September 15, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 30, 2024


Libya’s central bank chief flees country over militia threats: Report

Tripoli-based Presidential Council appoints new board of directors, with banking operations suspended amid upheaval.

WW3 Watch: Netherlands Approves Ukraine Use of Its F-16s to Strike Russian Territory

Ukraine was given approval by the Netherlands on Thursday to use its F-16 fighter jets to strike deep inside Russian territory.

The American-made F-16 is an iconic fighter jet that’s been the front-line combat plane of choice for the NATO alliance and numerous air forces around the world for 50 years.

Workers in UK could get right to request four-day compressed week

Employees could work longer hours over fewer days under government proposals for flexible working

Workers in the UK could be given the right to request a four-day working week under new government plans but would still need to clock in their usual contracted hours.

The education minister, Jacqui Smith, on Friday morning dismissed reports of businesses being forced to accept these demands but said workers could be given the option to work fewer days through “compressed hours”.

She told LBC radio: “We think that flexible working is actually good for productivity. So the four-day week that I know is on the front of quite a lot of newspapers today, what we’re actually talking about there is the type of flexible working that enables you to use compressed hours.

Report: US State Department Funded the Censorship Ecosystem in Brazil to Subvert Bolsonaro Administration – As the Biden Regime Sent CIA, Defense Department, US Military Officials to Brazil to Interfere with Election

In July 2024, Brazil’s Federal Police indicted popular former President Jair Bolsonaro for ‘money laundering and criminal association.’ The charges were reportedly related to ‘undeclared diamonds’ received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office.

This was nothing new. The Lula regime has been targeting and persecuting Bolsonaro and his supporters since they took office in 2023. Lula, the communist, was taking lessons from the Biden regime and their brazen and nonstop political persecution of President Donald Trump, parents, devout Catholics, pro-Life activists, and Trump supporters since taking office in 2021.

So it should come as no surprise that the Biden regime has been openly supporting Lula da Silva, the socialist tyrant in Brazil, prior to the presidential elections. And now we know that the US State Department was funding the censorship ecosystem in Brazil with tens of millions of dollars.

Foreign Policy reported prior to the 2022 presidential elections on how Joe Biden and the CIA were working to ensure a Lula win in Brazil.

“How Team Biden Tried to Coup-Proof Brazil’s Elections,” read the headline.

According to reports, top Biden officials from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and CIA all participated in threatening the Bolsonaro administration in rare, escalating diplomatic meetings.


Officials in Aurora have begun to acknowledge the presence of Venezuelan gang activity in their Colorado city after the release of a terrifying surveillance video.

For Cindy Romero, living at 12th Avenue and Dallas Street has become a daily struggle against escalating violence and neglect. Life deteriorated into a nightmarish ordeal, marked by frequent encounters with crime and what she calls a lack of support from the city and police.

She first noticed a gradual increase in crime in her part of the Denver metro area about a year-and-a-half ago. It got worse over the last three months.

“We were constantly forced to take measures to protect ourselves,” Romero said. “I installed more locks, bought additional cameras, and parked further away from the building. Despite all these efforts, the situation kept escalating. We felt like we were being tortured.”

She reported seeing people move automatic weapons and engage in shootouts.

“I’ve seen handguns, rifles with scopes, and other firearms. It got so bad that bullets even went through my friend’s apartment and hit my car,” Romero said.

Despite frequent calls to 911, the police response was nearly nonexistent.

“The police would call me and say they weren’t coming unless it was a severe crime,” Romero said. “When I called the police to report a shooting, one officer asked if I had considered moving. If I could have afforded to leave, I would have.”

Romero installed multiple cameras that captured violent activity over weeks. Doorbell video shows a group of armed men forcing their way into her neighbor’s home. Another night, her camera outside captured two men approaching a vehicle with guns drawn.

Romero criticized city officials for their failure to address the problem.

“You are elected to protect your constituents. You fundraise off your promises, yet you left us to die,” she said.

After a shootout on Aug. 18, Romero was driven to desperation. This week her pleas for help were finally answered. By Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky.

“Jurinsky was the only one who really took an interest in our safety and worked to find solutions. It meant a lot to have someone genuinely concerned,” Romero said.

Jurinsky helped her move out and find other housing.

“I went in myself to help people move out. There was a large police presence, and at one point, a gentleman charged up the stairs after me,” Jurinsky said. “It was an eerie feeling. Even as I was helping people move out, others were moving in right in front of me.”

Jurinsky first became aware of the escalating gang activity shortly after a large gathering in Aurora related to the Venezuelan election.

“People were saying that individuals were patrolling their properties with guns and walking through their buildings. They called the police repeatedly, but the response was lacking,” Jurinsky said.

DOJ report demands FBI improve handling of child sexual abuse investigations

A new report from a watchdog says the FBI must improve its performance when it handles child sexual abuse investigations.

A report at Just the News said the warning comes some three years after it was learned the FBI knew that U.S. gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was molesting female athletes, but “did not act quick enough.”

The new report is from the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice.

A summary explains, “The DOJ OIG found that further improvements are needed to build upon the FBI’s recent changes to its crimes against children and human trafficking (CAC/HT) program to ensure it appropriately addresses child sexual abuse allegations.”

The watchdog found that there were suspected child abuse cases for which the FBI “lacked any recent investigative activity or case updates, logical investigative steps, or referrals to appropriate agencies.”

The report said not only did agents not appropriate review leads about cases, there were “instances of substantial non-compliance with FBI policy.”

According to Courthouse News, while the FBI tried to correct its operations after the Nassar case, “some agency staff have been slow to respond to active child sexual abuse allegations.”

Group of 20 migrants attempted to enter school bus picking up students

A group of about 20 migrants terrified young children by trying to get on their California school bus early Wednesday – a day after a smaller group walked down a highway trying to stop another bus, district officials said.

The alarming incidents occurred in the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District close to the Mexico border — where school bus drivers are now being ordered to skip stops where migrants might be waiting.

On Tuesday, at least three migrants walked in the middle of Highway 94 to try to stop a bus that was forced to go around them, Fox 5 reported. Then early Wednesday, about 20 tried to get on a bus at the same stop just off the highway as students got on for school – forcing parents to make sure their kids were safe. “It was definitely really scary,” said mom Nicole Cardinale, whose 8-year-old son was on the bus Wednesday.

Criminal Aliens Released in U.S. “Committing Crimes Against Americans at An Alarming Rate”

Of the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States under the Biden administration’s radical open border policies, over 617,000 have criminal records and they are victimizing Americans and terrorizing communities throughout the nation. “The consequences are dire, with illegal aliens committing crimes against Americans at an alarming rate,” according to a report published by the House Judiciary Committee. “The Biden-Harris Administration’s radical policies ensure that criminal illegal aliens can remain in the United States indefinitely, even after they have committed a crime.” The document focuses on the cases of four illegal immigrants from Venezuela who viciously attacked a man on a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) train earlier this year. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released one of the men inside the U.S. in 2022 and the other three in 2023 after crossing the Mexican border. Three of the men were on pretrial release after shoplifting arrests when they committed their most recent crime in the Windy City.

Trump promises universal coverage for IVF treatment

President Donald Trump says that, if he wins a second term, he wants to make IVF treatment free for families. However, the former president did not detail how he would fund it or how it would work, as he took the stage at a campaign event in Wisconsin.

Betting Markets Dump Kamala Harris After CNN Interview

The cold, hard world of betting markets framing the outcome of the 2024 presidential election were singularly unimpressed by the showing of Kamala Harris during her CNN interview on Thursday evening.

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

Forty-five days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released a litany of investigative information. While any nibble goes a long way, the information provided has shortcomings insomuch as the FBI still is not being specific about the all-important physical evidence.

Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office, Kevin Rojek, provided remarks during a media call that simply raise more questions. For example, Rojek explains that the “FBI is now in possession of the subject’s autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner’s office.” Great. When did the FBI obtain the autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner? Is Rojek referring to the Butler County Coroner or the Allegheny County Medical Examiner? People often confuse these two entities. Specificity would be helpful. It matters


NatWest app and online banking go down with hundreds of frustrated customers unable to send payments

Natwest customers have been unable to make payments as the bank’s and online services have been hit with technical issues.

More than 1,000 angry customers complained at around 7am this morning, according to DownDetector – a website which monitors the status of websites. 

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which is owned by the Natwest Group, appears to have be having IT issues, with nearly 200 complaints lodged, DownDetector reports

Two-Thirds Of Americans Now Believe That The American Dream Is Unattainable

When we were young, most of us believed that we would achieve “the American Dream” someday.  Today, two-thirds of us believe that the American Dream is unattainable.  That is a searing indictment of a system that is coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes.  As a child, it seemed like just about everyone was part of the middle class.  In those days, people just took for granted that you could have a nice home, a beautiful family, a couple of vehicles and a comfortable retirement.  But now that kind of middle class lifestyle is out of reach for most of the country.  In fact, a brand new Wall Street Journal/NORC poll discovered that only about one-third of the population thinks that the American Dream “is still alive”

Only about a third of U.S. adults believe the American dream is still alive, a Wall Street Journal/NORC poll published Wednesday found.

A survey of 2,501 people conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute twelve years ago found more than half of respondents believed the American dream “still holds true,” but now only a third feel that way, according to a recent WSJ/NORC poll of 1,502 adults. The study also found an increasingly large gap between people’s economic goals and what they think is actually attainable — a trend that was consistent across gender and party lines, but was especially common amongst younger generations.


Sunflower seeds – Nutrition packed in a shell

Chewing, sucking, and spitting sunflower seeds, is an American past-time snack. At a sporting event, on a long drive, during a waiting period, or to suppress hunger, with a handful of sunflower seeds, somehow the time gets better. From plain to flavored, tastebuds are keen to these tiny bits of crunch. They can also be found in breads, bars, and trail mixes. Sunflower seeds are enjoyed raw or roasted.

They come from beautiful sunflowers. The head of a sunflower can have up to 2,000 seeds. Farmers grow 2 types of sunflowers. One is strictly for the seeds and the other is for the oil. The type for eating has shells called hulls and they are striped. The type with all black shells is used for the oil.

In ¼ cup of sunflower seeds, there is a lot of nutrition packed in. There are about 165 calories, 14 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. For the recommended daily intake (RDI), there’s 37% of vitamin E, 30% of manganese, 26% of copper, 20% of pantothenic acid, 17% of folate, 11% of vitamin B6, 32% of selenium, and 6% of iron. The high amount of vitamin E and selenium are a great benefit of sunflower seeds because these act as antioxidants that fight free radicals. The best way to reap the benefits of sunflower seeds is to buy the “sprouted” type. When they’re sprouted their plant compound increase and mineral absorption is at its best.

There are other health benefits sunflower seeds can offer. Studies have suggested over time eating sunflower seeds can help reduce fasting blood sugar levels. This can help diabetics. Best of all, there is a compound in sunflower seeds that blocks enzymes that constrict blood vessels. Therefore, high blood pressure is kept away.

Nursing Home Antibiotic Overuse Fosters ‘Superbugs’

Senior residential homes are breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, due to overprescription of antibiotics, a new study says.

Stool samples provided by Australian senior home residents contained bacteria with a wide range of genes linked to antibiotic resistance, researchers report in the Journal of Infection.

“Commonly used tablet antibiotics in the elderly increase many types of resistance bacteria carried in the gut and these so called ‘superbugs’ can increase resistance to other important life-saving antibiotic drugs,” lead researcher Sophie Miller, a doctoral student at Flinders University in Australia, said in a news release.


NASA discovers an invisible electric field surrounding Earth – and claims it’s ‘as important as GRAVITY’

While Earth’s gravitational pull and magnetic field should be fairly familiar, scientists now say they have found a third field which is ‘just as fundamental’.

NASA researchers have found the first evidence of a subtle, almost undetectable electric field surrounding the planet

Since Isaac Newton was hit by his apple back in 1666, scientists have been trying to get their heads around the forces that shape our planet.

While Earth’s gravitational pull and magnetic field should be fairly familiar, scientists now say they have found a third field which is ‘just as fundamental’.

NASA researchers have found the first evidence of a subtle, almost undetectable electric field surrounding the planet


Judicial Watch Sues Energy Department for Biden Climate Czar John Podesta’s Records

Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Energy for records regarding Joe Biden’s Climate Czar John Podesta and/or his brother Tony Podesta that are tied to the lobbying firm (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Energy (No. 1:24-cv-02174))

The suit was filed after the Energy Department failed to respond to an April 3, 2024, Judicial Watch FOIA request for access to:

  1. All emails between any official or employee of the Department of Energy and any email address terminating in the domain “”
  2. All agendas, briefing materials, notes, or other records created in preparation for, during, or pursuant to any meeting between any official or employee of the Department of Energy and Anthony Podesta and/or Helen Hagerty. For purposes of clarification, Hagerty is a lobbyist with the firm

John Podesta in March replaced John Kerry as Joe Biden’s U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (Climate Czar), overseeing the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, which has been called “the largest green slush fund in American history,” and coordinating interagency efforts to advance the Biden administration’s climate agenda. Specifically, Podesta is in charge of allocating funds for clean energy projects and ensuring that they align with the administration’s goals of reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources, including major infrastructure projects related to the energy grid.

Concerns have been raised by The Washington Free Beacon about potential conflicts of interest arising from John Podesta advising the Biden administration on climate policy while having close ties to, a lobbying firm co-founded by his brother, Tony Podesta:

His [John’s] brother Tony Podesta could reap the benefits as a longtime lobbyist for foreign Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) companies—including one founded by a Russian energy oligarch.

The EPA Would Never Approve A Pesticide Unless It Was Safe, Right?

WRONG, they would, and they have many times. The same goes for the FDA and CDC; they care not whether vaccines are safe. It is incredible but true that we live in a world where the major protection organizations are designed to attack and hurt men, women, and children everywhere. You either get this truth and let it hit you in the gut or live in a fantasy world until you get hit with a significant disease caused by a pesticide or vaccine or one of some other medical products and procedures.

Despite the safety claims by Bayer and the EPA, hundreds of studies by independent scientists link glyphosate herbicides to serious health harms, including cancer.

Even though Bayer maintains that its glyphosate products are safe and not carcinogenic, the company has thus far agreed to pay out more than $10 billion in settlement costs to tens of thousands of glyphosate users suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma and thousands of lawsuits remain.

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