July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 03, 2021

Meet the 80 House Republicans Who Voted With Dems to Create National Vax Database

Todd Starnes – Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which would fund a federal vaccination database, Breitbart News first reported.

We have listed all of the Republicans who supported the measure below – along with links to their email addresses.

“The text specifically outlines an expansion of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Public Health Department capabilities and the ability for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share health data with the federal government,” Breitbart reported.

Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS… they knew the jab was killing people in early 2021… three times more WOMEN than MEN

Natural News – Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men.

One confidential document in particular was part of a court-ordered release of FDA files that the FDA fought by claiming the agency should have 55 years to release this information. A court judge disagreed and ordered the release of 500 documents per month, and the very first batch of documents contained this bombshell entitled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports.”

Get it here:


Or here, mirrored on NN servers:


The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.

Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.

Germany Announces National Lockdown for Unvaccinated

Epoch Times – Exiting Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Dec. 2 that Germany will lock down unvaccinated people as top officials also signaled that they would back plans for mandatory vaccinations in the coming months.

Merkel said individuals who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 will be excluded from nonessential stores and cultural and recreational venues. The Bundestag, Germany’s Parliament, also will consider a general vaccination mandate.

“The situation is our country is serious,” she told reporters, claiming that the new measures are an “act of national solidarity.”

Other new requirements include masks being required in schools, Merkel added. Vaccinated people will lose their vaccination status nine months after receiving their last dose of a vaccine.

“We have understood that the situation is very serious and that we want to take further measures in addition to those already taken,” Merkel, who was slated to leave office on Dec. 2, told reporters. “The fourth wave must be broken and this has not yet been achieved.”

Do COVID Injections Compromise Natural Immunity?

Analysis by Tessa Lena

A few months ago, I wrote an article about the war on natural immunity and ability, in which I discussed how we were being ushered toward a subscription model under which we would have to obtain a life-time subscription to the artificial immunity service — with boosters from here into infinity.

The notion of a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service is dystopian, and I was hoping to be wrong. But alas, the messaging around the need for boosters due to waning immunity seems to indicate that this is where we are heading, unless we don’t participate.

The model is based on the “Blue Ocean Strategy,” which is a business strategy that “proposes creating a brand new market out of thin air and dominating it (a blue ocean) — as opposed to trying to compete in an existing market (an ocean red with blood).”

For example, when the internet was introduced into commercial use, it was a brand new market and a “blue ocean,” since no such market had existed prior. The introduction of the internet created a whole new “space” that could be monetized in different ways.

Today’s new commercial frontier is the biological realm and the human body, “body as a platform.” In today’s market terms, the human body has the market potential of a natural resource. You know how they say that data is the new oil? If data is the new oil, then we are all data hosts, and we can look forward to being treated like oil reserves.

“Here’s how it applies to natural immunity. A healthy person with a natural immunity might be a happy person — but to a 2021 biotech entrepreneur, who views the human body as a market to dominate, he is a sheer insult. From the standpoint of that entrepreneur, replacing the default natural immunity of the past millions years with a fully artificial tool that requires a ‘subscription’ throughout one’s entire lifetime (see ‘variants’ and ‘boosters’) is desirable.

Replacing the default natural immunity with an artificial tool is a very successful case of creating a brand new market (‘artificial immunity market’) out of air. A life-long subscription to artificial immunity, with an ever-expanding range of necessary ‘upgrades’ is a lot more profitable than some traditional shop selling vitamins. Even better, if artificial immunity destroys the natural immunity, customer loyalty is guaranteed.”

At the time when my article about the war on natural immunity was published, it was still unclear if COVID injections had the potential to undermine our natural broad-spectrum natural immunity. It seems like it would be “good for business” in a psychopathic world but I didn’t really want to think in that direction, it was too dark. Since then, however, a number of studies came out, and they look alarming.

Popular Infusion Could Increase COVID Hospital Stay 

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola – This article was previously published September 16, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

One study showed remdesivir lowered hospital days by 30%, yet doctors in Florida are finding that people who take the drug are staying longer than those who don’t  The company priced the drug based on how much it could save in hospital costs. The cost to produce, package and ship one vial is $10, while the commercial price is $520 per vial  Big Pharma is poised to make large profits from drugs and vaccines that the U.S. government subsidized during the COVID-19 pandemic  I believe it is crucial that you proactively support your immune system and not wait for a drug or vaccine with unknown, potentially long-term side effects. Optimizing your vitamin D is likely the easiest, least expensive and most beneficial strategy

Biden Announces Renewed Effort to Combat COVID-19, Promises No Lockdowns or Additional Mandates

Epoch Times – President Joe Biden announced on Dec. 2 a number of measures that he hopes will help combat COVID-19 as his administration struggles to control the disease, but vowed to try not to force areas to lock down, after two cases of the Omicron virus variant were detected in the United States.

Biden and his administration are extending the mask mandate on airplanes, trains, and public transportation into March 2022, helping to launch hundreds of new vaccine clinics and forcing all inbound international travelers to test negative for COVID-19 within one day of departure, regardless of vaccination status or nationality.

The president and his advisers are also ramping up marketing to try to convince all eligible Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, as more and more studies show that COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness wanes over time.

It’s all part of what Biden described as a “battle plan to combat COVID-19 this winter.” The plan “pulls no punches in the fight against COVID-19,” he said, with the hope being that the effort “unites us.”

The plan “doesn’t include shutdowns or lockdowns,” Biden said, nor additional mandates. The three primary mandates he and his administration have put forth are currently blocked by the courts because judges said they’re likely illegal.

He was speaking at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, following a meeting with top medical advisers, including Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins.

Judge Blocks Texas Law Aimed at Preventing Social Media Censorship

Epoch Times – A Texas law designed to prevent social media companies from censoring users was blocked Wednesday by a federal judge, who found the law’s challengers will likely prevail.

U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman, an Obama nominee, ordered a preliminary injunction, which stops the law from taking effect, at least for now.

The legislation in question was passed by Republicans earlier this year and signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

It would require social media platforms to make transparent their practices regarding content management, including what types of posts would violate their rules. It would also prohibit platforms from “censor[ing] a user, a user’s expression, or a user ’s ability to receive the expression of another person based on” their viewpoint or location.

“We will always defend the freedom of speech in Texas, which is why I am proud to sign House Bill 20 into law,” Abbott said before signing the bill.

Two trade associations that have members that operate platforms, though, sued over the law, arguing it violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

The law “imposes impermissible content- and viewpoint-based classifications to compel a select few platforms to publish speech and speakers that violate the platforms’ policies—and to present that speech the same way the platforms present other speech that does not violate their policies,” they said in their suit.

Pitman agreed, finding that “HB 20’s prohibitions on ‘censorship’ and constraints on how social media platforms disseminate content violate the First Amendment.”

Further, he said, the ability of users to file lawsuits under the new law “chills the social media platforms’ speech rights.”

A similar law was partially blocked in Florida earlier this year.

Vaccine inventor: ‘Fundamentally evil’ COVID policies harming children

WND – In a wide-ranging video interview with WND, the vaccine researcher who invented the messenger RNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna shots explained why he opposes universal vaccination for the COVID-19 virus and why he’s been willing to risk the reputation he’s cultivated over three decades and weather the scorn of the government and health-care establishment.

Dr. Robert Malone cited the evidence for his concerns about the vaccines, the mandates and policies he believes are causing serious harm, particularly to children, but he also offered insight on his personal journey during the pandemic that has rocked the world.

Unknown to most critics and allies alike, he said in the 80-minute interview, is that he’s not “right wing.”

“My wife and I are Central Coast Californians by birth and youth, and we actually come from slightly center-left on the political spectrum,” he told WND.

“But I’ve got to say, what we’ve observed live the last two years has completely changed our point of view on politics in the United States.

“And the thing is, I’m seeing that all across the country.”

Malone noted he’s been on podcasts with African Americans and others traditionally on the political left “who are really not happy with what’s happening at all.”

“I’m pretty sure what I’m seeing is a major political realignment starting to grow in the United States, and really worldwide, and it’s like a wakeup call.”

It’s about the rights of the individual and the fundamental freedom of speech upon which the nation was founded, he said.

“This is scrambling politics,” said Malone of the pandemic, predicting — while acknowledging such prognostications are outside of his “core competency” – a “major sea change in the 2022 midterms.”

‘It’s hurting people’

Malone said the reason he is speaking out, in spite of the considerable personal risks, is simple.

“It’s because I’m bloody well pissed off. It’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s hurting people, it is breaking the rules, left and right, people are lying continuously, they’re manipulating data,” he said.

“It’s shocking.”

He believes the consequences will be fundamental, with a “damaged” hospital and medical-care delivery system and a loss of faith in the government.

The insertion of the government in the affairs of the family, with the lockdowns, school shutdowns, and the vaccine and mask mandates, is causing damage that is “deep and profound and will last for decades,” he said.

Global Food Prices Rise Again, Hitting New Decade High

Global food inflation continues to rise for the fourth consecutive month in November, reaching levels not seen in a decade, led mainly by robust demand for wheat and dairy products, according to a new report via the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

FAO’s food price index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of food commodities, rose 1.2% to 134.4 in November from October, driven by continued demand for food. The index is up 27.3% YoY.

Food prices remain at a decade high and have risen sharply since the beginning of the pandemic, driven by snarled supply chains, harvest setbacks, soaring farm costs, and high demand.

Last month, increases in grains, dairy, and sugar were the primary driver in FAO’s food price index. Laggards were meat and vegetable oil.

The FAO’s cereal price index averaged 141.5 points in November, up 3.1% from October and 23.2% from the same month last year. Wheat prices are at their highest level since May 2011 due to adverse weather conditions in Australia and potential changes to export rules in Russia.

The dairy price index rose 4.1% to 125.5 points in November. Compared to last year, the index is up 19.1%. “Strong global import demand persisted for butter and milk powders as buyers sought to secure spot supplies in anticipating of tightening markets,” FAO said.

Sugar prices averaged 120.7 points in November, up 1.4% from October, reversing most of the previous month’s decline. Compared to last year, prices are up a stunning 40%.

Vegetable oil and meat prices were slightly down in November but were both up substantially over the year.

The question central banks, governments, commodity traders, and households have on their minds is when do food prices reverse. To answer that question, Judy Ganes, the president of J. Ganes Consulting, recently told Bloomberg that rising food prices should continue into the second half of 2022.

“We’re not seeing a turning point just yet, we’ll probably see it, my guess is the middle of next year. There’s a point where high prices are the best cure for high prices, there’s a point where its going to have to resolve itself,” Ganes said. 

She pointed out rising prices were due to a combination of factors, such as caps on migration, red hot labor market, labor shortages, adverse weather conditions, snarled supply, higher fertilizer prices, and soaring transportation costs.

Ganes said the end to several major droughts and increased rainfall in major producing regions means global food production in 2023-24 will be “much improved.”

With at least another year or more of food inflation, Cargill CEO David MacLennan recently changed his mind about “transitory” inflation and now believes it will be more persistent with higher food prices in 2022. He blamed elevated food prices on snarled supply chains, labor shortages, and adverse weather conditions, among other things.

—> Free Webinar: How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation with Marjory Wildcraft

Click Here to register for this free educational webinar Saturday, December 4, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time

Total Solar Eclipse to Grace the Skies on December 4—Here’s What You Need to Know

Epoch Times – The extraordinary cosmic event of a total eclipse of the sun will present itself to an exclusive audience on Dec. 4, 2021.

Stargazers hoping to witness the moon’s umbra shadow obliterate the solar sphere from view will have to sojourn to the Antarctic—where the eclipse will first appear in the Southern Ocean. It will then traverse a narrow band westward across the continent before ending in the Southern Ocean once again.

A partial eclipse of the sun, meanwhile, will be visible to a much wider gallery on that day, reaching across the extreme Southern Hemisphere.

Starting some 300 miles southeast of the Falkland Islands—off the southernmost tip of South America—the total eclipse will first appear in the Southern Ocean. It will proceed westward into the Weddell Sea where the moment of greatest eclipse will occur off the coast of Antarctica.

The peak period will last just 1 minute and 54 seconds (starting at 07:33 UT1), according to EarthSky, should you venture so far south to see it. The path’s breadth will span 260 miles.

Of paramount importance for those viewing this celestial rarity is to wear proper solar eclipse eye protection. Should you manage to steal a glimpse this stellar spectacle in person, you might (penguins aside), count yourself among the lucky, extreme few.

Covid: Anglo American to introduce mandatory vaccinations

Mining giant Anglo American intends to introduce mandatory Covid vaccinations across the company and may sack workers who refuse.

The firm, which employs 95,000 people worldwide, says it is consulting with its staff about the policy.

The Daily Telegraph, citing an internal Anglo American document, reported that workers who refuse to be vaccinated could be fired “as a last resort”.

Covid: Trigger of rare blood clots with AstraZeneca jab found by scientists

Scientists believe they have found “the trigger” that leads to extremely rare blood clots after the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

The team – in Cardiff and the US – have shown in exquisite detail how a protein in the blood is attracted to a key component of the vaccine.

They think this kicks off a chain reaction, involving the immune system, that can culminate in dangerous clots.

Germany to ban unvaccinated people from shops and bars

  1. Germany will ban unvaccinated people from shops and bars, unless they have recently recovered from Covid
  2. Chancellor Angela Merkel says a nationwide vaccination mandate could be imposed in Germany from February 2022
  3. The UK government signs deals to buy 114 million more doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to use in 2022 and 2023
  4. The deals were speeded up after the Omicron variant emerged – but talks were already under way
  5. But the WHO points out that many poorer countries have still not been able to vaccinate their most vulnerable
  6. UK regulators approve new treatment that could reduce hospitalisation and death by 79% in high-risk adults
  7. Health officials say Omicron has now become dominant in South Africa and is driving a sharp increase in new infections

German MPs to decide on compulsory Covid jabs ‘by end of year’

Germany on Tuesday inched closer to mandatory coronavirus vaccines after incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz said they were necessary to contain a fierce fourth wave of the pandemic.

Following crisis talks with acting Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of Germany’s 16 states, Scholz said he wanted parliament to vote on the matter before the end of the year.

“Too many people have not got vaccinated,” Scholz told Bild television. Making jabs compulsory is justified “to protect us all”.

The compulsory vaccinations should be in force “in the beginning of February or March so we must move quickly now,” Scholz said, promising that lawmakers would be allowed to vote according to their conscience.

First ‘living robots’ can self-replicate just by moving around, revolutionary study finds

The discovery, while basic, has prompted excitement about new applications in everything from environmental cleanup to internal human medicine

A new form of microscopic robot made from stem cells can assemble new microscopic robots that themselves then make fresh robots, and so on. These robots — xenobots, said to be the first living robots — spontaneously replicate just by moving, according to revolutionary new research.

Robotics Startup Offers $200,000 for to Make Robots With Your Face and Voice

REAL ROBOTS – The humanoid robots are usable in several environments, according to Promobot. The specific demand for a face and voice is supposedly for an American company that wants to bring Promobot’s Robo-C robots to malls, airports, and other public venues in North America and the Middle East. The Robo-C has a human face compared to the more traditionally robotic look of its V.4 device, though they share largely the same capabilities.

The company said that age, gender, and race are not deciding factors in picking the face and that anyone over 25 can apply for the role on their website. The company will make a 3D model of the winner’s face and body and the person chosen will need to dictate more than 100 hours of speech to produce a synthetic version capable of saying anything Promobot’s clients wish. The robot based on the chosen person’s appearance and voice will then start appearing in 2023.

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