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Today's News: December 27, 2018

World News

China to try Canadian on drugs charges: state media

Al Jazeera – A Chinese court will try a Canadian citizen on drugs charges on Saturday, a government-run news portal said, in a case that could further test already difficult relations between Beijing and Ottawa.

The two countries have sparred over the fate of two Canadian citizens detained in China on suspicion of endangering state security and over the arrest of a high-ranking Chinese executive by Canada at the request of the United States.

Video: Yellow Vests Paid off in France: Canada joins the Movement

As French Police threaten to join the yellow vest movement under the name blue lights, Macron buys them off with a pay increase. The yellow vest movement seem to be phasing out in France while catching on like wildfire throughout the world. Is Canada about to awaken? Is the movement different in each country? What do any of them want?

WikiLeaks Releases U.S. Embassy Shopping List, Further Exposing Surveillance By The Special Collection Service

Activist Post – The international whistleblowing organization, WikiLeaks, has published a Christmas-themed searchable database of more than 16,000 acquisition requests posted by United States embassies around the world for various job listings, revealing covert activities like spying.

Double-decker London bus crashes into front garden

BBC – The 118 service to Brixton ploughed through a fence and hit the front of a house in south London.

Met Police chief warns no-deal Brexit could put public safety at risk

Mail Online – Britain’s most senior police officer has suggested a no-deal Brexit could put the public at risk if security cooperation with the EU is weakened.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said she hopes police will have ‘as much as possible’ to Europe-wide database access, as quickly as possible after Brexit.

She added there would be cost and public safety consequences of having to replace such systems.

Russian anti-doping seeks Putin’s help to release lab data

Western Journal – The head of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency has asked President Vladimir Putin for help in getting key doping data released to World Anti-Doping Agency inspectors.

WADA reinstated the suspended RUSADA in September on the condition Russian authorities hand over lab data, which could help confirm violations uncovered during an investigation that revealed a state-sponsored doping program designed to win medals at the 2014 Olympics and other major events.

Western Media Silent as UN Panel Exposes Organ Theft, False Flag Attacks by White Helmets

Free Thought Project – tter silence. That is the sound of Western corporate media days after a more than one-hour-long panel on the White Helmets at the United Nations on December 20.

Journalists were present, so the silence isn’t due to lack of access. And in any case it was live streamed on the UNTV channel, and remains available on Youtube for keen observers to watch.

More likely, the silence is due to the irrefutable documentation presented on the faux-rescue group’s involvement in criminal activities, which include organ theft, working with terrorists — including as snipers — staging fake rescues, thieving from civilians, and other non-rescuer behaviour.

Russia warns Ukraine and NATO against sending ships through the Kerch Strait

UAWIRE – Moscow called on Ukraine and its Western partners to abandon the new attempt to send naval ships through the Kerch Strait.

At a press briefing, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, called the possible passage of Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait “a reckless initiative”, RIA Novosti reports.

Iraq legislators say surprise Trump visit violated sovereignty, demand U.S. troop withdrawal

Market Watch – Iraqi lawmakers Thursday demanded U.S. forces leave the country in the wake of a surprise visit by President Donald Trump that politicians denounced as arrogant and a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

Politicians from both blocs of Iraq’s divided parliament called for a vote to expel U.S. troops and promised to schedule an extraordinary session to debate the matter.

US offered my family green card if I accused Kremlin of corruption – jailed Russian businessman

RT – Russian businessman Viktor Bout, jailed in the US on accusations of being an international arms dealer, said he won’t smear Russia’s honor in exchange for any type of deal with the American justice system.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Never Trumpers Fantasize About Tanking U.S. Economy so GOP Backs Impeachment of Donald Trump

Breitbart – Never Trumper John Podhoretz, a contributing editor for the now-defunct Never Trump magazine the Weekly Standard, tweeted on Wednesday that he wondered whether the U.S. economy tanking would lead to President Donald Trump losing enough support from Republicans in Congress that he would be removed from office.

Trump Asks: Have Dems Finally Realized We ‘Desperately’ Need Wall?

Newsmax – President Donald Trump blasted Democratic lawmakers again as he continued his push for funding to build a wall on the southern border.

As Hemp Legalized, Facebook Now Banning Hemp Pages in Apparent Move to Protect Big Pharma

Free Thought Project – Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing far safer alternative treatments as wel. However, all this changed this month after President Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement act of 2018, legalizing industrial hemp on a national scale.

Industrial hemp is once again legal in all 50 states but its legalization has set off a new disturbing trend. In a move that appears to be a give away to big pharma, Facebook has begun banning hemp pages.

Just as the farm bill was passed by the House and Senate earlier this month, the page for hemp grower “Franny’s Farmacy” was banned.

“We had that up for about the first month, got a few thousand followers, it was great, it was really driving sales, then it disappeared,” co-owner Franny Tacy said.

The reason Facebook gave them for banning their hemp page was utterly bogus too. The social media giant claimed that Franny was “Promoting the sale of prescription pharmaceuticals.”

Ohio legislature overturns Kasich veto on bill broadening gun owners’ rights

The Hill – The Ohio legislature on Thursday overturned outgoing Gov. John Kasich’s (R) veto on a bill broadening gun owners’ rights.

The Senate voted 21-11 in favor of striking down Kasich’s veto on the bill, following a House override earlier on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.

Mueller target Corsi says special counsel harassing family members

WND – FBI special counsel Robert Mueller, who was assigned to investigate the claims in a Democrat opposition research compilation that the 2016 Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia on the election, now has been harassing the family members of one of his investigative targets, the man’s lawyer states.

Larry Klayman, a former U.S. Department of Justice trial lawyer and founder of Freedom Watch, is representing New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi.

Corsi reports he refused a plea bargain with Mueller because Mueller was demanding that he lie in it, and he has filed a $350 million lawsuit against Mueller and his team of mostly Democrat investigators over their attacks on him.

He’s also told leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who demanded that he produce massive quantities of his records, to “take a hike.”

Economy & Business

Wall St. slides after data sparks concerns over economy

Reuters – U.S. stocks fell broadly on Thursday, giving back a chunk of the previous day’s big rally, as fresh concerns arose about the U.S. economy with a measure of consumer confidence dropping by the most in more than three years.

Dollar Stores Feed More Americans Than Whole Foods

Mercola – Dollar stores such as Dollar General and Dollar Tree (which also owns Family Dollar) feed more Americans than Whole Foods.

Across the U.S., there are now 30,000 Dollar General and Dollar Tree stores — outnumbering Walmart’s and McDonald’s’ combined — and the chains claim to have their sights on another 20,000 locations.

Dollar stores target urban neighborhoods and small towns where economic struggles are commonplace, turning these areas into food deserts as they push out smaller, already struggling grocers.

Driving this trend is the U.S. government’s subsidy of processed food, both through the Farm Bill and through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Research shows people who consume the most subsidized foods have a 37 percent greater risk of obesity than those who consume the least

Science & Technology

Bloomberg: Google Plans To Eradicate All Mosquitoes

Breitbart – Per Bloomberg, Google has a new plan to eradicate mosquitoes worldwide.

In an article titled “Google’s Parent Has a Plan to Eliminate Mosquitoes Worldwide,” Bloomberg provided insight into Google parent company Alphabet’s plans to eradicate mosquitoes worldwide. The journalists spoke to a scientist at Verity, an Alphabet-owned life sciences unit.

Pluto explorer ushering in new year at more distant world

AP – The spacecraft team that brought us close-ups of Pluto will ring in the new year by exploring an even more distant and mysterious world.

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will zip past the scrawny, icy object nicknamed Ultima Thule (TOO-lee) soon after the stroke of midnight.

Chinese Schools Force Microchipped Uniforms on Students

Infowars – Schools in China are forcing students to wear uniforms with microchips that are capable of tracking them and triggering alarms if they skip class.

The so-called “intelligent uniforms” are part of the Communist Party’s initiative for more “smart campuses,” The Telegraph reports:

Two chips, sown into the shoulders of school jackets, can sustain around 500 wash cycles and temperatures of 150 degrees Celsius, according to the Guizhou Guanyu Technology Company, their manufacturer.

…The uniforms allow teachers and parents to track students’ movement, sending out an alert if they are not present in a lesson.

Facial-recognition scanners at school gates match the chips with the correct student, meaning that any who try to swap jackets in order to bunk off will be caught.


6 Conditions that May Be Linked to Your Estrogen Levels

Care2 – Estrogen plays a vital role in women’s health. It promotes sexual development in girls when they hit puberty, it helps regulate menstrual cycles and much more. It also promotes sexual development in men.

When estrogen levels are too high or too low, you may experience unpleasant effects such as bloating, headaches, low sex drive. If hormones stay unbalanced for long, you may even develop serious conditions that can ruin your health.

These are some of the common health conditions linked to unbalanced estrogen levels in both women and men.







The Holiday Spice that Fights Cancer

Care2 – The aroma of cloves is one of the quintessential holiday scents. And while the real stuff (not those awful fake fragrance blends) smells amazing, it’s much more than just a lovely scent; it also offers health benefits.

That’s because new research found that cloves contain many anti-cancer compounds and offer hope for the natural treatment of cancer. According to the study, published in the medical journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, cloves contain phenolics, oleanic acids, betulinic acids, and dimethyl cardamonins—all of which are natural compounds that have demonstrated anti-cancer properties. Don’t worry: you don’t have to remember or even be able to pronounce their names to benefit from these healing compounds.

An earlier study published in the medical journal Pharmacognosy Research, also found that cloves help fight breast cancer. According to this study, cloves work against cancer in multiple ways: by acting as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic agents, they have the potential to work against cancer on several levels. The scientists concluded that cloves “are promising sources for the development of anticancer agents.”

Argan Oil: Morocco’s ‘Liquid Gold’

Mercola – Did you know that pure argan oil, called “liquid gold”1 or “the Gold of Morocco” because of its outstanding health benefits, was once made with the help of tree goats — particularly their droppings? The fruit of the argan tree is a favorite food of tree-climbing goats. The undigested seeds, where the oil comes from, are carefully picked by locals out of the animals’ poop (more on this later.

But that was a long time ago, and you’ll be relieved to know that most of the Moroccan argan nuts today are painstakingly picked from the trees and the oil handmade by all-female, local cooperatives.

The benefits of this amber-colored oil have been well-known for many centuries, going back as far as 600 BC. The Phoenicians used it not just for enhancing their appearance, but for healing as well. Today, argan oil is widely used in both cosmetic and culinary applications.

The composition of organic argan oil is what makes it extremely beneficial. Not only is it rich in vitamins A, C and E, but it boasts of beneficial fatty acids too, including oleic, linolenic, linoleic, stearic and palmitic, to name a few. It also contains antioxidants and other constituents like tocopherols, carotenes and triterpene alcohols. All of these components work together to provide the moisturizing and rejuvenating effects that argan oil is now known for

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