July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 01, 2022


Global Depression is Already Underway

Commentary by Devvy Kidd

And, it can’t be stopped.  Patrick Henry said in his “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death’ speech at the Second Virginia Revolutionary Convention meeting at St. John’s Church, Richmond, March 23, 1775, “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the lamp of experience.”

Americans either didn’t listen back in 2005 right up to the collapse in 2008, or didn’t understand the problem – and neither did most of the corrupt scoundrels in Congress:  “No one knows what to do. We are in new territory here. This is a different game. We’re not here playing soccer, basketball or football, this is a new game and we’re going to have to figure out how to do it.” Now deceased, Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV], September 17, 2008

Joe Manchin was the news last week when he reached a deal to further RAPE the American people with more debt in cahoots with career crook, Chuckie Schumer [D-NY] regarding the globalist robber baron’s bill.  Biden is in the first stages of Altzheimer’s disease so you can forget anything coming out of his mouth as coming from any original thought.  At this point in time, Biden can’t even read the teleprompters, tries to shake hands with someone not there, needs to be led off a stage and is simply mentally gone.  Not to mention his repeated “positive” COVID tests.

As a matter of fact, someone sent me a TikTok segment of a radio interview I found quite interesting:  The next president without casting a vote.

First grain shipment leaves Ukraine after months of Russian blockade amid food crisis

The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain left the port of Odesa Monday morning under an internationally brokered deal that is expected to release large stores of Ukrainian crops to foreign markets amid a global food crisis.

The Sierra Leone-flagged cargo ship Razoni left Odesa for Lebanon, Turkey’s defense ministry said. A statement from the United Nations said the Razoni was carrying over 26,000 tons of corn.

Razoni is expected to reach Istanbul on Tuesday. It will then be inspected before being allowed to continue its journey.

Climate Madness: Destroying The Enemy’s Food Supply Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

The most efficient system in history of growing food and getting it to consumers, modern farming, is under attack, blamed for causing climate change.

Dutch Government to Farmers: Reduce Your Operations by Up to 95 Percent

The world has watched as Dutch farmers fight for their economic survival against demands that they shrink their operations to suit the government’s climate change agenda. The Dutch government has told farmers to cut ammonia emissions by 50 percent, and those near protected areas must reduce their operations by as much as 95 percent, or they must sell their land to the government and face a lifetime ban from farming.

Dutch Farmers have responded by spraying government buildings with manure while Dutch police shot at a 16-year-old boy at a demonstration.

Jos Ubels, Vice President of the Farmer’s Defense Force in the Netherlands, says negotiations are not going anywhere and a bad situation is continuing to escalate.

“We are fighting for our right to produce and to live as a human being in our country,” Ubels said, “in a democracy where we have the right to go on the street to protest against legislation, and we have the right to produce, via our permits.”

Ubels also defended Dutch farmers’ methods. “If you check our production rates and how we work. We produce very high level, very high scale, good healthy food, traceable, all with little environmental impact,” Ubels said.

Farmers from around the world who are also seeing their way of life under attack have demonstrated in solidarity.

American farmers, who are already subject to a host of regulations, could also find themselves facing even more restrictions. But the island nation of Sri Lanka serves as a cautionary tale.

Sir Lanka: A Warning to Politicians Who Want to Restrict Farming

Sri Lanka’s ban of chemical fertilizers in farming caused the struggling nation’s agricultural sector and economy to collapse. It ended with protestors frolicking in the presidential swimming pool after nation’s president fled the country.

Sri Lanka was supposed to be the poster child for modern organic farming. The World Economic Forum even proudly posted an article about Sri Lanka’s expected success, written by the prime minister whose house was set on fire by protestors.

Parts of the world already face famine because of a shortage of chemical fertilizer due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – the same kind of fertilizer environmentalists want to reduce.

Is the Biden Admin About to Launch a Similar War on American Farmers?

Washington Attorney Gary Baise, who helped start the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 and now says it should be abolished, owns 11 farms in Illinois. He calls what the Dutch government is trying to do to its farming sector “madness,” and sees signs a similar movement is coming to the U.S.

“Agriculture is an easy target, both from the animal standpoint and from guys like me who put a lot of anhydrous ammonia on their corn crop,” Baise said. “They’re going after methane, which is belched by cows. You know, AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY] has it wrong. They do not F-A-R-T methane. They belch it.”

Baise believes the era of cheap food at the grocery store is over, not just from inflation but because of growing environmental regulations on farming, and says Sri Lanka should be a warning to leaders who want to experiment with food production.

“That’s what happens when you don’t have food,” Baise warned.

Nevertheless, the Biden Administration appears to be coming after farmers. Steve Milloy, editor of the website Junkscience.com, writes that a new study by the EPA claims that air emissions from farms, basically farm dust, kill 17,000 Americans per year, the same EPA standards that basically killed the coal industry.

“These are people who want to control every aspect of our lives and that includes energy use and food use,” Milloy says. “They believe food production is a major contributor to global warming, a major contributor to greenhouse gases, and they’re not going to give up on agriculture. They don’t like agriculture.”

When Farming is Attacked, the Global Food Supply Suffers

Former U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra says if the Dutch government wins this battle against its own farmers – who are the second largest exporters of agricultural products in the world behind the United States – it will only make the global food shortage worse.

Hoekstra warns, “The Dutch will not experience food shortages, but there may be other parts of the world that will, because you know, this food is going to go away.”

Any politician willing to risk the food supply in order to fight climate change might want to keep Sri Lanka in mind.

Ships Sit Afar: Disrupting The Enemy’s Supply Chain Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

If you only look at Los Angeles and Long Beach — the largest container import gateway in America — you’d think shipping congestion has drastically reduced. The number of ships waiting there has fallen to 26 from a high of 109 in January. But in fact, North American port congestion has just re-entered record territory. The offshore traffic jam is once again as bad as it’s ever been.

In January and February, when North American congestion previously peaked, there were just under 150 container vessels waiting off the coastlines. Two-thirds were in the Los Angeles/Long Beach queue.

As of Thursday morning, there were 153, the majority off East and Gulf Coast ports. Whereas the earlier West Coast pileup was centralized, highly publicized and relatively easy to track, today’s ship queue is more widely disbursed and attracting less attention.

Ship queues bounce back

Port congestion had finally looked like it was easing in May and early June. Ship queues had fallen back to double digits. There were 92 vessels waiting offshore as of June 10, led by 25 off Savannah, Georgia, 20 off Los Angeles/Long Beach, 18 off New York/New Jersey and 14 off Houston.

Then things turned for the worse. The tally rose to 125 on July 8, 136 on July 13 and 140 on July 19.

With the count now rising to 153, the North American container ship queue has increased in size by 66% over the past seven weeks.

As of Thursday morning, ship-position data from MarineTraffic and the latest queue lists for California ports showed 43 container ships waiting off Savannah; 26 off Los Angeles/Long Beach; 24 off Houston; 18 off New York/New Jersey; 17 off Vancouver, British Columbia; 15 off Oakland, California; and 10 ships off other ports.

Of those, 59 ships – 38% of the total – were waiting off the West Coast, where queues have climbed off Vancouver and Oakland. There were 94 ships (62% of the total) off the East and Gulf Coast ports, with counts up in both Savannah and Houston.

Different terminals, different waiting time

U.K.-based data provider VesselsValue found large differences in the waiting times at the top 10 East Coast terminals, including major differences between terminals in the same port complex.

It cited four East Coast terminals with long wait times: the New York and Elizabeth APM terminals in the Port of New York/New Jersey and the Garden City and Savannah terminals in the Port of Savannah.

In contrast, VesselsValue data found relatively short wait times at the Maher and Port Newark terminals in New York/New Jersey; the Norfolk International and Virginia International Gateway terminals in Norfolk, Virginia; the Packer Avenue terminal in Philadelphia; and the Wando Welch terminal in Charleston, South Carolina.

Shift caused by port labor fears?

It may be no coincidence that East and Gulf Coast congestion ramped up starting in June. That was the month new annual contracts kicked in. It was also the last month before the West Coast labor contract with the ILWU longshoreman union expired.

Akhil Nair, vice president of carrier management at Seko Logistics, said during a briefing on July 20, “With all the early threats of the potential ILWU strike and labor constraints on the West Coast, there was an automatic shift during contract season for customers to actually require traditional West Coast shippers to request allocation on the East Coast as well. This was their contractual hedge that they put in place.

“This has resulted now in people probably having overcompensated. The congestion on the East Coast is a result of some of this shifting in the supply chain design and hedging for potential incidents or reliable or unpredictable activity on the West Coast.”


Kansas to be the first state to put abortion on the ballot since the Supreme Court ruling

Kansas will be the first state to put abortion on the ballot since the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade. Pro-choice and pro-life state activists are working around the clock as a final push ahead of Tuesday’s vote, which could determine the future of abortion rights. In 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled the state constitution PROTECTS the right to an abortion. If the state votes yes on the Value Them Both amendment, that protection would be removed, giving the conservative state legislature the deciding power. If the state votes no, the constitutional right to an abortion would remain in place. Polls show a tight race, with 47% of Kansas planning to vote “yes,” 43% planning to vote “no,” and 10% still undecided.

Florida Education ‘Top Gun’ Tells Schools to Ignore Federal Guidelines on Gender Identity

Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. told schools to “ignore federal guidelines aimed at preventing discrimination against students based on gender identity, saying they would “vastly expand the application” of Title IX.

In a July 27 letter to superintendents, school boards, private schools, and charter schools, Diaz advised that guidance documents from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Agriculture “are not binding law” and asked school officials to “refuse to change their practices.”

The letter accused the federal government of trying to “impose sexual ideology on Florida schools” that would create a risk to the “health, safety, and welfare of Florida students.”

“The Department will do everything in its power to protect the well being of all Florida students,” Diaz said in his letter. “And to vindicate the right of all parents to know what takes place in their child’s classroom.”

The guidelines from the federal government extend protections under the law to include schools’ “obligations not to discriminate based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.”

In June, Miguel Cardona, U.S. Department of Education Secretary explained in a news release that the guidelines will “ensure all our nation’s students—no matter where they live, who they are or whom they love—can learn, grow, and thrive in school.”

Push for Community Schools Focused on ‘Equity’ Raises Red Flags, Say Critics

A global push to provide students with much more than just education under the banner of “community schools” has left many parents wondering what the program is all about, who’s behind it, and why its agenda is centered around the leftist concept of “equity.”

A full-service community school strives to “meet the social, emotional, physical and mental health, and academic needs of students,” according to the U.S. Department of Education.

It’s “the next generation of coordinated school health,” says the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the country, in response to a model for these schools developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and an organization once called the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development that now goes by ASCD.

The CDC calls them “healthy schools” and has developed a 10-part framework for addressing all aspects of a child’s health on campus called the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.

But community schools don’t only address students’ health. The NEA describes a community school as “a network of partnerships offering services that remove barriers to learning, like trauma, hunger, homelessness and the myriad of other problems faced by families living in poverty.”

New York becomes second major US city to declare health emergency over monkeypox

New York City officials declared monkeypox a public health emergency Saturday, saying the city is the epicenter of the state’s outbreak and the move will boost measures to help slow the spread of the disease.

“We estimate that approximately 150,000 New Yorkers may currently be at risk for monkeypox exposure,” Mayor Eric Adams and Dr. Ashwin Vasan, commissioner of the city’s health and mental hygiene department, said in a joint statement. “This outbreak must be met with urgency, action, and resources, both nationally and globally, and this declaration of a public health emergency reflects the seriousness of the moment.”

Biden Admin to Complete More of Trump’s Border Wall Project, Closing 4 Gaps

The Biden administration is set to close four wide gaps in the U.S.-Mexico border wall in an open area of southern Arizona near Yuma, to “address operational impacts” and “immediate life and safety risks.”

The four gaps are within an incomplete border barrier project—the former Yuma 6 project area near the Morelos Dam, according to a press release from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The area has become one of the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.

The border barrier project, which was operational under the Trump administration, was left incomplete after President Joe Biden in 2021 sent back $2.2 billion in border wall funds to the Department of Defense to be used for overseas defense construction projects. The funds had previously been diverted by President Donald Trump to build the border wall, which at one time was going up at the pace of one mile a day. Completing the border wall was among Trump’s top campaign promises.

“Due to the proximity to the Morelos Dam and the swift moving Colorado River, this area presents safety and life hazard risks for migrants attempting to cross into the United States where there is a risk of drownings and injuries from falls,” the DHS stated on July 28. “This area also poses a life and safety risk to first responders and agents responding to incidents in this area.”

Pelosi Announces House Will Vote Immediately on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban After Democrat Infighting

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced in a July 29 letter to Democrats that an intra-party impasse over a bill to ban assault weapons had been bridged, and said that a vote on the bill will be held the same day.

The bill would ban an array of semi-automatic firearms dubbed “assault weapons” by critics, though the exact meaning of the term has long been contested by Republicans and Second Amendment advocates.

In a “Dear Colleague” letter, Pelosi wrote: “House Democrats are committed to building safer communities, in every corner of the country. To that end, our Members have been working on a robust package of public safety bills and have made immense progress in our discussions. Work continues on this essential legislation, and we plan to bring this legislation to the Floor—increasing safety with accountability.”

“Today, our Democratic Majority will take up and pass the Assault Weapons Ban legislation: a crucial step in our ongoing fight against the deadly epidemic of gun violence in our nation,” Pelosi continued, asking her caucus to support a “same-day authority” procedural vote to allow the bill to move forward. “In order to succeed in passing the Assault Weapons Ban, we must first pass same-day authority so that we can pass the Rule enabling us to bring up the Assault Weapons Ban.

“Please vote yes on same-day authority, yes on the Rule for the Assault Weapons Ban, and yes on the legislation to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban.

“Thanks for putting People Over Politics,” the brief letter concluded.

2022 Arizona Primary Election: New poll shows Trump-backed GOP candidates dominating in key races

Days before Arizona Primary Election, a new poll shows Republican candidates backed by former President Donald Trump are dominating over their rivals in several key races.

The survey by OH Predictive Insights shows Kari Lake has a strong lead over Karrin Taylor Robson, with 51% support compared to 33%. 

Chemical Warfare: Disrupting The Enemy’s Health Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

The U.S. has agreed to purchase 66 million doses of Moderna’s new vaccine formula that targets omicron in a $1.74 billion deal.

The Moderna order comes on top of a U.S. agreement to purchase 105 million doses of Pfizer’s updated shots that target omicron for $3.2 billion.

Many public health officials and scientists believe that updating the vaccines to target omicron BA.4 and BA.5 will provide more durable protection against infection this fall.

Trump Criticizes DC Mayor Over Requesting the Deployment of National Guard

Former President Donald Trump chided Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser after she requested that the National Guard be mobilized to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants being transported from southern states.

“The Mayor of Washington, D.C., wants the National Guard to help with the thousands of Illegal Immigrants, coming from the insane Open Border, that are flooding the City, but refused National Guard help when it came to providing Security at the Capitol Building for a far larger crowd on January 6th,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social account on July 29.

“Figure that one out?” Trump asked.

Bowser’s government has sent two separate letters to the White House and the Pentagon seeking federal help, describing the situation at the nation’s capital as a “humanitarian crisis.” In one of the letters, Bowser added that the arriving immigrants had brought her city to a “tipping point.”

Bowser, a Democrat, blamed Arizona and Texas in the other letter, saying the migrant crisis is “cruel political gamesmanship from the Governors of Texas and Arizona.”

The D.C. mayor has also claimed that immigrants are “being tricked” into opting to take buses to the nation’s capital.

‘They Are Right on Our Predicted Schedule’: Retired US Generals Issue Warning About New Pandemic Declaration

Two retired U.S. generals, MG Paul Vallely, U.S. Army, and Thomas McInerney, USAF, raised concerns over the World Health Organization’s recent declaration of monkeypox as a global health emergency, alleging potential ulterior motives.

“Each of us should not be alarmed by this alert as the credibility of WHO is in great question based on their actions and notices on COVID-19,” Vallely told The Epoch Times.

“The rare designation means the WHO now views the outbreak as a significant enough threat to global health that a coordinated international response is needed to prevent the virus from spreading further and potentially escalating into a pandemic,” Vallely said.

“Beware of this politically driven global organization that is funded by the global elite.”


Monkeypox is a disease primarily transmitted through the sexual activity of gay and bisexual men.

“I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a July 23 statement.

Rising Number of Deportation Cases Automatically Dismissed Over Failure to Provide Key Documents: Report

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are having their cases dismissed before stepping inside an immigration courtroom because Department of Homeland Security officials are failing to file the requisite paperwork, a new report has found.

One out of every six new cases (16.6 percent) is being dismissed due to the failure, according to the immigration court docket tracker Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University.

For the six-year period from fiscal year 2013 through fiscal 2018, fewer than 1 percent of the cases, or 1,221, were dismissed due to DHS failure to submit the necessary “notice to appear” paperwork.

The number of dismissals due to the same failure has increased dramatically every year since, with 47,330 cases so far in fiscal 2022, which has three months remaining, according to the newly released data.

TRAC obtained the information through a series of Freedom of Information Act requests.

A notice to appear is typically given to an illegal border crosser while the person is still in Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody. The notice includes the date of the illegal immigrant’s first court hearing.

After handing over that notice, CBP is required to make sure the court receives an electronic copy of the document, according to TRAC. If CBP fails to submit the paperwork, the court doesn’t have jurisdiction to hear the case, and must dismiss it.

The failure to properly manage the process “suggests there is a serious disconnect between the CBP agents entering new cases and scheduling hearings through the Court’s ISS [Interactive Scheduling System] system, and other CBP personnel responsible for submitting a copy to the Court,” the report states.

CBP and its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security, did not respond to requests for comment.

Biden Administration Confirms Plan to Give IDs to Illegal Immigrants

President Joe Biden’s administration has confirmed a plan that would give identification cards to illegal immigrants.

The pilot program from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is aimed at modernizing “documentation provided to some noncitizens,” an ICE spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email on July 29.

“Currently, noncitizens receive paper documents from the federal government about their immigration status. Paper documents pose a security risk, are easily lost, and degrade rapidly in real-world use, creating inefficiencies for the government and noncitizens. Moving to a secure card will save the agency millions, free up resources, and ensure information is quickly accessible to DHS officials while reducing the agency’s FOIA backlog,” the spokesperson said.

“For provisionally released noncitizens, the digital modernization will provide ongoing access to important immigration documents through the secure card and connected portal.”

DHS is the Department of Homeland Security, ICE’s parent agency. FOIA refers to the Freedom of Information Act.

The program is being described as a concept, with specifics still being decided.

Illegal immigrants who cross the border are supposed to be deported or detained until they appear in court, but that’s increasingly not the case.

A recent ICE program, called Alternatives to Detention, colloquially known as “catch and release,” sees many immigrants released before having a hearing. Many, but not all, are given a Notice to Appear, or a notice to show up at court on a certain date.

The Biden administration said in April it was going to release up to 600,000 illegal immigrants in the coming months amid the unprecedented surge in illegal immigration while a watchdog report released in June showed that the government is utilizing the program more as time goes on.


Key Inflation Gauge Soars to Highs Not Seen Since 1982

A key inflation gauge the Federal Reserve tracks closely when setting interest rates jumped in June to its highest level in 40 years, suggesting the Fed’s fight to take the sting out of price pressures may be drawn out.

The Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index, released on July 29 by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), rose from an annualized 6.3 percent in May to 6.8 percent in June—marking the fastest pace of year-over-year price acceleration since 1982.

On a month-over-month basis, the PCE inflation gauge sped up from 0.6 percent in May to 1 percent in June, the fastest since 1981.

The so-called core PCE price index, which excludes food and energy and is the main PCE benchmark by which the Fed measures the pace of inflation against its 2 percent target, rose from an annual 4.7 percent in May to 4.8 percent in June.

In February 2022, the core PCE gauge clocked in at a multi-decade high of 5.3 percent, followed by 5.2 percent in March, 4.9 percent in April, and 4.7 percent in May, with some analysts dismissing June’s 0.1 percentage point uptick as a minor blip in an otherwise falling trend.

“Went up slightly (0.1%) in June but still a clear stabilizing/downward trend on core inflation (key metric for FED),” CrowdStrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch said in a tweet.

On a month-over-month basis, core PCE inflation gauge accelerated from 0.5 percent in May to 0.6 percent in June, the fastest since April 2021.

All four PCE measures came in above market expectations.

Ohio Leads Class-Action Lawsuit Against Facebook

A federal judge has named Ohio the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit that seeks to represent all Facebook investors who lost money  in the wake of revelations about the company.

Filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, the suit accuses Facebook of violating federal securities laws by publicly misrepresenting its policies and practices, thus artificially inflating the value of its stock—until whistleblowers came forward.

“This case is about lies and losses—Facebook’s lies, and the losses incurred by our pension systems and others,” Ohio Attorney General David Yost said in a July 28 news release. “Ohio is happy and determined to lead in enforcing accountability against Facebook.”

In late 2021, leaked documents revealed that “Facebook misled the public about how its proprietary algorithm promoted offensive and dangerous content to users,” Yost said.

As a result of the scandal, Facebook’s reputation suffered and its stock prices plummeted, which “erased more than $100 billion in shareholder value,” the suit says.

The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), which manages assets on behalf of more than 1.1 million state employees, retirees, and beneficiaries, lost $3 million in Facebook stock value, Yost’s release said.


Recent Outbreaks of a Genus of Deadly Bacteria Raise a Major Concern

Listeria has a 20 percent mortality rate, and nearly every outbreak includes a fatality, making any increase in outbreaks a major public health concern.

Outbreaks have been traced to almost every kind of food.

On the one hand, this is a reminder to prepare your food in a hygienic way: thoroughly wash produce under running water, and cook and heat meat and ready-to-eat products thoroughly. On the other hand, this is linked to a worryingly high level of antibiotic use in farming across the board.

China presents a worrying case study, but the U.S. is also using huge amounts of antibiotics in farming.

The emergence of a “superbug” strain of Listeria is within the realm of possibility, and could be very dangerous given that 20 percent of infections result in deaths. But it’s important to remember that the prime way we fight off Listeria is our innate immune system and a healthy gut—in fact, 5 percent of people have Listeria in their intestines, and no sickness—antibiotics are meant to lend a hand in the fight, not to be the first line of defense.

Banana Boat Sunscreen Recalled Nationwide Over Cancer-Causing Chemical

Some Banana Boat sunscreens have been recalled because some samples were found to have unexpected levels of benzene, a cancer-causing chemical.

The nationwide voluntary recall issued by Edgewell Personal Care Co. refers to three batches of Banana Boat Hair & Scalp Sunscreen Spray SPF 30.

“An internal review found that some samples of the product contained trace levels of benzene. While benzene is not an ingredient in any Banana Boat products, the review showed that unexpected levels of benzene came from the propellant that sprays the product out of the can,” according to a July 29 statement from the company.

“Importantly, no other batches of Hair & Scalp (either before or after these batch codes) and no other Banana Boat products are in the scope of this recall and may continue to be used by consumers safely and as intended,” the announcement reads.

The lot codes of the recalled products, which are found on the bottom of the can, are 20016AF, 20084BF, and 21139AF.

The sunscreen sprays, which are packaged in aerosol cans, were distributed nationwide across the United States through multiple retailers. Edgewell has notified retailers to remove the recalled products from shelves.

People who purchased any of the recalled products will be offered reimbursement by Banana Boat.

“Consumers should stop using the affected product immediately and appropriately discard,” the company said.

Benzene has been classified as a human carcinogen. It exists as a colorless or light yellow liquid at room temperature, and has a sweet odor. It is highly flammable.

Why Glucose Restrictions Are Essential in Treating Cancer

All cancer cells, regardless of tissue origin, use fermentation energy for growth. They ferment lactic acid from glucose in the cytoplasm, which also involves succinic acid fermentation using glutamine as a fermentable fuel

Even when tumor cells appear to be making ATP and taking in oxygen, suggestive of normal respiration, their mitochondria are abnormal; hence, mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of most cancers

The true origin of cancer is damage to the respiratory function of your mitochondria, triggering compensatory fermentation, which is run by oncogenes. Oncogenes facilitate the entry of glucose and glutamine into the cell to replace oxidative phosphorylation

Metastatic cancer cells are hybrid “rogue” macrophage cells — a mix of an immune system cell and a dysregulated stem cell with macrophage characteristics, which allows it to rapidly replicate and spread

Press-pulse cancer treatment involves restricting the fermentable fuels — glucose and glutamine — in a cyclical fashion to avoid causing damage to the immune system

A biopsy may not always be a good option as this procedure may actually cause the cancer to spread or turn a potentially benign situation into a malignant one

Looking To Support Your Heart & Gut? This Type Of Tea Extract May Be The Answer

You’ve likely heard of the gut-brain axis, but what about the gut-liver axis? It’s where our gut and cardiometabolic health have a meetup (no seriously, these systems are intricately intertwined it turns out). If you’re a green tea person, listen up: A new study published in Current Developments in Nutrition just revealed that consuming 1 gram of green tea extract each day actually lowered fasting glucose levels and improved the inflammatory status of the gut.

TL;DR: green tea extract can be great for your gut health and glycemic control, too. 

What the study found.

In a robust clinical trial (i.e., randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study) research collaboration between Penn State and Ohio State led by professor and researcher Richard Bruno, Ph.D. RD, participants followed a low-polyphenol diet while consuming 1 gram of green tea extract in supplement form each day for 28 days. This particular green tea extract featured 890 milligrams of catechins, the famous polyphenolic phytonutrients in green tea leaves (EGCG probably being the most well known).

By cutting down on polyphenol consumption (i.e., phytochemical compounds found in fruits, veggies, and many other plants) in their baseline diet, researchers were able to cut down on some of the surrounding nutritional “noise” to focus on the gut-liver axis impact of those fascinating green tea catechins. 

At the end of the month, the authors of the study observed that the participants’ blood sugar levels decreased, while key markers of inflammatory status in the gut improved. What this means is that in participants who took 1 gram of green tea extract each day, there were significant and concurrent improvements in the gut barrier function as well as cardiometabolic health (aka, glycemic control as demonstrated by lower blood sugar levels).

5 Health Benefits of Golden Milk

Golden milk is a hot or cold drink made with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, honey and your choice of milk. Some recipes call for nutmeg, black pepper and other spices

Multiple health benefits associated with golden milk may stem from the anti-inflammatory properties of the combination, which include cancer prevention and treatment, pain control and weight management

Golden milk has neuroprotective properties as it has shown a positive effect on learning, spatial memory and working memory. Data also suggest it plays a role in the prevention and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease and multiple sclerosis

Golden milk has also demonstrated weight management, antiaging, antiviral and antibacterial properties. You can make golden milk with dairy or nondairy milk; if you don’t choose raw, whole, organic, grass-fed cow’s milk, I recommend coconut milk for the flavor and the health benefits

How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression

Research has linked sweetened beverages — both sugar- and artificially-sweetened — with an increased risk of depression, the highest risk being associated with diet fruit drinks and diet soda

Another study found adolescents who had elevated levels of sodium and low levels of potassium in their urine — two factors indicative of a diet high in junk food and processed food — had more frequent symptoms of depression

A 2019 study found dietary intervention can effectively treat depression in young adults. Those who ate a Mediterranean-style diet reported a significant reduction in depression symptoms after 21 days

A recent meta-analysis also concluded that “Dietary interventions hold promise as a novel intervention for reducing symptoms of depression across the population”

As a general guideline, eating a whole food diet can go a long way toward lowering your inflammation level and thus your risk of depression. A cornerstone of a healthy diet is limiting sugar of all kinds, ideally below 25 grams a day


How to Prepare for Coming Crises

Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” interview, I discuss how to prepare for these imminent crises

The Rockefeller Foundation has been a prominent player in putting out the “deep state” cabal’s plans. The Foundation was a sponsor of Event 201, during which participants practiced everything that later came to pass, and they’ve also published at least three reports that describe various parts of The Great Reset

In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a report titled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” in which they laid out a “Lockstep” scenario — a coordinated global response to a lethal pandemic. The scenario described in this document matches many of the details of our recent past

In April 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation released a “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan,” which laid out a strategic framework of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice

The Rockefeller Foundation’s July 2020 report, “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” declares food shortages and famine a reality and describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness” and “environmental protection”


Zogby: Many who got COVID shots diagnosed with brand-new condition

Stories abound of healthy people, including athletes, suddenly dying or suffering severe illness without explanation.

Many who have posted links to the reports on social media have suggested a possible relationship to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. When four practicing physicians in the greater Toronto area died unexpectedly in the past two weeks, their hospitals made a point of insisting their deaths were not related to the vaccines. A fifth area physician, just 27 years old, died Thursday after collapsing during a triathlon.

Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again, Returns to Isolation

President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again on Saturday morning, the president’s physician said.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, said in a letter that it’s a rare “rebound” case usually observed in a small percentage of patients treated with Paxlovid.

Biden has experienced no reemergence of symptoms and “continues to feel quite well,” O’Connor said in the letter.

However, the president has returned to isolation.

Vaccinated and Boosted People Have Less Protection Against BA.5 Than BA.2 Variant: Study

People who have received a COVID-19 vaccine and a booster shot were more likely to end up in a hospital when infected with BA.5 than BA.2, according to a new study.

Researchers in Portugal found that BA.5 cases among the group had 3.4 times higher odds of hospitalization when compared to BA.2 cases.

Both BA.2 and BA.5 are subvariants of Omicron, a SARS-CoV-2 strain. SARS-CoV-2, also known as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, causes COVID-19.

Those who were boosted did appear to be better off than those who only received a primary vaccination series.

The protection against hospitalization for a primary series was estimated at 62 percent against BA.2 but just 22 percent against BA.5. The protection from a booster was 93 percent against BA.2, but dropped to 77 percent against the newer subvariant, which is dominant in many countries around the world.

The time since vaccination was not measured.

Health Care Workers Who Sued Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Win $10 Million Settlement

A group of health care workers who sued their hospital over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate are slated to receive $10 million, according to a settlement agreement filed on July 29.

About a dozen workers at the NorthShore University HealthSystem in Illinois lodged the suit in October 2021, arguing that the facility was illegally not granting religious exemptions to the mandate.

After eight months of negotiations, the workers and NorthShore “have agreed to settle this case,” according to a memorandum filed in federal court.

Under the settlement’s terms, NorthShore will pay $10,337,500 into a settlement fund for workers affected by its mandate—specifically, workers who between July 1, 2021, and Jan. 1, 2022, asked for a religious accommodation and were denied and either received a vaccine to avoid termination or were fired or resigned. About 473 workers fit under that category.

NorthShore will also adjust its vaccine mandate “to enhance its accommodation procedures for individuals with approved exemptions for sincerely held religious belief.”

Workers fired because they refused to get vaccinated due to their religious beliefs are eligible to apply for re-employment.

U.S. District Judge John Kness, the Trump appointee overseeing the case, was asked to approve the proposed settlement.

Liberty Counsel, the legal group representing the platiniffs, described the settlement as a first-of-its-kind for an action against a private employer who denied hundreds of requests for religious exemptions to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

“The drastic policy change and substantial monetary relief required by the settlement will bring a strong measure of justice to NorthShore’s employees who were callously forced to choose between their conscience and their jobs,” Horatio Mihet, vice president of legal affairs at the group, said in a statement.

“This settlement should also serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates,” he added.

Santa Monica Hospital Sued for Wrongful Death After Husband’s Remdesivir Treatment Fails

It wasn’t until after Victor Javier had died that his wife learned he had been treated with the drug Remdesivir.

“It was a complete surprise,” said Maricela Javier. “I didn’t know what Remdesivir was.”

The couple had gone to Providence Saint John’s Health hospital for help with Victor Javier’s persistent hiccups.

Instead, the 54-year-old was allegedly improperly diagnosed with COVID-19, treated with Remdesivir and Dexamethasone without consent, and never came home.

“People should be very careful when they go to the hospital because doctors might make life and death decisions behind your back,” Maricela Javier told The Epoch Times.

“Hospitals are not letting patients make their own decisions like they should.”

The grieving widow sued the Santa Monica hospital on July 20 in Los Angeles Superior Court alleging three wrongful death causes of action including constructive fraud and medical negligence.

“The facts in the case are heartbreaking, but they are not surprising to us,” said attorney Matthew Tyson who is representing Maricela Javier.

“We are helping many families bring claims for the loss of their loved ones after Remdesivir and other high-risk drugs were given without knowledge or consent.

“They all involve outrageous conduct and terrible suffering.”

The complaint alleges that Dexamethasone not only worsened Javier’s hiccups and diabetes but also contributed to his blindness, leg amputations, and eventual death.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that has not yet been approved by the FDA for COVID-19 treatment.

“We hope to reaffirm the fiduciary duty of physicians to provide full and transparent disclosure of available treatment options and their risks, and the right of patients to make their own medical decision after receiving full disclosure,” said co-counsel Bryan Garrie.

CDC Met With Big Tech Officials in Bid to Tackle COVID-19 Misinformation, Emails Show

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) met with executives from Big Tech companies in an effort to cut down on narratives deemed by officials as COVID-19 misinformation, according to newly released emails.

The CDC hosted meetings on May 14 and May 28 in 2021, with slides outlining what the government agency described as false or misleading narratives about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines, according to the emails, which were obtained by America First Legal.

“We would like to establish COVID BOLO meetings on misinformation and invite all platforms to join the meetings. We are aiming for our first one on Friday at noon,” Carol Crawford, a CDC official, wrote to executives at Google, Twitter, and Facebook before the first meeting.

BOLO stands for “Be on the Lookout,” she noted.

At least one of the narratives deemed misinformation was later proven to be accurate—namely, that COVID-19 vaccines affect male fertility.

Others included the vaccines causing people to become magnetic, that vaccinated people can cause issues for people near them, and that vaccinated people were developing blood clots when they traveled by airplane.

In one message to Todd O’Boyle, a senior manager of public policy at Twitter, Crawford sent a list of specific posts discussing some of the rumors.

“Todd, we wanted to point out two issues that we are seeing a great deal of misinfo about—vaccine shedding and microchips. The below are just some example posts,” Crawford wrote.

Boyle had written to Crawford in April, telling her that his team “has asked for examples of problematic content so we can examine so we can examine trends,” adding that “all examples of misinformation are helpful.”

Crawford later reached out to Twitter to alert the company that the CDC was working with the U.S. Census Bureau “to leverage their infrastructure to identify and monitor social media for vaccine misinformation.”

“We would like the opportunity to work with your trust team on a regular basis to discuss what we are seeing. I understand that you did this with Census last year as well. Are you all interested in scheduling something to kick it off and discuss next steps?” she added.

“This sounds great!” Meredith Lightstone, another Twitter official, said.


Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times

UPDATE: Twitter has halted its censorship of content from The Epoch Times following a flood of public criticism.

Twitter on July 28 imposed a blockade on all content from The Epoch Times without explanation, raising further concerns about freedom of speech on the platform and drawing ire from three U.S. senators.

The platform enforced a warning on all links from The Epoch Times. A click on a link directs users to a page titled “Warning: this link may be unsafe,” which prompts users to return to the previous page.

“The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe,” the warning stated, citing Twitter’s URL policy.


What’s Better Than a Tail Wag? A Circle Wag

The way your dog wags their tail says a lot about how they’re feeling. That’s because there is a lot of information contained in the movement — tail wags can mean so many things. The speed, amplitude, and looseness of the tail are all informative when assessing a tail wag, as is the height of the tail. The complexity of the tail wag is immense, and while many people unfamiliar with dog behavior think that a tail wag means a dog is friendly and happy, dog savvy people all know that this is an inaccurate and oversimplified interpretation.

However, there is one particular type of tail wag that means what most people think a tail wag means — that the dog is happy or friendly (or both). That type of wag is called a “circle wag,” “propeller wag,” or even a “helicopter tail.” All terms mean that the tail is rotating at the base and that the tip is moving in a broad circle. I love to see circle wags because they tend to indicate such friendly, happy dogs.

What Does a “Circle Wag” Mean?

Most often, a dog will wag their tail in a circle if they are particularly overjoyed to see someone special, especially someone they haven’t seen recently. Many videos of reunions between military people returning from deployment and the dogs that stayed behind feature circle wags. Some dogs have this level of enthusiasm — and the corresponding circle wag — every time they greet members of their family, no matter the length of the absence.

Generally, the more the wag encompasses the whole body, the friendlier the dog’s intentions. The full body tail wag that extends from the shoulders through the belly to the hips and the tail is the classic friendly tail wag. Even though a circle wag is typically interpreted (and accurately so) as a sign of friendliness and p


SCOTUS Justice Alito Criticizes World Leaders for Opposing Abortion Ruling, Cites ‘Hostility to Religion’

The Supreme Court justice who drafted the decision that overturned Roe v. Wade decried a “growing hostility” toward religion in the West in his first public appearance after the ruling.

“The problem that looms is not just indifference to religion, it’s not just ignorance about religion,” Alito said, starting his keynote address at the 2022 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit in Rome on July 21. His 37-minute speech was released on July 28.

“There’s also growing hostility to religion or at least the traditional religious beliefs that are contrary to the new moral code that is ascendant in some sectors,” the justice said.

The keynote address marks the top judge’s first appearance after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the United States, with a ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. It came as a defiant comeback as lawmakers in the United States and across the world voiced opposition to the ruling, with some even calling the June ruling an “assault” on democracy.

Trump Warns Something Worse Than Recession Is Coming

Former President Donald Trump has warned that America’s economy is on track for a bigger disaster than a recession, with his remarks coming shortly before government statistics showed GDP printing negative for the second consecutive quarter, which is a rule-of-thumb definition for a recession.

“Where we’re going now could be a very bad place,” Trump said at a rally in Arizona last week. “We got to get this act in order, we have to get this country going, or we’re going to have a serious problem.”

The former president singled out the collapse in Americans’ real wages, a historically depressed labor force participation rate, and the Democrat push for the Green New Deal that he said would crush economic growth.

“Not recession. Recession’s a nice word. We’re going to have a much bigger problem than recession. We’ll have a depression,” the former president said.

Trump’s remarks came several days before the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data showing that real U.S. GDP fell by an annualized 0.9 percent in the second quarter after contracting 1.6 percent in the first quarter.

Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth are a common rule-of-thumb definition for a recession, although recessions in the United States are officially declared by a committee of economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) using a broader definition than the two-quarter rule.

Vance Ginn, Chief Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, told The Epoch Times’ sister media NTD in an interview that, while officially it’s NBER that calls recessions, the two-quarter rule is “usually how it’s done by a rule of thumb.”

“I think this is definitely recession that we’re in now from these bad policies,” Ginn added, blaming a series of “progressive policies” coming out of the White House and the Democrat-controlled House.

Monkeypox Declared a Public Health Emergency

By the third week of July 2022, some 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, with the vast majority of cases occurring among homosexual and bisexual men. In the U.S., recorded cases were around 3,000, including two children

July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruled this panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Ghebreyesus made the decision to declare a PHEIC even though the WHO’s advisory panel opposed the declaration 9 to 6

According to Ghebreyesus, “for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups”

At present, the PHEIC appears to be financially motivated. Moderna is testing an mRNA injection for monkeypox, and in addition to the two smallpox vaccines already approved, Aventis Pasteur also has a smallpox vaccine that, while still investigational, could receive emergency use authorization

Disturbingly, in February 2022, the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a study in which they describe creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis. The National Institutes for Health in the U.S. also began studying a monkeypox drug in 2020

US Government Reaches New Deal With Moderna for 65 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses

The U.S. government has reached a deal with Moderna for 65 million additional COVID-19 vaccine doses, the Biden administration announced on July 29. The contract is valued at $1.7 billion.

Moderna will sell doses of its vaccine that target Omicron coronavirus subvariants, according to the agencies that announced the agreement. The actual contract hasn’t yet been made public.

Vaccine makers have been updating their COVID-19 shots because the vaccines are based on the Wuhan strain, which hasn’t been prevalent since 2020. The vaccines have proven increasingly worse at protecting recipients as newer variants emerge.

BA.5, an Omicron subvariant that’s currently dominant in the United States, bypasses the protection from vaccination and prior infection better than earlier strains, according to emerging data. Prior infection, or natural immunity, continues to hold up better than vaccination, according to studies.

U.S. drug regulators recommended in June that vaccine makers tweak their formulations to include components of BA.5 and BA.4, another Omicron subvariant. The companies had been focusing on early Omicron strains, which have since been largely displaced.

US Postal Service Makes Announcement on Mail-In Ballots Ahead of Midterm Elections

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) confirmed it has created a division that will oversee mail-in ballots in future elections.

Adrienne Marshall, executive director of the newly created Election and Government Mail Services, said that it will oversee “election mail strike teams” in local communities to deal with possible problems.

“We are fully committed to the secure and timely delivery of the nation’s election mail,” she told media outlets on July 27.

Several months ago, the Biden administration requested $5 billion to support the USPS’s mail-in voting operations over the next 10 years.

“This proposal expands on the essential public services that the Postal Service provides to the American people and will also help to relieve budget strain on local election offices across the country,” the administration wrote in March.

It also includes policies to make “official ballot materials free to mail and reducing the cost of other election-related mail for jurisdictions and voters” while “enhancing the Postal Service’s ability to securely and expeditiously deliver and receive mail in underserved areas,” the White House said at the time.

The USPS  claimed it delivered 97.9 percent of ballots from voters to election officials within three days, and 99.89 percent of ballots were delivered within seven days, during the 2020 election.

The Postal Service is sending guidance letters to election officials in each state and territory this week. So far, nearly 40 million ballots have been mailed to and from voters during primary elections.

Longtime Actress Best Known for ‘Star Trek’ Role Dies at 89: Family

Actress Nichelle Nichols, best known for playing “Star Trek’s” Lieutenant Uhura in the original series, died at age 89, according to her family in a Sunday announcement.

‘A Terrible Decision’: Newly Elected County Delegates in Arkansas Disqualified by Established Republicans

A grassroots movement to get involved in the Republican party in an Arkansas county has been met with resistance from established seat holders who have argued that the process by which the new members won their seats wasn’t valid.

After 71 people voted out the current chair and delegate seats of the Pulaski County Republican Committee (PCRC) last month in Little Rock, Arkansas, state delegates at the Republican Party of Arkansas’ (RPA) state convention on July 23 voted in favor of the Republicans’ Credentials Committee’s decision to disqualify the new delegates for reasons those new delegates say are untrue.

Far-Left Violence Dominates Another Summer in Ongoing Attack on Conservatives, Observers Say 

News Analysis

Democrats continue to say that “democracy is in danger” if voters don’t give liberals the majority in November, but violence by the left has defined the summer politically so far, conservative observers have told The Epoch Times.

As Democrats continue to use the Jan. 6 Committee hearings over the summer to make a special case that somehow conservatives pose a danger to the country, the violence from the left has been ongoing, one victim told The Epoch Times.

The issues affronting progressives are numerous, including the reversal of Roe v. Wade, non-action on a climate change scheme, and the lack of momentum of progressive policies under President Joe Biden, which stand out as sources of anger and mounting frustration for leftist activists.

In June, a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York, was burned out, allegedly by the radical leftwing, pro-abortion, militant group Jane’s Revenge, said the health pregnancy center called CompassCare, which helps women keep their babies rather than abort them.

“We actually saw the type of [violent] Jane’s Revenge activity happening around our Buffalo location that they were fomenting with their followers” prior to the firebombing of the clinic Rev. James Harden, CEO of CompassCare, told The Epoch Times.

“So we reported it to local law enforcement as well as the FBI two weeks in advance of the firebombing,” added Harden, who said Molotov cocktails were used to set the blaze to the CompassCare clinic.

Harden blames local and national progressive politicians for the violence, calling measures that the state of New York have taken under Democratic Gov. Kathleen Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James to investigate crisis pregnancy centers like CompassCare as “essentially joining Jane’s Revenge in attacking pro-life pregnancy centers.”

Incumbent Who Voted to Impeach Trump Facing Tough Michigan Primary

One of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Peter Meijer is fighting to remain in Congress beyond his freshman term.

Meijer, whose surname is familiar because of his family’s national supercenter chain that is based in Michigan, will face John Gibbs in the state’s 3rd Congressional District primary on August 2.

Endorsed by Trump, Gibbs was a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) official during the Trump administration. He was appointed by Trump to lead the Office of Personnel Management but was not confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

That alone would make it a compelling race. The added element of redistricting elevates this to one of the most closely watched elections nationwide as Republicans strive to regain control of the U.S. House and Democrats try to flip the seat.

Pelosi Confirms Trip to Asia, Makes No Mention of Taiwan

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) confirmed on July 31 that she’s heading to Asia this week to visit four countries but made no mention of Taiwan.

The speaker said she’ll visit Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan with a congressional delegation to “hold high-level meetings to discuss how we can further advance our shared interests and values, including peace and security, economic growth and trade, the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, human rights, and democratic governance,” according to a July 31 statement.

Her comments didn’t address a potential stop in Taiwan amid threats issued by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and an apparent mobilization of the regime’s military in the South China Sea. The CCP has long claimed that Taiwan, which has been self-governed since 1949 and never controlled by the regime, is part of its territory.

“Today, our congressional delegation travels to the Indo-Pacific to reaffirm America’s strong and unshakeable commitment to our allies and friends in the region,” Pelosi said.

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