June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 29, 2024


Here… from a 1981 book by Bilderberger Jacques Attalli–an example of their mindset:

“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population…Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good…We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”

Despite Climate Change Claims, ‘Nearly All Alberta Fires Were Caused by Humans’ — Forestry Minister

According to Canadian officials on Wednesday, nearly all of the forest fires in the Provence Alberta were set by people, not man made climate change as the mainstream media has claimed.  During a news conference in Edmonton, Canada, Todd Loewen, Alberta minister of forestry and parks provided information on the wildfire situation in the province, stating that humans setting fires are to blame.

“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing,” Loewen said.

Alberta has extinguished 172 wildfires so far in 2024 while 63 are currently burning.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said last August that the fires in her Provence were the result of humans and not climate change.

“All I know is in my province we have 650 fires and 500 of them were human caused,” Smith said when asked if the fires could be from climate change.

Scotland’s First Minister has resigned; opens the door for the Labour Party to gain grounnd!

Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, further opening the door to the UK opposition Labour Party regaining ground in its former Scottish heartlands during a national election expected to be held later this year.

Yousaf said he was quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) and first minister of Scotland’s devolved government after a week of chaos triggered by his scrapping of a coalition agreement with Scotland’s Greens.

He then failed to secure enough support to survive a vote of no confidence against him expected later this week.

Resigning little over a year after he replaced Nicola Sturgeon as first minister and SNP leader, Yousaf said it was time for someone else to lead Scotland.

“I’ve concluded that repairing our relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the helm,” Yousaf said, adding he would continue until a successor was chosen in an SNP leadership contest.

Yousaf abruptly ended a power-sharing agreement between his pro-independence SNP and the Green Party after a row over climate change targets.

The SNP’s fortunes have faltered over a funding scandal and the resignation of Sturgeon as party leader last year. There has also been infighting over how progressive its pitch should be as it seeks to woo back voters.

Caught between defending the record of the coalition government and some nationalists’ demands to jettison gender recognition reforms and refocus on the economy, Yousaf was unable to strike a balance that would ensure his survival.

The SNP is losing popular support after 17 years of heading the Scottish government. Earlier this month, polling firm YouGov said the Labour Party had overtaken the SNP in voting intentions for a Westminster election for the first time in a decade.

Labour’s resurgence in Scotland adds to the challenge facing British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party which is lagging far behind Labour in UK-wide opinion polls.

UK vows no illegal migrant returns from Ireland if France refuses to take back boat migrants!

An emerging diplomatic spat between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland looks to provide potential leverage for London over Brussels on the issue of illegal migrant returns to France, with Downing Street vowing to not accept returns from Dublin so long as Paris refuses to take back boat migrants who crossed the English Channel from the beaches along the French coast.

Following the British parliament’s passage of the Rwanda bill intended to finally clear legal hurdles and send illegal migrants to the East African nation rather than putting them up in hotels across the
UK, recently installed Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Simon Harris ordered his justice ministry to draft emergency legislation to allow the “the return of inadmissible international protection applicants to the UK”.

Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee has claimed that over 80 per cent of recent arrivals of illegal migrants have crossed into the country through the soft border with Northern Ireland, a constituent country of the United Kingdom.

She claimed that there has been a surge in such crossings given the concern amongst aliens that they may be removed from Britain to Rwanda.

Yet, a source from the UK government told the ruling Conservative Party-aligned Telegraph newspaper on Sunday: “We won’t accept any asylum returns from the EU via Ireland until the EU accepts that we can send them back to France.

“We are fully focused on operationalising our Rwanda scheme, and will continue working with the French to stop the boats from crossing the Channel.”

Since the implementation of the Brexit withdrawal from the European Union, there has been a massive surge in illegal migrants coming across the English Channel from France, which has refused to drag the small people-smuggler-operated dinghies back to shore in addition to refusing to accept the return of migrants after they arrived on British shores.

While apparently attempting to punish UK voters for leaving the European Union — at the same time being able to unload the expense of over 120,000 migrants onto the British taxpayer — Paris has even had the gall to charge London for the pleasure, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak agreeing last year to send £478 million (€541 million) over three years to fund French police patrols along the Calais coast and other people smuggler hot spots.

For the past few years, successive Conservative governments have been unable or unwilling to exert pressure on President Macron to accept migrant returns, with the Élysee Palace consistently claiming that the matter had to be settled at the EU level where there has been little appetite to alleviate the situation.

Brexit-opposing ex-prime minister and current top British diplomat David Cameron said last week that it was “simply not possible” to come to an agreement with France on the issue of migrant returns while suggesting that Brexit rather than the intractability of Paris or Brussels was to blame.

However, with Ireland potentially entering the fray, the UK could use the situation to put pressure on the European Union to finally come to terms with Brexit Britain and craft a replacement for the Dublin agreement that governed the return of illegals from the UK to other EU countries before Brexit.

Alternatively, Ireland could seek to impose hard border controls with Northern Ireland to prevent illegals from entering the country. Yet such a drastic move could jeopardise the Good Friday peace agreement on the Emerald Isle and trigger intervention from the United States, which chaired the negotiations of the 1998 settlement.

US Space Force General Says China’s Military Developing Space Assets at ‘Breathtaking Speed’

China’s ambitions with regard to the moon are also among Space Command’s concerns.

Gen. Stephen Whiting, commander of U.S. Space Command, recently warned about China’s “breathtakingly fast” development of space military capabilities, following his trips to South Korea and Japan.

“We are seriously focused at U.S. Space Command on our pacing challenge, which is the People’s Republic of China,” Gen. Whiting told reporters during a call from Japan on April 24.

“The People’s Republic of China is moving at breathtaking speed in space, and they are rapidly developing a range of counter-space weapons to hold at risk our space capabilities,” he added.

“They’re also using space to make their terrestrial forces—their army, their navy, their marine corps, their air force—more precise, more lethal, and more far-ranging.”

EU to investigate Meta over election misinformation before June polls

Brussels to act later this week against Facebook and Instagram owner over policies on deceptive advertising and political content, reports say

The EU is set to launch formal proceedings against Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram, amid concerns it is not doing enough to counter disinformation before the EU elections in June, according to reports.

It is understood the commission will make a move later this week against suspected infringements by Meta covering policies and practices relating to deceptive advertising and political content.

It also expected to express concerns about the lack of effective monitoring of election content and a potentially inadequate mechanism for flagging illegal content.

It is understood the commission is concerned that Meta’s moderation system is not robust enough to counter balance the potential proliferation of fake news and attempts to suppress voting.


Democratic presidential candidate Jill Stein arrested at Washington University protests!

Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein was arrested with more than 100 others at an anti-Israel protest on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, her campaign said.

Stein, along with campaign managers Jason Call and Kelly Merrill-Cayer, were all arrested at the student-led encampment soon after the candidate recorded a video saying they were going to “stand here in line with the students who are standing up for democracy… human rights… to end genocide.”

Dramatic footage captured from the protest shows police officers using a bicycle as a barricade, roughly pushing up against Stein and other demonstrators, before leading her away.

The outlet reported that “more than 100 people” were also arrested at Washington University, as many other similar demonstrations take place at other campuses around the country.

The University of Texas at Austin suspended their student’s Palestine Solidarity Committee on Friday after several campus protests saw nearly 60 trespassing arrests last week, Breitbart News reported.

On Thursday, anti-Israeli protesters established an encampment at George Washington University (GWU), in Washington, DC.

The nationwide protests were mainly fueled by the major encampment at Columbia University in New York City, which canceled all in-person classes Monday after police arrested more than 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

At least 32 people are dead and dozens are injured over the weekend due to tornadoes ripping across 11 states!

The death toll has risen to 32 and more dangerous weather has been predicted this week for a broad swath of the South and Midwest, which was already in ruin yesterday as a result of a surge of storms that fueled confirmed or suspected tornadoes in at least 11 states.

Nine of Tennessee’s 15 recorded deaths occurred in McNairy County, about 100 miles east of Memphis. Four were in the same structure, one of at least 72 destroyed across the county, Mayor Larry Smith said. According to the National Weather Service, nearly 100 locations reported tornadoes on Friday and Saturday.

Tornadoes struck Wynne, Arkansas, on Friday, and 28 people sought medical attention at a nearby hospital. The National Weather Service verified in a preliminary survey that the three tornadoes that ripped through the area were EF-3s. Tornadoes also struck in Sulphur, Holdenville and Marietta, Oklahoma causing 4 deaths, 100 injuries and heavy damage. 

A Second Beijing Biden Term Would Be a Gift to Red China

If not effectively challenged, Xi’s goal of making China the world’s leading superpower by 2049 may become reality sooner than expected.

Having successfully secured more U.S. taxpayer dollars to line the pockets of their buddies in Ukraine, the Biden administration has now shifted its attention to another geopolitical hotspot: the Indo-Pacific.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in China this week meeting with high-level Chinese Communist Party officials, including his counterpart Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Conversations are expected to center around various issues of contention between Washington and Beijing, such as the Chinese military’s increasingly aggressive behavior in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. During Thursday talks with CCP officials in Shanghai, Blinken reportedly “raised concerns about (Chinese) trade policies and non-market economic practices,” according to the State Department.

But raising concerns and demonstrating capable U.S. leadership are two different things, the latter of which President Joe Biden has failed to an embarrassing degree. Since taking office, America’s 46th president has crippled his nation’s economy and national sovereignty, while executing a disastrous foreign policy agenda that’s permitted China’s rise to go virtually unchallenged.

Alabama lawmakers advance bill that could lead to prosecution of librarians…

Alabama lawmakers on Thursday advanced legislation that could see librarians prosecuted under the state’s obscenity law for providing “harmful” materials to minors, the latest in a wave of bills in Republican-led states targeting library content and decisions.

The Alabama House of Representatives voted 72-28 for the bill that now moves to the Alabama Senate. The legislation comes amid a soaring number of book challenges — often centered on LGBTQ content — and efforts in a number of states to ban drag queen story readings.

“This is an effort to protect children. It is not a Democrat bill. It’s not a Republican bill. It’s a people bill to try to protect children,” Republican Rep. Arnold Mooney, the bill’s sponsor, said during debate.

Tennessee Statehouse Approves Bill Allowing Civil Action Against Adults Assisting Minors In Receiving Gender Procedures

On Thursday, the Tennessee Statehouse offered approval of a bill that would allow civil causes of action to be brought against adults aiding minors in accessing transgender procedures without parental consent.

A summary of the bill on the Tennessee state legislature’s website states that “as introduced,” the bill “creates a civil cause of action against any person who knowingly removes a minor from this state without the consent of a parent of the minor for the purpose of assisting the minor in obtaining a healthcare procedure that is to enable the minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex or treating purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity.”

This means that adults who take such action, assisting minors in leaving the state to obtain cross-sex hormones or to undergo transgender procedures, are liable for taking that action and can be sued. The original version of the bill included criminal penalties for adults in violation of it, but it was amended to only allow for civil penalties for violators.

Former Israeli Ambassador to America Urges FBI Probe Into Where the Anti-Zionists on Campuses Are Getting Their Funding

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren described the recent ongoing antisemitic activities on American college campuses as “intolerable, unacceptable, and exceedingly dangerous.” 

Oren, a prominent American-born historian and a Columbia University alumnus, emphasized that antisemitic campus activities are carefully organized and funded by external players.

“These demonstrations are orchestrated and funded from outside. These aren’t spontaneous demonstrations,” Oren explained in an interview with The Media Line.

The former Israeli ambassador urged the FBI to investigate the money trail that fuels the ongoing antisemitic protests at Columbia University and other U.S. campuses.

“Jewish students, professors and staff can’t go on campus,” Oren warned, adding that the radical students ultimately threaten not only Jews but Western society.

He also noted that some Jewish academics have joined the anti-Israel rallies and said, “They fail to see that this path also ends badly for them.”

As a historian, Oren placed the current wave of campus antisemitism within the broader context of the radicalization that has taken place on American campuses during the past half century since the student revolts in the 1960s.

“They went back into the campus and spent 50 years instilling their ideas into students and professors to inspire government officials and corporate executives on this particular set of self-declared anti-establishment ideas as trojan horses for antisemitism,” Oren explained.

“These people need to be prosecuted, but in the end, this isn’t a job for local police. This requires federal agencies to stop foreign agents from sewing chaos in America and its allies,” Oren said.

Ariel Beery, a former Columbia graduate, agreed with Oren’s assessment about the forces behind the current campus antisemitism, which targets the Jewish state, as well as all those who support Israel.

Beery believes that Israel’s adversaries – unable to overpower Israel through military means – have shifted to using “soft power” by “funding guerrilla groups” to confront Israel.

Members of Congress recently urged U.S. President Joe Biden to step in and protect Jewish students from the security threats emanating from the mass anti-Israel protests at various U.S. universities.

Teen rails against California’s woke education system: A ‘failure’ for students and parents

Jordan Brace tells ‘Fox News @ Night’ liberal states are more focused on DEI than ‘proper education’.

California high school student Jordan Brace took a hard stance against the progressive state’s approach to education, which she branded a “failure.”

Brace explained on “Fox News @ Night” Wednesday that her state ranks 33rd nationally in math and 38th in reading, placements that she believes are too low. 

California was ranked 38th overall for Pre-K through 12th grade education, according to U.S. News and World Report. 

In her op-ed, Brace wrote: “It seems like the entire California Department of Education is more focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and their woke ideologies than giving students a proper education.”

“I feel that kids my age and just all throughout our country are now being exposed to diversity, equity and inclusion rather than conservative values and things that they should be learning about,” she explained to host Trace Gallagher. “Instead of focusing on DEI and things that are being used to divide us, we should be focusing more on students’ education and making sure that they have the skills and tools that they need to have a successful future.”

Jill Simonian, outreach director for PragerU Kids, said the statistics coming out of California’s education system are “terrifying” and warned students are not being taught the fundamentals of becoming an informed adult. 

But Brace’s op-ed provided hope. 

“It really proves that young people are intelligent, and they are catching on to this, and they’re not going to have it anymore,” Simonian said. 

17 states sue over rule entitling workers to some abortion accommodations

Republican attorneys general from 17 states have filed a lawsuit challenging a rule entitling workers to some abortion accommodations, alleging the regulation adopted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is in overreach. 

The lawsuit led by Tennessee and Arkansas was filed in federal district court in eastern Arkansas on Thursday. It alleges that EEOC’s rule, which implemented the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), is in violation of the law. 

The rule, implemented in mid-April, requires those covered under it to be given “reasonable accommodations” when it comes to childbirth, pregnancy and other conditions. It had bipartisan support when it passed in Congress. 

“An unelected body like the EEOC Commission does not have the authority to rewrite laws passed by Congress,” Alabama’s Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement. “Congress sought to ensure accommodations on the job to promote the health of pregnant women and their babies.”  

“[President] Biden’s EEOC has illegally transformed that bipartisan law into a mandate that employers facilitate abortions. Biden is again violating the law to promote his radical agenda, and we will again stop him.”

The final regulations were adopted by the EEOC on April 19 in a 3-2 vote.

Justice Kavanaugh warns of a vicious cycle of malicious prosecutions that could end the presidency!

During last Thursday’s deliberations at the U.S. Supreme Court on former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh warned that a decision in the case has future implications for whether future presidents are shielded from vicious cycles of malicious prosecution that could effectively end the presidency as we know it.

In the course of two-and-a-half hours of oral arguments last week, justices on the Supreme Court appeared skeptical of a ruling by a federal appeals court that rejected President Trump’s claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal charges based on his official acts as president. President Trump was indicted by special counsel Jack Smith in August 2023 on charges of conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Pleading not guilty, the former president has argued that he should receive absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for acts that fell within the scope of his official duties. The exception to this immunity, he has argued, is if Congress impeaches and convicts him on charges.

A federal appeals court rejected that argument, claiming that presidents must face prosecution for alleged criminal wrongdoing.

The question that is now before the Supreme Court is: “Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office?”

During Thursday’s deliberations, the justices weighed the claim of absolute immunity that, if adopted, would stop Mr. Smith’s prosecution of the former president dead in its tracks.Several conservative justices suggested they favor imposing limits on the prosecution of former presidents, while highlighting the importance of the case for the future.  Justice Kavanaugh said that when presidents are subject to prosecution, history shows that it’s not going to stop.

US Goes On Trial For Military Fuel Leak That Allegedly Poisoned Thousands

The U.S. government is set to go on trial Monday in Hawaii for a case that began more than two years ago, when leaking jet fuel from a military storage site contaminated drinking water for thousands, according to The Associated Press.

Seventeen “bellwether” plaintiffs representing more than 7,500 people, including service members, will seek to convince a judge in a U.S. District Court in Honolulu that the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility jet fuel spill directly contributed to a spate of alleged health effects, including rashes and vomiting, the AP reported. While the U.S. has admitted the jet fuel leak incurred compensable injuries for the plaintiffs and that the U.S. “breached its duty of care,” it disputes that the alleged Pearl Harbor victims consumed the poisoned water at significant levels to cause the problematic health outcomes..

The bellwether plaintiffs comprise of relatives of military members who have submitted testimonies in the case about how consuming the tainted water made them feel ill and in some cases produced persistent health problems, including seizures, asthma, eczema and vestibular dysfunction, according to the AP.

U.S. Navy Wants Migrants to Build Warships

President Joe Biden’s Navy secretary wants to import skilled blue-collar migrants to build the U.S. Navy ships that protect Americans and their job opportunities.

“What we’ve got to do is open up the spigot a bit, basically, on legal immigration to allow blue-collar workers to come here … so they can actually work in our shipyards and be employed by the types of trades that are open to shipyard workers,” Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told a meeting in Arlington Va.

Del Toro’s call for migrant shipbuilders comes amid a shipbuilding crisis where many U.S. warships are being delivered far behind schedule, sometimes with deep flaws, Forbes reported in 2021 that the United States:

builds less than 10 vessels for oceangoing commerce in a typical year. China builds over a thousand such ships each year. The entire U.S.-registered fleet of oceangoing commercial ships numbers fewer than 200 vessels, out of a global total of 44,000.

However, the administration’s support for mass migration reduces the pressure on state governments and companies to train the next generation of Americans for skilled jobs.


The FTC is awarding more than $5-million in refunds to “Ring” customers! 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has begun distributing refunds amounting to more than $5.6 million to Amazon Ring customers following its settlement with the Jeff Bezos-owned tech giant over alleged security failures.

In an April 23rd press release, the agency said it would be sending out approximately 117,044 payments to consumers who had certain types of Ring devices, such as indoor cameras, during periods when the FTC alleges unauthorized users—including employees and third-party contractors at the home security camera company—may have had access to customer videos.

The payouts come after the FTC settled with Amazon in June last year over alleged violations of the FTC Act (Section 5, 15 USC 45) that prohibits unfair or deceptive business practices.

Amazon’s Ring doorbell company was charged by the FTC with compromising its customers’ privacy by allowing employees and third-party contractors, including some based in Ukraine, to access consumers’ private videos, and use the videos to train algorithms without their consent.  The company buried information claiming it had a right to use such recordings for “product improvement and development” as stipulated in its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, the FTC alleged.

Consumers who had a Ring account and certain types of Ring devices, such as a Ring “Stick Up Cam,” and “Indoor Cam” before Feb. 1, 2018, are eligible for a refund, according to a court order.

Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank collapses in the first bank failure of 2024!

The troubled Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank has imploded, with federal regulators seizing it and arranging for it to be taken over by fellow regional lender Fulton Financial, in what marks the first bank failure of 2024.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced on April 26 that Republic First Bank— which did business as Republic Bank—was seized and closed that same day.

In order to protect people with savings at Republic Bank, the FDIC entered into an agreement with Fulton Financial to assume the deposits and assets of the failed bank. This means that Republic Bank’s 32 branches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York reopened on Saturday as branches of Fulton Bank, continuing to provide regular banking services to depositors without interruption.

“This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Republic Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on Republic Bank will continue to be processed and loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual,” the FDIC said in a statement.

People with savings at Republic Bank don’t need to change their banking relationship to continue to have their money covered by the FDIC’s deposit insurance guarantee.

Fulton Financial Corporation, which owns Fulton Bank, said on April 26 that all the regulatory approvals had been obtained and that the transaction had closed.

Planes almost collide at 2 major airports as Boeing problem advances!

As the U.S. Justice Department decides whether to pursue a criminal case against Boeing, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating dozens of airplane incidents since January, including one in which a Swiss Air jet almost collided with four other planes on the runway at JFK International Airport in New York City.

The FAA has more than 100 aviation accidents and incidents since the beginning of 2024. These include airplane and helicopter crashes, equipment and mechanical malfunctions, and communication breakdowns with air traffic controllers that almost caused runway collisions at several major U.S. airports.

These incidents come as public scrutiny of Boeing increases after multiple issues have been reported with their jets. After an Alaskan Airways flight experienced a mid-air blowout of a door plug on Jan. 5, the Justice Department is considering revoking a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement with the company and pursuing a criminal case.

There is also growing criticism of Air Traffic Control (ATC) and the FAA’s hiring practices after multiple near-collisions were reported, including at JFK Airport and Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia.

The JFK incident occurred on April 17. Pilots on a Swiss Air flight headed to Zurich, Switzerland, were forced to hit the brakes after the plane was cleared for takeoff because air traffic controllers simultaneously opened the runway for four other planes.

The next day, a similar incident played out at Reagan Washington National Airport, which services the Washington area. ATC cleared a JetBlue flight for takeoff as a Southwest Airlines flight was told to taxi across the same runway in front of it, according to ATC audio.

A runway controller cleared the JetBlue flight, while a taxiing controller cleared the Southwest Airlines flight. The two planes came within 400 feet of a collision before each controller ordered the planes to stop.

Since sudden runway stops can overheat airplane brakes, the JetBlue flight was inspected before it safely departed the airport.  The agency said it is investigating both incidents.

Juan Browne, a Boeing 777 first officer pilot for a major U.S. airline company, told The Epoch Times that while the number of airplane accidents has remained steady, ATC incidents are “on the rise.”

He said the “primary driver” of this phenomenon is the “huge turnover” in the industry, as controllers retired during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many retired early, creating a “big shortage of people, pilots, and air traffic controllers,” and some, including pilots and others, retired due to vaccine mandates.

Why are there so many Americans that can’t find a job even though they are desperate to be hired? 

According to the absurd numbers that the government feeds us, the unemployment rate is very low and there are lots of jobs available. But if what they are telling us is true, why are so many Americans not able to find work? As you will see below, some people haven’t been hired even though they have literally applied for hundreds of jobs. There seems to be an enormous disconnect between what is actually happening in the real economy and the economic narrative that they are constantly pushing.

What in the world is going on here?

I thought that there were “millions” of good jobs just waiting for someone to step into them.

Something definitely does not add up.
Even Americans with advanced degrees from top schools are increasingly finding themselves out of work.
If you doubt this, just check out these numbers…

Even at some top business schools, the number of recently minted M.B.A.s without jobs has roughly doubled from a couple of years ago, when U.S. companies were rushing to hire as many workers as they could, according to data from the schools.

At Harvard Business School, 20% of job-seeking 2023 M.B.A. graduates didn’t have one three months after graduation, up from 8% in 2021. At Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, 18% didn’t, compared with 9% in 2021. About 13% of those at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management didn’t have a job within three months, up from about 5% in 2021.

How are those numbers possible if the unemployment rate is hovering near “historic lows”?

If you do not have a job, you are classified by the U.S. government as either “unemployed” or “not in the labor force”.

In 2008 and 2009, the combined total of those two categories never even reached 90 million.

Today, the combined total of those two categories is over 106 million.

The Biden administration says that only 6,429,000 Americans are officially “unemployed”.

The other 99,989,000 Americans without a job are considered to be “not in the labor force”.

And more will be lumped into those two categories soon, because large employers all over the nation continue to conduct mass layoffs.   

Nolte: Ford’s EV Division Lost $1.3B in Q1 — That’s $132K per Car!

Ford’s electric vehicle (EV) division lost $1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2024, which adds up to a $132,000 loss for each of the 10,000 EVs sold.

Sales of Ford EVs also plunged by 20 percent compared to last year, and “its revenue plunged 84% to about $100 million, which Ford attributed mostly to price cuts for EVs across the industry.”


Autism and ADHD Linked to Disturbed Gut Flora Very Early in Life

Disturbances to gut microflora that occur in utero and during the first years of life could contribute to the development of neurodevelopmental disorders.

The makeup of gut flora at birth and during the first year of life may play a key role in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorders and intellectual disability.

The research connected changes in gut bacteria in early life to neurodevelopmental disorders and identified early signs of mood and digestive problems.

Children with three or more ear infections treated with antibiotics were more likely to develop a speech disorder, ADHD or an intellectual disability.

Among children who developed neurodevelopmental disorders, higher levels of inflammatory Citrobacter bacteria and lower levels of beneficial Coprococcus were found in the microbiome.

Antibiotics may be responsible for this effect, with researchers suggesting penicillin may increase Citrobacter while decreasing or eliminating Coprococcus.

Power Mall Product of Interest: Living Streams Multi-Blend Liquid Probiotic (4 oz)

Climb stairs to live longer, say cardiologists…

Climbing stairs is associated with a longer life, according to research presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).”If you have the choice of taking the stairs or the lift, go for the stairs as it will help your heart,” said study author Dr. Sophie Paddock of the University of East Anglia and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Foundation Trust, Norwich, UK. “Even brief bursts of physical activity have beneficial health impacts, and short bouts of stair climbing should be an achievable target to integrate into daily routines.”

Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable through actions like exercise. However, more than one in four adults worldwide do not meet recommended levels of physical activity. Stair climbing is a practical and easily accessible form of physical activity which is often overlooked. This study investigated whether climbing stairs, as a form of physical activity, could play a role in reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease and premature death.

The authors collected the best available evidence on the topic and conducted a meta-analysis. Studies were included regardless of the number of flights of stairs and the speed of climbing. There were nine studies with 480,479 participants in the final analysis. The study population included both healthy participants and those with a previous history of heart attack or peripheral arterial disease. Ages ranged from 35 to 84 years old and 53% of participants were women.

Compared with not climbing stairs, stair climbing was associated with a 24% reduced risk of dying from any cause and a 39% lower likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease. Stair climbing was also linked with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease including heart attack, heart failure and stroke.

20% of retail grocery store milk tested positive for bird flu!

One in five samples of milk from grocery store shelves tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced late April 25.

In a brief 237-word update, the FDA said that initial results from a national commercial milk sampling study “show about 1 in 5 of the retail samples tested are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-positive for HPAI viral fragments, with a greater proportion of positive results coming from milk in areas with infected herds.”

The FDA has refused to disclose how many samples it tested and from which stores the samples came, and a Freedom of Information Act request for the information has not yet yielded results.

Thirty-three cattle herds across eight states—Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas—have tested positive for avian influenza, commonly known as the bird flu, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Poultry in Minnesota and a person in Texas have also become infected with the same genotype of the H5N1 avian influenza strain found in cattle.

Authorities have stressed that positive results from qPCR testing do not mean the pasteurized milk contains intact virus, because the testing can return positive based on fragments of residual virus.

“Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product,” the FDA said.

“The fact that you can go into a supermarket and 30 percent to 40 percent of those samples test positive, that suggests there’s more of the virus around than is currently being recognized,” Richard Webby, a virologist at St. Jude’s, told STAT News.

The FDA has said it will release more details about the testing in the future. Raw milk from farms with affected cows has also tested positive for bird flu.

Authorities initially said that pasteurized milk was definitely safe but have since acknowledged that they’re not sure whether milk in grocery stores contains live bird flu virus. The FDA announced last week that some samples tested positive for the influenza.


Tesla’s “autopilot” results in hundreds of crashes; multiple fatalities, authorities say!

Tesla’s Autopilot system has contributed to at least 467 vehicle crashes, with 14 resulting in deaths and many others that caused serious injuries, according to federal authorities who say there is a “critical safety gap” in the technology.

The U.S. Department of Transportation is investigating Tesla’s December 2023 recall, which pulled more than 2 million vehicles from the road, to determine whether the company’s updates to its Autopilot driving systems were sufficient in preventing driver distractions. The department analyzed 956 crashes that were alleged to involve the automaker’s driver assistance technology.

The department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on April 26 posted documents to its website that suggest an additional 20 crashes occurred since Tesla’s recall, concerning investigators. The more than 2 million vehicles that Tesla recalled represent nearly all the vehicles that Tesla had sold at that point.

Tesla’s December 2023 recall affected all of its vehicles with Autopilot or driver assistance systems. This includes Tesla’s Model 3, Model X, Model S, and Model Y cars, as well as its Cybertruck. The Autopilot’s driver monitoring systems are supposed to detect the force from drivers’ hands on the steering wheel and send alerts when they are absent.

The safety administration asked the automaker to recall its vehicles after a two-year investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot system. Specifically, the agency probed multiple instances of Teslas crashing into roadside emergency vehicles while using the Autopilot systems.

The automaker said the “prominence and scope of the system’s controls may be insufficient to prevent driver misuse.”


A freight train carrying gasoline has derailed near the US-Mexico border; catches fire!

A freight train carrying gasoline and odorless propane derailed Friday near the Arizona-New Mexico state line and caught fire, leading to the closure of an interstate highway, according to authorities.

The Arizona Department of Transportation said in an update on X, formerly Twitter, that the train derailment has led to the closure of Interstate 40 (I-40) at milepost 357.

New Mexico State Police (NMSP) said that it had deployed emergency crews to the site to mitigate the spread of the fire. No injuries have been reported following the incident, according to the police.

“NMSP is on the scene of a train derailment along with multiple other agencies on Interstate 40 milepost 8 near the Arizona border,” it stated on Facebook. “I-40 is closed in all directions in Arizona and New Mexico.”

BNSF Railway spokesperson Lena Kent said that company personnel were on site working to clear the wreckage. The cause of the derailment remains unclear and is currently under investigation.

Dane Wigington has another global alert news article out now!

 “Generational tornado outbreak” and “huge hailstorm causes extensive damage, could challenge records”, both new headlines are from AccuWeather. Are atmospheric pressure zone manipulation and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations core components behind these headlines? The latest surface UV radiation readings are beyond grim, the ozone layer is nearing functional collapse which would mean the end of crop production along with most life on Earth. Coral reefs are dying all over the world in parallel with imploding fish populations. But nothing to worry about, the military industrial complex is spending more than ever on bigger and better weapons of mass destruction, welcome to the asylum.

Gavin Newsom Admits: California Still Faces Blackouts

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) admitted Thursday that the state still faces the risk of blackouts in heat waves despite investing in battery capacity to store electricity for use in times of peak demand.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

Gov. Gavin Newsom said Thursday that California continued to rapidly add the battery storage that is crucial to the transition to cleaner energy, but admitted it was still not enough to avoid blackouts during heat waves.

Asked by reporters if California now had enough battery storage so that residents no longer had to worry about blackouts during times of high power use, Newsom laughed.

“We have a lot of work to do still in moving this transition, with the kind of stability that’s required,” the governor said. “So no, this is not today announcing that blackouts are part of our past.”

California is pushing to meet ambitious “green energy” and “zero emissions” targets, including a transition to an all-electric car and truck fleet, despite the fact that the state lacks power generating capacity to meet growing demand.

During blackouts in 2020, Newsom said that the state needed to “sober up” about the fact that renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy were not sufficient for the state’s needs — but then pressed ahead anyway.

The state has been shuttering fossil fuel plants and only has one nuclear power plant left. In the last drought, low water levels in dams meant shortages of hydroelectric power as well. Batteries, it is hoped, will help with the shortfall.

Ford loses $1.3-billion on electric vehicles in the 1st quarter; delays plans to make more!

Ford Motor Company reported a whopping $132,000 loss on each electric vehicle (EV)

sold during the first three months of 2024, amassing a $1.3 billion loss.
The auto manufacturer’s electric vehicle unit revealed Thursday that they experienced a 20 percent decrease in sales volume and were forced to slash prices due to low consumer demand, CNN reported.

The revenue for Ford’s EV car, the Model e, plunged by 84 percent to about $100 million, which the company blamed on EV price cuts across the auto industry.

“That resulted in the $1.3 billion loss before interest and taxes (EBIT), and the massive per-vehicle loss in the Model e unit,” the publication noted.

The recent figures are part of a trend of loss for Ford, with their Model e reporting a full-year EBIT loss of $4.7 billion on the sale of 116,000 units. This is an average loss of $40,525 per vehicle — and even that is just a third of the per-vehicle loss seen in the first three months of 2024.

Now, company officials are estimating that their EV division will lose a grand total of $5 billion this year, up from $4.7 billion last year.

“Americans don’t want EVs at levels Biden’s climate hysteria require,” author and businessman Andy Puzder wrote on X. “Ford’s EV Q1 losses soared to $1.3 billion — a ridiculous $132,000 per EV sold. All Ford’s profits came from combustion engine vehicle sales. Collectivist policies destroy prosperity.”

“This does not appear to be “sustainable,” said environmentalist Patrick Moore.
Energy and environmental science expert Steve Milloy called Ford’s loss a “massive EV disaster.”

Ford announced earlier this month that the company will delay producing two new electric models, opting for hybrid vehicles instead.

“Many companies rushed in too fast with E.V.s that were too expensive and there was not as much of a market for them as they thought,” Sam Abuelsamid, transportation and mobility analyst at research firm Guidehouse Insights, told the New York Times. “That’s made it a lot tougher to sell those vehicles.”


Here’s a video you should watch if you want to avoid beekeeping scams! CLICK HERE!


Six people shot; 2 dead after shots rang out at San Antonio’s Fiesta Festival! 

Two people were killed and four others wounded after two men opened fire on each other

just after midnight Sunday in San Antonio.
San Antonio police chief Bill McManus posted comments about the incident on X:

ABC 7 Amarillo reported that police heard gunshots during Fiesta San Antonio at Market Square and ran toward the sound. They soon found two armed men, one of whom was 18 years old and the other is 20 years old.

The men began to flee and, while so doing, the 18-year-old allegedly shot the 20-year-old. Police then shot the 18-year-old, killing him.

The 20-year-old was rushed to a hospital, where he died.

The New York Post reported that “San Antonio police said the shooting occurred near the stage on Conch Alley.”

Armed robbery suspect wounds 3 Kenner, Louisiana officers before being shot dead! 

An armed robbery suspect in Kenner, Louisiana, was shot dead Sunday after he shot and

wounded three police officers Sunday morning before noon.

FOX 8 Live reported that the suspect, 31-year-old Matthew Lathers, was holed up in a house in Jefferson Parish and was sought for an alleged armed robbery committed on Thursday.

He shot and wounded two individuals in front of the Jefferson Parish house around 9:45 a.m., reportedly having confused the two for police.

A SWAT Team then swarmed the house and sent a robot to try to locate Lathers. Shortly after entering the home, the robot became immobilized and three SWAT officers entered to untangle the cables or wires that contributed to the stoppage. As they were doing that, Lathers allegedly appeared with a rifle and opened fire, wounding all three officers.

CNN noted that at least one of the SWAT officers returned fire and it is not known if Lathers was wounded in the exchange.

Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s deputies soon arrived on the scene, and a sniper was able to shoot and kill Lathers. Two of the three wounded officers have been released from the hospital and the third is stable.

Tennessee Governor Signs Law Allowing Teachers To Be Armed On Campus

Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee signed legislation on Friday allowing teachers and school staff in the state to carry concealed handguns on school property.

The legislation, aimed at improving school safety, comes about a year after a mass shooting that killed three children and three adults at The Covenant School in Nashville. The governor announced his support for the legislation at a press conference the day before signing it.


An audit has found that Oklahoma officials mismanaged millions in COVID relief funds!

An audit report released on April 23, alleges that Oklahoma officials mismanaged millions in Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds and possibly violated the law during the pandemic.

According to Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector (SAI) Cindy Byrd, at least two state agencies may have abandoned the competitive bidding process mandated by state law, misreported the status of millions in federal grant funds, and deprived thousands of Oklahomans of benefits.

One official named in the report disputed the allegations. She claims the report is misleading because auditors didn’t ask her to explain what they found.

Oklahoma spent $13 billion in federal grant money during FY 2022, much of it Federal COVID Relief Funds (CRF), the report states. Gov. Kevin Stitt appointed a team he called CARES FORWARD to administer the federal funds.

What may be one of the most serious allegations, based on the amount of money involved and allegations of illegal activity, concerns the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) and its former Executive Director Shelley Zumwalt.

Ms. Zumwalt took over the OESC leadership spot in 2020. At that time, the agency was besieged by workers laid off during lockdowns to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Attorney General Gentner Drummond has ordered an investigative audit of OESC.

Study: Natural supplement cocktail may ease inflammation in long COVID patients!

A blend of herbal extracts and minerals could offer a ray of hope for the millions struggling with the debilitating effects of long COVID.

A new study suggests that a simple, inexpensive supplement containing echinacea, rosehip, zinc, and royal jelly may help alleviate the chronic inflammation and crushing fatigue that have become a reality for nearly 17 million adults in the U.S. currently battling long COVID.

While not a cure, this concoction may offer a cost-effective avenue for relief while treatments for post-COVID syndrome remain elusive.

The team also noted a significant increase in vitamin D levels among the supplement group. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and the body’s ability to overcome inflammation.

Echinacea, a purple and pink coneflower, is used in herbal remedies to treat or prevent upper respiratory infections. There is evidence showing that the herb may have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, with some studies suggesting it may be effective as an antagonist against COVID-19.

Rosehip, a widespread wild plant, has been traditionally used to treat a variety of diseases due to its antioxidant effects. Many compounds found in rosehips are also known for their anticancer properties.

Rosehip is used in the management of myriad diseases, including skin disorders, renal disorders, diarrhea, inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, and cancer.

Royal jelly, a substance secreted by the glands of bees, offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Zinc, an essential nutrient found in multiple plants and animals, plays a crucial role in immune function and cell growth. This nutrient decreases oxidative stress and reduces certain levels of inflammation in the body, thereby helping to reduce overall chronic inflammation and the risk of conditions like heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline.

The results of the study suggest that this cocktail of herbal supplements could be beneficial for individuals suffering from other conditions characterized by chronic inflammation.

The research team noted, for example, that vitamin D supplementation has been extensively studied as a potential remedy for patients with autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, and Crohn’s disease.

“An improvement in vitamin D serum levels appears to be correlated with a reduction in fatigue,” the research team wrote. Fatigue is often a secondary characteristic of many autoimmune conditions.


Former Rep. Peter Meijer drops out of Michigan GOP Senate race!

Former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.), one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump in 2021, has announced that he’s pulling out of the Republican primary race for a U.S. Senate seat in Michigan.

Mr. Meijer made the announcement in an April 26 statement, in which he thanked his supporters and said the “hard reality” is that the fundamentals of the race had changed “significantly” since the launch of his campaign six months ago, when he said he was “confident” in his ability to take back for the GOP a soon-to-be vacant Senate seat occupied by a retiring Democrat.

An unofficial candidate list on the Michigan Secretary of State’s website indicates Mr. Meijer “is withdrawn,” leaving four Republican candidates and three Democrats vying for the seat being vacated by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who announced last year that she wouldn’t be seeking reelection in 2024.

Mr. Meijer, an Iraq War veteran and one-term congressman, previously lost reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 to a Trump-backed challenger after facing blowback from Republicans for voting to impeach the former president over the Jan. 6, 2021 incident at the U.S. Capitol.

George Soros is paying student agitators to whip up anti-Israel protests!

George Soros and his far- left movement is paying student agitators to co- opt and amplify anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country, the NY Post reports.

The protests, which began at Columbia University, have expanded nationwide – with copycat tent cities erected at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia, with organized branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) having organized them.

The parent organization of SJP has been funded by a constellation of nonprofits which all lead to Soros.

At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community- based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”

They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”

The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019. -NY Post

Jewish drag queen leads children in “free Palestine” chant at “Queer Storytime for Palestine”! 

A Jewish college professor portraying a drag queen led a group of young children in a chant to “free Palestine” at a queer storytime event held in a Massachusetts town that is nicknamed the lesbian capital of the world.

The drag queen, who goes by the name Little Miss Hot Mess, used his own version of a familiar children’s rhyme in leading the children.

He led them into the chant by shouting out to them from stage, “If you are a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it,” with the children taught to follow with—“free Palestine.” 

The event, which was entitled Queer Storytime For Palestine, was held at the Northampton Center For The Arts (NCFA) on April 14. But a video of it posted on X has sparked recent outrage.

Etian Fischberger, a former staff member with the Israeli Air Force who now serves as a U.S. international relations and Middle East analyst, called it “an indoctrination double whammy,” adding that “Free Palestine” has met “drag queen story hour” in a post on X.

One user who re-posted the video on his X account wrote, “How long before American children are going to be taught to chant ‘bomb Tel Aviv’ and ‘globalize the intifada?’”

The NCFA did not respond to enquiries about the pro-Palestinian queer children’s story hour. 

As of Friday, the arts center had removed any trace of the event from its website and online calendars. 

A group called “Valley Families For Palestine” has been identified as being behind the event.

Following the backlash, the event organizer made its Instagram page private and removed all contact information from its website. 

According to the New England Network For Justice For Palestine, which promoted the event, it was recommended for children of preschool through upper elementary school ages. 

It included a recommended $5 donation for the event, with proceeds being advertised as going to Al Qaws, which describes itself as a Palestinian LGBTQ movement.

The Epoch Times has confirmed that Harris Kornstein, a Jewish man and a humanities professor at the University of Arizona, was the drag queen leading the children in the “free Palestine” chant.

According to his website, he has performed all over the country, including at the San Francisco bar The Stud, as well as on television including Saturday Night Live. He is currently on the Board of Directors for the national group Drag Queen Story Hour.

He is also listed on a website for drag queen artists around the country as the co-founder of the #MyNameIs campaign in protest of Facebook’s real name policy.

Mr. Kornstein is named on Turning Point USA’s professors watch list for promoting sexual behavior to children. He is also among several Jewish writers who recently signed a letter pledging their support for Palestine.

California lawmaker introduces bill banning excessive homework for students!

A lawmaker in California introduced a bill that would ban teachers from being able to

assign students an excessive amount of homework.

California State Assembly member Pilar Schiavo (D) introduced The Healthy Homework Act, also known as AB 2999, in February, noting in an interview with Fox40 that it would have a “huge impact” on the students.

Under AB 2999, educational agencies, local school board officials, and school administration officials would need to “develop, adopt, and update” homework policies “at least once every five years,” and take into account research available regarding the impacts of homework on students’ physical and mental health.

Educational agencies, school boards and school administration officials would also need to take into account the reasonable amount of time that students should spend on homework and take into account learning disabilities and how some students might lack “access to the internet, computers, and learning tools.”

“I think this is going to make a huge impact for the students,” Schiavo said. “The times have changed and our homework policies don’t always change with the times, so we need to make sure we are addressing issues that are effective and also don’t harm kids.”

Schiavo’s daughter, Sofia Johnson, who is in sixth grade, told the outlet that “homework is exhausting” and “overwhelming.”

“It’s depressing that my whole day — from when I wake up to when I go to bed — is nearly all taken up with schoolwork,” Johnson added.

Schiavo’s bill comes after Stanford University and Challenge Success, an organization that “partners with school communities to elevate student voice and implement research-based, equity-centered strategies that improve student well-being,” reportedly conducted a survey of more than 300,000 students.

The survey found that 45 percent of students said homework was their number one source of stress.


Rochester, NY D.A. refuses to pull over for speeding because she didn’t feel like stopping!

A New York district attorney refused to stop when a cop tried to pull her over for speeding, instead driving back to her house to call the chief of police to complain that she “didn’t feel like stopping” and demanded officers “leave me alone.”

Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley has faced a massive outpouring of backlash following the Town of Webster’s release of police body camera footage of her dramatics on Monday.

While she admitted to driving 55 mph in a 35 mph zone in a Thursday statement obtained by 13ABC, she justified her refusal to pull over by saying her house was just “down the street.”

When the officer informed her that she was speeding 20 mph over the limit, the footage showed Doorley snapping back with “I don’t really care.”

She then could be heard asking Webster Chief of Police Dennis Kohlmeier over the phone: “Can you please tell them to leave me alone?”

Doorley refused to step out of her garage when the officer asked, prompting him to join her inside.

While she initially claimed that she did not see the cop’s lights or hear the sirens, she later changed her story to just not thinking she should be pulled over.

The officer tried to explain that he was just doing his job and that Doorley “knows better” than to ignore police orders, but she dismissively said, “I know the law better than you.”

“Why is it you’re so against me? I’m doing my job. You say you’re a DA?” the officer asked her at one point.

“I am the DA,” Doorley replied, getting her badge out of her SUV as she called him an “asshole.”

When asked why she was going so fast, she said she “didn’t feel like stopping on Phillips Road at 5:30,” to which the officer replied, “That’s not your choice. You know that.”

“What do you want us to do, not do our jobs because it’s you?” he asked the district attorney.

She dismissively told him to just write her a ticket, but he pointed out that refusing to stop is “an arrestable offense.”

“You know this,” he again reminded her, addressing her by her first name.

She justified the mistake by saying she had a “really bad day” and had to deal with “three murders in the city.”

Her social media profiles have since been inundated with people calling her out on her bad behavior.

“Glad that if I travel to Rochester NY I don’t have to follow the laws because ‘I don’t feel like it,’” wrote one X user.

“Can you publish the police chief’s number so we can call if we are pulled over?” asked another commenter. “Only fair, no?”

In a statement following the release of the footage, Doorley said, “Nobody, including your district attorney, is above the rule of law, even traffic laws.”

“Anybody who knows me understands without a doubt that I have dedicated my entire 33-year career to the safety of this community,” the DA said. “My work to ensure the safety and respect of law enforcement is well-proven time and time again. I stand by my work and stand by my commitment to the public safety of Monroe County.”

Doorley added that she pleaded to the traffic offense on Tuesday and “sent the ticket to the Webster Town Court because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit.”

NY Rep. Jamaal Bowman duped by fake Chief Rabbi Gaza parody account!

Left-wing “squad” member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was tricked by a social media

parody account claiming to be from the “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.”

An X page by the name of “Rabbi Linda Goldstein,” which features satirical posts calling for “trans Palestinian” representation in the NFL and demanding that Hamas be “undesignated” as a terror organization, duped whoever was running Bowman’s account into thinking they wanted to hold a fundraiser for him.

“I really hope you win, I would love to host a fundraiser with you,” Goldstein said to Bowman in an April 11 direct message obtained by the New York Post.

Bowman’s account replied just 30 minutes later with “Thank you, how do we get in touch with you?”

The fake rabbi, who frequently trolls other leftists with Jewish satire, promised the congressman that her “anti-Zionist community can’t wait to help” him raise hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“Hi Rabbi, this is Bowman’s staff, we’ll have a member of our finance team follow up with you,” another DM from Bowman’s account said. “We’re grateful.”

Despite Goldstein’s page being filled with obvious jokes and parody, not to mention that no rabbis — or Jewish people other than hostages — are allowed in Gaza, neither Bowman nor his staffers appeared to catch on to the shtick.

Bowman has been one of Israel s most vocal critics, and recently had to walk back claims he made following the October 7 Hamas attack that reports of rape committed by the terrorists were “propaganda.”

Bowman isn’t doing too well in his primary race against Westchester County Executive George Latimer; early April polls showing him trailing behind by double digits.

When questioned about the DMs by the New York Post, a representative for Bowman brushed it off as a “standard staff response to a direct message.”


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