July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 24, 2022


France Launches Climate Change Police Force

As reported by Breitbart, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000 “green police” officers to go after those who violate “green-related criminal issues” to safeguard the country from disasters supposedly caused by human-related climate change.

In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, “Faced with this, we must improve the work of judicial investigation,” Darmanin said. “We have therefore decided to massively reinforce the resources of the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and to launch 3,000 ‘green police’ posts.”

He continued, saying that the climate change police force “will be a revolution.”

The announcement comes after the EU crisis management tsar Janez Lenarcic called for the rapid creation of a Europe-wide “Civil Protection Force” to enforce climate laws across the EU.

Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution

Worldwide reports, including from Sri Lanka, the U.K, Australia, Japan and North America were gathered to demonstrate how masks have created environmental pollution that is injuring and killing wildlife

Mindless mask mandates increase your risk of death, weaken the immune system, encourage dehydration, increase headaches, decrease cognitive precision and promote facial alkalinization

Wearing surgical masks increases your daily inhalation of microplastics, while studies have demonstrated that mask wearing does not lower your risk of contracting viral illnesses, including flu and COVID-19


US Prepares $3BN More In Ukraine Defense Aid To “Fight For Years To Come”

The Biden administration is set to roll out with another $3 billion in Ukraine defense aid, including funds to train and equip Ukrainian forces “to fight for years to come,” according to US officials cited in the Associated Press.

Also, higher energy prices for years to come? Higher food prices? Greater scarcity? It appears precisely this is what US policy-makers and Pentagon planners are settling in for: “As Russia’s war on Ukraine drags on, U.S. security assistance is shifting to a longer-term campaign that will likely keep more American military troops in Europe into the future, including imminent plans to announce an additional roughly $3 billion in aid to train and equip Ukrainian forces to fight for years to come, U.S. officials said,” according to the AP report.

TWO YEARS after election, Post Office just now finds 2020 ballots

While President Donald Trump – and many others – have been expressing concern over anomalies that became evident during the 2020 presidential election, Democrats and many establishment figures in the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy have expressed that it was flawless, nearly perfect, without so much as a hint of a failure.

Now a Post Office in Baltimore apparently has turned up evidence of that perfection.

WMAR-TV, the city’s ABC affiliate, said the USPS facility found a tray of undelivered mail, and it included 26 blank ballots from 2020.

The letters were just delivered.

Judge Orders Trump to Provide More Evidence to Support New Motion

A federal judge on Aug. 23 ordered former President Donald Trump to provide more evidence in his bid to get back the materials seized by the FBI.

Trump filed a motion on Monday asking the court to appoint an independent party to separate privileged items from the collection taken from Mar-a-Lago, to order the government to provide a more detailed inventory list, and to have any items outside the scope of the search warrant returned.

The filing raised concerns about Trump’s constitutional rights being violated and said a special master, typically a retired judge, should be appointed to ensure the government did not receive privileged materials. Because of how the Department of Justice and FBI have treated Trump, the department cannot be trusted to properly handle the items, the filing also says.

“We need an impartial—that means not Republican, not Democrat—impartial special master to go in there, take a look at what they seized, give back to the former president what is rightfully his, things that are clearly declassified, things that are also privileged—attorney-client privilege from when he was in the White House—things that should have never been seized,” Alina Habba, a Trump lawyer, said on Fox News.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, on Tuesday said she received the motion, but that she wanted another filing that elaborated on the case.

“To facilitate appropriate resolution, on or before August 26, 2022, Plaintiff shall file a supplement to the Motion further elaborating on the following: (1) the asserted basis for the exercise of this Court’s jurisdiction, whether legal, equitable/anomalous, or both; (2) the framework applicable to the exercise of such jurisdiction; (3) the precise relief sought, including any request for injunctive relief pending resolution of the Motion; (4) the effect, if any, of the proceeding before Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart; and (5) the status of Plaintiff’s efforts to perfect service on Defendant,” Cannon said in an order.

Whitmer Kidnapping Conspirators Found Guilty

A jury has found defendants Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. guilty of conspiring in 2020 to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat.

After about nine hours of deliberation over two days, the jury convicted Fox and Croft of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Croft was also convicted of possession of an unregistered destructive device.

This was the pair’s second trial before U.S. District Court Judge Robert Jonker.

Their first trial in April ended with the jury unable to arrive at a unanimous verdict.

During the first trial, two other defendants were found not guilty.

Two other men pleaded guilty and testified against Fox and Croft in both trials.

Eight more men are facing state charges.

In the second trial, federal prosecutors relied heavily on the testimony of the two plea-bargaining confessors, as well as that of undercover FBI operatives, text messages, and secretly recorded conversations, to make their case.

The defense unsuccessfully contended that Fox, 39, and Croft, 46, were lured into the scheme and were aided in making preparations by FBI agents and paid informants.

Defense attorneys tried to characterize their clients as inept, pot smoking, braggarts who were all talk and no action.

EXCLUSIVE: Solitary Confinement Was ‘One of the Most Horrible Experiences’ for Dr. Simone Gold: AFLDS Founder

Being put in solitary confinement was one of Dr. Simone Gold’s “most horrible experiences of her life,” according to the chairman of the board for America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), the organization that Gold founded.

“I mean, unfortunately, she had to spend about eight days in the SHU, which is also known as solitary confinement because she’s unvaccinated,” Joey Gilbert said. “So that was, as she says, one of the most horrible experiences of her life.”

Gold surrendered herself to the Federal Detention Center in Miami (FDC Miami) on July 26, where she was put in solitary confinement for eight days, as part of the prison’s COVID-19 infection prevention protocol for not being fully vaccinated, classified as having received two doses of the COVID-19 injection.

“Not fully vaccinated inmates need to complete a 10-day quarantine as new intakes or if they have a known or suspected exposure to a case of SARS-CoV-2,” the Federal Bureau of Prison that manages federal prisons said on its website.

Gold, in an Aug. 12 email from prison, said that solitary confinement was a “punishing and inhumane experience.”

“Using the excuse of COVID-19, all incoming female inmates are put into a punishment isolation cell under the guise of a ‘quarantine.’ They told me it wasn’t for punishment, but it was certainly a punishing and inhumane experience,” Gold wrote. “Apparently, men are not subjected to this treatment.”

Whistleblower Disputes Data Glitch Explanation Behind Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military

A medical Army officer who discovered a sudden increase in disease coinciding with reports of side effects alongside COVID-19 vaccines—which the Army has dismissed as a data glitch—said he faces involuntary separation after being convicted but not punished for disobeying COVID-19 protocol.

In January 2022, First Lt. Mark Bashaw, a preventive medicine officer at the Army, started noticing some “alarming signals” within the defense epidemiological database.

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which tracks disease and injuries of 1.3 million active component service members, showed during the pandemic a significant increase in reports of cancers, myocarditis, and pericarditis; as well as some other diseases like male infertility, tumors, a lung disease caused by blood clots, and HIV, Bashaw said.

All these illnesses are listed in FDA documentation as potential adverse reactions associated with COVID-19 vaccines, Bashaw told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program in an interview on Aug. 1.

Seeing increases in cases of these illnesses as high as 50 percent or 100 percent in some situations, Bashaw stepped forward as a whistleblower to raise concerns about his findings.

Leftists Crushed in School Boards Across Florida

Florida flipped multiple major school boards from liberal to conservative Tuesday evening, continuing a nationwide trend of parents taking back control of public schools.

Florida school board elections have been a major political battleground this cycle, with big names like Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Rep. Byron Donalds (R) making endorsements and joining the campaign trail.

While primary elections occurred in Florida, New York, and Oklahoma Tuesday, Florida has general elections for school boards, meaning the winners will be the official members of the boards.

Many of the winning candidates have been endorsed by the 1776 Project PAC, an organization that has been instrumental in flipping school boards from liberal to conservative across the country.

“We saw massive election victories all throughout the state of Florida tonight,” 1776 Project PAC founder Ryan Girdusky told Breitbart News Tuesday. “It shows the desire of parents and residents across the country for some normalcy in our education system, and that means pushing against transgender ideology, critical race theory, critical gender ideology, and equity which destroys merit in education.”

Exclusive — TX AG Ken Paxton: ‘Genius’ to Get ‘Democratic Mayors Complaining’ About Migrant Buses

Attorney General Ken Paxton (R-TX) said on Tuesday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with host Alex Marlow that Texas’s bussing of migrants to New York City, NY, and Washington, D.C., was “genius.”

Paxton praised the Lone Star State’s bussing of volunteer migrants to New York City and Washington. He noted that the measure prompted two Democrat mayors — Mayors Eric Adams and Muriel Bowser — to complain about the burden of dealing with fallout from immigration policies they push.

Texas Governor, Comptroller Condemn State’s Largest County for Defunding Constables

The governor and state comptroller of Texas took steps on Tuesday to force Harris County to reinstate millions of dollars stripped from the county’s constable offices or face consequences. The action comes after two constables’ offices filed complaints regarding the police-defunding action taken the county’s commissioners court.

Harris County Commissioners Court implemented a policy to stop constables from automatically rolling over funds from one fiscal year to the next, Fox 26 reported. The policy change resulted in the movement of more than $3 million from law enforcement funds to the general fund.

SAF, FPC File Brief in Maryland ‘Assault Weapons’ Case Remanded by SCOTUS

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), and others filed a brief Monday in their remanded challenge against Maryland’s “assault weapons” ban.

On July 1, Breitbart News reported that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) vacated and remanded a number of cases centered on an “assault weapons” ban in Maryland, a “high capacity” magazine ban in California, and carry restrictions in Hawaii.

Among the remanded cases was Bianchi v. Frosh, which challenged Maryland’s “assault weapons” ban.

On Monday, SAF; FPC; Field Traders, LLC; and three private citizens, Dominic Bianchi (after whom the case is named); David Snope; and Micah Schaefer, filed a brief in Frosh.

The brief points to the SCOTUS ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen, wherein the court ruled that “intermediate scrutiny” is not sufficient in cases centered on the Second Amendment.

The brief states:

Bruen unequivocally reaffirms that when a law is challenged on Second Amendment grounds, the courts’ analysis of the challenged restriction must be rooted in the text of the Amendment and the history showing which types of firearms regulation were accepted at the Founding, as consistent with the right to keep and bear arms. Indeed, the Court clarified in Bruen that the only way that a law burdening conduct falling within the Second Amendment’s scope can be upheld is if the government can demonstrate a “historical tradition” of regulations, rooted in the Founding Era, that burdened the right in a similar way and for similar reasons.

In the wake of Bruen, the Washington Times suggested gun control of all types would begin to face challenges and, in some cases, that such challenges had already begun.

Board: SD Gov. Kristi Noem may have ‘engaged in misconduct’

A South Dakota ethics board has found enough information that Gov. Kristi Noem may have “engaged in misconduct” when she intervened in her daughter’s application for a real estate appraiser license to potentially take action against the Republican governor

Board: SD Gov. Kristi Noem may have ‘engaged in misconduct’

AOC in violation of congressional financial disclosure rules

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. (Video screenshot)

Far-left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is admitting, through a spokeswoman, that she is flouting financial disclosure rules that Congress has established for itself.

The Washington Examiner reports Lauren Hitt, a communications director for Cortez, said the member of Congress feels no rush to file her documents as required by federal law because it will be nearly another three weeks before she would be subject to a fine.

The documents were due Aug. 13, but the Examiner said they still are not available.

Hitt justified the delay with, “The committee provides a 30-day grace period before fines are levied. The congresswoman plans to file before the period expires.”

The report noted that the congresswoman’s actions conflict with her comments, as she said in April that American democracy is undermined when lawmakers are merely perceived to have acted improperly regarding their own finances.


Cost-of-Living Crisis Hits US Households

Economists have pasted many labels on today’s economic landscape: recession, stagflation, or an economy that is transitioning to slower growth.

Whatever the professionals and public policymakers call the U.S. economy, the data and consumer surveys show that households are enduring a cost-of-living crisis. Everything is piling up for consumers coast to coast, from soaring food prices to rising utility bills to increasing shelter costs. Although the White House claims that the country is not facing an economic downturn, it feels like a recession for millions of households nationwide.

The American people have made it clear that they are financially struggling.

Whistleblower Says Twitter Lied to Musk About Spam Bots, With Possible Implications for Trial

A whistleblower who served as Twitter’s security chief said in regulatory filings obtained by The Epoch Times that the social media company misled tech entrepreneur Elon Musk about the number of bots on the platform, with possible implications for the legal battle between the Tesla chief and Twitter.

Fauci: COVID Shutdowns Did Not ‘Forever Irreparably’ Damage Anyone

Outgoing National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed Tuesday on FNC’s “Your World” that the COVID shutdowns did not “forever irreparably” damage anyone.

Cavuto said, “In retrospect, Doctor, do you regret that it went too far, whatever your original intentions were, and it’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback here, but that it went too far, that, particularly for kids who couldn’t go to school, except remotely, that it’s forever damaged them?”


Boston Review: What’s Wrong With Technocracy?

The word “technocracy” has been around for a century, but as a term of political derision it has flourished since the global financial crisis of 2008, especially in the context of the European Union’s austerity-driven response to recession. Critics have alleged, in particular, that EU policy was overdetermined by unelected experts—especially those within the European Central Bank, whose positions insulated them from democratic accountability. The Occupy Wall Street movement of the early 2010s gave voice to similar outrage in the United States.

In hindsight, these debates now register as early flashpoints in a twenty-first-century political showdown over the relationship between experts and citizens—what political scientist Archon Fung has called the rise of “wide-aperture, low-deference democracy.” The signs of that showdown are everywhere. Since the COVID-19 pandemic plunged the world into a series of interlocking crises, public health agencies like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been accused of mismanagement, miscommunication, and even outright deception, while economic institutions like the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have exercised wide discretionary power over the path of recovery. Whatever one makes of the details of these debates, it is undeniable that democratic citizens in many nations find themselves in a position of dependence and distrust, reliant on technocratic institutions but lacking in meaningful mechanisms of oversight and accountability. Technocracy cannot be dismissed as a mere specter of the paranoid populist imagination.

At the same time, the concept of technocracy itself remains poorly defined, and arguments against it lack a firm, widely shared normative foundation. Critics have many targets, and it is not always clear exactly on what grounds we are supposed to find those targets objectionable. One reason for this situation may be that technocracy has rarely been a central concern for democratic theory, despite the efforts of German philosopher Jürgen Habermas and a few of his fellow travelers. Even among those with democratic sympathies, technocracy may seem a less pressing target than oligarchy, authoritarianism, or “minoritarianism.”

In fact, plenty find the technocratic ideal desirable, or at least acceptable. Liberal and progressive intellectuals have often embraced technocratic and meritocratic institutions, especially in the face of “populist” insurgency. Why not leave decisions to those who are most competent to make them? Recent provocative arguments for political meritocracy and even epistocracy have put (lowercase) democrats on the defensive. Even some who demure from the exclusionary tone of these arguments look favorably on the depoliticization of policy decisions so that the cooler logic of utilitarianism may prevail.

But those who care about good policy, no less than those who care about deep democracy or public citizenship, should hesitate to take the technocrat’s bait. Even if technocracy is not the most dire or imminent threat to democracy, its intersections with elite domination and minoritarian rule merit serious scrutiny. Resolving these debates requires getting clear about precisely what technocracy means—and how, why, and under what conditions it poses a problem for democracy. A range of scholarly work over the last few years helps to clarify these stakes and offers valuable resources for imagining what a democratic opposition to technocracy should look like.


FBI Investigates Millions of Americans Without Warrants

The 2022 annual transparency report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) reveals the FBI has been surveilling millions of American citizens — without warrants or proper cause

Between December 2020 and November 2021, the FBI scoured private emails, texts and other electronic communications of 3.4 million U.S. residents, without obtaining a single warrant. Between December 2019 and November 2020, just under 1.3 million Americans were surveilled in this manner

There’s also been a sharp uptick in the number of times government officials asked for the identity of individuals surveilled to be revealed, a practice known as “unmasking”

Supposedly, FBI agents were looking for signs of potential terrorist activity. They also sought to prevent hacking attacks. In the process, they violated the constitutional privacy rights of millions, and considering the hacking attacks that have occurred anyway, this mass surveillance doesn’t seem to be achieving its stated aim

Two attorneys and two journalists are suing former CIA director Mike Pompeo in Spanish High Court for illegally surveilling them and copying private data from their electronic devices and passports while they were visiting Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. The agency is also listed as a defendant, for purposes of forcing them to expunge all collected records

WEF: Become Cyborgs, Chip Your Children, Implant Brain Chips

The World Economic Forum is promoting “augmentation technology” to morph humans into cyborgs and recommends children be implanted with brain chips.

The brain chips will not only improve health by eradicating impairments like learning disabilities and depression, but pave the way for humans to attain superhuman capacities, contends an August 16 article published on the WEF website.

“Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there’s a subtle change happening. Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves. These expectations may sound unattainable, but we’re already making the first strides towards an “augmented society,” writes WEF “agenda contributor” Kathleen Phillips in the blog post titled, “Augmented tech can change the way we live, but only with the right support and vision.”

How to Uncover the Creepy Tracking on In-App Browsers from TikTok and Instagram

A new web-based tool found at InAppBrowser.com allows users to see the detailed information that apps like TikTok and Instagram track when using their in-app browsers.

Breitbart News has previously reported that TikTok has confirmed that it has the ability to monitor the activity of users when browsing the web via the platform’s in-app browser. TikTok can monitor the keystrokes that users type and what they click on a web page inside the in-app browser, meaning TikTok could capture a user’s credit card information or passwords.


Are You Getting Enough Zinc?

Zinc is an essential mineral found throughout your body’s organs, tissues and fluids, and to be healthy, you must intake zinc daily through the foods you eat or a supplement

Zinc supports critical processes within your body such as blood clotting, cell division, immune function, thyroid health, smell, taste, vision and wound healing

Zinc deficiency lowers your body’s ability to repair genetic damage caused by oxidative stress. If your diet is rich in zinc and other antioxidants, your body will be able to efficiently combat free radicals

Good dietary sources of zinc include dairy products, nuts, red meat and seafood; plant sources like beans, green peas and spinach also contain zinc, but it is more easily absorbed from animal proteins

Alcoholics, vegetarians, pregnant or lactating women, and those with digestive disorders or sickle cell disease are at higher risk of zinc deficiency

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Zinc (2 fl oz) by Global Healing Center

Natural Plant Compound in Grapes Protects Brain Health, Research Reveals

Over the past few decades, resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grapes and berries, has generated a lot of “buzz,” with numerous – and well-publicized – studies attesting to the cardiovascular benefits of resveratrol-rich diet.

But what else can this natural plant compound do?  Claims for the health-promoting benefits of resveratrol have been coming thick and fast, with researchers crediting it with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anticancer effects.  In fact, in a study published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation, scientists noted that resveratrol could protect brain cells in an unexpected way – by stimulating the destruction of specific proteins.

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Resvital Capsules (90 CT) by North American Herb & Spice


Growing and Juicing Fresh Mint: Tips and Recipes

Traditionally speaking, mint is an herb widely known to help people with stomach pains, a flaky scalp and even weight loss goals.  So, today, I want to show you how easy it is to grow mint and some ‘do’s and don’ts about using mint properly.

First, let me say …

It’s summertime and I am trying to be optimistic because as you know Jay Kordich (my husband) has always said, “Your Health is Your Greatest Wealth” and if I don’t continue to juice and eat a pure diet, I won’t be able to support him or endure the stress of caring for him – these days – if I am not healthy.

Great News About Mint

No matter where you live, even in an apartment, you can actually grow fresh mint, either in your backyard or in a container on your balcony. Even if you don’t have a balcony, you can grow fresh mint by your windowsill as long as the sun is out.

Our herb garden is just beginning to really take off. Especially the mint – oh, how Jay and I love to juice mint in the summertime!

Tips on How to Grow Mint – Either in an Apartment With or Without a Balcony


  • When choosing a location for your mint, find one where the plant will receive morning sun and partial afternoon shade.
  • Plant on a patio, in a container.
  • Harvest mint sprigs before the plant flowers.
  • To stimulate quicker growth this summer, pinch off the flowering buds as they appear. Even if they are not flowering, it’s a good idea to pinch so that you get a lot of fresh mint. (Have you noticed how expensive mint is?)
  • Now you can grow it for pennies on the dollar instead of paying up to $9.00 for a bag.
  • If planting your mint in a garden bed, apply organic mulch. Please never use any kind of mulch that is not organic as the pesticides will penetrate the insides of the plant, making it impossible to remove any of the pesticides.
  • Plant the mint fifteen inches apart. Don’t worry if they grow into each other, but they won’t do it if you continue to stimulate growth by pinching off the tops and sides.
  • If planting your mint indoors, locate your container where it will receive good morning light and/or afternoon light. But it needs a good 4 to 6 hours of light.


  • Don’t over water mint. They like to be moist but not overly wet. Make sure if you are planting in containers, that the bottom of the container has a hole in it with some small rocks surrounding it so you can make sure that it drains properly and the plant has breathing room.
  • Don’t buy GMO seeds!  Make sure to find organic seeds as they are almost the same price.
  • Don’t mix mint with other vegetables. Only grow the mint in containers that are dedicated to it.  You can mix varieties of mint, though. (see below)
  • Here’s our favorite mint varieties: Lemon Mint, Spearmint, Peppermint, Lavender Mint and of course, there’s Chocolate Mint but we don’t recommend using it in juicing.

Tips on Planting Mint in Your Backyard

Jay and I love growing mint in our backyards…and yes they do take over, but we have a large area in our yard that needs good ground coverage, so why not? If you don’t have a large backyard or area that you don’t want to see too much mint, then we suggest you get a large container box to grow your mint in.

Here’s how we grow it…

Jay and I usually buy four or five different varieties (mentioned above) and plant them side by side. This way, when we pick the mint for juicing or for tea, we have a mixture of so many varieties of flavors, or just one variety.

We also make sure to put the name (on a stick) of each seed so we don’t get confused as to which is which.

Jay and I also make sure that we add organic soils to our mint garden. Our backyard was riddled with rocks and wet soil no matter the time of year, so we amended it by digging it out and then burying all the new soil over the regular soil, then mixing it up a bit but mostly the new soil is covering about 9 to 12 inches over the top. We want to make sure we are getting the best minerals and vitamins once we grow our mint.

The Best Way to Juice Mint

First, is cutting: You can cut your mint and store it in any kind of bags, but they will last the longest done this way. (keep reading)

Cut your mint and immediately wash and spin dry the mint, making sure the mint is very dry before putting it into the refrigerator. Once your mint is dry and ready to refrigerate, we line the bags with organic paper towels and place the mint inside of the bag (ziplock) and make sure all air is out of the bag.

When you’re ready to juice you can use the stems and all. We recommend that you juice your greens first, then flush through with either apples, carrot, beets, celery or cucumber. (see recipes in this article)


Then The Technocrats Came For The Children…

School districts around the world are racing to implement Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs in the name of improving their students’ social and emotional skills. In fact, according to the global purveyor of SEL standards, 27 states so far have adopted K-12 SEL competencies, and all 50 states have adopted SEL competencies for pre-K students. But where is this massive push for SEL coming from, and what are the motives behind it?

The answer to this question is becoming clear: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a primary force behind the SEL movement worldwide. A major way UNESCO advocates for SEL is through UNESCO’S Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development. The Gandhi Institute produces an online publication called The Blue Dot, which features articles from SEL experts and others around the globe that highlight “the relationship between education, peace, sustainable development and global citizenship.” Invoking Gandhi’s name in the title of this United Nations entity is meant to pull at the heartstrings of anyone who hears it. But should our heartstrings be pulled?






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