July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 31, 2022


Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet president who took down the Iron Curtain, dies

Mikhail Gorbachev — the last leader of the former Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991 — has died at the age of 91.

Gorbachev died after a long illness, Russian state news agencies reported.

Kyle Bass: Pull Your Money Out of China

Anybody holding an investment in China should withdraw it or face the risk of losing the money altogether, warned hedge funder Kyle Bass.

Not only is the Chinese economy in a precarious position, but if its increasingly aggressive stance toward Taiwan spills into a military conflict, the country could quickly become dislocated from dollar-denominated financial markets and all foreign investment could be instantly lost, said Bass, founder and Chief Investment Officer of Hayman Capital Management.

Striking new satellite images show flooding of ‘apocalyptic proportions’ in Pakistan

Striking new satellite images that reveal the extent of Pakistan’s record flooding show how an overflowing Indus River has turned part of Sindh Province into a 100 kilometer-wide inland lake.

Swaths of the country are now underwater, after what United Nation officials have described as a “monsoon on steroids” brought the heaviest rainfall in living memory and flooding that has killed 1,162 people, injured 3,554 and affected 33 million since mid-June.

The new images, taken on August 28 from NASA’s MODIS satellite sensor, show how a combination of heavy rain and an overflowing Indus River have inundated much of Sindh province in the South.


Secret Service Official at Heart of Jan. 6 Hearing Retires

Tony Ornato, who was former President Donald Trump’s deputy chief of staff for operations during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, has retired from the U.S. Secret Service.

Ornato took on the White House post in December 2019, when the former president made the appointment saying that he was comfortable with Ornato since he had worked with the Secret Service official for three years. After President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he took on the position of assistant director of the Secret Service’s Office of Training.

His retirement now poses the question of whether he is still available to testify before the Jan. 6 committee, considering that his name came up when Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified before the committee in late June.

“I retired from the U.S. Secret Service after more than 25 years of faithful service to my country, including serving the past five presidents,” Ornato said in a statement, according to Politico. “I long-planned to retire and have been planning this transition for more than a year.”

Ornato added that his retirement enables him “to pursue a career in the private sector.”

Anthony Guglielmi, the Secret Service’s communication chief, confirmed Ornato’s retirement to the outlet.

As for Ornato’s presence before the Jan. 6 committee, Guglielmi said he “continuously made Tony Ornato available,” while pointing out that Ornato is now a private citizen and not a federal employee.

During her testimony before the committee in June, Hutchinson alleged that Trump had disputes with the Secret Service on Jan. 6, 2021. She recalled hearing from Ornato that Trump allegedly “used his free hand to lunge” at Bobby Engel, the top agent on Trump’s Service detail, when the former president was told that he could not be taken to the Capitol after his speech at the Ellipse.

Top GOP Senator Responds After Top FBI Agent Reportedly Resigns

A top Republican lawmaker on Tuesday responded to reports that a high-ranking FBI agent, Timothy Thibault, had resigned from the bureau last week.

Anonymous sources within the FBI told corporate news outlets that Thibault, the FBI Assistant special agent in charge, no longer works for the law enforcement agency. He was walked out of the building on Friday, which is the standard procedure, the reports said.

The Epoch Times has contacted the FBI and Department of Justice for comment. Neither agency issued a public statement about the matter.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), whose letters to the FBI’s leadership repeatedly referenced alleged political bias on behalf of Thibault, said the agent “undermined the work and reputation of the FBI” and cast “a shadow over all the bureau’s work that he was involved in,” according to a statement from his office issued Tuesday morning.

Grassley accused him of “opening an investigation into Trump based on liberal news articles” and “shutting down investigative activity into Hunter Biden that was based on verified information.” The senator previously referenced those allegations against Thibault in letters to the FBI director, citing bureau whistleblower complaints against Thibault and other top leaders.

Neither Thibault nor the FBI has issued responses to Grassley’s specific claims about alleged political bias.

Grassley’s statement promised more congressional investigations into the FBI and called on the DOJ’s inspector general to further look into bias at the bureau.

Thibault was one of 13 assistant special agents in charge at the Washington, D.C., field office. Reports say Thibault was not involved in the FBI raid targeting former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, although the agency has not confirmed those claims.

Will the Supreme Court Stretch the Commerce Clause Even More?

As you may know, the primary “constitutional” justification for our out-of-control administrative state is a grossly bloated version of the Constitution’s Commerce Power. In a case pending before the Supreme Court, apologists for centralized authority want the justices to expand that power even more.

I have just researched and written a scholarly article (pdf) explaining the limits on the Commerce Power. In a separate post and accompanying memo (pdf), I’ve shown how one writer has abused source material to promote federal pretentions.

The public debates over the Constitution were held from 1787 to 1790. During those debates some Americans warned that, once the Constitution was in place, power-hungry federal officials and their supporters would twist the document out of recognition—that they would use “sophistry” to expand federal prerogatives. Sophistry is employing arguments that sound reasonable but really are false or misleading.

Flashback: Rebuilding Babel – Toward The Endgame of Technocracy

When I was a young financial analyst in 1978, I met Antony Sutton at a gold conference in New Orleans. It took us about 30 minutes of discussion to realize that the Trilateral Commission was in process of hijacking the entire Administration of newly elected president, James Earl Carter.

Founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Commission openly and repeatedly stated that it wanted to create a “New International Economic Order.”

Neither Sutton nor I picked up on the thought that the big hijack was not really a political coup, but

rather an economic one. It’s just that they needed the help of the Executive Branch of our government to pull it off.

As a result, they have maintained a hammerlock hold on the entire trade and economic policy machine that has driven the world into a seemingly broken international system of finance and economic development. Broken is an understatement: Perhaps “spiraling out of control” is a better description.

But, there is another side to the story that is much darker, presenting a clear and present danger to our Republic. That is, Technocracy.

It is plainly evident today, with 40 years of historical examination behind it, that the “New International Economic Order” was really “new” and envisioned historic Technocracy as replacing Capitalism altogether. Technocracy was based on energy rather than money and its system of supply and demand that regulates pricing.

Some distinctives of Technocracy include:

  • Elimination of private property and wealth accumulation
  • Replacing traditional education with workforce training
  • Micromanaging all energy distribution and consumption
  • Driving people to live in a limited number of cities and off of rural land
  • Enforcing a balance between nature’s resources and man’s consumption of them.

Cartels Lure US Citizens With Money to Smuggle Illegal Aliens in Arizona

From grandmothers to college students, cartels recruit US citizens to break the law and become human smugglers

Mexican drug cartel money drives international human smuggling operations in the United States, according to the owner of a private investigation company in Arizona that deals with border security issues.

Without it, the industry wouldn’t exist, he says.

Sam (using a pseudonym, because of concern for his personal safety) told The Epoch Times that human smuggling along Arizona’s 372-mile border with Mexico couldn’t happen without a defective federal border policy, and added that American greed makes drug and human smuggling possible.

He’s seen cartel money lure U.S. grandmothers out of retirement, college students looking to make a fast dollar, social justice warriors, and “humanitarians” driven by conscience and politics—average citizens to outward appearances.

Many are everyday people you would never suspect of aiding and abetting the cartels in a lucrative business as inhumane as human smuggling. Still, these people have the best chance of sliding under the U.S. Border Patrol’s radar.

FBI Raid, Probes Unlikely to Hurt Trump’s Popularity: GOP Strategists

The ongoing probes targeting former President Donald Trump have done little to dampen his prospects for a presidential run in 2024, according to political analysts.

Despite a series of investigations, including a Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into whether Trump had mishandled classified documents after leaving office, Republican voters have made up their minds about Trump—which is unlikely to change unless something significant happens, the analysts said.

The affidavit that convinced a federal judge to greenlight a search warrant to be executed at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home weeks earlier was released on Aug. 26. But most of the parts that explain the rationale for the search were redacted, leading to criticism from Trump and his allies that the Justice Department lacks transparency. The DOJ, however, has argued that the redactions are necessary to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

“There’s one thing we know for sure: it’s that the left hates transparency,” Hogan Gidley, former White House deputy press secretary under the Trump administration, told The Epoch Times.

“They don’t want anyone to see behind the curtain as to what they’re actually doing,” he said. “If you put everything out on the table, you’ll get to see the truth and reality of what the FBI wanted at Mar-a-Lago or what they claimed to have wanted.”

Such skepticism is likely a prevailing sentiment among many Trump supporters following the release of the FBI affidavit, analysts said.

“I don’t think that Trump supporters will be swayed by this at all,” Jacob Neiheisel, a political campaign expert who teaches political science at the University of Buffalo, told The Epoch Times.

“If anything, the perception that Trump is being targeted by the “deep state” may push them to double down in their support for him,” he said, referring to the idea that a group of powerful bureaucrats secretly influence policy in Washington.

Swing voters, Neiheisel said, may change their views based on “the major thrust of the media narrative surrounding” the affidavit, but even this could be difficult.

“It is doubtful that many persuadable voters are paying a lot of attention right now,” he said, adding that the details of the case so far are “somewhat arcane—not unlike the first Trump impeachment case.”

PHOTO: Deep State Strikes Back, Shows Top Secret Trump Docs in Court Filing

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed a photograph of allegedly secret documents recovered during the raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, arguing the former president’s legal team misled the federal government.

In a new 36-page filing late Tuesday, the DOJ addressed the investigation into Trump and the former president’s compliance thus far.


Bed Bath & Beyond will close 150 stores and cut 20% of its staff

Bed Bath & Beyond’s stock tumbled in early trading after it announced layoffs, store closures and fresh financing plans as it tries to reverse its business’ decline.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Busted Again

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” -John 8:44

Once again, Marjorie Taylor Greene has been caught betraying her constituents (Amos 5:7).

If you remember, Marjorie Taylor Green, the one who decried the “Vaccine Nazis” and who boasted about not being vaccinated, was found to be guilty of investing into the very companies that she was publicly condemning (Proverbs 17:15).

In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received.

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer…

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic…

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure she submitted in August.

On Health of the US Economy, Republicans and Democrats See Things Differently

A majority of people who voted for former President Donald Trump admit that America is in a recession, while only a minority of Biden supporters agreed, according to a recent poll by The Economist and YouGov.

In response to a question about whether the United States is in a recession, 82 percent of respondents who voted for Trump in the 2020 election said that yes, the country is in a recession. Just 38 percent of respondents who voted for President Joe Biden agreed, while 40 percent said no and another 22 percent said they were not sure.

Broken down by party, 76 percent of Republicans agreed that the United States is in a recession, with 9 percent dismissing the idea and 15 percent being unsure. Among Democrats, 44 percent said yes, 35 percent said no, and 21 percent said they were unsure.

The poll was conducted among 1,500 adult U.S. citizens from Aug. 20 to Aug. 23 (pdf).

In terms of ideology, 79 percent of respondents who identified as conservatives said the United States is currently in an economic recession, along with 54 percent of moderates and 41 percent of liberals.

While 52 percent of Trump voters said they believed the prices of goods and services they buy is the best indicator of a recession, only 34 percent of Biden voters agreed.

Forty percent of Trump voters said they they think a recession in the next 12 months is “somewhat likely,” with Biden voters closely following at 39 percent.

However, 15 percent of Trump voters believe it is “very likely” that the United States will be in an economic recession in the next 12 months, triple the 5 percent of Biden voters who hold such a view. Another 31 percent of Biden voters said a recession in the next 12 months is “not very likely,” compared to just 13 percent of Trump voters.


Google falsely warns readers: WND ‘may harm your computer!’


Google “Goliath” has finally outdone itself in its campaign to completely destroy the WND “David,” the small Christian journalism operation that somehow refuses to die, despite continual attacks from all sides.

For the past week, Google has been warning everyone on the internet who tries to access WND.com via Google that the 25-year-old pioneering news website is outright dangerous to their computer!

This is no exaggeration: Reports from readers from all over confirm what WND’s staffers and independent tech team have been experiencing continually for the last week: When they try to reach WND by way of Google, clicking on the “WND: Home” link that Google provides leads not to WND.com, but to a threatening page saying: “Warning — visiting this web site may harm your computer!”

China-Backed Companies Using Lawfare to Stall Western Satellite Launches, CEO Says

Corporations with backing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are waging legal warfare to prevent Western companies from deploying new, state-of-the-art communications satellites, according to one CEO.

Wireless entrepreneur and Rivada Networks CEO Declan Ganley, in an interview with NTD’s “Fresh Look America” program, spoke about how China-backed elements within a company Rivada acquired attempted to sabotage its efforts to deploy a multi-billion-dollar constellation of 600 satellites. The interview will air at 7 p.m. ET on Aug. 31.

Those satellites make use of super high bandwidth ka band frequencies, which overlap with frequencies used by 5G technologies. Vitally, the allocation of ka spectrum covered by the company’s filing is senior to that of other constellations, such as that of Starlink, which means its satellites would take priority in the event the trajectories of satellites from both sides came into the same orbit.

“This is prime real estate,” Ganley said. “This is ultra-high priority rights. This is shared spectrum. It’s thousands of megahertz of shared spectrum.”

“This is one of the highest priority slots … It’s above Elon Musk’s Starlink constellation.”

Ganley’s company, Rivada, has been struck with numerous legal disputes of Chinese origin, however, following its acquisition of Trion Space, the shell company that held the license to use the ka spectrum.

Chinese stakeholders in Kleo, another company acquired by Rivada, also owned a minority stake in Trion, and have attempted to thwart the company’s use of the filings.

Throughout dozens of lawsuits, the Chinese faction with Kleo sought to gain control over the filings in an apparent effort to use the European company to launch Chinese satellites that could “cover every square meter of the planet with high-speed secure communications,” according to Ganley.

“You would have the highest speed network in the world, with the lowest latency covering parts of the world, covering every major city and everything else, but also, every rural area, every stretch of ocean,” Ganley said.

“This is the most state-of-the-art communications network that the planet will have ever seen.”

Massacre Defendant to Wear Electronic Stun Vest

First trial for 2016 slayings of eight victims set to begin

As he becomes the first defendant to stand trial in the most complex slaying case in Ohio history, George Washington Wagner IV has been ordered to wear an unusual hidden restraint: an electronic vest that officers can use to stun him if necessary.

Wagner, 31, could face the death penalty if convicted over a 2016 massacre: eight people were killed at four crime scenes with at least four suspects allegedly involved, including Wagner and three relatives.

An Aug. 25 online court entry shows that Judge Randy Deering of Pike County Common Pleas Court ordered Wagner to wear the E-Vest, or electronic vest, based on the sworn testimony of Deputy Sheriff Tara Tackett, along with a demonstration of the device to be worn and used.

Noting that the device does not restrict movement and can be worn so that it is “completely unobservable by others,” Deering ordered that Wagner attend court wearing civilian clothing with no visible restraints and “the restraint that shall be used at all proceedings shall be the E-Vest manufactured by Compliant Technologies.”

Deering’s ruling on the E-Vest is among a series of decisions he made before two significant events in the internationally publicized case: a jury is expected to be seated this week, followed by attorneys’ opening statements on Sept. 6. Authorities estimate Wagner’s trial will last two months. If convicted, the 31-year-old man could get the death penalty.

Cincinnati attorney Mike Allen, a former judge, prosecutor, and police officer, said many features of this case make it among the strangest, most multifaceted he has ever followed. One aspect that has drawn attention: George Washington Wagner IV could be sentenced to death even though he might not have killed any victims.

“All the evidence seems to indicate that he didn’t shoot anybody,” Allen said. Yet Wagner is accused of being “deeply involved in the planning process,” Allen said. “Under Ohio law, if you do that, you’re an accomplice, and you’re just as guilty as the principal offender.”

As a legal analyst for several Cincinnati-area news outlets, Allen relies on a chart to help him keep track of the intertwined relationships between the victims and the alleged perpetrators in the bizarre and tragic saga of two feuding families.

Cambridge Scientists Grow ‘Synthetic’ Embryo With Brain And Beating Heart

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have created synthetic model embryos with brains, beating hearts, with the potential to grow other organs from mouse stem cells. The research is touted as a new way to recreate the first stages of life.

A team of researchers led by Professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz used stem cells to develop the embryo model, rather than eggs or sperm. Stem cells are master cells which can develop into almost any other cell type in the body.

Model embryos, such as those grown by the researchers, could help further understandings of why some embryos go on to develop into a healthy pregnancy, while others do not. The results could also be used to guide repair and development of synthetic human organs to be used in transplants.

To create the embryos, researchers mimicked natural processes to guide three types of stem cells found in early development of mammals until they started interacting. The researchers could get the stem cells to ‘talk’ to each other by manipulating genes and establishing the right environment for the cells.

From there, the stem cells organised themselves into structures that developed beating hearts and the foundations of the brain. They also grew the yolk sac where embryos get nutrients from during their first few weeks of life.

UK Woman Speaks at Her Funeral Using AI

New AI-powered hologram allowed grieving loved ones to engage in a two-way conversation with the deceased old woman

In a self-eulogy of sorts, an old English woman, who passed away at 87, was able to address her own funeral.

When someone dies, they leave behind a lifetime of memories for their loved ones to grieve on. Thanks to AI, it doesn’t have to be the same anymore, as it appears that one could still talk to the deceased, and we are not talking about the ouija board here. 

The Los Angeles-based startup was launched in 2017 and allowed people to create videos that could reply to viewers using artificial intelligence to play relevant video clips as responses to those questions. StoryFile is the inventor of Conversa, an AI-powered storytelling tool used for training and institutional knowledge. It enables organisations to enhance their communications with respect to customer services, sales and recruitment. Conversa is used to provide a video answer whenever a question is asked.


‘Do not drink the water’: Mississippi’s capital turns off its taps

Jackson, Mississippi, residents are being warned not to drink or use any water without first boiling it. Heavy rainfall has overwhelmed the plants that supply the city’s clean water, throwing longstanding maintenance issues into a national spotlight.

Ex-transgender Teen Recounts ‘Horrifying’ Experience of Transition, Surgery

Chloe Cole was 15 years old when she agreed to let a “gender-affirming” surgeon remove her healthy breasts—a life-altering decision she now deeply regrets.

Her “brutal” transition to male from female was anything but the romanticized “gender journey” that transgender activists and medical professionals had portrayed, she told The Epoch Times.

“It’s a little creepy to call it that,” she said.

Cole, who is now 18, feels more like she’s just awoken from “a nightmare,” and she’s disappointed with the medical and school system that fast-tracked her to gender transition surgery.

“I was convinced that it would make me happy, that it would make me whole as a person,” she said.

Although she feels “let down” by most of the adults in her life, she doesn’t blame her parents for following the advice of school staff and medical professionals, who “affirmed” her desire for social transitioning, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery.

Hidden Poison in Candy and Supplements?

A class action lawsuit was filed in July 2022 against Mars Inc. for fraud of omission since the company does not disclose the use of titanium dioxide in Skittles, an ingredient the suit calls “unfit for human consumption”

Titanium dioxide is used as an artificial color additive, anti-caking agent or whitener in a wide variety of processed foods. The IARC finds it possibly carcinogenic and the EU has banned the ingredient, but the FDA says there isn’t evidence to demonstrate any safety concerns

Consumption of titanium dioxide is linked with changes in your gut microbiota that may lead to inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer; research has also shown that multiple food additives may have an amplified health effect when combined

After reviewing the evidence, the EU determined there could be a concern for genotoxicity and that titanium dioxide could no longer be considered safe in food. It is difficult to avoid since companies are not required to list it in the ingredients

Condiments are another mix of health-damaging chemicals. However, they are also easily made at home in small, healthful batches to eat in reasonable portions. There are also tasty, sweet treats you can make at home to please the whole family

Why You Should Avoid Osteoporosis Medications

Internationally, osteoporosis affects 200 million women, including 1 in 10 women aged 60; 2 in 10 women aged 70; 4 in 10 women aged 80; and two-thirds of women aged 90. Across Europe, the rate of prevalence among men ranges between 6.7% and 6.9%

An estimated 34 million Americans also have low bone density, known as osteopenia, which raises your risk of fractures and may progress into osteoporosis

Bisphosphonate drugs prescribed for osteoporosis have been shown to weaken bone and cause microcracks that heighten your risk for atypical bone fractures

Nutrients that are important for healthy bone growth and strength include vitamin D, vitamins K1 and K2, calcium, magnesium, collagen, boron and strontium

Most load-bearing exercises fail to produce sufficient osteogenic load to trigger bone growth. Research suggests the load needed to trigger bone growth in the hip is 4.2 times your bodyweight. Blood flow restriction training is an alternative that not only appears to have a beneficial effect on bone health, but is also viable for the elderly and those who can’t lift heavy weights

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: BoneActiv Capsules & BoneActiv Topical Rub 


FDA authorizes Pfizer and Moderna’s updated Covid-19 boosters

The US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized updated Covid-19 vaccine booster shots from Moderna and Pfizer. This is the first time updated Covid-19 vaccines have received emergency use authorization in the United States.

Both are bivalent vaccines that combine the companies’ original vaccine with one that targets the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron sublineages. Both companies submitted applications to the FDA for emergency use authorization for their updated vaccines last week.

Fauci Announces He Is On His Way Out

August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December

It appears Fauci is making sure to get out before new Republican congressional members take their seats. He’s probably banking on being able to plead the Fifth Amendment as a private citizen and never have to answer to anything he did while in public office, should Republicans decide to investigate his role in the pandemic

Fauci’s misdeeds include but are not limited to disastrous and contradictory COVID policies, funding of banned gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, colluding to destroy the reputations of scientists who called for focused protection rather than lockdowns, and lying to Congress

One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients. He followed the same script during the COVID pandemic, with devastating consequences

Ever since the COVID outbreak became apparent, Fauci has seemingly done everything in his power to confuse the public and strip us of our human and civil rights in order to further the agenda of the technocratic, transhumanist cabal

UC Berkeley to Require Masks… Again… But You Won’t Believe Why

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit reported on a “Person of Color” 56-person housing unit for Berkeley students that is “inclusive” but “white guests are not allowed in common spaces.”  No, that is not a joke.  It is highly illegal, but not a joke.  While the housing unit isn’t directly affiliated with or run by Berkeley itself, it is housing utilized by Berkeley students.

The craziness continues.  This time it is a Berkeley direct policy.  The Orwellian leadership at 

UC Berkeley are leading the charge with their new “Mask Guidance“.  If the leftists at these universities have their way, we will look back at “masking” as if it always happened in a “Mandela Effect” type charade.

‘It’s Truly Unreal’: Stories of Negligence at the Hand of COVID-19 Hospital Treatment Protocols Continue to Surface

After the death of her husband at the hand of what she believes to be hospital COVID-19 treatment protocols, Joanne Eyerly’s life was uprooted in grief and confusion.

She had to sell most of her belongings and their home in Oregon to move to Ohio, where today she scrambles to put the pieces together.

Of one thing Eyerly said she is certain: “They euthanized him,” she told The Epoch Times. “I know that they did.”

Greg Eyerly was admitted to the hospital on Sept. 22, 2021. Eyerly was not allowed to stay with her husband, so she stayed in communication through text.

It seemed like he was getting better, she said, until Greg reported that he hadn’t been receiving hydration for a week. “I think they are stopping taking care of me,” Greg texted her.

Eyerly called the doctor, asking for basic fluids and vitamin D, C, and zinc treatment for Greg, she said.

“This doctor yelled at me, saying, ‘I don’t know what research you’re looking at, but we’re not doing that. That’s not what we do,’” Eyerly said.

Greg texted her that he was losing body mass rapidly and that he wasn’t being fed.

“Please help make sure there is a plan to get me out of here,” Greg texted.

Throughout his stay, Greg reported that he was seeing less and less medical staff, and Eyerly said she was getting fewer updates on his condition.


U.S. Food Production Just Keeps Getting Slammed By One Disaster After Another

You have probably noticed that food prices just keep going up at the grocery store.  Many people believe that this is just a temporary phenomenon, and those people would be wrong.  In fact, things are really going to start going haywire when a lot of the food that is supposed to be on our store shelves in 2023 doesn’t show up.  Of course the reason that food isn’t going to be there is because it isn’t being grown in 2022.  This summer, food production in the United States is constantly being slammed by one disaster after another.  Sadly, most Americans still don’t understand that this is going to deeply affect all of us in the months ahead.

Recipe: How to Make Zucchini Flour (also know as Amish Flour)

Zucchini flour is a great way to use up those overgrown zucchini, plus it’s low carb and gluten free. We’ll share how to make it and how to use it.

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