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The Power Hour

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Today's News: August 21, 2018

World News
South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts
Express.co – SOUTH AFRICA’s government has begun seizing land from white farmers, targeting two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo after talks with the owners to buy the properties collapsed.
ensions among South Africa’s white farming community has been escalating since the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as President earlier the year, who committed his African National Congress (ANC) to land expropriation.
Last week, ANC chairman Gwede Mantashe sparked panic among the farming community when he said: “You shouldn’t own more than 25,000 acres of land.
“Therefore if you own more it should be taken without compensation.
People who are privileged never give away privilege as a matter of a gift.
“And that is why we say, to give you the tools, revisit the constitution so that you have a legal tool to do it.”
A record number of white South African farmers have put their land up for sale amid fears the ruling party is considering confiscating properties bigger than 25,000 acres.
The government was accused of drawing up a list of almost 200 farms it allegedly wants to seize from white farmers, with AfriForum, a civil rights group representing the white Afrikaner minority, adding the document was being circulated by ministers as the ruling powers prepare to implement the policy.
It invited farmers to check if they were on it and urged them to make contact “so we can prepare a joint legal strategy”.
Venezuela Takes More Desperate but Futile Steps to Save Socialism
The New American – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro (shown), “desperately grasping at straws to try to fix the country’s economic meltdown,” announced a series of economic policy changes over the weekend that he hopes — almost certainly in vain — will save socialism from itself, reported Agence France-Presse.
n a speech to the nation late Friday, Maduro said the country must show “fiscal discipline” and stop inflating its currency, the bolivar, which has become practically worthless. That is, of course, very good advice; but Maduro is unlikely to follow it because doing so would require slashing the massive Venezuelan welfare state and liberalizing the economy, both of which are anathema to the committed Marxist. Instead, he is employing half-measures and tricks that “analysts say … could only serve to make matters worse,” wrote AFP.
Globalists Created the Refugee Crisis
The New American – Westerners are told by elites that there is a refugee crisis, and literally millions of refugees need homes. Not only was the crisis caused by the elites, it was created with a purpose.
The establishment promoting mass migration into the Western world is trying to pull on people’s heart strings, even posing as humanitarians. In reality, though, they caused the crisis. They did it using war and intervention in the very nations people are fleeing from.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Manafort jury says it cannot reach a consensus on at least one count
Washington Times – The jury in the trial of President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort indicated Tuesday it is split on at least one count and asked the judge for instructions on how to proceed.
Around 11 a.m. of the panel’s fourth day of deliberations, a note with a question came from the jury foreman. “Your honor, if we cannot come to a consensus on a single count, how should we fill in the jury verdict form for that count,” the note said, according to U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III, “and what does that mean for the final verdict?”
The jurors also asked for another verdict form.
Trump ex-attorney Michael Cohen to appear in New York federal court this afternoon amid talk of plea deal in fraud case
AP – Trump ex-attorney Michael Cohen to appear in New York federal court this afternoon amid talk of plea deal in fraud case.
Protesters topple Silent Sam Confederate statue at UNC
Newsobserver – The monument was ripped down after 9:15 p.m. Earlier in the evening, protesters covered the statue with tall, gray banners, erecting “an alternative monument” that said, in part, “For a world without white supremacy.”
Protesters were apparently working behind the covering with ropes to bring the statue down, which happened more than two hours into a rally. It fell with a loud clanging sound, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
After Silent Sam tumbled to the ground, people darted in and out of the crowd through a haze from smoke bombs. Atop the statue someone placed a black cap that said, “Do It Like Durham,” an apparent reference to the toppling of a Confederate statue there a year ago.
People rushed to the remains, taking photos and stomping on the monument that had been erected in 1913 with donations from the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The statue has been the focus of protests and vandalism for decades, but especially in the past year. UNC had installed surveillance cameras and spent $390,000 on security around the statue last year.
Stephanie Chang, 21, a recent UNC graduate, said she followed the crowd to campus after word spread on Franklin Street. By the time she got there, she saw Silent Sam’s head on the ground. Soon, police were covering the statue with a tarp.
“It’s like, Silent Sam has been tucked in, put to bed,” Chang said.
Andrew Skinner, 23, who graduated from UNC earlier this year, said he was glad the statue fell in an illegal act.
“It shows that we have the power to be on the right side of history,” Skinner said. “We are part of a long tradition of civil rights in this country…..We as a country have a lot of change and a lot of healing to do, and we are not going to get there putting racism on a pedestal.”
Monday’s gathering started as a demonstration in support of a UNC graduate student who faces criminal and honor court charges for throwing red ink and blood on the Confederate statue in April. The downtown Franklin Street event quickly morphed into a march to the UNC campus, where police officers stood at the monument.
Teardown of North Carolina Confederate statue sparks criminal probe
Reuters – University of North Carolina police began a criminal probe on Tuesday into the tearing down by activists of a statue of a Confederate soldier, the latest action to dismantle U.S. Civil War symbols amid debate about race and the legacy of slavery.
‘Hail Satan’: Satanic Temple unveils statue in protest of Ten Commandments monument in Arkansas
Global News – A Satanic Temple has unveiled a statue of Baphomat to protest a Ten Commandments monument in Little Rock, Arkansas.
California Used Loopholes To Keep Thousands on SNAP From Having to Work
Washington Free Beacon – Despite 10-year-low unemployment, California took advantage of loopholes in federal regulation to keep more than 800,000 federal welfare recipients from having to work.
This conclusion is based on the response of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to an application to waive SNAP’s work requirements for 55 of California’s 58 counties, issued to the state in July and recently obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Economy & Business
S&P 500 trades above January high at new record
Reuters – The S&P 500 stock index rose as much as 0.57 percent on Tuesday to 2,873.23, putting it above its previous record high of 2,872.87 on Jan. 26. Bolstered by quarterly earnings reports and a rise in stock buybacks, the benchmark S&P 500 has gained over 2 percent in the past month.
US Blocks Russian Assets Worth Hundreds of Millions of Dollars – Treasury
Sputnik – The US Treasury warned against a “challenge” posed by Russia, citing its “malign conduct” and calling for a “firm and vigorous response.” The sanctions, it says, were imposed due to an alleged violation of a ban on the ship-to-ship transfer of refined petroleum products with North Korea-flagged vessels.
Related: Russia calls news U.S. sanctions groundless, pledges response
Energy & Environment
Hurricane watch issued for Hawaii’s Big Island, Maui
Fox – The National Weather Service has issued a hurricane watch for parts of Hawaii.
113 dead sea turtles washed up on Mexico beach, and no one knows why
Live Science – Over a period of less than three weeks, more than 100 endangered sea turtles washed up dead on an 18-mile (30 kilometers) stretch of beach on the Pacific coast of Mexico near Guatemala, and authorities aren’t sure why.
Science & Technology
Google sued for tracking users’ locations without permission
Fox – Google has been hit with a federal lawsuit for invasion of privacy – one week after the tech giant was caught tracking iPhone and Android users’ location in spite of enabled privacy settings.
San Diego resident Napolean Patacsil accuses Google in the suit of storing location data “against the express wishes and expectations of its users” in violation of California laws.
Social Media Law Expert: Judge Must Decide if Gov’t Can Hack Suspects’ Facebook
Sputnik – The US government is seeking Facebook’s help to wiretap the giant’s Messenger app, Reuters revealed. The news agency learned that Facebook was asked to assist in a criminal investigation; if Facebook agrees, it would involve breaking the encryption of the popular app. Sputnik discussed the issue with Laura Bliss, an expert on social media law.
TSA head says covert spying on Americans “makes awful lot of sense” … urges expansion of secret police program
NaturalNews – For many freedom-loving Americans, government surveillance in any capacity is a rough sell. Quiet Skies, a government program designed to track travelers that may be a threat, has been heavily criticized for tracking innocent American citizens who were not suspected of any crimes. Even so, TSA Administrator David Pekoske stands firm on the program, stating that it “makes an awful lot of sense.”
Pekoske went on to tell CBS News, “Our job overall as an agency, and the air marshals in particular, in flight, are working to make sure that we mitigate any risks that could occur in aircraft at 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 feet.”
“If an agency responsible for security has some information that might indicate that there may be — emphasis on may be — more risk with a particular passenger, providing some mitigation or some risk management on the flight is a very important and very reassuring thing to me,” he continued.
When Blueberries and Grapes Are Combined, a Dramatic Decline in Memory Loss and Aging – Study
Good News Network – Most people have heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” – but this new body of research suggests that eating grapes and blueberries together can have a dramatic effect on your brain power.
Past scientific studies have indicated that supplementing one’s diet with polyphenol-rich fruits and vegetables such as grapes and acai berries may help forestall age-related physical declines. Exclusively plant-based compounds, they include familiar ones such as tannins and flavonoids.
While the foods individually are a good option for such a purpose, a new study published last month by an international team of researchers from Bordeaux and Quebec gives us new insight into better options.
The Health Benefits of Chlorophyll: Supercharge Your Cellular Energy
Health Impact News – There has been a quiet, gradual shift from thinking chlorophyll is simply part of a plant’s photosynthesis process that does not directly affect internal human cellular metabolism processing. Slowly, scientific research is recognizing how chlorophyll helps human life, not only by producing oxygen for us to breathe with photosynthesis, but internally, within our cellular metabolic processes.
At the very least, supplementing chlorophyll and allowing more sunlight exposure with its wide variety of wavelengths will augment CoQ10’s ability to nourish the mitochondria with added ATP, the foundation of cellular energy throughout all body and organ tissues with less or no oxidative damage from cellular respiration processes.
Some Major Sources of Chlorophyll:
Of course the darker green a veggie is the more chlorophyll it contains. It’s optimum to consume organic green leafy vegetables.
But in addition to this article’s information on chlorophyll, there’s another nutritional factor that should be referenced – magnesium content. That’s the central atom in chlorophyll’s cell structure.
Magnesium is an underrated mineral. It has been diminished in plant crops by Big Ag’s farming practices that deplete the soil’s mineral content, inhibiting green plant crop uptake of magnesium. Yet, it is the master mineral that is involved with over 300 metabolic processes within our bodies.
Soils with depleted minerals won’t help with magnesium as much as is needed for optimum health. Supplementing is a healthy option. Fresh juice from locally grown wheat-grass, as used in the India chemo study above, is an excellent source of chlorophyll.
Pet News
Be Aware: This Pet Food Contains a Stunning List of 40 ‘Clean’ Ingredients
Mercola – The processed pet food industry is increasingly at a loss to understand how to keep pet parents happy and buying their products.
The industry touts the self-funded “science” behind their pet food, but laments that consumers don’t trust it.
The pet food industry also engages in misleading marketing practices intended to present their products as fresh, wholesome, “natural” and “clean”.
Unless big pet food aligns its goals with those of pet parents, it will continue to lose ground as consumers find alternatives to processed diets.
Good News
Quayside, Toronto: The Fight Against Google’s Agenda 21 Smart City Experiment
The Liberty Beacon – Google chose Toronto as a model test site for their vision of a ‘Smart City.” However, Canadian activist Bianca Wylie has Google’s number: “We need to change our laws to reject surveillance capitalism as a social norm.” People are rallying to Wylie’s reasoning, and they are forcing exposure, transparency and accountability, which is something Google was trying to avoid altogether. ⁃ TN Editor
How Common People Are Rewiring Their Brains to Do Uncommon Things
Good News Network – We live in a century where the latest findings in neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics show us that there is more to know about life than materialism – and there is a greater power inside of us that can help us access unlimited possibilities for our lives. In this video, a researcher discusses why he dedicated his life to study the body-mind connection and the power that lies beyond the material world in which we live. He uses the world’s latest scientific findings to help people heal themselves of various illnesses, chronic conditions, and terminal diseases through the process of rewiring the brain, reconditioning the body; changing its internal state; and stepping outside their physical reality to enter the quantum field of infinite possibilities.
ESPN Won’t Air National Anthem on ‘MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL’
Off Grid News – New ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro told reporters Friday that the network does not plan to televise the national anthem as part of its Monday Night Football broadcasts this season.

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