July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: August 18, 2020

World News

N Koreans reportedly ordered to hand over their dogs for meat amid food shortages

Nzherald – North Korea’s leader has reportedly ordered his people to hand over their pet dogs so they can be turned into meat for restaurants.
The move by the leader Kim Jong-un is thought to be aimed at appeasing rising discontent among the public amid a dire economic situation in the secretive country, including food shortages.
In North Korea, the wealthy, generally in the capital Pyongyang, own domesticated pets including dogs, which are seen by authorities a symbol of capitalist “decadence”.
Meanwhile, ordinary people usually own pigs and other livestock.
In July, Kim banned ownership of pet dogs, denouncing having a dog at home as “a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology”, a source told South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
“Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down,” the source added.
“Some of the dogs are sent to state-run zoos or sold to dog meat restaurants”.
Pet owners are “cursing Kim Jong-un behind his back”, but there is little they can do, according to the source.
“Ordinary people raise pigs and livestock on their porches, but high-ranking officials and the wealthy own pet dogs, which stoked some resentment,” the source said.
Dog meat has long been considered a delicacy on the Korean Peninsula, although the tradition of eating dogs is gradually fading out in South Korea.
Still, an estimated 1 million dogs are reared on farms to be consumed every year in the South.
A recent UN report stated that as many as 60 per cent of North Korea’s 25.5 million people are facing “widespread food shortages” that have been worsened by international sanctions imposed on the regime for its nuclear missile programmes.


Infowars – Authorities in Melbourne, Australia will use high-tech surveillance drones to catch people outside not wearing masks as well as to scan for vehicles that are in violation of curfew by being more than 5km from home.
“High powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks and cars too far from home,” according to a 7News Melbourne news report.
The drones will also be used to ensure skate parks and playgrounds remain empty.
The surveillance devices can be flown up to a distance of 7km and produce images so clear they can “read a vehicle’s number plate from 500 meters away.”
Privacy advocates are concerned that there is no sunset clause on the use of such technology and the drones could continue to be used to spy on citizens after the pandemic ends.
7News Melbourne spoke to two residents who said they weren’t worried because they were behaving and had “nothing to hide.”

Merkel Warns Spike Leaves No Room to Ease Restrictions

Bloomberg – Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out any further loosening of virus measures, saying that a doubling in the number of daily cases in Germany in the last three weeks must be addressed.
Europe’s largest economy recorded the biggest increase in coronavirus cases in nearly four months on Tuesday, fueling fears about a resurgence of infections across the continent.

Russia, US Locked in Nuclear Arms-Control Talks Amid Speculation on Fate of START Treaty

Sputnik – The New START treaty, the only remaining legally binding US-Russian agreement on nuclear arms control that has been in force since 2011, is due to expire in February 2021, with the Trump administration having repeatedly indicated it would be allowed to come to an end unless a new deal was signed to include other nations, mainly China.
Russian and US officials have embarked upon a third round of nuclear arms-control talks in the Austrian capital with the 2010 New Strategic Arms Treaty (New START) is set to expire in February 2021.
The meeting in Vienna is led by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and US Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall Billingslea.

Transparent public toilets installed in Tokyo parks

The Guardian – It sounds like the worst kind of anxiety dream – a public toilet cubicle that appears to offer the promise of blessed relief, but which on closer inspection turns out to be entirely see-through.
That, though, is the design feature behind several toilets that recently opened in public parks in Tokyo.
The “transparent” toilets, created by the Pritzker prize-winning architect Shigeru Ban and more than a dozen other leading designers, are made from coloured “smart glass” that turns opaque when the cubicles are occupied.
The conveniences opened this month in five locations in the capital’s Shibuya neighbourhood as part of the Tokyo Toilet Project, organised by the nonprofit Nippon Foundation.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Massive backlash forces Michigan university to back down from enforcing medical device to monitor coronavirus symptoms

NaturalNews – Earlier this month, Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan, hatched out a plan to require students to wear a “BioButton” while they are on campus to track whether or not they have the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). However, thanks to massive backlash from the student population, the plan to mandate the medical device’s use was scrapped.
The BioButton, made by Colorado-based medical technology company BioIntelliSense, is a wearable single-use device that monitors a person’s vital statistics, such as their heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature. It’s meant to be worn on the chest and it can be connected to a person’s mobile device.
“It provides additional information for health screening,” said the university in a now-deleted post on their website. “The button will be used in conjunction with the daily health assessment to determine if you are able to participate in campus activities. The individual data will remain private to the wearer and is not shared with others.”
According to David Stone, the university’s chief research officer, using the BioButton provides several advantages for residents, such as the device’s ability to notice abnormalities in people’s vital signs before they even take a test for COVID-19.
“That would limit the potential for outbreaks on campus, and that’s what we’re looking for,” said Stone.
Many students have raised concerns about their privacy being violated and their data possibly being stolen by BioIntelliSense, but Stone claims that the university doesn’t even have access to their health information.

Trump announces surprise pardon for Susan B. Anthony, convicted of voting in 1873, on women’s suffrage centennial

RT – US President Donald Trump has announced he will issue a full posthumous pardon for women’s suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony in honor of the hundredth anniversary of women getting the vote. Anthony was convicted of voting in 1873.
The president announced that Anthony, a pivotal figure in the women’s suffrage movement, would receive a “full and complete pardon” on Tuesday in celebration of the centennial of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. 
The activist was charged and convicted — by a jury of 12 men — of voting in her hometown of Rochester, New York in the November 1872 federal election “without having a lawful right to vote… being then and there a person of the female sex.”
Admitting he was “surprised it hadn’t been done before,” Trump asked an assembled audience of women, “What took so long?” He hailed the 19th Amendment as a “monumental victory for equality, for justice, and a monumental victory for America” and approvingly noted that in 2020, “women dominate the United States, I think we can say that very strongly.”

MSM Propaganda: Prepare for ANOTHER Lockdown

SHFTPlan – Articles by mainstream media are popping up in force lately and they all demand one thing to “crush” the coronavirus until there’s a vaccine ready. They want a second lockdown, and if we’ve learned anything from the mainstream media’s propaganda, it’s that this is a warning of things to come.
To save lives, and save the economy, we need another lockdown”, writes The New York Times. Not one of these people can explain how another lockdown, complete impoverishment, and total elimination of small businesses permanently along with the middle class will “save the economy.” Of course,e if you’ve been paying attention, you know this about crushing the dollar so the maters who rule over the world by money creation can own and control everyone and everything. This is by design. The economy must be crushed or no one will accept a digital dollar.
They very well could try another, even more restrictive lockdown in the near future. If it’s successful and people comply, expect to be a slave within a year. We know for a fact that the central bank is already demanding another lockdown.
But there could be an even bigger threat looming, reported CNET.  “The real risk is that we’re going to have two circulating respiratory pathogens at the same time,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warned when he spoke to Time Magazine regarding the upcoming flu season.
Other places have already had their authoritarians lockdown again.

Virginia Requires Student Vaccination for Online Learning

Mercola – One of the biggest casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the educational system. In the fall when school starts, most elementary, middle and high schools as well as colleges and universities will continue with the online learning approach they embraced when COVID-19 emerged.
There are many factors to consider when deciding whether in-person or online education should be used. One of the most obvious is that classmates are not exposed to any viruses their peers may be carrying.
That’s why it’s such a shock to see that Virginia and some other states are now requiring vaccinations for students to even register for school: Why should shots be mandated if school is totally online and conducted at home?1 This is the latest in a long line of efforts to remove the rights of parents and children to refuse vaccines.

Poll: Only 44 Percent of US Adults Say They’ll Get Virus Vaccine

Newsmax – Less than half of American adults said they would get a government-approved coronavirus vaccine when one is available.
Results from the NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Tracking Poll:

  • 44% of U.S. adults said yes when asked if they would get the vaccine. 22% said they would not get a vaccine and 32% said they are unsure.
  • 68% of adults with a post-graduate degree said they would get the vaccine, followed by 56% of people with graduate degrees, 38% of people with some college experience, and 36% of people with a high school degree or less.
  • 58% of Democrats and people who said they lean toward that political party said they would get the vaccine, compared to 31% of Republicans and people who lean that way on the political spectrum.
  • A majority of Asian Americans (59%) said they would get the vaccine. That was followed by 48% of whites, 40% of Hispanics, and 24% of Blacks.

Several companies are working on a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Russia said last week it has a vaccine ready, although medical experts have expressed skepticism about it since a phase 3 trial has not been completed.

California confirms 1st case of PLAGUE in 5 years, health officials urge residents to take precautions

RT – California health officials have reported that a resident of South Lake Tahoe has tested positive for plague, marking the first such case in the state in half a decade. The individual is recovering at home.
It’s believed that the person was infected by a flea while walking their dog, El Dorado County’s Health and Human Services Agency said in a statement. The individual is being treated by medical professionals but did not require hospitalization. An investigation into the matter is still ongoing. 
The uncommon but potentially lethal bacterial disease is usually transmitted by fleas found on infected squirrels and other rodents in the wild. Plague can be treated with antibiotics if detected at an early stage.
The state has gone for several years without a confirmed case of plague. The last instance, in 2015, involved two people who contracted the disease at Yosemite National Park. Both individuals made a full recovery. 

New York City Is “Dead FOREVER” Says Proud New Yorker

SHFTPlan – According to James Altucher, a best-selling author and former hedge-fund manager, New York City is “dead forever.” The city cannot possibly come back from its government-induced coma as its residents come to grips with the reality of heavy hand of government when it came to the coronavirus scamdemic.
“I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC, it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories,” Altucher wrote in a blog post explaining why his temporary relocation might become more permanent.
The New York Times back in June asked the “agonizing” question: “Is New York City worth it anymore?” amid a mass exodus of an estimated 420,000 residents between March and May when the coronavirus rhetoric that turned into tyranny was really blowing up. In July, there were a record 13,117 vacant apartments across Manhattan, according to a report by Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants. A year ago, that number was a 5,912. Also, new lease signings fell by about 23%, resulting in a drop in rental prices.
Sadly, New York probably isn’t the only city that will be in a permanent coma because of the Federal Reserves’ insistence upon taking over the world and cramming the New World Order down our throats. San Francisco is struggling as well. The mass exodus from places that took tyrannical overreach to a whole new level can be seen in the chart below:

Economy & Business

The Central Bank Is Finishing What They Started In 1913

SHFTPlan – The Federal Reserve is actively trying to destroy the dollar, which was the plan when they started enslaving humanity in 1913. The goal has always been to own the world through the debt-based monetary system.
Now that the central bankers have admitted to working on the digital dollar, that will be tracked and traced and wholly centralized and controlled by the banking cartel, it’s only a matter of time before we have a choice a make: freedom or slavery. They are going to attempt to control us with the fiat money they create.  This will be a system of complete subjugation, make no mistake about it.
For those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, you already understand that we aren’t going to any kind of a gold-backed monetary system because we already know that by doing that, the central banks will lose power.  Their goal is to have all the power, not relinquish it. It’s also important to realize that they have had a digital dollar for a long time, they just need the right crisis to roll it out, similar to the “Great Reset.” This scamdemic has provided central bankers with an opportunity to finish enslaving us all.
Gregory Mannarino says in this Market Report: “We know what’s going on here. It’s all about the central banks, the Federal Reserve inflating and inflating to the highest order to finish what they started in 1913:to be the lender and buyer of last resort. And we are REALLY in the middle of it.”
As long as you understand what’s going on, you will be able to navigate what’s coming. The Federal Reserve will choose the president, and they will attempt with everything they have to finish what they started using their political puppets as needed.
This is not about left vs. right, in fact, that’s the big problem. People still think there’s a difference between republicans and democrats. Donald Trump “got down on his knees and praised China,” all so the markets would go up. After years of opposing rhetoric, resulting in no deal, the president has shown he’s in on this takeover by the central banks. “It’s a joke!” says Mannarino.
If you still don’t understand what’s going on, please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-pLJxqLiZc&feature=emb_title

Millions of US Renters Face Eviction

Voice of America – Tiana Caldwell of Kansas City, Missouri, is one of approximately 40 million Americans who are  in danger of being evicted from their homes by the end of the year; a direct result of the economic slowdown and massive job losses caused by the coronavirus outbreak, according to a national housing group.   
Caldwell lost her job and was in treatment for ovarian cancer when she and her family were evicted — in 2019. 
“We had gotten back on our feet, we were doing good, and then I got cancer … again,” she told VOA via Zoom. “So, I was actively in treatment when we were being evicted. … It was a bad experience.”  
Now, unemployed and barely able to pay rent, Caldwell is organizing protests with KC Tenants, a group advocating for affordable housing in Kansas City, Missouri. 
Like most of the country, Missouri was already experiencing an affordable housing crisis when the pandemic hit.
Currently, nearly 50% of renters in the state are at risk of eviction because they can’t pay their rent, KC Tenants Director Tara Raghuvee told VOA via Zoom. 

Car line stretches more than a mile at Dallas food bank as people struggle to feed their families

NaturalNews – Thousands showed up on Tuesday, August 11, at Fair Park in Dallas as volunteers from the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) distributed around 10,000 boxes of food.
People had begun lining up before sunrise hoping to get boxes containing canned goods, noodles, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, rice, trail mix and some recipe ideas, according to recent reports from CBS Dallas.
The line reached more than a mile long as about 8,000 people came for the NTFB’s fourth food drive since the pandemic was declared in March. The NTFB planned to distribute enough food to support 2,000 families.
It was also the organization’s first distribution effort that offered a new walk-up option for hundreds of families and individuals without transportation.

Coin shortage hits retailers, laundromats, tooth fairy

AP – The national coin shortage has been an unusual side effect of the pandemic. Among its victims? Retailers, laundromats and even the tooth fairy.
The Federal Reserve announced in June that the supply system for coins had been severely disrupted by the pandemic. While there are still enough coins out there, they aren’t circulating as freely because many businesses have been closed and consumers aren’t out spending as usual.
The U.S. Mint and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have urged Americans to use coins or turn them in to banks to help for now. As the economy recovers and businesses reopen, the coin supply is expected to normalize.


Mainstream Media Catching on to Vitamin D’s Impact on COVID

Mercola – As you’ve been reading here and in much of the latest COVID-19 news, vitamin D plays a unique and crucial role in supporting your immune system and protecting you against severe disease. However, what many experts appear to forget is that it is not a “cure-all.”
Many are searching for a single answer to the pandemic, which may be why they are hesitant to consider vitamin D. It’s clear from years of scientific evidence that vitamin D plays a vital role in your health, and while data show that those with higher serum levels have a lower risk of severe disease, making sure your levels are adequate is one of the simplest, easiest and most cost-effective ways you can protect your health.
>> Power Mall Product of Interest: Vitamin D3 (4000 IU) – 100 Capsules from Good Health Naturally

US states seek BILLIONS from drug ‘KINGPIN’ Johnson & Johnson and its distributors for causing opioid crisis

RT – About a dozen US attorneys general are seeking a combined $26.4 billion from three major drug distributors and drug maker Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to settle opioid litigation against the firms, the Wall Street Journal reported.
According to its sources, the states want a collective $21.14 billion from the distributors, which include McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, and Cardinal Health, and $5.28 billion from J&J.
New York state is seeking to claim $165 billion, sources said, noting that an official acknowledged that the states are not likely to actually recoup that figure. A closely watched opioid trial pitting New York state against McKesson, Johnson & Johnson, and others was postponed in March due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
The central claim in the lawsuits is that drug makers overstated the benefits of opioids while downplaying the risks, while distributors allegedly failed to flag and halt a rising tide of suspicious orders.

US Paying Billions for Free COVID-19 Vaccines

Mercola – July 22, 2020, Pfizer struck a $1.95 billion deal with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to provide Americans with 100 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, for free, with an option for 500 million additional doses.1 The agreement is part of Operation Warp Speed.
Pfizer/BioNTech have also inked a deal with the U.K. government for 30 million initial doses.2 The vaccine, currently known only as BNT162, developed in partnership with the German company BioNTech, requires two doses, which means the initial batch for the U.S. would cover 50 million people. The deal hinges on the vaccine clearing Phase 3 human trials.
According to a July 22, 2020, press release,3 Phase 2b/3 safety and efficacy trials were expected to begin at the end of July. The company expects seeking a regulatory review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in October 2020, which would allow them to manufacture the 100 million doses by the end of the year.
The FDA has stated a COVID-19 vaccine must be at least 50% effective to qualify for approval.4 In other words, the standards aren’t particularly high, despite the concern COVID-19 supposedly poses.
The BNT162 vaccine is based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology. BioNTech is the market authorization holder for the mRNA technology worldwide, and will own all the trademarks for the vaccine

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