July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: August 01, 2018

World News
Germany allows asylum seekers to reunite with family members
Christian Science Monitor – Following a record influx of refugees in Germany, the government stopped allowing asylum seekers to bring immediate family members to the country in 2016. Now, the ban has been lifted and families can reunite, but the move has reignited divisive debates about immigration.
Diocese names 71 accused of child sex abuse, blames bishops
AP – A Roman Catholic diocese on Wednesday identified 71 priests and other members of the church who had been accused of child sex abuse and said it was holding accountable the bishops who led the church for the past 70 years, announcing their names will be stripped from all church properties.
Trump imposes sanctions over Turkey’s detaining of minister
AP – The U.S. will impose sanctions on two Turkish officials over a detained American pastor who is being tried on espionage and terror-related charges, the White House announced Wednesday.
US official urges Macedonians to take part in new name vote
AP – A U.S. State Department official has urged Macedonians to participate in a September referendum on a deal meant to settle a festering name dispute with neighboring Greece.
Must Read: N.Y. Professor Gives Crash-Course on Globalism
Voice of Europe – In a strong warning, NYU professor Michael Rectenwald says that western civilization is under siege from Maoist totalitarians in a Facebook post, adding that we are on the verge of “completely losing our culture”.
U.S. News
Oklahoma Police Sued for Wrongfully Subjecting Reserve Police Officer to Warrantless Search, Seizure of Lawful Firearms & Prescription Meds
Rutherford.org Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have filed a Fourth Amendment lawsuit against Oklahoma police for wrongfully subjecting a reserve police officer to a warrantless entry and search of his home and seizure of his lawful firearms and prescription medications. The search and seizure happened after the reserve officer called police dispatch to report suspicious drug activity near his apartment only to have police treat him like a suspect.
Morning Joe Cites Unconfirmed Story on Air About Migrant Child Dying While in Government Custody
Washington Free Beacon – MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski ended their Wednesday show by citing an unconfirmed story about a migrant child dying while in government custody. The couple acknowledged the story was unconfirmed but still cited it on air.
“So, we’re checking the story about a child who an immigration lawyer said I think, a news outlet retweeted that a child may have died in custody. There is no confirmation of that story yet,” Scarborough said. “So, if we get confirmation, we’ll let you know.”
In Refusing To Defend Assange, Mainstream Media Exposes Its True Nature
True Pundit – Last Tuesday a top lawyer for the New York Times named David McCraw warned a room full of judges that the prosecution of Julian Assange for WikiLeaks publications would set a very dangerous precedent which would end up hurting mainstream news media outlets like NYT, the Washington Post, and other outlets which publish secret government documents .
“I think the prosecution of him would be a very, very bad precedent for publishers,” McCraw said. “From that incident, from everything I know, he’s sort of in a classic publisher’s position and I think the law would have a very hard time drawing a distinction between The New York Times and WikiLeaks.”
Manafort Prosecutors Order Witnesses Not To Mention ‘Donald Trump’ By Name
True Pundit – Mueller’s team is bringing the case against Manafort, but attorneys want to focus the jury on Manafort’s reported excesses, his alleged ties to Ukrainian government officials, and the crimes for which Manafort was really indicted — tax evasion and bank fraud — and not his campaign activities, ABC News reports.
Prosecutors also fear that potential jurors might be prejudiced by Manafort’s Trump affiliations. The trial is taking place in a heavily Democratic district, and attorneys don’t want Manafort claiming that he was denied a fair trial because jurors see their vote as a way to “resist” President Donald Trump through Paul Manafort.
Coast Guard document: Tourist boat violated inspection terms
AP – A certificate of inspection for the Missouri tourist boat that sank last month, killing 17 people, shows that it was on the lake at a time when the wind speed far exceeded allowable limits.The Coast Guard on Wednesday announced
White House slams Justice over 3D-printed guns
AP – The White House is slamming the Department of Justice for dropping litigation that would have prevented the posting of instructions on how to make 3D-printed guns.
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that DOJ “made a deal without the president’s approval.”
Trump urges Attorney General Sessions to end Russia probe
Fox – President Trump called Wednesday for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation “right now,” alleging bias on the investigative team and complaining about the trial of his former campaign chairman.
“This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further,” Trump tweeted. “Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!”
Maxine Waters hit with FEC complaint over mailer money
Fox – Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, one of the most outspoken members of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ in Congress, is facing fresh questions about a longstanding controversy regarding how her campaign raises money and how those funds have flowed to her daughter.
The California congresswoman has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars each election cycle from some of her state’s biggest politicians paying to be listed on her slate mailers—sample ballots traditionally mailed out to about 200,000 voters in Los Angeles highlighting whom she supports.
Since 2004, the campaign in turn reportedly has paid $750,000 to the congresswoman’s daughter, Karen Waters, or her public relations firm Progressive Connections for help producing them.
A government watchdog in July filed the first of two complaints with the Federal Election Commission asking for a full audit of the Citizens for Waters campaign.
Trump in Florida: ‘The Time Has Come for Photo ID’ for Voting
PJ Media – President Trump, speaking at a rally in Tampa, Fla., resurrected the issue of photo ID at the polls, suggesting that all voters should be required to show ID when they vote for president, senator, governor, or congressman.
“The time has come for voter ID, like everything else,” the president told supporters, “voter ID.”
Senate Dems Call for Census to Ask About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
Newsmax – Senate Democrats have introduced a bill to add questions about sexual orientation and gender identity to the U.S. census by 2030, HuffPost reports.
Economy & Business
Pelosi Tweet on Wages Rated ‘Mostly False’
Washington Free Beacon – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) received a “Mostly False” rating from fact-checker Politifact for a tweet about wages in which she claimed House Speaker Paul Ryan was wrong to say “wages are rising.”
At tweet sent from Pelosi’s political team on July 26 claimed wages fell 1.8 percent in the second quarter of 2018 and links to a Vox article arguing the GOP tax cuts aren’t boosting wages. Democrats have stood in staunch opposition to the tax reform law, which President Donald Trump signed into law at the end of 2017.
“Paul Ryan on June 24th: ‘Wages are rising.’ Reality: ‘Between the first and second quarters of 2018 — after the tax cuts were enacted — real wages fell by 1.8 percent,’” the tweet said along with the link to the Vox article.
The Number Of Americans Living In Their Vehicles “Explodes” As The Middle Class Continues To Disappear
Economic Collapse Blog – If the U.S. economy is really doing so well, then why is homelessness rising so rapidly?  As the gap between the rich and the poor continues to increase, the middle class is steadily eroding.  In fact, I recently gave my readers 15 signs that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed.  More Americans are falling out of the middle class and into poverty with each passing day, and this is one of the big reasons why the number of homeless is surging.  For example, the number of people living on the street in L.A. has shot up 75 percent over the last 6 years.  But of course L.A. is far from alone.  Other major cities on the west coast are facing similar problems, and that includes Seattle.  It turns out that the Emerald City has seen a 46 percent rise in the number of people sleeping in their vehicles in just the past year
Energy & Environment
California governor pledges any resources needed for fires
AP massive wildfire in Northern California has torched more than 1,000 homes in and around the city of Redding, authorities said Wednesday as some evacuees were allowed to return home and new blazes exploded in what has become an endless summer of flame in the Golden State.
“Whatever resources are needed, we’re putting them there,” Gov. Jerry Brown said at a news conference. “We’re being surprised. Every year is teaching the fire authorities new lessons. We’re in uncharted territory.”
Science & Technology
German woman receives large fine for criticising refugees on Facebook
Voice of Europe – A German cleaning lady received a fine of 1,650 euros for criticising refugees and the country’s asylum policy, news outlet Wochenblick reports.
The woman commit her ‘Orwellian thought crime’ on Facebook, as she said this about refugees:
“Sh*t on the state, steal from people, rape, swirling the eggs, demand money from us and sue the state. That’s what they can. They’re more valuable than gold, our super-skilled people.”
California Wine Radioactive? Now Being Served With “Cesium 137” From Fukushima?
Off Grid News – Those who remember the Fukushima incident know that this disaster left nothing but tragedy in its wake. Since then, the inhabitants of the area have had to face more than a few difficulties. This ranges from radioactive wildlife to extremely toxic water and air. But the “difficulties” weren’t confined to Japan. In fact, radioactive particles have made it to the Western United States as many Off The Grid News readers are already aware.
The World Health Organization shrugged it off as a nothing to worry about. However, it’s still not clear what we should be worrying about. Now, researchers have discovered cesium-137 in several Californian wines, leading many to ask: is California wine radioactive? And then, should I cut back to a bottle a day?
The Time-Tested, Hidden Benefits Of Fermented Foods
Off Grid News – Fermented foods: the words bring up images of sauerkraut and kimchi along with other pungent morsels. But if you haven’t given it much more thought than that, well, perhaps you should.
Fermentation is a great way to preserve food without the use of canning pots and freezers. It’s also loaded with additional benefits that other forms of preservation just don’t give you.
‘New’ GMO technologies must be fully regulated in Europe
Natural Health News – This week the European Court of Justice (ECJ) announced its ruling on a long running court case which sought to clarify whether induced mutagenesis, used in the genetic engineering of plants, should be included within – or excluded from – the scope of current European legislation on genetically engineered plants.
Abortion Pill Fast-Tracked by Clinton Kills 22 Women, Causes Infections, Hemorrhaging — FDA Makes it Easier, Cheaper to Get
Judicial Watch – A controversial abortion drug rushed through the government’s approval process by the Clinton administration has killed nearly two dozen women and produced serious adverse effects in thousands of others, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. Nearly 100 women who took the drug (Mifeprex) had ectopic pregnancies, the records show, and hundreds of others required blood transfusions and hospitalization. Judicial Watch has investigated the government’s handling of Mifeprex, also known as RU-486, since the Clinton administration aggressively shoved the abortion pill through the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval process in an effort to appease radical pro-abortion activists.

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