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Today's News: August 02, 2019

World News

Alien Hunter ‘Discovers’ China’s Own Area 51 on Google Maps
Sputnik – While the whole world’s attention has been focused on arguably America’s most mysterious military facility, Area 51, which a bunch of alien hunters are preparing to “raid” next month, a YouTube video, whose authenticity cannot be verified, has emerged claiming that there’s a similar, “top secret”, base in China.
As everyone appears to be hyped up about the legendary US Air Force base in Nevada, known as Area 51, a YouTuber and conspiracy theory enthusiast claims to have discovered a similar mysterious facility in China.
Scott C Waring has uploaded a video to YouTube, in which he found something that he alleges looks like a top secret base in a desert near the Mongolian border, in Gansu Province.
NKorea conducts third test launch in recent weeks
ABC – North Korea has fired at least one projectile into the Sea of Japan, a U.S. official confirmed to ABC News.
The official said that the projectile is similar to the two launched by North Korea earlier this week which were assessed to be short-range ballistic missiles. The South Korean Joint Chiefs also later confirmed the launch of unknown short-range projectiles at 2:59 a.m. and 3:23 from South Hamgyong Province into the East Sea.
Spanish NGO boat rescues 124 people in Mediterranean, seeks port as ‘Italy rejects request’
RT -A Spanish charity rescue boat sought safe port on Friday after Italy rejected its request to disembark 124 people saved from two migrant rafts in the Mediterranean, Reuters reports.
Barcelona-based NGO Open Arms rescued 55 people from a sinking raft on Thursday, and a further 69 people from another boat during Thursday night, the organization tweeted. Many showed signs of violence suffered in Libya before beginning the sea journey, according to Open Arms founder Oscar Camps.
“As was to be expected, we have received word from the Italian government. A €50,000 ($55,500) fine and seizure of the Open Arms hangs over us if we enter Italian waters, this in addition to the threats of the Spanish government,” Open Arms said. The boat was heading north in search of a safe port.
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini who is pushing to increase fines for rescue boats, said on Thursday any which enter Italian waters will be seized.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Impeachment inquiry has begun
The Hill – Those eager for the start of an official inquiry by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee into the possible impeachment of President Trump need wait no longer.
A memorandum, submitted by the committee on July 26 to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and signed by the general counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives, makes clear that such an inquiry has begun.
The memorandum is in support of an application for access to all redactions of grand jury material in the Mueller report, in grand jury materials referenced in the report, and to any grand jury testimony or material directly related to four topics. The topics include the president’s knowledge of Russian interference in the 2016 election, links and contacts of his associates directly or indirectly with Russia, and criminal acts by anyone associated with his administration or campaign.
Under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, a judge may grant access to confidential grand jury material when sought in preparation for, or use in, a judicial proceeding. The committee urges that an impeachment investigation is a judicial proceeding for purposes of this exception to grand jury secrecy.
Then the committee makes clear that it is engaged in just such an impeachment investigation. Its statement is unequivocal: “The Committee seeks Rule 6(e) materials to further its ongoing investigation and assessment of whether to recommend articles of impeachment.”
Manhattan DA subpoenas Trump Organization for documents related to Stormy Daniels payment
Fox – Manhattan prosecutors have subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents related to a $130,000 payment to former adult film star Stormy Daniels made days prior to the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual relationship with President Trump more than a decade ago.
Trump Organization attorney Marc Mukasey decried the subpoena, which was first reported by The New York Times, as “a political hit job.”
US officials say ISIS still danger to world
AP – The Islamic State remains a global threat despite losing the once vast territory it held in Syria and Iraq, U.S. officials said Thursday in warning about persistent violence from underground cells and an expansion of militants into new areas.
Ambassador James Jeffrey, the State Department envoy to the international coalition fighting the Islamic State, told reporters that thousands of the extremist organization’s fighters are scattered around Syria and Iraq, where officials see a “persistent, resilient, rural terrorist level of violence” in that country.
The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces ousted Islamic State militants from the last piece of their self-declared calilphate earlier this year. But “the ISIS brand lives on around the world,” State Department counterterrorism coordinator Nathan Sales said as he joined Jeffrey to provide an update on the fight against the organization.
Exclusive: Top US Navy SEAL tells commanders in letter: ‘We have a problem’
CNN – The top US Navy SEAL recently sent a blistering letter to the force, writing in boldface type, “We have a problem,” following several high profile incidents of alleged misbehavior by the US Navy’s elite service members, CNN has learned.
Rear Adm. Collin Green has given commanders until August 7 to detail the problems they see and provide recommendations on how they will ensure troops are engaging in ethical and professional behavior.
The letter — dated July 25 and exclusively obtained by CNN — comes in the wake of several high profile incidents of alleged misbehavior by SEALs.
“I don’t know yet if we have a culture problem, I do know that we have a good order and discipline problem that must be addressed immediately,” Green said.
Soros Dumps $5.1M Into 2020 Super PAC: ‘Largest Check Any Megadonor Has Cut So Far’
Information Liberation – billionaire George Soros is gearing up to buy another election.
From Politico:
Democratic megadonor George Soros is creating a super PAC, called Democracy PAC, to serve as a hub for his 2020 election spending.
Soros has so far put $5.1 million into the PAC, according to paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday. His $5.1 million contribution was the single biggest check any megadonor has cut so far during the 2020 election cycle.
Soros’ move to open the new PAC hints that the billionaire financier may be poised to spend heavily in the 2020 elections. The $5.1 million that Soros put in the PAC more than doubles the $2.1 million he had donated to political causes at this point in the 2016 elections. He would eventually give more than $20 million to Democratic politics during the 2016 race, making him one of the party’s biggest individual donors.
Soros spent $7 million in 2015-2016 to buy a host of District Attorney seats throughout the country to throw open our nations’ prisons and legalize drug pushing.
Judicial Watch: New Docs Show FBI Agents Went To Comey’s Home to Retrieve Memos
Judicial Watch – Judicial Watch announced today it received six pages of records from the FBI showing that in June, 2017, a month after FBI Director James Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, FBI agents visited his home and collected “as evidence” four memos that allegedly detail conversations he had with President Trump.  One of his memos was written on June 6, a month after he was fired.
Comey was fired by Trump on May 9, 2017. The memos obtained by Judicial Watch were collected from Comey by the FBI on June 7, a month later, and are dated February 14, 2017; March 30, 2017; April 11, 2017; and one is dated “last night at 6:30 pm.”
The FBI documents also revealed that Comey recalled writing two other memos after conversations with Trump that he claimed were “missing.”  The FBI visit and interview took place on June 7, the day before Comey admitted leaking the memos in testimony to Congress.
The new FBI documents include a June 9, 2017, FBI Collected Item Log which states:
On June 7, 2017, at approximately 10:15 A.M., Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agents (SA) [redacted] and [redacted] collected memorandums (memos) as evidence from James Comey at his residence.
Judicial Watch also received a newly declassified FBI document dated June 16, 2017, in which FBI agents describe Comey telling them that he had written two additional Trump meeting memos that he could no longer find.
Judicial Watch obtained the records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department that sought all records of communications relating to Comey’s providing memoranda of his conversations with President Trump to Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00932)).
“These extraordinary FBI docs further confirm that James Comey should never have had FBI files on President Trump at his home and that the FBI failed to secure and protect these private and classified files,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “Mr. Comey’s illegal leaking these FBI files as part of his vendetta against President Trump (directly resulting in the corrupt appointment of Robert Mueller) ought to be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

Economy & Business

CNS News – The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up  from 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June.
The unemployment rate held steady in July at 3.7 percent, the same as it was in June.
President: US imposing 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese goods; Stocks rocked.
CNBC – “The U.S. will start, on September 1st, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China into our Country,” says Trump in a tweet.
The surprise tariff announcement came after the U.S. and China restarted trade talks in Shanghai this week.
The White House said the meetings were “constructive,” adding China confirmed their commitment to increase purchases of U.S. agricultural exports.

Energy & Environment

Hundreds of bees drop dead around ‘5G towers’
Daily Star – BIZARRE footage showing hundreds of bees dead on the floor surrounding what appeared to be two 5G towers has gone viral.
The superfast broadband has sparked controversy since rolling out this year, with health experts claiming it could have serious side effects on humans.
And there are now claims online that bees could also be affected after a video went viral.
The clip – taken in Sierra Madre, California – shows the lifeless bodies of the bees lying on the ground.
Philip Sites claimed they were spotted between two 5G poles – about 40ft apart.
“They have these things and they don’t even know if they’re safe for people,” he said in his video.
“But I can tell you they’re not safe for our environment because it is killing bees all over the place.”
He later claimed that “as I got further from the radius of the poles there were no more bees”.
Indonesia lifts tsunami warning after strong earthquake
AL Jazeera – Indonesia‘s geophysics agency has lifted a tsunami warning after a strong earthquake earlier struck off the islands of Sumatra and Java.
The 6.9 magnitude quake struck offshore on Friday at a depth of 42 kilometres, some 150km from Labuan, southwest of the capital Jakarta, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Science & Technology

Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across USA
The Guardian – Exclusive: the high-altitude balloons promise a cheap monitoring platform that could follow multiple cars and boats for extended periods,
The US military is conducting wide-area surveillance tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons, documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reveal.
Up to 25 unmanned solar-powered balloons are being launched from rural South Dakota and drifting 250 miles through an area spanning portions of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri, before concluding in central Illinois.
Travelling in the stratosphere at altitudes of up to 65,000ft, the balloons are intended to “provide a persistent surveillance system to locate and deter narcotic trafficking and homeland security threats”, according to a filing made on behalf of the Sierra Nevada Corporation, an aerospace and defence company.
The balloons are carrying hi-tech radars designed to simultaneously track many individual vehicles day or night, through any kind of weather. The tests, which have not previously been reported, received an FCC license to operate from mid-July until September, following similar flights licensed last year.


Cherry Juice Strengthens Memory?
Study Finds – Tart juice made from Montmorency cherries, the most common type of tart cherries grown in the United States, has long been used to treat a variety of health problems such as gout or sleeplessness. Now, a new study conducted at the University of Delaware has found evidence that a daily serving of cherry juice may improve cognitive functioning and performance in older adults.
Adults between the ages of 65-73 enjoyed improved scores on memory and cognition tests after drinking Montmorency tart cherry juice every day, the study shows.
New Reasons To Avoid Heartburn Drugs, Plus Natural Ways To Get Relief
Mind Body Green – Many mainstream docs are treating GERD with medications called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) that may do more harm than good and that don’t do anything to address the root cause.
In fact, a brand-new study found that PPIs (which include Nexium, Prilosec, Protonix, and Prevacid) may actually increase your risk for developing allergies you didn’t previously have, likely by altering the stomach’s delicate balance of acids and enzymes in a way that interferes with the immune system, while another study from this year found that these drugs may increase risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and stomach cancer. But there’s plenty you can do to ease your heartburn without compromising other aspects of your health.
6 steps to resolve heartburn without resorting to acid-blocking meds.
In order to resolve heartburn or GERD, you must get to the root of the issue. This means addressing all of the areas that can be contributing to your reflux, including the following:

  1. Remove trigger foods or medications.

Try scaling back on (or eliminating, when appropriate) fatty foods, coffee, chocolate, mint, sugar, onions, and alcohol for a period of time to see if that helps.

  1. Move your body daily.

If you’re overweight, you will want to take steps to lose weight and decrease that intra-abdominal pressure, like incorporating more regular exercise into your routine.

  1. Supplement strategically.

Since low stomach acid can be a contributor to heartburn and lead to inadequate digestion and nutrient absorption, consider taking a supplement to boost stomach acid and digestive enzyme production. A good first option: digestive bitters.

  1. Ensure proper melatonin production.

This one may sound weird, but melatonin has been found to influence the lower esophageal sphincter as well as gastric secretions. So if you are doing things that impair melatonin production and secretion (think getting too little sun during the day or looking at your cellphone or computer screen before bed), then you may set yourself back.

  1. Test for (and treat) gut infections.

If your heartburn doesn’t seem to resolve, try getting assessed for the presence of H. Pylori, SIBO, or any other microbes that might be involved.

  1. Try this for immediate relief.

For immediate, short-term relief, a mixture of 1 teaspoon baking soda and 8 ounces of water works great to help with breakthrough heartburn. This is preferred over antacids like Tums, which contain minerals that can alter the ideal mineral balance within the body.
Fasting Cure No Fad… Profound Benefits
WSJ – Fasting is one of the biggest weight-loss trends to arise in recent years. Endorsed by A-list celebrities and the subject of a spate of best-selling books, it was the eighth most-Googled diet in America in 2018.
But fasting shouldn’t be dismissed as just another fad. At the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, I’ve employed what’s called intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, to help patients with an array of chronic conditions. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism and bowel diseases, as well…

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