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s defense.

“It may be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious, what is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much?” he said on that night’s show. “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?”

Iraq War

In March, appearing on the “Full Send Podcast,” Carlson said one of his biggest regrets was supporting the 2003 Iraq War.

“The media are part of the control apparatus … but what if you’re me and you spend your whole life in that world and to look around and all of a sudden you’re like: ‘Oh wow. Not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem, defending the Iraq War. Like I actually did that.’ Can you imagine if you did that?” he said.

In August 2022, Carlson blamed the left for its interventionism, including in Iraq.

“The deeper question is, when’s the last time American liberals built something? When’s the last time Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden or any of these people—Susan Rice—created something worth having?” he rhetorically asked.

“Never. They break things. They show up, they make things worse, they move on to the next thing. They never apologize. They did it in Afghanistan, they did it in Iraq, they did it in Ukraine, they did it in Syria, they did it in Libya. Are they going to do it now with China?”

Big Tech

Carlson railed against Big Tech.

He accused the Democrats of colluding with Big Tech to rig the 2020 presidential election in Biden’s favor.

“Above all, Democrats harnessed the power of Big Tech to win this election. Virtually, all news and all information in the English-speaking world travels through one company, Google. A huge percentage of our political debates take place on Facebook and Twitter,” Carlson said in November 2020.

“If you use technology to censor the ideas that people are allowed to express online, ultimately, you control how the population votes. And that’s exactly what they did. They rigged the election in front of all of us, and nobody did anything about it.”

He didn’t exempt Republicans from his wrath against Big Tech.

In December 2019, Carlson called out The Heritage Foundation, which hosted him on April 21 as their keynote speaker at their gala to celebrate 50 years of the conservative think tank, and other right-wing groups.


In December 2022, Carlson attacked Democrats and Republicans over a possible immigration bill that reportedly would give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

“And of course, immigration destabilizes your society. It makes it far less cohesive. That’s always true. It doesn’t matter where they’re coming from. If you have a ton of new people, you’re less cohesive,” he said.

“So why are they coming? There’s only one reason. Because the Democratic Party wants new voters, period. That’s not a racist conspiracy. No, it’s not. It’s true. And we know that it’s true not because we heard on Alex Jones, but because leading Democrats have said so repeatedly in public for years.

“New reporting suggests that Democrats and several Republicans are working on a deal to pass mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before the new Congress can be seated. Kevin McCarthy, the incoming house speaker, has promised not to hold a vote for any immigration bill until the border is secure because it would be insane to do otherwise.

“And yet, several Republican members of the Senate are trying to pass a mass amnesty before the new Republican Congress is seated next month. Leading that effort, he should become famous for this, is Thom Tillis, the Republican senator of North Carolina, joined by Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.”

Jan. 6

In 2021, Carlson released a documentary about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters seeking to stop the electoral college certification of Biden’s victory as president, titled “Patriot Purge.”

In March, Carlson presented to his millions of viewers security footage from that day after being provided access by the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Carlson called what happened at the Capitol, where Trump supporters clashed with and beat up police, a “mostly peaceful chaos.”

“‘Deadly insurrection.’ Everything about that phrase is a lie,” he said. “Very little about Jan. 6 was organized or violent. Surveillance video from inside the Capitol shows mostly peaceful chaos,” he said.

In addition to Democrats decrying Carlson for getting the tapes and his descriptions of what happened on that tragic day, Republicans also blasted him.

Elon Musk Suggests Twitter as New Platform for Tucker Carlson After Fox News Departure

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk suggested Twitter could be a platform where Tucker Carlson could prosper after the Fox News primetime host departed the network on Monday.

Carlson had been a fixture at Fox News since 2009, and had hosted his own primetime “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show from November 2016 until his final installment last Friday. Over the lifespan of the program, Carlson had attracted a large audience and led one of the most popular cable television news shows ever—often attracting more than 3 million viewers per episode.

Carlson’s departure from Fox News has sparked speculation about what he might do next. One America News Network (OANN) founder and CEO Rob Herring has already invited Carlson to begin discussing terms for joining his cable network. Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News host who now hosts a satellite radio show/podcast, told Newsmax that Carlson might go the independent route, saying “He will no longer answer to a corporate master. He will be free to say whatever he wants to say, within the bounds of defamation law, of course, and he’ll be totally unleashed.”

Sean Hannity Responds to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: ‘I Don’t Own the Company’

Fox News host Sean Hannity said he’s not sure why former fellow host Tucker Carlson departed the network and appeared to suggest that he didn’t believe it was a good idea.

For years, Hannity’s 9 p.m. ET show would follow Carlson’s timeslot. Carlson was among the highest-rated cable news personalities before Fox News announced his departure in a news release on Monday.

“It’s very hard,” Hannity said during his “The Sean Hannity Show” radio program. “My phone has been blowing up all day. The hard part for me is I don’t have a clue … I have no idea. Was it Tucker’s decision? Was it Fox’s? Was it a mutual agreement that they had? I don’t know.”

“I guess people think that because I’ve been there the longest that I’d have some knowledge or understanding of what’s going on, but … I just don’t,” Hannity added. “For those who think I should, I say to those people: ‘I don’t own the company.’”

Hannity’s show premiered in 2009, while Carlson’s started in November 2016. But Carlson quickly climbed in the ratings and as of March 2023, Carlson averaged well over 3 million viewers per show, according to Nielsen data.

Fox announced Carlson’s exit in a statement that read: “Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.” A spokeswoman for Fox News has not responded to a request for comment.

Tucker Carlson’s Speech After Final Fox News Show Goes Viral

In the wake of Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News, a speech that he gave after his final show aired drew attention on social media.

During the Heritage Foundation’s 50th-anniversary celebration on Saturday, Carlson gave a speech about society-wide moral decay. During the speech, the former Fox News host did not indicate he would be departing the network.

“You look around and you see so many people break under the strain under the downward of whatever this is that we are going through. And you look with disdain and sadness as you see people you know become quislings. You see them revealed as cowards. You see them going along with the new, new thing which is clearly a poisonous thing, a silly thing,” he stated. “You know, saying things you know they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs. If there’s a single person in this room who hasn’t seen that through George Floyd, COVID, and the Ukraine war, raise your hand? Oh nobody? Right. You all know what I’m talking about.”

Newsmax, OAN Eye Tucker Carlson After Fox Exit

Conservative news outlets Newsmax and One America News Network (OAN) are weighing the possibility of hiring media personality Tucker Carlson after his surprise departure from rival network Fox News Channel.

OAN issued a statement saying that its executives want to meet with Carlson, whose last appearance on Fox took place on April 21.

“One America News founder and CEO Robert Herring would like to extend an invitation to Carlson to meet for negotiation to become a part of the OAN team,” the company said in a statement Monday.

“Maybe Fox News’ loss could be @OANN’s gain,” the company said on Twitter.

Michael Cohen Seeks to Revive Lawsuit Against Trump, Barr for Alleged Retaliation

Michael Cohen, a former attorney of former President Donald Trump, has asked an appeals court to revive an earlier lawsuit that sought damages from Trump and Trump administration officials, after claiming he was imprisoned in retaliation for publishing a book criticizing Trump.

“The head of the executive branch wielded his power to have one of his critics silenced, thrown back into prison, and kept in conditions dangerous to his health,” Cohen’s lawyers wrote in a 30-page brief filed with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan on Monday.

Trump Suggests He’ll Skip GOP Primary Debates

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said no one asked him or his campaign about organizing and participating in debates with 2024 GOP primary rivals, saying he likely won’t attend the two thus far scheduled by the Republican National Committee (RNC).

The RNC announced in February that it planned a set of 10 to 12 GOP presidential primary debates between August 2023 and the July 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In keeping with a Republican tradition, the party’s national committee scheduled the first of the debates in Milwaukee and announced last month that it would be hosted by Fox News, although a formal date has not been set.

Scarborough Demands McCarthy Get J6 Footage Back from Tucker Carlson

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on his show “Morning Joe” that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) should get any January 6, 2020 Capitol riot footage back from former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Biden Admin Says President Will Veto McCarthy Debt Limit Deal

President Joe Biden is already set to veto a bill favored by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to pair spending cuts with an increase to the federal debt limit.

Last week, House Republicans released their plan for a debt limit increase—the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023. The Republican bill allows the United States to add up to $1.5 trillion in additional debt until March 31, 2024. In exchange, Republicans say the legislation would provide more than $4.5 trillion in savings to American taxpayers.

On Tuesday the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a Statement of Administrative Policy, rejecting the legislation and vowing a veto from the president’s office if the bill passes in both the Republican-majority House and the Democrat-majority Senate. The Biden administration has repeatedly insisted on a “clean” debt limit increase, refusing any proposals to cut spending or reform government programs even as the United States has racked up approximately $30.5 trillion in debt.

Hunter Biden Ordered to Appear in Court for Paternity Hearings

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was ordered this week to appear at upcoming hearings in a case revolving around one of his children.

“From now on … I want both of your clients at every hearing I conduct,” Arkansas Circuit Judge Holly Meyer said during an April 23 hearing, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.

“I will no longer allow us to excuse clients … because it is interfering with the progress of litigation, which is taking way too long to get over simple points,” she added.

Hunter Biden long denied that a girl birthed by Lunden Roberts, an Arkansas resident, was his, but DNA testing showed otherwise.

Roberts sued Biden over the paternity of the child in 2019, about a year after the girl was born. Following the DNA confirmation, Biden started paying child support.

The case was re-opened after Biden asked to pay less in child support, and Roberts is now seeking to change her daughter’s last name to Biden, a request opposed by the girl’s father.

Monday’s hearing was one of several scheduled before a trial on the matter starts in July.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, Former White House Physician, Demands Joe Biden Take a Cognitive Test

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who served as the White House physician to multiple presidents, is circulating a letter in the House of Representatives demanding President Joe Biden either take a cognitive test or drop out of the 2024 presidential race he just joined.

The congressman has led other calls for the president to take a cognitive test; however, news of the latest letter, first reported by Fox News, comes on the day Biden made his long-awaited announcement that he would be running for reelection.

Michigan Democrat Sentenced to House Arrest for 2020 Ballot Sabotage

Michigan Democrat Kathy Funk, who served as the Flint Township Clerk, was sentenced to six months of house arrest on Monday for tampering with ballots in the 2020 election.

In January, Funk pleaded no contest to misconduct in office, which is treated the same as a guilty plea for sentencing purposes. 

As the Associated Press (AP) detailed

Funk had won the Democratic nomination by just 79 votes out of about 5,300. A recount was not conducted, and she subsequently won the general election that fall. Investigators say she sabotaged the ballot box after the primary election, an act that would make those ballots ineligible for a recount.

The 59-year-old Democrat official initially told Michigan police she thought someone broke into the township hall and damaged the seal on the ballot canister, per AP.


WA bans sale of AR-15s and other semiautomatic rifles, effective immediately – The Seattle Times

Washington became the 10th state to prohibit sales of AR-15s and dozens of other semi-automatic rifles Tuesday, as Gov. Jay Inslee signed the ban into law, effective immediately.

The state Capitol was closed to the public Tuesday morning for the signing ceremony out of security concerns, though only a handful of protesters gathered outside.

“These weapons of war, assault weapons, have no reason other than mass murder,” Inslee said at the ceremony in the ornate State Reception Room, flanked by lawmakers and people who’d lost loved ones to gun violence. “Their only purpose is to kill humans as rapidly as possible in large numbers.”

Washington Gov. Signs ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Faces Immediate Lawsuit

Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed a Washington state “assault weapons” ban into law Tuesday, and the Second Amendment Foundation immediately filed a lawsuit against the ban.

On April 9, 2023, Breitbart News pointed out that the text of the ban claims “assault weapons” are not firearms used for self-defense.

ATF Director Can’t Define a Firearm Type He Wants to Ban
Proponents of gun control routinely call for “assault weapons” to be banned, most notably, and probably most frequently, President Joe Biden (D). So when Steve Dettelbach, who Biden nominated to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), was asked to define what, exactly, an “assault weapon” is, you’d think his response would at least be informed.

Gov. Jim Pillen Signs Bill Making Nebraska 27th Constitutional Carry State

Gov. Jim Pillen (R) signed LB77 on Tuesday, making Nebraska the 27th constitutional carry state in the Union.

On April 19, Breitbart News reported the permitless carry legislation had passed the legislature and was headed to Pillen’s desk.

Nashville PD Denies Public Records Request for Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto

The Nashville Metropolitan Police Department (NMPD) denied a Tennessee Star public records request for the release of the manifesto left by the shooter who killed six people at a Nashville Christian school.

The existence of the manifesto has been common knowledge since shortly after the 28-year-old transgender shot and killed six people in the Christian school.

Biden Lies About Being Born in Same Hospital as His Grandfather Died

President Joe Biden on Tuesday lied about his birth by falsely claiming he was born in the same hospital where his grandfather died just two weeks prior.

While speaking at North America’s Building Trades Unions Legislative Conference at the Washington Hilton, Biden lied about his birth — one of many lies throughout the years.

“My grandpop, who I never met, died in the same hospital I was born in two weeks before I was born,” Biden claimed. “My grandpop was, as they say in Maryland, from ‘Blamer.’”


Infant Surrendered to Indiana Safe Haven Baby Box

An infant was surrendered to a Safe Haven Baby Box at an Indiana fire station, just four months after the box was installed, LifeNews reported Monday.

The surrender occurred in Bloomington Indiana, and it was the fourth in the state this year, according to local media reports. Monroe Fire Protection District Station 25 Chief Jason Allen said a silent alarm alerted the firefighters April 8 that a baby had been placed inside the specially-designed box, and they were able to retrieve the baby in under a minute. 

Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu ‘Vaccines’

Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling right ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections

If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?

Moderna is planning to offer a personalized cancer shot by the end of 2028. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already designated it as a “breakthrough therapy,” which means the regulatory review will be expedited. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also fast-tracking it under the European “priority medicines” (PRIME) scheme

mRNA-based influenza shots are also in the works. Pfizer and Moderna both launched mRNA flu jab trials in the fall of 2022

Moderna is also developing mRNA shots for shingles and genital herpes based on the same platform used for its COVID jab — a technology that doesn’t stop infection and can depress your immune function such that you become more prone to infections and chronic diseases of all kinds

Many Insomniacs Remain Conscious During Sleep

Up to 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia; 10% of American adults struggle with chronic insomnia and 30% report occasional or short-term insomnia

Research finds you can remain consciously aware even while your brain and body are sleeping

Insomniacs who report being awake even when their brain wave patterns indicate they’re sleeping have increased activity in brain areas associated with conscious awareness during the dreamless phase of sleep

If you struggle with insomnia and frequently feel you’ve not slept a wink, processes involved in reducing your conscious awareness during sleep may be impaired. Practicing mindfulness meditation is thought to target these processes and may help improve your sleep experience

Sleeping pills are very limited in their effectiveness and have serious side effects. Safe and natural sleep aids include melatonin, 5-HTP, valerian, chamomile tea and CBD oil

5 Surprising Benefits of Rose Hips

Not only are there numerous health benefits of rose hips, but they can also give your beauty routine a serious boost!

Roses are red. Violets are blue. I know a secret. Can I share it with you? Rose hips may just be the secret ingredient your medicine cabinet has been missing!

Not only are there numerous health benefits of rose hips, but they can also give your beauty routine a serious boost.

Let’s dive into why you’ll love adding rose hips to your life!

#1. Rose Hips Are Rich in Vitamins and Antioxidants

Rose hips are a super source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and other antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. In fact, rose hips have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among fruits and vegetables.

Rose hip powder, syrup, and tea are three delicious ways to harness this phytonutrient powerhouse.

#2. Rose Hips Improve Skin Health

The high vitamin C content of rose hips may help improve skin health and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by restoring the skin’s elasticity.4)

DIY Rose Hip Face Mask Recipe

Here’s a recipe for a quick and easy DIY rose hip face mask:

  1. Combine 1 tablespoon of rose hip powder, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and let it sit for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Clean off with warm water.
  4. Your skin will be left feeling soft and smooth, with an attractive glow.

#3. Rose Hips May Support Weight Loss

Rose hips may help support weight-loss goals. Enzymes in rose hips may alter the way we use the fat already in our bodies , encouraging higher energy levels and easier fat burning. Rose hips are also rich in fiber, which can keep you feeling full and may reduce overall calorie intake.5

Try adding a spoonful of rose hip powder to smoothies for a delicious kick of phytonutrients and fiber. Would you think I’m crazy if I suggested adding a little rose hip powder to homemade breads and cookies? Try it out before you judge me.

(Okay, so maybe those aren’t the best options for weight loss. But they’re SO good!)

#4. Rose Hips Stimulate Your Immune System

Rose hips contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, that may help boost immune-system function. Rose hips have immune-stimulating effects that may help protect against infections.

Rose hip is one of my favorite herbs to use when I’m around sick people. Not only am I helping myself stay healthy, but it’s also one of the tastiest immune-supporting herbs.

#5. Rose Hips Contain Anti-Inflammatory Compounds

Rose hips contain compounds that have a variety of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. Rose hip powder may help to reduce joint-inflammation/arthritis symptoms.9)10)

Have you ever made rose hip tea? It’s so good! Use rose hip powder or minced rose hips and steep as you would for any other tea. Try pairing it with hibiscus for additional flavor and an even deeper color. Or combine rose hips with marshmallow root to maximize its soothing qualities.

Melatonin Dose Often Higher Than Reported on Label

When U.S. health officials reported a 500% spike in the number of poison center calls involving kids eating melatonin gummies last year, Harvard researchers decided to take a closer look at the sleep supplements and discovered a disturbing fact: They contained up to 347% more melatonin than the label stated.

What’s more, five of the products also contained CBD in higher amounts than the label indicated.

And the mislabeling was more common than one might think: The scientists found that across the 25 brands of melatonin gummies they tested, 22 were wrongly labeled. One product did not contain melatonin at all, but the much more common problem was excessive amounts.

—> Melatonin Alternative: HERBAL ZZZS –  This innovative and proprietary sleep formulation is designed to give a restful REM sleep without the M-Effect.


Breitbart Business Digest: This Housing Market Recession Is Over

Home Prices Are Rising Again

The housing recession is over—for now.

This is the inescapable implication of the most recent data on home prices and sales of new homes. The S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index rose in February. On an unadjusted basis it was up 0.2 percent. Seasonally adjusted it was up 0.1 percent, the first increase since June of last year. Wall Street economists, who have not yet caught on to the turn in the housing market, were predicting a decline of 0.3 percent.

The month-over-month increase in the seasonally adjusted National Index was at 0.16, the first gain in seven months. The trend toward an improved market actually began at least a month earlier, when month-to-month price declines began to soften, and perhaps as far back as October following the September nadir in month-to-month declines.

British American Tobacco to pay $635.2m in North Korean sanctions

The case represents the ‘single largest North Korea sanctions penalty’ in the US Department of Justice history.

British American Tobacco Plc (BAT) has agreed to pay more than $635m to US authorities after a subsidiary pleaded guilty to charges that it conspired to violate American sanctions by selling tobacco products to North Korea and commit bank fraud, a US court filing and the company said on Tuesday.

The tobacco sales to the isolated communist nation at the heart of Tuesday’s settlement took place from 2007 to 2017, according to both the company and the Department of Justice. North Korea faces an array of United States sanctions to choke off funding for its nuclear and ballistic missile programme.

Coors Light, Miller Lite Sales Spike amid Bud Light Transgender Controversy

Bud Light’s competitors, Coors Light and Miller Lite, saw an 18 percent spike in their sales following the Anheuser-Busch-owned brewer’s transgender controversy. Meanwhile, Bud Light has seen a 17 percent drop in sales, after it used Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male who claims to be a transgendered woman, to promote its products.

A report from Insights Express, a beer-focused newsletter, says this is an “extremely difficult scenario” for Bud Light, and that “these numbers are staggering,” according to a report by Daily Mail.

Additionally, overall volume of sales of Bud Light at bars and restaurants dropped by 34.7 percent between April 2 and April 15.


Currency Exchange Kiosks with ITL Face Biometrics Deployed Across Europe

Currency exchange kiosks using facial recognition software developed by Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL)  to comply with daily transaction limits have rolled out to airports and travel hubs around Europe, according to a company announcement.

The kiosks were made by Swiss manufacturer Ecex Group, and integrate ITLs ICU Pro device for face biometrics capture, allowing quick and efficient currency exchange transactions, the partners say.

Limits to user transactions can be implemented according to the anti-money laundering rules of the country where the kiosk is installed, and users’ biometric data is stored locally for one day if the exchange is below a given threshold, to detect further transactions in the same time period.

Japanese company loses contact with moon lander in likely crash

A Japanese company lost contact with its spacecraft moments before it was due to touch down on the moon, and has conceded the mission had apparently failed.

Start-up ispace, aiming to become the first private company to land a craft on the moon, said it was still unable to make a connection with the uncrewed Hakuto-R Mission 1 lander about 25 minutes after it was scheduled to have touched down on the moon’s surface.


(HINT: It’s driving through a cemetery picking up the jabbed in their graves!)


Republican Lawmakers Raise Questions over $200 Million Park Service Grant to Pelosi’s District 

National Park Service (NPS) Director Chuck Sams told Congress that President Joe Biden’s Interior Department ordered him to transfer $200 million in federal funding to a park in Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) district, drawing increased scrutiny by House Republicans.

Last week, Sams reportedly told Congress that Interior Department Fish and Wildlife and Parks Assistant Secretary Shannon Estenoz directed Sams to transfer of $200 million to the Presidio Trust, a federal agency that operates the Presidio, a 1,500-acre former military installation used as a public recreation area in Pelosi’s district near the Golden Gate Bridge.


Beginner’s Guide to Heirloom Seeds

For a contemporary twist to your vegetable garden this spring, take a step back in time with heirloom seeds.  A time-honored tradition for some, heirloom seed use is becoming a trendy way for the modern day gardener  to experience  the old fashion flavor and appearance of vegetable varieties from years gone by.

—> We still have some White Harvest Seed Company seed packs available at The Power Mall

100% Heirlooms – Superior flavor, unique and diverse for your garden and your taste buds.

Open-Pollinated – True-to-type and capable of producing its own seed supply year after year.

High Quality – All seeds have surpassed requirements to insure germination that meets your standards AND ours.

15 Fun and Unusual Heirloom Seeds

The vegetables you’ll find on the produce shelf of your local grocery store have been selected to look uniform and to sit in trucks and on shelves for weeks without spoiling. Home gardening lets you choose varieties for other qualities like flavor, color, nutrition and ease of growth. Heirloom seeds have been preserved from the time when uniformity was not the Holy Grail of seed selection. They’re also open-pollinated, not hybridized, which means that you can save and plant your own seeds.

Here are a few heirloom varieties you might want to consider:


All the varieties below are indeterminate (which means the plant keeps growing and bearing until frost kills it, and may grow quite large).


The Cherokee Chocolate tomato bears 10-16 oz. crimson-red fruits with mahogany shoulders, lots of juice and a sweet, rich, complex flavor. I


Golden Jubilee, sometimes just called Jubilee, is a sweet-tasting low-acid indeterminate tomato that matures in 80 days. Round 8 oz. fruits ripen rich yellow-gold.


Pink Brandywine’s 1-lb pinkish-red pumpkin-shaped fruits are very meaty, with a classic tomato taste. When they’re good they’re very good, but Brandywine sometimes ripens late and is susceptible to catfacing and early blight. 


Jarrahdale pumpkins, heirlooms from Australia or New Zealand 9depending whom you believe), are distinctive-looking with their grey-blue color and heavy ribs. Their flavor is mild and sweet, and their flesh is stringless, taking the misery out of making fresh pumpkin pie.


Benning’s Green Tint patty pan squash is young for an heirloom, first offered for sale in 1914. It’s been praised as one of the best-tasting summer squashes.


Lincoln peas, an English heirloom, have a sweet flavor and can be high yielding. They thrive in cool wet weather, struggle in hot dry summers.


Rattlesnake pole beans (called Preacher Beans in parts of the South) are said to have been developed by Native Americans in the Southwest. 


Red Russian kale, a Siberian heirloom, has purple-red ribs and deeply cut flat leaves. Its texture is very tender for a kale, and its flavor is delicate. Unfortunately it’s also somewhat less resistant to pests and diseases than curly hybrid kales, but like Brandywine, when it’s good it’s very good indeed. 


Forellenschluss, which means Trout Lettuce in German, is a romaine with crisp juicy texture, which germinates, well in warm weather. The bronze spots on its bright green leaves give it its name. 


Chioggia beets, an Italian variety, are pink and gold rather than dark red, and their flavor is unusually light and sweet. 


French Breakfast radishes, a Parisian introduction from the 1800s, are quick growing, crisp and tender, with elongated scarlet bodies and white tips. They get pithy earlier than many other radishes


Ailsa Craig onions, introduced in the 1800s, are white-fleshed sweet onions, which can grow up to 3 lbs each given fertile soil and plenty of moisture. 


Bleu de Solaize leeks, a 19th-century French heirloom, have fat shanks and blue-green leaves. May keep through the winter under straw mulch.


Rosa Bianca eggplant, from Italy (of course), has 2-4 lb. lavender-streaked white fruits with creamy consistency and delicate taste. Delicious and potentially high yielding but fussy to grow.


King of the North is a quick-maturing, blocky, red-ripening sweet bell pepper, which will produce fruit even for Northern growers with short seasons. May drop blossoms in very hot weather. 


Children Diagnosed With New COVID-19 Variant Show New Symptom, Health Professionals Warn

Medical professionals report that children diagnosed with the new Omicron subvariant of COVID-19, XBB.1.16, display conjunctivitis symptoms.

According to the Sun Sentinel, multiple health experts have reported children coming in with “itchy conjunctivitis with sticky eyes, not seen in earlier waves.”

Censorship Goes on Trial

Louisiana and Missouri v. Biden et al was filed May 2022 by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, and plaintiffs Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya and Dr. Kulldorff — co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration

The lawsuit alleges the Biden administration “colluded with social media giants Meta, Twitter, and YouTube to censor free speech in the name of combating so-called ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation'”

The judge overseeing the case has allowed it to proceed and denied a motion from the government to dismiss it

Due to a federal court ruling, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other officials testified under oath at depositions about whether they colluded with Big Tech to censor certain users

Federal officials encouraged social media shutdowns targeting those injured by COVID-19 shots or speaking out against them; other social media posts deemed “misinformation” were shadow-banned, which refers to using algorithms to bury the posts so they’re rarely, if ever seen


Mattel Debuts First-Ever Down Syndrome Barbie Doll

Mattel debuted its first-ever Barbie doll to have Down syndrome as part of its Barbie Fashionistas collection, a line of dolls focused on representation.

Michigan School District Sued After Forcing Kids to Remove ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Shirts

A pair of Michigan middle school students are suing their school district after being forced to remove their anti-Joe Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” shirts in class.

2nd Bud Light Executive on Leave Amid Trans Beer Boycott Fallout

A second Bud Light executive has “taken a leave of absence” following backlash over the company’s decision to partner with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney for a campaign, according to reports.

Daniel Blake, vice president for mainstream brands at parent company Anheuser-Busch, stepped back from his role just days after Alissa Heinerscheid, who has been vice president of marketing for Bud Light for nearly a year, reportedly took a leave of absence.


Trilateral Susan Rice Is Leaving Her Post As Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor

The White House announced Monday morning that Susan Rice is stepping down as President Biden’s domestic policy advisor, after being in the role for over two years.

“I surprised a lot of people when I named Ambassador Susan Rice as my Domestic Policy Advisor,” Biden said in a statement which announced the departure. “Susan was synonymous with foreign policy, having previously served as National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador. But what I knew then and what we all know now – after more than two years of her steady leadership of the Domestic Policy Council – it’s clear: there is no one more capable, and more determined to get important things done for the American people than Susan Rice.”

She’ll formally step down next month, and was in charge of various polarizing Biden administration issues from gun control to student loan forgiveness and immigration.

Len Goodman, Former ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Head Judge, Dead at 78

The former professional ballroom dancer died of bone cancer Saturday

California Professor Allegedly Tried to Arrange Rape of Child, Lure Her with Doll: ‘University of the Horrific’

A 44-year-old professor in California is accused of attempting to meet and rape a seven-year-old girl.

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