July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 07, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Permissionless Travel To Europe Soon To Be History

Americans will need a visa to visit Europe in 2024. Meanwhile, Europeans who have been to Cuba are discovering they can’t come to the U.S., because terrorism.

2.West Virginia AG Backs Trump’s Push to Move Jan 6 Case out of DC, Into His State

Republican West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is adding his voice to calls for the U.S. Department of Justice to move its latest case against former President Donald Trump out of the District of Columbia and over to his state.

3.New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated

New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study published in ImmunoHorizons.

Extended mask requirements allowed scientists at the University of Colorado to evaluate whether vaccinated individuals could transfer aerosolized antibodies generated from COVID-19 vaccines. Aerosols are a manufactured or naturally occurring suspension of particles or droplets in the air, such as airborne dust, mists, fumes, or smoke, that can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled.

Researchers used a combination of tests to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies from masks vaccinated lab members wore and donated anonymously at the end of the day. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that circulate in the blood and neutralize foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.

Consistent with results reported by others, the researchers identified both immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies in the saliva of vaccinated individuals and on their masks.

4.BOMBSHELL: Pfizer employees were given a *special batch*… different from what was forced into the general population (Video)

5.Jim Kunstler Fears “Civic Upheaval” From ‘A Final Desperate Diversion’ By Our “Lawless, Faithless, Clueless Government”

“There is only one way to explain this shambles: Every one of these crises traces back to the Democratic Party’s obsession with taking and holding power more or less indefinitely to suit its hubristic, end-of-history “narrative” of righteous liberal triumph.”


China and Russia Send Warships Near Alaska in ‘Unprecedented’ Joint Show of Force

Warships from a joint China–Russia naval operation buzzed the coast of Alaska last week in what has been described as the biggest combined Russian–Chinese battle group to ever approach U.S. shores.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said in an Aug. 5 statement that 11 Russian and Chinese warships operating together got close to the coast of Alaska, in what the lawmaker called “yet another reminder that we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression led by the dictators of Beijing and Moscow.”

South Korea sets nationwide civil defense drill, citing North’s ‘provocations’

As tensions with North Korea spike, South Korea will hold its first nationwide civil defense drill in six years later this month, requiring most of the country’s 51 million residents to practice evacuating to shelters or underground safe spaces during the 20-minute exercise.

The drill, scheduled for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 23, will see many drivers required to pull over to the side of roads and the exits to subway stations closed with commuters required to remain inside, a statement from the South Korean Interior Ministry said.

“We expect to strengthen the response capacity of the nation through a practical drill reflecting the aspects of provocations of North Korea,” Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said in a news release this week.

China, UAE to Hold 1st Joint Air Force Drill Amid Deepening Ties

China announced that its air force will for the first time hold a joint exercise with its counterpart from the UAE, which is expected to further enhance military cooperation after the signing of a warplane deal between the two countries earlier this year, analysts said.

IN DEPTH: Banks Take Lead in Establishing Personal Social Credit System, Critics Charge

Large money-center banks appear to be in the vanguard of a movement to build a system of personal social credit scores.

This week, British bank Barclays became the latest to be accused of shutting the accounts of its customers for political or religious reasons. That followed revelations in April that Coutts, a private bank owned by UK bank NatWest, was alleged to have closed the accounts and publicized personal information of conservative politician Nigel Farage, one of the foremost Brexit advocates and a supporter of the policies of former U.S. President Donald Trump. 


Trump Demands Recusal of Obama-Appointed Judge in Jan. 6 Case

‘No way I can get a fair trial,’ Trump said

Donald Trump slammed U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan on Sunday saying it is impossible to get a fair trial by her and announced that his legal team will be asking for her recusal from the case “on very powerful grounds.”

Trump Attorney Says Pence’s Testimony Could Prove Trump’s Innocence In Jan. 6 Case

Former President Donald Trump’s attorney said Sunday that he welcomes former Vice President Mike Pence’s testimony and expects it could be key in proving Mr. Trump’s innocence in a case over whether the former president committed crimes in connection with efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election.

Attorney John Lauro said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that Mr. Trump’s defense team believes Mr. Pence’s court testimony could be crucial in exonerating the former president of any wrongdoing in the so-called Jan. 6 case.

Extra Response Time Denied for Trump Lawyers After DOJ Seeks Protective Order in Election Case

Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith on Aug. 4 requested the federal judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s case to issue a “protective order” in light of a social media post made by the former president.

The Aug. 4 Truth Social post by Mr. Trump said, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes Case for Finishing Border Wall

A trip to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona was all it took for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to change his mind on the need for a border wall pushed by his political rival former President Donald Trump.

“I went down to the border feeling that Trump has made a mistake on the wall, but I feel like people need to be able to recalibrate their worldview when they’re confronted with evidence,” he told a crowd of more than 300 on Aug. 3 at the premiere of his documentary, Midnight at the Border.

The 19-minute video documents Mr. Kennedy’s after-midnight visit on June 6 to an infamous gap in the border wall near Yuma, Arizona known as the ‘Yuma Gap’ where the California, Arizona, and U.S.–Mexico borders meet along the Colorado River.

Of the hundreds who crossed the border illegally that night and were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol, many were not from Latin American countries as Mr. Kennedy expected, he said, but from Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia.

“Only two families said they were claiming political persecution. The rest just told us openly they were coming here to make money, coming here for a better life. So, they didn’t even have that claim. And those immigrants shouldn’t be allowed into the country. We should stop that at the border,” he said.

In the film, Mr. Kennedy interviews American authorities on the border crisis and illegal migrants, most of whom were not claiming asylum, the official reason and legal premise for them to remain in the country.

“What we should be doing and what we used to do is we would process them at the border, and only 15 percent of them were adjudicated as legitimate. The other 85 percent were adjudicated as specious,” he said. “And, under normal conditions, the specious claimants are not allowed into this country. They’re turned away. If we were doing that today, the entire business model of the cartels would collapse.”

With U.S.-Mexican relations at a low, Mr. Kennedy said one of his priorities if elected president would be to reestablish a better relationship with Mexico and other countries south of the border to stem the flow of immigration.

“This trail of immigrants is not good for them,” he said. “It’s destabilizing.”

The Biden administration’s current border policy isn’t serving the best interests of the American people nor those of Democrats or Republicans, nor migrants or “our neighbors to the south,” Mr. Kennedy said.

The crisis should not be a partisan issue and to solve it, the best ideas of both political parties should be put on the table, he said.

“We have a policy now that is not serving anybody’s interest,” he said. “Everybody is getting hurt by this policy.”

While the wall has been a divisive issue, it shouldn’t be, he indicated.

“I was against Trump’s wall. I thought it was a crazy idea. To me, it was a big mistake,” he said.

But, despite his sister Rory Kennedy’s award-winning 2010 documentary “The Fence,” “showing all the reasons we shouldn’t build it,” he now suggests compromise is needed.

“I don’t think we do need a wall as we were told that had 2,200 miles between Brownsville and San Diego,” he said. “But, we need something.”

Sixth Circuit Appeals Court Allows Another State to Shield Minors From Cross-Sex Procedures

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled 2-1 on Monday that Kentucky’s ban on minor access for cross-sex procedures, like administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, can continue.

The same court recently ruled to allow a Tennessee ban on cross-sex procedures for minors to continue as well, and wrote (pdf) that the same factors applied in this case.

“Plaintiffs argue that because some Kentucky officials disagree with the ban, Kentucky’s interest in enforcing the ban is weaker than Tennessee’s. But the fact that some officials disagree with the ban does not change the analysis. As a sovereign state, Kentucky has an interest in creating and enforcing its own laws,” the ruling reads.

“The people of Kentucky enacted the ban through their legislature. That body—not the officials who disagree with the ban—sets the Commonwealth’s policies.”

US Judge Orders Former Fox News Reporter to Reveal Sources for Story Involving FBI

A federal judge has ordered a reporter to disclose her sources for an investigative series on an FBI investigation into a Chinese scientist named Yanping Chen, in a rare move that has received pushback from press groups.

Catherine Herridge, currently with CBS News but with Fox News when she reported the stories, must sit for a deposition and answer questions under oath about the identity and intent of the sources for the series, U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper ruled.

“The Court recognizes both the vital importance of a free press and the critical role that confidential sources play in the work of investigative journalists like Herridge,” Judge Cooper, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, said in a 28-page ruling. “But applying the binding case law of this Circuit, the Court concludes that Chen’s need for the requested evidence overcomes Herridge’s qualified First Amendment privilege in this case.”

Lawyers representing Ms. Herridge and Fox had argued that the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment protects journalists from most requests and that Ms. Chen hadn’t met the threshold to override the protection.

EXCLUSIVE: Refugee Rescuer Suing CNN For Libel Wins Right to Seek Punitive Damages

A former special operator who rescued refugees from Afghanistan as it fell to the Taliban in 2021 and whose business was destroyed by a CNN story he says was false and defamatory, won a significant procedural victory in a Florida court in his libel lawsuit against the network.

In an order allowing Zachary Young to sue for punitive damages, Judge William S. Henry in Bay County quoted startling language from CNN employees’ internal emails and texts regarding the story that aired on Nov. 11, 2021.

Mr. Young, a security consultant with extensive military and government security experience, launched an effort to rescue at-risk people, primarily foreign companies or agencies’ employees and family members.

He advertised to attract corporate sponsors for the hefty sums required to perform the kinds of risky extractions usually confined to the pages of technothrillers.

His company rescued more than 20 people, most of them at-risk females, according to his amended complaint filed on Sept. 21, 2022.

Army, Marines Both Lack Confirmed Leaders for the First Time Amid Impasse Over Pentagon’s Abortion Policy

U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville retired on Friday, opening the second vacancy on the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff as Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) continues to delay the process for confirming military nominees.

The general relinquished his command as the top U.S. Army officer at a ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia. With Mr. McConville’s retirement, both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps now lack senate-confirmed chiefs of staff.

President Joe Biden has nominated Army Gen. Randy A. George to replace Mr. McConville as the Army Chief of Staff, but he can only do so in an acting capacity at this time.

For months, Mr. Tuberville has kept up a hold that has prevented the Senate from confirming large batches of military nominees through the unanimous consent process. The Alabama Republican has kept up the hold in opposition to a Department of Defense (DOD) policy that funds travel and leave for military service members who elect to get an abortion.

Current federal laws codified under the Hyde Amendment prohibit federal funds from going toward abortions, except in cases where a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or a pregnancy comes about as a result of rape or incest.

The DOD contends that its policy of supporting abortion-related travel is distinct enough to skirt the Hyde Amendment rules, but Mr. Tuberville insists otherwise and has vowed to maintain his hold until the DOD retracts the policy or Congress acts to change the laws.

Senate Republicans Seek Garland Hearing to ‘Clarify’ Hunter Biden Prosecutorial Authority

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, led by ranking Republican member Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), are seeking a hearing so U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss can “clarify” their previous statements about Mr. Weiss’s authority in the Hunter Biden tax-evasion case.

Mr. Graham, joined by Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), told Judiciary Chairman Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) in an Aug. 4 letter that Mr. Garland and Mr. Weiss must “clarify previous statements in light of recent events related to the Hunter Biden tax investigation.”

The letter was prompted by the failures of Mr. Garland and Mr. Weiss to respond fully to Mr. Graham’s previous request for answers regarding whether Mr. Weiss could bring any charges in any federal court without prior clearance from Mr. Garland.

Trump Calls on Supreme Court to ‘Intercede’ in Legal Battles

Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social Friday morning to call on the Supreme Court of the United States to step in amid a barrage of legal battles the GOP frontrunner for 2024 is currently engaged with.

“It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede. MAGA!” he wrote, using the acronym for his catchphrase, “Make America Great Again.”

On Thursday, Mr. Trump was arraigned in the nation’s capital, pleading not guilty to four counts: criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States, to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding—the Jan. 6 certification of the electoral vote—and conspiracy against the rights of citizens.

It is just one of a number of legal trials he is facing, with several of them being tied to his actions as former president. In Georgia, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is leading an election interference probe against Mr. Trump and others. In Florida, special counsel Jack Smith, who is also heading the Jan. 6-related case, is also leading a case against Mr. Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

2 US Navy Sailors Arrested, Accused of Spying for China

Federal prosecutors arrested two Navy sailors on Aug. 3, accusing them of passing along sensitive military information to China and undermining U.S. national security.

Wei Jinchao, who also goes by Patrick Wei, was indicted for conspiracy to send national defense information to a Chinese intelligence officer and arrested on Aug. 2 after reporting to work at Naval Base San Diego, homeport of the Pacific Fleet.

The 22-year-old worked as an active-duty sailor on the amphibious assault ship the USS Essex. The Justice Department stated that he began communicating with a Chinese intelligence officer who tasked him with transmitting photos, videos, and documents concerning U.S. Navy ships and their systems. In compensation, the Chinese officer paid him thousands of dollars, according to authorities.

Arrested the same day was “Thomas” Zhao Wenheng of California’s Monterey Park, whom a federal grand jury charged with taking bribes in exchange for recording and handing photos, videos, and other information to a Chinese intelligence officer over a nearly two-year span. Mr. Zhao, who faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted, pocketed about $14,866 for his actions, according to U.S. officials.

FBI Counterintelligence Division Assistant Director Suzanne Turner said the arrests are “a reminder of the relentless, aggressive efforts of the People’s Republic of China to undermine our democracy and threaten those who defend it.”

Congress Can Regulate Supreme Court, Justice Says

Congress has the power to impose regulations on the U.S. Supreme Court, a justice said on Aug. 3.

“It just can’t be that the court is the only institution that somehow is not subject to checks and balances from anybody else. We’re not imperial,” Justice Elena Kagan told a judicial conference in Oregon.

“Can Congress do various things to regulate the Supreme Court? I think the answer is: yes,” Justice Kagan, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, added.

Justice Samuel Alito recently said that Congress has no authority to regulate the nation’s top court.

“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” Justice Alito, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, said. “No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period.”

Justice Alito was referring referring to Article III, section 1 of the Constitution, which states, “The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

Justice Alito said he was not sure whether his colleagues on the nation’s highest court agree with this view. “But I think it is something we have all thought about,” he said.

Some Democrats responded to Justice Alito’s comments by disagreeing with him.

“Dear Justice Alito: You’re on the Supreme Court in part because Congress expanded the Court to 9 Justices,” Rep. Ted Lieu wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Congress can impeach Justices and can in many cases strip the Court of jurisdiction. Congress has always regulated you and will continue to do so. You are not above the law.”

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Calls Jan. 6 Events ‘Cover Up’ in Buried Tucker Carlson Interview

As former president Donald Trump arrived in Washington on Thursday to face an indictment on charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, parts of a never-aired interview with former Capitol police chief Steven Sund were released, in which Mr. Sund called the events of that day a “cover up.”

As Mr. Trump was being arraigned on his third indictment amid his campaign to beat President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, The National Pulse released exclusively obtained fragments of an interview that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson carried out with Mr. Sund.

“Everything appears to be a cover up,” the decorated former police chief said in reference to events around the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

“If I was allowed to do my job as the chief, we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Mr. Sund said, according to The National Pulse.

Oklahoma Governor Issues Executive Order Defining Biological Sex

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt became the first U.S. governor to issue an executive order legally defining what constitutes biological male and female sex in a move to preserve women’s rights on Aug. 1.

“I am taking decisive executive action to ensure the true definition of the word ‘woman,’ meaning a biological woman, is what guides the state as we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety, dignity, and sanctity of women across Oklahoma,” a press release from Mr. Stitt’s office read.

“As long as I am governor, we will continue to protect women and ensure women-only spaces are reserved solely for biological women.”

Ohioans Divided About Issue That Would Amend State Constitution

Ohio will be voting on a measure that makes it harder to amend the constitution in a high-stakes election – and the Republican proposal is ‘minority rule’, experts say

Congressman Made Misleading Claim About Hunter Biden Associate Testimony, Transcript Shows

A congressman made a misleading statement about the testimony of former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer, a newly released transcript shows.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) said in a briefing with reporters that Mr. Archer told members of Congress, including Mr. Goldman, in a closed-door session that Mr. Hunter Biden sold an “illusion of access” to President Joe Biden to business partners.

That briefing happened before the transcript of the testimony was released. The transcript shows that Mr. Goldman introduced the “illusion of access” term and that Mr. Archer didn’t fully agree.

Michigan Lawyer Charged With Tampering With Voting Machines in 2020 Elections

Stefanie Lambert, a pro-Trump attorney from Michigan, has been charged in a state investigation related to alleged attempts to tamper with voting machines following the 2020 presidential elections.

Ms. Lambert has been charged with four felonies: conspiracy to commit undue possession of a voting machine; undue possession of a voting machine; conspiracy to commit unauthorized access to a computer system; and willfully damaging a voting machine. Arraigned before a judge on Thursday afternoon, Ms. Lambert has pleaded not guilty to the charges. She was released on a personal bond.

The charges against Ms. Lambert were unveiled on Thursday. Each charge has a maximum prison term of up to five years.

Ms. Lambert has repeatedly questioned the results of the 2020 election which was certified for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and had also filed a lawsuit challenging Michigan’s election results.

Prosecutors allege that Lambert and a group of people illegally acquired five voting machines from several counties, took the machines to a hotel, and accessed them to conduct tests.

Arizona County Rejects Proposal to Hand-Count Ballots in 2024 Election

The leadership of a conservative county in northwest Arizona voted down a proposal that would have required a hand count of ballots in the 2024 election.

The Mohave County Board of Supervisors rejected the proposal by a vote of 3-2 after the local elections director argued against the proposal due to its high costs and labor demand.

Ron Gould and Hildy Angius voted in favor, while the other three supervisors, including board chairman Travis Lingenfelter, voted against.

Mr. Lingenfelter defended his vote by citing the county’s existing budget deficit.

“It’s a really stark situation because when you look at Mohave County’s budget, it’s a conservative budget,” Mr. Lingenfelter said.

“But the first thing that we have to do in Mohave County, in good conscience, is to balance the budget,” he continued.

“You can’t talk about spending when you have [an] $18-to-$20million deficit. I mean, that’s irresponsible.

Trump Says It Would Be ‘Sort of Foolish’ to Go to the Republican Debate

Former President Donald Trump questioned why he would want to take part in the Republican Party’s first primary debate, saying it could be “foolish” doing so given his sizable leads in polls over other presidential hopefuls.

In an interview with Breitbart published on Aug. 2, Mr. Trump said he had not decided whether he would join the debate, which is to be hosted by Fox News on Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. According to the outlet, the interview was taped on July 27.

“I haven’t totally made a decision. I like the debates. I might be here because of the debates. I might have won against Hillary [Clinton] with the debates, and I might have gotten the nomination because of the debates,” Mr. Trump said.

“But when you’re leading by 50 and 60 points against these people, and you have people at zero, and 1 and 2—and then they’re going to be asking me hostile questions, and they probably won’t have much of an audience if I’m not in the debates according to what I read,” Mr. Trump continued. “If I’m not in the debates, then they’re not going to have a very big audience. It seems almost like it would be foolish to do them.”

Iowa Governor Deploys Troops to Mexico Border Using COVID-19 Funds

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has deployed 109 Iowa National Guard troops to the U.S.–Mexico border to assist Texas in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

The operation, the Republican governor said on Aug. 2, will be paid for with funds allocated to the state under the American Rescue Plan Act, also known as the COVID-19 stimulus package, which she said offers flexibility in how the funds are spent.

“The Biden administration has failed to respond to the crisis at the border and, in doing so, has failed the American people—Iowans included,” Ms. Reynolds said in a statement.

Senator Urges EPA to Recoup Nearly $100,000 That Ex-Official Wasted

President Joe Biden’s administration should seek nearly $100,000 that a former government official was found to have improperly used, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said on Aug. 4.

Katherine Lemos was chairperson and CEO of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board when she illegally spent $97,835 on travel, training, and office items, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Inspector General.

That included improperly billing the government for 20 trips taken to Washington from California, the watchdog said.

Ms. Lemos, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, was officially based in Washington but actually lived in San Diego. She billed taxpayers nearly $55,000 for the trips, which were taken between April 26, 2020, and July 22, 2022.

Ms. Lemos “was not entitled to use government funds to pay for her travel between her residence in San Diego and her official duty station in Washington, D.C,” the watchdog said. “There is no basis for such expenditures in … any other statutory or regulatory authority that the OIG has been able to identify.”

Ms. Lemos also illegally used government funds to travel for the embarkation of a naval aircraft carrier despite it not being official board business, improperly used funds to travel to Atlanta and Houston from San Diego, illegally spent more than $5,000 on office furniture, and improperly spent nearly $25,000 for personal training, the inspector general concluded.

Appeals Court Agrees: First Amendment Requires Jail Officials to Treat All Religious Beliefs Equally

CHICAGO, IL — Recognizing that the First Amendment requires the government to treat all religious beliefs equally, a federal appeals court has ruled against a Wisconsin jail for leaving a Muslim prisoner no choice but to pray next to the toilet in his cell while jail officers allowed Christian inmates to gather for Bible studies and prayer in a communal area.

Agreeing with The Rutherford Institute’s arguments in Emad v. Dodge County that government officials should not be allowed to feign ignorance or use qualified immunity to shield them from liability when they violate the First Amendment, especially when there is a clear constitutional violation and plenty of time for government officials to consider their course of action, the Seventh Circuit reversed a lower court’s grant of qualified immunity to jail officials, stating that “if free exercise [of religion] in jail means anything, it means that jailers…cannot treat inmates differently based on religion.”

“The First Amendment not only affirms the right to religious freedom for people of all faiths, but it also requires that the government treat all faiths equally and not favoring or disfavoring one over the other,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “This is the slippery slope that affects us all, whether you’re talking about religious freedom, free speech or privacy: if the government is allowed to deny freedom to one segment of the citizenry, it will eventually extend that tyranny to the rest of us.”

Democrats Ask Biden to Declare Emergency as Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC

Fifty-four elected officials in New York City have sent a letter to President Joe Biden to address the influx of illegal immigrants in the city, asking him to declare a federal state of emergency so that the illegal immigrants can legally work in the country.

“We are elected officials from New York City requesting your help. Our City is experiencing an unprecedented migrant influx, with a surge of asylum seekers arriving here in numbers never seen before in history. Our City is at a breaking point,” wrote New York City Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar.

“We take pride in New York being a beacon of hope for immigrants, but the influx of migrants is so great that the City is running out of resources. New York City is being forced to reduce services for its people.”

Since Spring of 2022, buses of illegal immigrants, sent from the southern border in Texas, have arrived regularly in the city. Many are asylum seekers from Venezuela escaping the socialist country’s economic collapse, and New York elected officials have welcomed them.

Judge Blocks Arkansas Law Allowing Librarians to Be Charged Over ‘Harmful’ Materials

A federal judge ruled on Saturday to temporarily block portions of an Arkansas law that would subject librarians and bookstores to criminal charges for providing “harmful” materials to minors.

Act 372, signed by Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders in March, would hold librarians and book vendors criminally liable for making allegedly inappropriate books accessible to minors. Providing banned materials under the law to a minor would be a Class A misdemeanor and punishable by up to a year of jail or a $2,500 fine.

The measure was set to take effect Aug. 1 but will now remain blocked while the case plays out.


Democrats Push 1,000 Percent Excise Tax on AR-15s

House Democrats introduced legislation Friday that would place a 1,000 percent excise tax on AR-15s and other firearms they refer to as “assault weapons.”

FOX News reported the tax would also apply to “high capacity” magazines.

IN-DEPTH: States Stop Credit Card Companies From Tracking Gun Purchases, It May Not Last

Credit card companies were preparing to track the purchase of firearms and ammunition of every American citizen. While a flurry of bills lobbed by state legislators caused all of them to reconsider those plans, it may only be a temporary victory.

Almost one year ago, an effort was launched to create a new Merchant Category Code (MCC) to track the purchases of firearms and ammunition. However, inspired by the uproar of Second Amendment constituents, Republicans in the United States Senate, as well as lawmakers in several states, have launched legislative efforts that have successfully shut them down—for now.

On March 21, United States Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) introduced SB 898. This bill prohibits the Internal Revenue Service from auditing a taxpayer based on the MCCs.

So far, seven states have joined the resistance.

Supreme Court Extends Order Allowing Biden Admin’s ‘Ghost Guns’ Rule

A Supreme Court ruling temporarily upholding the Biden administration’s rule regulating so-called ghost guns that can be assembled at home will remain in effect until at least Aug. 8.

That’s because on Aug. 4, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito unexpectedly extended his ongoing stay of a federal judge’s ruling blocking the government’s rule on the homemade firearms. The move gives the justices more time to consider the government’s emergency request to keep the block in place.

“Ghost gun” is a pejorative term used by gun control advocates to describe a homemade firearm that lacks a serial number and therefore can’t be tracked by law enforcement. Although some states regulate homemade guns, gun control groups have been trying for years to ban or regulate homemade guns at the federal level but have failed to convince Congress to act.


New Inherited IRA Rules Mean Heirs Could Be Left With Large Tax Bills

The IRS’s new rules on inherited IRA accounts may leave beneficiaries with large tax bills from next year if they do not fulfill withdrawal conditions set out by the agency.

An inherited IRA is an individual retirement account opened when a someone inherits an IRA plan, and assets are moved from the original owner’s IRA to the new account. Beneficiaries of such inherited IRAs have to pay taxes on these accounts. Before 2020, taxes could be minimized by beneficiaries through stretching out withdrawals across their estimated life expectancies.

However, in 2019, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was signed into law, ending this tax-saving option for individuals with inherited IRAs.

The rules differ based on whether a person inherits a traditional or a Roth IRA. Individuals who have inherited a traditional IRA on or after Jan. 1, 2020 now have two options on how to use the money in the account.

They can either withdraw the full amount as a lump sum and pay taxes or transfer the funds into an inherited IRA that must be depleted within 10 years of the original owner’s death.

Former Treasury Secretary Warns Inflation Could Resurge

Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers warned that inflation could surge again as wages continue to rise.

While he believes that a soft landing for the American economy appears more likely than it did earlier, his latest concern is that inflation will accelerate again.

Mr. Summers spoke to Bloomberg Television’s “Wall Street Week,” right before the Labor Department’s July jobs report at the Aspen Economic Strategy Group in Colorado.

The data showed an unexpected drop in the unemployment rate and a larger-than-expected gain in average hourly earnings.

There was also a smaller increase in payrolls than predicted.

The former Clinton White House official noted that wage trends were out of sync with a 2 percent underlying inflation path.

Retailers Strike Back! 7-Eleven Workers Beat Brazen Mega-Shoplifter With A Stick

In what we hope will be looked back on as the pivotal stick-whooping heard ’round the world, two 7-11 workers in California lashed out at a mega-shoplifter who’d defiantly thrown hundreds of cigarette packs into a rolling, 55-gallon trash can. 

It’s easily the year’s most heartwarming video so far. As the action begins, we see a black man, with most of his head covered, brazenly rolling a large, trash bin along a wall full of individual cigarette packs and other nicotine products. 

Airlines are dropping prices to keep you in the US

Travel within the US is down this summer, and airlines are slashing prices in the hopes that a $60 ticket will be cheap enough to convince you to visit Cleveland.

Earlier this week, US-focused JetBlue cut its earnings forecast for the year and warned of a loss in Q3. Other primarily domestic airlines are also experiencing turbulence:

  • Alaska Airlines has slashed fares, while Southwest, Spirit, and Frontier held flight promotions this summer—a sign of struggle within the industry.
  • US round-trip fares are down 11% compared to 2022 and 2019, according to Hopper.com.

Meanwhile…American Airlines, Delta, and United—all carriers with global operations—have exceeded expectations and kept prices high. International airfare is averaging $962, up 10% from last year and 26% from 2019, per Hopper.


Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Cause Massive Decline In Human Well-Being

We have made the case for years that climate alarmism, with its drive to eliminate fossil fuels, is patently anti-human in nature and effect. This is precisely why it must be stopped. Endless disputes over pseudo-science only plays into the alarmist agenda. It will not be stopped because the “science is bad” but rather because it is anti-human

Google’s Deepmind AI Scores Major Advance In Robotic Control

The paper is titled, Vision-Language-Action Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Robotic Control, and reveals new capabilities to transfer web knowledge to real-world robot: “High-capacity models pretrained on broad web-scale datasets provide an effective and powerful platform for a wide range of downstream tasks.”

In particular, the great replacement of jobs has doubled down on low-skilled and entry-level workers. This is a very large percentage of the overall workforce and a training ground for young workers. Technocrats promoting robotics are unconcerned about societal effects

Brain2Music: Reconstructing Music From Human Brain Activity

A new study from Cornell University demonstrates that scientists can reconstruct music that you are listening to with remarkable precision. AI is used to decipher changes in the brain as you listen to a music recording, then reads your mind in real time.


Ambulance: Facial Recognition Used To Identify Patients

The Duality product PIX will allow ambulance personnel to scan a patient’s face, identify him and tie his identity to existing health records. Upon arrival at the hospital, all records are available to ER personnel and will follow him throughout the hospital stay. Of course, the use of AI makes this possible.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 5, 2023, #417

The latest installment of Global Alert News from Dane Wigington

“From drought to flooding, Northeast region reeling from weather whiplash”. “Beijing records heaviest rainfall in at least 140 years”. “Drought conditions and high temperatures threaten corn harvest”. Extreme drought / deluge scenarios are the hallmark of climate intervention operations. Government cartels around the world have actively or passively colluded and cooperated with covert climate engineering operations for decades. Have their motives been benevolent? Or something else altogether? Based on all available data, maintaining total control until total collapse is the bottom line in this equation.

Biden Admin Reduces Savings Estimate for Americans Switching Away From Gas Stoves: Industry Group

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is receiving criticism for its updated data analysis regarding the agency’s proposed regulations on gas stoves, which now projects even lower savings for consumers than the already meager numbers.

The new data shows that “savings are even less than DOE originally projected and are almost negligible,” the industry group Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) said about the changes in an Aug. 3 press release. “DOE’s original proposal was to save consumers 13 cents per month in utility costs over the life of gas cooking products. The revised data reduces consumer savings to just 9 cents per month,” it pointed out.

“The changes in energy savings projected by DOE primarily result from DOE recognizing that the currently available cooking products are more efficient than its earlier analysis assumed.”

Japan to start Fukushima water release within weeks – report

Japan plans to start releasing treated radioactive water from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean as soon as late August, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun daily reported on Monday, citing unnamed government sources.

The release is likely to come shortly after the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, meets the US president, Joe Biden, and the South Korean president, Yoon Suk-yeol, next week in the US, where Kishida planned to explain the safety of the water in question, it reported.



Want to Garden but Don’t Have a Lot of Space? We Asked the Experts for Help

Gardening may generally be easier for people who have a large backyard space because it allows them the flexibility to grow.

But apartment dwellers aren’t shut out of the gardening game.

In fact, experts say there are a wide variety of options for things that can be grown on a postage-sized patio or a sunny window, including herbs, tomatoes and leafy greens, and the options don’t stop there.

Darren Butler, a Los Angeles-area consulting arborist, landscape expert and co-founder of gardening help website GardenZeus, said there are lots of options from fruiting plants to even trees.

Here’s a look at some of the varieties recommended from experts and how to grow them


Diabetes Drug Manufacturers Sued by Woman Who Claims She Suffered ‘Severe Gastrointestinal Events’

The manufacturers of diabetes drugs Ozempic and Mounjaro have been sued by a Louisiana woman who claims they failed to adequately warn users that the medications can cause severe gastrointestinal problems including gastroparesis, effectively a paralysis of the stomach.

The 26-page lawsuit (pdf) was filed by personal injury law firm Morgan & Morgan on behalf of the woman, 44-year-old Jaclyn Bjorklund, in a Louisiana court on Aug. 2.

How Energy Drinks Are Draining Your Brain’s Power

The main ingredients of energy drinks—caffeine, amino acids, and herbal extracts—vow to deliver superhuman focus and alertness with just a sip. Yet lurking beneath the surface is a hidden risk that may outweigh any apparent benefits. It’s time to ask: What if this burst of energy comes with a cost greater than the price tag?

The origins of energy drinks can be traced back decades before their rise to mass popularity. In 1929, the glucose-based drink Lucozade Energy (formerly Glucozade in 1927) was introduced in the UK as a nutritional supplement for hospital patients recovering from illnesses, including the flu.

Later, in 1949, Dr Enuf, containing a mixture of caffeine, B vitamins, and sugar, became the first carbonated energy drink in the United States when it was launched in Chicago.

Today, the global energy and sports drinks market is valued at over $159 billion, with the United States alone accounting for nearly $14 billion.

In addition to adults, teenagers are drawn to these energizing tonics for academic or sports performance. Some schools have started to ban energy drinks because of their high sugar and caffeine content, which can result in an energy crash, making long-term focus and studying difficult.

While energy drinks may provide short-term benefits like alertness and focus, research indicates they can also have negative health impacts.

“The amount and quality of caffeine inside the energy drinks gives a false source of energy,” Omar Eliwa, a registered pharmacist in Wisconsin, told The Epoch Times. “You’re getting more than what your brain can take. It will be detrimental in the long-term to memory, the ageing of the cells, depletion of nutrients, and it makes you not want to eat, so it affects metabolism as well.”

Running and Walking May Be Good for Your Back

People who run or walk regularly have healthier and stronger spinal discs than non-exercisers do (Scientific Reports 7, April 19, 2017). This is very reassuring because some doctors tell patients with back pain not to run because they think that the jarring of the foot striking the ground will damage discs and injure backs, even though there is no good data anywhere to support such opinions. However, if your back hurts when you run, you should stop running.

The vertebral bones of the spine are separated by pads called discs that absorb the shock of hard exercise such as running or lifting weights. The nerves that supply your body pass out from the spine between the vertebral bones where the discs are located. With aging or inactivity, the discs weaken and can be squashed between the much tougher vertebral bones. A squashed disc can protrude between the vertebral bones and may pinch nerves to cause excruciating pain.

Scientists have known for hundreds of years that lack of exercise weakens muscles and bones, while exercise strengthens them (Sports Med, 2016;46:1165–1182), but until recently, no good studies have shown that exercise also strengthens discs. Some doctors believe that rapid movements and pressure will damage discs, but several animal studies show that a regular exercise program strengthens discs (Eur. Spine J, 2011;20:1796–1812), makes discs larger and stronger (Spine, 2012;37:1440–1447) and strengthens discs in rat spines (Spine, 2010;35:1429–1436).

Now we have data that a regular exercise program strengthens human discs and is probably the most effective means of treating many cases of back pain caused by weak or damaged discs (Sports Med, 2016;46:473–485). We also have strong MRI data that people who run or walk regularly have larger and stronger discs that contain more fluid to pad and protect them from injury (Scientific Reports 7, April 19, 2017).

How Endotoxins and Estrogen Can Wreck Your Health

Endotoxin and mycotoxins play an important role in many chronic degenerative diseases

Endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is produced by gram-negative bacteria in your gut. When complex carbs aren’t digested in your stomach, they travel down to the intestine where they feed these bacteria, and as the bacteria grow, multiply and die, the bacteria release LPS, which can result in leaky gut, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction and even sepsis

Endotoxin also catalyzes metabolic reactions that convert tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. You do not want high levels of serotonin because it’s antimetabolic. It suppresses your body’s ability to create energy in the electron transport chain, so you become tired and fatigued, your metabolic rate slows and you gain weight

Estrogen excess can produce symptoms that are identical to endotoxin toxicity, and an estimated 30% of endotoxin cases are misdiagnosed, and are related to excess estrogen

Estrogen is one of our biggest toxic threats today, as both men and women are exposed to high amounts of estrogenic compounds in their diet and environment. Most already have too much estrogen, which is a major driver of certain cancers

US Scientists Develop New ‘Cancer-Stopping Pill’ That Can ‘Annihilate’ Tumors, Leave Healthy Cells Unharmed

The targeted chemotherapy is now being tested on humans

A group of U.S. researchers has developed a new “cancer-killing pill” that could target and kill solid tumors while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

That’s according to their preclinical research findings, published on Aug. 1 in the Cell Chemical Biology journal.

Titled “Small Molecule Targeting of Transcription-Replication Conflict for Selective Chemotherapy,” the study found that a drug the researchers developed was able to selectively disrupt DNA replication and repair in cancer cells.

The drug is called AOH1996. It was named after Anna Olivia Healey, who was born in 1996 and died of a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma when she was 9 years old.

Linda Malkas, a senior author of the new study based at the City of Hope, has been developing the drug over the past two decades.

City of Hope is a private, nonprofit clinical research center, hospital, and graduate school in Duarte, California. It’s one of the largest cancer research and treatment organizations in the United States.

According to a press release from City of Hope, the AOH1996 “appears to annihilate all solid tumors.”

Now that research has demonstrated promising results in cell and animal models, the new drug is being tested in humans in a Phase 1 clinical trial, Ms. Malkas said in a statement.

Chronic Shoulder Pain: Often Caused by Muscular Imbalances, 5 Exercises to Restore Movement, Strength, and Balance
In this series, “Easy Exercises to Combat Chronic Pain,” occupational therapist Kevin Shelley focuses on common issues associated with chronic pain and simple exercises to strengthen weak muscles and enhance joint mobility, with the goal of helping you become pain-free.

Your shoulders are some of the busiest joints in your body, combining extensive flexibility with surprising strength. All that ability is because we need them for the heavy jobs of daily life. Unfortunately, that work can lead to pain. While shoulder pain is highly correlated with certain occupations and older age, it’s also common in the general population and can often be resolved with exercise.

More Than 13 Ways Lemons Benefit Your Health and Home

Lemons are packed with vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids that have a variety of medicinal benefits, including antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The nutritional value of lemons is associated with several robust health benefits

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The flavonoids found in lemons also reduce inflammation, dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis. A mixture of garlic and lemon juice improved lipid levels and blood pressure, all risk factors for heart disease

The antioxidants in lemons may help protect liver health; several studies have shown topical application of vitamin C can slow the early signs of skin aging, prevent photoaging and help treat hyperpigmentation, skin hydration and elasticity by promoting collagen synthesis

Lemons can naturally clean and deodorize your home, and can be used as an insect repellent and weed killer. Although generally well-tolerated, some people are allergic to lemon, or develop contact dermatitis with repeated exposure to it. Drinking lemon water through a straw can reduce enamel erosion. Drinking too much can lead to heartburn and nausea


Arbitrator Rules in Favor of Massachusetts State Troopers Suspended for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination

The State Police Association of Massachusetts said Friday that seven troopers who were previously suspended due to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate have prevailed in a legal battle with the Commonwealth and Department of the State Police.

According to a news release from the union, an independent arbitrator found that the state police violated the troopers’ rights to anti-discrimination and affirmative action when they were denied reasonable accommodations for their sincerely held religious beliefs.
The association maintained that the state police and Baker Administration failed to provide proper consideration and reasonable accommodations to our members whose sincerely held religious beliefs prevented them from getting the COVID-19 vaccination.

How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

Comedian Jimmy Dore initially got caught up in the propaganda and believed the COVID jab would be a good strategy. He took the shot and suffered severe side effects from it. Dore quickly put two and two together and realized he’d been duped. The shot was nowhere near as safe (or effective) as they claimed

After that realization, Dore started seeing through other propaganda narratives as well

Dore realized the medical establishment lied not only about ivermectin, but also about hydroxychloroquine and early treatments. They lied about herd immunity and natural immunity. They lied about masks. They lied when they said the COVID jab prevents transmission and could end the pandemic. They lied about the safety of the shots, and about the seriousness of the virus itself too

During the Omicron wave, Dore got COVID three times, and it was “the mildest cold” he’d ever had in his life. Unfortunately, he made a second mistake. He took Paxlovid, and got COVID again. That Paxlovid makes you prone to reinfection is now also an established fact

Dore warns that the entire government is corrupt. Corruption has been integrated into every part of the government, and every system used to run it

The COVID-19 Spike Injury You Need to Know About

Each day we’re learning more about how the COVID-19 spike protein triggers damage to systems. Data obtained through FOIA show Moderna’s Spikevax has significant safety concerns.

In the video above, John Campbell, a retired nurse educator who holds a doctorate in nursing, reviews the findings of a systematic review1 posted on Preprints.org in mid-July 2023, which concluded that mRNA COVID shots are causally linked to lethal myocarditis.

Authors of this review include Drs. Peter McCullough, Aseem Malhotra, Roger Hodkinson, Nicolas Hulscher, and William Makis. As explained in the abstract,2 “COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to myocarditis, which in some circumstances can be fatal. This systematic review aims to investigate potential causal links between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis using post-mortem analysis.”

Dr. McCullough and his team systematically reviewed all autopsy reports involving COVID-19 jab-related myocarditis published through July 3, 2023. Fourteen papers detailing 28 autopsies fit the inclusion criteria.

… there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from suspected myocarditis in cases where sudden, unexpected death has occurred in a vaccinated person. 

mRNA COVID Vaccines May Be Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Young People: Experts
Experts are seeing a puzzling rise in cancer in people under 50 that appears biologically different from late-onset cancers. While some claim cancer rates have been rising for decades and attribute the increase to sugary drinks, lifestyle, and sleep disruptions, others say mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have caused an emergence of “turbo cancers”—and U.S. regulatory agencies have not addressed the ever-growing problem.

Although there is no official medical definition for what doctors are calling “turbo cancers,” the term is commonly used to define aggressive, rapid-onset cancers resistant to treatment—primarily in young, healthy individuals following COVID-19 vaccination. These cases often present in a late stage with metastasis and quickly turn fatal.

“What’s happening is these cancers we’re used to seeing, their growth patterns and their behavior are completely out of character … So ‘turbo cancer’ is something that wasn’t there and, all of a sudden, it’s everywhere,” Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and CEO of Cole Diagnostics, said in an interview on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

Dr. Cole told The Epoch Times in a later interview that he first noticed an uptick in certain types of cancers after the vaccine rollout in December 2020 and believes researchers are starting to understand how these cancers are occurring.

Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

Doctor Charles Morgan, former CIA and consultant for the US military on neurological sciences, spoke to cadets at West Point in 2018 about the current state of technology. He briefed the cadets on experiments from 2013 where humans were given neural implants that allowed them to control prosthetic arms with their thoughts. Experiments where one person can control another person’s hands by just wearing an EEG cap. Experiments where information is transmitted from one mind to another. And experiments where memories are erased.

Doctor Morgan admits they have the technology to target an individual person and are working on the ability to erase the memories of any human they choose. Their biggest challenge five years ago was being able to interface with the hippocampus without the use of physical wires. And this is most likely one of the motivating factors for the deployment of the experimental COVID shots.

Using Dark-field microscopy, Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea has captured in great detail what the scientific literature describes as effective technologies that exist today. Technology such as Quantum Dots.


Heart Scarring Observed in Children Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

Some children who experienced heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination had scarring on their hearts months later, a new long-term study found.

Researchers followed a group of 40 patients aged 12 to 18 for up to one year after the children were diagnosed with myocarditis, or heart inflammation, following vaccination with one of the messenger RNA shots from Pfizer or Moderna. They performed a series of tests, including echocardiograms.

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, or cardiac MRIs, was performed on 39 of the 40 patients. Abnormal results came in for 26 of those who were imaged, including 19 who had late gadolinium enhancement, or signs of scarring.

The patients with abnormal results returned for follow-up cardiac MRIs at least five months after the initial tests and 15, or 58 percent, had residual late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). The one patient without an initial scan also had mild late gadolinium enhancement when scanned during a follow-up visit.

“Persistence of LGE in a significant subset of patients with up to 1 year of follow-up was observed,” Dr. Yiu-fai Cheung, with Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, and the other researchers wrote.

After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots

Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis — but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination.

However, on Tuesday, the journal Science published an article confirming that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to autoimmune disorders, such as small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

“We’ve been screaming from the top of our lungs about these things happening,” Agnieszka Wilson, founder of #CanWeTalkAboutIt told The Defender. “And finally, slowly, it’s being acknowledged.”

The #CanWeTalkAboutIt campaign is a global effort to break the silence around injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Suzanna Newell, former board member of the vaccine-injured patient advocacy group React19, told The Defender:

“I am extremely grateful that doctors and medical institutions are now willing to talk about adverse reactions. [They] should have been listening to the injured. We even have many injured medical professionals among the injured who have had trouble being heard.”

Science reported that in addition to abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give rise to “another apparent complication”


RFK Jr. Files Lawsuit Against Youtube, Google Over ‘Censorship Campaign’

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed a lawsuit against YouTube and its parent company, Google, accusing them of engaging in a “censorship campaign” against his anti-vaccine remarks.

In the 27-page lawsuit filed on Aug. 2, Mr. Kennedy alleged that YouTube violated his First Amendment rights by removing videos of his speech at Saint Anselm College and interviews with clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson and conservative podcast host Joe Rogan.

“This complaint concerns the freedom of speech and the extraordinary steps the United States government has taken under the leadership of Joe Biden to silence people it does not want Americans to hear,” the suit reads.

The lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of California, underlines that Mr. Kennedy was not the only victim of the censorship campaign but also that he was “a high-profile victim” challenging against President Joe Biden for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

“This censorship campaign prevents Mr. Kennedy’s message from reaching millions of voters. It also makes it harder for groups that are supporting his campaign to amplify his message through public sources,” the suit reads.

Bud Light Boycott Cost Anheuser-Busch $395 Million in US Revenue

The Bud Light controversy hurt Anheuser-Busch InBev’s second-quarter performance in the United States, the world’s largest brewer confirmed in its latest earnings report.

Anheuser-Busch’s U.S. revenue plunged by 10.5 percent year-over-year, “primarily due to the volume decline of Bud Light,” according to the second-quarter corporate earnings data. Overall, revenue in North America declined by $395 million during the three-month period compared with the same time a year ago.

Operating profit also took a hit in North America, with two-thirds of the decline in profits being caused by market share performance. Productivity loss, marketing investments, and support efforts for wholesalers also contributed to the decline.

In the global market, Anheuser-Busch performed much better.


“Can My Dog Be Trained Not to Dig?”

Many dogs dig and Terriers are notorious for it—no surprise, given that many of them were bred to dig for vermin. They dig to bury things (like Ezra’s doing), for entertainment, to ease boredom, to cool off, and sometimes to escape. Here are a few strategies you can use to stop your dog from digging up the yard.


Mom of 3 Puts Her Kids on ‘TV Fast’ for Months and Is Blown Away by the Results

With a love for cultivating an “old-fashioned” life and returning to what truly matters, a mom of three encouraged her kids to adopt a “TV fast” for three months. The family was so blown away by the creative energy that emerged in the absence of the screen that they decided to continue—marking eight months of no TV at the end of July.

Homeschooling mom of three, blogger, and author Jill Winger, 38, grew up in Idaho. Today, she lives on a 67-acre (27-hectare) family homestead in the southeast corner of Wyoming with her husband, Christian Winger, and their three kids: Mesa, 13, Bridger, 10, and Sage, 7.

“We have a little bit of everything,” Mrs. Winger told The Epoch Times. “We raised a big garden and we also have a greenhouse garden, then we do milk cows, laying hens for eggs, we raise meat, chickens, and beef cattle. We also have goats and some geese. We try to grow as much of our food as possible.

“We didn’t really ever watch a ton of TV, we just had Netflix and Hulu,” she said. “My kids would watch shows an hour and a half in the afternoons, then what we found was happening is, during the winter, because we have long winters in Wyoming, our family would kind of default to the TV in the evenings after supper.”

Boy Who Graduated College at 12 Is Now a 14-Year-Old Entrepreneur Running 2 Companies

Two years after graduating from high school and college in the same week, at the age of 12, this North Carolina teen is now an entrepreneur running two tech companies.

Mike Wimmer, 14, lives in Salisbury, North Carolina. He graduated from Concord Academy High School in Concord in May of 2021 as valedictorian, with a record 5.45 GPA. That same week, he also graduated from Rowan Cabarrus Community College in Salisbury with an Associate of Arts degree and a perfect 4.0 GPA.

Tolkien Aficionado Builds ‘Hobbit House’ Covered in Growth in Forest—And She Lives in It, Too

Like a piece of the Shire that fell out of a Tolkien novel, Katherine’s hobbit-inspired home emerged from the ruins of an old stone wall once buried in overgrowth in a French forest. Inside and out, an Art Nouveau motif depicts magical Celtic beasts on cob walls. An earthen, living roof, and big green front door complete the fantasy feel.

Hardly up to code, and currently unregistered, this hobbit-hole home is where Katherine and her husband have lived—and comfortably—since 2020. Styled thusly, she was reluctant to divulge her real name to us (she did; Katherine W. is her pen name), and prefers to keep the exact location of their abode fuzzy.

Idahoans Turn Old Grain Silos Into Rustic Themed Airbnb Business With Plush Interior—Here’s How

They were going for that Idaho grain silo look.

For some, a certain lodging near Lava Springs may conjure childhood memories of playing on Grandpa’s farm.

Here in Blackfoot, Idaho, travelers book suites made out of rustic grain silos that aren’t just comfortable; they’re also surprisingly cool—even during the hot summer months. With a country theme and plush, all-modern interior, there’s something quaint about the experience.

“I think people just love the uniqueness,” Adam Wixom, 38, one of the founders of The Bins Airbnb, told the Epoch Times, adding that visitors find the interior surprising. “They’re like, ‘This is going to be hot.’ And they walk inside and they’re like, ‘Wow, never thought in a million years it would be 70 degrees [21 degrees Celcius] inside of a grain bin.’”

Prosecutor ‘literally ran in high heels’ through courthouse hallway to save overdosing woman

A quick-thinking prosecutor is being credited with helping save a woman who was overdosing in the Will County, Illinois, courthouse outside Chicago.

Assistant State’s Attorney Jaclyn Sopcic noticed that the woman was propped against a man who appeared to be speaking with his lawyer while sitting on a bench in the courthouse July 27, according to a July 27 press release.

“I looked at her lips and they were blue,” Sopcic told Shaw Local, which had coverage, along with the Joliet, Illinois, division of Patch.

Sopcic said she knew that the woman needed immediate help based on the experience and training that she received from the state’s attorney’s office. Sopcic is the lead prosecutor in the Will County Problem Solving Courts program, which uses harm-reduction techniques to fight addiction.

“As I personally carry Narcan and also know that we keep it [in] Courtroom 401 for our Problem Solving Courts program, I literally ran in high heels down the hall and grabbed a dose of Narcan from my handbag and a box containing two doses from the courtroom,” Sopcic said in the press release.


Sound of Freedom Crosses $150 Million, Jim Caviezel Responds

Jim Caviezel, the main lead of Sound of Freedom, has thanked supporters for making the movie a big hit as the film exceeded $150 million in the United States.

Sound of Freedom, made at a modest budget of $14.6 million, has till now raked in over $156.44 million at the American box office as of Aug. 3, almost a month since its release. “Thank you for supporting Sound of Freedom! Thanks also for all the prayers for me. I’m feeling much better and am energized by all the awareness that we’ve brought to the issue of child trafficking. God’s children are not for sale!” Caviezel said in an Aug. 4 post on social media.

Devvy’s got a new article out …

Bidenomics: Selling Bull Manure

Another one of illegitimate president Joe Biden’s cabinet picks, Labor Secretary Julie Su, is selling bull manure.  Last week that dimwit served up a feast du jour of putrid propaganda:  “Prices are lower than they were a year ago, and significantly so.” And that gas prices “continue to come down.”

I’ve purchased gas at the same gas station in my city for the past 17 years.  HEB’s fuel prices are always less expensive than everyone else in town except China (Wal) Mart’s gas station; sometimes China Mart’s may be one penny less per gallon.  In the past 2 ½ weeks, the cost of a gallon of gas has gone up a whopping thirty-six cents a gallon.  A real shocker.

I only use Seventh Generation Free & Clear laundry cleaner.  Unfortunately, only place to get   it in my city is China Mart.  I went back and looked at my receipts (I save them all year even using cash).  In the past 12 months the cost of their brand, same size, has gone up almost $4.00 for that one item.  Organic coconut oil (for cooking), $8.99 12 months ago.  Today, same size, same company: $12.97.  I pay $4.00 a dozen for eggs from a friend whose chickens roam free on her land.  Find farmer’s markets if you can and be sure to ask the right questions about fruits, veggies, eggs.  Or, if driving in the country and see a sign “Eggs for sale”, stop in and I bet you’ll get a bargain from healthy chickens laying those eggs.

Megan Rapinoe’s missed shot … Trump has last laugh! 

US Knocked Out of Women’s World Cup on Dramatic Penalties

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