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The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: August 26, 2020

Donald Trump: Biden-Harris Will “Obliterate the 2nd Amendment’

Breitbart — He reiterated, “They will take your guns away, either that or obliterate the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.”
On August 11, 2020, Breitbart News reported the Biden-Harris ticket was characterized by extreme gun control. Both Biden and Harris support repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which is the law that protects gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits.
On February 24, 2020, Biden referenced PLCAA then looked into the camera, as if speaking directly to gun makers, and said, “I’m going to take you down.”
During the campaign for the Democrat nominee, both Biden and Harris voiced support for government-mandated buybacks of commonly owned semiautomatic rifles. And Harris is on record for universal background checks and against allowing 18-20 year-olds to buy rifles of any kind.
Harris also opposes allowing teachers to be armed to defend their students in the event safety measures at school entrances and around the perimeter fail to keep attackers out.
On April 13, 2019, Breitbart News reported Harris tweeting, “We need to give teachers a raise — not guns” Ironically, Harris admitted she owns a gun to keep herself safe just two days prior to pushing to keep teachers unarmed.
And as California Attorney General, it was Harris who worked to make concealed carry permits difficult to get via the “good cause” requirement. Her actions meant law-abiding citizens without a criminal record were still barred from getting a California concealed carry permit unless they could prove why they needed to carry a gun.

Facebook Plans Legal Action Against Thai Government for ‘Chilling Effect’ on Free Speech

Breitbart – Facebook recently blocked access within Thailand to a group with over 1 million members that criticized the country’s monarchy, now the social media site plans to take legal action against the government’s demands that Facebook block the group. Facebook, which has censored posts by President Donald Trump, complains that the Thai government has a “chilling effect on people’s ability to express themselves.”
CNBC reports that tech giant Facebook recently blocked access within Thailand to a group with over 1 million members that was critical of the country’s monarchy. Now, the social media platform plans to mount a legal challenge to the Thai government’s demand that it block the group.
The situation arises during a time of great unrest in Thailand as almost daily youth-led protests against the Thai government led by the former military junta chief continue across the country, with many demanding unprecedented calls for reform of the monarchy. The group blocked by Facebook was known as the “Royalist Marketplace” and was created in April by a self-exiled academic and critic of the monarchy named Pavin Chachavalpongpun.
On Monday night, visiting the group showed a message which stated: “Access to this group has been restricted within Thailand pursuant to a legal request from the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society.”
Pavin was critical of Facebook’s move, claiming that the social media network bowed to pressure from the Thai government. “Our group is part of a democratization process, it is a space for freedom of expression,” Pavin told Reuters. “By doing this, Facebook is cooperating with the authoritarian regime to obstruct democracy and cultivating authoritarianism in Thailand.”
Pavin created a new group under the same name as the now-blocked one, it reached 455,000 members on Tuesday. Facebook said that it plans to legally challenge the Thai government after it was “compelled” to block the group.
“Requests like this are severe, contravene international human rights law, and have a chilling effect on people’s ability to express themselves,” a Facebook spokesperson said. “We work to protect and defend the rights of all internet users and are preparing to legally challenge this request.”
Unde Thailand’s “Lese Majeste” laws, defaming the king is illegal with a penalty of up to 15 years in prison and is often the basis for requests to block or remove content from social media. Thailand’s digital minister accused Facebook earlier this month of not complying with requests to restrict content.
The minister gave Facebook 15 days to comply with court takedown orders or face charges under the local Computer Crime Act which carries a fine of up to 200,000 baht ($6,367.40) and an additional 5,000 baht ($159.18) per day until each order is observed.

Ohio GOP Lawmaker Files Articles of Impeachment Against Gov. Mike DeWine over Coronavirus Mandates

Breitbart – An Ohio GOP lawmaker announced on Monday that he has filed articles of impeachment against Gov. Mike DeWine (R) over his mandates in response to the Chinese coronavirus.
Ohio House of Representatives member Rep. John Becker (R-Union Township) has drafted articles of impeachment against governor Mike DeWine over his response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by WLWT5.
Becker said he drafted the articles of impeachment due to the governor’s actions, which have included the implementation a statewide mask mandate. The Ohio House member cited such behavior as “abuses of power.”
The report added that Becker’s announcement comes after the governor vetoed Senate Bill 55 and threatened to veto Senate Bill 618 and Senate 1 — which would limit DeWine’s authority and that of other state officials during the pandemic.
Becker says that many Ohioans do not agree with DeWine’s behavior and are calling for the “general assembly to take control.”
“With deaths and hospitalizations from COVID-19 flattened, the Governor continues to press his boot on the throat of Ohio’s economy,” said Becker, according to a report by KDKA2.
Becker’s ten articles of impeachment are currently supported by two other conservative lawmakers in the the Ohio House of Representatives.
The report added that a DeWine spokesman said the governor is focused on saving lives during the pandemic, helping the economy, and getting Ohio residents back to work.
“That is what he is focused on. Not this,” said DeWine press secretary Dan Tierney.
Ohio Speaker of the House Robert Cupp (R) did not directly say whether he supports impeachment, but did acknowledge his dissatisfaction with many of the governor’s public health orders, reports KDKA2.
“The Speaker shares the concerns of many members of the caucus regarding executive branch overreach, in particular with respect to some of the health orders that have been issued, and he has voiced those concerns directly to the governor,” said Cupp spokesperson Taylor Jach.

Homelessness, Fires, Blackouts, Riots: California Emerges as Cautionary Tale at RNC

Breitbart – California emerged as a cautionary tale on the first night of the Republican National Convention, as several speakers used the state to show what would become of the country if Democrats were elected to power on a radical left-wing platform.
But as the state battled wildfires, and suffered rolling electricity blackouts, in the midst of coronavirus shutdowns, there seemed little ground to complain.
Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host who was once married to California Governor Gavin Newsom, said:
If you want to see the socialist Biden/Harris future for our country, just take a look at California. It is a place of immense wealth, immeasurable innovation and immaculate environment – and the democrats turned it into a land of discarded heroin needles in parks, riots in streets and blackouts in homes.
Rebecca Friedrichs, the plaintiff in a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court case challenging the power of teachers’ unions to force their members to pay dues (a power that was overturned in 2018 in Janus v. ASCME), spoke about her personal experience:
When other dedicated teachers and I served within the unions, we spoke up in defense of children, parents, scientific fact and American values. For our trouble, we were brutalized, booed off the platform, barred from committees, shouted down, and even spit upon by union leaders.
To fight back on behalf of children and America, brave teachers brought a lawsuit against unions, and do you know who intervened against us? The Obama-Biden Administration and California Attorney General Kamala Harris! They argued against us at the U.S. Supreme Court. Their comrades labeled us “spawns of satan,” and slandered us in mainstream media.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed Democrats for the chaos in the nation’s streets, and noted California’s mismanagement:
But instead of a comedy, it’s a horror movie. They’ll disarm you, empty the prisons, lock you in your home, and invite MS-13 to live next door. And the defunded police aren’t on their way.
It’s the only kind of movie they’re making in Hollywood nowadays – that’s if the lights even stay on in California anymore.
By the way, America shouldn’t be giving any more power to the junior senator of a state that can’t even keep its power grid running.
Natalie Harp, a beneficiary of President Donald Trump’s “Right to Try” law, which provides experimental medicines and treatments to terminally ill patients, called herself a “formerly Forgotten American from California,” noting that while Democrats “love to talk about healthcare being a human right,” that meant “a right to marijuana, opioids, and the right-to-die with “dignity”—a politically-correct way of saying ‘give up,’ at best, and at worst, assisted suicide.”
California legalized assisted suicide in 2016.

300,000 Ordered to Evacuate

The Weather Channel – More than half a million people in east Texas and western Louisiana have been told to leave their homes ahead of Hurricane Laura, which could make landfall as a major Category 3 storm.
The city of Galveston, which sits on a barrier island on the Texas Gulf Coast, issued a mandatory evacuation order Tuesday morning and urged residents to leave as soon as possible.
“Today is the day. The weather is still nice here in Galveston. This is the day for everybody to get their belongs together and, for the safety of themselves and their family, to go ahead and evacuate today. Do not wait,” Galveston Mayor Pro Tem Craig Brown told The Weather Channel.
Surrounding Galveston County issued a voluntary evacuation for the Bolivar Peninsula saying it was possible the peninsula cold be cut off from emergency services because of Hurricane Laura.
“The main point is that we’re going to have a significant hurricane make landfall late Wednesday or early Thursday,” National Hurricane Center Deputy Director Ed Rappaport said Tuesday.
Earlier, Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick ordered a mandatory evacuation for all of the Texas county to go into effect at 6:30 a.m. CDT Tuesday.
The order doesn’t apply to workers deemed essential, such as those at hospitals and in government, KFDM reported. More than 250,000 people live in the county.
Branick told the Beaumont Enterprise he chose to issue the evacuation order after hearing the latest trends from meteorologists that put more of the county at increasing risk of a potential major hurricane strike from Laura.
Officials in Orange County, Texas, also announced a mandatory evacuation on Monday evening, effective at 6 a.m. Tuesday. Orange County sits on the Louisiana border and includes the communities of Orange, Bridge City and Rose City. The county population is about 83,000.
The mayor of Port Arthur, also in Texas near the Louisiana state line, called for a mandatory evacuation from the city and the nearby community of Sabine Pass, a spokesperson for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office told weather.com Monday night.
Chambers County officials issued a voluntary evacuation order, especially for residents who live in low-lying or flood-prone areas, or those whose homes have flooded during recent high-rain events.
Thousands of residents in Texas, Louisiana and elsewhere had already hunkered down because of Tropical Storm Marco, but officials turned their attention toward the greater threat of Laura as Marco fizzled out.
Tropical Storm Laura killed at least 23 people in the Caribbean. Laura could bring a significant threat of storm surge, strong winds and flooding rainfall to parts of the Louisiana and Texas coasts on Wednesday and Thursday.
“The good news and the bad news is that Laura is still somewhat unpredictable,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said at a news conference Monday afternoon.
“This is not Harvey. This is not Imelda. This is not Allison. This is Laura. Every storm is different and we urge folks not to use any prior storm as a template for what could or will happen. What we need to do is prepare for the worst,” said Hidalgo, who is the top official for the county surrounding Houston, Texas.
Hidalgo said residents should be prepared to evacuate should the order come Tuesday after Laura’s path becomes clearer.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told The Weather Channel he hopes his state’s residents don’t let their guard down just because Marco was not as strong as expected.
“Laura has always been the greater threat to Louisiana,” Edwards told Jim Cantore. “We don’t want people to become complacent because we caught a break with Marco.”
Edwards declared a state of emergency for Louisiana on Friday night and requested a federal emergency declaration on Saturday. President Donald Trump approved Edwards’ request for help.

‘We’ll burn your store down too’.

RT – Despite the deployment of National Guard troops to quell unrest, violence continued overnight in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with some desperate citizens forced to arm themselves and take matters into their own hands to defend the city.
Police deployed non-lethal munitions to disperse the crowds of protesters and looters late on Monday and into the early hours of Tuesday, in the second consecutive night of rioting since the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake during an incident on Sunday.
Rioters have brandished guns in the open for the second night in a row, but it wasn’t only the rioters and police that took to the streets heavily armed: several citizens decided to make a stand and defend local businesses from looters, footage shared on social purports to show.
Demonstrators ignored a citywide curfew and at one point faced down police armored personnel carriers and tear gas, while enacting an apparent scorched Earth policy of torching local businesses indiscriminately, much to the dismay of legitimate protesters and local residents.
One resident, having apparently had enough, patrolled the streets in his pick up truck, engaging with the rioters and pleading for them to take their issues out on the police but spare local businesses. 
“Just because you people are too scared to go deal with the cops… take your issues up with them…” the man can be heard pleading.
His efforts were seemingly in vain, however, as one of the alleged “protesters” called out the name of the do-gooder’s business, written on the side of his truck, and gleefully proclaimed, “We’ll burn your store down too!”
Kenosha is the latest flashpoint of racially charged, anti-police violence to sweep the US, with tensions having already erupted in many cities, including Seattle and Portland, following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in May.

Fauci warns against emergency vaccine approval before widespread testing

The Hill – Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is warning against prematurely distributing a potential coronavirus vaccine through an emergency use authorization, saying it could negatively harm the testing for other vaccines. 
“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA [emergency use authorization] before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci, a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, said in an interview with Reuters
He added that “one of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial.”
More than 100 possible vaccines to fight off the coronavirus are being developed around the world. Drug manufactures including Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer have all developed candidates that are now in phase 3 clinical trials. The Maryland-based firm Novavax announced last week it was beginning phase 2 tests after early trials showed positive signs. 
Fauci has previously said he is “cautiously optimistic” that a vaccine for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, will be ready for use by the start of 2021. But he’s also noted there’s no guarantee a vaccine will be safe and effective. 
“To me, it’s absolutely paramount that you definitively show that a vaccine is safe and effective, both,” Fauci told Reuters. “We would hope that nothing interferes with the full demonstration that a vaccine is safe and effective.”
His most recent comments to Reuters came just days after President Trump lashed out at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claimed members of the “deep state” inside the FDA were making it difficult for drug companies to test coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics.
The comments were followed by Trump’s announcement on Sunday of an emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients to treat current patients. The announcement triggered concerns from the scientific community, as well as skepticism about data cited by FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn. 
Hahn said in a statement Tuesday that criticism of his remarks were justified, noting he should have said the “data show a relative risk reduction not an absolute risk reduction.”

Trump deadline for drug pricing order passes with no action

The Hill – A deadline set by President Trump for moving forward with an executive order to lower drug prices passed at midnight on Tuesday without any action so far from the White House. 
Trump held a highly touted signing ceremony on July 24 for four executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices, a key issue for voters ahead of the election. But on the most consequential of the orders, to lower certain Medicare drug prices by tying prices to those paid in other countries, Trump delayed the order for one month, until Aug. 24, saying he wanted to give the pharmaceutical industry time to make a deal.
That deadline has now come and gone, without the announcement of any deal with drug companies, yet the White House has not moved forward with the order and is not saying if it will.
The White House declined to comment when asked about the path forward for the order on Tuesday.
The order in question is called a “most-favored nation clause” and is aimed at lowering the prices for a subset of drugs paid for by Medicare to be in line with the lower prices paid in other developed countries. 
“We’re going to hold that until Aug. 24, hoping that the pharmaceutical companies will come up with something that will substantially reduce drug prices,” Trump said at the signing ceremony in July. “And the clock starts right now. So, it’s Aug. 24 at 12 [a.m.], after which the order on favored nations will go into effect.”
Since then, Trump has repeatedly touted the order, though even now that the deadline has passed, the administration so far is not saying if it is actually going forward with implementing it.
“I did a favored nations clause, meaning we pay the same price as the lowest country that has the best deal, the companies are going crazy, the drug companies,” Trump said in remarks to the Republican National Convention on Monday.
The pharmaceutical industry, a powerful force in Washington, is fiercely opposed to the move.

Christian groups urge Congress to pass police reform on anniversary of George Floyd death

The Hill – Prayer & Action Justice Initiative, a coalition of Christian groups, is urging Congress to pass police reform legislation, after the debate on Capitol Hill largely stalled earlier this year. 
“Today, as presidential politics takes over the headlines, we want you to know that the Church has not moved on. Millions of Americans all over the country are praying that this moment might be different, that we will react to injustice not just with ceremony and partisan posturing, but with prayer and united action. We have not moved on, and neither can Congress,” the groups wrote to congressional leaders in a letter obtained by The Hill ahead of its release on Tuesday, which marks three months since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
They added that Congress should “pass meaningful nonpartisan criminal justice reforms that improve public safety, promote the public trust through increased transparency and real accountability, and ensure equitable and proportional treatment of all Americans by our criminal justice system.” 

Teacher Complains That Virtual Classrooms Will Allow Parents to Witness ‘Woke’ Brainwashing

Infowars – A leftist teacher has complained that ‘virtual classrooms’ as a result of coronavirus will allow parents to witness the ‘woke’ indoctrination their child is receiving and that this is a bad thing.
If there was one silver lining to coronavirus, it’s that many more parents are now becoming familiar with what their child is actually being taught.
That worries Matthew R. Kay , “educator” and author of Not Light, But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom.
According to Kay, having parents overhear what politically correct, self-hating drivel their children are being subjected to means, God forbid, that it might be challenged.
“So, this fall, virtual class discussions will have many potential spectators — parents, siblings, etc. — in the same room. We’ll never be quite sure who is overhearing the discourse. What does this do for our equity/inclusion work?” asks Kay.
“How much have students depended on the (somewhat) secure barriers of our physical classrooms to encourage vulnerability? How many of us have installed some version of “what happens here stays here” to help this?”
“While conversations about race are in my wheelhouse, and remain a concern in this no-walls environment — I am most intrigued by the damage that “helicopter/snowplow” parents can do in honest conversations about gender/sexuality,” he concludes.
The “damage” actually being done is kids being exposed to the kind of extremist, anti-American, white-hating Black Lives Matter racism espoused by Kay and his ilk.
“Teaching children to hate themselves for being Caucasian and to embrace harmful alternative sexualities becomes more challenging with someone who means the child well scowling in the background,” comments Dave Blount.
Maybe schooling never returning to “normal” thanks to COVID-19 will end up being a good thing.

All 77 Positive COVID Tests For NFL Players Were “False-Positives”

Infowars – A lab being used by the NFL to conduct COVID-19 tests for eleven teams has announced the latest batch of positive tests, 77 total players, turned out to be “most likely false-positive results.”
“On August 22, BioReference Laboratories reported an elevated number of positive COVID-19 PCR test results for NFL players and personnel at multiple clubs,” a statement by the lab explained. “The NFL immediately took necessary actions to ensure the safety of the players and personnel. Our investigation indicated that these were most likely false-positive results, caused by an isolated contamination during test preparation in the New Jersey laboratory.
The lab’s statement continued, “Reagents, analyzers and staff were all ruled out as possible causes and subsequent testing has indicated that the issue has been resolved. All individuals impacted have been confirmed negative and informed.”
This isn’t the first scare in the league, as Infowars covered earlier this month, Detroit Lions Quarterback Matthew Stafford missed three days of practice after being falsely labeled COVID-positive.
What if a “positive” test result comes back on game day and a major player is held out of a game only to find out the test was a false-positive?
Even more importantly, and much bigger than football, how many Americans are being counted as “COVID-positive” after receiving test results that are actually incorrect?
If the nation’s biggest sports league using one of the top labs in the country can be hit with a 100% failure rate, what could the false-positive rate be nationwide?
BioReference Laboratories is one of six labs the NFL is using and none of the other labs saw an increase in “positive” tests.
Over the past few weeks, the NFL has conducted an estimated 150,000 tests and, as of now, less than ten players are currently on the COVID-19 list.

WHO Chief Warns Of “Vaccine Nationalism” As 172 Countries Sign Onto Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Scheme

Infowars – World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned Monday that “vaccine nationalism” poses a threat to the globalist effort to administer coronavirus vaccines to the entire world.
“Vaccine nationalism only helps the virus. The success of the COVAX facility hinges not only on countries signing up to it, but also filling key funding gaps,” Ghebreyesus said, likely referring to President Trump and America, during the WHO’s latest coronavirus vaccine briefing.
So far, he said, 172 countries representing 70% of the world population have signed up for the coronavirus vaccine distribution scheme, where 2 billion doses of the vaccine will be distributed across the world by 2021.
“There is light at the end of the tunnel. As I said last week, together we can do it,” Ghebreyesus stated.
WHO chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan also criticized President Trump’s recent effort to authorize emergency use of convalescent plasma treatment for coronavirus patients, saying there’s “very low evidence” that it would be effective.
“The results are not conclusive. The trials have been relatively small and the results in some cases point to some benefit but have not been conclusive. We have been tracking this and do ongoing… reviews to see where the evidence is shifting or pointing at and the moment it is still very low evidence,” she said.
But Swaminathan admitted earlier this year that the WHO doesn’t “really have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries, and this adds to the miscommunication and the misapprehensions because we’re not able to give clear-cut answers when people ask about the deaths that have occurred due to a particular vaccine, and this always gets blown up in the media.”
However, Swaminathan was still quick to claim that the coronavirus vaccine, which is being fast-tracked by many years through safety trials by several countries and agencies, is the only safe bet.
“Generally, to develop a new vaccine for a disease, under normal circumstances, it will take anywhere between five to 10 years. In this case of a pandemic, with the joint efforts by WHO and other agencies, it might take at least one to one-and-a-half years, minimum, as finding a new vaccine involves a testing process,” she told reporters last week.
But don’t worry, this fast-tracked experimental vaccine will be much safer than well-known treatments that have been around for decades.
President Trump withdrew America from the UN-backed WHO in June over its poor response to the coronavirus pandemic and efforts cover up Communist China’s involvement in spreading the virus across the planet.
“China has total control over the World Health Organization despite only paying $40 million per year compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year,” the president said.

UK Government Scientist Admits Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale”

Infowars – A scientific advisor to the UK government says the coronavirus lockdown was a “panic measure” and a “monumental mistake on a global scale.”
Infectious diseases expert and University of Edinburgh professor Mark Woolhouse acknowledged that the decision to lockdown in March was a “crude measure” that was enacted because “we couldn’t think of anything better to do.”
“Lockdown was a panic measure and I believe history will say trying to control Covid-19 through lockdown was a monumental mistake on a global scale, the cure was worse than the disease,” said Woolhouse, who is now calling on the government to unlock society before more damage is done.
“I never want to see national lockdown again,” he added. “It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally.”
The professor asserts that the impact of the response to coronavirus will be worse than the virus itself.
“I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by COVID-19,” said Woolhouse.
Richard Sullivan, professor of cancer at King’s College London, previously warned that there will be more excess cancer deaths over the next 5 years than the number of people who die from coronavirus in the UK due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus lockdown, which is preventing cancer victims from getting treatment.
Figures also show that there were more excess deaths during the 2017-18 flu season (around 50,000) than the total number of people in the UK who have died from coronavirus (41,433).
However, a survey conducted last month found that Brits thought around 7 per cent of the population, 5 million people, had been killed by COVID-19.

Vitamins and Supplements That Fight Anxiety and Fatigue

Newsmax – There’s no question that with the current coronavirus crisis, many Americans are suffering from fatigue. Working from home, dealing with children and homeschooling them, along with the anxiety over COVID-19 can take a toll on our energy reserves.
Age is another factor that causes fatigue, says Dr. Erika Schwartz, M.D., a Newsmax contributor. The energy-manufacturing factors in our cells, called mitochondria, become less efficient when we get older.
“As we age, the mitochondria age with us and eventually die, making our energy production in various organs less effective,” she says.
Here are some products that give you a boost:

  1. Ashwagandha. Many studies have shown that taking ashwagandha, one of the world’s oldest medicines, helps reduce anxiety and stress, according to Healthline. All of the studies also showed that taking ashwagandha extract relieved fatigue.
  2. Rhodiola Rosea. Rhodiola Rosea. Dr. Chris D’Adamo of the University of Maryland says this herb is his first choice to increase resistance to stress. It’s been studied extensively in many European countries and, according to the American Botanical Council, helps prevent stress and fatigue and acts as a powerful antioxidant to enhance immune system function.
  3. Coenzyme Q10. Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a leading integrative cardiologist and author of “Reverse Heart Disease Now,” says CoQ10 sparks energy production in every cell of your body, including your heart. “I’ve had patients who thought their energy decline was due old age but after taking CoQ10, they literally felt 10 years younger.” His recommendation is at least 100 milligrams daily.
  4. Vitamin B complex. According to the International Business Times, the B vitamins band together to help fight fatigue. B12 (cobalamin) is vital for neurological function and is perhaps the most important of the B complex vitamins. Dr. Schwartz says that sublingual doses of 100 micrograms daily or intramuscular weekly shots of B12 help many people feel more energized.
  5. Zinc. This important mineral promotes healthy cell production and the synthesis of protein in the body. It’s found in high concentrations in some of the most vital areas of the body, such as the skin, kidneys, bones, pancreas, and red and white blood cells. The recommended dietary allowance for adult men is 11 milligrams daily and 8 milligrams for women.
  6. Iron. People who have anemia or who may be deficient in the mineral iron often feel sluggish and weak. The body needs iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs to the organs and tissues throughout the body. Without sufficient iron, the red blood cells can’t do their work. While the average person gets enough iron from eating lean meats and seafood, supplementation can help boost your energy levels. However, vegans should be especially careful, as they are twice as likely to develop iron deficiency. Experts advise taking iron pills along with vitamin C to boost absorption. For adult men and women age 51 and older, the dosage is 8 milligrams a day.

Study Discovers Link Between Alzheimer’s and Sleep Patterns

Disturbed sleep doesn’t cause Alzheimer’s disease, but some sleep patterns may be more common in people who have a high genetic risk for it, a new study reports.
Those patterns include being a morning person, having shorter sleep duration and being less likely to have insomnia, according to findings published in the Aug. 19 online issue of the journal Neurology.
“We know that people with Alzheimer’s disease often report depression and various sleep problems, like insomnia,” said study author Dr. Abbas Dehghan, of the faculty of medicine at Imperial College London in the U.K. “We wanted to find out if there are causal relationships between different sleep patterns and depression and Alzheimer’s.”
His team analyzed a number of genetic studies. One compared nearly 22,000 people with Alzheimer’s to nearly 42,000 others. Another compared more than 9,200 people with major depression to more than 9,500 without it. Another assessed sleep-related characteristics of more than 446,000 people.
Alzheimer’s risk was determined based on genetic studies where the disease was diagnosed by autopsy or clinical examination.
Researchers found no evidence that sleep-related characteristics caused Alzheimer’s. They also found no evidence of cause and effect between major depression and Alzheimer’s.
The study did find some small associations between sleep habits and Alzheimer’s. Specifically, people with twice the genetic risk for Alzheimer’s were 1% more likely than others to be morning people, and people with twice the genetic risk of Alzheimer’s had a 1% lower risk of insomnia.
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