July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 13, 2023


Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths.

“He knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects.”

“Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign,” reported InfoWars contributor Greg Reese in viral X post shared by Alex Jones.

Dutch Counterterrorism Agency Raises Threat to Second-Highest Level

The Dutch counterterrorism agency lifted the country’s threat alert to its second-highest level on Tuesday, saying the possibility of an attack in the country is now “substantial.”

The announcement marked the first time the threat level has been so high since the end of 2019 and came a week after the European Union’s home affairs commissioner, Ylva Johansson, warned that the continent faces a ” huge risk of terrorist attacks ” over the Christmas holiday period because of the fallout from the war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

U.N. Climate Summit Wraps Up Without Agreement to Eliminate Fossil Fuels

The unhappy COP28 climate alarmism summit in Dubai rolled into its final scheduled day on Tuesday without the crown jewel sought by hardcore activists: a worldwide agreement to phase out fossil fuels.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), host of this year’s summit, released a draft copy of the grand finale climate agreement on Monday that did not include language calling for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels. Instead, the draft called on all nations to reduce “consumption and production of fossil fuels” in a “just, orderly, and equitable manner.”

Argentina’s new president begins ‘shock therapy’ by devaluing peso

Javier Milei has promised radical measures to battle the country’s worst economic crisis in decades

Argentina’s new government has announced a sharp devaluation of the peso, cuts to energy and transportation subsidies and a freeze in spending on some major state programs.

The measures, announced on Tuesday in a televised appearance by the new minister of the economy, come as part of the “economic shock therapy” promised by the newly elected President Javier Milei.

The devaluation changes the official dollar exchange rate to 800 pesos per dollar from 365 pesos.

State support of the peso has been maintained by strict capital controls during the past half-decade, which created a wide gap between the official exchange rate of the dollar and parallel rates.

The new Economy Minister of Argentina Luis Caputo divulged in a televised message that the measures are aimed at tackling spiraling inflation and containing the worst economic crisis in decades.


Zelensky Meets with Defense Contractors in D.C. During Bid for U.S. Taxpayer Money

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with defense contractors during his visit to Washington, DC, this week, amid a bid for $61 billion in U.S. taxpayer support for Ukraine, according to a video he posted on social media.

Zelensky said Ukraine was prepared to produce more ammunition and military vehicles, but it required support. 

We’ve Already Got a Dictator-in-Chief: How Absolute Power Corrupted the President

John Whitehead’s Commentary – Once a dictator, always a dictator.

Power-hungry, lawless and steadfast in its pursuit of authoritarian powers, the government does not voluntarily relinquish those powers once it acquires, uses and inevitably abuses them.

Likewise, any presidential candidate who promises to be a dictator on day one, if elected, will be a dictator-in-chief for life.

Then again, the president is already a dictator with permanent powers: imperial, unaccountable and unconstitutional thanks to a relatively obscure directive (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), part of the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, which gives unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president in the event of a “national emergency.”

That national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say so of the president.

It doesn’t even matter what the nature of the crisis might be—civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”—as long as it allows the government to justify all manner of government tyranny in the name of so-called national security.

The country would then be subjected to martial law by default, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would be suspended.

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor’s Case

A Catholic woman from Westchester County, New York, won’t get her day before the nation’s highest court.

The Supreme Court passed up an opportunity on Dec. 11 to lay the groundwork for overturning its precedent permitting protective zones called “bubbles” around abortion clinics to keep protesters and pro-life sidewalk counselors away.

The nation’s highest court declined a petition filed by Debra Vitagliano that sought to appeal a lower court ruling dismissing her lawsuit that claimed Westchester County, New York, violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The petition also specifically invited the court to overrule its existing precedent upholding laws about the bubbles. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled against her in June.

The Supreme Court dismissed the petition for certiorari, or review, in Vitagliano v. County of Westchester, in an unsigned order (pdf). No justices dissented. At least four of the nine justices must vote for a petition for the case to advance to the oral argument stage.

Democrat Governor Demands $512 Million From Biden Administration for Border Security

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs is demanding that the federal government pay more than a half-billion dollars in “reimbursement” to deal with the financial crisis created by President Joe Biden’s failure to secure the southern border.

In the letter released on Dec. 8 by Ms. Hobbs, the Democrat governor is seeking more than $512 million in federal funds to reimburse state spending on illegal immigrant-related expenses, including transportation, drug interdiction, law enforcement, and other costs “due to the federal government’s failure to secure our border.”

Ms. Hobbs cited the Dec. 4 closure of one of the state’s busiest port-of-entries in Lukeville, Arizona—where agents were transferred from the crossing to help arrest and process a surge of migrants walking across the border to claim asylum—as an example of how the Biden administration’s open border policies have led to massive disruptions for Arizonians.

“For far too long, Arizona has continued to bear the burden of federal inaction in managing our southern border,” Ms. Hobbs wrote in the letter, which she released publicly on social media. “The recent decision to close the Lukeville Port of Entry has led to an unmitigated humanitarian crisis in the area and has put Arizona’s safety and commerce at risk.”

“Our ports of entry are essential to our state and our country’s economy, and it is vital that they be properly staffed and resourced to continue to fuel economic growth in the state,” she added.

Jack Smith Reveals Plans to Use Trump’s Cellphone Data in Federal Election Trial

Three expert witnesses could be called on to testify about data from President Trump’s phone usage post-2020 election, per a court filing.

Special counsel Jack Smith has revealed plans that he may present data analysts to comment on then-President Donald Trump’s White House cellphone and Twitter data in a forthcoming Washington, D.C., trial in the federal election case.

In a court filing on Monday, Mr. Smith outlined the government’s intention to call up to three expert witnesses to testify in the case, in which President Trump is charged with four counts related to his post-election efforts to challenge the process and results of the 2020 election.

The filing provides a glimpse into how prosecutors plan to use the mountains of data obtained under warrant from X, then Twitter, about President Trump’s account, including location data.

Republicans Will Take Legal Action to Enforce Subpoenas in Biden Impeachment Probe: Speaker

The GOP expects to go to court to enforce subpoenas, House Speaker Mike Johnson says.

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are prepared to take legal action against people who don’t comply with subpoenas issued as part of the impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden, the top GOP member in the lower chamber said on Dec. 12.

“The House will likely need to go to court to enforce its subpoenas,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said.

He made the declaration in an op-ed published the same day the House meets to mark up a resolution that would formalize the probe into President Biden.

Speaker Mike Johnson: 6 Points of Evidence Support Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote

The House will vote on formally opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden on Wednesday to enable the enforcement of subpoenas and empower the gathering of evidence about whether the president is compromised and “traded official acts for foreign dollars,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) wrote in a Tuesday USA Today op-ed.

Johnson’s op-ed sets the stage for the full House vote after the White House refused to comply with House investigators’ request for relevant documentation and records. The vote will be a test for House Republicans, who hold a slight majority over House Democrats. The measure will need nearly all Republican support.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opened an “impeachment inquiry” on September 12, but lawmakers did not vote to approve the measure.

If the impeachment inquiry receives majority support on the House floor, the inquiry will be formally adopted, a status that Johnson says will help the House’s inquiry obtain information blocked by the White House.

Johnson, a constitutional lawyer and former member of the House Judiciary Committee, cited six cases of mounting evidence against Joe Biden that “cannot be ignored”

Family of man who starved to death in Indiana jail awarded $7.25m settlement

Agreement thought to be the largest in state’s history involving an incarcerated person’s death

The family of a man who died after starving in an Indiana jail while being held in solitary confinement for three weeks has secured a $7.25m settlement, thought to be the state’s largest ever in connection with the death of an incarcerated person.

Joshua McLemore’s estate reached the settlement with the government of the county where the jail is. Wrongful death lawsuits against the jail’s physician and its medical services provider, Advanced Correctional Healthcare Inc, are still pending.

McLemore – who had a history of schizophrenia and substance abuse – died in 2021 at the jail in Jackson county, Indiana. His estate filed a lawsuit in April 2023, alleging that the lockup’s staff failed to provide proper care and violated his civil rights by failing to monitor his condition.

Survey: More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election

In the 2020 election, more than 1-in-5 voters who submitted ballots by mail say they did so fraudulently, a survey from Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute reveals.

The survey asked those who voted by mail in the 2020 election if they filled out a ballot “in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?” to which 21 percent said they had done so.

Though many states allow voters to receive assistance while voting, the Heartland Institute notes, filling out ballots on behalf of another person is illegal across the United States.

Trump Demands Action After 20 Percent of Mail-in Voters Admit to Fraud in 2020 Election Survey

President Trump called on the GOP to take urgent action after a poll revealed that one-in-five mail-in voters admitted to committing fraud in the 2020 election.

Former President Donald Trump issued an urgent call for action to his fellow Republicans over what he called “the biggest story of the year,” namely a survey showing that 20 percent of mail-in voters admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

The Heartland/Rasmussen poll, released on Dec. 12, suggests concerning levels of voter fraud in the 2020 election, bolstering President Trump’s longstanding claim that he was cheated out of a victory amid an explosion in mail-in ballots combined with state-level moves by the courts that made it easier to cheat.

The new survey shows 17 percent of mail-in voters admitting to voting in a state where they are no longer permanent residents; 21 percent filling out ballots for others; 17 percent signing ballots for family members without consent, and 8 percent reporting offers of “pay” or “reward” for their vote.


Americans Are Being Scammed In More Sophisticated Ways Than Ever

A woman receives a phone call saying her nephew has been arrested and urgently needs bail money. They arrange for a “bail bondsman” to come to her house to collect $29,000 in cash.

The following day, after another urgent call, the bondsman again turns up at her house, attempting to collect an additional $10,000 in cash for “bail.”

Instead, he’s arrested.

That’s just one incident that occurred in Sykesville, Maryland, in 2020. Michael Odell Anderson, who posed as the bail bondsman, has since pleaded guilty to conspiring to persuade multiple elderly victims to put up thousands of dollars under false pretenses, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said.

Hasbro Eliminating Close to 20 Percent of Workforce as Biden Economy Hammers Toy Sales

Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year for toy manufacturers. But in Joe Biden’s economy, toy sales are suffering thanks to runaway inflation and other pressures, forcing one of the world’s largest toymakers to deliver lumps of coal to employees just ahead of December 25.

Hasbro said this week that it is eliminating a whopping 1,100 jobs, or close to 20 percent of its workforce. The stunning announcement is on top of the 800 jobs the company slashed earlier this year.

CEO Chris Cocks delivered the bad news in an employee memo filed with the SEC.

Bidenomics Study: Low Income Families Spend Half Their Salary on Housing

About two-thirds of households at the bottom 20 percent of the income bracket pay over half their income in rent and utilities, a Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies recently found.

The challenge for low income families to afford basic housing costs suggests President Joe Biden’s so-called “Bidenomics” of growing the economy from the “middle out and the bottom up” is not working.

  • The federal government says shelter should consume 30 percent or less of household income, per the New York Times.
  • Only about half of American renter households fall within the guidelines, per the Times.

Among working-class renters, the next bracket up from the bottom income bracket, the share with severe burdens nearly tripled in two decades to 17 percent, the study found.

Both low income and working-class renters are impacted with record high share of cost burdens, according to the study.

“Housing insecurity ripples through every domain of family life,” Johns Hopkins University sociologist Stefanie DeLuca told the Times. “It’s this constant mental and emotional tax.”

Saving for a house down payment to leave the rental market is not a viable option for many Americans. The average monthly mortgage payment soared to $3,322 under Biden, up from the average monthly mortgage payment of $1,787 under former President Donald Trump, an analysis from the Wall Street Journal recently found

Where’s the Beef (and the Humans)?: Wendy’s Introduces AI Drive-Thru Order Takers

Wendy’s is implementing AI powered by Google to take customers’ drive-thru orders. The company claims that the AI system will not just take orders, claiming, “It’s a personalized, responsive experience for every customer.”

Restaurant Business reports that Wendy’s has launched an ambitious project to integrate AI technology into their drive-thru services, a move that reflects the growing trend of AI utilization in the fast-food industry. This initiative, named “Wendy’s FreshAI,” was developed in collaboration with Google Cloud and is currently operational in four company-owned locations in Columbus, Ohio.

Thousands of Netflix Users Rage After Connection Errors and Outages

Thousands of Netflix users were left without service Monday when the streamer’s network became caught in a connection-checking loop, according to reports.

The issue caused at least 17,000 error reports for the online service and left many users without service on Monday evening, according to Internet monitoring website Downdetector, Variety reported.


Two Newcomers to EWG’s Dirty Dozen List of Fruits and Vegetables

The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) ‘Dirty Dozen’ guide lists the 12 most pesticide-contaminated conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, a handy guide if you’re unable to buy 100% organic.

Fresh produce, whether organic or conventionally grown, is one of the healthiest food choices you can make. Organic produce gains an edge, however, because it tends to be more nutritious, tastes better and, importantly, does not contain pesticide residues like conventional produce does

An investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) published in 2020 concluded that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has, in most cases, failed to take children into account when setting allowable limits for pesticides. As a result, children who eat conventional produce may be exposed to unsafe levels of these chemicals

If your budget prevents you from buying organic food 100% of the time — or there’s not an adequate selection in your area — it’s useful to know which conventional foods are the most contaminated and therefore the most important to buy organic

Since 2004, the EWG has released “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” lists for produce, based on testing data from the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. In 2023, strawberries, spinach, kale, collard, mustard greens, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell and hot peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans had the highest levels of pesticides

Blueberries and green beans are new additions to the Dirty Dozen list. Nearly 80% blueberry samples contained two or more pesticides, including malathion, which has toxic effects on the human nervous system and is classified as a probable human carcinogen

New Research Links Low-Level Lead Exposure to Liver Injury

Lead exposure has long-term effects on children and adults, and research links low-level exposure to liver injury. Consider these steps to protect your health.

A paper presented at the AASLD — The Liver Meeting in November 2023 suggests a link between exposure to environmental toxins, including low levels of lead, and liver scarring that can lead to liver disease and cancer

The researchers found that the number of people with advanced liver fibrosis has risen, and the risk factors varied by race and ethnicity, highlighting the theory that chronic disease may be driven, at least in part, by environmental factors

A second 2023 study found low-level lead exposure was associated with 765 million lost IQ points in children aged 5 and younger and 5.5 million deaths in adults due to cardiovascular disease

Risks are also multigenerational, meaning that exposure during pregnancy can lead to epigenetic changes in DNA methylation patterns in grandchildren. Your first step is to be tested and work with a health care practitioner who is adept at removing lead without causing more harm

Avoid consuming more lead by testing for, and filtering out, lead in your cooking and drinking water; by testing older house paint for lead; and being mindful not to buy or use household products that may contain lead, such as medicine, cosmetics and children’s toys

The Power Mall Recommends: Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse (1 fl oz)

8 Commonly Used Medications Had Unjustified Price Increase, Report Finds

A research team estimated the increase in prices of 149 medications was due to an increase in net price rather than an increase in volume.

Unjustified prescription drug increases on just eight commonly used medications led patients and health insurers nationwide to spend an additional $1.2 billion in 2022, a new report shows.

The report comes from the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), a nonprofit that monitors the cost-effectiveness of medications. The organization aims to check for meaningful price increases for prescription drugs.

“The price of many existing drugs, both brand and generic, can increase substantially over time, and questions are frequently raised regarding whether these price increases are justified,” the research team wrote in the executive summary of the 2023 report.

Reports of White Lung Syndrome Emerge in the US

An increase in global respiratory disease cases since late summer has experts questioning: Is this a novel disease or something else?

Reports of a mysterious respiratory illness in China are sparking fears of a potential new pandemic. Cases of what some are dubbing “white lung syndrome” have already been reported in several U.S. states, evoking chilling memories of the early days of COVID-19.

Health officials are racing to determine if this is simply the expected winter uptick of seasonal illnesses or if it could be a dangerous new pathogen. If the latter, the implications could be profound. Is history repeating itself? How quickly could this spread? How can you protect yourself?

Spike in Pediatric Pneumonia in China Hints at Possible New Contagion

Chinese media described overwhelmed children’s hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning Province (Northern China) in late November, according to a recent post on the International Society for Infectious Diseases’ online reporting system, ProMed.

Reported symptoms are high fever without cough, with some children developing lung nodules that can indicate bacterial infections like pneumonia.


Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

Alex Newman is in Dubai for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s COP28 meeting. I corresponded with him about the overall focus: “Save humanity from itself and carbon dioxide (CO2), known to scientists as the ‘gas of life’ despite being demonized as ‘pollution by man-made global-warming theorists.” This anti-human lunacy must stop! ⁃ TN Editor


Speaker Mike Johnson Pulls Competing FISA Bills in Another Blunder

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) decided late Monday night to withdraw two FISA bills from consideration as House Republicans try to reauthorize and potentially reform a controversial deep state surveillance law.

Johnson, according to Punchbowl News, continues to face the “predominant” criticism of his speakership, that he is “either unwilling, unable, or disinterested in making big decisions:”

Johnson flip-flopped for a few weeks when it came to extending FISA, especially the controversial Section 702 provision.

Johnson first said he would extend FISA authority as part of the NDAA — but only until February. Then Johnson said he wouldn’t. And then finally, the speaker agreed to include a FISA extension in the NDAA package that will run until April.

Then, Johnson decided to put up the competing House Intelligence Committee and House Judiciary Committee bills on the floors simultaneously. The House would use a parliamentary procedure known as “Queen of the Hill,” wherein whichever bill gets the most votes would become the bill that gets sent to the Senate for consideration.

Shocker of the Century: Google Wants Its ‘Project Ellmann’ AI to Know Every Detail of Your Life 563

Google’s latest AI system, dubbed “Project Ellmann,” is designed to deeply integrate with users’ personal data across various devices and apps. Silicon Valley has shown it is intent on using every means possible to pry personal data out of its users to in turn sell targeted advertisements.

The Daily Mail reports that Google’s Project Ellmann represents a significant leap in AI technology. This system aims to become the users’ “Life Story Teller.” It plans to achieve this by gaining access to a wide array of personal data, including internet search histories, photo collections, and possibly even information from Google Wallet purchases. Information about the project comes from confidential documents from a recent internal summit.

The project, stemming from the Google Photos team, indicates a move towards a more personalized AI experience. According to the documents, this AI would not only understand text but also process images, videos, and audio. This multimodal approach is a step up from Google’s existing AI endeavors, and it builds on the capabilities of Google’s Gemini, a ChatGPT rival that already demonstrates proficiency in handling different types of data.

The Navy Bought “Global” Surveillance Data Through Adtech Company Owned by Military Contractor

A section of the Navy bought access to a tool that gave the Pentagon “global” surveillance data via an adtech company that is owned by a U.S. military contractor, according to a Navy contract obtained by 404 Media. Beyond its global scale, the document does not explicitly say what specific sort of data was included in the sale. But previous reporting from the Wall Street Journal has shown that the marketing agency and government contractor responsible are part of a supply chain of location data harvested from devices, funneled through the advertising industry, onto contractors, which then ends with U.S. government clients.

The news provides one of the clearest examples yet of how the online advertising industry is not just fertile ground for surveillance, with myriad companies harvesting sensitive data from peoples’ phones and computers and selling that information ultimately to law enforcement, but also one that is actively being exploited by military agencies.


UN General Assembly Passes Ceasefire Resolution, Israeli Ambassador Says It ‘Does Not Mention Hamas’

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations condemned the General Assembly’s passage of a resolution urging an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict as “hypocritical” and ultimately aiding the terror group’s goal to destroy Israel.

On Tuesday, the U.N. General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas, and compliance with international humanitarian law for the protection of civilians.

The resolution, which does not mention Hamas after the assembly rejected two proposed amendments, garnered substantial support, with 153 countries in favor, 10 against, and 23 abstentions. The United States and Israel were among the ten countries opposing the resolution.

California wildfires created toxic chromium, research finds

After some recent intense wildfires in Northern California, scientists tested samples of singed soil and were disturbed by their findings: It was laden with a cancer-causing metal called hexavalent chromium. 

Scientists think the heat of severe wildfires can transform a benign version of the metal, which is found commonly in California soil, into a notorious carcinogen, according to new research published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. 

Newt Gingrich: U.S. Climate Czar John Kerry Is ‘Not Mentally Sound’

John Kerry’s call to end all coal-powered electricity generation is “silly” and “self-destructive,” writes former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and “makes the United States look delusional.”

In his punchy essay, Gingrich insists that it is “not hyperbole or exaggeration” to call John Kerry “crazy,” since the word crazy means “marked by thought or action that lacks reason.”

California to Consider ‘Toilet to Tap’ Water Reuse Regulations Next Week

The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will consider regulations next week that would allow “toilet to tap” reuse of water supplies, treating sewage water and sending it back into ordinary drinking water systems in select municipalities.

As Breitbart News noted back in 2019, new technology, similar to that used for desalination, was being tested on sewage water with a view to recycling that water, expanding the supply of available water in a state that is beset by periodic severe droughts.

Earlier this year, as Breitbart News noted, the SWRCB announced that it would consider such regulations, saying in a statement:

[T]he State Water Resources Control Board announced today proposed regulations that would allow for water systems to add wastewater that has been treated to levels meeting or exceeding all drinking water standards to their potable supplies. The process, known as direct potable reuse, will enable systems to generate a climate-resilient water source while reducing the amount of wastewater they release to rivers and the ocean.

Direct potable reuse relies entirely on immediate, multi-barrier treatment that can recycle wastewater to drinking water standards in a matter of hours. This contrasts to the method currently being deployed in major projects launched throughout the state, called indirect potable reuse, which further improves treated wastewater over time through groundwater recharge or dilution with surface water. While no formal direct potable reuse projects can be initiated in California until the regulations are adopted, water agencies in Santa Clara, San Diego and the city of Los Angeles have launched pilot projects in recent years.

Now, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, the SWRCB is set to hear testimony on the regulations before a decision next week: “The landmark regulations will go before the State Water Resources Control Board for consideration next week. If approved, they would enable projects sometimes dubbed ‘toilet to tap’ to move forward in numerous communities, including Santa Clara County, Los Angeles and San Diego.”

Several other countries are also experimenting with the idea, notably Israel, where researchers have also studied the potential for pharmaceutical byproducts to survive the water treatment process and reenter the public supply.


Homemade Natural Fertilizer—15 Simple and Inexpensive Options

Here are 15 simple and inexpensive natural fertilizer options to DIY using common household items—plus 5 recipes for homemade plant food.


Senate Democrats Push Vote on Bill to Ban Plans for 3D Printed Guns

Democrats are pushing for a vote on a bill — the 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2023 — which bans the sharing of 3D printer plans for guns.

The text of the bill makes clear that Democrats think guns can be made entirely of plastic — including plastic bullets and shell casings — and can therefore be passed through a metal detector without detection.

The bill says, “3D printing allows individuals to make their own firearms out of plastic, they may be able to evade detection by metal detectors at security checkpoints, increasing the risk that a firearm will be used to perpetrate violence on an airplane or other area where people congregate.”

Democrats behind the bill cite the June 7, 2013, Santa Monica College shooting to bolster their case, pointing out that the attacker used a homemade gun. However, they do not attempt to claim it was a plastic gun. In reality, the gun was an AR-15 built out of parts from various sources.

Nonetheless, Democrats cite the homemade AR-15 in their bill to ban the sharing of 3D print files.


Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes to a Chilling Realization, Says “I Can’t Continue to Vaccinate Here”

“We must have had 300-400 people who have come to us with the feeling that they have had problems since the vaccination.”

Dr. Cornelia Tschanett has come to grips with an uncomfortable reality that she can no longer deny — that the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations are not as “safe and effective” as the government touted.

In a recently-released documentary titled “UN-SICHTBAR: Der Film Teil 1,” which translates to “INVISIBLE: The Film Part 1,” the Austrian doctor disclosed that 10 percent of the 3,000 to 4,000 patients in her practice have come forward with “problems since the vaccination.”


Harvard President Keeps the Job Following Controversial Hearing

‘As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University.’

Harvard President Claudine Gay will remain leader of the prestigious Ivy League school following her comments last week at a congressional hearing on antisemitism, the university’s highest governing body announced Dec. 12

“Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing,” the Harvard Corporation said in a statement following its meeting Monday night.

The Harvard Crimson student newspaper first reported on Dec. 12  that Ms. Gay will remain in office with the support of the Harvard Corporation following the conclusion of the board’s meeting.

Barack and Michelle Obama blasted over movie they produced in which character warns against trusting ‘white people’

ormer President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are being blasted on social media over a new movie they produced in which a character warns against trusting “white people.”

What are the details?

The scene is from Netflix’s apocalyptic film “Leave the World Behind,” which the Obamas co-produced through their Higher Ground company — an outfit that focuses on projects about race, class, democracy, and civil rights, Newsweek said.

The movie shows a mixed-race daughter telling her black father, “I’m asking you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people — even mom would agree with me on that.”


9 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe in the Snow

Veterinarian Dr. Aaron Vine on how you can protect your pet when they’re exposed to the elements.As idyllic as a winter with your pup might sound (who doesn’t love a dog in a chic coat?), harsh weather can be dangerous for humans and animals alike. “It is very important to keep your pet safe and healthy during the winter season, especially during storms,” says Dr. Aaron Vine, a veterinarian at Central Veterinary Associates.

“The extreme cold may have an adverse effect on your pet’s health, so pet parents must take the necessary precautions for their pets when bringing them outside. It is especially important during extreme weather circumstances to ensure that your pet is microchipped, which makes it easier to locate them. In the event they become ill as a result of being exposed to the elements, please bring them to a veterinarian immediately.” Below, nine more winter safety tips from Dr. Vine.

  1. Always Dry Off
  2. Keep Bedding Warm
  3. Hold Off on Haircuts
  4. Shorten Bathroom Breaks
  5. Bring Outdoor Pets In
  6. Keep Your Pet on a Short Leash
  7. Check Your Engine
  8. Beware of Ice Melt (Salt)
  9. Clean Up Spills


‘God Had His Hand in Everything’: Dog Rescues Boy From Unexpected Stroke by Alerting Parents

A teen who suffered a spontaneous stroke got the help he needed before it was too late thanks to the family dog, who alerted the teen’s parents that something wasn’t right.

Klein Oak High School senior and varsity athlete Gabriel Tanner, 17, lives in Spring, Texas, with his parents, Amanda and Daines Tanner. Gabriel has two biological siblings, and the Tanners are also foster parents. Axel, a 1-year-old border collie mix, is one of three beloved family dogs who saved Gabriel’s life one Saturday morning.

“God had His hand in everything,” Mrs. Tanner told The Epoch Times. “The intuition that the dog had is beyond what we humans have.”

Creative Mom Who Handmade 350 Decorations for Her Christmas Tree Shares DIY Décor Ideas

A mother of two who has crafted 350 decorations for her Christmas tree says she saved herself $2,250.

Sophie Brown, 36, has spent three weeks over four years making her own ornaments—including wire word baubles, upcycled Terrazzo baubles, and ornate folded stars—to adorn her 10-foot-tall Christmas tree. She has also crafted various custom designs like mercury glass baubles, ornate folder stars, mosaic trees, and personalized name tags.

Some of Ms. Brown’s ornaments take her just minutes to make, such as the marble baubles made with nail polish and wooden stars from repurposed clothing pegs, while others like the “mosaic tiles” take about half a day.

Man Buys Childhood Best Friend’s 120-Year-Old House Set for Demolition—But Look Inside Now

All the neighborhood kids gathered on the porch of the old farmhouse that was built in 1906. This was in the 1990s, and they hung out doing what kids did then—downloading beats on Napster, chatting with girls on AOL.

That farmhouse wasn’t really a farmhouse anymore, though, as it had long been swallowed up by the growth of Concord, North Carolina.

Among that crown was Adam Miller, a new kid in town, who remembers always being welcomed there, in his best friend’s old family home, along historic Cabarrus Avenue.

But good times can’t last forever.

Those days faded into a memory when the family sold the farmhouse to new owners who didn’t treat it right, and, suffering neglect, it soon fell into a state of total dilapidation.

Yet hope wasn’t all lost. It so happened, Mr. Miller, now 39, returned to save his best friend’s old home, as he’d joined the business of breathing new life into historic American houses. And seeing the farmhouse, now pushing 120 years old, in shambles yet still full of uniqueness and Carolinian charm, he acted.


Tucker Carlson Tells Megyn Kelly There Will be Violence if Sham Prosecutions of Trump Co

Tucker Carlson appeared on the Megyn Kelly podcast on Monday and warned that there will be violence in America if the sham prosecutions of Trump continue and especially if he is sent to jail.

André Braugher, ‘Glory,’ ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Star, Dies at 61

Veteran actor André Braugher, star of the Oscar-nominated Glory and the hit TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine, has died at the age of 61 following a brief illness.

A Chicago native, Braugher earned his B.A. from Stanford University and an M.F.A. from Julliard before getting his start in acting with the 1989 Civil War epic Glory, in which he played opposite Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Matthew Broderick, and Cary Elwes. The film went on to win three Oscars and has generally been considered the best Civil War movie to grace the silver screen.

VIDEO: Dan Bongino “This is a Warning!”  It’s pretty convincing!  Pay close attention … especially at the 17:40 mark … 

This Was A Warning (Ep. 2148) – 12/12/2023

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