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Today's News: December 02, 2019

World News


Communist China: Man Interrogated For Criticizing Police on Social Media

Infowars – A video out of China shows a man being called in and interrogated by authorities for the crime of criticizing the police on social media.

The clip shows the man handcuffed to a metal chair as he is asked personal questions.

“Why did you complain about police on QQ and WeChat?” police ask the man.

He is then grilled about his screen name and activity in a group chat on the WeChat platform.

“Why did you talk about the traffic police online…what’s wrong with police confiscating motorcycles?” he is then asked.

The man attempts to come across as apologetic but is then asked again, “Why did you badmouth the police? Do you hate the police?”

The man explains that he was drunk when he made the comments and is then asked to apologize to the police.

“I’m so sorry, I’m wrong, I know, I know that now, please forgive me, I won’t do it again ever,” he states.

Under its social credit score system, China punishes people who criticize the government, as well as numerous other behaviors, including;

– Bad driving.

– Smoking on trains.

– Buying too many video games.

– Buying too much junk food.

– Buying too much alcohol.

– Calling a friend who has a low credit score .

– Having a friend online who has a low credit score.

– Posting “fake news” online.

– Visiting unauthorized websites.

– Walking your dog without a leash.

– Letting your dog bark too much.


Sadiq Khan: The Terrorists Hate Us For Our Diversity

Information Liberation – London mayor Sadiq Khan responded to the London Bridge attack by claiming terrorists hate us for our diversity and urging folks to go shopping.

Khan said during an interview with Sky News on Saturday:

“Well firstly we have got to remind ourselves why we are target. Why does a man like this attack us? Because he hates the fact that we’re pluralistic, we don’t just tolerate each other but we respect, celebrate and embrace each other. He hates the fact that we’ve got Muslims, Christians, Jews, rich, poor, Sikh, Buddhist, members of all faiths and those that aren’t, members of the LGBT+ community are all getting on together really well, they hate that and what we’ve got to do is remind ourselves that we’re a beacon for the rest of the world. We celebrate our civil liberties, we have human rights and they hate that and it’s really important that we are confident that we have the right posture and body language to show, do you know what, we’re not going to allow you to get us down.”

Khan’s statements were remarkably similar to those of George W. Bush after 9/11 when he said the terrorists hate us for our “freedoms” and urged Americans to go shopping.

From the Evening Standard, “Sadiq Khan: Defy terrorism by going on with your Christmas shopping”:

The mayor said: “What we shouldn’t allow to happen is for our way of life to be disrupted by this terrorist – that’s what they want.

“What I’m really proud about is, last night, outside the cordoned area in London Bridge and in parts of central London, there were people enjoying bars, enjoying restaurants, going about their normal business.”

The mayor added: “I’m hoping people today come to London to shop for Christmas, to go about their normal business […]”


China to suspend US Navy visits to Hong Kong over new law

AP – China said Monday it will suspend U.S. military ship and aircraft visits to Hong Kong and sanction several American pro-democracy and human rights groups in retaliation for the signing into law of legislation supporting anti-government protests in the semi-autonomous territory.

While the nature of the sanctions remained unclear, the move followed Chinese warnings that the U.S. would bear the costs if the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act was approved.


U.S. News, Politics & Government


2019 Black Friday Firearm Background Checks Rank 2nd Highest in History

Breitbart – November 29, 2019, proved to be the second highest day in history for National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background checks.

USA Today reports a total of 202,465 background checks were performed that day, a figure bested only by the 203,086 background checks performed on Black Friday 2017

The Black Friday figures boost already soaring background check figures for 2019.

On November 26, Breitbart News reported that there had been 22,858,104 background checks conducted between January 1, 2019, and the end of October 2019. The record for one year is 27.5 million checks.

Background checks for the months of November and December could break the annual record.


Virginia bill to make firearms training an “illegal paramilitary activity” and felony?

Law Enforcement Today – Virginia legislators have clearly lost their minds on this latest bill that was drafted and filed this month, which will be open to discussion come January 2020.

This of course is in reference to Senate Bill Number 64, or SB64 as it may appear on various print or spoken discussion.

Virginia is attempted to chip away at the rights of citizens, one small hammer stroke at a time; and this bill is going to attempt to outlaw firearm training. We’ll display the language used in the bill and get into dissecting how it may be perceived generally, or even presented, versus how it can also be enacted.

“A person is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he: 1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder”

How it will be Perceived/Explained:

The way that they drafted the bill, and the portions that will be either emphasized or broadly digested will be the portions related to people “knowing” that they’re preparing someone for some “civil disorder”.

They might even say that this law can be used against Antifa, which it could, but will it?

Talking heads will go on television, hyping up that this is a good measure that will criminalize people training for acts related to domestic terrorism; although why would we need a law for something there’s already a law for? That could be addressed already by Virginia law § 18.2-46.5.

How it can be Enforced:

The most dangerous words in this proposal are “knowing or having reason to know” and “in furtherance of”.

The reason being that intent is no longer really required, leaving every gun range owners and employees susceptible to prosecution for simply doing business. It’s plain as day why this language is the way it is, because with these key words, only loose connections need to be established to criminalize gun owners and enthusiasts.

Furthermore, civil disorder is also quite a broad term as well to be concerned about.


Report exposes Chick-fil-A’s donations to the SPLC and other leftist groups

The Blaze – Chick-fil-A reportedly donated $2,500 to the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017, according to a new report. 

The SPLC has designated Christian beliefs on same-sex marriage as “hate.”

What are the details?

Tax records obtained by ProPublica reveal that Chick-fil-A made the donation in question.

Chick-fil-A also reportedly donated to the YWCA, which allegedly has a pro-choice stance, the New Leaders Council, which refers to itself as a “hub of progressive millennial thought leadership,” and other organizations with pro-choice ties.

Townhall reports that the restaurant chain also donated $50,000 to The Pace Center for Girls, which promotes a pro-choice stance.

“The education and advocacy group featured radical pro-abortion feminist Gloria Steinem … as their keynote speaker for their most recent girls’ Summit,” Townhall writes.

Also, Chick-fil-A also reportedly donated to Chris 180, “a pro-LGBT behavioral health and child welfare service agency.”


Bombshell: Ukraine Indicts Burisma Holdings Owner, Demands Trump Open Probe Into Bidens, Dems

Infowars – The head of Burisma Holdings, the energy company on which Hunter Biden served on the board, has been indicted by Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General for money laundering and corruption, according to Ukrainian MP Alexander Dubinsky.

During a Wednesday press conference, Dubinsky claimed that an investigation into Nikolai Zlochevsky and Burisma found a “link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine],” notably through Hunter Biden, who received $16.5 million “through criminal means and money laundering.”

“The son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering,” Dubinsky said. “Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens.”

According to Dubinsky, Zlochevsky helmed a money laundering operation which included politicians from the previous Yanukovich administration who continued their criminal enterprise under his successor President Pyotr Poroshenko.

“We will reveal the information about the financial pyramid scheme that was created in Ukraine and developed by everyone beginning with Yanukovich and later by Poroshenko,” Dubinsky continued.

“This system is still working under the guidance of the current managerial board of the National Bank, ensuring that money flows in the interest of people who stole millions of dollars, took it offshore and bought Ukrainian public bonds turning them into the Ukrainian sovereign debt.”

At the same press conference, Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach claimed that the family of ex-President Yanukovich funneled $7.4 billion through American investment firm Franklin Templeton Investments, which they tied to the U.S. Democratic Party.


SCOTUS May Soon Blow the Gun Control House Down and Democrats are Already Screaming

Red State – Gun Control Advocates have a good reason to panic as today, they may very well watch as the Supreme Court knocks down superfluous anti-gun laws put in place by Democrat governments around the nation.

As first reported by Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire, SCOTUS will convene today to hear the first Second Amendment case in nearly a decade. The case revolves around a New York City law which requires citizens to have a “premises” license for their handgun, which is a permit allowing them to take their handgun outside of their home to a city shooting range, provided it was unloaded and in a locked container but prohibits the gun from being taken beyond the city limits.

Democrats, sensing they were in trouble if the Supreme Court ruled on this unconstitutional law, attempted to change the law in order to stop SCOTUS from ruling on it and creating a precedent that would then demolish a slew of other gun-control laws, which was something the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board even called out in an editorial on Sunday:

Democrats have gone to great lengths to get the Justices to drop the case. After the High Court accepted it in January, the New York Police Department revised its ban to allow gun owners to take their handguns (locked up and unloaded with the ammunition stored separately) “directly to and from” second homes and shooting ranges outside the city.

But as amicus briefs note, the Court has criticized this kind of strategic “voluntary cessation” of challenged conduct by defendants to preserve favorable judicial outcomes or avoid adverse rulings. Courts are only supposed to review “live controversies,” but the Justices are loath to rule a case moot unless it is “absolutely clear” a defendant won’t resume the challenged conduct.

New York’s behavior offers no such confidence. Crafty city officials coaxed fellow Democrats in the New York State Legislature to pass a law pre-empting their abandoned transport ban.

In other words, gun control advocates overshot their authority and in an effort to keep their current level of power, they were willing to sacrifice one law to protect many others, which may prove unconstitutional in the wake of this one being shot down. The Supreme Court, however, wasn’t having it, and the case will proceed forward today.


Big Tech Election Meddling: Google and YouTube Take Down Over 300 Trump Ads

Axios – Google and YouTube have removed 300 Trump campaign ads, mostly over last summer, for violating the services’ policies, “60 Minutes” reported Sunday evening.

Details: “60 Minutes” reviewed the companies’ transparency reports detailing incidents in which ads have been taken down, but found that the records offered no explanations for the removals, and no record of the original content of the ads.

  • “We found very little transparency in the transparency report,” the “60 Minutes” report said.

Context: YouTube has not removed a controversial campaign ad for President Trump that pushes misleading claims about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s role in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor while Biden was vice president.

  • YouTube president Susan Wojcicki told CBS that despite the ad’s inaccuracies, it did not violate the platform’s policies.


Forbes Calls for Recognition of Christian Persecution as Global Problem

Breitbart – Forbes magazine has appealed for recognition of the phenomenon of Christian persecution around the globe as a crisis demanding focused attention.

Report after report “has been raising the issues that relate to the persecution of Christians globally,” notes Forbes contributor Ewelina U. Ochab, which includes “atrocities that amount to genocide and crimes against humanity.

Faith-based persecution affects Christians more than any other religious group on the planet, Ms. Ochab observes, and therefore anti-Christian persecution deserves to be addressed as a critical issue in its own right.

Ochab cites a recent report by the Bishop of Truro for the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which identified “a global phenomenon of discriminatory behavior and physical attacks, some sadly deadly, on Christian children, women and men, often from the world’s poorest communities.”

“Studies consistently show that Christians suffer significantly higher levels of persecution and intolerance,” she adds, and far from diminishing, the persecution of Christians has increased in 73 countries, according to Open Doors’ World Watch List 2019, and now affects 245 million Christians.

Despite the worrisome growth of the often violent persecution of Christians worldwide, “the extent of the crisis facing Christians persecuted for their faith remains little known and understood,” Ochab laments, citing a report titled “Persecuted and Forgotten,” produced by the pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need.

The UK report stressed the need for a new approach to this global issue, “one that recognizes that the widespread issue of persecution of Christians is a phenomenon and not a series of single incidents of violent human rights abuses,” Ochab recounts.

In her article, Ochab also holds up the example of the Hungarian government, which has been a pioneer in tackling Christian persecution head-on by establishing a State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, tasked with “providing direct support for persecuted Christian communities and raising domestic and international political and public awareness of the phenomenon and increasing scale of Christian persecution in the 21st century.”

Economy & Business


‘They’re Trying to Wipe Us Off the Map.’ Small American Farmers Are Nearing Extinction

Time – For nearly two centuries, the Rieckmann family has raised cows for milk in this muddy patch of land in the middle of Wisconsin. Mary and John Rieckmann, who now run the farm and its 45 cows, have seen all manners of ups and downs — droughts, floods, oversupplies of milk that sent prices tumbling. But they’ve never seen a crisis quite like this one.

The Rieckmanns are about $300,000 in debt, and bill collectors are hounding them about the feed bill and a repayment for a used tractor they bought to keep the farm going. But it’s harder than ever to make any money, much less pay the debt, Mary Rieckmann says, in the yellow-wallpapered kitchen of the sagging farmhouse where she lives with her husband, John, and two of their seven children. The Rieckmanns receive about $16 for every 100 pounds of milk they sell, a 40 percent decrease from six years back. There are weeks where the entire milk check goes towards the $2,100 monthly mortgage payment. Two bill collectors have taken out liens against the farm. “What do you do when you you’re up against the wall and you just don’t know which way to turn?” Rieckmann says, as her ancient fridge begins to hum. Mary, 79, and John, 80, had hoped to leave the farm to their two sons, age 55 and 50, who still live with them and run the farm. Now they’re less focused on their legacy than about making it through the week.

In the American imagination, at least, the family farm still exists as it does on holiday greeting cards: as a picturesque, modestly prosperous expanse that wholesomely fills the space between the urban centers where most of us live. But it has been declining for generations, and the closing days of 2019 find small farms pummeled from every side: a trade war, severe weather associated with climate change, tanking commodity prices related to globalization, political polarization, and corporate farming defined not by a silo and a red barn but technology and the efficiencies of scale. It is the worst crisis in decades. Chapter 12 farm bankruptcies were up 12 percent in the Midwest from July of 2018 to June of 2019; they’re up 50 percent in the Northwest. Tens of thousands have simply stopped farming, knowing that reorganization through bankruptcy won’t save them. The nation lost more than 100,000 farms between 2011 and 2018; 12,000 of those between 2017 and 2018 alone.

Farm debt, at $416 billion, is at an all-time high. More than half of all farmers have lost money every year since since 2013, and lost more than $1,644 this year. Farm loan delinquencies are rising.
Suicides in farm communities are happening with alarming frequency. Farmers aren’t the only workers in the American economy being displaced by technology, but when they lose their jobs, they also ejected from their homes and the land that’s been in their family for generations. “It hits you so hard when you feel like you’re the one who is losing the legacy that your great-grandparents started,” said Randy Roecker, a Wisconsin dairy farmer who has struggled with depression and whose neighbor Leon Statz committed suicide last year after financial struggles forced him to sell his 50 dairy cows. Roecker estimates he’s losing $30,000 a month.

Even large companies are facing unprecedented challenges; Dean Foods, a global dairy producer that buys milk from thousands of small farmers, filed for bankruptcy Tuesday, November 12, and is seeking a sale, a move that could further hamper farmers looking for places to sell their milk.


‘Effective Immediately’: President Trump Announces He’s Reimposing Steel and Aluminum Tariffs on Brazil and Argentina Over a ‘Massive Devaluation of Their Currencies’

Washington Examiner – US imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum from Brazil and Argentina after initial reprieve                    

President Trump announced that the United States will reimpose tariffs on steel and aluminum from Brazil and Argentina after more than a year.

Trump revealed the move early Monday in a series of tweets that accused the South American countries of devaluing their currencies, which puts a strain on the U.S. economy. He also urged the Federal Reserve to act.

“Brazil and Argentina have been presiding over a massive devaluation of their currencies. which is not good for our farmers. Therefore, effective immediately, I will restore the Tariffs on all Steel & Aluminum that is shipped into the U.S. from those countries,” the president said in a tweet.

“The Federal Reserve should likewise act so that countries, of which there are many, no longer take advantage of our strong dollar by further devaluing their currencies. This makes it very hard for our manufactures & farmers to fairly export their goods. Lower Rates & Loosen – Fed!” he said.


Science & Technology


Scientists Say Mysterious Radio Signal Detected in Space Points to New Type of Star System – Report

Sputnik – Our knowledge of binary star systems still appears to be limited, with the use of radio telescopes currently helping to search for radio pulsars and uncovering potentially unexplained transient phenomena.

Scientists from South Africa’s Astronomy Observatory operating the MeerKAT radio telescope located in the Karoo desert came across a strange occurrence of radio emissions coming from an object near the southern constellation of Ara that was had been increasing in brightness over a period of three weeks, Science Alert reports, citing a study published by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The study of the unusual flare led to a stunning discovery in our galaxy – an exotic binary star system of two stars orbiting each other.

The MeerKAT telescope first discovered a “transient source” – an astronomical object or phenomenon that is not constant – that was given a name “MKT J170456.2-482100”. The transient source was then matched with the position of a nearby giant star called TYC 8332-2529-1 – which is about 2.5 times the mass of our Sun and located 1,800 light years from Earth. Images from other optical telescopes showed that its brightness appeared to change over a period of 21 days, revealing that it orbits its companion star during the course of this time, while also creating a magnetic field.

The companion star appeared to be much fainter than the giant TYC 8332-2529-1, having at least 1.5 times the mass of our Sun. However, the scientists were left uncertain over the true nature of this companion, as it is likely to neither be a white dwarf nor a Sun-like star, which would otherwise have explained the radio flare observed by MeerKAT.

Ben Stappers, the principal researcher of the MeerTRAP project, which uses the radio telescope, said that the current findings do not fit into the existing knowledge of binary stars and therefore the discovered system “may represent an entirely new source class”.


Scientists Have Found New Basis for Levitated Transport System

Sputnik – Scientists at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) have clarified the physical mechanisms of magnetic levitation. According to the researchers, this expands the prospects of using high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in the creation of new engines, bearings, and flywheel energy storage systems.

The results of the study were published in the journals Materials Research Express, Superconductor Science, and Technology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

According to the scientists, superconductors are most often used to create wires and cables. This is due to their main feature: the absence of electric resistance. Unlike conventional conductors, such as copper or aluminium, they are not heated at all if a current is passed through them. The absence of heating means there is no energy loss and the efficiency of the cable in the operating mode is almost 100%.

At the same time, superconductors also have another exceptional feature: they eject the magnetic field lines out of their interior volume. This means that a magnet above the superconductor will not fall on its surface, but will levitate at a certain height.

Experts noted that due to the quantum nature of the superconducting state, the magnet and superconductor can form a “bound” state, regardless of the movements relative to each other. This phenomenon is called magnetic levitation. Scientists have studied it on new modern materials, flexible superconducting composite tapes.

“These materials have higher functional characteristics than traditional bulk ceramic superconductors. The results of our extensive experimental and theoretical work have elucidated the physical mechanisms of magnetic levitation and showed the definite prospects of using high-temperature superconducting tapes in magnetic levitation systems”, a professor at the Department of Solid State Physics and Nanosystems of the Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies of NRNU MEPhI, Igor Rudnev, commented.

The MEPhI scientists intend to develop the results of these studies, carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation (Grant #17-19-01527), in the nearest future, using them to create a magneto-levitation transport system, magnetic bearings, and superconducting motors.




The Sugar Conspiracy

The Guardian (Thu 7 Apr 2016)  – In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?

Robert Lustig is a paediatric endocrinologist at the University of California who specialises in the treatment of childhood obesity. A 90-minute talk he gave in 2009, titled Sugar: The Bitter Truth, has now been viewed more than six million times on YouTube. In it, Lustig argues forcefully that fructose, a form of sugar ubiquitous in modern diets, is a “poison” culpable for America’s obesity epidemic.

A year or so before the video was posted, Lustig gave a similar talk to a conference of biochemists in Adelaide, Australia. Afterwards, a scientist in the audience approached him. Surely, the man said, you’ve read Yudkin. Lustig shook his head. John Yudkin, said the scientist, was a British professor of nutrition who had sounded the alarm on sugar back in 1972, in a book called Pure, White, and Deadly.

“If only a small fraction of what we know about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive,” wrote Yudkin, “that material would promptly be banned.” The book did well, but Yudkin paid a high price for it. Prominent nutritionists combined with the food industry to destroy his reputation, and his career never recovered. He died, in 1995, a disappointed, largely forgotten man.

Perhaps the Australian scientist intended a friendly warning. Lustig was certainly putting his academic reputation at risk when he embarked on a high-profile campaign against sugar. But, unlike Yudkin, Lustig is backed by a prevailing wind. We read almost every week of new research into the deleterious effects of sugar on our bodies. In the US, the latest edition of the government’s official dietary guidelines includes a cap on sugar consumption. In the UK, the chancellor George Osborne has announced a new tax on sugary drinks. Sugar has become dietary enemy number one.

This represents a dramatic shift in priority. For at least the last three decades, the dietary arch-villain has been saturated fat. When Yudkin was conducting his research into the effects of sugar, in the 1960s, a new nutritional orthodoxy was in the process of asserting itself. Its central tenet was that a healthy diet is a low-fat diet. Yudkin led a diminishing band of dissenters who believed that sugar, not fat, was the more likely cause of maladies such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. But by the time he wrote his book, the commanding heights of the field had been seized by proponents of the fat hypothesis. Yudkin found himself fighting a rearguard action, and he was defeated.

Not just defeated, in fact, but buried. When Lustig returned to California, he searched for Pure, White and Deadly in bookstores and online, to no avail. Eventually, he tracked down a copy after submitting a request to his university library. On reading Yudkin’s introduction, he felt a shock of recognition.

“Holy crap,” Lustig thought. “This guy got there 35 years before me.”


Anise Seed: An All-Natural Remedy For Candida & Fungus

Dr Group’s Blog – With delicate, white floral bouquets atop long branches, the anise plant lends a lovely look to any yard or wild field. Related to fennel and Queen Anne’s lace, anise (Pimpinella anisum) is originally native to the eastern Mediterranean region.

While the lacy flowers are lovely, it’s the anise seeds that receive the most attention for health. Anise seeds have a subtle licorice flavor and people have used them as an after-dinner digestif for centuries. In ancient times, Greeks and Egyptians chewed them as a natural digestive aid to soothe indigestion, to balance blood sugar, and as a natural herbal remedy for fungus overgrowth.[1] In later years, people created liqueurs from anise and it’s flavor cousin, licorice. Don’t confuse it with star anise (Illicium verum), which is a different species altogether.

Anethole, an aromatic compound that is the active ingredient in anise seed (also called aniseed), promotes normal blood sugar. By helping to balance blood sugar levels, it also deters harmful organisms in your body, particularly the yeast Candida albicans, which feeds on sugar. The olive-brown seed is also rich in nutrients such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and B vitamins

How Anise Seed Helps Candida & Fungal Balance

A Candida diet that eliminates sugar, carbs, alcohol, and yeast-containing foods is the ideal way to curb an overgrowth. Supplements containing anise or other herbs can also help. Anise seeds contain many helpful nutrients that are responsible for its health-giving benefits.

The way anise seed helps with a Candida overgrowth is twofold. It naturally deters harmful organisms, including Candida, helping to keep it in balance. When anise seed extract was tested on seven species of yeast, the yeast did not survive.[5]

Secondly, anise helps balance your blood sugar. It does this by stimulating the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin and regulates the body’s blood sugar level. Anise’s active ingredient, anethole, activates enzymes that help the pancreas promote balanced blood sugar levels.


Brushing Teeth Benefits Your Heart

Newsmax – Brushing your teeth may be good for your heart, a new study suggests.

It included more than 161,000 South Korean adults, ages 40 to 79, with no history of heart failure or the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation.

Between 2003 and 2004, participants had a routine medical exam and were asked about a wide range of lifestyle habits, including how often they brushed their teeth.


New Study Explains Why Ginseng Can Help You Lose Weight

Mind Body Green – Ginseng is a popular adaptogen, valued for its medical applications and studied extensively. One of its most popular applications is in the world of weight loss, and a new study has added to science’s understanding of how this herb works.

What did the researchers find?

The study, published recently in the journal Gut, set out to consider the impact of ginseng on gut microbiota. Researchers considered the process by which ginseng helps with weight loss, looking to find out what about the herb mediates weight. They were able to isolate how ginseng aids in weight loss, as well as discover the mechanisms that make it work.

The study indicated that the products of ginseng can induce the production of bacterium that change how the body burns fat. They found that the microbiota influenced by ginseng play an important role in metabolism, which offers promise for the development of treatments to manage weight. The researchers think there’s an opportunity for this knowledge to be specifically applied to probiotics for weight management and anti-obesity benefits.

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