July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 29, 2023


Argentina’s Javier Milei Sends Giant Deregulation ‘Omnibus’ Bill to Congress

Argentine President Javier Milei presented a massive omnibus bill to the nation’s Congress on Wednesday that, if passed, would implement sweeping reforms to the Argentine state in a wide variety of sectors.

The Office of the President of Argentina stated that the 351-page, 664-article long bill – titled “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” – will “restore the economic and social order” as perceived through the nation’s constitution. The office stressed its “firm will to undertake, immediately and with suitable instruments, the fight against the adverse factors that threaten the freedom of Argentines; that prevent the proper functioning of the market economy; and are the cause of the impoverishment of the nation.”

Argentine law grants the nation’s deputies, senators, president, and citizens the ability to present bills to Congress for their corresponding review and debate.

The bill, which reportedly contains “two-thirds” of all of Miilei’s reform proposals for Argentina, calls for the declaration of a public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal, social security, security, defense, tariff, energy, sanitary, administrative, and social matters until December 31, 2025, which can be extended by the executive for a maximum term of two years.


Maine Secretary of State Removes Trump From 2024 Ballot

Maine’s top election official has removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot based on an interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, whose office oversees elections in the state, announced the decision on Thursday, contending that an individual who has supported or engaged in insurrection is ineligible to serve in the highest office.

“I conclude that Mr. Trump’s primary petition is invalid,” Ms. Belows wrote in her ruling

“Specifically, I find that the declaration on his candidate consent form is false because he is not qualified to hold the office of the President under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Ms. Bellows, who halted her decision pending an expected appeal in state court, held a public hearing on Dec. 15 after three challenges to President Trump’s eligibility were submitted to her office. President Trump’s lawyers had sought to have her recused from the decision-making process, citing her public statements in favor of impeaching President Trump and describing the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach as an “insurrection.”

Her decision to remove President Trump from the state’s ballot comes after the Colorado Supreme Court’s Dec. 19 ruling removing him from the Colorado state ballot, which the Colorado GOP has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Trump campaign issued a statement denouncing the Maine secretary of state’s “atrocious decision” and vowing to move quickly to fight it in state court to prevent it from taking effect.

“The Maine Secretary of State is a former ACLU attorney, a virulent leftist, and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat who has decided to interfere in the presidential election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden,” said Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung.

“We are witnessing, in real-time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter. Democrats in blue states are recklessly and unconstitutionally suspending the civil rights of the American voters by attempting to summarily remove President Trump’s name from the ballot.”

“Make no mistake, these partisan election interference efforts are a hostile assault on American democracy. Biden and the Democrats simply do not trust the American voter in a free and fair election and are now relying on the force of government institutions to protect their grip on power,” he added.

Mr. Cheung noted that state and federal courts in Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Arizona, Florida, Rhode Island, and West Virginia, along with 10 more federal jurisdictions, have rejected “these bad-faith, bogus 14th Amendment ballot challenges.”

“We know both the Constitution and the American people are on our side in this fight. President Trump’s dominating campaign has a commanding lead in the polls that has dramatically expanded as Crooked Joe Biden’s presidency continues to fail,” the Trump campaign spokesperson added.

“We will quickly file a legal objection in state court to prevent this atrocious decision in Maine from taking effect, and President Trump will never stop fighting to Make America Great Again.”

Colorado Issues Statement That Trump Will Remain on Ballot, Dem Sec. of State Has a Meltdown 

The Colorado GOP has now filed an appeal to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) of the Colorado Supreme Court decision that booted former President Donald Trump off the ballot under the 14th Amendment, claiming he’d committed insurrection. 

The Colorado Supreme Court said in its opinion it was putting a stay on the decision, which would remain in place if there was an appeal to SCOTUS. 

But we stay our ruling until January 4, 2024 (the day before the Secretary’s deadline to certify the content of the presidential primary ballot). If review is sought in the Supreme Court before the stay expires, it shall remain in place, and the Secretary will continue to be required to include President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot until the receipt of any order or mandate from the Supreme Court.

Now that there is an appeal, the Colorado Secretary of State issued a statement that Trump would remain on the ballot, much to the chagrin of people on the left. 

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced that Trump will for the time being remain on the ballot, which goes to print on January 5 – unless the Supreme Court affirms the lower court’s ruling or otherwise declines to take on the appeal.

Griswold was required to comply with the Colorado Supreme Court decision; that’s why she issued the statement that she did. 

But the Democrat was not at all happy with having to do so, as her post on X made clear. It sounds like she is having a meltdown that her hands are now effectively tied. 

California Secretary of State Leaves Trump on Ballot After Calls to Remove Him

California’s secretary of state has kept former President Donald Trump on the state’s 2024 presidential primary ballot despite the contrary decisions in Colorado and Maine that seek to remove him. Yesterday, California Secretary of State Shirley Weber, a Democrat, certified the list of candidates ahead of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election ballot.

Ms. Weber’s decision comes after being confronted with calls from the state’s lieutenant governor, Eleni Kounalakis, to remove President Trump from the ballot. In a letter sent to California’s top election official on Dec. 20, one day after the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify President Trump from the state’s ballot, Ms. Kounalakis urged Ms. Weber to explore any and all legal options to ensure voters in California would not be able to cast a ballot for him.

California’s lieutenant governor, citing the Colorado Supreme Court’s Dec. 19 decision, accused President Trump of insurrection during the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the Capitol. She concluded that this disqualifies him from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

‘We’re Headed to a System Where the Elites Pick Our Leadership’: RFK Jr.

Facing a monumental challenge to get on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues to criticize legal efforts to prevent former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot in multiple states.

The Colorado Supreme Court on Dec. 19 declared President Trump ineligible in the state based on a provision in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment that prevents individuals who have engaged in “insurrection” against the United States from holding office.

Mr. Kennedy, who announced on Oct. 9 that he would run for president in 2024 as an independent instead of as a Democrat because the Democrat National Committee was “rigging the primary,” has expressed his disapproval of the decision several times since.

He wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Colorado Supreme Court ruling makes America look like a Banana Republic. Why doesn’t every American understand that if they can do this to a former US President, EVERYONE is vulnerable to punishment for crimes with which they have never been convicted. Democracy would be a total shambles.”

In another post on the platform, Mr. Kennedy wrote: “If Trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election, his supporters will never accept the result. This country will become ungovernable.” (Mr. Kennedy, you got that right!)

Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl

An illegal alien, whom police thought had fled to Mexico, is now accused of raping a young

girl in Hamilton County, Tennessee.

This month, 21-year-old illegal alien Erik Santillan of Mexico has been arrested and charged with aggravated rape after allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl while she was at a friend’s house in 2022.

According to police, on June 20, 2022, the girl went to stay at a friend’s house where Santillan was as well. The girl, her friend, and Santillan, police said, went to buy alcohol and Santillan proceeded to chug beers they had bought.

The girl eventually felt dizzy, according to police, and laid down on a bed alongside her friend. When the girl woke up, she realized she had injuries consistent with sexual assault. The girl’s friend later told police she woke up to find Santillan raping the girl. 

While the girl sought help from the friend’s mother, she said she was ignored because she was concerned about involving the police. The girl told her parents of the sexual assault, and they quickly reported the incident to police. Police assumed Santillan had fled to Mexico when they were unable to locate him. This month, though, officers found him living in Orlando, Florida. Sometime after locating him, officers were able to arrest him. Santillan remains in Hamilton County Jail on a $500,000 bail.

Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida Home ‘Swatted’: ‘Sick Attempt to Terrorize My Family’

Florida Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) on Thursday announced that his home was “swatted” this week — a term used to describe an individual or individuals issuing a false report to emergency responders, prompting them to go to the targeted location.

“Last night, while at dinner with my wife, cowards ‘swatted’ my home in Naples,” Scott said on X, formally known as Twitter. “These criminals wasted the time & resources of our law enforcement in a sick attempt to terrorize my family.”

“Ann & I want to thank @NaplesPolice & @CollierSheriff for all they do to keep us safe,” Scott added:

A spokesperson for the Naples police, Lt. Bryan McGinn, said authorities received a call about a shooting at the location around 9:00 p.m. Wednesday night. According to NBC News, “A report associated with the swatting call said a male caller told a dispatcher that he had shot his wife with an AR-15 three times while she was sleeping.”

“A security officer was unaware of any calls or issues at the residence upon police arrival. Officers conducted a search of the outside perimeter of the residence and found no signs of forced entry,” the outlet reported. McGinn affirmed that “The events did not occur and the incident was a swatting event.” An investigation is ongoing.


Biden’s Border Inflation: Illegal Aliens Cost Each U.S. Taxpayer $1,200 in 2023

In 2023, millions of illegal aliens residing in the United States cost every American taxpayer nearly $1,200. In total, taxpayers were billed $150 billion this year to pay for illegal immigration.  The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is summarized in an annual report from the Federal for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), detailing the baseline burden that illegal aliens have on Americans.

“Every day, hundreds of millions of dollars in American taxpayer money are spent on costs directly associated with illegal immigration,” the FAIR report states. “Only a small fraction of these costs is ever recouped from taxes paid by illegal aliens, with the rest falling on the shoulders of American citizens and legal immigrants.”

This cost estimate, for instance, does not include lower wages, lost jobs, or higher housing costs as a result of illegal immigration.

This year, the FAIR report suggests, each taxpayer was billed close to $1,200 to pay for the nation’s more than 15 million illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children, commonly known as “anchor babies.”

“At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs incurred from the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.4 million citizen children of illegal aliens,” the FAIR report states. “That amounts to a cost burden of approximately $8,776 per illegal alien/citizen child.”

FTC Sues Largest Christian School in US Over Alleged Deception, Abusive Practices

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a lawsuit against Grand Canyon University over claims that the largest Christian school in the United States deceived prospective doctoral students about the cost and course requirements of its doctoral programs over several years.

The legal challenge was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona on Dec. 27.

It names Grand Canyon Education (GCE) Inc, Grand Canyon University (GCU), and Brian Mueller—the CEO of GCE and the president of GCU—as defendants.

GCE owned GCU until 2018, the lawsuit states.

According to the complaint, the Phoenix-based school—which has more than 100,000 enrolled students—told prospective students that the total cost of the university’s “accelerated” doctoral programs was equal to the cost of 20 courses, or 60 credits.

However, in reality, the school requires that almost all doctoral students take many more additional “continuation courses,” which amount to thousands of dollars in costs, the FTC alleges.

The FTC noted the U.S. Department of Education reported that fewer than 2 percent of GCU doctoral program graduates completed their program within the cost bracket advertised by GCU and that nearly 78 percent of the students have to take five or more continuation courses, the agency said in a statement.  The school has “continued their deceptive marketing of doctoral practices despite investigations by the Department of Education and the FTC,” the FTC also said in its lawsuit.

Along with claims that GCU misled students regarding the cost of its doctoral programs, the lawsuit claims the school deceptively advertised itself as a nonprofit to prospective students despite “operating the school for the profit of GCE and its investors.”

“The FTC alleges that GCU has been operated for the profit of GCE and its stockholders, and pays 60 percent of its revenue to GCE pursuant to an agreement designating GCE as the exclusive provider for most university-related services,” the FTC said in a statement.

The agency further alleged that Mr. Mueller, as GCU’s president, also benefits as both CEO and a stockholder of GCE, and receives a salary, bonuses, and other compensation from both GCU and GCE, which is tied to the school’s performance.

Furthermore, the FTC claims the school engaged in “deceptive and abusive telemarketing practices,” by calling prospective students who submitted their contact information via the school’s online website, even if the prospective students had specifically requested not to be called. School officials did so to boost enrollment at GCU, the FTC claims.


The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. 


FDA Recalls Fish Fillet Products Due to Risk of Soy Allergies

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the recall of two fish fillet products after the items were found to contain soy that was not declared on the ingredient labels.

Tampa Bay Fisheries Inc. is voluntarily recalling two products sold under the “365 Whole Foods Market” brand, according to a Dec. 23 FDA recall notice. “The product contains soy which is not declared on the product label. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to soy run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume this product. No illnesses have been reported to date,” the agency stated.

“The recall was initiated after it was discovered that product containing soy was distributed in packaging that did not reveal the presence of soy. No other lots were found to be affected. The affected product has been removed from store shelves.”

The items being recalled are:

  • One lot of “Beer Batter Pollock” 32 oz. bags with Universal Product Code (UPC) 9948249803 from lot number 32508201, with the “Best By” date set at March 3, 2025.
  • Two lots of “Beer Batter Cod” 12 oz. cartons with UPC 9948248051. The product with lot number 32348201 has a “Best By” date set for Feb. 22, 2025. Lot number 32628201 has a “Best By” date of March 19, 2025.

The lot number and “Best By” dates are mentioned on the products. These items were available for purchase at Whole Foods Market stores between Sept. 8, 2023, and Dec. 22, 2023.

The FDA asked customers who have bought the items from Whole Foods Market stores to not consume them, and instead to get rid of them. Customers can bring their receipts for a full refund at the stores. Those who have questions can contact Tampa Bay Fisheries Inc. at (800)-SEAFOOD, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Multiple other products have been recalled this year due to a potential soy allergy. In August, Frito-Lay announced a recall of a “limited number” of its Doritos potato chips due to concerns about soy and wheat allergens.

Best Teas For Headaches: Top 7 Herbal Remedies Most Recommended By Experts

Headaches are a common ailment ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. While numerous remedies are available, many people use natural alternatives, such as herbal teas, to alleviate their symptoms. To aid those who choose to take a more natural approach to remedy their ailments, we will explore some of the best teas for headaches, their potential benefits, and how to incorporate them into your daily routine for maximum relief. Whether you prefer a soothing cup of chamomile or the invigorating aroma of peppermint, these teas may hold the key to soothing your pounding head and restoring a sense of calm.

Of course, there are a host of other natural remedies that people swear by when it comes to reducing the pain from headaches. According to a new study, acupuncture may reduce headaches for people who suffer from a chronic and painful form of the condition. Researchers find the traditional Chinese treatment in which needles are inserted into the skin reduces tension-type headaches by half for many patients. While this study showed that acupuncture can reduce headaches, more research is needed to determine the longer-term effectiveness of it and how it compares to other treatment options! 

However, the thought of needles is a turn-off for some people, which is understandable. This is why we decided to look into a lower-cost and less pointy remedy for those nasty headaches. Enter tea and its numerous health benefits toted for centuries, including:

  • Hydration: Dehydration can worsen headaches, and tea is a naturally hydrating beverage. Sipping warm tea encourages fluid intake, helping to replenish fluids and potentially ease discomfort.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Certain teas, like ginger and turmeric, have natural anti-inflammatory properties that might help reduce headache pain and swelling.
  • Stress relief: The act of preparing and drinking tea can be a calming and mindful ritual, promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which can contribute to headaches.
  • Warmth and comfort: A warm cup of tea can provide a sense of comfort and relaxation, which can be helpful in managing the discomfort of a headache.
  • Additional benefits: Some teas, like peppermint and chamomile, have additional properties that might help with nausea, a common symptom accompanying headaches.

The List: Best Teas for Headaches, According to Experts

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile tea, also known as “the ultimate relaxation drink,” is a popular herbal infusion that has been enjoyed for centuries. Derived from the daisy-like flowers of the chamomile plant, this soothing beverage is renowned for its calming properties and delicate floral flavor. “Chamomile is a soothing herbal tea that’s great to drink when you have a headache. Chamomile works to reduce inflammation, which can cause headache pain. Chamomile tea has also been shown to help lessen stress and anxiety, which can often be contributing factors to headaches,” says Artful Tea.

  1. Peppermint

Known for its refreshing and invigorating properties, this aromatic tea is made from the leaves of the peppermint plant, a hybrid of watermint and spearmint. With its distinct minty flavor and numerous health benefits, peppermint tea has become a beloved choice for tea enthusiasts worldwide. “Mint and peppermint tea may relieve pain and soothe nerves. This can provide benefits for migraines caused by stress,” states National Headache Institute.

  1. Feverfew

Feverfew tea, derived from the leaves of the feverfew plant, is an herbal infusion that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. With its delicate flowers and aromatic leaves, feverfew is not only a beautiful addition to any garden but also a popular choice for herbal tea enthusiasts. “Feverfew is an herb with a long history of medicinal use. Many Studies have evaluated the use of feverfew in migraine treatment. In addition to treating general headache pain, feverfew may even help to prevent migraines,” comments Healthline.

  1. Willow Bark
    Willow bark, also known as Salix alba, is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to alleviate pain and inflammation. Derived from the bark of various species of willow trees, “Willow bark has been used for thousands of years to treat pain and inflammation. Willow bark — which is bark from a variety of willow trees — contains an active ingredient called salicin,” describes Healthline.
  2. Ginger

Ginger tea is a popular beverage enjoyed by many around the world for its unique flavor and numerous health benefits. This aromatic and spicy drink is a soothing and invigorating beverage that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. “Ginger is a potent herb that is full of health benefits and has been used as a component of herbal medicine for centuries. Studies have shown that ginger can help to reduce headache pain. Other benefits of ginger tea include boosting the immune system, increasing energy, and reducing inflammation,” says Artful Tea.

  1. Lavender

Lavender tea is a soothing and aromatic herbal infusion that has been enjoyed for centuries. Derived from the flowers of the lavender plant, this tea offers a unique and delicate flavor profile that is both refreshing and calming. “Lavender tea is a home remedy that is great for managing headaches caused by tension or stress. It contains soothing, relaxing, and analgesic properties,” comments Tuasade.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric tea, also known as golden milk or a turmeric latte, has gained popularity in recent years for its numerous health benefits. This vibrant yellow beverage is made by infusing turmeric, a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine, with hot water or milk. “Turmeric adds a bright golden hue to any tea it’s added to and has a woody, earthy taste that is complemented by other spices,” adds Artful Tea.

“Curcumin is an ingredient in turmeric and has anti-inflammatory benefits. It is also responsible for turmeric’s orange color and unique flavor. Curcumin may help relieve migraine symptoms and has many other anti-inflammatory benefits as well,” describes Very Well Health.

You can find most all these teas from our Power Hour Partner – Starwest Botanicals.

—> Shop Bulk Herbs and Spices from Starwest Botanicals HERE

Note: Also try taking CurcuminX4000 With Fenugreek (180 CT) on the onset of a headache. 

Power Hour Jay says she starts with four and that usually does the trick!

Toddler Obesity Is on the Rise

One in 5 children and adolescents is now obese in the US, and that raises the risk of other health problems, like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea and joint issues.

  • Following a downward trend from 2.1% in 2010 to 1.8% in 2016, severe obesity among children aged 2 to 4 years jumped back up to 2% in 2020
  • Among certain states and ethnic groups, rates were even higher; prevalence of severe obesity among 2- to 4-year-olds reached 2.8% in California as well as in Hispanic children
  • Severe early-onset obesity is linked with earlier and more severe chronic disease risk, including high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, prediabetes and early mortality
  • Duke University School of Medicine researchers described severe obesity in toddlers as a “canary in the coal mine for the health of future generations”
  • Top infant formulas are made largely of corn syrup and are associated with increased obesity risk in the first five years of life; breastfeeding is associated with a decreased risk of obesity

Epic Struggle: Transgenderism And Transhumanism v. Christianity

When Transgenderism and Transhumanism are seen in the same frame, they are closely linked together. Both seek to springboard the human condition from its roots into Superman, immortality, cyborg, and anything other than human. As anti-human, both are pitted against Christianity. Since Christianity is in decline and the “trans” movement is gaining ground, you can see conflict brewing.


Important to understand what Section 702-FISA means … 

Lawmakers push surveillance debate to 2024

Lawmakers have officially punted a debate over the renewal of a controversial government surveillance program to the new year.  The decision leaves the program intact without changes until April 19, saving it from expiration at the end of this year.  The House voted Thursday, following a late-night Senate vote Wednesday, to send a must-pass National Defense Authorization Act to President Joe Biden’s desk. 

The NDAA includes the four-month extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows the intelligence community to collect online communications from non-U.S. persons abroad.  Privacy advocates argue that even allowing a short-term extension of Section 702 could allow the intelligence community to take advantage of the program beyond April. Currently, intelligence officials rely on the FISA court to review whether their use of the Section 702 program is legal. Those certifications, which advocates say can be granted in early 2024, could last a whole year. 

“Including Section 702 in the NDAA not only threatens to perpetuate continuous abuse of FISA into 2025, it imperils the NDAA’s passage in the House,” Sean Vitka, policy director of Demand Progress, said in a statement. Now that the House has officially left Capitol Hill for the rest of the year, expect debate on lawmakers’ lingering Section 702 bills to continue in the new year.


Manufacturing Winter Blizzard

Chemically nucleated “snow” events are wreaking havoc on forests, ecosystems and human infrastructure. Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding processes are a primary component of the ongoing and expanding global climate engineering operations. The numerous forms of frozen material have characteristics that are very different from anything a naturally occurring weather scenario would yield. Artificially nucleated “snow” is often 15 to 20 degrees colder than the surrounding air temperatures which can and often does cause this material to stick to whatever it comes in contact with, “ice storms” are a common result. Further, climate engineered chemical cloud seeding cool-downs are routinely commenced at atmospheric temperatures far above the point where natural ice nucleation would take place. The short video below captures climate engineering atmospheric aerosol dispersions related to “Winter Storm Donavan”.


2 Ways to Sell Meat from Your Farm

If you raise cattle, pigs, sheep, and other four-legged animals, how can you sell meat? You have two basic options. You can have your meat processed and then sell individual cuts, either wholesale or retail, which means you are selling meat.

Or you can sell the whole animal to one person (or two) and deliver that animal to the locker for processing. In that situation, you are technically selling an animal, rather than meat.

If you sell individual cuts, you have to have a license in most places. You will also have to have freezer space for holding all of that meat, and it shouldn’t be your own personal freezer.

A commercial freezer that has a temperature read-out on the outside is best, which is pricey, but at a minimum, you need a thermometer in it, and you should keep a temperature log that shows that the meat is always below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Even if no one is checking this, it’s for your own protection in case anyone ever gets sick.

It’s a good idea to have an on-farm store so that you can have regular hours and won’t have customers walking through your house. One of the biggest disadvantages of selling individual cuts is that you have to find a lot of customers, and most will only buy a few cuts and come back regularly as they do in the supermarket.  If you sell the whole animal and deliver it to the locker for processing, you only need to find one customer for each animal.

Sometimes two people will split a beef. While it’s true that not that many people want to buy a whole animal, you don’t need to find that many customers. If you only have two or three extra lambs, for example, you only need to find two or three customers, rather than a dozen or more, if you were selling individual cuts of meat. The customer pays you for the animal, and they pay the locker for the processing. They can have the animal cut up, ground up, cut into stew meat, made into sausage, or whatever else they want. They only pay for exactly what they want.

For example, if they don’t want any hamburger patties or sausage, then they wouldn’t have to pay for that service. If they don’t like shoulder roasts, they can have that part of the animal made into ground or stew meat. You may sometimes have a person contact you who wants to buy the live animal and pick it up from your farm and butcher it themselves.

Personally I don’t feel comfortable doing this because I don’t know about their skill level and whether they even care about ending an animal’s life humanely. I’ve heard some pretty brutal stories about live animals being hog tied and thrown into the trunk of a car, or being butchered by complete newbies whose lack of experience meant a very unpleasant end for the animal.

You can make more money per animal if you sell meat by the cut. For example, lamb chops can sell for $15 to $20 per pound, whereas a whole lamb sells for $6 to $10 per pound hanging weight. Keep in mind that some of the “hanging weight” will wind up in the garbage, such as bones, unless you ask for them, so not every pound of hanging weight is edible.

You also have more expenses with your on-farm store, freezers, and electricity. If you only have a few animals to sell each year, ultimately you would make more money if you sell them as whole animals.

I once heard someone at a conference say that you should not be selling individual cuts unless you had at least 100 animals per year to sell. I think that’s high, but I wouldn’t even think about an on-farm store until I was processing at least ten head of cattle or twenty smaller animals, such as pigs or sheep, annually.

Your expenses will vary based upon whether or not you already have a building that can be used as a farm store or how you want to build it. Ultimately you need to do the math to figure out which one will be more profitable in your situation.

Because rules can vary from state to state (and obviously country to country), you should check with your state Department of Agriculture and Department of Health to see what the specific rules are in your area.


Fact Check: ATF Background Check Was NOT Updated To Authorize ‘Illegal Immigrants’ To Purchase Firearms

Was the mechanism of the background check conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to screen potential gun owners changed in a way that now allows people lacking citizenship status to buy and possess guns in the United States? No, that’s not true: On December 27, 2023, the bureau, abbreviated as the ATF, categorically denied such a change. The claim contained several other false statements previously debunked by Lead Stories.The story originated from a video (archived here) published on Instagram on December 22, 2023. (AUDIO CLIP, which originally appeared on Instagram, this should have been a dead giveaway!  It is possible that this was an AI-generated story!)

FFL Tip Sheet for Non U.S. Citizens Purchasing Firearms

There are specific written explanations within the flow charts that describe in detail WHO is allowed to purchase firearms.  ICE-issued documentation containing an Alien Number is required. They have to be an immigrant alien, granted residence in the U.S. and most likely known as a Legal Permanent Resident and their card will have either an “AR”, an “A” or USCIS number which will be 8 or 9 digits in length and the customer will not need 90 days proof of residency.  On the Form 4473, the customer has to complete questions 19 and 20.

The FFL specifically has to identify with a certainty all information requested under the applicable guidelines.  Anything outside of those guidelines?  No Sale! 


COVID Mask Mandates Return Across US Hospitals

Hospitals in places across the United States have reimplemented mask mandates because of what officials say is an uptick in COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.  For example, the NYC Health + Hospitals—officially the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation that operates public hospitals and clinics in New York City—announced that mask mandates will be reimplemented at its hospitals.

“Due to an uptick in respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, flu & RSV in our communities & our hospital, we must return to mandatory masking. Please wear a mask when you visit us!” the hospital operator wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, earlier this week.

A separate NYC Health + Hospitals post states that “mandatory masking” was reinstated at its Jacobi facility in the Bronx because of “the prevalence of COVID-19 in our communities.”

While the hospital and other medical facilities have cited recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data showing an increase in COVID-19 cases, historical data from the same agency show that the increase has been relatively small compared to previous years. As of Dec. 16, the agency data show that more than 25,000 people are currently hospitalized for COVID-19 across the United States, whereas on Dec. 16, 2022, more than 36,000 were hospitalized.

UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, confirmed to local media that it would issue a monthlong mask requirement for its staff, effective on Jan. 2. Patients and visitors won’t be mandated to wear face coverings, however.

“These changes are expected to remain in effect for approximately one month, at which time they will be reevaluated based on current trends,” a spokesperson for the hospital said in the statement. “The health and wellbeing of our patients, visitors, and employees is our top priority.”

The Mass General Brigham health system in Massachusetts also announced that it’s reinstating masking requirements because of COVID-19.

“Our masking policies are based on the current respiratory illness rates in our communities,” Mass General Brigham confirmed in a statement to local media on Dec. 28.

In Delaware, TidalHealth announced on Dec. 28 that it’s mandating masks for all hospital visitors in patients’ rooms. That rule was initiated in “an effort to protect the most vulnerable of our population from close contact with persons that may be contagious but not yet have symptoms,” according to the hospital.

Thousands of miles across the country, in Washington state, Kaiser Permanente confirmed to local media that staffers who work in person with patients have to wear masks. Kaiser spokeswoman Linnae Riesen told The Spokesman-Review that masks are required for its workers but that patients and visitors aren’t required to wear them.

“Masks are not required but are strongly recommended for patients and visitors who do not have respiratory symptoms and are visiting low-risk areas of our medical facilities,” Kaiser Permanente’s guidance reads, according to the media outlet.

Officials at Beacon Health System said Memorial Hospital and Elkhart General, located in South Bend, Indiana, are reimplementing masking requirements for visitors, patients, and staff, according to local reports. Earlier this month, several hospitals in Pittsburgh, hospitals in Boston, and UW Health hospitals in Illinois and Wisconsin also implemented mask requirements to varying degrees.

Multiple California counties across the Bay Area region had already imposed a mask mandate for staff; it started in November and will run until the end of spring because of a predicted rise in respiratory illnesses.


Idaho Judge Claims Parents Have Right to Allow Children to Get Sex Change Procedures

An Idaho district judge blocked a law on Tuesday that protects minors from taking sex change drugs and undergoing sex-mutilating procedures. Boise U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill issued a preliminary injunction blocking House Bill 71, which was signed into law in April of 2023 and was set to go into effect in January of 2024. Winmill, a Clinton appointee, claimed in his order that parents have the right to allow their children to undergo sex change procedures and take sex change hormones under the Equal Protection and Due Process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“Transgender children should receive equal treatment under the law. Parents should have the right to make the most fundamental decisions about how to care for their children. As it turns out, case law applying the Fourteenth Amendment tracks with our intuition. Time and again, these cases illustrate that the Fourteenth Amendment’s primary role is to protect disfavored minorities and preserve our fundamental rights from legislative overreach,” Winmill wrote.

“That was true for newly freed slaves following the civil war. It was true in the 20th Century for women, people of color, inter-racial couples, and individuals seeking access to contraception. And it is no less true for transgender children and their parents in the 21st Century,” he continued.

Winmill additionally claimed in his order that the outlawed sex change hormones and surgeries for minors are “safe, effective, and medically necessary for some adolescents” — a disputed claim touted by major left-leaning medical associations and the Biden administration.

The lawsuit was brought by “two transgender minors and their parents,” according to the order. The plaintiffs allege that the state’s prohibition on puberty blockers, hormones, and other sex change procedures for minors violates the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause. The plaintiffs asked the court to enjoin the state from enforcing the law during litigation.

“We’re thankful the court saw the danger this law represented to our clients and we’re determined to fight this ban until Idaho is a safe place to raise every family,” Li Nowlin-Sohl of the American Civil Liberties Union, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, said in a statement, according to NBC News.

Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador issued a statement slamming the ruling and warning that “history will not look kindly at this decision.” Labrador also said the state is working to immediately appeal the decision.

“The federal judiciary once endorsed the eugenics movement and forced sterilization of intellectually disabled people. Similarly, Judge Winmill’s ruling places children at risk of irreversible harm,” he said. “History will not look kindly at this decision. We are taking immediate action to appeal this decision and are confident that correction will come. I will never stop fighting for and protecting our most vulnerable children.”

The case is Poe v. Labrador, No. 1:23-cv-269 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho.

Feds Sent Almost Half A Million Dollars To ‘Feminist’ Publishing House Behind Titles Such As ‘SLUT’

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has long financed Feminist Press, a publisher that prints “activist nonfiction” and other works that advance “intersectional feminism,”

The NEA has given Feminist Press $445,000 in grants since 2016, according to grant listings. Books published by Feminist Press include The Feminist Porn Book, The G-String Murders, Fat Off, Fat On: A Big Bitch Manifesto, Radical Reproductive Justice, SLUT, SLUT: The Play and The Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems, among many others.

Feminist Press aims to publish 12 to 15 books a year, per its website, specifically seeking “political and cultural activist nonfiction that furthers our understanding of intersectional feminism” and books on the topics of “feminist dystopia, environmental justice, and immigration stories.”

Eight of the 13 books Feminist Press published in 2023 were authored by “queer and trans” writers. (RELATED: The Internet’s Most Insufferable Feminist Blog Is Finally Shutting Down)

Nearly all the NEA grants received by Feminist Press were to support the publication, distribution or promotion of its books. One grant was for COVID-19 relief.

Feminist Press has published dozens of books while receiving federal funding.

Fat Off, Fat On: A Big Bitch Manifesto,” published in March, is described as a “disarming and candid memoir” that “unpacks the kind of compounded problems you face when you’re a fat, Black, queer woman in a society obsessed with heteronormativity.”

The book explores “ill-fated bisexual romances” and “gender essentialism.” Individuals who pre-order the book get a limited edition “fuck fatphobia” sticker.

You Have The Right To Remain Fat,” another book published by Feminist Press in 2018 tackling “fatphobia,” is about “unlearning fatphobia, dismantling sexist notions of fashion, and rejecting diet culture.”

Fat people should be able to “jiggle through life with respect,” according to the book’s description.

SLUT: The Play“, published by Feminist Press in 2015, examines “rape culture” and “slut-shaming.”

Feminist Press also publishes fiction using taxpayer dollars.

Beijing Comrades,” which Feminist Press touts as “the first gay novel from mainland China,” was published by the organization in 2016. The book is about a Chinese businessman having gay sex with a working-class student “set against the sociopolitical unrest of late-eighties China.”

One of Feminist Press’ forthcoming titles set to be published in 2024, “The Default World,” follows a transgender woman working at a grocery co-op to save for a sex change surgery who moves to San Francisco after a friend spent $100,000 building a sex dungeon in a warehouse basement, which they use for sex parties.

‘His Actions Were Abhorrent’: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Fired for Making Porn with Wife

A chancellor with the University of Wisconsin has been terminated for making explicit content for porn websites with his wife.The Wisconsin State Journal identified the man as UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow, noting he was the longest-tenured chancellor in the school’s system and was planning to retire soon, the outlet reported Thursday.

Leaders with the Board of Regents voted unanimously on Wednesday to terminate his position and put him on administrative leave, the Journal report said, adding it was unclear if he violated any policies.

The Journal report continued:

“Upon my recommendation, the UW Board of Regents today terminated Dr. Joe Gow from his position as chancellor of UW-La Crosse effective immediately,” UW system President Jay Rothman said in a statement after the meeting. “In recent days, we learned of specific conduct by Dr. Gow that has subjected the university to significant reputational harm. His actions were abhorrent.”

Rothman said he planned to file a complaint with Betsy Morgan, named interim chancellor at UW-La Crosse within minutes of the Regents’ decision, to review Gow’s status as a tenured faculty member. An outside law firm will also investigate Gow’s conduct.

According to WXOW, an account on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is reportedly labeled “Sexy Healthy Cooking” and shows Gow and his wife.

The report said it “hints at explicit scenes on the websites Loyal Fans and OnlyFans.” The outlet also noted the couple reportedly published books about working in the “adult industry”:

Per the Journal, Gow said he and his wife are grateful for their First Amendment freedom to create content that explores consensual adult sexuality. He then voiced concern over free speech issues.

“I’m very concerned that here’s an issue of free speech, and we’re seeing the Board of Regents not supporting the concept,” he said.

The outlet continued, “In December 2018, Gow was denied a pay raise, which 10 other chancellors received, after inviting a porn star to the UW-La Crosse campus as part of an inaugural free speech week event.”

According to a charity called Fight the New Drug, pornography can severely hurt a user’s brain, body, and quality of life.

“One of the most unfortunate byproducts of internet pornography is its crippling effects on men and women,” the website reads.


Arkansas Man Finds Candy-Size Piece of ‘Glass’ in the Dirt—But Discovers It’s Much More

The jellybean-sized piece of “glass” tucked away in Jerry Evans’s pocket caused an unexpected stir in the Evans household after he recently received some riveting news.

The fragment had the potential to be something far more precious, he learned.

That clear, candy-sized object shaped like a pyramid looked inconspicuous enough. Mr. Evans had pocketed it after spotting the sparkling bit and picking it from some freshly tilled soil in a state park last spring.

The park’s volcanic origins are well known. It lay in an old dormant crater near Murfreesboro, Arkansas, and Mr. Evans, from Lepanto, couldn’t help but think the object might be more than a piece of broken glass bottle.

He knew the park’s history. A farmer named John Huddleson had owned the land before it became a state park in 1972, and from the eroded volcanic soil of that plot, he unearthed the first of the diamonds it would yield. Over the years, more than 75,000 diamonds have been found here by various prospectors—including hundreds of park visitors today. Returning home, curiosity got the better of him, and he had the triangular object sent off to be checked out by the Gemological Institute of America for identification. He discovered the truth a few weeks later. Hearing back from the institute, he learned what it was: none other than a near colorless 4.87-carat diamond. 

“When they called and told me it was real, I was tickled to death!” he later told the park.

Encouraged by his son, who dug up an article about the site from the 1990s, Mr. Evans contacted the park, fittingly called Crater of Diamonds, and had it officially registered.

“Mr. Evans’s diamond is spectacular to see. It’s a complete crystal with a brilliant white color reminiscent of many other large, white diamonds I’ve seen from here in the past,” assistant park superintendent Waymon Cox said in a statement, adding that Mr. Evans is the first visitor to reach out after identifying a diamond through the gemological institute.

“I’m glad that Mr. Evans was able to bring his historic diamond back to the park to have it officially registered.”

Park visitors may keep what they find.


Pierce Brosnan Faces Charges After Allegedly Trespassing at Yellowstone

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan could face possible jail time after he allegedly walked into Yellowstone National Park’s restricted hydrothermal areas, according to newly unsealed court documents. A criminal docket filed in the U.S. District Court in Wyoming on Tuesday shows that the “GoldenEye” star received citations for traveling by foot “in all thermal areas and … in Yellowstone Canyon confined to trails” and for also “violating closures and use limits” on Nov. 1, according to multiple news reports. Both citations were listed as petty offenses, and he’s been ordered to appear at the Yellowstone Justice Center next month.

Mr. Brosnan is accused of allegedly leaving the boardwalk area to enter restricted grounds, according to the charging documents. The offense is punishable by as many as six months in jail and a maximum fine of $5,000, it was reported.

The 70-year-old “Mamma Mia!” actor hasn’t released a statement about the matter. Representatives for the actor also haven’t responded to multiple media outlets’ requests for comment. Yellowstone officials also have not publicly commented on the charges.

Mr. Brosnan was filming his latest feature, “Unholy Trinity,” which also features Samuel L. Jackson, at the Yellowstone Film Ranch. It’s not clear if he entered the restricted Yellowstone area while filming. However, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Wyoming told AP that Mr. Brosnan was in the park on a personal visit and not for film work.

Charging documents said that he walked into a restricted section of Mammoth Terraces, a scenic spot of mineral-encrusted hot springs bubbling from a hillside. They’re just some of the park’s hundreds of thermal features, which range from spouting geysers to gurgling mud pots, with water at or near the boiling point.

Going out-of-bounds in such areas can be dangerous: a small portion of the millions of people who visit Yellowstone each year get badly burned by ignoring warnings not to stray off the trail. Over the years, dozens of people have died in the thermal areas. Yellowstone’s website advises travelers that they should stay on the boardwalks and trails because they can “protect you and delicate thermal formation.”

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