July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: April 28, 2020

World News

US to recognise annexation of occupied West Bank, Jordan Valley

Al Jazeera – Palestinians reject application of Israeli law on occupied WB areas, saying it will shut the door on two-state solution.

US Intel Officials Believe 45,500 Corpses Were Incinerated In One Fortnight In Wuhan

Infowars – US intelligence officials believe that the true scale of China’s coronavirus outbreak is at least FIFTY times worse than the communist state is admitting to, and that 60,000 dead bodies per month could have been processed by the funeral homes in Wuhan.
Speaking with Fox News, a Trump administration official said that “PRC numbers as reported today seem to be arithmetically impossible.”
“Again, we don’t know the real numbers today, but we do know the about 80,000 infections and 4,000 deaths as reported by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda are not even remotely close,” the official added.
It is believed that US intelligence has in its possession satellite images showing funeral homes in Wuhan overwhelmed by dead bodies. Officials believe that incinerators have been in constant use for 24 hours a day since the outbreak began.
The intelligence sources have noted that in a two week period between March 23 and April 4, over 500 urns were delivered to Wuhan families every day, which equates roughly to one urn per minute.
US intelligence therefore calculates a conservative estimate of 45,500 corpses having been incinerated during this time.
The figure jives with estimates highlighted by The Washington Post earlier this month.

India finds Chinese coronavirus testing kits are only FIVE PER CENT accurate

Daily Mail – India has scrapped an order for half a million coronavirus testing kits from China after they were allegedly found to have just a five per cent accuracy rate. 
Some of the ‘faulty’ kits were already in use in several states but have now been withdrawn by the country’s government.  
The rapid testing kits take around 30 minutes to return a result and are intended to detect antibodies in people who may have already had coronavirus. 
They were reportedly produced by Chinese firms Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech and Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics, according to Indian news outlet NDTV
Wondfo Biotech is also the producer of an antibody test which was recently rejected by the British Government for not having a high enough accuracy rate. 
Officials in a number of Indian states reported an accuracy rate of just 5.4 per cent for the tests and found they were returning negative results for people who they knew had had the virus.
It is unclear from reports which of the two tests was shown to have such a low accuracy rate.   

Trump says the US will bill China a ‘substantial’ amount of money for coronavirus damage

Daily Mail – President Donald Trump said he intends to bill China for a ‘substantial’ amount for damages caused by the coronavirus.
During a press conference at the White House on Monday, Trump made the threat to China after being asked whether he was considering seeking money from Beijing for its response to the pandemic. 
The idea of seeking reparations from China came after a German newspaper published a mocked-up bill of a $160billion invoice for the impact shutdowns have had on the economy following the spread from Wuhan to Europe.
The president claimed he had a ‘much easier’ idea and claimed he was planning on obtaining much more than what the Germans were suggesting.
China’s role in trying to cover up the extent of the virus when it first came to light has been used to blame the Communist country for the spread of the disease around the world and preventing other countries from being prepared.
President Trump has been one of the most vocal world leaders in attacking the authoritarian regime and has sort to shift culpability from his 

U.S. News, Politics & Government

J.B. Pritzker, Illinois governor, exceeded authority with stay-at-home order

judge rules Washington Times – A judge in southern Illinois ruled Monday that Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the coronavirus exceeds his emergency authority and violates individual civil rights.
Clay County Circuit Judge Michael McHaney sided with Republican Rep. Darren Bailey, who sought a temporary restraining order against the Democratic governor’s far-reaching executive order. Pritzker has relied on an April 2 statewide disaster declaration as authority to close schools, shut down nonessential businesses and limit movement by individuals from their homes because of the potentially deadly COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
Given word of the ruling during his daily briefing in Chicago on the state’s response to COVID-19, Pritzker accused Bailey, a Xenia resident, of being “blindly devoted to ideology and the pursuit of personal celebrity.”
Bailey did not immediately return a call seeking comment, but told reporters outside the courthouse in Louisville that civil liberties can be infringed when citizens don’t challenge government power.

Top Manhattan ER doc commits suicide, shaken by coronavirus onslaught

NY Post – The head of the emergency department at a Manhattan hospital committed suicide after spending days on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, her family said Monday.
“She tried to do her job, and it killed her,’’ Dr. Philip Breen told the New York Times of his physician daughter, Dr. Lorna Breen, who had been medical director of the NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital amid the pandemic.
The battle-weary ER doctor, 49, was only the latest city health care worker to take her own life.
Two days earlier, a Bronx EMT witnessing the virus’ ruthless toll fatally shot himself with a gun belonging to his retired NYPD cop dad.
Mental health professionals told The Post that PTSD from the pandemic is becoming a very real crisis.
“The group that is most at risk are the front-line health care workers,’’ as well as the people who lost loved ones, said Stanford University Professor Debra Kaysen, head of the school’s International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
An ICU doctor who works in the city said Monday that the onslaught of virus patients can be almost too much to handle for anyone at times.

Microbiologists: Testing shows lockdowns are actually harmful

WND – Two California physicians with advanced degrees in microbiology contend that their testing of more than 5,200 patients along with public data show the coronavirus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu and that the sheltering-in-place policy in the United States and most of the Western world not only is unnecessary, it’s harmful.
Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California, told reporters their testing and the data worldwide indicate the case fatality rate is less than one-tenth of 1%.
“Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no.”
Erickson explained that for hundreds of years, societies have relied on herd immunity to fight viruses.

Giuliani: ‘Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory’

WND – Dr. Anthony Fauci is among the onetime members of the Obama administration who must be held accountable for the $3.7 million the U.S. granted to China for coronavirus research in 2014, contends Rudy Giuliani.
Some of the money went to the Wuhan laboratory in which the coronavirus pandemic is believe to have originated.
The former New York City mayor, now personal legal counsel for President Trump, said in an interview Sunday with New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable” that he would open an investivation if he were U.S. attorney.
Giuliani wants to find out what Fauci, who has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, knew about what was going on in the Wuhan laboratory when the grant was made.
The U.S. intelligence community believes the current coronavirus strain may have accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Giuliani suspects China was experimenting with viruses at the lab for the purpose of “weaponizing them.” He said the U.S. was prohibited from giving any money to any laboratory “that was fooling around with these viruses.”
“Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory — and then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans.”
The U.S. never pulled the money, Giuliani emphasized to host John Ca
“So, something here is going on, John. I don’t want to make any accusations,” he said. “But there was more knowledge about what was going on in China with our scientific people than they disclosed to us when this first came out.
“I mean, just think of it, if this laboratory turns out to be the place where the virus came from — we paid for it. We paid for the damn virus that’s killing us,” Giuliani said.
If he were investigating, he said, he would pose a number of questions.

New York cancels presidential primary, citing coronavirus, after Sanders camp asked to stay on ballot

Fox – New York has canceled its Democratic presidential primary for the first time ever due to the coronavirus pandemic — igniting a backlash from supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose campaign had asked that his name be allowed to stay on the ballot.
The move by Democrats on the New York State Board of Elections — nixing the election scheduled for June 23 — followed Sanders’ announcement earlier this month that he would suspend his presidential campaign, rendering former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee.
With this decision, New York became the first state to cancel its primary altogether, though 16 states have postponed their primaries amid the pandemic and many have taken steps to encourage voting by mail.
The announcement drew fire from Sanders supporters and the campaign itself. “Today’s decision by the State of New York Board of Elections is an outrage, a blow to American democracy, and must be overturned by the DNC,” Sanders campaign adviser Jeff Weaver said in a statement Monday. “Just last week Vice President Biden warned the American people that President Trump could use the current crisis as an excuse to postpone the November election. Well, he now has a precedent thanks to New York state.”
On Sunday, Sanders’ campaign asked the New York State Board of Elections to let his name remain on the Democratic primary ballot, saying doing so would impede “efforts to unify the Democratic Party in advance of November elections.”

Economy & Business

Groceries could see meat shortages by end of week amid plant closings

Consumers could start seeing shortages by Friday at supermarket meat counters, expert say.
NBC – Beef, chicken and pork could be as scarce as toilet paper soon because so many meat processing plants have been temporarily shut down amid the coronavirus pandemic, industry experts are warning.
“We’ve just completed our third week of reduced slaughter and production,” Dennis Smith, a commodity broker/livestock analyst with Archer Financial Services in Chicago, said. “My guess is that about one week out, perhaps around May 1, shortages will begin developing at retail meat counters.”
Overall meat production is down 25 percent, Smith said, “which is a huge decline.”
It might be time to save some bacon, since the amount of pork in frozen storage dropped last month by 4 percent, to 621 million pounds, the Department of Agriculture reported last week.
“The cause of the shortage is reduced production due to labor issues at the packing plants,” Smith said. “Some plants have closed for deep cleaning and will remain closed until the employee base has recovered from the virus. Others are implementing safety procedures which in effect slows processing speed at the plants.”
Case in point: The Smithfield Foods plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota — the state that is now one of the nation’s biggest coronavirus hot spots — was closed after two workers died and 783 others tested positive for the virus.
Right now, there is enough meat to feed American appetites. In fact, the 502 million pounds of beef in warehouse freezers was up 2 percent from the previous month while the amount of chicken in storage dropped slightly to about 921 million pounds, according to the Agriculture Department.
But the pandemic has clogged the pipeline for getting more meat to grocery stores, the experts said.
“There are likely to be (meat) shortages in select parts of the country,” Terry Reilly, a senior commodity analyst at Futures International in Chicago.
Reilly noted that last month in Chicago, in the early days of the crisis, there was a run on chicken as fearful consumers emptied the shelves. He said there’s no reason to worry just yet about a meat shortage.

Josh Hawley Calls for Criminal Probe of Amazon

Breitbart – Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday, urging him to open a criminal antitrust investigation against Amazon for stifling competition.
According to a Wall Street Journal report released last week, Amazon used data and sales to develop its own, competing products against other businesses competing on its Amazon marketplace. The Journal wrote:
The online retailing giant has long asserted, including to Congress, that when it makes and sells its own products, it doesn’t use information it collects from the site’s individual third-party sellers—data those sellers view as proprietary.
Yet interviews with more than 20 former employees of Amazon’s private-label business and documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal reveal that employees did just that. Such information can help Amazon decide how to price an item, which features to copy or whether to enter a product segment based on its earning potential, according to people familiar with the practice, including a current employee and some former employees who participated in it.
In one instance, Amazon employees accessed documents and data about a bestselling car-trunk organizer sold by a third-party vendor. The information included total sales, how much the vendor paid Amazon for marketing and shipping, and how much Amazon made on each sale. Amazon’s private-label arm later introduced its own car-trunk organizers.
Hawley contended that Amazon’s business practices serve as an existential threat to small businesses competing against Amazon on the Internet giant’s marketplace.
“These practices are alarming for America’s small businesses even under ordinary circumstances. But at a time when most small retail businesses must rely on Amazon because of coronavirus-related shutdowns, predatory data practices threaten these businesses’ very existence,” the Missouri senator wrote.
“Abusing one’s position as a marketplace platform to create copycat products always is bad, but it is especially concerning now,” Hawley added. “Thousands of small businesses have been forced to suspend in-store retail and instead rely on Amazon because of shutdowns related to the coronavirus pandemic. Amazon’s reported data practices are an existential threat that may prevent these businesses from ever recovering.”
Hawley noted that the European Union already opened an investigation into Amazon using data in an anticompetitive fashion against third-party businesses.

Science & Technology

Declassified: Pentagon officially releases 3 UFO VIDEOS to ‘clear misconceptions’

RT – More than two years after they were leaked online, the Pentagon has officially released three short clips from the encounters of US pilots with what they called ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’
The infrared videos, filmed from US Navy planes in 2004 and 2015, showed ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ (UAPs), better known to the general public by their old name, unidentified flying object (UFO). The objects can be seen traversing the skies in an unexplained manner and at extremely high speeds. Two of the videos contain the recordings of the communications by the pilots, who were clearly blown away by the velocity of the unknown aircraft.
The Department of Defense said it was making an official release “in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.”
The move was greenlit after “a thorough review,” which established that their release “does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems… and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena,” Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough said.

Police Cancel Drone Spying, Showing Resistance to the COVID-19 Police State Works

Activist Post –  America is currently in utter turmoil. After panic buying emptied shelves across the country, millions of unemployed people began spending their last dollar on food, hundreds of cities have been placed on lockdown, and cops are using Chinese-made patrol drones to monitor citizens 24 hours a day.
In a matter of weeks, America has shifted from the land of the free to the land of the economic collapse and newly ushered in police state. The level of fear among the populace is at an all time high and the authoritarians are exploiting it. They are using America’s fear to give massive sums of money to special interests while fleecing the value of the dollar and ensuring lifetimes of debt for future generations. And, they are ushering in a police state, the likes of which we have never seen.
In a time when good news is sparse, any shred of it can be inspiring. Such is the case out of Wesport, Connecticut in which resistance to the police state has paid off. When the citizens of Westport expressed their anger to the city’s plan to use drone technology to spy on its citizens by making sure they are adhering to social distancing guidelines, two days later, the program was shut down

Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and ‘Digital Certificates’

Activist Post  – In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC were frantic to “do something” about the virus.
Unfortunately, the hastily developed and rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received the swine flu vaccine than in the general population.
That sad history may soon repeat itself. Right now, governments and private industries are working to rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a “digital certificate” proving he has been vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they have been vaccinated.
Another authoritarian proposal floated to deal with coronavirus is to force everyone to download a phone app that will track their movements. This would allow government officials to identify those who may have been near anyone who may have had coronavirus. Such mandatory “contact tracing” is an assault on our privacy and liberty.
Vaccines can improve health. For example, vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The fact that vaccines may benefit some people, or even most people, does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated. It also does not justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they do not have “digital certificates” proving they have had their shots.
If government can force individuals to receive medical treatment against their will, then there is no reason why government cannot force individuals to buy medical insurance, prohibit them from owning firearms, dictate their terms of employment, and prevent them from taking arguably harmful actions like smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk. Similarly, if government can override parents’ wishes regarding medical treatment for their children, then there is no reason why government cannot usurp parental authority in other areas, such as education.

YouTube Censors Viral Video of Doctors Criticizing ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order

Infowars – YouTube has censored a viral video in which two doctors criticized the logic of whether California’s stay-at-home coronavirus order is necessary.
The video, which had racked up over 5 million views, featured Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, Calif.
See the full, banned video at Banned.video, your new go-to site for videos censored by YouTube


Oregano Oil Boosts Immune System

Newsmax – People are turning to a powerful Mediterranean herb to protect themselves during the global pandemic. It’s called oregano oil and has proven to boost the immune system by increasing the levels of interferon in the blood, as well as killing the flu virus.
According to University Health News Daily, traditional healers have long relied upon oregano oil as a natural remedy to treat respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, flu, sore throats, and bronchitis. It’s a great home remedy for treating the flu because it promotes sweating, which helps reduce fever.
Research conducted in 2011 found that oregano oil can inhibit both human and animal viruses in vitro because it contains carvacrol, a compound found in the oil. The researchers noted that the oil was particularly effective against respiratory viruses, such as flu viruses, according to Healthline.
Here are other health benefits:

  1. Anti-aging. Oregano is rich in antioxidants, which help you fight chronic disease and premature aging, says another Healthline article.
  2. Antibacterial. A test-tube study showed that oregano oil was effective in killing 23 species of bacteria.
  3. Fights cancer. According to Healthline, the pungent herb helps neutralize free radical damage to the cells and helps kill cancer cells. In one study, carvacrol helped suppress the growth and spread of colon cancer cells.
  4. Antiviral. Both carvacrol and thymol, another compound found in the herb, appear to have antiviral properties. In one study, the dynamic duo was effective in killing 90% of the herpes simplex virus in just one hour. Many of the current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendations for effective disinfectant products to knock out the coronavirus include thymol as their main ingredient.
  5. Fights inflammation. We know that inflammation may be the underlying cause for many diseases, according to the latest research, and may also exacerbate COVID-19. Oregano oil, with its abundance of antioxidants, helps reduce inflammation in the body to ward off heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions, says Healthline.
  6. Fungal infections. Thymol also is an effective treatment for common fungal infections, according to Medical News Today. It can help treat oral thrush, yeast infections, infected toenails and fingernails, and athlete’s foot.

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The best sleep position for feeling good the next day, according to experts

Mic – A large body of science concludes that sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on the respiratory system, nerves, ribcage, and spine, all while increasing heart rate — none of which are conducive to a good night’s sleep. Our sleep positions also affect our health and mood in more ways than many of us realize, and there’s actually an ideal sleep posture to aim for each night: sleeping on your side.
This position keeps your spine straight and aligned, since “it will help prevent stress points that may aggravate joints and connective tissue,” says Dr. Robert Hayden, Georgia-based chiropractor and American Chiropractic Association spokesperson. Additionally, side sleeping is crucial for those who snore or suffer from sleep apnea since it’s an effective way to keep your airways open, says Dr. Natalie Dautovich, assistant professor of counseling psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University and environmental scholar at the National Sleep Foundation. If you’re pregnant, side-sleeping isn’t only a great way to relieve pressure off your belly. A 2012 study from BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth found that sleeping on your left side specifically can help promote oxygen flow to both the mother and fetus.
To facilitate — and maintain — the side sleeping position, Dr. Hayden recommends placing a body pillow under your torso to support your upper arm and knee. Dr. Dautovich also recommends placing another pillow in between your knees to relieve any pain and help keep your pelvis aligned. Also, your head on the pillow should remain level with the mattress (read: No funky double or triple stacks of pillows that can strain your neck and spine). It might feel more comfortable to rest your head on an incline when you’re reading a book or scrolling through Twitter before bed, but it’s not a great idea to fall asleep with your head on top of multiple pillows, says Dr. Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, Florida-based chiropractor, and president of the ACA Council on Women’s Health.
There is, however, a “wrong” way to sleep on your side. If you have a habit of sleeping curled up in the fetal position, Dr. Dautovich says it can hinder breathing by restricting movement of your diaphragm. It can also place unnecessary stress on your joints and leave you feeling sore the next day. “You can reduce the strain on joints by straightening your body as much as possible,” says Dr. Dautovich. In addition, avoid putting your weight on your arms while you sleep, since this can lead to circulatory issues like a feeling of numbness or pins and needles. If possible, try sleeping with your arms folded into your chest.
If you’re not a current side-sleeper, you may be at risk for developing soreness the next day. But beyond immediate physical consequences, improper sleep posture can impact your emotional, psychological, and cardiovascular health in the long run. “Certain hormones are designed to ebb and flow during the sleep cycle,” explains Dr. Hayden. “Growth hormones regulate the production of hormones that we use to repair tissues and heal, [which are] secreted during stage IV of the sleep cycle.”
Ultimately, if you don’t achieve stage IV of your sleep cycle (or rapid eye movement, which occurs 90 minutes after you fall asleep) or it gets interrupted, “you may find yourself gaining weight, getting sick and staying sick more often, and eventually having changes in your cardiovascular system such as hypertension,” he says.
What’s more is that if you’re tossing and turning all night, you’re likely to wake up feeling like you only slept four hours, even if you were under the covers for eight. “Fatigue itself will make you not feel your best,” Dr. Hayden says. “The physical aspects of your health will spill into the emotional and mental aspects. When you feel your best physically, you’re more likely to have a positive self-image.”
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