July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 08, 2022


“Revolution Has Begun”: 75,000 Brits To Stop Paying Power Bills Amid Inflation Storm

The resistance is growing as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again.

“75,000 people have pledged to strike on October 1st! If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all,” tweeted “Don’t Pay UK,” an anonymous group spearheading the effort to have more than one million Brits boycott paying their power bill by Oct. 1.

The strike comes as an inflation storm of high energy prices has obliterated household incomes. Brits are the most miserable in three decades as inflation is expected to hit 13%. And while Bank of England (BoE) Governor Andrew Bailey hiked interest rates the most in 27 years to tame inflation, risks are mounting of a recession.

On Oct. 1, the average household will pay almost £300 a month for power, the BoE warned. Couple surging power costs with negative real wage growth, and it becomes apparent households are being squeezed. This excludes soaring prices for shelter, food, and petrol at the pump — this trend is unsustainable and could result in social instabilities.

British news outlet Glasgow Live said the strike is similar to the “action in the late 1980s and ’90s to fight against the poll tax brought in by PM Margaret Thatcher. In protest, 17 million people refused to pay.”

UK financial journalist and broadcaster Martin Lewis said this about the strike:

“I think I can categorise it more accurately now, the big movement that I am seeing is an increase of growth in people calling for a non-payment of energy bills, mass non-payment. Effectively a consumer strike on energy bills and getting rid of the legitimacy of paying that.

France to Introduce Biometric Health Cards

French lawmakers have approved a plan to launch a biometric health card. The project was pushed as part of the financial aid package to address the cost-of-living crisis.

France has a health card called Carte Vitale, which allows those registered in the country’s health system to get reimbursements for medical costs. The payments are made automatically because the card is linked to the user’s bank account.

The biometric Carte Vitale has strong support from conservative lawmakers and they made it a condition for them to pass the financial aid package. Supporters of the new Carte Vitale argue that it will help combat welfare fraud.

Explaining how it would work, center-right MP Thibault Bazin said the card will have a chip that would contain “physical characteristics of the insured, such as their fingerprints” to enable identity verification.

Biometrics ensure that only the cardholder can use the card and the chip would allow for instant deactivation once the card is reported stolen.

Those who oppose the biometric Carte Vitale warn that the process will be lengthy, costly, and another threat to privacy.

Climate Cult Hammers Europe During Energy Crisis

The climate cult never sleeps, and when they see nations in crisis they are always quick to try to exploit the situation by misrepresenting the root problem.

A heat wave is currently hitting Europe along with wild fires and the mainstream media is beating the global warming drum hard.  This is nothing new; every time the weather gets hot they cry “climate change!”  Every time the weather is extra cold they once again cry “climate change!”  The evidence?  What about the “record heat” in parts of UK, Spain and Portugal?  This is surely proof that the weather is being ruined by that terrible menace known as man-made carbon?

Of course, what they don’t tell you is that the official record for weather and temperatures used by climate scientists only goes back about 140 years (it started in the 1880s).  So, millions upon millions of years of Earth weather, and they only count 140 years of it to determine “record temps?”  They tend to ignore ice core and tree ring data from centuries ago that indicate much hotter warming periods in our planet’s history (none of which were caused by man-made carbon emissions).  In comparison, today’s temperatures are rather tame.

China Cuts Military Communications and Climate Ties With US

China’s ruling communist regime announced Friday that it would cancel or suspend dialogue on several issues with the United States ranging from military communications to climate change initiatives.

A statement from the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) foreign ministry said that the regime would cancel all direct communications between military theater leaders, working meetings between defense departments, and maritime security dialogues with the United States.

Additionally, the CCP would suspend all cooperation with the United States related to illegal immigrant repatriation, criminal justice assistance, climate talks, transnational crime, and anti-drug programs.

The announcement is part of a suite of retaliatory measures by China against the United States and its partners following U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan earlier in the week.

Moreover, the canceling of communications between military commanders in the Indo-Pacific is likely to be seen as a major escalation by the international community, as such contact is often a key tool in helping militaries avoid miscommunication or harmful accidents.

The CCP statement follows a barrage of explosive rhetoric and hostile actions from Beijing this week.

China Locks Down World’s Largest Wholesale Hub, South China Sea Port Due to New COVID-19 Outbreak

The Chinese communist regime has put the world largest wholesale hub, Yiwu city in east China, under semi lockdown due to a new outbreak of COVID-19. Meanwhile, “China’s Hawaii” in the South China Sea has also locked down due to a sudden outbreak. The new lockdowns have renewed concerns for disruptions to global trade and supply chains.

According to official data, since new infections were reported on Aug. 2, COVID-19 has quickly spread in Yiwu, a city of 1.85 million, and to many neighboring counties and cities. A total of 135 cases were officially reported a few days later by Aug. 4.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Chinese regime has concealed the real scale of its local outbreaks and being suspected by the outside world for underreporting the number of cases in the country.

The rapid spread in this wave of COVID-19 infections in the city is caused by the more infectious Omicron variant BA.5.2.

Yiwu authorities ordered a series of control measures on Aug. 4, putting the city in an indefinite semi-lockdown status. All residents are required to take COVID-19 PCR tests, are prohibited from entering and leaving their residential communities unless deemed necessary by the authorities; and must hold a negative COVID-19 test result from within the last 24 hours to enter a public place. Meanwhile, public transportation and non-essential services have been suspended, and most tourist areas are closed.

Australia Has Failed to Recognise China’s ‘Fundamentally Different Vision for the World’: Shadow Defense Minister
Australia’s shadow defence minister has called on the West to “see China with clear eyes” as he warned Australia’s “greatest vulnerability” is its failure to recognise the communist regime’s “fundamentally different vision for the world.” 

Andrew Hastie on Sunday said that Australia is in an “immensely difficult” position where it can neither forsake its closest allies, the United States, nor turn away from its largest trading partner, China. 

Hastie added that Australia has “failed to recognise how mobile our authoritarian neighbour has become” and ignored the role that ideology plays into China’s actions across the Indo-Pacific region. For example, Australia keeps using its own categories to understand China’s actions, such as its motivations for building ports and roads, rather than those used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he said.

“The West has made this mistake before. Commentators once believed Stalin’s decisions were the rational actions of a realist power,” Hastie said.

“Right now, our greatest vulnerability lies not in our infrastructure, but in our thinking. That intellectual failure makes us institutionally weak.”

Semiconductors Emerge as Battleground in US-China Race to Make Global Tech Norms in Their Image

Chinese chipmakers dealt blow by US sanctions and alliances

News Analysis

As every aspect of modern life becomes more and more digitized, not just the economies of nations but their sovereign influence will rely more and more on the command of technology.

Although the United States and China are not engaged in traditional warfare, they are engaged in a war of ideas, trade, and technology, especially in semiconductor hegemony, where both sides are battling for supply and advancement.

In recent years, the United States has made a series of moves to hinder and outpace Chinese development in semiconductors, including persuading Asian semiconductor powerhouses to join its alliance, passing a massive spending bill to aid domestic chip production, and banning exports of high-end chipmaking equipment to China.

In late July, the United States expanded its bans on exports to China of equipment that can make semiconductors up to 14 nanometers in size, according to major U.S. chipmaking equipment suppliers, such as Lam Research Corp. and KLA, who were notified by the government about the expanded restrictions.

Previously, the United States had banned the sale of equipment that can produce chips of 10 nm or smaller to Chinese chip manufacturers.

Generally in semiconductor fabrication, the smaller the process technology, the more advanced the chip. The smaller the technology node, the higher the transistor density and the lower the chip power consumption, resulting in higher performance. However, the smaller manufacturing process requires more advanced material and equipment, and will incur a greater cost in R&D and production.


Indiana becomes the 1st state to pass an abortion ban after Roe was struck down

Gov. Eric Holcomb on Friday signed a bill that would ban most abortions in Indiana — making it the first state to pass a restrictive law against the procedure since Roe v. Wade was overturned this summer.

The Indiana House and Senate passed the GOP-sponsored bill earlier Friday.

The new law provides exceptions for when the life of the mother is at risk and for fatal fetal anomalies, up to 20 weeks post-fertilization. It also allows exceptions for some abortions if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. It will go into effect on September 15.

Current Indiana law allows abortions up to 20 weeks after fertilization (or 22 weeks after the mother’s last menstrual period).

Alex Jones must pay more than $45 million in punitive damages to the family of a Sandy Hook massacre victim, jury orders

The award is in addition to the $4.1M the jury ordered the Infowars host to pay the family Thursday for the suffering he and his website and broadcast caused them.

Gates Calls Social Credit Scores An “Asset” — Are They Coming To The US?

Millions of children in India can’t go to school because they’ve failed to submit to India’s biometric ID system, AADHAAR. The invasive system is praised by Bill Gates, and some US policymakers want to bring a similar social credit database to the USA.

India is known as the most populous democracy in the world. It’s also home to the largest national biometric digital ID system in the world. Aadhaar.According to a report from Reuters last week, tens of millions of children in India are at risk of being excluded from school this year because they’re not linked up to India’s biometric digital ID system.

Aadhaar, India’s federally-operated biometric digital ID system, collected the names, finger print scans, and eye scans of 1.2 billion Indians.

According to the report, India’s 2009 right to education act provides the legal right to free education for all children from six to 14 years old.

But apparently, only children willing to submit to invasive biometric recording and tracking are able to enjoy this “right”.

Dipa Sinha, a professor at India’s Ambedkar University, told Reuters that requiring the biometric digital ID for public school “puts the onus on the citizen, and makes it much harder for them to access” their own rights.

The report referenced an 11-year-old girl named Shifa who has been barred from going into the sixth grade because she does not have an Aadhaar biometric ID.

Her parents made several attempts to get her one, but between the hoops and behemoth bureaucracy, she fell through the cracks. Now Shifa is simply learning to read and write at home using the newspaper.

“Without Aadhaar, we have no other option,” her mom said.

But Aadhaar is more than just a system that coerces people to submit their personal biometrics to receive their rights. It’s actually a giant social credit system lauded by political heavyweights and global thought leaders.

Not much Western attention been put on the Aadhaar system because it’s been overshadowed by their geopolitical foe – China and its social credit system.

According to the Huffington Post, which received documents under India’s RTI act or Right to Information Act, the Indian government has integrated data

collected by Aadhaar to establish a “360-degree database” that “automatically track[s] when a citizen moves between cities, changes jobs, or buys a new property,”

Bill Gates, of all people, explained that the Aadhaar system is “huge asset for India” and branded the creator of the system, Nandan Nilekani – a partner of the WEF – a “hero.”

Despite the dystopian possibilities, elected officials in the US are trying their best to foist a giant biometric digital ID system on the entire population under the guise of inequity.

Illinois Congressman Bill Foster recently introduced the Improving Digital Identity Act which calls for the public sector, namely Homeland Security to work with the private sector to develop a giant digital biometric ID infrastructure for the United States.

Congressman Foster explained to a Gates-funded vaccine ID initiative ID2020 that collecting private biometric information on all citizens could be “leveraged” by the private sector to generate profits.

CDC Issues Dire Warning to Gay and Bisexual Men

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday updated its monkeypox advice to suggest people most at risk, namely men who have sex with men, “take a temporary break” from those behaviors to help “contain … the outbreak.”

Among the updates are suggestions that people “take a temporary break” from sexual activity until considered vaccinated; limit their number of sexual partners; avoid “spaces” for anonymous sex with multiple partners; use condoms; and wear gloves during particular sexual activities.

These five suggestions to reduce the chance of spread were added to the seven that appeared on the webpage when it was updated on July 12. In that previous update, the CDC offered suggestions for sexual activities for people who have (or think they have) “monkeypox and … decide to have sex.”

Friday’s update contains stronger messaging, with the CDC now saying “the best way to protect yourself and others is to avoid sex of any kind … while you are sick.” People should especially “avoid touching any rash.”

Public Health Emergency

The updates come a day after the Biden administration declared a public health emergency for monkeypox in a bid to unlock funding and more powers to deal with the virus. Some states, including New York, California, and Indiana, have declared their own public health emergencies for similar reasons.

Jan. 6 Panel May Try to Influence Pennsylvania Governor’s Race: Mastriano Attorney

Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican gubernatorial nominee, is scheduled to meet on Aug. 9 with the House’s Jan. 6 committee. While it was to be a voluntary interview, the committee is now demanding a compelled deposition.

“Your committee is not legally able to conduct compelled depositions, which is why all of my clients have all offered to participate in voluntary interviews,” Mastriano’s attorney, Timothy C. Parlatore, wrote in an Aug. 5 letter to the committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol breach.

“Although Senator Mastriano is happy to cooperate with your committee, as he has nothing to hide, I do have concerns that are particular to him, given the conduct of the committee up to this point.”

Parlatore believes the Jan. 6 committee may try to influence Pennsylvania’s election.

“Given the committee’s demonstrated propensity for releasing edited clips of interviews without the requisite context to support a false partisan narrative,” Parlatore wrote, “I am concerned that there is a risk that your committee will do the same to Senator Mastriano.

“Members of your party like Sean Patrick Maloney, Democratic Campaign Chair, have openly admitted that the goal of the hearings you are conducting is intended to paint the Republican party as irresponsible and power hungry ahead of the midterms.

“For this reason, my client has legitimate concerns that your committee may attempt to influence the outcome of the Pennsylvania state elections through the dissemination of disinformation.”

A spokesperson for the Jan. 6 committee didn’t respond by press time to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

Parlatore’s letter indicates that he’s willing to allow the meeting if he can make his own recording of the interview, which could be released if the committee releases edited recordings of Mastriano that need more context.

“I was informed by your staffer that you rejected this proposal and refused to make any counterproposals because you wish to retain sole dominion over the public narrative,” the letter says.

“Obviously, your refusal to even discuss this is concerning, as there is no downside to me holding a second recording of the interview, unless the committee does, in fact, intend to engage in disinformation with Senator Mastriano’s interview and is afraid of any accountability for that disinformation.”

The lack of a truly bipartisan committee infringes on the rights of the witnesses and serves no legitimate investigative purpose, Parlatore said.

“My client has significant concerns that he is being set up for sanctions due to the Committee’s refusal to respect the bounds of privilege and lack of any opposing viewpoints to act as a counterbalance,” the letter states.

Parlatore said Mastriano would appear for a deposition if the committee gets a ranking minority member designation from the Republican steering committee.

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Gohmert Cites US Code that May Force Capitol Police to Release Remaining Jan. 6 Surveillance Footage

As the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol continues its effort to prove allegations of insurrection against former President Donald Trump and his supporters, Capitol Police and House Democrats continue to block all efforts to force the release of all surveillance video footage and emails, which could possibly exonerate those being accused of wrongdoing. Now, Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) is citing a United States Code that could legally force the release of that evidence.

In a July, 29, 2022 letter to Capitol Police Board Chair William J. Walker, obtained by The Epoch Times, Gohmert—backed by the signatures of 23 additional GOP lawmakers—demanded the release of footage captured on Capitol Hill security cameras on Jan. 6, 2021, currently being withheld under “sovereign immunity.”

“As you must be aware,” Gohmert wrote, “2 U.S.C. § 1979 states that ‘any Member … of either House of Congress’ can ‘obtain information from the Capitol Police regarding the operations and activities of the Capitol Police that affect the Senate and House of Representatives.’ Subsection (c) makes clear that nothing in that law may be construed to prevent us, as Members of the House of Representatives from our ability to obtain those videos.”

Gohmert concluded that “Releasing this information is absolutely essential to proper governance and truth to protect and perpetuate this self, governing nation.”


Senate passes Democrats’ sweeping health care and climate bill

The Senate on Sunday afternoon passed Democrats’ $750 billion health care, tax and climate bill, in a significant victory for President Joe Biden and his party.

The final, party-line vote was 51-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie. The package is the product of painstaking negotiations, and its final passage would give Democrats a chance to achieve major policy objectives ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.

The Democrat-controlled House, which is expected to take up the legislation on Friday, August 12, must approve the bill before Biden can sign it into law.

The sweeping bill — named the Inflation Reduction Act — would represent the largest climate investment in US history and make major changes to health policy by giving Medicare the power for the first time to negotiate the prices of certain prescription drugs and extending expiring health care subsidies for three years. The legislation would reduce the deficit, be paid for through new taxes — including a 15% minimum tax on large corporations and a 1% tax on stock buybacks — and boost the Internal Revenue Service’s ability to collect.

Democrats’ $80 billion wager: A bigger IRS will be a better IRS

A newly empowered Internal Revenue Service is one of the keys to the sweeping climate, health care and tax bill Senate Democrats hope to pass this week — with billions of dollars in new funds for the agency so it can collect money for the federal government by going after higher-income tax cheats.

The bill, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, would put $80 billion toward beefing up the IRS, in line with liberals’ long-term goals to strengthen tax collection and enforcement on corporations and high-income earners, while relieving low-income taxpayers of cumbersome and frightening audits. Some of the additional revenue would go to pay for the largest-ever U.S. investment in clean energy technology.

The idea is that the government could bring in more money by examining corporate and high-income returns than it does by pursuing lower- or middle-income taxpayers who make mistakes on their returns or underpay their taxes by small amounts. The IRS in recent years has grown more dependent on those types of audits because they are relatively inexpensive: They’re automated, and they preserve the agency’s limited personnel resources. But they also mostly fall on taxpayers who can’t afford to fight back by spending hours on the phone with the tax agency or hiring lawyers.

Economic Analysts Divided Over Long-Term Effects of the Inflation Reduction Act

Critics say the bill will slash economic growth and spur further inflation

Despite Democrats’ claims that the Inflation Reduction Act will ultimately serve to reduce consumer prices and spur economic growth, economic analysts remain divided, with some predicting that the bill will worsen inflation and lead to stagnation in growth.

The bill, hammered out as a compromise agreement between moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), serves to fulfill a series of broad Democrat aspirations: increasing federal revenue by closing so-called tax “loopholes,” climate change policies, expansion of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare,” and reducing prescription drug prices.

The act, according to its supporters, will also help to slow the growth of the ballooning U.S. national debt by decreasing the deficit.

Though it authorizes around $433 billion in new spending, Democrats’ internal estimates suggest that the bill will bring in around $725 billion in new revenue to the federal government, thus reducing the federal deficit and slowing the growth of national debt. Specifically, Democrats estimate that the bill will reduce the deficit by around $292 billion annually.

President Joe Biden issued a statement on July 27 expressing support for the new proposal, which he called “the action the American people have been waiting for.”

“This addresses the problems of today—high health-care costs and overall inflation—as well as investments in our energy security for the future,” Biden said.

Senate Parliamentarian Approves Parts of Senate Democrat Bill, Strikes One Portion

The Senate’s rules expert has approved provisions in a major bill Senate Democrats want to pass soon called the Inflation Reduction Act, according to top Democrats in the body.

Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled that tax incentives for renewable energy and other related provisions can stand, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said.

“I’m especially pleased that our prevailing wage provisions were approved,” Wyden said in a statement. “These provisions guarantee wage rates for clean energy projects. Clean energy jobs will be good-paying jobs.”

Another piece that would enable Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs with pharmaceutical companies was also cleared, according to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

“This is a major victory for the American people,” Schumer said.

Medicare is a health insurance program run by the federal government that primarily covers people aged 65 and older. About 64 million people are covered by the program.

Private insurers are already allowed to negotiate prices with drug companies.

MacDonough did strike down another portion of the bill, which would have essentially forced companies not to raise prices higher than inflation.

“While there was one unfortunate ruling … in that the inflation rebate is more limited in scope, the overall program remains intact and we are one step closer to finally taking on Big Pharma and lowering Rx drug prices for millions of Americans,” Schumer said.

Additional portions have not yet been fully vetted.

The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy

Technocracy is an economic system that started in the 1930s during the height of the Great Depression, when scientists and engineers got together to solve the nation’s economic problems. Technocrats have silently and relentlessly pushed forward ever since, and their agenda is now becoming increasingly visible

Technocrats invented a new economic system from scratch — a resource-based economic system in which energy and social engineering run the economy rather than pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand

Technocracy calls for the total dismantling of the political system, which includes the U.S. Constitution. Nations are to be led by unelected leaders who decide which resources companies can use to make certain products, and which products consumers are ultimately allowed to buy

The Trilateral Commission is a key technocratic mastermind group that has dominated the American political system since Jimmy Carter

The only reason technocracy has not yet been able to overtake the U.S. — although they’re getting incredibly close — is because of our Constitution. This is why we must fight to protect our Constitution at all costs. One of the most effective ways to do this is through grassroots movements and getting involved in local politics


A Renaissance for ‘Made in America’?

Supply chain woes have more companies eyeing manufacturing here at home

News Analysis

It wasn’t long ago that Sherman, Texas, might have been best known as the birthplace of Buck Owens, the late country-and-western star, or as the home of Austin College, one of the state’s oldest colleges. More recently, however, the city of nearly 44,000 people located about 65 miles north of Dallas has had something else to brag about: a growing reputation as a center of high-tech manufacturing.

In June, Taiwan-based semiconductor manufacturer GlobalWafers announced plans to build a state-of-the-art, $5 billion silicon wafer factory in Sherman, which beat competing sites in South Korea and Ohio for the facility. The plant will produce advanced, 300-millimeter wafers—which are currently manufactured in Asia—and could support as many as 1,500 jobs over time.

The GlobalWafers announcement came on the heels of Dallas-based Texas Instruments saying that it would put up as many as four new semiconductor (or chip) manufacturing plants in Sherman, potentially investing $30 billion and employing up to 3,000 people. Before selecting the North Texas city, the company had considered Singapore for the facilities, which also will produce 300-millimeter wafers.

The latest developments are a far cry from previous decades in Sherman, when factories there making surgical dressings and automotive glass products were shuttered, with some of the jobs going to other countries.

“We’ve suffered our ups and down,” Sherman Mayor David Plyler said. “But as the economy changed and we started telling our story, things turned. Now folks want to be here.”

Sherman’s success at luring new factories underscores how some cities and towns across the country are enjoying a manufacturing renaissance. That renaissance comes after the United States spent decades shipping manufacturing jobs overseas—mainly to lower-cost suppliers in East Asia, especially China. In 1990, the United States made 37 percent of the world’s computer chips, a figure that since has fallen to about 12 percent. Now, however, some of the manufacturing is coming back, promising communities new jobs and new life.

The return of manufacturing to the United States, known as “reshoring,” got a kick-start in about 2010. But it took on new urgency after COVID-19 lockdowns revealed vulnerabilities in global supply chains. Shipping costs soared and ports were logjammed, resulting in shortages of products ranging from masks and toilet paper to computer chips, which are critical components in everything from smartphones and computers to appliances and automobiles.

“You’ve got by far the most momentum we’ve had at any time in the 12 years we’ve been tracking it,” said Harry Moser, founder and president of the Reshoring Initiative, a nonprofit that promotes the “return-manufacturing-home” message. “Where I’ve had to go to companies in the past and sort of hustle them, now I get more calls from companies saying, ‘I’ve been told we have to get our work out of China and find a source in the U.S. Can you help me find a source?’”

While other kinds of manufacturing are experiencing a U.S. revival as well—there are plans for more than a dozen new electric vehicle battery factories in the South and Midwest, for example—semiconductor plants have taken center stage lately, in part because of the $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act.


The Benefits of Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment

Examples of holistic therapies used for cancer include vitamin C alone and in combination with Artesunate (a malaria medication) and/or hyperthermia, curcumin, melatonin and mistletoe

One key point to be made about holistic oncology is that the earlier you start this kind of treatment, the better. Most patients who seek alternative strategies have already done tremendous damage to their bodies with one or more rounds of chemo, which makes natural remedies less capable of achieving complete healing

Whole food vitamin C and IV vitamin C serve two different functions. Whole food vitamin C is not suitable for the treatment of cancer, but does wonders for general health support, whereas high-dose vitamin C with sodium ascorbate has powerful drug-like effects suitable for acute and severe infections and cancers

Vitamin C has a wide variety of precision effects, which can be generally classified into genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and immunomodulatomic effects

Vitamin C is typically thought of as an antioxidant, which is true orally and at lower doses, but in high doses, it becomes a pro-oxidant, and that’s actually what allows it to kill cancer cells and gives it its significant antiviral and antibacterial properties

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The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)

There are many medical benefits to cannabis and CBD (cannabidiol) and they are increasingly recognized by the scientific community

As of 2022, 19 states have legalized cannabis for adult use and the 2018 Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp as a crop

As patients and the medical community embrace cannabis and CBD for pain relief, harm and even deaths from opioids will diminish

Los Sueños Farms outside of Pueblo, Colorado, the largest U.S. cannabis farm with 36 acres and 36,000 plants, shows how technologically advanced the industry has become

The existence of cannabinoid receptors in humans and other mammals, called the endocannabinoid system, gives clues to why cannabis and CBD affect so many body systems positively

Many industries, from Big Pharma to the alcohol, lumber, gas and oil and clothing industries, could lose profits from a booming cannabis industry

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Zero Carbon Smart Grid: Spain Bans Air Conditioning Below 80 Degrees

Responding to Europe’s energy crisis, Spain has controversially banned air conditioning from dropping below 27°C (80.6°F) in the summer.

The new government decree, which applies to a whole host of public buildings as well as shops, hotels and other venues, will also stop heating from being raised above 19°C during the winter.

“The rules will be mandatory in all public and commercial buildings, including bars, cinemas, theatres, airports and train stations,” reports EuroNews.

Ominously, the report also notes that the action is “extended as a recommendation to Spanish households,” meaning it could one day become mandatory similar to hosepipe bans and be enforced by fines.

The government passed the bill to meet a demand by the European Union to “limit dependency on Russian gas.”

‘Green’ Mining Meets Resistance from Environmentalists

Democrat ‘green’ spending bill comes with environmental costs

As the Democrat-controlled Senate lines up the party-line votes to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, featuring $369 billion in new federal spending for wind, solar, and electric vehicles (EVs), environmentalists are uncertain whether to cheer or weep. 

If passed, the bill would be a victory for advocates of “renewable” energy and the elimination of fossil fuels. However, as is always the case with energy economics, the investment in renewables would come with an environmental cost: an enormous expansion of mining projects to extract the raw materials for solar panels, wind turbines, and electric batteries out of the earth. 

The Biden administration is itself torn on the issue, attempting on the one hand to reduce America’s dependence on China and other foreign countries for the essential raw materials of his Green New Deal, while on the other hand blocking the permits and approvals that allow American mining companies to dig. 

On Mar. 31, the Biden administration took a major step toward enacting a federal industrial energy policy by invoking the Defense Production Act to direct American companies toward producing more renewable energy. In justifying the use of what is normally an emergency wartime act, President Joe Biden declared in an official statement that “ensuring a robust, resilient, sustainable, and environmentally responsible domestic industrial base to meet the requirements of the clean energy economy” was “essential to our national security.”

Biden has set ambitious climate goals, including that the majority of U.S.-made cars will be EVs by 2030 and that EVs will replace gas-powered cars entirely by 2040, while shifting electric-power generation from fossil fuels to wind, solar, and hydro-utilities. This is in lockstep with global climate goals adopted by the Paris Agreement in 2015 and the Great Reset Initiative launched by the World Economic Forum in 2020. However, the mining of raw materials for this plan remains problematic.

“The United States depends on unreliable foreign sources for many of the strategic and critical materials necessary for the clean energy transition—such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese for large-capacity batteries,” Biden stated. “Demand for such materials is projected to increase exponentially as the world transitions to a clean energy economy.”


Couple Leave the City and Transition to a Homestead Life in the Mountains to Live Intentionally

After receiving a cancer diagnosis, a couple from a city in Southern California gained a new perspective on life and began to question their lifestyle. They then made the huge decision to move to the mountains of North Carolina for a more intentional life. Six years on, they are growing their own food, homeschooling their daughter, and living their dream life.

Jason and Lorraine Contreras, and their daughter, Penelope, currently have a 14-acre homestead in western North Carolina. They have learned to grow the majority of their own food, raise their own meat, improve the land and soil they live on, and thrive without electronic distractions.


10 Percent of Americans Regret Taking COVID Vaccine, 15 Percent Have a New Medical Condition After It: Poll

The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy

Technocracy is an economic system that started in the 1930s during the height of the Great Depression, when scientists and engineers got together to solve the nation’s economic problems. Technocrats have silently and relentlessly pushed forward ever since, and their agenda is now becoming increasingly visible

Technocrats invented a new economic system from scratch — a resource-based economic system in which energy and social engineering run the economy rather than pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand

Technocracy calls for the total dismantling of the political system, which includes the U.S. Constitution. Nations are to be led by unelected leaders who decide which resources companies can use to make certain products, and which products consumers are ultimately allowed to buy

The Trilateral Commission is a key technocratic mastermind group that has dominated the American political system since Jimmy Carter

The only reason technocracy has not yet been able to overtake the U.S. — although they’re getting incredibly close — is because of our Constitution. This is why we must fight to protect our Constitution at all costs. One of the most effective ways to do this is through grassroots movements and getting involved in local politics

Controversial Drug Remde Sivir Plays Key Role in COVID-Related Hospital Deaths: Dr. Ardis

The antiviral medication remdesivir has played a controversial role in the COVID-19 treatment protocols used by hospitals that many families allege resulted in the death of their loved ones.

Among the drug’s potential side effects is acute kidney failure, which many physicians argue is the source of the same symptom reported by the medical establishment to have been caused by COVID-19.

Dr. Bryan Ardis, CEO of Ardis Labs and host of The Dr. Ardis Show, said he watched his own father-in-law die in a hospital in February 2020 after being taken through the same hard-wired, standard-of-care protocols he would eventually witness playing out in the lives of others.

“It was the most traumatic thing I’d ever experienced in my whole life,” Ardis told The Epoch Times.

Among the multiple problems with his treatment, Ardis said, his father-in-law had been erroneously diagnosed with having the flu and given an antibiotic called vancomycin, which, like remdesivir, is known to cause acute kidney failure.

“Not only did he not have the flu, but the doctor also treated him with a horrifically toxic, last-resort antibiotic that doesn’t treat the flu,” he said.

When he asked the doctor why he had his father-in-law on the antibiotic that was causing his kidneys to fail, Ardis said the doctor told him that it was hospital protocol.

Protocol for Vaccine-Injured Focuses on Spike Protein and Helping Patients Recover: Dr. Pierre Kory

People injured by COVID-19 vaccines have been largely ignored by hospitals, federal health agencies, and the mainstream media.

According to Dr. Pierre Kory, a first-ever protocol for vaccine-injured people focuses on countering the spike protein mechanisms and shows promising results.

Kory is a pulmonary and critical care specialist. He’s also the president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance), a non-profit organization dedicated to developing protocols to prevent and treat COVID-19.

“What we’re trying to focus on is ‘spikeopathy,’ which is the study of the pathogenesis of the spike protein. And there’s no one teaching that to doctors in the system,” Kory told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

“I’m humbled by these patients. Often they’re extremely complex, very sick. But I get them better to some extent, sometimes [to] large extents. I see robust responses. I see the diminution or mitigation of lots of symptoms, and others are much more difficult.”

Risk of Heart Inflammation Remains Elevated After COVID-19 Booster: Study

The risk of heart inflammation following receipt of a COVID-19 booster shot remains elevated, according to a new study.

The primary series of the messenger RNA-based vaccines, made by Pfizer and Moderna, have already been linked to heart inflammation, but not as much research has been done on whether booster doses also present heart-related risks.

In the study, French researchers analyzed 4,890 myocarditis cases admitted to hospitals in the country between Dec. 27, 2020, and Jan. 31, 2022. They used 48,900 controls from the general population, matching for gender, age, and area of residence.

Receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine booster was found to result in an elevated risk of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation, particularly receipt of a Moderna booster.

The adjusted risk after a Pfizer booster was three times higher among the boosted, and four times higher after a Moderna booster.

For people aged 12 to 29, the risk was 4.9 times higher for Pfizer booster recipients. Data for young Moderna booster recipients was not available because France suspended use of the vaccine in October 2021, and only made it available again the following month for those over 30 years old.

For those aged 30 and above, a Pfizer booster was associated with a 2.4 times higher risk of heart inflammation, while Moderna’s booster brought a 4.1 times higher risk.

The risks were more elevated if a person received the third dose within 170 days of the first dose. A booster is the third dose because a primary series is comprised of two doses. Similarly, the risk of myocarditis after the second dose is higher in cases where a person receives the dose within 27 days of the first dose.

U.S. authorities have advised young people to get their second shot up to eight weeks after the first, primarily because of the heart inflammation risk. The earlier guidance was three weeks or one month after the first.

“We found that the risk of myocarditis remained elevated after the booster dose and that longer intervals between each consecutive dose (including booster doses) may decrease the occurrence of vaccine-associated myocarditis,” the authors of the new study wrote.

The paper was posted ahead of peer review on the medRxiv preprint server. The authors work for the French government and several universities.

COVID-19 Was CCP ‘Biological Warfare,’ New Research Group Says

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used COVID-19 for biological warfare, according to a new report by nine experts with the Center for Security Policy (CSP).

Generals, medical experts, and foreign policy experts including former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin contributed to the report, which is available in book form on Amazon.

The report, titled “The CCP is at War with America,” stated that there is no evidence COVID-19 was a natural virus, arguing that there is significant evidence it came from a CCP lab. It also stated that the CCP deliberately allowed the virus to spread worldwide by allowing international flights while locking down movement within China.

The CSP describes the report as an “exercise in competitive analysis that strongly challenges the Director of National Intelligence’s September 2021 conclusion.”

mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies

Media and health authorities also ignore what Dr. Robert Malone and others have warned about from the start, which is that vaccinating during a pandemic will drive the evolution of resistant strains. This is precisely what we’re now seeing with Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, which circumvent both natural immunity and COVID jab-induced antibodies

The CDC and the FDA are also ignoring the reality of immune imprinting, which is causing COVID-jabbed individuals to contract COVID more frequently, and repeatedly

Media are again trying to drum up fear over new COVID strains, despite data clearly showing hospitalization rates remain steady even though the infection rate is rising

When RNAs include pseudouridine — as all mRNA COVID shots do — they will last longer and be less inflammatory. However, we’ve now discovered pseudouridine-containing RNA also causes immunosuppression, which we’re seeing in many who have received the jabs

Malone’s book, “The Lies My Government Told Me” is now available


Twitter Permanently Bans Author James Lindsay

Twitter has permanently banned author James Lindsay for calling a transgender attorney a “child sexualization specialist” on the social media platform.

Lindsay said he made the comment after Alejandro Caraballo, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic who previously worked as staff attorney for the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, accused Lindsay of being racist and sexist.

Caraballo celebrated and took credit for Lindsay’s suspension, saying, “Tell James, I want him to know it was me” in a post on Twitter.

Over the last two weeks, Lindsay said, trans activists have banded together, targeted him, and claimed responsibility for a “mass reporting” campaign—which is against Twitter rules.

“They not only launched a massive reporting [campaign], but they bragged that they did it,” he told The Epoch Times on Aug. 5, the day he was banned. “Twitter has a terms of service agreement that you can’t mass report or induce mass reporting. It’s considered targeted harassment, and it’s against the terms of service to do it, but nobody ever enforces it—ever.”

Celebrating Health for 25 Years

August 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of Mercola.com. For all these years, I’ve dedicated myself to providing free information to help you take control of and improve your health

Our four nonprofit partners, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and Consumers for Dental Choice, have been able to make progress that would have been impossible without your support

For example, the end of mercury dental fillings is now near, as nations around the world have banned mercury fillings for children and pregnant women, and Envista, the last publicly traded manufacturer of dental amalgam in the U.S., has stopped manufacturing amalgam containing mercury

FAN has also successfully put an end to water fluoridation in many areas around the world. Mercury and fluoride are both pernicious poisons with severe adverse effects on health, so with each victory, countless lives are saved

Mercola articles are still free to read for 48 hours on my website, and those who want unlimited access still have that option by subscribing to my Censored Library on Substack. The $5 per month membership fee goes toward supporting our four nonprofit partners


How to Stop an Escape Artist from Making a Getaway

Have a four-legged Houdini on your hands? It’s less cute than it sounds, and sometimes scary. A dog who slips through an open door every chance they get is frustrating for you and dangerous for them. Exploring the fenced backyard? Fine. Sprinting down the middle of a busy street? Not so much. 

Why would a well-loved dog with ample food, water, toys, and human attention choose to escape? Because it’s fun! The outside world can be endlessly reinforcing for a dog. If you have a dog who sniffs and investigates everything on walks, you know that from experience. The door-darter has also learned that dashing outside is a great way to get their couch-potato human to play with them — which further encourages their dramatic escapes. Plus, if you’ve ever reprimanded your dog when you finally got your hands on them, you’ve taught them that being captured makes bad stuff happen (hello, yelling) and the good stuff go away (bye-bye, playtime).

Making good stuff go away is the definition of “negative punishment,” and making bad stuff happen is “positive punishment.” Your pup’s getting punished twice, and here’s the kicker: They won’t associate either punishment with their initial door-darting. Nope, they’ll instead connect both of those consequences with you catching them, which will make it even harder to retrieve them the next time they get loose. Here’s exactly what to do if your dog is a door-darter:


‘Dream Come True’ for Mother-Daughter Duo Who Pilot Southwest Flight Together

A mother and daughter who are both pilots have become Southwest Airlines’ first mom-daughter duo to pilot an aircraft together.

On July 23, 2022, Captain Holly Petitt and her daughter, First Officer Keely Petitt, co-piloted Southwest flight #3658 from their hometown of Denver, Colorado, to St. Louis, Missouri. Flying the two-hour flight, they made history for the airline company.

“It’s been a dream come true,” Holly said in a Southwest press release. “First, I found this career and fell in love with it, and then that one of my kids fell into this and in love with this career too. It’s surreal.”

For Holly, her career in the aviation industry began after she graduated from college. She first became a flight attendant, but quickly realized she wanted to be in the driving seat instead.  So, she juggled attending flight school with married life, welcoming three children along the way, and with the support of her husband and mother, she got her pilot’s license.

Being witness to her mom’s journey to become a pilot, Keely soon discovered her own ambition to fly planes. After sitting in the cockpit during a discovery flight with her siblings at age 14, Keely’s ambition to become a pilot was cemented.


Biden Admin Evacuated Hundreds on US Watchlist From Afghanistan: Whistleblower

Sen. Josh Hawley grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray on the allegations at a Senate hearing

Two GOP senators have urged the Department of Defense (DoD) to immediately investigate whistleblower allegations that hundreds of Afghan evacuees who appeared on official watchlists were not properly vetted before they were released into the United States.

According to the DoD whistleblower, the Biden administration failed to properly vet 324 Afghan evacuees who appeared on the DoD’s Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL), which includes known suspected terrorists, said U.S. Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday.

The BEWL identifies individuals whose biometrics have been collected and determined by analysts to be threats or potential threats to national security, including known suspected terrorists.

Biden EPA Announces ‘Flyovers’ of Key US Oil- and Gas-Producing Region

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it will conduct “flyovers” of the Permian Basin region in Texas and New Mexico to “survey oil and gas operations to identify large emitters of methane” amid the Biden administration’s climate policy initiative.

“The flyovers are vital to identifying which facilities are responsible for the bulk of these emissions and therefore where reductions are most urgently needed,” said Earthea Nance, an EPA official, in an Aug. 1 news release.  The flyovers, which will use infrared cameras, will be conducted until Aug. 15, the agency said.

With the announcement, it means the administration will continue to target the oil and gas industry, coming after President Joe Biden sent letters to the heads of major oil companies in June and threatened to take action to increase supply. The move drew pushback from the CEOs of ExxonMobil and Chevron, who both accused Biden of taking an increasingly hostile approach to the industry.

The Permian Basin accounts for 43 percent of the nation’s oil supply, meaning any federal regulation or rules may impact gas prices nationwide.

“The flyovers will continue through August 15. By emphasizing identification of potential super-emitters, this effort builds on previous aerial surveillance efforts in the Permian Basin area starting in 2019,” the EPA release said.

Its announcement came days after an Associated Press report claimed that 533 gas and oil facilities in the Permian Basin are emitting what it described as excessive amounts of methane. But an EPA spokesperson told the Washington Post this week that the flyovers are not connected to AP’s article.

Election Director Resigns After ‘Comprehensive Failure’ on Primary Day in Arizona County: RNC

An election official from an Arizona county has resigned after allegations of voter irregularities and a ballot shortage on primary elections day.

The Pinal County government confirmed that “David Frisk is no longer in the position of Elections Director and is no longer employed by Pinal County” in a statement on Thursday–two days after Arizona’s primary election day—after a shortage of ballots on primary election day and thousands of early ballots were sent to the wrong voters leading up to the primaries.

Frisk was in charge of ordering the right number of ballots for primary election day, Jeffrey McClure, Chairman of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, told reporters in a press conference on Wednesday.

“I’m not sure how the ballot shortage happened,” McClure said. “We opened the boxes, and there weren’t enough ballots.”

“As a Board, we are deeply embarrassed and frustrated by the mistakes that have been made in this primary election,” McClure said in a Thursday statement, “and as such, we are taking immediate steps to ensure the November election runs smoothly, as elections in Pinal County have historically done prior to this primary.”

The Arizona primaries on Tuesday included Republican races for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, secretary of state, the state legislature, and the high-profile gubernatorial race between Kari Lake and Karrin Taylor Robson.

Biden and Pelosi Give Wrong ‘Facts’ About ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are trying to reinstate the federal assault weapon ban that was in effect for 10 years because—they claim—it reduced gun crime. The bill, which just passed the House, will soon get a vote in the Senate.

In the effort to get it passed, Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made some grand claims, which they called “facts,” about the previous ban on rifles leading to decreasing crime. But those facts don’t appear to be backed up by evidence.

“Supporters of the bans are calling their assertions ‘facts,’ in an effort to mislead the public,” Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) told The Epoch Times. “Many of the Democratic Members of Congress were purposefully misleading in their assertions that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban reduced crime. This level of willful ignorance would be comical if the effects of what they are trying to do wasn’t so blatantly unconstitutional.”

The ban was in effect from 1994 to 2004.

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