September 15, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 05, 2024


Israel Is ‘Counting the Minutes Until an Iranian Attack’

Israel is “counting the minutes until an Iranian attack,” according to Israel’s Army Radio, broadcasting at 7:00 a.m. Monday, local time.

For days, Iran has threatened retaliation for the killing of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh last Wednesday in Tehran, where he was visiting for the inauguration of Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian.

Netanyahu warns that those who harm Israel ‘will pay a very heavy price’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that “anyone who harms our country will be held accountable,.”. Speaking at a state memorial ceremony in Jerusalem, he accused Iran of trying to surround Israel in “a stranglehold of terror on seven fronts”

WATCH British rioters torch migrant hotel

A mob of protesters fought with police before setting fire to a Holiday Inn in Rotherham

Protesters in the English town of Rotherham have set fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers, as demonstrations against immigration and Islam continue across the country. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed that the rioters will “face the full force of the law.”

Hundreds of people gathered outside the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham on Sunday afternoon, pelting police officers with wood and bottles and chanting “get them out,” referring to the 130 asylum seekers housed in the hotel since 2022.

South Yorkshire police said at least ten officers were injured in clashes with the rioters, who broke windows and set dumpsters ablaze outside the building, before setting a fire inside the hotel’s ground floor. 

Multiple arrests were made, and the fire was extinguished shortly afterwards.

Bulgaria faces another snap vote as latest bid to form new government fails

President of the Balkan nation expected to call for new vote after three parties fail to garner enough support to govern.

Bulgaria is heading for its seventh parliamentary elections in three years after the last of three political parties tapped by President Rumen Radev to form a coalition government failed due to lack of support.The Balkan country has been plagued by revolving-door governments since anticorruption protests in 2020 helped topple a coalition led by the centre-right populist GERB party.

Japan’s Nikkei slumps more than 10 percent in worst losses since 1987

Fears about the health of the US economy are hitting Japan’s stock market and share indices around Asia.

Swiss government “kidnaps” children and threatens parents with jail time for opposing transgender mutilations

A Swiss court recently ruled that the parents of a minor “stolen” by the government should provide legal documents to allow the child a gender alteration intervention despite them disagreeing with the procedure.

Three years ago, the kid was separated from her parents because they refused to give their daughter puberty blockers. The kid, now 16 years old, wanted to transition into a boy. Now that the parents lost the case, the highest court in the canton of Geneva, the Court of Justice, is now ordering them to hand over the needed documents so they can submit the teenager to the alteration procedure.

The father, who had appealed the order, said: “We are deeply saddened that this nightmare situation continues.” “Not only has the state separated us from our daughter because we objected to her ‘transition,’ but we are now being threatened with criminal charges if we do not aid in her ‘legal transition’ by handing over legal documents,” he added.

He also pointed out that if this injustice can happen to them, it can also happen to other parents. “We will not give up trying to protect our daughter and will seek to appeal this decision,” he further vowed.

In a viral video shared on X, formerly Twitter, the father recalled how it all started. “About three years ago, our daughter informed us that she was a boy. We understood that she was going through a difficult period in her life so we agreed to seek medical advice,” he said. Then, they went to the Geneva hospital where they were instructed that they should start treating the child as a boy because of an assessment that used a ‘gender unicorn’ diagnostic test performed by one of their nurses.

“We were told she needed puberty blockers,” the father recalled and added that soon enough, the school also got involved. Then, the teachers, administrators and everyone at school started to call the teenager a male name.

“We were very clear with the school, that we did not believe it was up to the school to socially transition our daughter. We learned that the school psychologist was getting in and was feeding my daughter with materials, putting her in contact with Le Refuge,” he further said. Le Refuge is a transgender advocacy organization, which has taken their daughter down the path of believing that she’s a boy in a girl’s body. The organization also convinced the daughter that her psychotherapist was “transphobic.”

Eventually, the Swiss Child Protection Agency, with the school’s support, brought a case against the parents in the Swiss court system. Not only had their daughter been taken by the government they also lost tens of thousands of dollars paying legal fees. And now, they are also threatened with serving jail time.

Meanwhile, Big Tech mogul Elon Musk commented on the post sharing the father’s interview with: “Same thing is happening in California.” The said social media entry where Musk commented was shared by the handle Billboard Chris and now has 24.8 million views.


Blinken warns G7 that Iran, Hezbollah could attack Israel as soon as Monday – New York Post

Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned his G7 counterparts over the weekend that Iran and Hezbollah may carry out a coordinated attack on Israel as soon as Monday, according to a report.

During a conference call Sunday, Blinken stressed to US allies the need to put last-minute diplomatic pressure on Iran and Hezbollah to try to minimize their retaliation, three sources briefed on the call told Axios.

Blinken emphasized that if Iran and Lebanese ally Hezbollah were to limit their strikes, it may help prevent an all-out war, according to the report.

Government wants you to snitch on your neighbors if they spread election ‘misinformation

A state official in swing state Michigan is calling on state residents to report their neighbors to the government if they share “misinformation.”

The agenda adopted by Jocelyn Benson, the secretary of state, was posted online, with the statement, “Misinformation about the election process, voter rights, or even an issue on the ballot is a serious threat to election security. If you see misleading or inaccurate information regarding voting or elections in Michigan, please report it.”

Benson insists that those reporting their neighbors also share “an image if possible.”

Taliban Gets $239 Million In US Aid After State Dept. Fails To Vet Recipients

Less than a year after Judicial Watch reported that the Taliban has established fake nonprofits to steal millions of dollars in U.S. aid to Afghanistan, a new investigation reveals that the terrorist group has also received hundreds of millions in development assistance from Uncle Sam because the State Department fails to properly vet award recipients. At least $239 million have likely filled the coffers of the extremists running the Islamic republic since the 2021 U.S. military withdrawal, according to a report published this month by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). The money was disbursed by State Department divisions known as Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) and International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) to implement development projects intended to help achieve American foreign policy and national security goals in Afghanistan.

Investigators found that the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan before awarding at least 29 grants to various local entities. The agency has a system to identify whether prospective awardees have a record of ethical business practices and is supposed to conduct a risk assessment to determine if programming funds may benefit terrorists or terrorist-affiliates before distributing American taxpayer dollars. In the more than two dozen cases examined, the agency did not bother and failed to ke“Because DRL and INL could not demonstrate their compliance with State’s partner vetting requirements, there is an increased risk that terrorist and terrorist affiliated individuals and entities may have illegally benefited from State spending in Afghanistan,” the SIGAR report says.

“As State continues to spend U.S. taxpayer funds on programs intended to benefit the Afghan people, it is critical that State knows who is actually benefiting from this assistance in order to prevent the aid from being diverted to the Taliban or other sanctioned parties, and to enable policymakers and other oversight authorities to better scrutinize the risks posed by State’s spending.”

The watchdog found issues with 29 awards distributed by DRL and INL. For instance, DRL failed to properly screen the recipients of seven awards totaling about $12 million, investigators found. INL did not provide any supporting documentation for 19 of its 22 awards totaling about $295 million so there is no way to determine if they complied with the vetting requirements. The State Department acknowledged that not all its bureaus have complied with document retention requirements, which makes it conveniently impossible to fully assess the magnitude of its transgressions. The explanation offered for INL not retaining records is “employee turnover and the dissolution of the Afghanistan-Pakistan office,” according to the report. SIGAR points out that, given the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, it is critical that U.S. government activities adhere to the laws, regulations, and policies intended to prevent certain transactions with terrorists.

Today is January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang’s 1300th Day in Prison WITHOUT A TRIAL

J6 political prisoner Jake Lang just emerged out of 40 days and 40 nights in the hell of solitary confinement. This occurred just in time for him to celebrate his 1300th day of wrongful incarceration without a trial by Biden / Harris regime!!

Recently the DOJ has clamped down on Jake in the most inhumane and extreme fashion yet – 6 weeks of solitary confinement torture in a sensory deprivation chamber! Jake, who was arrested January 16th 2021 (1300 days ago!!) was just released on Monday from solitary torture, and we are hearing from his legal team he is “more determined than ever to finish the race on his feet!”

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) new Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) has targeted J6ers and flexed its draconian muscles – punishing Jake with a Soviet-style trip to the 9th floor NYC rooftop Gulag where he suffered incredible human and civil rights abuses for 40 days and 40 nights, including a 12 day hunger strike where he lost nearly 20 lbs and had his blood forcibly drawn!

The latest attempt to silence Jake started in May, when BOP authorities wrote him a multitude of disciplinary infractions for hosting The Gateway Pundits flagship podcast – ‘The Political Prisoner Podcast’ with special guest Mike Lindell, Jake refused to stop the interviews, podcasts, lawsuits, fundraising and outreach that his organization spearheads for the community – so the BOP did the unthinkable – They ‘UNPERSONED’ Jake, reminiscent of the famous 1984 novel by George Orwell!

Kamala Campaign Is Paying Online Influencers and Celebrities $20,000 to Attend the DNC in Chicago – The DNC Values Their Online Influencers

The Kamala Campaign is allegedly paying its online influencers and celebrities $20,000 each to attend the DNC Convention in Chicago in August.

An email is being sent to their top influencers to pay them to come to the Chicago DNC.

Democrats value their online influencers. And they know they have no real grassroots support – especially with their weak candidates and dangerous agenda.

You would think that with the Democrats owning the Marxist media they would not be so interested in supporting their online personalities. But that is not true. Democrats understand that paying their online influencers is an investment.


U.S. Stocks Plunge as Recession Fear Takes Hold

The major stock indexes fell sharply on Monday morning, reflecting heightened fears that the U.S. economy may be headed for a serious economic slump.

The decline highlights the level of worry among investors since economic data released last week showed unemployment rising and job growth slowing more than expected. Surveys of manufacturers also indicated a steep fall off in activity in the sector, which is often a bellwether for the economy.

Central banks purchase gold to offset their own money destruction

Why is the price of gold rising if the global economy is not in recession and inflation is allegedly under control? This is a question often heard in investment circles, and I will try to answer it.

We must begin by clarifying the question. It is true that inflation is slowly decreasing, but we cannot say that it is under control. Let us remember that the latest CPI data in the United States was 3% annualized and that in the eurozone it is 2.6%, with eight countries publishing data above 3%, including Spain.

This is why central banks need to give the impression of hawkishness and maintain rates or lower them very cautiously. However, monetary policy is far from being restrictive. Money supply growth is picking up, the ECB maintains its “anti-fragmentation mechanism,” and the Federal Reserve continues to inject money through the liquidity window. We can say, without a doubt, that monetary policy is beyond accommodative.

At the end of this article, the price of gold is above $2,400 an ounce, up 16.5% between January and July 19, 2024. In the same period, gold has performed better than the S&P 500, the Stoxx 600 in Europe, and the MSCI Global. In fact, over the past five years, gold has outperformed not only the European and global stock markets, but also the S&P 500, with only the Nasdaq surpassing the precious metal. This is a period of alleged recovery and strong expansion of the stock markets. On the one hand, the market is discounting the central banks’ continued accommodative and expansionary policies, even possible high debt monetization, given the unsustainable deficits in the United States and developed countries. That is, the market assumes that the Federal Reserve and the ECB will not be able to maintain the reduction of their balance sheets in the face of rising debt and public spending in many economies. As a result, gold protects many investors against the erosion of the currency’s purchasing power, i.e., inflation, without the extreme volatility of Bitcoin. If the market discounts further monetary expansion to cover the accumulated deficits, it is normal for the investor to seek protection with gold, which has centuries of history as an alternative to fiduciary money and offers a low-volatility hedge against currency debasement.

Another important factor is the central bank’s purchase of gold. JP Morgan is credited with the phrase “gold is money and everything else is credit.” All the world’s central banks include treasury bonds from countries that serve as global reserve currencies in their asset base. This allows central banks around the world to try to stabilize their currencies. When we read that a central bank buys or sells dollars or euros, it is not making transactions with physical currency but with government bonds. Hence, as the market price of government bonds has fallen 7% between 2019 and 2024, many of these central banks are facing latent losses from a slump in the value of their assets. What is the best way to strengthen a central bank’s balance sheet, thereby diversifying and reducing exposure to fiat currencies? Purchase gold.

The rising purchases of gold by central banks are an essential factor justifying the recent increase in demand for the precious metal. Central banks, especially in China and India, are trying to reduce their dependence on the dollar or the euro to diversify their reserves. However, this does not mean full de-dollarization. Far from it.


High Blood Pressure May Increase Risk for Migraines

High blood pressure might increase a woman’s odds of suffering migraines, a new study finds.

Specifically, high diastolic blood pressure is linked to a slightly higher risk of women ever having a migraine, researchers reported July 31 in the journal Neurology.

Diastolic pressure is the second number in a blood pressure reading, and occurs when the heart is resting between beats.

Little-known berry shows promise for eye health and beyond

Nestled in the forests of Europe and North America lies a tiny berry with outsized health benefits.  The bilberry, a close cousin of the blueberry, is emerging as a nutritional powerhouse that could revolutionize our approach to wellness and disease prevention.

Often overlooked in favor of more common foods, this small, dark fruit packs a powerful punch when it comes to health benefits.  Recent studies have uncovered a treasure trove of potential advantages, from boosting metabolism to safeguarding vision and even combating chronic diseases.

Celery Seed: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More! 

  • Celery seeds are packed with essential nutrients and minerals for overall health
  • Consuming celery seeds may support bone health, promote red blood cell formation, and manage blood sugar levels
  • Celery seed extract may have antibacterial and antioxidant properties
  • Consuming celery seeds might help with high blood pressure and improve sexual health
  • Taking precautions and following proper dosage guidelines ensures responsible consumption of celery seeds 


Musk: Neuralink Implanted Second Trial Patient With Brain Chip

Neuralink has successfully implanted in a second patient its device designed to give paralyzed patients the ability to use digital devices by thinking alone, according to the startup’s owner, Elon Musk.

Neuralink is in the process of testing its device, which is intended to help people with spinal cord injuries. The device has allowed the first patient to play video games, browse the internet, post on social media, and move a cursor on his laptop.

Musk, in comments made during a podcast released late on Friday that ran more than eight hours, gave few details about the second participant beyond saying the person had a spinal cord injury similar to the first patient, who was paralyzed in a diving accident. Musk said 400 of the implant’s electrodes on the second patient’s brain are working. Neuralink on its website states that its implant uses 1,024 electrodes.


‘Disturbing’ Study Shows COVID mRNA Vaccine Components Persist in Blood Up to 28 Days

Components of the Moderna SPIKEVAX COVID-19 mRNA vaccine can persist in the bloodstream for up to 28 days after injection, according to authors of a preprint study published July 27 on medRxiv.

The study, led by Dr. Stephen J. Kent at the University of Melbourne, challenges previous claims about how quickly the body clears the vaccines and could further our understanding of mRNA vaccine efficacy and side effects.

The research, which tracked 19 people who received a Moderna booster shot, detected both mRNA and lipid nanoparticle (LNP) components of the vaccine in blood samples as early as four hours post-injection. In some participants, trace amounts of mRNA were still detectable nearly a month after vaccination.

Dr. Michael Palmer, a member of Doctors for COVID Ethics and co-author of “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity,” told The Defender the study is one that “Moderna should have submitted to the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] and other regulators prior to the approval of their vaccine but didn’t.”

“The ‘surrogate’ data that were submitted [by Moderna] instead suggested a much faster elimination from the bloodstream,” he added.

Dr. Peter McCullough told The Defender the study data were “disturbing” and that the findings were “nearly identical” to a study outlined in a 2023 paper — not cited by the study authors — which also found mRNA vaccine components circulating in the blood up to 28 days after immunization.

The study examined the pharmacokinetics of mRNA vaccines in human blood. This refers to how the body processes a substance over time, including its absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.

The researchers developed new methods to quantify both mRNA and specific components of the LNPs from the Moderna SPIKEVAX vaccine in frequent blood samples from the subjects who received a booster shot.

LNPs, composed of several types of lipids, are the delivery system for the mRNA. One key component, ionizable lipids, helps protect the mRNA and facilitate its entry into cells.

Key findings of the study include:

  • Both mRNA and a specific ionizable lipid (SM-102) were detectable in blood samples within four hours of vaccination.
  • Levels of these components peaked one to two days after injection
  • In most subjects, mRNA remained detectable for 14-28 days post-vaccination.
  • The decay rates of intact mRNA and the ionizable lipid were identical, suggesting that intact lipid nanoparticles recirculate in the bloodstream.
  • The study found a correlation between the levels of mRNA and ionizable lipids in the blood and an increase in antibodies against polyethylene glycol (PEG), another component of the vaccine’s lipid nanoparticles.


America 2.0 Goes to the Satanic Olympics

Everyone has heard by now about the appalling opening ceremonies for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. There was a blasphemous mockery of the Last Supper, featuring an obese drag queen in the role of Jesus Christ. Actually, drag queens played all the parts in this odious spectacle. No diversity at all. Not a single heterosexual. Now, the “fact checkers” responded to the massive outrage over this by claiming that it was meant to depict an ancient festival honoring the Greek god Dionysus. I’m sure Dionysus would be honored to know he was portrayed by a drag queen. Those who can critically think understand perfectly well who and what they were mocking. Jesus Christ is the only religious figure and Christianity is the only faith that can be openly mocked in America 2.0. No mockery of Buddha, or Muhammad, or any of the Hindu gods. And it goes without saying that Judaism would never, ever be demeaned in this way.

The opening ceremony, with its theme of utter gayness, brought back memories of the 2012 opening ceremonies in London. You know, the one with all those hospital beds. They trotted out some 300 of these beds, in what we were told was a tribute to the NHS. I didn’t realize that hospitals, sickness, or the NHS, had anything whatsoever to do with international sports. There were unruly children in the hospital beds, scolded by traditional English nannies. Then a 100 foot figure of what looked like Lord Voldemort but was actually not according to those diligent “fact checkers,” with flaming eyes, accompanied by Captain Hook, Cruella de Vil, and a slew of small black demons, terrified the children. Finally, the act closed with a giant baby or fetus in the center of the arena. Giant one-eyed pyramids and other occult symbols were featured throughout. Sounds festive. What child, or parent, wouldn’t find all that entertaining?

Vatican Finally Condemns Paris Olympics Parody of Last Supper

The Vatican said this weekend it was “saddened” by the drag queen parody of the Last Supper on display during the July 26 opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, after critics complained loudly over the Vatican’s prolonged silence on the matter.

“The Holy See is saddened by some scenes of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and cannot but join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore the offense done to many Christians and believers of other religions,” it said in a statement.

Olympics gender row boxer Imane Khelif demands people ‘refrain from bullying’ amid storm over her sex
Gender row boxer Imane Khelif has said the storm that has descended on her over her sex amounts to bullying and could ‘destroy’ people.

The 25-year-old woman boxer from Algeria has been at the centre of an intense row as critics slammed the Olympics for allowing her involvement in Paris after she was banned from a major boxing competition last year for failing gender eligibility tests.

She has reached the semi-finals of her competition and has secured a bronze medal, at least, much to the frustration of her critics who say she should not have been allowed to participate at the Olympics.

Kamala Harris enlists the support of DRAG QUEENS for her presidential campaign

A group of drag queens has recently released a music video in support of Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris.

This comes after over 1,100 pro-LGBTQ+ political leaders, including Hollywood celebrities and social media influencers, signed a letter endorsing Harris and her bid for the White House.

Among the signatories are the leaders of Advocate for Transgender Equality, Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club, Equality California, the LGBTQ Victory Fund, LPAC and the National LGBTQ Task Force. These organizations are supported by the Human Rights Campaign and the Washington D.C. LGBTQ+ lobbying powerhouse. (Related: Kamala Harris loves transgender child mutilation and other degenerate LGBT perversion.)

“As advocates, elected officials, organizations and community leaders serving millions of LGBTQ+ Americans and our allies across the country, we urge you to join us in this historic moment to advance equality by supporting Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign for president,” the letter read.

“Vice President Kamala Harris is a galvanizing trailblazer and has been a champion for LGBTQ+ equality for decades: leading the fight in San Francisco against hate crimes, working to end the so-called gay and transgender ‘panic defense’ in California, and, as an early supporter of marriage equality, refusing to defend the unconstitutional Proposition 8.”

Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson said: “The [LGBTQ+] community is sending a message loud and clear: we are united in support of the experienced, tough, pro-equality Vice President Kamala Harris and will do everything it takes to defeat Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.”

In line with this, the drag queens have come together to form the “Drag Queens for Kamala “organization and release a music video to promote their identity politics and campaign for Harris.

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