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The Power Hour

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Today’s News: December 03, 2020

World News

U.K. approves Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, putting pressure on FDA

Stat – The United Kingdom on Wednesday became the first country to approve a Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and its partner BioNTech, a decision that will likely put pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to move swiftly to do the same.

The vaccine is also the first to run the gauntlet of clinical studies normally required for approval. Russia and China have authorized vaccines without Phase 3 clinical trial data.

The fact that the U.K. approved a vaccine developed by an American company — in partnership with a German one — before the United States could pour fuel on the already tense relationship between President Trump and the FDA, which has taken a more deliberative process in reviewing vaccine data. 

The controversy over the earlier decisions and the pressure from the White House led to fears that the FDA would be forced to authorize Covid-19 vaccines without a proper review. As a result, the agency has taken pains to be transparent about its review processes and insisted decisions would be made by career staff.

But the result has been impatience at the White House. On Tuesday, the news site Axios reported that White House chief of staff Mark Meadows summoned Stephen Hahn, the FDA commissioner, to explain why the agency hadn’t already moved to authorize the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, or another vaccine developed by the biotechnology firm Moderna.

Unlike regulators in the U.K. and some other countries, however, the FDA has not taken the data for the new vaccines on a rolling basis.

Recently, there has been disagreement between federal officials about how quickly after the Dec. 10 advisory panel an emergency use authorization could occur.  The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, has said that such a decision could occur almost immediately after the panel. But Peter Marks, who heads the FDA center responsible for the decision, has said instead that the decision would happen within “a few weeks.”

No-kill, lab-grown meat to go on sale for first time

Singapore’s approval of chicken cells grown in bioreactors is seen as landmark moment across industry

Guardian – Cultured meat, produced in bioreactors without the slaughter of an animal, has been approved for sale by a regulatory authority for the first time. The development has been hailed as a landmark moment across the meat industry.

The “chicken bites”, produced by the US company Eat Just, have passed a safety review by the Singapore Food Agency and the approval could open the door to a future when all meat is produced without the killing of livestock, the company said.

Dozens of firms are developing cultivated chicken, beef and pork, with a view to slashing the impact of industrial livestock production on the climate and nature crises, as well as providing cleaner, drug-free and cruelty-free meat. Currently, about 130 million chickens are slaughtered every day for meat, and 4 million pigs. By weight, 60% of the mammals on earth are livestock, 36% are humans and only 4% are wild.

The cells for Eat Just’s product are grown in a 1,200-litre bioreactor and then combined with plant-based ingredients. Initial availability would be limited, the company said, and the bites would be sold in a restaurant in Singapore. The product would be significantly more expensive than conventional chicken until production was scaled up, but Eat Just said it would ultimately be cheaper.

US & NATO preparing for ‘invasion’ of Crimea, warns local parliamentarian, as US-Russia tensions in Black Sea region soar

RT – The deputy speaker of the Crimean parliament has sounded the alarm on escalating military activity on Russia’s borders, insisting that those living on the disputed peninsula just want to be left alone.

In comments reported by RIA Novosti, Efim Fiks warned that an aggressive US-led campaign against the stationing of Russian troops in Crimea, which was reabsorbed into the country in 2014, is leading to rising tension.

“Russia makes the decisions it needs to ensure the security of the territory, our borders and the state. Those decisions are an internal affair of Russia, and there is no reason for NATO to get involved when it does not need to,” he said.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

LA residents ordered to stay in homes.

CBS – Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous with 10 million residents, has imposed tighter stay-at-home restrictions and a three-week ban on in-person restaurant dining because of what county health director Barbara Ferrer called “terrifying increases in numbers” or coronavirus cases. On Wednesday night, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a city order that spoke in apocalyptic tones as it ordered people to remain in their homes.

L.A. “is now close to a devastating tipping point” that could overwhelm the hospital system, “in turn risking needless suffering and death,” the mayor’s order said.

The order also bars gatherings of people outside of immediate households with some exceptions, and requires arriving travelers from outside the state to fill out an online form. However, it allows retail businesses to remain open for in-person shopping subject to a county curfew already in place.

Large Protest Erupts Outside NYC Bar Where Owners Arrested For Defying Shutdown

CBS – Supporters of a Staten Island bar turned out Wednesday night to protest its shutdown.

Police say the bar, located in a COVID hot spot, repeatedly defied restrictions.

Chopper 2 flew overhead what looked like a major block party in Grant City, but instead it was a large protest. Most people didn’t have masks on.

Hundreds stood shoulder-to-shoulder with American flags and political signs, demanding change in the area.

They demonstrated in front of New York City sheriff’s officers, who guarded the front door of Mac’s Public House.

Obama mocked after promise to take Covid-19 vaccine on camera, Twitter recalls Flint water-drinking ‘stunt’

RT – Barack Obama has been mocked for saying he would take a future Covid-19 vaccine live on camera to prove its safety. Critics quickly recalled a similar “stunt” when he drank newly cleaned water in Flint, Michigan.

“I promise you that when it’s been made for people who are less at risk, I will be taking it,” Obama said of a potential vaccine in a SiriusXM radio interview released on Thursday. “I may end up taking it on TV or having it filmed, just so that people know that I trust this science,” he added.

Yet, critics immediately pounced on the comment, comparing it to his response to the Flint water crisis.

The infamous health disaster began in 2014, when, due to mismanagement, water pipes succumbed to corrosion and contaminated the city’s supply with lead. In May 2016, Obama visited Flint to highlight federal assistance in replacing some of the lead pipes.

Then, during a rally and a press conference Obama apparently drank some of the newly safe Flint water in front of cameras, personally attesting to its safety. “This is not a stunt,” he insisted.

A third mysterious monolith appears in California, after discoveries in Utah, Romania

Fox – According to the Atascadero News, dozens of local hikers made the trek to the top of Pine Mountain to wonder at the 10-foot-tall, 18-inch-wide object.

“Unlike its Utah sibling, the Atascadero obelisk was not attached to the ground, and could be knocked over with a firm push. The Atascadero News estimates it weighs about 200 pounds,” the news outlet reported.

“There is currently a monolith at the top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero,” Connor Allen, a news correspondent for the Paso Robles Press and Atascadero News, tweeted Wednesday, providing photos of the strange structure.

Gary Lyons, who runs and hikes on Pine Mountain regularly throughout the week, said he encountered the object Wednesday morning and that it was not present the day before.

The third structure of its kind has led people to question the reasoning behind the erection of the silvery monuments — is it a clever marketing stunt, aliens, or something else?

Late last month, the first such monolith vanished from a remote area of Utah. Police in the area said they wouldn’t be opening a major investigation into its disappearance.

The structure was first spotted Nov. 18 in a remote area of red rock by state helicopter crews helping wildlife biologists count bighorn sheep. It was about 11 feet tall with sides that appeared to be made of stainless steel. Its creator remains a mystery.

Some doctors and politicians engage in vicious coercion, refer to people who don’t wear masks as “enemy combatants”

NaturalNews – In July, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker said those who don’t wear a mask in public are “the enemy” while citing a rising positivity rate from covid-19 test kits. These test kits can have a false positivity rate as high as 97 percent and should never be used to suspend civil liberties, as ruled by a Portuguese court. So why isn’t the Illinois governor cracking down on the medical fraud? Answer: He derives his power from the fraud.

In October, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer singled out those in the legislature who do not wear masks as “anti-maskers.” She declared that everyone must “mask up” and submit to her second round of lock down orders, as if she is the supreme law of the land. She made the threats while violating court orders that determined her perpetual state of emergency as unconstitutional.

These outlandish threats are part of a growing problem of harassment and coercion taking place in the government and medical field which is directed toward innocent people who have done no harm to anyone.

The collective goal of  virus avoidance is an indefinite pipe dream that has devolved into threats and desperation

These two governors, like many others, believe that every person must submit their bodies to arbitrary controls indefinitely in order to “slow the spread” of every false positive case, every fever and every bout of illness in the world. Even if the tests for detecting covid-19 were accurate, this goal of eliminating all infections would be impossible, leading to ever more intrusive body requirements, sustained bubble-living, government submission and communist controls on the economy.

These two governors are psychologically abusing the people who still listen to them. They, along with a few control freaks in the medical field, are now forcing their followers to live in a perpetual state of avoidance, confined to indefinite mask wearing. This cult of thought is not stopping any of the root problems associated with compromised immunity and has therefore evolved into threats and desperation. The mask obedient are being psychologically manipulated to turn against those who do not wear an oxygen restriction apparatus on their face. Free, smiling people are not spreading infections all the time by simply breathing in and out.

Dominion voting machines WERE connected to internet during the election, exchanging data with Frankfurt

NaturalNews – Cybersecurity expert Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel, has revealed that Dominion Voting Systems machines were, in fact, connected to the internet during the 2020 election.

Speaking during a public hearing in Arizona on Monday, Waldron, the first of lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s witnesses to give testimony, stated on record that he personally knows how to “get in and corrupt” Dominion machines. Waldron also knows for a fact that Dominion machines were communicating with the covert CIA facility in Frankfurt when fake votes suddenly appeared out of nowhere for Joe Biden.

The most common software used in Dominion machines is Smartmatic or an associated derivative, Waldron further revealed. Dominion’s user guides also explain how the process works, offering a play-by-play as to how they can be controlled and their data altered from halfway around the world.

“The Dominion suite user manual is about an inch and a half thick,” Waldron stated.

“My team went back through the user manual and looked at all the instances where in the user’s manual it tells operators to connect the ethernet cords to the router, and it is, the systems are connected to the internet.”

Waldron and his team determined after looking at the spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day that there was “increased web traffic” proving that the machines were communicating without outside sources.

“In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything,” Waldron further revealed.

“There is no transparency of how the voter information is processed, moved, and stored. And, as a matter of fact, these companies have refused to allow any type of inspection into their code and they always decry, it’s our IP, it’s IP protection.”

Attorney Sidney Powell is also seeking to unearth election fraud, and you can find out more about what she is up to and how you can help at this link.

Thousands of Ballots Were Scanned Numerous Times in Dominion Machines: Contractor Witness

Epoch Times – A Dominion Voting Systems contractor said she witnessed at least 30,000 ballots being counted numerous times in Dominion machines.

Detroit City Worker Says Election Workers Were Told to Backdate Ballots

Epoch Times – A City of Detroit election worker said at a Michigan State legislature on Wednesday that she was told to backdate absentee ballots. The woman, who was identified only as Jessy Jacob, told the bipartisan legislative hearing on Wednesday night that she and others were directed to backdate about 100,000 absentee ballots, or about 10,000 per day. The woman confirmed to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, one of President Donald Trump’s lawyers, that her supervisor told her to do this. Giuliani asked her if her supervisor told her to use the “phony date of the day,” and Jacob replied in the affirmative. “Would you say Jessy that was an experience you never expected? That level of crookedness and dishonesty at the Detroit center for counting votes?” Giuliani also asked her. “Yes, the whole city,” she responded. Jacob, who Giuliani said never testified before, worked in Detroit and said election workers like her were coached

Michael Flynn endorses martial law and national re-vote for president

Daily Caller – Former national security adviser Michael Flynn promoted a petition Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to temporarily suspend the U.S. Constitution, declare martial law and order the military to oversee a national re-vote for the 2020 presidential election.

The petition, published Tuesday by the Ohio-based non-profit group We The People Convention, said there was “no peaceful way left to preserve our Union” following President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory and urged Trump to exercise his “extraordinary authority” to avert a second civil war.

“Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War!” a letter accompanying the petition states.

Flynn, to whom Trump granted a presidential pardon last Wednesday related to the retired Army general’s December 2017 guilty plea for making false statements to the FBI, tweeted a link to the petition Tuesday evening.

“Freedom never kneels except for God,” Flynn tweeted.

Trump administration issues travel curbs for Chinese Communist Party members: report

Fox – The Trump administration on Wednesday issued new rules to restrict travel by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members and their families, according to a report. 

The policy shift immediately limits the maximum validity of travel visas for the party members and families to one month and a single entry, sources told the New York Times. Previously, party members, like Chinese citizens, could obtain U.S. visitor visas for up to 10 years. 

China has about 92 million Communist Party members. The new guidelines will let U.S. officials determine someone’s party status based on their visa application, interview, and understanding of the party, which the Times asserted will likely affect China’s top government and business leaders rather than the millions of other lower-level members. 

Trump thanks Alabama congressman who says he will challenge Electoral College votes

Fox – President Trump on Thursday thanked Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, who said he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes next month when Congress meets Jan. 6 to certify the 2020 presidential election.

“Thank you to Representative Mo Brooks!” Trump tweeted Thursday.

Brooks, R-Ala., has repeatedly raised Trump’s concerns of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

“I’m doing this because in my judgment this is the worst election theft in the history of the United States,” Brooks told The Hill this week. “And if there was a way to determine the Electoral College outcome using only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College.”

Brooks added that he is “not focused on what is in the legal pleadings in all these lawsuits all over the country.

“There’s some number of votes that probably were illegal in some different places to some degree,” he told The Hill. “That is not abnormal.”

But Brooks said that it is “extremely difficult in a court of law to determine how many illegal votes were cast and who they were cast for.”

Economy & Business

HP, the company that actually started Silicon Valley, is moving to Texas

DODOFINANCE  – The company announced its move on Tuesday. Houston is currently the largest U.S. employment center for Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, and the company is building a new campus in the city. HPE will integrate its multiple Bay Area sites into its San Jose campus. This action will not lead to any dismissals.

Of HPE (HPE) Going to Texas is not a new concept The world of technology. The largest – but most recent technology company to travel south: Zine Easy, Questpro and DJS (formerly known as Dasan Zone Solutions) moved from California to Texas.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Threatened in May Because he was dissatisfied with California’s accommodation orders to move the company’s headquarters from Fremont, California, from Palo Alto to Texas or Nevada. Although he did not follow through, the company announced it in July Build its new automotive plant On the outskirts of Austin.

That too is coming During infections, The period during which companies in all industries reconsider their office space and location Moving from work to home towards culture.

Dell’s headquarters are in Round Rock, Texas, near Austin, and many tech companies are considering moving to Texas for tax reasons. In fact, a link to Austin has been nicknamed “Silicon Hills” because of the cluster of technology companies in the Metro Austin area.

HP’s success in Palo Alto kickstarted the Northern California region’s technology scene, eventually landing it on the moniker “Silicon Valley”. In HP’s first year, Hewlett-Packard invented their first product: the HP Model 200A, an audio oscillator used to test sound devices.

Company Made its first computer in 1966 and the famous HP-35 in 1972 – the world’s first hand-operated science calculator.

In 2015, the company split into HPE and hardware maker HP Inc. (HPQ), Which did not go to Texas.

Science & Technology

WARP SPEED China ‘building 12,000MPH hypersonic jet engine that could fly planes or missiles anywhere on Earth in two hours

The Sun – CHINESE scientists have successfully tested a hypersonic jet engine that could fly a missile at 12,000mph.

The engine would in theory permit travel to any part of the world in less than two hours if it was scaled up and installed on an aircraft or missile.

The test flight of the prototype took place in a hypersonic wind tunnel in Beijing simulating flight conditions of up to nine times the speed of sound.

However, in theory, the engine could reach up to Mach 16 allowing it to fly around the globe’s 24,000 mile circumference in 2 hours.

As yet there are no planes or missile designs that are capable of attaining that speed.

It comes just days after the US Air Force mounted an advanced stealth cruise missile on the B-1B Lancer for the first time, as the US, Russia and China race to master hypersonic weaponry for warfare.

‘I know your favourite drink’: Chinese smart city to put AI in charge

Reuters – From robots delivering coffee to office chairs rearranging themselves after a meeting, a smart city project in China aims to put artificial intelligence in charge, its creators told a conference this week – raising some eyebrows.

Danish architecture firm BIG and Chinese tech company Terminus discussed plans to build an AI-run campus-style development in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing during an online panel at Web Summit, a global tech conference.

The project named Cloud Valley, plans to use sensors and wifi-connected devices to gather data on everything from weather and pollution to people’s eating habits to automatically meet residents’ needs, said Terminus founder Victor Ai.

“It’s almost coming back to this idea of living in a village where, when you show up, even though it’s the first time you’re there, the bar tender knows your favourite drink,” said BIG founding partner Bjarke Ingels.

“When our environment becomes sensing and sentient … we can really open up that kind of seamlessness because the AI can recognise people coming. So it can open the door, so they don’t have to look for their key cards.”

Cities around the world are racing to embrace technology in a bid to improve urban life by collecting data to address problems like traffic jams and crime.

Massachusetts set to become first US state to ban use of facial recognition by police

RT – Massachusetts is a governor’s signature away from forbidding its police from using facial recognition technology. There are no federal laws regulating the tech, which critics say is flawed and biased against communities of color.

On Tuesday, the state House and Senate voted in favor of a police reform bill, introduced in the wake of the killing of African-American man George Floyd, and subsequent ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests across the US. It now needs to be signed by Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker, to become a state law. 

The reform almost entirely bans the use of biometrical surveillance by law enforcement and public agencies in Massachusetts. There’s only one exception: police will still be able to run facial recognition searches against the state’s driver’s license database. This will only be possible with a warrant, however. Law enforcement will also be obliged to publish transparency reports every year, with data on how many such warrants had been issued.

The bill also outlaws chokeholds and rubber bullets, while placing restrictions on tear gas and other crowd-control means in the arsenal of security agencies. However, qualified immunity for the police, which protects serving officers from legal action for misconduct, has been left in


The State Police Association of Massachusetts blasted the reform, saying that it “misses the mark.” According to the law enforcers, the initiative only “creates layers of unnecessary bureaucracy and costly commissions staffed by political appointees with no real-world experience in policing and the dangers officers face every day.”


Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Mercola – The first randomized controlled trial of more than 6,000 individuals to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection.

Among mask wearers, 1.8% ended up testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, compared to 2.1% among controls. When they removed the people who did not adhere to proper mask use, the results remained the same — 1.8%, which suggests adherence makes no significant difference

Among those who reported wearing their face mask “exactly as instructed,” 2% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared to 2.1% of the controls.

1.4% tested positive for antibodies at the end of the month-long study compared to 1.8% of controls.

0.5% in the mask group and 0.6% tested positive for one or more respiratory viruses other than SARS-CoV-2.

The Mafia Is Probably Going To Try To Get Their Hands On The COVID Vaccine

Coronavirus vaccines will be “equivalent of liquid gold to organized crime networks,” according to global police agency Interpol.

Buzzfeed – Mafia groups will most likely to try to disrupt the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, international police organization Interpol warned on Wednesday.

In a statement, the group warned its 194 member countries to be on high alert for organized crime networks attempting to infiltrate supply chains to get their hands on the vaccine. They also warned about the sale of fraudulent coronavirus vaccines.

“Criminal networks will also be targeting unsuspecting members of the public via fake websites and false cures, which could pose a significant risk to their health, even their lives,” said Interpol Secretary-General Jürgen Stock.

“It is essential that law enforcement is as prepared as possible for what will be an onslaught of all types of criminal activity linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, which is why Interpol has issued this global warning.”

The warning comes as health authorities in the US and elsewhere scrutinize multiple vaccines that have been developed. The United Kingdom on Wednesday became the first Western country to officially authorize a vaccine, giving the green light to Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine, which trials showed to be safe and 95% effective at blocking COVID-19.

Last month, Interpol issued a warning about the risk of genuine COVID-19 vaccines being trafficked, advising law enforcement agencies around the world to start preparing immediately to prevent such crimes.

Boycott the Vaccination Program: The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin Inhibits the Replication of SARS-CoV-2 but Nobody Talks About It

Global Research – Peruvian Doctors for the Truth have issued a short video, explaining the enormous risks of the three different types of vaccines currently on the market in Peru, two of them are genetically engineered in one way or another and will affect the human DNA. Humans would become “transhumans”, like genetically modified corn, soja, cotton – and more.

The breaking part of this news is that there is yet another medication, called IVERMECTIN, that has been FDA-approved and already successfully applied in Southern Peru, in Argentina and elsewhere. See this.

Ivermectin, a medication known for over 60 years, has been applied successfully for many infectious diseases – including river-blindness, throughout Africa. It was highly recommended by WHO, at a time when WHO still had a human touch.

The third vaccine would be recreating a weaker version of the virus in your body. The more traditional type of vaccine. But none of them has been seriously tested.

The trans-genetic ones have not even been animal-tested. And the few voluntary tests that were carried out in particular with the Moderna vaccine have left disastrous results. While none of the 40 robust volunteers died, all of them had serious side effects, serious health problems and had to be hospitalized – and the long-term consequences are not known. How they turn around now, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca, claiming up to 95% efficiency. What a joke!!! Never tested – and lying to the people, so they will buy into the fraud.

The long-term consequences of any of these vaccines are not known, will not be known for a long time. And nobody can sue any of the pharma companies, they are “immune” under the 1986 Supreme Court ratified National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa- 1 to 300aa-34).

Pharma companies can never be sued for any damage their vaccines cause.

One of the long-term effects of covid-19 vaccines, may be reduced virility for men and infertility for women. This fits the Bill Gates, Rockefeller et al eugenics agenda (Bill Gates TedTalk in 2010 – “Innovating to Zero”). Provides an early flavor of what the Gates and Co. clan have in mind for humanity.

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