July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: August 14, 2018

World News
Italy bridge: Genoa motorway collapse kills 35
BBC – A motorway bridge has collapsed in the northwest Italian city of Genoa, killing at least 35 people as vehicles plummeted to the ground, emergency services say.
Rescuers are trying to free people caught in crushed vehicles or rubble.
Fears that other parts of the bridge might fall have prompted the evacuation of buildings in the area, a rescuer told Italy’s Ansa news agency.
Turkey crisis: Erdogan vows to boycott US electronics
Al Jazeera – Turkey’s president fired a new salvo in the growing war of words with the United States on Tuesday, saying Ankara will boycott all American-made electronic products.
Showing no signs of backing down in the standoff, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would stop procuring US-made iPhones and buy Korean Samsung or Turkish-made Vestel products instead.
Australian senator calls for ‘final solution to immigration problem’
Guardian – Crossbencher Fraser Anning widely condemned for speech praising white Australia policy and pushing for plebiscite on Muslim immigration
An Australian crossbench senator has invoked the term “the final solution” in an inflammatory speech calling for a plebiscite asking voters whether they want to end all immigration by Muslims and non-English speaking people “from the third world”.
British expats in EU launch Brexit legal challenge
Guardian –  Group says leave campaign broke electoral law, making 2016 vote unconstitutional
British expatriates have launched a fresh legal challenge against the 2016 referendum, arguing that the result has been invalidated by the Electoral Commission’s ruling on leave campaign spending.
The judicial review against the prime minister, Theresa May, has been submitted to the high court in London by the UK in EU Challenge group, which represents Britons living in France, Italy and Spain.
Sweden Burning: Migrant Gangs Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Cities
ZeroHedge – Many Swedes were horrified in early 2017 when U.S. President Donald Trump linked immigration to rising crime in Sweden, but an increasing number now agree with him.
Amid soaring crime rates, gang violence, complaints about education, and pregnant mothers even being turned away from maternity wards due to a lack of capacity, resentment in Sweden has built over the influx of more than 600,000 immigrants over the past five years.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
CLAIM: Barack Obama and John Brennan may be facing imminent criminal indictments
NaturalNews – It’s been confirmed that President 44 has formally retained legal counsel in response to multiple potential criminal indictments that both he and former CIA Director John Brennan could very soon be facing.
Insiders familiar with what’s going on claim that Barack Obama is on the verge of being charged with the following crimes:

  • “Material Support of Terrorism” for his involvement with trying to overthrow the current Syrian government.
  • Creating, funding, and arming the group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also sometimes referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which facilitated a litany of “war crimes and crimes against humanity including numerous murders (some by public beheading), torture, rape, theft of oil from Iraq and from Syria, laundering of money from sale of stolen oil, destruction of historical antiquities and … conspiracy to commit such acts with” … leaders of other foreign nations.
  • “Shielding drug trafficking by Hezbollah,” as well as making unlawful payments of ransom money as part of his effort to secure a deal with Iran on nuclear inspections.
  • “Bribery” for any money he took in from the Uranium-One conspiracy, which involved selling 20 percent of United States uranium to a Russia-controlled country.

These are just a few of the many crimes that not only Obama but also Brennan and many others may be found guilty of committing following the unsealing of their believed-to-be indictments. Hal Turner discussed this on a recent episode of his “The Hal Turner Radio Show,” which you can access at this link.
US high school students to receive ‘trauma training’ to prepare for ‘mass casualty events’ – report
RT – High school-age children in the United States are set to receive “life-saving trauma training” funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in an effort to prepare them for “mass casualty events”.
The DHS has issued a $1.8 million grant to create the program, according to federal procurement documents obtained by The Young Turks (TYT) news organization.
The ‘School-Age Trauma Training’ program aims to provide “the knowledge necessary to stabilize the injured and control severe bleeding until first responders arrive on the scene”.
Former Gun Control Congressional Candidate Arrested for Allegedly Shooting PAC Manager
Breitbart – A 2017 Congressional candidate who ran on a gun control platform in Georgia was arrested last week and charged with shooting the former manager of her political action committee, according to police.
More than 300 accused priests listed in Pennsylvania report on Catholic Church sex abuse
Washington Post – The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday released a sweeping grand jury report on sex abuse in the Catholic Church, listing more than 300 accused clergy and detailing 70 years of misconduct and church response across the state.
State Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference Tuesday that more than 1,000 child victims were identified in the report, but the grand jury believes there are more.
He said that the report details a “systematic coverup by senior church officials in Pennsylvania and at the Vatican.”
Donald Trump: Omarosa a ‘Dog’ and a ‘Crazed, Crying Lowlife’
Breitbart – “When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!”
>> Related: Trump Campaign Says Omarosa Violated Non-Disclosure Agreement
Child Hacks Florida Voting System Within 10 Minutes
Newsmax – An 11-year-old boy managed to hack into a replica of Florida’s election results website in 10 minutes and change names and tallies during a hackers convention, organizers said, stoking concerns about security ahead of nationwide votes.
The boy was the quickest of 35 children, ages 6 to 17, who all eventually hacked into copies of the websites of six swing states during the three-day Def Con security convention over the weekend, the event said on Twitter on Tuesday.
Judge Releases New Mexico Jihadists on Bond After Attorneys Complain of Racism
Prison Planet – Five alleged Muslim extremists who are accused of training children to carry out school shootings have been released on bond after one of their attorneys complained that the men were only being targeted because they’re “black and Muslim,” as opposed to “white and Christian.”
Judge Sarah Backus said that prosecutors didn’t prove the alleged jihadists were “a danger to the community” and released them on a $20,000 “signature bond,” which means they won’t even have to pay the fee unless they violate the conditions of their release.
“The state argued that the 11 children at the compound were being trained to use guns as they prepared to attack teachers, law enforcement and others in institutions that the group considered corrupt,” reports the Albuquerque Journal.
Atlanta charter school drops morning Pledge of Allegiance
USA Today – An Atlanta school is no longer requiring its students to stand each morning for the Pledge of Allegiance.
In a letter to students and families, Lara Zelinski, principal of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School’s elementary campus, said “students will continue to lead the meeting by asking our community to stand to participate in our Wolf Pack Chant together.” She added that the Pledge of Allegiance could be said at another point during the day within classrooms.
The move comes as the national debate over the national anthem and the NFL continues.
Alabama public schools may soon add ‘In God We Trust’ displays
Fox – Public school officials in Alabama are looking to put God back into their schools through displays of the U.S. motto “In God We Trust” — but critics are speaking out against the move, calling it “a constant push for theocracy.”
State lawmakers in February approved legislation allowing such displays on public property. The motto soon could become more common in Alabama schools, Al.com reported, with legal challenges expected to follow.
Economy & Business
Banks on alert from FBI about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions
USA Today – The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned banks in the U.S. of an impending cybercrime, a heist called an “ATM cash-out,” in which thieves seek to swipe millions of dollars by using cloned ATM cards for fraudulent withdrawals.
This globally organized effort could be instigated soon, the FBI told banks Friday, with cybercriminals attempting to amass millions of dollars within a few hours, according to the confidential alert obtained by security researcher Brian Krebs.
Energy & Environment
Before long, if you don’t agree with official climate change propaganda, you will be banned from YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter
NaturalNews – BuzzFeed recently reported that the social media giant YouTube is now “fact-checking” any videos which dare to question climate change. The company has also taken the step of adding the following disclaimer to such videos:
Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming.
Amazingly, this line is a direct quotation from a Wikipedia entry, as if Wikipedia can be referenced as an accurate source of scientific information!
Science & Technology
YouTube declares war on natural medicine, begins banning channels that promote botanical healing that might hurt the profits of Big Pharma
NaturalNews – The censorship brigade over at YouTube is at it again, this time with a mass purge of all channels and content that dare to suggest that natural botanicals might contribute to human wellness and healing.
As our own Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently reported, YouTube has officially shut down the Natural News YouTube channel over a 43-second video that discussed the scientific properties of cannabidiol, or CBD, which is one of several dozen cannabinoid compounds found naturally in the cannabis plant.
Report: Facebook Exec Said Zuckerberg ‘Doesn’t Care About Publishers’
Breitbart – Facebook’s head of global news partnerships, Campbell Brown told Australian media executives that Mark Zuckerberg “doesn’t care about publishers,” according to a report in Murdoch-owned newspaper the Australian.
According to the report, Brown said:
Mark [Zuckerberg] doesn’t care about publishers but is giving me a lot of leeway and concessions to make these changes,” Ms Brown said.
We will help you revitalise journalism … in a few years the ­reverse looks like I’ll be holding your hands with your dying ­business like in a hospice.
She allegedly went on to say:
We are not interested in talking to you about your traffic and referrals any more. That is the old world and there is no going back.
Brown denied making the comments, telling the Australian “these quotes are simply not accurate and don’t reflect the discussion we had in the meeting.”
After years providing a platform for new publishers to rapidly expand, Facebook abruptly shifted course in January, following months of pressure from establishment politicians and the mainstream media. Among the many changes to their newsfeed algorithm was a prioritization of posts from friends and family rather than publishers, brands, and public figures. Following the change, at least two publishers that relied on Facebook traffic went out of business, causing over 100 employees to be made redundant. At the same time, engagement on President Trump’s Facebook posts fell by nearly half.
Following the crackdown on publishers, Facebook agreed to artificially boost and directly fund content from a number of left-wing and mainstream media companies, including CNN, ABC News, and Univision.
NASA Loses Mars Rover in Dust Storm
Metro – A Nasa robot is still missing and presumed dead on the surface of Mars.
Space scientists lost contact with the Opportunity Rover almost two months ago as it was buffeted by a huge dust storm which covered the entire surface of Mars.
The swirling maelstrom will have deposited powder onto the solar panels which power the exploration ‘droid, meaning it cannot recharge its battery to make contact with mission control back on Earth.
How to find and delete where Google knows you’ve been
Fox – Here are some things you can do to delete those markers and keep your location as private as possible. But there’s no panacea, because simply connecting to the internet on any device flags an IP address, a numeric designation that can be geographically mapped. Smartphones also connect to cell towers, so your carrier knows your general location at all times.
Lithium Orotate: Nutrient for Brains that Fights Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s
Green Med Info – Whenever someone mentions or especially recommends lithium, people tend to get nervous. They think it’s only for manic-depressive or bipolar types with the normal expectations of pharmaceutical side effects.
But more recently, holistic doctors, naturopaths, and chiropractors have been recommending a natural form of lithium that’s safe and effective as both a mood stabilizer and overall neuroprotective nootropic, a cognitive enhancer that improves memory and motivation in normally healthy individuals. This is lithium orotate.
Lithium carbonate was considered psychiatry’s last sane drug until the pharmaceutical industry’s take-over of psychiatry with newly-designed, dangerous drugs, starting in the 1990s.
For around 30 years, holistic Dr. Jonathon Wright, MD has been using lithium orotate on his Washington State Tahoma Clinic patients and himself.
Several other holistic health practitioners are also promoting the most common supplemental form of lithium orotate. It’s bound with orotic acid, which while similar to a B vitamin and once inaccurately labeled B-13, is also something the body is able to create. Some studies have implied there are heart health qualities with orotic acid.
Lithium orotate manages to penetrate the blood-brain barrier more than lithium carbonate compounds. So it takes less lithium to encourage positive results
Dr. Wright has had success with lithium orotate for alcoholics and their families, or in general, among households and individuals as mood stabilizers.  Improvements occur within weeks. He recommends giving lithium orotate a six to eight-week trial. If no favorable or not-so-favorable results occur, one merely stops without suffering any withdrawal.
>> For a high quality lithium orotate supplement please check out Lithium Balance at The Power Mall.  For more information or to order please call 877-817-9829 or go online www.thepowermall.com
Honey Might Be The Most Underappreciated Inflammation-Fighter Around
Mind Body Green – Between 8,000 and 15,000 years ago, on the walls of a cave in Valencia, Spain, a Mesolithic-era artist boldly immortalized a painting of a human gathering honey. The figure is shown climbing up a swinging rope ladder on the side of a cliff, carrying a smoking torch to sedate the bees. Is it possible that, even then, humans sought out honey for more than just its nectarous flavor? Beyond honey’s millennia-old allure as a sweet delicacy, it is also a scientifically proven natural healing powerhouse.
From ingesting a spoonful to slathering it on as a facial cleanser, honey delivers potent antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, and its power lies in its composition. Liquid gold and sweeter than sugar, honey is comprised primarily of fructose and glucose, as well as numerous flavonoid polyphenols, enzymes, minerals, free amino acids, vitamins, and proteins.
Significant rise in mosquito ‘disease danger days’
CBS – As global temperatures continue to rise, the number of mosquito “disease danger days” is increasing across much of the United States, representing a greater risk for transmission of mosquito-borne diseases, according to a new report.
3 ‘Healthy’ Foods that Cause Inflammation
Care 2 – If you consider yourself a healthy eater, you probably think your diet is relatively anti-inflammatory. All that kale and broccoli has got to be worth something, right? But you just might be very wrong about how healthy your food choices are.

  1. Store-Bought Non-Dairy Milks

Almond milk, macadamia milk, oat milk—these are all wonderful creations. And that non-dairy milks have gone mainstream enough to ensure that there are at least two different dairy alternatives available in most coffee shops is absolute heaven for the lactose intolerants and vegans among us.
But if you struggle with gastrointestinal inflammation, your non-dairy milk habit may be a culprit.

  1. Dates

Dates are the darling of healthy baking—especially in the paleo world. But they aren’t necessarily the innocuous sweetener they appear to be.
Sure, they contain fiber, but they also contains around 25 grams of sugar per date! Eat more than one—which you almost definitely will—and you’re skyrocketing insulin levels, which leads to inflammation symptoms like mood swings, brain fog, and an energy crash soon after.

  1. Grapeseed Oil

When people give up vegetable/canola oil in favor of a healthier option, they often turn to grapeseed. But grapeseed oil, even if you don’t heat it, is surprisingly inflammatory.

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