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Today's News: August 31, 2018

World News
ALERT- Mobilize NOW to STOP Planned BRITISH False-Flag Chemical Attack in Syria
Executive Intelligence Review – ver the past three days, the Russian and the Syrian governments have exposed the intention of the British-backed terrorists in Syria, together with their “White Helmet” terrorist support apparatus, to stage a fake chemical weapon attack, film the White Helmets “saving” the victims, blast the videos around the world on fake news outlets, and induce President Trump to allow the war party to unleash a missile and air assault on Syria. It worked twice before, although Trump restricted the attacks to minor, limited strikes, with few casualties. However, now that ISIS has largely been defeated by the Syrian army, the British would like to provoke a wider war, both to prevent President Trump from carrying out his intention to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria, and to destroy the effort by both Presidents Trump and Putin to bring the U.S. and Russia into a friendly and cooperative relationship. In the eyes of the British Empire, the Helsinki Summit between Trump and Putin marked a deadly threat to that Empire.         Let there be no doubt: The British would vastly prefer a thermonuclear showdown, or even a thermonuclear war, between the United States and Russia, rather than see the imperial division of the world between East and West torn down. The power of the City of London and its Wall Street subsidiary depends absolutely on that division.    The first fake chemical attack in Syria took place in April 2017, while Trump was meeting with Xi Jinping in Florida, and was aimed at undermining Trump’s personal cooperation with China’s leader. The second attack came in April of this year, based on a White Helmet video which was proven by multiple witnesses, and even the testimony of the supposed “victims” themselves, to have been completely staged by the White Helmets.
The difference now is that the Russians and the Syrians have the evidence ahead of the fake chemical weapons attack, and have made it public, calling on the world to stop it.
Argentina Interest Rate Hiked to 60 Percent
Newsmax – Argentina’s benchmark interest rate was hiked to 60 percent by the country’s central bank in an effort to halt a sharp slide in the value of the peso.
China Using LinkedIn to Recruit Americans
Reuters – The United States’ top spy catcher said Chinese espionage agencies are using fake LinkedIn accounts to try to recruit Americans with access to government and commercial secrets, and the company should shut them down.
EU to Scrap Daylight Savings
Daily Mail – The EU is set to end the practice of switching between summer and winter time after a survey found most EU citizens are against it.
More than 80 per cent of EU citizens wanted to abolish the bi-annual switch currently required by law, president Jean-Claude Juncker said on German television.
Juncker said the poll suggested that citizens preferred staying on summer time, adding he would put the plan to a debate among EU commissioners.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Brown U. censors ‘gender dysphoria’ study, worried that findings might ‘invalidate the perspectives’ of transgender community
Fox – Brown University has come under fire after censoring its own study on transgender youth, which found that social media and friends can influence teenagers to change their gender identity.
The university removed an article about the study from its website five days after it was published, following community complaints that the research was transphobic, the Daily Wire first reported.
College Bans 9/11 ‘Never Forget’ Project
Washington Examiner – Administrators at Ripon College in Wisconsin have ruled that a Sept. 11 memorial cannot take place on campus because it may offend Muslim students.
The private school cited bias reports that were filed during last year’s Sept. 11 memorial project, a project that was a part of Young America’s Foundation’s iconic patriotism initiative which takes place across the country on campuses every year.
The school’s Bias Protocol Board said the project creates an “environment” where “students from a Muslim background would feel singled out and/or harassed.” As a result, Ripon students will not be allowed to hang flyers as part of their vigil to remember the victims of Sept. 11.
Clashes at dueling protests over UNC’s “Silent Sam”
CBS – Police arrested three people at dueling protests at protests both for and against a Confederate monument called “Silent Sam” at the University of North Carolina, CBS Raleigh affiliate WNCN reports. Protesters toppled the century-old statue on Aug. 20.
Supporters of restoring “Silent Sam” to its original spot were separated by barricades from the protesters, who held a dance party on McCorkle Place as a way to divert attention from their opposition, WNCN reports.
“It’s really close to campus, so it’s going to affect our daily life. I think its really important to know what’s going on in your community,” UNC freshman Elise Mahon told WNCN. “This is such an emotionally charged event for a lot of people, so it means a lot to a lot of people I go to school with.”
Those protesting “Silent Sam” chanted “cops and Klan go hand in hand,” “Go home Nazis,” and more, according to WNCN. Those in favor of returning “Silent Sam” to campus remained relatively quiet.
UNC said in a news release that law enforcement used a “pepper fogger” on protesters to maintain order.
The messages showed Blue instructing the officers to give the protesters “lots of space” and “stay way out.” Another message showed Blue telling Chapel Hill officers they were “too close” to the protesters. Not too long after, the demonstrators toppled the “Silent Sam” statue.
Blue received several messages after the protest criticizing how his officers handled the incident. Still, Blue emailed his officers a day later and thanked them for their “good work during a challenging time.”
The actions by UNC campus police are also under scrutiny from university and legislative leaders. The UNC police have primary responsibility for patrolling campus, but the two departments assist each other.
Texts show police told to ‘not engage’ with ‘Silent Sam’ protesters: report
Fox – A police chief assisting with crowd control during a protest at the University in North Carolina last week told his officers to stand aside as demonstrators tore down the century-old Confederate monument known as “Silent Sam,” a report stated.
WRAL-TV obtained text messages and emails that showed Chapel Hill Police Chief Chris Blue closely monitored the Aug. 20 protest as his officers backed up the UNC police force, who took lead in policing the Chapel Hill campus. The station used a public records request to obtain about 400 pages of emails and texts to and from Blue on the day of the protest and the day afterward.
Sandy Hook Promise Rolls Out Nationwide School Surveillance Program
Memoryhole Blog – Multimillion Dollar Charity Aligned with US Secret Service
Sandy Hook Promise, the multi-million dollar 501(c)3 predicated on the Sandy Hook Massacre event, is actively partnering with school districts throughout the United States to institute a nationwide, extralegal intelligence-gathering system targeting students at taxpayer-funded public schools.
The trade-marked “‘Know the Signs’ prevention programs” feature the “Say Something Anonymous Reporting System,” which encourages minor students and school staff whose institutions have partnered with Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) to divulge observational information directly to an SHP-operated “crisis center” on peers they suspect of being future “active shooters,” or who may otherwise be perceived as “at-risk of hurting themselves and others.”
SHP’s other trade-marked “violence prevention programs” include “Say Something,” “Start With Hello,” “Signs of Suicide,” and “Safety Assessment & Intervention.”
The Broward Count School Board in South Florida, led by the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools Robert W. Runcie, has already signed a three year contract with SHP to implement the Say Something Reporting System across one of the largest school districts in the state.
Dem Warns: ICE Officers could be prosecuted post-Trump
Fox – A Democratic lawmaker issued a startling warning to government officials involved in “illegal” deportations that they “will not be safe” from future punishment when Donald Trump is no longer president.
“If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned,” Arizona Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego tweeted early Thursday. “When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders. You do not have to take part in illegal acts ordered by this President’s administration.”
Donald Trump Threatens to ‘Get Involved’ if Justice Department Fails to ‘Straighten Out’
Breitbart – President Donald Trump criticized the leadership of the Justice Department on Thursday, threatening to get involved with ongoing investigations.
“Our Justice Department and our FBI have to start doing their job, doing it right, and doing it now because people are angry,” Trump said.
Trump made his remarks during a campaign rally in Indiana on Thursday after a round of loud “Lock her Up!” chants from supporters, referring to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He clarified that he was only referring to the leaders at the top of the country’s top law enforcement agencies.
“What’s happening is a disgrace and at some point – I wanted to stay out, but at some point, if it doesn’t straighten out properly, I will get involved and I’ll get in there if I have to,” he said, as the crowd cheered.
Two Prosecutors No Longer with Special Counsel Mueller’s Office
Breitbart – Two prosecutors tasked with investigating allegations of possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election have left the Office of the Special Counsel.
Economy & Business
NAFTA talks rocked by media leak of off-record Trump comments on Canada
Fox – A media leak of off-record comments by President Trump has roiled the high-wire negotiations with Canada over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Trump has been trying to negotiate a new NAFTA with both trading partners. He announced Monday that he has secured a tentative deal with Mexico and said “we’ll see” if Canada can be part of the new agreement. The administration had set a deadline of Friday for a deal with Canada.
But The Toronto Star reports that it obtained comments from an off-the-record portion of an Oval Office interview between Trump and Bloomberg News. In those remarks, Trump said he isn’t making compromises with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, but isn’t going to say so publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”        “Here’s the problem. If I say no, the answer’s no. If I say no, then you’re going to put that, and it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal … I can’t kill these people,” he said of Trudeau’s government.
In another remark he did not want published, Trump said the deal would be “totally on our terms” and reportedly suggested he had tried to spook the Canadians with the threat of auto tariffs.
President threatens World Trade Organization withdrawal
Bloomberg – President Donald Trump said he would pull out of the World Trade Organization if it doesn’t treat the U.S. better, targeting a cornerstone of the international trading system.
“If they don’t shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO,” Trump said Thursday in an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg News. Trump said the agreement establishing the body “was the single worst trade deal ever made.”
A U.S. withdrawal from the WTO potentially would be far more significant for the global economy than even Trump’s growing trade war with China, undermining the post-World War II system that the U.S. helped build.
Trump said last month that the U.S. is at a big disadvantage from being treated “very badly” by the WTO for many years and that the Geneva-based body needs to “change their ways.”
Bill Gates Directs Education Funding to Impoverished US Schools
Newsmax – Marking another phase in his education agenda, Bill Gates is now taking a more targeted approach to help struggling U.S. schools.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now funding groups working directly with clusters of public schools in some of the most impoverished regions of the country. Many of those third-party groups already had relationships with the world’s largest philanthropy, and some of the grants went straight to a school district and charter schools organization.
The foundation on Tuesday announced the first round of nearly $100 million for 19 program initiatives for middle and high schools in poor communities across 13 states. Gates pledged $460 million over the next five years to fund networks of school programs that help low-income and minority students get to college.
Energy & Environment
Science & Technology
FACEBOOK risks being dragged into war crime trials, UN warns
Yahoo – The United Nations has warned Facebook that it risks being dragged into international war crimes trials for its role in future human rights violations, as it called on the social network to address hate speech more quickly.
Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein, the UN’s human rights chief, said the company risked becoming an accessory to horrific crimes and that the company had not taken violence in Burma incited on the social network seriously.
It comes after a UN report into atrocities in Burma this week said Facebook had been “a useful instrument for those seeking to spread hate”.
On Monday, the company banned dozens of accounts, including the military chief’s own page, in the country, where 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled rape and mass murder, Facebook has been accused of allowing false information and hate speech on its platform to spread across Burma, whipping up violence.
Speaking in Geneva, Mr Al-Hussein said Facebook risked being subpoenaed in future trials “of those accused of the worst crimes” if it did not learn its lesson from the violence.
AUTONOMOUS airships set to revolutionize policing
Daily Star – And these ‘eyes in the skies’ are reportedly on trial in cities ranging from London to New York.
Developed by Avalon Airships, the incredible zero emission EOS blimps use fully electric drivetrains, while their streamlined hybrid design allows them to travel silently at high speeds for long periods.
The ability to land on water allows these helium-filled leviathans to reach even the most remote destinations in record time.
And the fully autonomous onboard technology allows the EOS to operate 24 hours a day with minimal downtime at low cost.
Jurassic Park-style cloning facility to bring extinct species back to life…
The Mirror – Extinct woolly mammoths, cave lions and other long-gone species may be brought back to lifee in a new £4.5million cloning facility in Russia, scientists claim.
The new Jurassic Park-style centre will be a “world class paleo-genetic scientific hub” in the world’s coldest city, Yakutsk, in the remote north-east of the country.
The cloning laboratories – some sunk deep in the permafrost soil – will extend research by Russian scientists who are already working closely with South Korean specialists.
They’ve found DNA from the ancient animals preserved in remains encased in frozen soil – or permafrost – for tens of thousands of years.
FBI Seeks AI to Match Criminals to Biometric Database…
Nextgov – Any criminal worth their salt knows to wipe their crime scene for fingerprints, but some go a step further and try to erase the prints from their fingers entirely.
For decades, the practice of altering fingerprints has helped wrongdoers evade the law, but today the FBI thinks artificial intelligence could help catch those especially ambitious offenders.
The bureau on Friday asked the tech industry to weigh in on how AI tools could detect altered fingerprints and match them to their unaltered counterparts in the Next Generation Identification System, the FBI’s massive biometric database.
Life on Jupiter? NASA close to water discovery
Express – Astrophysicists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, claim to have come one step closer to the discovery.
By peering into Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot with thermal-sensitive telescopes, NASA’s Gordon Bjoraker said the space agency found chemical signatures of water in the planet’s clouds.
The researchers found Jupiter may contain between two to nine times more oxygen than the Sun.
Paired with vast deposits of molecular hydrogen, the findings support simulation models predicting the abundant presence of water.
10,000 Chemicals in Food & Packaging: What’s This Doing to Our Kids?
The Liberty Beacon – Public health challenges related to the foods that American children eat are a not-infrequent topic of national conversation. With 38% of children either overweight or obese, the childhood obesity epidemic tends to top the list of concerns, along with related issues such as children’s fast food consumption and the damaging effects of junk food advertising.
According to a recent nationally representative survey, about 60% of the calories consumed by Americans come from “ultra-processed” foods and beverages—defined as products resulting from “several sequences of industrial processes” and including additives “used to imitate sensory properties of foods or to disguise unpalatable aspects of the final product.” Alarmingly, the survey showed that adolescents (10- to 19-year-olds) were among the biggest consumers of ultra-processed foods and that their intake of these foods increased from 2007 to 2012, rising to over two-thirds (68%) of total calories consumed.
The Benefits of Bitters
Mercola – Bitter herbs, spices and foods offer valuable benefits and can go a long way toward improving your overall health by improving digestion, gastrointestinal health and absorption of nutrients.
Historically, bitter herbs have been primarily used as cleansing agents, vitality builders and digestive support.
Many bitters have been shown to have antifungal, antiseptic, antiprotozoal and even antitumor activity.
Much in the same way bitter compounds help protect the plant from harmful influences, they can be helpful in your body by inhibiting microbe growth, oxidation and inflammation
Commercially available bitter tinctures include Swedish Bitters and Underberg. Another easy way of getting more bitters into your diet is simply to add more bitter greens to your salads, and eating your salad first.
Activated Charcoal: 15 Benefits & Uses for Health and Wellness
Dr. Axe – With its purifying qualities, activated charcoal offers potential benefits including detoxification, alleviating gas and bloating, digestive health, lowering cholesterol, reducing the effects of radiation, and anti-aging.
Activated charcoal use runs the gamut from gut-cleansing detox to purifying facials, teeth whitening, bug-bite care and more. Keep activated charcoal on hand for natural healing remedies like these.
>> Activated Charcoal Capsules, Tablets, & Powder are available at The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829 or by visiting www.thepowermall.com
Action Item: Contact Congress Now: Stop HR2- Prioritize Wired over Wireless Communication in Rural America

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