July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 17, 2022


The ‘QAnon Queen’ Told Her Followers to Arrest Cops. It Didn’t Go Well.

Didulo’s ideology is wide-ranging and at times esoteric. Alongside typical QAnon conspiracies, she claims to be an alien-adjacent being willing to share advanced medical technology with her followers. She also espouses the pseudo-legal sovereign citizen ideology, which convinces its adherents that the government has no control over them and became prominent during the COVID-conspiracy movement. Currently, she’s on a never-ending tour of Canada with her “staff” in a group of RVs, either rented, bought, or gifted by her fans.

3 Romana Didulo followers charged after attempting to ‘arrest’ Peterborough police

Plans by followers of leading Canadian QAnon figure Romana Didulo to arrest Peterborough police officers led to the arrest of several of their own on the weekend.

Didulo, the self-proclaimed “Queen of Canada,” arrived in the city in a crowd-funded RV on Saturday along with a group of 30 individuals. Didulo for months has called for the arrests and killings of anyone involved with Canada’s rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Her followers — with 70,000 on Telegram, many staunch anti-vaccine supporters — often deliver “cease and desist” letters to organizations demanding they end their “crimes against humanity.”

Putin Offers ‘Most Modern’ Weapons to Allied Socialists in Latin America

Russian leader Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Russia is ready to provide the “most advanced types of weapons” to its allied nations, including the socialist regimes in Latin America, in a move to expand Russia’s arms trade with its allies.

“Russia sincerely cherises the historical strong, friendly, truly trusting ties with the states of Latin America, Asia, and Africa and is ready to offer its partners and allies the most modern types of weapons. From small arms to armored vehicles and artillery, combat aircrafts and unmanned aerial vehicles,” Putin said in remarks given at the opening of the Army-2022 International Military and Technical Forum held outside the city of Moscow. 

Beijing Praises Viktor Orbán’s Hungary for Embracing Chinese Green Energy Investment

China’s state-run Global Times propaganda newspaper praised the government of Hungary under self-proclaimed conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday for greenlighting the construction of a Chinese electric vehicle battery factory and being “rational and pragmatic” in maintaining friendly relations with the Chinese Communist Party.

Under Orbán, who strives to maintain close ties to the American right-wing community, Hungary has greatly expanded the Chinese Communist Party’s economic and cultural presence in the country. Orbán made Hungary the first European leader to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure debt trap scheme in which China offers participating countries predatory loans later used to erode their sovereignty. Hungary has allowed China to operate its “Confucius Institutes,” academic institutions used to spread communism, on its soil, and more recently emphasized that it supported the “One China principle” – the false idea that the nation of Taiwan is a province of communist China.

Cost of Living Crisis: UK Sees Double-Digit Inflation, Highest Level in 40 Years

Britain’s inflation rate rose to a new 40-year high of 10.1% in July, a faster pace than in the U.S. and Europe as climbing food prices in the United Kingdom tightened a cost-of-living squeeze fueled by the soaring cost of energy.

The double-digit surge in consumer prices over a year earlier was higher than analysts’ central forecast of 9.8% and a jump from the annual rate of 9.4% in June, the Office for National Statistics said Wednesday. The increase was largely due to rising prices for food and staples, including toilet paper and toothbrushes, it said.


Alaska Primary Update: Lisa Murkowski Leads Kelly Tshibaka at Half Way

Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski and Trump-endorsed fellow Republican Kelly Tshibaka have advanced to the general election from Tuesday’s primary, according to preliminary results.

While the votes are still being tabulated, the two GOP candidates have clearly earned two of the slots in the race that will see only the top four vote-getters among a total of 19 candidates in Alaska’s open primaries advance to the November election.

Murkowski leads ahead of Tshibaka with 42.7 percent of the vote against the former commissioner in Alaska’s Department of Administration’s 41.4 percent, according to the latest results from the Associated Press.

Minnesota Nurses Association Votes To Go On Strike

The Minnesota Nurses Association voted to authorize a strike on Monday night, which includes nurses in both the Twin Ports and Twin Cities.

The MNA says the strike will include approximately 15,000 nurses.

In a press release, the union said the negotiations between the MNA and hospital executives have gone on since March, and the nurses are not currently under contracts.

“Hospital executives with million-dollar salaries have created a crisis of retention and care in our healthcare system, as more nurses are leaving the bedside, putting quality patient care at risk,” Mary C. Turner, RN at North Memorial Hospital and President of the Minnesota Nurses Association, said in the press release. “Nurses do not take this decision lightly, but we are determined to take a stand at the bargaining table, and on the sidewalk if necessary, to put patients before profits in our hospitals.”

Now that the strike has been authorized, the hospitals will receive a 10-day notice before it begins.

The MNA says that with 15,000 nurses, the strike “would be one of the largest nurses strikes in U.S. history, and would be the first time Twin Cities and Twin Ports nurses took such an action together in contract negotiations.”

The strike authorization came from nurses who work at 15 hospitals that are part of seven hospital systems.

The strike authorization follows the informational picketing MNA nurses held back in June, which did not affect staffing levels at the hospitals since the nurses did not walk off the job.

Essentia Health and St. Luke’s will send new statements later on Tuesday.

Sarah Palin Advances in Race for Alaska’s Only House Seat

Sarah Palin, former Republican vice presidential nominee and former Alaska governor, advanced in the primary on Tuesday in a bid to win the state’s sole House seat in November, the Associated Press projected.

The top four candidates advanced, regardless of party, due to Alaska’s new election system. Palin will face Democrat Mary Peltola, Republican Nick Begich, and one other still unknown candidate in the general election.

Palin was endorsed by Donald Trump when she launched her campaign, who said, “Wonderful patriot Sarah Palin just announced that she is running for Congress, and that means there will be a true America First fighter on the ballot.”

Palin was governor of Alaska from 2006-2009 and was the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2008, sharing a ticket with Senator John McCain.

The candidates are also competing in a special general election to fill the remaining months of the late Representative Don Young’s term, which ends in January. The former representative was the longest serving member of the current Congress and died at the age of 88 in March.

The special election used ranked choice voting, an election method approved by Alaska residents in 2020. In ranked choice, voters rank their preferred candidates, and the candidates are then eliminated one by one based on the number of first choice preferences they received.


Liz Cheney Loses Wyoming Primary to Trump Endorsee Harriet Hageman

Cheney is the fourth of the 10 Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment to have their reelection bids foiled in Republican primaries by candidates endorsed by the former president.

With Cheney’s Ouster, at Least 8 of 10 GOP Trump Impeachment Backers Will Be Out of Congress Next Session

Three-term Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) on Aug. 16 became the eighth of 10 Republicans who voted for Donald Trump’s impeachment to either retire or be defeated by party rivals endorsed by the former president.

Cheney, one of Trump’s most vociferous critics, was defeated in Wyoming’s Aug. 16 Republican primary for the state’s lone congressional seat by Harriet Hageman, a Cheyenne natural resources attorney.

Cheney joins four GOP incumbents of the 10 Republican House members who voted for Trump’s impeachment to have their renominations canceled by their constituents.

Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) was defeated by Trump-backed John Gibbs; Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.) was trounced by more than 25 percentage points by Trump-endorsed state Rep. Russell Fry; and Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) lost a narrow election to Joe Kent, who was supported by Trump.

The only two to advance to the general election in primary battles are Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) and Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.).

Four retired rather than run in 2022: Reps. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.), and Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.)

Biden Signs ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Into Law

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed the Democrat-backed “Inflation Reduction Act” into law amid decades-high inflation.

In a signing ceremony at the White House Tuesday, Biden asserted the bill will be one of the “most significant laws in our history” and claimed that the bill was a win for “democracy,” though it was not supported by any Republicans in either the House or Senate. To applause, Biden also said that people who make less than $400,000 per year will “not pay a penny more” in taxes.

Judge Avoids Immediate Decision on Trump FBI Search Warrant Affidavit, Schedules Hearing

A federal judge in Florida has avoided ruling on whether to unseal a key document related to the FBI’s raid of former President Donald Trump’s resort, instead scheduling a hearing to hear arguments from parties in person.

Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the search warrant affidavit and other materials, backed by a number of other businesses and groups, will be the subject of the Aug. 18 hearing at the federal court in West Palm Beach.

The nonprofit urged the court on Aug. 10, two days after the raid, to unseal the warrant, the affidavit, and related documents.

“Given the political context, and the highly unusual action of executing a search warrant at the residence of a former President and likely future political opponent, it is essential that the public understands as soon as possible the basis for the government’s action. Any government interest in securing the identities of witnesses and confidential sources, if any, may be addressed by appropriate redactions from the search warrant affidavit,” Judicial Watch said.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart unsealed the warrant itself and inventory receipts listing items agents seized from the resort, but has kept other materials shielded.

Among them: the affidavit, a document signed by a law enforcement official that argued for a warrant to be approved.

“It’s absolutely critical to get the affidavit. The affidavit is the foundation. It’s the predicate for the entire search warrant process,” Chris Farrell, director of research and investigation at Judicial Watch, told The Epoch Times in a recent interview.

Reinhart approved the warrant request on Aug. 5.

72 Percent of Illegal Border Crossers Hail From Countries Other Than Mexico

Gone are the days when most illegal border crossers are easy-to-return single, male Mexicans looking for work.

Almost three-quarters of the nearly 200,000 people apprehended along the southern border in July were foreign nationals from countries other than Mexico, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Of the 200,000 illegal aliens encountered, 99,000 were from countries other than Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador.

CBP only provides data on some nationalities, so it’s not clear how many countries are represented in the numbers, but officials have previously noted it’s more than 160.

In the first 10 months of this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents along the U.S.–Mexico border have arrested more than 1.8 million people after they crossed illegally between ports of entry. A further 800,000 are known to have evaded Border Patrol after entry. It’s impossible to estimate how many more weren’t detected or apprehended.

Border Patrol agents apprehended 66 individuals on the terrorist screening database between ports of entry on the southern border in the past 10 months.

In 10 months, more than 1 million illegal aliens have been released into the United States while they await their immigration court proceedings, according to CBP data.

“While the encounter numbers remain high, this is a positive trend and the first two-month drop since October 2021,” said CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus in an Aug. 15 statement.

“DHS [Department of Homeland Security] has been executing a comprehensive and deliberate strategy to secure our borders and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system,” the statement reads.

The agency also said it anticipates illegal immigration to increase further.

Former IRS Whistleblower Says Middle Class Americans Will Be Targeted Under Inflation Reduction Act

A former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower has said that the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will see the government target middle-income Americans with increased scrutiny and audits.

William Henck previously worked as a lawyer for the IRS for 20 years until 2017, when he was terminated for allegedly revealing sensitive information to the media about how the IRS had reportedly failed to identify a multi-billion-dollar corporate tax credit scheme involving a source of energy known as burning pulp byproducts, or black liquor.

Speaking to Fox Business, Henck disputed claims by the IRS and other officials who have said that increased funding for the agency under the IRA, which is set to be signed into law by President Joe Biden this week, would only lead to more audits for wealthy millionaires and billionaires and large corporations.

“The idea that they’re going to open things up and go after these big billionaires and large corporations is quite frankly [expletive],” Henck said in the interview on Aug. 15. “It’s not going to happen. They’re going to give themselves bonuses and promotions and really nice conferences.”

“The big corporations and the billionaires are probably sitting back laughing right now,” he said, adding that it was “insane” to double the IRS budget.

Henck also said he believes that the agency will go after businesses that don’t have enough money to hire Washington lobbyists.

States Warn BlackRock to Stop Pushing Political Agenda

A growing coalition of state governments is pushing back against the world’s largest asset manager, saying it is putting its political agenda over the interests of clients and even U.S. national security.

Last week, a group of 19 state attorneys general from Republican-leaning states sent a strongly worded letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink demanding an end to this agenda and a return to fulfilling its fiduciary duties, suggesting the company’s actions may even be illegal.

Investigations and further legislative action may be next, state officials involved told The Epoch Times.

“Our state is heavily invested in organizations like BlackRock, and those organizations owe a fiduciary duty to the state of Montana to invest our money in the best way possible to earn returns,” Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen said in a phone interview. “That doesn’t include pushing a liberal agenda.”

Saying that the company and its allies had failed to convince legislatures to back its ideas, Knudsen blasted what he argued was the company’s effort to impose “idealistic, green, utopian, progressive ideas” on Americans through economic pressure instead.

“I think companies like this are really teetering on the edge of being in violation of their fiduciary obligations,” added Knudsen, saying investigations and action by the legislature would be the next steps.

Indeed, numerous state laws require that fiduciaries such as BlackRock operate “solely” in the interests of their beneficiaries, for the “exclusive purposes” of benefiting those beneficiaries, the officials noted. In other words, their only job is to make money—not promote alternative agendas.

Trump Says Cheney’s Defeat a ‘Complete Rebuke’ of Jan. 6 Committee

Former President Donald Trump suggested that the Jan. 6 committee should be dissolved, following the defeat of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) in a GOP primary on Aug. 16, calling the vote a “referendum” and that “the people have spoken.”

“Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming. This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform on Aug. 16.

“Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others,” Trump continued. “Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now.”

“Thank you WYOMING!” Trump added.


Breitbart Business Digest: Our Split-Personality Economy

There was something for everyone in Tuesday’s economic reports.

If you are convinced that the economy is already in a recession or hurtling toward one, the housing starts data for July provided more evidence to support your conviction. New housing construction decreased to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 1.446 million. This was 9.6 below the June estimate of 1.599 million and 8.1 percent below the year-earlier level. Economists had forecast 1.54 million.

Starts are now down below the prepandemic peak of 1.571 million. The pandemic-induced flight from the cities construction boom peaked in April of this year at 1.805 million. We’re now down nearly 20 percent from that peak. So it’s fair to call this a bear market for home building. (For the historians out there, the housing bubble peak was 2.273 million in January of 2006, and the all-time high was 2.494 million in January of 1972,)

Scammers are impersonating software maker McAfee in new imposter scam

Their goal is to compromise consumers’ devices and steal personal information

Consumers across the U.S. are reportedly receiving emails that appear to come from software firm McAfee that seek to confirm a purchase that never took place. Law enforcement officials say it’s one of the latest incarnations of the imposter scam.

Imposter scams are dangerous because the scammer is impersonating a person, company, or government agency that is familiar. In the case of the latest McAfee scam, the scheme is designed to elicit a panicked response.

“Thank you for your purchase!” the subject line reads. The body of the email says the consumer’s account has been reapproved and that a debit or credit card was charged several hundred dollars. 

The email encourages the recipient to call a telephone number if they would like to cancel. Other versions ask recipients to click a link. Either method puts the victim in touch with a scammer.

The scammer presumes the recipient doesn’t have a McAfee account and will react emotionally to what appears to be an erroneous charge. In the process, a number of dangerous activities could take place.

“If you click on a link, it may install malware on your computer,” said Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. “Malware can cause your device to crash and can be used to monitor and control your online activity, steal your personal information, send spam, and commit fraud.”

If you end up on a phone call with the scammer, Rosenblum said you will probably be asked to either provide personal information or make some sort of payment.


Russian Arms Fair: Robot Dog Equipped With RPG Launcher

At a Russian arms fair this week, a developer showed off their new creation, and the logical next step of the robot arms race: a Boston Dynamics-style dog robot with an RPG strapped to its back.

A video uploaded by RIA Novosti, a Russian-state owned news agency, shows the robot in action, in which the robot tiptoes around before laying down on the ground, its RPG pointed forward. The robot itself is dressed in something akin to the black outfit of a ninja, its eyes, which are presumably cameras, peeking out.

RIA Novosti said it spoke to the developers and wrote in a Telegram post that they said “this is a sample of the M-81 robotic system, capable of conducting aimed shooting and transporting weapons, and for civilian purposes it can be used in the emergency zone for reconnaissance, passage through rubble and delivery of medicines.”

“When used in combat, the robotic dog can also be engaged in target designation, patrolling and security,” the post added.

he video was taken at “Army-2022,” an ongoing arms fair in Moscow. The conference is taking place from Monday until Sunday, has around 1,500 participants, and over 28,000 exhibits, according to its website. One exhibitor also showed off an unmanned military truck which has no cockpit.

The military is testing a weapon that aims to destroy electronics, not buildings

South of Death Valley and north of Los Angeles, the Air Force is testing a new weapon designed not to kill. Together with the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Research Laboratory is conducting two months of testing on a device called the High-Powered Joint Electromagnetic Non-Kinetic Strike Weapon, or HiJENKS. It’s the culmination of a five-year project to create a machine that can destroy electronics in a targeted way. 

HiJENKS is the successor to a similar weapon, the Counter-electronics High-Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project, or CHAMP. Both weapons were designed to disable electronics without using physical force, such as an explosive blast or the kinetic force from impact. Making a weapon that can disable electronics without causing physical damage to its target is hard, and it might be part of why the Air Force is open to new delivery systems, other than a missile, in this latest iteration.


What’s Behind the Sudden Surge in Autism?

Data suggest that 1 in 30, or 3.49%, of children ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020

The rate of autism in lower-income families is higher than in higher-income families, and lower-income families tend to have higher vaccination rates than higher-income families

In 2010, the federal vaccine court conceded that Hannah Poling’s autism was the result of vaccinations, which “significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder”

Exposure to glyphosate, mercury, lead, aluminum and other chemicals, including phthalates and air pollution, is also implicated in autism

Even acetaminophen, brand name Tylenol, use during pregnancy increases the risk of autism in children

Research Project Takes Aim at Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is required for the functioning of more than 300 enzyme systems driving a diverse array of biological reactions in your body

Magnesium is important for healthy mitochondrial function, energy production, heart health and cognition. It’s also important for the metabolism and activation of other nutrients, including vitamin D

An estimated 48% of Americans do not get sufficient magnesium from their diet. Among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, the rate of magnesium deficiency is 84%, and up to 75% of diabetics are magnesium depleted

While severe deficiency can be identified through a careful analysis of physical symptoms, mild or subclinical deficiency is far more difficult to spot, so testing is advisable

GrassrootsHealth’s Magnesium*PLUS Focus Project aims to help identify the ideal dosage with a given compound and level, the specific health outcomes associated with magnesium deficiency and sufficiency, the dose-response relationships and much more


In Summer Of Record Heat, U.S. Power Grid Is Holding Up–So Far

Despite earlier warnings from grid operators and power grid reliability experts, this summer’s unprecedented heat waves have not caused rolling blackouts in the U.S.—at least not so far.

While residents in several states, including Texas, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa, have been encouraged to reduce their energy consumption during peak hours to avoid rolling blackouts, few have had to endure them at this stage.

Residents of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, just north of Detroit, lost power late July because of a transmission outage. DTE Energy’sDTE +0.1% vice president of distribution operations told the local ABC-affiliate that the outage may have been caused by aging infrastructure but that “certainly, the high temperatures could have played a part.” Elsewhere, residents of New York City and central California faced outages caused by the heat.

Most blackouts are still the result of a local event, like a car running into a utility pole, according to professor Jay Apt, co-director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center. “Very few outages are caused by insufficient power generation and transmission lines failing…the biggest single cause is storms that will blow a tree into an electrical line,” he said.


A Quick Pickle Fix: Turn Your Summer Garden Bounty Into Crunchy, Tangy, Almost-Instant Pickles

I do like my pickles, but I’m a lazy preserver. My solution is a speedy fix that omits the bother of canning: I make quick pickles. Quick-pickling is for impatient types like me, with (nearly) instantly gratifying results.

No time is better for pickling than summer, which yields more vegetables than you can shake a stick at. The gardens are bursting with ripe produce, as are the farmers markets. Once you’ve munched through your garden and shopping basket, cooked, roasted, and steamed your pickings, and tossed your harvests into salads, the question of what to do with the ever-replenishing mountain of veggies presents itself—not unlike a large, leafy green elephant in the room.

This is the moment to quick-pickle. Quick-pickling differs from canning and jarring in that it’s a short-term method that involves marinating the vegetables in a sugar and vinegar brine. (Canning is more technical, involving a process that allows the food to remain safely edible for lengthy periods of time.) Anything that’s quick-pickled should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within two weeks. For pickle pigs, like myself, this isn’t a deterrent.

All sorts of vegetables enjoy a pickle; just be sure to use the freshest produce available. You can brine a variety together or individually. Crisp vegetables are great contenders, such as cauliflower, carrots, turnips, green beans, beets, pickling cucumbers, fennel, and cabbage. The advantage of quick-pickling is that the vegetables will keep their crunch, which is essential to a good pickle.

The brine is equally essential to the pickle. Here, you can have a little fun with aromatics and spices, depending on what you’re pickling. A brine is traditionally an equal ratio of vinegar to water, plus sugar and salt. You can adjust the sugar to your taste, but avoid leaning too sweet, or the brine will be too saccharine. The vinegar can be white, red wine, rice wine, or apple cider vinegar. Avoid syrupy, aged vinegars such as balsamic. Tweak the aromatics using whole seeds, such as mustard, coriander, fennel, or peppercorn. Fresh and dried herbs are also important: Sprigs of dill, rosemary, thyme, or oregano add flavor and nuance.

Once jarred, the pickles can live in your refrigerator for up to two weeks. The longer they sit in the brine, the stronger their flavor.

A Key Food to Grow With Limited Space

Severe food shortages are coming and appear to be inevitable, more or less worldwide; whatever food is available will continue to go up in price

Growing your own food is something I encourage virtually everyone to take part in, even if you have limited space

One food that requires very minimal space, yet packs a powerful nutritional punch, is sprouts

Sprouts offer unique benefits due to the fact that they’re in their initial and early phase of growth

]Compared to mature plants, sprouts contain more concentrated amounts of nutrients, antioxidants and other health-promoting phytochemicals, and fewer antinutrients

In about a week, you can have fresh, nutritious food that can be harvested daily as needed


Biden Administration May Stop Buying COVID Vaccines, Treatments by Fall

The Biden Administration plans to stop buying COVID tests, vaccines and treatments as early as the fall, White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said Tuesday.

Under that plan, those products would be provided through the regular healthcare system, Jha said at an event sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, CNN reported.

Lab Rat Offspring Got Rib Malformations After COVID Vaccination: Moderna Trial Documents

Moderna documents regarding their COVID vaccine trial on animals, obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, showed that some of the offspring of rats that were injected with Moderna’s mRNA shot developed rib malformations.

The 700 pages contain a portion of the formal Biologics Licensing Application (BLA) package that a manufacturer is required to submit to the FDA for approval.

The documents have not yet been made public, but were analyzed by former pharma executive Alexandra Latypova and reviewed by The Epoch Times.

Included in the documents are test results that show that Moderna mRNA shots caused statistically significant skeletal malformations in the offspring of the rats that took the mRNA-1273 (Spikevax mRNA) doses.

“mRNA-1273-related variations in skeletal examination included statistically significant increases in the number of F1 rats with 1 or more wavy ribs and 1 or more rib nodules. Wavy ribs appeared in 6 fetuses and 4 litters with a fetal prevalence of 4.03% and a litter prevalence of 18.2%. Rib nodules appeared in 5 of those 6 fetuses,” according to Moderna’s internal documents.

F1 refers to the rat offspring and litter indicates a group-birth of rats.

“Maternal toxicity in the form of clinical observations was observed for 5 days following the last dose (Gestation Day 13), correlating with the most sensitive period for rib development in rats (Gestation Days 14 to 17)” the documents state.

Disney Cruise Ship Company Drops COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Children

Disney Cruise Line said it is dropping its COVID-19 vaccine requirement for children aged 5 to 11 for trips departing Canada and the United States.

The company previously required all passengers aged 5 and older to be fully vaccinated before departing.

The firm said in an Aug. 15 update on its website that starting Sept. 2, “Disney Cruise Line will require Guests ages 12 and older to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at the time of sailing.”

Fully vaccinated individuals must show a negative COVID-19 test result taken one to two days before departure, the company said. Otherwise, they will have to undergo testing at the cruise terminal before departing.

People who are not fully vaccinated must provide proof of a negative test taken between one and three days before departure. They will have to return a second negative test taken at the terminal on the day of departure, according to the firm.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ended some of its recommendations around COVID-19, noting that the vast majority of people have either had prior infection, been vaccinated, or both.  The updated guidelines from the CDC, released last week, gave unvaccinated people much of the same treatment as vaccinated people.

Lawsuits Coming for Entities That Don’t Change COVID Mandates After CDC Update: Lawyer

Entities with COVID-19 vaccine mandates that don’t pay heed to the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance will face lawsuits, a civil liberties lawyer says.

“We don’t have a new lawsuit in the works yet. But if we see that colleges and universities and public employers are not responding to the new CDC guidance the way that they should be, then we would certainly tee up a new lawsuit,” Mark Chenoweth, president and general counsel at the New Civil Liberties Alliance, told The Epoch Times.

The response to the updated guidance should be, at a minimum, a lifting of mandates for people who have recovered from COVID-19, he added.

Such people have a high level of protection against severe illness and death, according to a number of studies. Many studies indicate the protection is higher than that of the COVID-19 vaccinesincluding one study funded by the CDC.

The CDC issued updated guidance on Aug. 11, stating in part that risk for illness from COVID-19 “is considerably reduced by immunity derived from vaccination, previous infection, or both” and that “persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection.”

The public health agency rolled back quarantine recommendations for people, regardless of vaccination status, citing the high amount of immunity in the U.S. population from vaccination, prior infection, or both.

Since virtually all entities that have imposed mandates have cited CDC guidance, the entities won’t be able to argue they aren’t aware of the updated guidance, according to Chenoweth.

That means any institution that doesn’t alter or rescind its mandate in light of the update “is ripe for a lawsuit,” he said.

“Because the thing that the judges have said so far is that it was rational for these employers to follow CDC guidance, but now the CDC guidance is different. And if they’re now going forward with these mandates for example, against people who have natural immunity in the teeth of the CDC guidance on that question, then I think it’s going to be much harder for them to win even a rational basis challenge to their policies.”

California’s Proposed Vaccine Laws Will Circumvent Parental Rights: Medical Freedom Group

State Legislature quietly introducing new proposals giving government more control over medical system

Laura Sextro is the CEO of the Unity Project, an umbrella organization that connects groups across America that are fighting against vaccine mandates for children and for medical freedom and parental rights.

The Unity Project is trying to prevent several California vaccine bills from becoming law. Sextro said these measures should alarm all parents because the bills’ authors appear to be trying to sneak through legislation that would erode the doctor–patient relationship, undermine parental rights, and allow unethical government overreach.

“I think it’s an incredibly nefarious and unethical extreme overreach of the government to use bills like this as a mechanism to circumvent the parents. And the unfortunate thing is that, by design, the elected officials that are authoring these bills are incredibly crafty with how they keep this discreet and under wraps,” Sextro said during a recent interview for EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

Two of the bills Sextro is referring to are SB 871, which would require all children aged 6 months to 17 years to have the COVID-19 vaccine to attend child care or school, and SB 866, which would allow minors as young as 15 to receive vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, without parental consent.

SB 866 also allows children as young as 12 to “consent to medical care related to the diagnosis or treatment of the disease, if the disease or condition is one that is required by law or regulation to be reported to the local health officer, or is a related sexually transmitted disease,” the bill states.

“Most people in California, they don’t even know that these bills have been authored, let alone that they’re being voted on,” said Sextro.

As she looks across the U.S. political landscape, Sextro said parental rights seem to have become the new battlefield for what’s happening in the country and in the classroom.

Although healthy children are not at risk of becoming severely ill or dying of COVID-19, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released official guidelines encouraging the vaccination of children as young as 6 months old, and many school districts are mandating vaccination to attend school in the fall of 2022.

There is also SB 1479, which allocates extensive funding and other resources for COVID-19 testing in schools.


Why Would Elon Musk Praise China On Internet Censorship?

In July, billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk penned an op-ed for China Cyberspace, the magazine owned and published by the country’s internet regulator, the Cyberspace Administration of China. In it, he outlined his vision for the future of technology both on Earth and in space.

“Thank you for the invitation from China Cyberspace magazine,” Musk began. “I am pleased to share with my Chinese friends some of my thoughts on the vision of technology and humanity.”

On Saturday, a copy of the interview was published to the Beijing Channel Substack by Yang Liu, along with the English translation. Although the magazine was published last month, due to the agency’s virtually nonexistent online presence, the text of Musk’s article was only recently revealed to the internet.

He went on to suggest that technology “may one day surpass human understanding and control,” a theory he argues that will work in our favor so long as we “are not complacent and always maintain a sense of urgency.”

The remainder of the op-ed is split into four sections, clean anergy, humanoid robots, neuralink, and space exploration.

In the first, Musk explained that he wants to see a shift to renewable energy, namely from the Sun, which he argued humans are not doing enough to exploit.

Musk also expressed a desire for a fully-electrified transportation and economic network including cars, planes, and ships.

“The biggest difficulty in advancing sustainable energy lies in the large-scale production of lithium battery cells,” Musk added, noting that “Chinese companies will be a force to be reckoned with in the cause of energy innovation.”

Musk then went on to discuss the “Tesla Bot,” which he said were developed to “replace people in repetitive, boring, and dangerous tasks,” but could one day “serve millions of households” by doing menial labor.

“It is foreseeable that with the power of robots,” Musk added, “we will create an era of extreme abundance of goods and services, where everyone can live a life of abundance. Perhaps the only scarcity that will exist in the future is for us to create ourselves as humans.”

In regards to Neuralink, which he said was not well-known in China, Musk pitched the idea that it could one day allow humans to “effectively integrate with artificial intelligence.”

Musk then outlined his plans for extraterrestrial technology, namely the construction of a human settlement on Mars via SpaceX.

He concluded by inviting “more like-min

United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Technocrat Takeover

Coordinated censorship is occurring globally

In response to the growing truth movement that warns against a totalitarian, tyrannical takeover, the United Nations has now declared war on “conspiracy theories” that suggest world governments are anything but honest and ethical, and have published a comprehensive guide on how to debunk and strike down claims to the contrary. According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent”

According to the U.N., a story only qualifies as truthful if “The sources are backed by fact-checking sites” — which we now know are all bought and paid for by the cabal that is conspiring to create a One World Government through a “Great Reset”

To stop the spread of “conspiracy theories” about a global technocratic cabal hell-bent on stealing all private wealth and centralizing world governance, UNESCO, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress have launched a joint Twitter campaign with the hashtag, #ThinkBeforeSharing

> Documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) show the U.S. government colluded with Big Tech to censor on its behalf

The Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana have filed a lawsuit against the federal government and have been granted discovery. Several officials from the Biden administration are being subpoenaed, as are several social media companies. The documents obtained by AFL are also being used in this lawsuit. Subsequent to the AFL’s document release, several scientists who were censored by Big Tech at the behest of the federal government have joined the AG’s lawsuit

Purported Free Speech Champion Elon Musk Writes Article for Chinese Censorship Bureau Magazine

Tesla billionaire Elon Musk wrote an article for a magazine produced by the chief censorship bureau of Communist China, despite being a self-described “free speech absolutist.”

The world’s richest man penned an article in the July issue of China Cyberspace, a magazine produced by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the top internet regulator, responsible for enacting the strict censorship apparatus of the regime in Beijing.

So central to the power structure of the Communist Party, the director of the CAC, Zhuang Rongwen, is also the head of the Propaganda Department, and it is a subsidiary of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, of which Xi Jinping, himself, is the director of.

While the CAC is mostly involved in laying out the censorship agenda of the government, it also has the ability to purge material directly, notably being at the head of Operation Qinglang (cleansed and uncontaminated), launched in 2021 to crack down on non-state run media entities, such as social media users and citizen journalists from posting “harmful” material on the Chinese internet, which is itself already heavily censored.

Radio Show Censored for Exposing the Media’s Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out Be True!

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” -William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

How telling can this be?  Saturday’s The Sons of Liberty radio show was censored for exposing the mainstream media’s conspiracy theories that turned out to be true (Jeremiah 11:9).  This happened all in the face of the viewers’ responses stating: “The Sons Of Liberty ought to be required listening.”

As you well know, the CIA controlled media has a long history of propaganda, blatant lies, half-truths and even attempting to cover for conspirators (John 8:44).  They helped prove the point again on Bradlee Dean’s radio show.


How to Choose the Right Pet

If you’ve decided to get a pet, it’s important to take the time to choose the right pet for you and your family.  Rather than just going to the pet store or local animal shelter to just “see what they have,” go through this list of questions to help you decide what kind of pet is best for you, your family, and your lifestyle.

In order to choose the right pet, consider where you live, how much time you have, whether you can afford a pet, if pet fur is an issue, what pet is the best if you have kids, the temperament and size of the pet, and whether the pet will fit into your lifestyle.

What Pets are Suitable for Your Home?

Do You Have Time for a Pet?

Can You Afford a Pet?

Will Pet Fur Be an Issue?

Do You Have Kids?

How Will the Pet Behave?

Which Pet Will Fit Your Lifestyle?


Department of Justice Acknowledges FBI Agents Seized Passports From Trump: Email

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is admitting that FBI agents took passports from former President Donald Trump, according to an email made public by a spokesperson for Trump.

A screenshot of the missive, authored by DOJ national security official Jay Bratt, informed lawyers for Trump that agents “seized three passports belonging to President Trump.”

The email, dated Aug. 15, said that the passports would be ready for pickup at 2 p.m. on Monday at the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

The DOJ did not respond to a request for comment. It has not disputed the authenticity of the email.

An FBI spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email, “In executing search warrants, the FBI follows search and seizure procedures ordered by courts, then returns items that do not need to be retained for law enforcement purposes.”

Trump announced earlier in the day that the FBI took three of his passports in its Aug. 8 raid of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

He called the seizure “an assault on a political opponent at a level never seen before in our Country.”

Legal experts told The Epoch Times that the action was legally questionable.

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