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The Power Hour

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Today's News: December 06, 2018

World News
‘Final outcome’: France to deploy 89,000 cops as protesters plan massive Saturday demonstration
RT – With protesters planning to converge in the Elysee Palace in Paris on Saturday, French authorities are preparing to deploy 8,000 additional officers in Paris and 89,000 nationwide.
While Emmanuel Macron’s government has abandoned a controversial fuel tax hike, thousands of protesters are still planning on marching on the presidential residence on Saturday.
“Saturday will be the final outcome,” Yellow Vest spokesman Eric Drouet said on Thursday. “Saturday is the Elysee, we all would like to go to the Elysee.”
UK releases documents showing potential abuses by Facebook
CS Monitor – Internal documents from 2011-2015 show Facebook selling user’s data with little regard for privacy concerns. The social media giant says the information offers an incomplete picture, but lawmakers in the US and Britain are pushing for more regulation.
France fears more riots; Museums, Eiffel Tower to close
AP – Authorities across France braced Thursday for the possibility of more riots and violence at anti-government protests this weekend, holding emergency meetings and deploying tens of thousands of police and security forces. Museums, theaters and shops in Paris announced they would close Saturday as a precaution — including the city’s famed Eiffel Tower.
Police unions and city authorities met to strategize on how to handle the protests on Saturday, which are being held even though French President Emmanuel Macron surrendered Wednesday night and cancelled a fuel tax hike that had unleashed weeks of unrest.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard Doubles Down: Ban Private Gun Sales at Gun Shows, Flea Markets
Breitbart – Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard doubled down Wednesday on his push to criminalize private gun sales, particularly those occurring at gun shows and flea markets.
Hubbard says in an Instagram video that background checks are not legally required in private gun sales, like those that occur between family members or at gun shows or flea markets.
Not only does Hubbard’s gun control push here sound identical to the Democrats’ talking points from the last 30 years, it is exactly what the Democrats are pushing now.
Judge Napolitano: Trump Jr. Telling Friends He Expects Indictment
Newsmax – Donald Trump Jr. has told his friends privately that he expects to be indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller, Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano claimed in an interview on Wednesday.
“I don’t know who, but I do know that Donald Jr. has told friends he expects to be indicted,” Napolitano told Sirius XM “Live PD” executive producer Dan Abrams, who also serves as chief legal analyst for ABC News, reports Mediaite.
Napolitano said he also expects Trump’s oldest son will be indicted, but he was less sure about Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.
Meanwhile, the judge said he thinks it is a “huge deal” that former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is still reportedly cooperating with Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Pelosi rejects funding wall
AP – House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday rejected the idea of paying for President Donald Trump’s border wall in exchange for helping hundreds of thousands of young immigrants avoid deportation.
Funding for the wall — a top Trump priority — and legal protections for so-called Dreamers, a key Democratic goal, should not be linked, Pelosi said.
“They’re two different subjects,” she said.
Her comments came as the House and Senate approved a stopgap bill Thursday to keep the government funded through Dec. 21. The measure, approved by voice votes in near-empty chambers, now goes to the White House.
Economy & Business
Panic Buying Hits Palladium Market: What Comes Next?
Activist Post – This week, a white metal reached a rare feat. Palladium has traded at a higher cost per ounce than gold.
Last month, the palladium market pushed through all remaining technical barriers by posting a new all-time high. A chronic supply deficit now threatens to launch palladium prices into a super spike.
A true shortage of physical metal may be at hand. The primary source of demand is automakers who require palladium for catalytic converters. Supply, meanwhile, comes primarily (more than 80%) from just two unreliable countries: Russia and South Africa.
On the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) exchange, the palladium market is showing signs of extreme stress – even panic.
World markets down after arrest of Huawei executive
Al Jazeera – US stocks fell sharply on Thursday joining a global rout after the arrest of a key Chinese Huawei executive at Washington’s request revived worries over trade tensions.
The detention of Meng Wanzhou, 46, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s chief financial officer, threatens to drive a wedge between the United States and China just days after they agreed on a 90-day trade-war truce in Argentina on Saturday – the day she was detained.
Energy & Environment
Trump Plans Major Rollback of Sage Grouse Protections to Spur Oil Exploration
NYT – The Trump administration on Thursday published documents detailing its plan to roll back Obama-era protections for the vast habitat of the greater sage grouse, a chickenlike bird that roams across nearly 11 million acres in 10 oil-rich Western states.
The earlier proposal to protect the bird, whose waning numbers have brought it close to endangerment, was put forth under the Interior Department in 2015 and set out to ban or sharply reduce oil and gas drilling in 10.7 million acres of its habitat.
Science & Technology
Why are countries banning Huawei?
Al Jazeera – Canada arrested the CFO of Huawei, but the Chinese tech company has been scrutinised for years for security reasons.
On Thursday, Canadian authorities arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer (CFO) of Chinese tech company Huawei.
The details of the arrest are still unclear but Meng faces extradition to the United States, according to the Canadian Department of Justice.
Following the arrest, both the Chinese embassy, as well as Huawei called for the release of Meng, who is the daughter of the company’s founder Ren Zhengfei.
Under Ren’s leadership, Huawei has become one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world and has established itself as a leading smartphone manufacturer.
But Huawei’s expansion from its Chinese roots into the rest of the world has sparked concerns among Western governments over the company’s close ties to the Chinese authorities, as well as its willingness to export technologies to countries that are under sanction.
Over the past couple of years, Huawei has reportedly circumvented sanctions imposed on North Korea and Iran, providing the countries with telecom equipment that can be used for extensive spying on populations, so-called dual use technologies.
But the vast majority of criticism has surrounded Huawei’s growing influence on global communications in the coming years. The Chinese company will provide technology for 5G wireless internet across the world.
Ahead of the rollout of that faster internet technology, several countries have warned against using Chinese hardware because of security concerns, which stem from the Chinese government’s use of Huawei’s products to spy on people around the world.
Amazon robot sets off bear repellant, putting 24 workers in hospital
The Guardian – Twenty-four employees at an Amazon warehouse in New Jersey were taken to hospital after a robot accidentally punctured a can of bear repellant.
The 255g can containing concentrated capsaicin, a compound in chilli peppers, was punctured by an automated machine after it fell off a shelf, according to local media.
The incident happened on Wednesday at a warehouse in Robbinsville, New Jersey, on the outskirts of Trenton.
Amazon said: “All of the impacted employees have been or are expected to be released from hospital within the next 24 hours. The safety of our employees is always our top priority and a full investigation is already under way.”
The employees were taken to hospital “as a precaution”, Amazon said earlier.
Next big security risk: Children’s video-game habit
Marketwatch – e careful who you play with.
Online gaming is a growing target for hackers, a new report from identity theft protection firm Experian EXPN, -2.12%   found. Cyber criminals are increasingly posing as gamers to gain access to the computers and personal data of players, its 2019 Data Breach Industry Forecast predicted.
“We are not trying to imply all gamers are hackers, but they do live in an anonymous environment, have good computer skills, and are in an industry with billions in revenue,” Michael Bruemmer, vice president of data breach resolution at Experian said. “There is a unique opportunity for them to be able to profit.”
The gaming industry is worth more than $4 billion in annual revenue, according to industry analysis firm IBISWorld. Cyber criminals can easily pose as a gamer or take over an avatar to infiltrate games and communities, stealing personal and credit-card information and valuable game pieces and tokens, the report said. (The Entertainment Software Association, a trade group for video games, did not immediately respond to request for comment.)
10 Ways to Boost Your Energy Faster Than Caffeine
Care2 – Hate waiting for that cup of coffee (or tea) to kick in each morning? You don’t have to. There are many other methods to boost your energy, often faster than the time it takes for caffeine to start working in your body. Here are 10 ways to perk up without caffeine.

  1. Get some light

Exposure to natural light has numerous health benefits. It can boost your vitamin D, improve your mood and even enhance alertness and performance.

  1. Breathe energizing scents

Have you ever cut into an orange and felt suddenly invigorated by its citrus scent? Certain smells can wake us up much faster than the time it takes for caffeine to hit the bloodstream. According to the National Sleep Foundation, smelling citruses can both be energizing and make you feel happy and calm. Peppermint can make you more alert and focused. Rosemary can help your work performance. And eucalyptus can enhance your mental clarity and mood.

  1. Take a cold shower

Think of how relaxed you feel cocooned in your warm, cozy bed — and then how it shocks your system when you throw off the covers to face the cool morning air. A little chill — such as a cold shower or even just splashing cold water on your face — is a quick and simple way to get your blood pumping.

  1. Listen to upbeat music

Music can have a profound effect on your mood. It can bring you to tears, lull you to sleep and improve your focus. Plus, ample research has shown music’s positive influence on energy.

  1. Laugh

Laughter really is excellent medicine. According to Mayo Clinic, a laugh increases your oxygen levels, stimulates your heart and lungs, boosts endorphins and relieves stress.

  1. Drink some water

Fatigue often is an indicator of dehydration. In fact, if you’re mildly dehydrated, sometimes you might even feel sluggish without experiencing any thirst.

  1. Chew gum

If you feel yourself starting to fade during the day, try popping in a piece of gum. Research has shown chewing gum can improve both your concentration and memory on tasks

  1. Unplug

Stress from always being “plugged in” to the world can sap your energy, sometimes without you even realizing what’s happening.

  1. Take a walk

Exercise is one of the best ways to boost energy. And it doesn’t take much to get you out of a slump. Even a short walk around the block can be enough to wake up your body.

  1. Meditate

Just a few minutes of meditation might be able to pull you out of an energy slump. According to Cleveland Clinic, “mindfulness-based techniques” can lower stress levels, increase energy and improve sleep.
Copaiba Oil: A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic & Expectorant
Dr. Axe – Many practitioners of traditional medicine have been extremely impressed by copaiba essential oil benefits for centuries. Copaiba resin, which copaiba oil originates from, has been used medicinally since at least 1625 for the natural treatment of health concerns like bronchitis, chronic cystitis, chronic diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
The Brazilian herbal medicine system is one of many traditional practices that uses copaiba resin medicinally as a powerful antiseptic and expectorant for respiratory tract problems, and as an internal anti-inflammatory for urinary tract issues and as external anti-inflammatory agent for all kinds of skin problems. (1)
Current research is showing that copaiba has so many surprising and varied health benefits that you just may want to consider adding it to your essential oil lineup today!
7 Copaiba Oil Uses & Benefits

  1. Natural Anti-inflammatory

Research shows that three varities of copaiba oil — Copaifera cearensis, Copaifera reticulata and Copaifera multijuga — all exhibit impressive anti-inflammatory activities.

  1. Neuroprotective Agent

A 2012 research study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine examined how copaiba oil-resin (COR) may have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benefits following acute neural disorders when intense inflammation reactions occur including stroke and brain/spinal cord trauma.

  1. Possible Liver Damage Preventer

A research study published in 2013 demonstrates how copaiba oil may be able to reduce liver tissue damage that is caused by commonly used conventional painkillers like acetaminophen.

  1. Dental/Oral Health Booster

Copaiba essential oil has also proven itself to be helpful in oral/dental health care. An in vitro study published in 2015  finds that a copaiba oil-resin based root canal sealer is not cytotoxic (toxic to living cells)

  1. Pain Helper

Copaiba oil may be able to help with natural pain relief since it has been shown in scientific research to exhibit antinociceptive properties, which means it can help to block the detection of a painful stimulus by the sensory neurons.

  1. Breakout Buster

Copaiba oil with its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing abilities is yet another option for the natural treatment of acne.

  1. Calming Agent

While there may not be a lot of studies to prove this use, copaiba oil is commonly used in diffusers for its calming effects.
The weedkiller in our food is killing us | Erin Brockovich
The Guardian – Growing research show that glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the US, causes cancer
On a recent Saturday afternoon, in an estuary near Tampa Bay, Florida, I watched airboats move up and down the river banks, spraying massive plumes of weedkiller on to the vegetation. The state of Florida was trying to control and kill off scores of plant species. Nearby, children were lying out in the sun, though they knew better than to swim in the water, which has recently been blooming with toxic algae. Mists of weedkiller drifted downwind toward them.
The main active ingredient in that mist, and in the weedkiller being sprayed throughout Tampa Bay, is glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the US. First registered for use here in 1974, it is now an ingredient in more than 750 products, including the most widely deployed herbicide in the world, Monsanto’s Roundup. For more than a generation, Americans have been using Roundup and other glyphosate-based chemicals to improve agricultural yields, manage forests, ripen fruit and kill the dandelions sprouting from our front lawns.

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