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Today's News: August 08, 2018

World News
US Warmachine Seeks New Pretext in Syria
Activist Post  – US designs in Syria were made crystal clear by US Army General Joseph Votel – head of US Central Command (CENTCOM) – during a July 19th press briefing.
General Votel would state unequivocally when asked what the “arrangement” was regarding Syria, that:
Our mission is very, very clear: It is focusing on the defeat of ISIS and then helping our partners in both Iraq and Syria stabilize the situation and specifically in Iraq to help create a platform that can lead to a long-term political solution through the U.N. process.
UK would run out of food a year from now with no-deal Brexit, NFU warns
Guardian – Britain would run out of food on this date next year if it cannot continue to easily import from the EU and elsewhere after Brexit, the National Farmers’ Union has warned.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Cortez strikes out: All endorsed candidates lose primaries
The American Mirror – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s record on Tuesday night for her chosen primary candidates was as bare as a Venezuelan supermarket shelf.
The socialist pulled off a stunning victory last month in New York, and is now attempting to parlay that win into helping other leftists win Democratic primaries.
Obama Gets New Peace Prize Despite Hundreds Of Civilian Casualties In Drone Strikes
Zero Hedge – he former president was named a Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope laureate Monday. The award honors those who “work toward a more just and peaceful world.” The RFK nonprofit tweeted that it is “honored to present Barack Obama” with the award.
Court to DOJ: Save Comey’s personal emails
WND – To aid the developing investigation of fired FBI chief James Comey’s conversations with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others, a federal judge has ordered the Justice Department to save and protect any relevant personal emails.
The ruling from U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly came in an effort by Washington watchdog Judicial Watch to obtain records regarding Comey’s discussions with “Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Senator Chuck Schumer, Representative Nancy Pelosi, and Senator John McCain.”
The decision came in a lawsuit that followed requests by Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation for the records.
The judge wrote, “In order to avoid any possible issues later in this litigation, the court will grant plaintiff’s motion [for the protective order].
Billboards yanked because Bible is shown
WND – After multiple complaints, including a “serious threat,” an advertising company removed a series of billboards depicting evangelist Greg Laurie holding a Bible.
The ads posted at a popular mall in Southern California promoted Laurie’s upcoming Harvest Crusade at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, Aug. 17-19, reported CBN News.
Breaking: 5 Arrested in Plot to Assassinate US Pastor Brunson & the CIA Connection
Newsbud – In this breaking news report, Newsbud’s Founder & Editor Sibel Edmonds uncovers bombshell reports of a plot to assassinate the American pastor being detained in Turkey, Andrew Brunson. Find out about the contract on Brunson’s life, the hit team that was arrested and why the media is blacking out this report!
Drag Queens Teach Children ‘There’s No Such Thing as Boy and Girl Things
Breitbart – Schools are hosting adult drag queen stars as story readers to children as young as preschool age and justifying the events as consistent with the latest progressive education panacea known as “social and emotional learning.”
“What an amazing way to teach individuality, empathy, and acceptance!” posted Alexis Hernandez, a first-grade teacher at the Maurice Sendak Community public school in Brooklyn, New York, to the Drag Queen Story Hour’s (DQSH) website.
Sources: Stephen Miller pushing policy to make it harder for immigrants who received benefits to earn citizenship
CNN – White House adviser Stephen Miller is pushing to expedite a policy that could penalize legal immigrants whose families receive public benefits and make it more difficult to get citizenship, three sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.
Va. to Allow Troops Overseas to Vote in Midterms by Mobile Phones
Newsmax – Some West Virginians serving overseas will be able to vote in the midterms by using an app on their mobile phones, CNN is reporting.
West Virginia will become the first in the country to permit voting by a smartphone app, the news network reported. It will be limited to service personnel living abroad, CNN noted.
Veteran News
Was U.S. military veteran “organ harvested” while in police custody?
Natural News – A devastated army veteran’s family is demanding answers after the 41-year-old died under mysterious circumstances while in police custody and his organs went missing.
Economy & Business
China slaps 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of US goods
NBC – China said Wednesday it will retaliate against the latest round of U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports.
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a 25 percent charge on $16 billion worth of U.S. goods. The 333 goods being targeted by China include vehicles such as large passenger cars and motorcycles. Various fuels are on the list, as well as fiber optical cables.
China is also going after coal, grease, Vaseline, asphalt and plastic products, and recyclables.
“Their Wealth Has Vanished”: Baby Boomers File For Bankruptcy In Droves
Zero Hedge – An alarming number of older Americans are being forced into bankruptcy, as the rate of people 65 and older who have filed has never been higher – at three times what it was in 1991, while the rate of bankruptcies among Americans age 65 and older has more than doubled, according to a new study by the The Bankruptcy Project.
Energy & Environment
California wildfire declared ‘largest in state’s history’
BBC – Twin wildfires in California, known as the Mendocino Complex Fire, have grown to become the largest active wildfire in state history, officials said on Monday.
Fire Officials: Yosemite Nat’l Park Closed Indefinitely
CBS – Park officials announced Sunday that Yosemite Valley and other sections of the popular tourist destination will remained closed indefinitely as firefighters continue to battle the Ferguson Fire. The fire, which has been burning for 24 days, had grown to 89,633 acres with 35% containment on Sunday. There have been two fatalities and 11 injuries to date and 10 structures have been destroyed.
Science & Technology
The Crackdown Continues: Twitter Suspends Libertarian Accounts
Zero Hedge – One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts were banned or suspended in a matter of hours, the crackdown against alternative media figures continued as several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, found their Twitter accounts suspended.
Mysterious “rogue” planet discovered outside solar system
Metro.co – Scientists have found evidence of the first ever planetary-mass object beyond our solar system.
Probably a dozen times bigger than Jupiter, according to the researchers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
They’re calling it a ‘rogue’ planet because it appears to be travelling through space without any kind of orbit around a parent star.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
The Monsanto Issue You May Not Know About
Care 2 – Monsanto’s dicamba is decimating non-GMO crops and unsuspecting farmlands where farmers aren’t even spraying it.
Top 10 Fermented Foods to Keep Your Gut Healthy
Care 2 – You don’t have to take probiotic supplements to keep your gut healthy. Fermented foods can give you all the probiotics you need.
Horsetail: The Herb that Supports Skin, Nail, Hair & Joint Health
Dr. Axe – When you hear the term horsetail, you probably envision the backside of an equine, but did you know there is a powerful natural herb of the same name? It’s true, and it’s one of the hidden natural treasures for health.
Not just a fad: the surprising, gut-wrenching truth about gluten
Guardian – While just 1% of the UK is allergic to the proteins that cause coeliac disease, many others suffer with gluten-related digestive problems. Some researchers believe mass-produced food is to blame

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