July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 27, 2021

Kabul Bombing Fatalities Rise to 100+ Dead Including 13 U.S. Troops

Breitbart – The number of people known to have died in the Kabul bombing attack rose overnight to at least 95 Afghans and 13 U.S. personnel, as the evacuation flights from the city’s airport reached its final hours.

The death toll of Thursday’s attack at the gates of Kabul airport steadily rose in the hours after the atrocity, but according to new reports the number of dead is now at least 108, and is expected to climb further.

Islamic State says it was behind suicide attacks at Kabul airport

CS Monitor – On Thursday, two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the throngs of people hoping to get on a flight out of Afghanistan. At least 22 people have been confirmed dead and dozens more injured in the attack, which is believed to have been carried out by ISIS-K.

Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul’s airport Thursday, transforming a scene of desperation into one of horror in the waning days of an airlift for those fleeing the Taliban takeover. An Afghan official says at least 60 Afghans were killed and another 143 were wounded in the attack outside Kabul airport. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief media. 

The dead include 11 Marines and one Navy medic, according to two U.S. officials. They said another 12 service members were wounded and warned the toll could grow.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack outside Kabul airport on Thursday, the group’s Amaq News Agency said on its Telegram channel, reported Reuters.

Turkey holds first talks with the Taliban in Kabul

Al Jazeera – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday said Turkey held its first talks with the Taliban in Kabul, adding Ankara was still assessing the armed group’s offer to assist in operating the international airport.

The Turkish leader said discussions were held at a military facility at the Kabul airport where Turkey’s embassy is temporarily stationed.

Biden vague on whether US gave Taliban list of vulnerable Afghans

Al Jazeera – US President Joe Biden said “there may have been” a list of names of vulnerable Afghans given to the Taliban in an effort to facilitate United States evacuations from the country, as reported by an American news site.

Biden, speaking to reporters on Thursday after deadly twin bombings claimed by an ISIL (ISIS) affiliate near Kabul’s airport, said US forces have coordinated with the Taliban on several occasions to help bring evacuees to the airport.

Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

Breitbart – Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his successor President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the “single most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.”

Trump’s comments came in a lengthy and wide-ranging nearly two-hour-long exclusive interview on Wednesday evening at his office at his golf club in northern New Jersey where he has been living and working for the last several months. The interview, which took place before Thursday morning’s horrific terrorist attack in Kabul at Hamid Karzai International Airport — an attack that claimed the lives of 13 American service members and many Afghans, as well as injuring many more — and moments after senior Biden administration officials attempted to downplay the number of American citizens still stranded in Afghanistan more than a week after the Taliban swept back into control across the country.

Daily Mail: “Biden – at 78 – Suffered Two Brain Aneurysms and a Heart Condition which Causes Dizziness and Confusion”    

Gateway Pundit – Leading British newspaper Daily Mail reported that “Joe Biden was filmed crumbling after he called on Fox News journalist Peter Doocy at a press conference, only to be accused of failing to answer Doocy’s question.” The Daily Mail raised concerns about Joe Biden’s mental and medical condition.

Biden, 78, looked lost for words after being asked if he bore responsibility for an ISIS-K suicide attack at Kabul Airport on Thursday that killed 13 US service personnel, before bowing his head and clutching a file tightly around his hands.

He did so moments after raising eyebrows by revealing he had been given a list of pre-approved journalists to call on, saying: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell from NBC.’ 

Doocy was the last journalist called, with Biden left tongue-tied after tried to throw a question back at Doocy about why Fox News was neglecting to mention that Donald Trump had confirmed the withdrawal when he was president.

But Doocy continued to push, with Biden visibly struggling after being pressed to take the blame for Thursday’s atrocity. 

Last week, a top cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, consultant and expert in evidence-based medicine, expressed concerns about Biden’s age and mental and physical well being. 

Biden – at 78 – is the oldest president and has previously suffered two brain aneurysms and a heart condition which makes the muscle beat too fast, causing dizziness and confusion.    

After working his way through a list, Doocy, who also followed Biden on the campaign trail, was one of the six members of the press the president called on.

While Biden waited for Doocy to get the mic, he smirked. Then Doocy was clear and forceful in his questions.  

There had not been a U.S. service member killed in combat since February of 2020,’ Doocy told him. ‘You set a deadline, you pulled troops out, you sent troops back in, and now 12 marines are dead,’ he said, using the death toll that has since been updated to confirm an extra fatality.  

‘You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way things have unfolded the last two weeks?’

China Credits Big U.S. Companies for Biden Cave to Huawei

Breitbart – China’s state-run Global Times on Wednesday credited pressure from big U.S. corporations for pushing the Biden administration to approve the sale of computer chips to China’s Huawei for use in advanced vehicle components.

The Global Times cited only “Chinese analysts” for its contention, not American government or business sources. Huawei itself did not offer a comment for the story.

According to those Chinese analysts, the Biden administration can be expected to approve more sale licenses because restrictions on Huawei are hurting its suppliers and American companies more than the Chinese electronics giant:

Before being put on a blacklist by the Trump administration, Huawei was one of the US chip sector’s biggest customers. It spent around $12 billion a year buying chips from the US, and contributed 40,000 US jobs, according to media reports. Over the past two years, although the ban was designed to hurt Huawei, those curbs actually hurt many American businesses.

“The US will relax chip bans on Huawei in the future; since it has already realized that its sanctions could be less threatening to the Chinese firm’s overall business than previously thought, and US firms’ businesses also hinge on the company,” Ma Jihua, a close Huawei follower and a veteran industry analyst, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Moreover, the sanctions imposed on Huawei are hurting the global semiconductor industry because they have disrupted trust among participants in the sector, and also led to panic stockpiling among firms over the last two years, Ma said.

The Biden administration approved hundreds of millions of dollars in chip sales to Huawei even though American auto companies and American factories for overseas brands like Toyota and Nissan are scaling back production and temporarily shutting down their operations because they cannot get enough of the chips needed for modern auto electronics.

DHL Warns Global Supply Chain Disruptions To Persist Next Year

ZeroHedge – The complex web of seaports, container ships, and trucking companies that move goods worldwide remains deeply tangled. 

More than 18 months since the virus pandemic forced governments to shut down their economies and, in return, disrupt global supply chains. The emergence of the Delta variant has metastasized into more logistical hell for shippers. 

Bloomberg spoke with companies on the front line of production and transportation to gather intel of what was happening on the ground. What they discovered was increasing supply chain disruption that will persist through 2022. 

We do not expect freight rates to stabilize in the near term,” according to Karsten Michaelis, head of ocean freight at DHL Global Forwarding Asia Pacific.

“The combination of a year of disruption, lack of containers, port congestions and a shortage of vessels in the right positions is creating a situation where cargo demand far exceeds available capacity.”

Michaelis said his customers had been given alternative routes and modes of transport to navigate the turmoil. “We have to be prepared that costs will stay at elevated levels and are not expected to go back to pre-Covid levels,” he said. 

Global container prices are at record highs. 

Michaelis said the seasonal surge for holiday goods has already begun and will keep ocean freight “tight” for the remainder of the year. 

“Capacity planning for the Christmas season has started much earlier this year because capacity is so tight in ocean freight,” he said. “We are seeing some customers even planning to fly in typical seasonal goods just to make sure they are on stock/in store on time.”

In a series of shipping notes, titled “California Congestion Nears New High, East Coast Gridlock Worsens” and “US West Coast Port Congestion At Record High Amid Transpacific Trade Route Disruptions,” we outlined congestion at US West and East Coast ports is mounting once more. 

The latest word from the frontlines is that supply chains disruptions are not waning anytime soon and will pressure consumer prices higher. So much for the Federal Reserve’s “transitory” narrative. 

Supremes slap down Biden’s eviction moratorium

WND – The Supreme Court late Thursday slapped down the Biden administration’s pandemic eviction moratorium by saying it “strains credulity” to think the law grants it that power.

The 6-3 decision said the administrative decision can no longer be enforced.

Since March 2020, it had banned landlords – who still were on the hook for mortgages, repairs, utilities and more – from evicting tenants who refused to pay rent.

The court said Congress would have to authorize such a move, if Biden wanted to continue ti.

The justices said, “It would be one thing if Congress had specifically authorized the action that the CDC has taken. But that has not happened. Instead, the CDC has imposed a nationwide moratorium on evictions in reliance on a decades-old statute that authorizes it to implement measures like fumigation and pest extermination.”

The judges found, “It strains credulity to believe that this statute grants the CDC the sweeping authority that it asserts.”

A Census Bureau estimate suggested more than seven million U.S. households are behind on rent and half that number say they could be evicted in coming weeks, despite federal COVID-19 legislation that created assistance for renters.

The moratorium had been scheduled to come to a conclusion weeks ago, but the Biden administration pursued its renewal when Democrats on Congress demanded that action.

Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector To Make Lives Of The “Unvaccinated” Difficult

Activist Post – Is anyone sick of being ruled and owned yet? The ruling class is not letting up and increasingly calling upon businesses in the private sector to help them roll out the permanent slave state.

They aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they want to own us, our bodies, and our minds at this point. Gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe is just one of the tyrants calling on businesses to mandate Covid-19 vaccines after promoting efforts to make the lives of those who are unvaccinated more “difficult.” Joe Biden has already tried this play right out of the slave owner’s handbook:

>>Related Article: The Ruling Class Urges Businesses To Mandate COVID Vaccines For Employment

It’s like these rulers know they cannot do this alone.  The slaves have to help them and, sadly, all too many are all too ready to help make this planet a permanent prison. This only gets worse, though, as more people start to figure out what’s really going on.

McAuliffe called on “every Virginia employer” this week to mandate Covid-19 vaccines among all “eligible employees,” according to a report by RT.  

“I have long said that the best way to defeat this deadly virus, keep our students in school and keep Virginia’s economy strong is by getting every eligible Virginian vaccinated as quickly as possible,” McAuliffe said in a public statement announcement, which followed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially approving their first Covid-19 vaccine, a Pfizer-BioNTech two-dose vaccine, on Monday. –RT

So now, private businesses are going to do the bidding of the state by making sure some slaves get at least a little control over some of the other slaves.

It’s insanity to think that any business is still around after mandating people get injected with an experimental gene therapy drug that the manufacturers of face no liability whatsoever even if that drug kills them. Who owns you if you have no say as to what goes into your body? The ruling class has admitted they can’t force these shots on people…yet, but they can make their lives as slaves a living hell.

“Make it hard for people to get on planes or go to movie theaters,” he said at a Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference in Las Vegas.  Acknowledging that you can’t “force” vaccines by law, McAuliffe – recently endorsed by anti-Trump ‘Republican’ Bill Kristol – called on private businesses to be the ones to punish those who refuse to get inoculated. –RT

But when have the rulers, who make the law, ever cared about following it anyway? Laws are for the slaves, not those who own slaves.

“We can’t force them. We’re not going door to door, but you make life difficult,” he said. “If you’re going to come to the HIMSS conference, you got to be vaccinated.”

Arkansas doctor under investigation for prescribing anti-parasitic drug thousands of times for Covid-19 despite FDA warning

he Arkansas Medical Board is investigating after a doctor said he prescribed an anti-parasitic drug “thousands” of times for treatment of Covid-19, including to inmates in an Arkansas jail.

The FDA has been warning against the use of ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19 since March. The drug is used to treat parasitic infections, primarily in livestock, and the CDC recently cautioned about an increase in reports to poison centers of severe illness caused by the drug.

Justice of the Peace Eva Madison raised the issue during a county budget hearing in Fayetteville on Tuesday, saying a county employee had told her the jail’s medical provider was prescribing ivermectin to treat and prevent Covid-19.

Texas House advances new voting restrictions as Democratic hopes of killing the legislation wane

Texas Tribune – After months of drama and political resistance, the curtain lowered Thursday on Democratic attempts to stave off a far-reaching rewrite of the state’s voting laws coveted by Republicans seeking to retain their hold on power in a changing Texas.

One week after finally regaining enough members to conduct business, the Texas House slogged through a 12-hour floor debate before signing off on a slightly revised version of the Republican legislation that first prompted Democrats to stage a nearly six-week absence from the Capitol. The late-night 79-37 vote on Senate Bill 1 moves the state closer to enacting new voting restrictions, including limits on early voting hours and other measures opponents say will raise new barriers for marginalized voters, especially voters of color, who tend to vote Democratic, and those with disabilities.

The House is expected to give the bill final approval on Friday, leaving the House and Senate to resolve their differences before the legislation heads to Gov. Greg Abbott.

Bombshell UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push

Global Research – his is an absolute game-changer.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

To be specific:

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

The report is here.

Fauci ADMITS “antibodies” from COVID-19 vaccines actually make the virus stronger

NaturalNews – Chief Medical Advisor to the President Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines could actually make the coronavirus worse.

During a press conference at the White House, Fauci talked about antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE.

ADE is a phenomenon that happens when the antibodies generated by the body during an immune response bind themselves to the pathogen but do not properly wipe it out. Instead, these antibodies act as a Trojan horse, giving the pathogen a way to get further into the body and spread. This, in turn, requires an even greater immune response from the body, which might actually make the situation worse.

Scientists have recorded and admitted to the fact that some vaccines can cause ADE. For example, in the 1960s scientists were attempting to create a vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This virus commonly causes pneumonia in children. But during clinical trials, the children that received the vaccine and subsequently became infected with the virus were actually more likely to develop and die from pneumonia.

For a more recent example of ADE, in 2016, 14 children in the Philippines died of dengue after receiving an experimental dengue virus vaccine. Researchers believe the children developed antibody responses incapable of neutralizing the natural dengue virus that circulated in their areas.

During the press conference, Fauci admitted that public health authorities in the United States are researching ADE and are figuring out a way to make sure the COVID-19 vaccines do not cause it. He said:

“Does the vaccine make you worse? And there are diseases in which you vaccinated someone, they get infected with what you’re trying to protect them with, and you actually enhance the infection. You can get a good feel for that in animal models. So that’s going to be interspersed at the same time that we’re testing. We’re going to try and make sure we don’t have enhancement. The worst possible thing you can do is vaccinate somebody to prevent infection and actually make them worse.”

ultiple studies from around the world have already proven what Fauci is still attempting to ignore. Their results strongly suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines lead to the creation of more enhanced strains of the coronavirus through ADE.

In fact, one of the first studies suggesting this was published in late February of this year. This study suggested that the current COVID-19 vaccines may be able to provide some protection in the beginning. But this protection may significantly decrease over time, allowing the possibility of ADE associated with waning antibodies.

“Current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines appear to be providing protection with high antibody titers; the possibility of ADE risks associated with waning titers of antibodies over time remains unknown.”

Another study found that future attempts to create SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have potentially higher risks for inducing ADE in people who receive these new vaccines.

One other paper from Japanese researchers found that the post-vaccine delta variant of COVID-19 is mutating in such a way that suggests the variant already causes vaccine-acquired ADE, most likely from the Pfizer vaccine. (Related: Pfizer vaccine destroys T cells, weakens the immune system – study.)

Real-world data strongly suggests that vaccine-acquired ADE is already occurring. In Israel, one of the most fully vaccinated countries in the world, around 60 percent of people currently hospitalized for COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.

It should be noted that Israel’s vaccination rate is similar. Around 60 percent of the country’s entire population is fully vaccinated, and another five percent have received one dose of the vaccine.

Similar situations can be seen around the world, especially in countries with high COVID-19 vaccination rates.

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