July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 02, 2023


Gallup: 800 Million People Want to Migrate to U.S. or Europe

Roughly 800 million people worldwide want to migrate into homes and jobs in America or Europe, according to a Gallup survey announced on January 31.

“In 2021, 16% of adults worldwide — which projects to almost 900 million people — said they would like to leave their own country permanently,” Gallup reported.

Got Milk? China Building Herd Of Mutant GMO Super Cows

China claims to have cloned mutant “super cows” that can pump out nearly twice as much milk.

Beijing boffins boast they created three cows which can annually produce 18 tons of milk – which is 17,500 litres or 37,000 pints.

So the three “super cows” alone could produce 300 tons of milk a year.

And that yield of milk production is more than double the average cow in the UK, with is around 8,000 litres or 14,000 pints.

Chinese state media reports the breeding program the “stranglehold” of having to import cows from overseas.

The calves were cloned from cows at different farms that have high milk production.

And they also selected cows that have high fertility – with China dreaming of creating a herd of 1,000 of these “super cows”.

Jin Yaping, the scientist’s lead project, said the took tissues from the cows’ ears to “reincarnate” them.

They then transplanted the cloned embryos into 120 cows, according to Northwest A&F University.

Some 42 per cent were successfully impregnated and 17.5 per cent remained fertile for 200 days.

The three cloned cows births were announced this week.

Migrant Crisis becoming Key Election Issue, Polling Data Suggests

The building migrant crisis in Ireland is becoming a key election issue within the country’s politics, research from a major polling company has claimed.

Data gathered by Ireland’s Red C Research polling group appears to indicate that public disquiet over the country’s ongoing migrant crisis is becoming a key election issue, with just under half of those surveyed saying that the Irish government is doing a poor job at handling the crisis.

Exclusive: Rep. Waltz Slams Biden’s ‘Terrifying’ Claim Climate Greater Threat than Nuclear War

Following President Joe Biden’s remarks deeming climate change a greater threat to humanity than nuclear war, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) blasted the commander-in-chief’s “terrifying” assessment as communist China “triples the size of their nuclear arsenal and are developing hypersonic nuclear missile capabilities that we can’t defend against.”

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Wednesday, Waltz, who serves on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, expressed outrage over the president’s comments.


Former Twitter Execs Set to Testify Before Congress on Hunter Biden Laptop Case

Former executives of Twitter are scheduled to testify before Congress about the company’s decision, ahead of the 2020 election, to suppress reporting about a laptop that reportedly belonged to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

In an emailed statement to NTD News, House Oversight Committee Communications Director Jessica Collins confirmed that former Twitter executives Vijaya Gadde, James Baker, and Yoel Roth will testify before the committee on Feb. 3. Collins further confirmed that the platform’s handling of the Biden laptop allegations will be a point of focus for the committee, which is now under Republican control.

The hearing comes about a month and a half after new Twitter owner Elon Musk began releasing tranches of the company’s internal communications to journalists in an ongoing series dubbed the “Twitter Files.”

DHS to Allow Border Agents to Testify on Border Crisis After Subpoena Threats

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will allow two chief Border Patrol agents to testify at a congressional hearing on the U.S. border crisis, after initially trying to “muzzle” them, according to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.).

In a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Comer highlighted how DHS leadership sought to prevent the chief agents from testifying at the Feb. 7 hearing, but later reversed its stance after Comer threatened to use subpoenas.

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, which Comer chairs, plans to hold the hearing to gather facts from U.S. Border Patrol witnesses. The hearing is titled “On the Front Lines of the Border Crisis: A Hearing with Chief Patrol Agents.”

Comer wrote that he invited the agents’ testimony on Jan. 19 and that DHS “initially sought to prevent Congress from hearing invaluable testimony from Chief Patrol Agents, believing that DHS’s internal protocols superseded Congressional oversight prerogatives.”

“I am pleased that the DHS is no longer taking such a position, and will make available as witnesses Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, Rio Grande Valley Sector, and Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, Tucson Sector,” Comer wrote (pdf). “These two law enforcement professionals also serve as Lead Field Coordinators for the border regions that collectively include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.”

24 GOP Senators Warn Biden They Won’t Back Debt-Limit Hike Without Spending Cuts, Fiscal Reforms

Two dozen Republican senators warned President Joe Biden that they won’t support increasing the debt ceiling without spending cuts and structural reform in spending to tackle the nation’s $31 trillion debt crisis.

“We, the undersigned members of the Senate Republican Conference, write to express our outright opposition to a debt-ceiling hike without real structural spending reform that reduces deficit spending and brings fiscal sanity back to Washington,” the GOP senators wrote in their letter to Biden on Jan. 27.

The letter was led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and co-signed by 23 other GOPs, including Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Tedd Budd (R-N.C.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), James Risch (R-Idaho.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.).

“It is the policy of the Senate Republican conference ‘that any increase in the debt ceiling must be accompanied by cuts in federal spending of an equal or greater amount as the debt ceiling increase, or meaningful structural reform in spending,’” the group wrote. “We intend to stand by that policy.”

Man Allegedly Fires AR-15 in Target Store, Gets Shot Dead

Police in Omaha, Nebraska, shot and killed a man in his 30s Tuesday who allegedly walked into a Target store and fired rounds.

The Omaha World-Herald reports the man allegedly had an AR-15 and “13 loaded magazines of ammunition.”

Ex-ABC Producer Arrested On Child Porn Charges Months After The FBI Raided His Home

Authorities arrested former ABC News national security investigative producer James Gordon Meek Tuesday night for alleged child pornography transportation, the Justice Department (DOJ) announced.

Meek resigned and was not seen publicly for months following an FBI raid and classified documents’ seizure at his home last year, according to media reports. The raid uncovered multiple devices containing alleged evidence of child sexual abuse image transportation, and a username allegedly linked with Meek received and distributed child sexual abuse materials in online chat conversations, with conversation participants expressing enthusiasm for child sexual abuse, based on the DOJ’s press release.

IRS Issues Tax Return Checklist With Key Warning About the Dreaded Notice Letter

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a checklist to make tax preparation smoother in 2023, which features a key cautionary tip on how to avoid getting a dreaded notice or bill from the tax man.

The IRS’ list of “key points to keep in mind” when preparing to file a 2022 tax return, issued on Jan. 31, includes recommendations like choosing a tax professional carefully and filing electronically with direct deposit to receive refunds quickly.

The list also includes a warning to taxpayers that they must report all types of income on their tax returns.

“This is important to avoid receiving a notice or a bill from the IRS,” the agency stated.

The IRS singled out several sources of income for taxpayers not to forget to include in their filings, including sales from goods created and sold on online platforms; investment income; money from part-time or seasonal work, self-employment, or other business activities; and services provided via mobile apps.

It appears that the proliferation of digital assets like cryptocurrencies and tokens has come into sharp focus at the IRS, prompting the agency to highlight the fact that these are considered taxable property and failure to report them can result in penalties and interest—and a potentially upsetting IRS notice letter.

Mitch McConnell Retaliates Against GOP Dissenters Sens. Rick Scott, Mike Lee

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has reportedly pulled dissenter Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) from the important Commerce Committee, which could be interpreted as retaliation for challenging his leadership bid.

Further lending credibility to the retaliation theory, McConnell also pulled Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) from the Commerce Committee. Lee supported Scott’s bid to oust McConnell at the time.

Border Sheriff: Illegal Aliens Admit They’re Coming to U.S. ‘Because of Biden’

Illegal aliens arriving at the United States-Mexico border are openly admitting that they are coming to the U.S. “because of President Biden,” whom they see as welcoming them into the country, Cochise County, Arizona, Sheriff Mark Dannels says.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Dannels testified that illegal aliens actually tell his officers why they are coming to the U.S. Biden, Dannels said, is overwhelmingly their answer. Dannels said:

The majority of people — we have an interdiction team that goes out daily — yesterday, they were out for their shift and had 15 smuggling events … the majority of people we talk to, the majority of migrants that have been smuggled, which I call modern-day slavery what they’re doing to these people, they tell us the reason they’re here is because of President Biden and [give] a welcoming sign.

The record-breaking illegal immigration levels seen by Dannel’s small border community are compounded by Biden’s insistence to hugely expand the administration’s Catch and Release network that has helped get nearly two million border crossers released into the U.S. interior since February 2021.

Florida Pride Event Includes ‘Kids’ Zone’ Featuring Drag Queen

A Florida pride festival featured a drag queen question and answer event in the “teen’s zone” and a story hour in the “kids’ zone,” the Daily Caller reported

The teen’s portion consisted of a question and answer with a drag performer who goes by the name “Misty Eyez.” The drag performer also took part in a drag queen story hour event in the kids’ zone.

Philadelphia Eagles’ Josh Sills Indicted on Rape and Kidnapping Charges

Philadelphia Eagles lineman Josh Sills has been indicted on charges of rape and kidnapping stemming from an incident that occurred almost four years ago.

Sills is being accused of the heinous crime over accusations that he attacked a woman in Guernsey County, Ohio, on Dec. 5, 2019, when Sills was in college, according to TMZ Sports.


Frequent Sleeping Pill Use Linked to Higher Risk for Dementia

Seniors who frequently take sleeping medications may be raising their risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, a new study warns.

Sleep medications are one of the most commonly used medications in older adults, the authors say, but their frequent use may not be without harm.

Researchers found that older white adults who said they “often” or “almost always” took sleep aids had a 79% higher chance of developing dementia compared to those who “never” or “rarely” used them.

The connection was only seen among white adults, not Black participants.

In addition, “further studies are needed to confirm whether sleep medications themselves are harmful for cognition in older adults or [if] frequent use of sleep medications is an indicator of something else that links to an increased dementia risk,” said study lead author Yue Leng.

In other words, the investigation “cannot prove causation,” stressed Leng, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.

Percy Griffin, director of scientific engagement with the Alzheimer’s Association, seconded the thought.

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Biden Administration Considers Declaring a Public Health Emergency on Abortion

The Biden administration is considering the possibility of declaring a health emergency due to the lack of abortion access in some states.

Health and Human Services (HSS) Secretary Xavier Becerra told Axios on Jan. 30 that there have been “discussions” about how best to protect abortion rights, including the possibility of an emergency declaration.

“There are certain criteria that you look for to be able to declare a public health emergency. That’s typically done by scientists and those that are professionals in those fields who will tell us whether we are in a state of emergency and based on that, I have the ability to make a declaration,” Becerra said.

Becerra said there has yet to be a “full assessment” of what such a declaration would look like and whether it’s warranted, but his department is currently looking into the possibility.

“We are constantly exploring additional actions we can take to protect and expand access to reproductive health care, including abortion care, and are prioritizing the actions that can give us the highest impact and most durable solutions,” an HHS spokesperson told Axios.

Immune Exhaustion Emerges After 3rd Vaccine Dose: Current Findings

Finding suggests how little we know about the immune system

Vaccines have been upheld as the best strategy for dealing with infectious diseases, but that’s largely because of a limited understanding of the immune system and how to best complement and support its function. Our bodies are normally able to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to invading pathogens or when a vaccine stimulates an immune reaction, but there are factors that can compromise that.

A study published in Science Immunology in January 2023 (but first submitted in August 2022) shows that incremental doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine boosters may be one such factor, based on how they train our immune systems. In this case, the immune system seemed to gain a false sense of security from dealing with the booster version of the vaccine, which is supposed to teach the immune system how to deal with the virus. Unfortunately, in this case, it seemed that the immune system has learned that it doesn’t need to mount a strong counterattack. Worse, the vaccine boosters might not even induce any effect in people at high risk of severe infection.


Fed Hikes Interest Rates To Highest Levels In 15 Years

The Federal Reserve raised its target federal-funds interest rate by a quarter percentage point Wednesday, the slowest in a series of eight hikes that began in March 2022.

The hike brings the Fed’s target rate to a range between 4.5% and 4.75%, with the Fed continuing to slow its pace after six consecutive hikes of more than 0.5 percentage points, according to a Fed press release. While Fed officials have consistently said that they anticipated a pause after the target funds rate surpassed 5%, investors have increasingly expected that the Fed will change its tune by its next meeting — scheduled for May 2-3, 2023 —if inflation continues to drop, Bloomberg reported.

Oil giant Shell posts highest-ever annual profit of $40 billion

British oil giant Shell on Thursday posted its highest-ever annual profit, bolstered by soaring fossil fuel prices and robust demand since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year.

Shell reported adjusted earnings of $39.9 billion for the full-year 2022. This comfortably surpasses the $28.4 billion in 2008 which Shell said was the firm’s previous annual record and is more than double the firm’s full-year 2021 profit of $19.29 billion.

California Socialists Have a New Plan to Destroy Wealth

California Socialists have a new bill to help destroy the state, AB259, which imposes a wealth tax. It might be heard in committee on February 19th. It will destroy incentives to make money in the state. Great idea, Cali!

The bill imposes an annual tax of 1.5 percent of a resident of this state’s worldwide net worth” above $1 billion starting in 2024. As with all these tax-the-rich bills, it will get worse and hit more people as the politician thieves run out of money.

Starting in 2026, the threshold would drop to just $50 million of worth, taxed at 1 percent.

Woke PayPal to Lay Off 2,000 Employees

PayPal, the woke payment processor that blacklists those it disagrees with politically, has announced plans to lay off approximately 2,000 employees.

Engadget reports that the leading online payment provider, PayPal, recently announced that it will lay off about 2,000 employees, or approximately seven percent of its workforce. The layoffs are anticipated to take place over the coming weeks and will have varying effects on different segments of the business. The company says the layoffs are in response to a difficult macroeconomic environment that has prompted similar responses from other technology giants like Google and Microsoft.


Supermodels to Be Replaced By Digital AI Creations

First, it came for art and college essays, now AI is set to take the place of supermodels by creating digital humans.

A German company has launched a system that sees state-of-the-art ‘digital humans’ pose for campaigns.

ColorDigital claims that their DMIx StudioAvatars have a ‘never seen before’ photorealistic quality.

This enables brands ‘to build up their own completely unique team of digital models to use in sales and marketing’.

The Digi-models – who come with names including Joy, Nina, Noah and Theo – can be customised and individualised to a brand’s preference.

In partnership with Verce, the studio that specialises in creating realistic virtual models, ‘it brings together a high-quality end-to-end virtual model workflow for fashion brands including a virtual 3D photo studio’.

The end-to-end digitalisation of workflows is set to have a major impact on the fashion industry, by reducing the need for prototypes and physical samples.

‘Factoring in traveling and the production of shoots, brands can save costs and time as well as reduce environmental impact,’ said ColorDigital.

6G Plus Digital Twin Technology Will Speed Development Of Both

Even as 5G cellular network deployments continue to ramp up within the U.S. and worldwide, major academic programs, research institutes, and commercial R&D operations are turning their focus toward deeper investigations into the promise and realization of 6G technology. Significant government investments have already occurred, and they’re expected to increase dramatically over the next few years. Nations are jockeying for a leadership position in 6G for both commercial and military use cases and seeding early explorations into technology and applications.1

The significant expansions anticipated in all of the usual metrics of cellular communication, including capacity, latency, device density, connection reliability, and other technology growth markers, is well documented.2 Also noteworthy is the burgeoning growth in the number and diversity of devices coming online via the rapidly expanding IoT.

Of course, to name a few areas of substantial growth, these will require significant technology breakthroughs in chipset design, antenna technology, ML-embedded networking, and real-time machine learning.


Punxsutawney Phil makes his Groundhog Day prediction

Punxsawtaney Phil has spoken: Six more weeks of winter await us.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation Barring Biden Admin from Selling Oil Reserves to China

A bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would bar the Biden administration from selling oil from the American emergency oil reserves to China.

The group of senators, led by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), introduced legislation to prohibit the federal government from selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to China.


Best Crops For A Self Sufficient Garden Plan

Wondering what plants produce the most food to feed your family? Here are some crop ideas for a self sufficient garden plan that are calorie rich, return high yields and store easily.

Homemade Long Range TV Antenna

Use the Yagi-enhanced, log-periodic pattern to build a homemade long-range tv antenna consisting of the element array the framework, and the mast.

Couple Build Their Own Airbnb in a Tree From Scratch, Business Flourishes, and It’s Uber-Cozy

A couple has made nearly $56,000 after turning their garden tree into an Airbnb.

Will Sutherland and his wife, Sabrina, started the project in March 2021.

They spent the next eight months using second-hand material to create the property, pulling on their previous DIY experience and turning to online forums for extra help.

Having made $36,482 last year alone, Sutherland has been able to give up his job as an audio-visual technician to become a full-time host.


CDC Aware of Reports of ‘Debilitating Illnesses’ After COVID-19 Vaccination: Official

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials are aware of reports of long-lasting problems following COVID-19 vaccination, an official recently disclosed.

“With respect to reports of people experiencing debilitating illnesses, we are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination,” Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said on Jan. 26.

“In some cases, the clinical presentation of people suffering these health problems is variable and no specific medical cause for the symptoms have been found,” Shimabukuro added. “We understand that illness is disruptive and stressful, especially under those circumstances. And we acknowledge these health problems have substantially impacted the quality of life for people and have also affected those around them. And we hope for improvement and recovery, and we will continue to monitor the safety of these vaccines and work with partners to try to better understand these types of adverse events.”

Shimabukuro was speaking during a Jan. 26 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) meeting that discussed COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Dr. Hayley Gans, a pediatrics professor at Stanford University Medical Center, had asked how federal authorities were tracking problems that have cropped up after vaccination and might not be “amenable” to rapid cycle analysis, or one way of monitoring vaccine safety.

Shimabukuro noted that any person, including health care workers, can submit reports of adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which the CDC manages, “and we accept all those reports without judging the clinical seriousness or how plausible the adverse event may be with respect to causation.” Other systems also monitor safety beyond the rapid analysis, he added.

“We take vaccine safety very seriously,” Shimabukuro said.

Shimabukuro’s comments are unusual among federal officials, who have been reluctant to connect adverse events with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Acute Psychosis After COVID-19 Vaccination

Alarming manuscripts report acute neuropsychiatric symptoms

Unvaccinated patients have mentioned half-jokingly that COVID-19 vaccination in friends and family makes some of them “crazy.” While I have always brushed this off as fear driven vaccine ideology taking over common sense in some zealots, the building literature on neuropsychiatric symptoms is alarming.

There are now ~10 papers describing headache, fever, and a range of acute neuropsychiatric symptoms after both mRNA and adenoviral COVID-19 vaccination. The strong bias among editors and publishers has kept countless papers out of the mainstream medical media, hence one has to look far and wide to find information on the topic of vaccine safety. Borovina et al., from Croatia, described three cases of acute headache followed by psychosis.

The Dam of Lies Surrounding COVID Lab Leak Is Breaking

In January 2022, House Oversight Committee Republicans released a batch of emails sent to and from the National Institutes of Health. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought by Jimmy Tobias at The Intercept also forced the release of unredacted NIH correspondence

The emails reveal there was great concern among NIH leadership, as SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be a genetically engineered virus that somehow escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China

The emails show they were nervous about the possibility that they’d funded the creation of this virus, and that they were determined to suppress questions about its origin

A group of scientists convened by Dr. Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, published a paper in which they claimed the virus was decidedly not the result of intentional engineering. They did admit accidental creation in a lab could not be ruled out, but that natural evolution was the most likely scenario. Some of these same scientists had previously shared details indicative of genetic engineering in emails to Fauci

The “Proximal Origin” paper, which was edited by Fauci and “debunked” the lab leak theory without any evidence, became the most-read published paper in history. More than 2,000 media outlets have cited it to support their propaganda


When Is It Too Cold To Walk My Dog?

Some people might not think cold weather and dog walking go hand in hand. And while walking in extreme temperatures isn’t ideal, is it actually harmful for your dog? The short answer is maybe. The longer answer will depend on the specifics such as temperature, wind chill, ice/snow, and the type of dog you have. There are ways to safely walk your dog in colder temperatures. Read on to see when it is too cold to walk your dog and ways you can safely walk your dog in cold weather to avoid frostbite and hypothermia this winter and which ice melts to choose.

Walking your dog in the cold weather might not sound like something you want to do. Blistering temperatures and wind that seems to go through you – yikes! Winter can be pretty, think freshly fallen snow, for example. It can also be a nice change of pace if you are sick of warmer temperatures. However, winter can be downright brutal at times. Maybe it’s me, but winter seems to be the longest season in the northeast. Summer seems to fly by, but winter just goes and goes…and goes! At times it seems impossible to safely walk your dog, but there are ways to do it.

Unless you have potty trained your dogs to use your bathroom (wouldn’t that be nice?), our dogs need to go outside in the winter. Additionally, our dogs need exercise in the winter. Yes, we can toss a tennis ball down the hall for our dogs to chase, but they really need to get outside for physical activity to keep them healthy and mentally balanced.


Report: FBI Conducted Previously Undisclosed Search at Penn Biden Center in November

The FBI searched the Penn Biden Center in mid-November after President Joe Biden’s attorneys found documents with classified markings at the think tank earlier that month, according to a report published Tuesday by CBS.

The search by the FBI was conducted without the use of a warrant and in coordination with Biden, but whether the FBI uncovered any classified documents or other relevant materials from the search remains unknown, per CBS.

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